
News and information from Parish Council AUTUMN 2015 Grand Opening

of the Multi Use Games Area INSIDE THIS ISSUE

Neighbourhood Plan Survey Results Spotlight on Effingham Junction Housing Planned for Thatchers Hotel Callum’s Atlantic Challenge Road Calming for Ockham Road South Shell Fuels Controversy AUTUMN 2015

Editor’s Note… Shell Applies for 24/7 Alcohol easthorsley.info have your say on 30 September A big thank you to everyone who FOLLOWING EXTENSIVE refurbishment, the Shell Garage now has a ‘Deli 2 Go’ selling hot snacks, contributed to the Neighbourhood pastries and Costa coffee. So far so good, however Shell has upset local residents by applying Plan Survey distributed with the June to GBC for a licence to sell alcohol 24/7. Campaigners plead with GBC to “Stop this horrendous Newsletter. The return rate was 55%, proposal in a residential area with a massive increase in light and noise pollution and a detrimental which is very heartening as the greater effect on commercial businesses”. However, other residents are more sanguine, noting that the the response the more the value from garage is situated on a busy main road. EHPC has sent a letter to GBC stating its opposition to the the survey. The complete analysis runs proposal. You can have your say on Wednesday 30 September at 10am when the GBC Licensing Sub-Committee meets to discuss the proposal in East Horsley Village Hall. to 75 pages (shortly to be featured in full on www.easthorsley.info) however turn to the centre pages for a first look at the results. Elsewhere we report Callum’s Atlantic on plans to convert Thatchers Hotel to housing and the latest application Challenge – by The Drift Golf Club to run 45 heavy lorries per day along Forest Road. We turn the spotlight on an important part less than three of the parish, Effingham Junction, and months to go we welcome Reverend Renos Pittarides, ON 15 DECEMBER Callum Gathercole, in the our new Rector at St Martins company of 32 other crews, will set off from Church. Finally our cover story La Gomera in the Canaries in a bid to become is the opening of the MUGA the youngest ever person to row the Atlantic on Kingston Meadows, a single handedly. If all goes well he will make valuable new addition to landfall in Antigua in between 60 – 80 days. In the recreational facilities July Callum brought his boat ‘High and Mighty’ in the village – see the (Persil is the main sponsor) to East Horsley and Clerk’s Column below for challenged local residents to a 2 minute row on more details. Enjoy reading. Ergo Rowing Machines. Callum has set a target of £280,000 which, after deducting expenses, Steve Harvey – email: will benefit The Princess Alice Hospice in Esher, [email protected] Brain Tumour Research and Research into Alzheimer’s disease. Jayne Phillips of Eden Belle Florists and Rahim Uddin from Kirthon were both on hand to lend their support to Callum and contribute to the day’s total of more than £1,000. Follow Callum’s build up to the race at www.thewaterbabies.co.uk Clerk’s…from the C Office olumn of the Clerk Kingston Meadow what a great open space and it has just got better The MUGA (Multi Use Games Area) is now officially open with a new tennis court and the addition of 5-a-side football pitch and court. There’s no cost to use it and its open 24/7. The children’s play areas are well maintained and regularly inspected by Council’s playground inspector to ensure they meet the highest standard of safety. Rahim Uddin supports Callum (Note to parents – you are responsible for supervising your children on apparatus). The Gym equipment is well used but unfortunately has not proved to be as resilient as expected. The good news is GBC plan to replace some of the devices with more up to Post Office date apparatus. EHPC are now considering the creation of a Skateboard Park in Kingston Meadows. Reprieve It is intended that the park will be a permanent, low maintenance project, with appeal POSTMISTRESS Shelina Blinkhorn says that to a wide range of users. The Council proposes to form a focus group to consider Bishopsmead Post Office has had a reprieve the project to be ably assisted by Ollie Beney, a keen skateboarder whose until at least July 2016. “I am very grateful for expertise will help in terms of layout and facilities. The following quote from the support that the Parish Council has given. a recent survey on Kingston Meadow was: “It’s clean, safe and there’s a With more time, I hope to find out what is the sense of community”. ultimate goal for the Post Office and how it can be best achieved without affecting the Nick Clemens – email: [email protected] vulnerable members of our community.”

2 EAST HORSLEY PARISH COUNCIL NEWSLETTER THATCHERS HOTEL, EAST HORSLEY Public Consultation Boards / AUGUST 2015 3 GREEN BELT REDEFINED GREEN BELT BOUNDARIES NATIONAL POLICY LOCAL POLICY predominantly open character. As set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), there are five Policy RE3 deals with development in identified settlements in the Areas of open land within the wider Green Belt are not frequently visible within purposes of the Green Belt which are: Green Belt. East Horsley is listed as a settlement which this policy or beyond the perceived village area due to the locations of surrounding • To check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas; applies to. The policy states: woodlands and tree cover within private gardens. Otherwise the village • To prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another; “Within these settlement boundaries new building will be permitted in the is generally perceived to be visually enclosed by surrounding topography, • To assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment; nature of infilling on land substantially surrounded by existing development hedgerows and woodland. • To preserve the setting and special character of historic towns; and for the developments referred to in Policy RE2 and the following purposes: - East Horsley is generally well contained by a number of recognisable and • To assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict 2. Small scale housing developments appropriate to the scale of the locality; defensible boundaries that would permit the provision of new Green Belt and other urban land. The above will not be permitted where it involves the loss of important boundaries.“ The NPPF has a general presumption against development in the Green Belt open spaces, harms the character or appearance of the area or where This report determined that East Horsley should be inset from the Green unless very special circumstances are demonstrated. necessary services are inadequate.” Belt. Currently this process is on hold but does form an evidence base Paragraph 89 of the NPPF details the type of development which are not when work commences on the new Local Plan. considered inappropriate and, the part which is relevant to this site is: Guildford Borough Council in their preparation of their new Local “limited infilling or the partial or complete redevelopment of previously developed Plan had a Green Belt and Countryside Study (GBCS) commissioned to The site is further identified within the draft Strategic Housing Land sites (brownfield land), whether redundant or in continuing use (excluding temporary determine any appropriate Potential Development Areas and assess Availabilit y A ssessment as b eing suitable for re development. It is anticipate d THATCHERS HOTEL, EAST Hbuildings),ORSLEY which would not have a greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt the contribution that urban areas and villages make to the Green Belt. that it could come forward in the first 5 years of the plan period. The plan and the purpose of includingPublic land Consultation within it than Boards the existing / AUGUST development.” 2015 This report effectively ranked sites within the Green Belt and combined 3 shows the full site (i.e the land within the settlement boundary and the GREEN BELT Paragraph 90 also lists certain other forms of ‘acceptable’ development with with the assessment of the village or area as a whole, informs the part south of the settlement boundary. one being: decision on whether to inset the village or not fromREDEFINED the Green Belt. GREEN BELT BOUNDARIES NATIONAL POLICY LOCAL POLICY “the re-use of buildings provided that the buildings are of permanentpredominantly and substantial open character. The GBCS assessed East Horsley and it concluded that: As set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), there are five Policy RE3 deals withconstruction.” development in identified settlements in the Areas of open land within the wider“East HorsleyGreen Belt generally are not exhibits frequently medium visible density within development to the north, purposes of the Green Belt which are: Green Belt. East Horsley is listed as a settlement which this policy or beyond the perceived villageand area a duelow todensity the locations of development of surrounding to the south of the A246 Epsom Road. • To check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas; applies to. The policy states: woodlands and tree cover withinOn balance, private due gardens. to a combination Otherwise the of villagethe density of the development 1km radius • To prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another; “Within these settlement boundaries new building will be permitted in the is generally perceived to be visuallyand the enclosednotable area by surrounding it covers, the topography, village is not considered to possess a

• To assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment; nature of infilling on land substantially surrounded by existing development hedgerows and woodland. AUTUMN 2015 Site Extent of perceived Settlement Boundary *UHHQ%HOW,QVHWWLQJ Defensible Boundary 9LOODJH$UHDLGHQWL¿HG (Local Plan 2003) Boundary (including woodland, • To preserve the setting and special character of historic towns; and for the developments referred to in Policy RE2 and the following purposes: - East Horsley is generally well contained by a number of recognisable and within Green Belt hedgerows + tree belts) • To assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict 2. Small scale housingDEVELOPMENT developments appropriate DENSITIES to the scale of the locality; defensible boundaries that would permit the provision of new Green Belt and other urban land. LOCALThe above will not be permitted where it involves the loss of important PLANNINGboundaries.“ The diagram shows The site in its Both building footprint The NPPF has a general presumption against development in the Green Belt open spaces, harms the character or appearance of the area or where This report determined that East Horsley should be inset from the Green The Gate House the density range Garage Byways entirety measures and hard standing unless very special circumstances are demonstrated. necessary services are inadequate.” Belt. Currently thisacross process the is on whole hold ofbut does form an evidence base approximately 1.6 combined would cover Paragraph 89 of the NPPF details the type of development which are not when work commencesEast Horsley. on the The new site Local Plan. hectares (3.95 acres). approximately 0.62 03.11 RL 1

.11 RL 103 considered inappropriate and, the part which is relevant to this site is: Guildford Borough Council in their preparation of their new Local is characterised by The existing built form hectares (1.53 acres) 96.68 96.70 96.71

96.41 “limited infilling or the partial or complete redevelopment of previously developed Plan had a Green Belt and Countryside Study (GBCS) commissioned to high density and low 96.44 and hard standing which is approximately The site is further identified within the draft Strategic Housing Land

Thatchers site 97.93 sites (brownfield land), whether redundant or in continuing use (excluding temporary determine any appropriate Potential Development Areas and assess density. This relates combined on site 38% of the site. The

Availabilit y A ssessment as b eing suitable for re development. It is anticipate d 97.67 buildings), which would not have a greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt the contribution that urban areas and villages make to the Green Belt. to where the building cover 0.63 hectares proposed built form


that it could come forward in the first 5 years of the plan period. The plan 97.92 and the purpose of including land within it than the existing development.” This report effectively ranked sites within the Green Belt and combined form is currently (1.55 acres) which is will cover a marginally shows the full site (i.e the land within the settlement boundary and the Paragraph 90 also lists certain other forms of ‘acceptable’ development with with the assessment of the village or area as a whole, informs the located. The proposal 98.05 approximately 39% larger proportion of considered for 98.98 part south of the settlement boundary. one being: decision on whether to inset the village or not from the Green Belt. has been designed to of the overall site. the site than existing,

“the re-use of buildings provided that the buildings are of permanent and substantial The GBCS assessed East Horsley and it concluded that: keep the area to the 100.01 The remainder of whilst hard-standing construction.” “East Horsley generally exhibits medium density development to the north, south of low density 99.62 the site that is not will occupy slightly less. and a low density of development to the south of the A246 Epsom Road. and retain the feel of occupied by the built The proposed layout 99.56 housing development 99.69 1km radius On balance, due to a combination of the density of the development openness. form or development has been developed Legacy Hotels, andthe the current notable area owners it covers, the ofvillage Thatchers is not considered Hotel, to possess have a drawn up plans to s includes areas of with the dispersion of Site Extent of perceived Settlement Boundary grass,*UHHQ%HOW,QVHWWLQJ vegetation,Defensible Boundary the categories of land in convert the site to housing. Planning consultants Lanpro Services propose a total of 9LOODJH$UHDLGHQWL¿HG (Local Plan 2003) Boundary (including woodland, within Green Belt hedgerows + tree belts)

102.75 signage, lighting and mind, and is intended 9

DEVELOPMENT DENSITIES 49 new homes, five of which will be in the original Frank Chown designed building 101.70 102.48 more formal garden to provide an improved

102.62 facing theThe Epsom diagram shows Rd and the other 44 dwellings on the remainder of theThe site. site in its GUILDFORD ROAD EXISTING SITE Bothseating building areas closer footprint to balance of built form vs. The Gate House

the density range Garage Byways entirety measures and hard standing 12 the building. green space, whilst also THATCHERSacross was the one whole of ofa number of sites scheme displayed at the consultationapproximately event 1.6 combined would cover retaining key existing East Horsley. The site hectares (3.95 acres). approximately 0.62 .11 103 RL

earmarked for possible development in 3the.11 proposed building houses over a significant 10 areas of open space on RL Site Boundary Existing building Existing hard Existing areas of Existing building to be Proposed hard Proposed areas of Existing building to be footprint standing footprint undeveloped land retained Site Boundary Proposed building is characterised by The existing built form hectares (1.53 acres) undeveloped land retained 96.68 standing footprint 96.70 footprint 96.71 the site. recent GBC Local Plan and, given96.41 the challenges area of land classified as Green Belt, with a


high density and low Site Extent of perceived Settlement Boundary High Density and hard standing which is approximately of making the hotel pay its way, there seems to9LOODJH$UHDLGHQWL¿HG preponderance(Local Plan 2003) Development of large houses. The developer density. This relates within Green Belt 97.93 combined on site 38% of the site. The be a good chance that the plans willMedium eventually Density Low Density said97.67 he would take account of local views and I to where the building Development Development cover 0.63 hectares proposed built form


97.92 get the greenform light. is currently trust he will reconsider these proposals.”(1.55 acres) which is will cover a marginally

Lanprolocated. held a The well-attended proposal consultation in Frank98.05 Chown’s daughter, Sheelaghapproximately Payne, 39% larger proportion of

98.98 the Villagehas Hall been in designed August to and there appeared to commented “The Old Thatchersof Tea the House, overall site. the site than existing,

be guardedkeep support the area tofor the the scheme although a built in 1934 by100.01 my father, has longThe been remainder an of whilst hard-standing

number ofsouth people of low mentioned density the problems of important99.62 landmark in East Horsley.the site When that is not will occupy slightly less. and retain the feel of occupied by the built The proposed layout 99.56 vehicular access onto the Epsom Road,99.69 queried this building was converted into a hotel, openness. form or development has been developed the need for more five bedroomed houses in happily the original façade was retained. If the s includes areas of with the dispersion of East Horsley plus the desirability of building hotel is now converted into flats,grass, I only vegetation,hope the categories of land in

on green belt land. For comments or more that the name102.75 Thatchers and thissignage, original lighting and mind, and is intended 9

101.70 information email: [email protected]. 102.48 façade are made part of the planningmore formal consent garden to provide an improved


Councillor Jenny Wicks commented: “The GUILDFORDif granted.” ROAD seating areas closer to PROPOSED SITE balance of built form vs. 12 the building. green space, whilst also retaining key existing areas of open space on Existing building Existing building to be Site Boundary Existing hard Existing areas of Existing building to be footprint retained Proposed building Proposed hard Proposed areas of standing footprint undeveloped land Site Boundary retained footprint standing footprint undeveloped land the site.

Site Extent of perceived Settlement Boundary High Density 9LOODJH$UHDLGHQWL¿HG (Local Plan 2003) Development within Green Belt Medium Density Low Density Development Development The Drift Golf Club Planning The Drift Golf Club is pressing ahead with a major scheme to remodel Application their driving range and create a water storage facility. THE WORKS will require 45 heavy lorries each roads before reaching The Drift. Returning of Cobham. Old Lane is a particularly narrow weekday for a year entering the Drift via Forest vehicles exiting The Drift will continue to have rural road unsuitable for large HGV’s, which Road. Your Parish Council has written to SCC a detrimental effect on and are likely to inflict harm to pedestrians, cyclists voicing its strong objections to the scheme Ockham. Within East Horsley this proposed and to the fragile road surface. Concerning The stating: preferred route includes a section of Forest Drift itself we would re-iterate our view that the “The proposed route to this site now involves Road in Effingham Junction where most houses proposed project will effectively make this road trucks leaving the A3 at Cobham, going through are situated very close to the roadsides and unusable by normal traffic for the duration of Downside and Effingham Junction before where on-street parking effectively limits the the proposed project. We also note that there turning into The Drift. It is a shorter route than passing width to a single vehicle. is no provision for any reinforcement of the previously proposed, which is positive, but The impact of 45 large heavily-laden culvert near the Ockham Road North junction it would still involve large numbers of heavy vehicles passing by every day for a year will be with The Drift. The weight limit of 7.5 tonnes earth-carrying vehicles travelling through particularly severe for residents. It is also likely on this road is in place for various reasons, one a series of residential communities, passing that many HGV drivers will be tempted to take of which is the fragile state of this old culvert through areas already subject to regular traffic the ‘short cut’ from the A3 down Old Lane to – however, the applicant seems to ignore this congestion and along a number of narrow rural Effingham Junction, so avoiding the congestion weight limit entirely.”

Narrow Passing place The Golf Club Vulnerable Culvert


Results of the Neighbourhood Plan Housing Needs Survey A fantastic response from residents – thank you!

YOU MAY REMEMBER that the Neighbourhood Part 1 addressed Part 2 addressed Plan Steering Group (NPSG) issued a Housing Needs Survey in the last newsletter and asked ‘You and Your Household’ ‘Future Housing Needs’ for your responses by the 20 July. The NP survey indicated: To be completed by anyone likely to move Community Action (SCA), who have • 97% are owner/occupiers; 71 % have 4 or within the village in the next 5 years. worked on a large number of these surveys, more bedrooms of which 30% have 5 or more The NP survey indicated: worked with the NPSG to produce the survey bedrooms. • The majority (76%) were not thinking of document and then perform the detailed • 80% live in a house; 16 % in a bungalow and moving in the next five years. analysis of the responses. 4% in a flat. • Of those thinking of moving, 50% of the The Housing Needs Survey is a requirement • 60% were over the age of 60 reasons given were that people were looking of the NP process and the NP process overall • 25% had lived in East Horsley for 30 years or to down size. However there was also a is crucially dependant on evidence from more; 18% for 21 – 30 years and 24% for 11 – requirement identified for starter or small residents. 20 years. homes. So the NPSG are delighted to announce ‘Future Housing Development’ • Looking at when accommodation would be that nearly 55% of households in East Horsley The NP survey indicated: needed, 47% said in 5 or more years and 40% responded to the survey. • 57% of you thought development should in 2 – 5 years. SCA commented that this was a much continue at the current rate (approx. 9 units/ • The first choice of accommodation would be better response than many other surveys have year) and 13% at greater than that. a house (46%) with the next most popular achieved and regarded this as outstanding. • The majority of you want to see development being a bungalow (27%) and overwhelmingly The NPSG would like to thank every of small family homes (64%) or retirement they would be bought on the open market household who responded to the survey plus properties (46%). (92%). those who helped, particularly the private • Development should focus on existing • The ideal number of bedrooms was 3 (50%) road associations, to compile, issue and most brownfield sites (67%) small scale and then 2 (31%). importantly follow-up to remind households developments of 10 or less (58%) or infill/sub- The Survey received 644 comments and to respond. division of existing plots (46%). observations which, in due course, will be As part of the survey we asked for • In considering further development, the top analysed and categorised. Every comment volunteers; 198 of you have offered to help three issues were: maintain green spaces will be included verbatim in the Survey report. – again thank you! The NPSG are contacting (45%), infrastructure (35%) and style (34%). There were many issues raised in the comments, these volunteers to mobilise their support. which can be grouped as (a) local infrastructure The draft SCA report on the analysis of Neighbourhood Plan OPEN DAY and (b) future development. the Survey was received just in time for this – SATURDAY 10 OCTOBER Newsletter issue; the final report will be issued a Local infrastructure and services are All residents of East Horsley are invited to by the end of September after review by the considered to be extremely stretched, come along to an Open Day organised by the NPSG. in particular local roads, schools and Neighbourhood Plan team on Saturday 10th The final report will be made available to doctors and their capability to accept more October at any time from 9.00 am until 4.00 pm. development. Traffic speed, parking and residents via the NP page at www.easthorsley. Learn about the results from the recent HGVs were also of concern. info and also hard copies in the Library. It will Household Survey, hear about the developing be used by the NP Policy Groups to further ideas on a Future Vision for East Horsley and b Future development attracted many mature the emerging themes and policies for give your comments on them. comments highlighting the need to the NP. Come and talk to different members of the conserve smaller homes and bungalows Some roads achieved a 100% householder policy teams about those village issues that and stop the building of larger properties. response to the survey, others somewhat are important to you. Whether it’s about future Interestingly there were not many types of housing, about protecting the Green less than that. The NP will be looking at this comments stating that no development Belt, the future schooling needs of the village or should take place at all. Also the need for to understand why and how we can improve your ideas on how best to control traffic speeds response rates. The more households who through the village, in fact about anything affordable housing was emphasised. respond the more representative and hence at all you want to raise regarding the future Once again the NPSG would like to thank powerful the evidence becomes. development of the village, the NP team would everyone who responded to the survey We would like to highlight some of the like to hear your views. – your input does matter. There will main points emerging from the Survey and We will be in Station Parade all day on be another Neighbourhood Plan Don’t Forget remember that this data represents the views Saturday 10 October and have stands at survey addressing different themes Bishopsmead Parade and the St Martin’s NP Open Day of those who responded to the survey. In some to be launched in a few months’ Community Hall in Forest Road Effingham questions more than one answer could be Saturday Junction throughout the morning. Come along time and we hope we can count on selected so percentages do not necessarily add whenever you can make it. your participation once again. 10th October up to 100%. Tony Elliott NPSG

4 EAST HORSLEY PARISH COUNCIL NEWSLETTER AUTUMN 2015 West Horsley Diary of Village Fete Local Events To have your event or activity listed here, 5 September please send details by email to either: • [email protected] or • [email protected] Superheroes Party St Mary’s Church, Children’s and Youth Ministry invite you to our ‘Superheroes Party’, an alternative to Halloween for 0-11 year olds on Saturday 31 October at East Horsley Village Hall. Experience Sumo Suits, Bouncy Fun Run, Soft Play, Face Painting, Photo Booth, Craft and much more… There are two sessions: 4:30-5:45pm and 6:15-7:30pm. Tickets £1, which includes a free drink and hot dog, are available at Quaich, The Stockyard, or St Mary’s Church Office, 82 East Lane, West Horsley. Local Dramatics THE WHIPS West Horsley Village Hall, The Street, West Horsley We’ll Always Have Paris by Jill Hyem 15–17 October, 8pm A play about three old friends who have a reunion in Paris THE NOMADS Nomad Theatre, Bishopsmead, East Horsley Roots by Arnold Wesker 29 September – 3 October at 7.45pm MUGA – Turn Up & Play Wesker’s iconic play in which Beattie returns to her rural roots in Norfolk ON A BEAUTIFUL autumnal afternoon the Mayor of Guildford, Nikki Nelson-Smith, officially opened the determined to impose her newly found new Multi Use Games Area on Kingston Meadows. Welcoming the Mayor was Chairman of EHPC Stephen radical ideas on her stolid family. Skinner and Vice Chairman John Carr. Also present was former parish councillor Stephen Clennell who did much to champion the project and crucially obtained a grant of £50k from the London Marathon A Celebration of Flanders and Swann Trust to enable the project to go ahead. Whilst Emma and Linda served up burgers and hot dogs, with Gordon Peters budding young footballers enthusiastically demonstrated their skills and players from Sunday 11 October, 2.30pm demonstrated Walking Basketball. Just So! by Anthony Drew and George Stiles in association with Lost For Words 21–24 October, 7.30pm (matinée 24 October, 2.30pm) The musical Just So! recreates the magical world of Rudyard Kipling. St Martin’s Church Gareth Pont will be giving an organ recital on Saturday 26 September at 12.30pm in St Martin’s Church. Admission is free and there’s a ploughman’s lunch to follow. There will be a collection for the organ fund. Scouts Quiz Night Come along and support the 1st Horsley Scout’s Quiz Night on Saturday 17 Don’t Forget October at East Horsley Village Hall. NP Open Day Form a table of 8 or join a table on the night and help raise much needed funds Saturday for your local scout group. Tickets are 10th October £12.50 from Wills & Smerdon or call Paul Morgan on 01483 281581.


A new Rector

TheCouncillor Newsletter will be featuring a column fromColumn… a Horsley GBC or SCC Councillor. for St Martin’s This time we welcome GBC Cllr. David Reeve Church The Drift Golf Club, to be considered in the ST MARTIN’S CHURCH is delighted to announce next few months, and the application by the that Reverend Renos Pittarides has been Shell Petrol Station to vary its licence to permit appointed as Rector of St Martin’s, they are 24 x 7 sales of alcohol. Other issues, include looking forward to welcoming Renos and the condition of our local roads (potholes, his family soon. They told us, “St Martin’s is drains and speed), footpaths, parking, library very fortunate to have such a talented and opening hours, park & ride concessionary committed priest coming to lead us.” rates, proposals for reduced bus routes and Renos has been Associate Minister at St . Andrew’s Church in Cobham since 2007. He The next draft of the Guildford Local Plan will has extensive management experience as a GP not be open for consultation until June next practice manager and management consultant year, however the Town Centre Masterplan has for 25 years. He is married to Jo, a freelance been published and is open for consultation for photographer, and they have three children. six weeks in October. Renos says, “I am looking forward to leading Finally, it appears that national policy is the parish of St Martin’s which has numerous David Reeve changing as a result of the shocking footage faithful and committed members with of migrants and asylum seekers in European enthusiasm to bring the Gospel to East Horsley.” HAVING HAD VIRTUALLY no involvement in the migration hotspots. The installation Service will take place at St political life of the borough until the last two I would be particularly interested to hear your Martin’s church, East Horsley on Thursday 19 years, I was pleased to be elected as one of your views on what part (if any) you think our local November at 7.30pm, presided over by the borough councillors in May – thank you to all community in Guildford ought to play. who voted for me. David Reeve A key local initiative is the East Horsley Tel: 01483 282063 Neighbourhood Plan, which will provide more Email: [email protected] local influence on village planning matters as well securing additional funds for the Parish. I strongly recommend we all support this For more information on these issues see work. Other matters of local interest are the Major Planning Applications and GBC pages at planning applications for Airfield and www.easthorsley.info

Councillor Profile

How long have you served as a Parish Reverend Renos Pittarides Jo Pittarides Photography Councillor? “I joined the Parish Council when Tony Blair Right Reverend Andrew Watson, the new Bishop was PM and interest rates were 5% – 2006” of Guildford and the Venerable Paul Bryer, What prompted you to volunteer? Archdeacon of Dorking. “I distinctly remember a long conversation Visit the Church website for full details: with my solicitor Roger Taylor (Hedley’s) where www.easthorsleychurch.org.uk he suggested that I might enjoy volunteering – thank you Roger!” What committees have you served on to date? Comment… “The great thing about being on the council A RECENT SUNDAY TIMES article makes for almost a decade is that you have time interesting reading, Barnstaple residents have to experience all areas of its workings. Stephen Skinn er responded to budget cuts by Devon County Council by forming an army of volunteers to The Planning Committee and Road Safety so that they have an extra focus point to raise tackle maintenance jobs such as cutting verges, Committee are both hugely important their concerns” and rewarding but I also particularly enjoy cleaning road signs, filling potholes and clearing Looking ahead to the next twelve months, representing the Parish Council on a little litter. DCC gives training and volunteers are what are you looking forward to? known charity called The Henry Smith Charity” covered by the council’s insurance policy. As “East Horsley has several major local issues on budget cuts inevitably start to bite at GBC, As Leader of the Council, what are your the horizon – GBC Planning targets in general, maybe residents of East Horsley should adopt a main objectives? along with Wisley and The Drift Golf Club plans, similar approach. Already volunteers undertake “The role of Local Government is changing represent a threat to the village infrastructure regular litter picks and others check the speed very quickly as Whitehall looks to cut funding and daily life. Our Neighbourhood Plan team of drivers through the village. With the support and services. We need to manage this change, is doing sterling work and the take up by of EHPC and GBC, residents could also cut control costs but strive to improve the residents is very encouraging. Our newsletter the grass, sweep leaves and deal with minor lifestyles for residents both for this and future and web site are both in safe and professional potholes. The village will look better and the generations” hands and are the envy of many local councils. exercise could help us all live longer! By the end of your period in office, what The next 12 months will see a Street Party to Steve Harvey, Editor would you like to have achieved? celebrate her Majesty’s 90th birthday and the Stop Press: EHPC are conducting a feasibility “That’s easy – Raise the profile of The Parish inaugural East Horsley Art and Culture event – study into the purchase of a pavement sweeper for Council so residents are aware of what we do what’s not to look forward to?” use by trained volunteers. To comment on an item of local interest, please submit no more than 200 words to [email protected]

6 EAST HORSLEY PARISH COUNCIL NEWSLETTER AUTUMN 2015 Spotlight on Effingham Junction At the north end of the Parish, East Horsley is nipped in by the railway bridge and this is where East Horsley takes on the persona of Effingham Junction. NOW THOSE IN EFFINGHAM JUNCTION know they are in East Horsley but not always the other way around and the area is often wrongly called Effingham. With the railway station and the Forest Road General Stores, which opens early 7 days a week, there is a constant flow of commuters and visitors. Zena Singer (left) and Gill Walker

MOTORING HEALTH There are three independent motoring facilities: Effingham Junction can boast a wide range of health therapists: Horsley PJB Motors Philip Barker offers a range of cars to suit all budgets (01483 285088) Ellie Hill Yoga classes in Hatha Yoga and Yoga Reiki in her garden studio (07961 323635) Choral Society Forest Motors run by Brian, who services Skincare and Holistic Therapist Frances virtually any make of car (01483 285513) HORSLEY CHORAL SOCIETY was founded in O’Reilly (01483 281632) the 1920’s and is still going strong today. With Body Repairs Shop run by Philip Stonely, an Mobile Foot Health Practitioner Sue Hay a membership of around 65 mixed voices experienced motor enthusiast (01483 284805) (01483 285241) the choir performs wide variety of choral and other music under the baton of Musical COMMUNITY Mortiboys Dental Spa offers a range of general Director Val Beynon. dental care services (01483 281428) St Martin’s Church Community Hall, Forest Road This month the choir welcomes a new Chair, Chiropractor Julian Keel (01483 281428) A Church Service is held on the second and Gill Walker, who will take over the reins from fourth Sunday of the month. Osteopath Marcus Walia (07732 628366) outgoing Chair Zena Singer who has held the position for the last 15 years. Gill is no stranger Other activities include: Podiatrist (Foot and ankle specialist) Maninder Bharj (07912 948161) to committee life having been amongst other 4th Horsley Brownies meet every Monday things a governor of both the Raleigh and Sports Massage Annie Colman (07796 448348) 5.30pm–7pm, Elizabeth Robinson (01483 281341) Howard of Effingham Schools. She is also Complementary Therapist Sonja Galsworthy long standing HCS member and the choir is Circuit Training for improving strength with (01483 281428) delighted to welcome her into the post. Georgina Nandha 07730 580761 HCS has members from both East and West TRADEMEN Pilates with Gail Pope (07941 174386) Horsley as well as from Ripley, the Clandons, Local tradesmen include: Step Aerobics with Sue Wright (01483 285920) Cobham, Guildford, Shalford and even further Dom’s Decorating Services (07769 974551) afield! This season the choir will be rehearsing Pilates & Barre Concept with Robin Spears for a concert entitled ‘ Gloria!’ which will feature (07884 375332) Diamond Electrical Services Mike Stephens (07736 064005) Vivaldi’s Gloria together with Christmas music Yoga Flow, Barre Concept & Zumba Dance and carols. This concert will be held at St Jimmy the Plumber (01483 282122) with Natasha Lock (07970 219349) Andrew’s Church, Cobham on 5th December at Pleats Interiors Frances Bryant (01483 284515) 7.30pm (Ticket office – 01483 280756). Vinyasa Yoga with Julia Clements If you run a business in the area or would like to start Rehearsals will also start soon in preparation (07827 283120) one, why not contact the Neighbourhood Plan Local for the Leith Hill Musical Festival of which Dance Classes with Amanda Warwick Economy Group. Their remit is to encourage new the choir is a member. Singing is an ageless (01372 457274) business and commercial activity as well as help pursuit… you are never too young or too old to existing businesses and home and mobile workers join a choir… so why not give it a try? Full details The Hall is available to hire for functions. thrive. Call Stephen Groom (01483 284842) or at www.horsleychoralsociety.com Contact Audrey (01483 283920) email: [email protected]

Dom the Decorator St Martin’s Church Community Hall

Motoring Heaven Ellie Hill Yoga Studio Station master Paul Grayston


Your Parish Councillors Parish Councilthe flower heads before they seed. Newsspare some time to help Parish Council Meeting Dates Some of the party were fortunate to drive the bus and help our see one of the very rare mining bees passengers, they are always The Parish Council meets every six weeks collecting pollen, though now at the end looking for new volunteers. on a Monday at 7.30pm in the Lovelace of its flying period for the year. Thanks to Room at the Village Hall. Residents are all volunteers. News from the Rotary invited to attend and can address the Stephen Skinner Club of Bookham & Horsley Chairman Council during Public Question Time, Drainage Update [email protected] usually at 8pm. Meeting dates during the The Rotary Club has enjoyed a busy During July and August SCC Highways next six months are: summer. A highlight was our first ‘Touch undertook work to the surface water • 19 October of Glyndebourne’ in Bookham, featuring drains along Ockham Road South by the • 7 December the touring Cameo Opera group. We railway bridge. Along Horsley Road at the were treated to an excellent programme Website Update Paintball site they intend to carry out a of well-known arias over supper and survey to identify any under road drainage raised over £1,800 for Cherry Trees, the The Parish Council is pleased to before pursuing that option to alleviate Horsley-based charity and the Nepal John Carr announce that the new Webmaster for Vice Chairman the flooding. It also remains for the earthquake fund. Our new ‘Sundowner’ the Council website is Brenda Aldred [email protected] blocked drain on Forest Road at Effingham evening event of wine and food pairing who has served previously as a Parish Junction to be repaired. We hope these in August raised £1,700, enabling grants Councillor for 18 months and is keen works will lead to improved drainage of to Bookham Community Hub and Rotary to provide a useful and informative rainwater and make the roads safer to charity Polio Plus. site for all of East Horsley. Contact use (ed. although it is worth pointing out For our future appeal we are Brenda by email: [email protected] that few drains are likely to withstand the launching a ‘satellite group’ for those or 01483 283141. Coming soon will be deluge that closed Heathrow Airport for 90 who would like to be involved in local public access to the website’s Calendar. Stephen Groom minutes back in August!). Rotary, but without the regular supper To take advantage of this, register [email protected] meetings. This new group will meet at www.easthorsley.info and follow Planning and Environment occasionally and informally, if you are instructions to upload your jumble sale, Committee Meeting Dates interested, join us for a discussion on fete, event or other activity to the Saturday 3 October, or call Michelle Calendar. All postings will, of course, be The Planning and Environment Howes on 07743 430889. monitored. By registering you can also Committee meets every two weeks You can also join us for a trial evening, opt in to receive notifications of all Diary or so on Mondays (unless otherwise visit www.bookhamandhorsley. dates. stated) at 7.30pm in the Agnes Conisbee Linda Elliott Room at the Village Hall. Residents are rotaryweb.org or call Paul Simons, on [email protected] Arts Festival invited to speak for or against Planning 01483 284193. Applications on the Agenda. Meeting It is early days but we wish to look at dates for the next six months are: Leaf Blowers the feasibility of, in its inaugural year, • 5 & 20 October Please refrain from blowing leaves combining a street party with an event • 2, 16 & 30 November from gardens on to the roads. Surrey which will celebrate all things artistic, • 14 December County Council remind residents that be it dance, the spoken word or creative you should never use a leaf blower (or welding. We hope this will evolve into a Aileen Aitcheson other tool) to blow leaves from private bi-annual Arts Festival. [email protected] land onto the road, pavements or grass Not surprisingly we are looking for verges. It is unlawful to blow leaves from creative people to help bring this plan private land onto the highway and it can to fruition, if you feel that you have also block drains and cause a hazard to skills/time/ideas then please contact road users. Why not collect them and Nick Clemens (EHPC Parish Clerk) on make compost? email Parish Clerk parishcouncil@ easthorsleypc.org. Robert Taylor Ockham Road South to get Mark the date in your diary – 12 June’16 [email protected] Speed Tables Wellington Meadow Task The Parish Council has been informed Group The Horsley Community Bus by SCC that funding has been approved to construct two road tables in Ockham The Wellington Meadow Task Group The Horsley Community Bus is run as Road South. The tables, similar to the met in August to tackle the invasive a charity and driven and managed by existing structure at the junction of Golden Rod plant. Brian Austin, David a group of local friendly volunteers, Ockham Road North and East Lane, Olaf Karlsen Foot, Graham and Cathy Verra, Rob providing a door to door service for will be constructed at the junction of [email protected] Harris, Peter Hattersley, Ros residents of the Horsleys and nearby Cobham Way, Kingston Avenue and Bovill, Hazel, Gill and Harry Eve villages. Typically it makes regular Ockham Road South and at the junction made solid progress in removing journeys to shops in the locality, of Lynx Hill, Park Corner Drive and the plant from including Cobham, Brooklands, and Ockham Road South. Further funding the north bank. Woking. They ask for a small donation has been applied for an additional table Volunteers may towards our running costs. The bus also to be located close to the junction of return to carry out carries out a variety of other runs, such Forest Road and Ockham Road South. more removal, in as pleasure trips and lunch clubs and is Andrew Franklin Funding for these works has been [email protected] particular occasionally available for use by other groups, for example, for theatre trips. obtained in response to the many Feel free to call Kim Mackenzie requests from the local community to for more information on 01483 slow the speed of traffic along Ockham 284309. Likewise if you felt you could Road South.

East Horsley Parish Council Office, Kingston Avenue, Design and artwork by: The Creative Workshop, 01580 212551, www.tcws.co.uk East Horsley, Surrey KT24 6QT Print by: Simply Print Partners, 07768 228079, www.simplyprintpartners.com Keith Noble Telephone 01483 281148 · E-mail: [email protected] Parish Council Photographs by: katelloydphotography.com [email protected]