Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Students Learn About Natural Health Products from Different Information Sources Sarah O

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Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Students Learn About Natural Health Products from Different Information Sources Sarah O Wayne State University Nutrition and Food Science Faculty Research Nutrition and Food Science Publications 7-1-2013 Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Students Learn About Natural Health Products from Different Information Sources Sarah O. Alkholy Wayne State University Samiah N. Alqahtani Wayne State University Audrey Cochrane First Nations University of Canada Maria Pontes Ferreira Wayne State University, [email protected] Fidji Gendron First Nations University of Canada Recommended Citation Alkholy, S. O., Alqahtani, S. N., Cochrane, A., Ferreira, M. P., Gendron, F. (2013). Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal students learn about natural health products from different information sources. Pimatisiwin: A Journal of Aboriginal and Indigenous Community Health, 11(1), 99-112. Available at: http://digitalcommons.wayne.edu/nfsfrp/8 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Nutrition and Food Science at DigitalCommons@WayneState. It has been accepted for inclusion in Nutrition and Food Science Faculty Research Publications by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@WayneState. Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Students Learn about Natural Health Products from Different Information Sources Sarah O. Alkholy Samiah N. Alqahtani Audrey Cochrane Maria Pontes Ferreira Fidji Gendron Abstract Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is a Natural health products (NHPs) include naturally derived broad term that includes many prevention and treat- botanical and nonbotanical products. Past research indicates ment methods, often used instead of conventional a high prevalence of NHPs use amongst adults in the United Western medicine. Reasons people use CAM include States and Canada but does not clearly characterize NHPs use amongst students, ethnic variations of such use, or how users maintaining health, relieving acute symptoms, treat- learn about NHPs. We hypothesize that there is a difference ing chronic conditions, cosmetic purposes (Barnes between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students in how they et al., 2008) and improving physical or mental per- learn about NHPs. To investigate this question, we conducted a cross-sectional study at First Nations University of Canada and formance (Ferreira et al., 2012). Complementary the University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, during the and alternative medicine includes therapies such as fall of 2011. Aboriginal (n=214) and non-Aboriginal (n=749) meditation, massage, yoga, chiropractic treatment, students participated in the 28 question survey. Our results and a variety of substances to be ingested or used indicate that Aboriginal students who use NHPs are found in all age groups, are mostly female, are smokers and nonsmokers, and topically (Barnes et al., 2008) such as natural health learn about NHPs from Elders and healers. Compared to non- products (NHPs). Use of CAM has been increasing Aboriginal students, Aboriginal students rely significantly less on in North America. In the United States, the num- alternative and conventional health providers, electronic media, print media, and advertising as their sources of information ber of adults who have ever used herbs or dietary about NHPs. Thus, Aboriginal students use Elders or healers as a supplements grew from 50.6 million in 2002 to 55.1 primary source of information to learn about NHPs, as compared million in 2007 (Wu et al., 2011). In 2002, 36.0% to non-Aboriginal students. Future work should investigate the role of Elder traditional educators to convey NHPs information of adults used CAM in the United States. By 2007, directed specifically to Aboriginal university students. 38.3% of adults and 11.8% of children were using Keywords: Aboriginal, Educational/instructional media design, some form of CAM (Barnes et al., 2008). In Canada Natural health products, Public health, Traditional medicine. (1994–95), a national telephone survey indicated that 15% of Canadians aged 15 years and over had visited at least one alternative health practitioner in the past year (Singh and Levine, 2006). The National Population Health Survey indicates that 15%, 16%, and 17% of the Canadian population consulted a CAM practitioner in 1994–95, 1996–97, and 1998– 99, respectively (Millar, 2001). A study conducted in 2002 about CAM use in the United States and Canada, has shown that the highest numbers of per- © Pimatisiwin: A Journal of Aboriginal and Indigenous Community Health 11(1) 2013 99 100 © Pimatisiwin: A Journal of Aboriginal and Indigenous Community Health 11(1) 2013 sons using CAM have the following characteristics: they report that women were more likely to use they are aged between age 20–64 years; are female; NHPs than men, especially between the ages of 36– have higher education; and are White (McFarland et 75 years where women were 1.5–2 times more likely al., 2002). to use NHPs. Natural Health Products use was more One of the most common types of CAM used prevalent in White respondents compared to non- is NHPs. Natural health products, such as dietary White respondents. However, this study and others supplements, functional foods, and ethnomedicine, excluded or insufficiently represented important are a multibillion dollar per year industry in North ethnic subgroups. Another study indicates the im- America. Largely unregulated, these products derive portance of traditional medicine use across differ- from whole organisms (e.g., plants, fungi, animals, ent ethnicities/cultures for disease treatment or ill- algae, and bacteria) and are consumed in a variety ness prevention (Arcury et al., 2007). Many of the of forms (e.g., fresh, dried, extracted, fermented, cited studies do not address the Aboriginal/Native cooked) and ways (e.g., alone or mixed). While fall- American population (Arcury et al., 2007; Wu et ing along the continuum of foods and drugs they al., 2011; Foote et al., 2003). One exception is the are usually neither. They are often utilized primar- National Center for Complementary and Alternative ily for disease prevention or treatment, physical/ Medicine report, which states that 50.3% of the sam- mental performance enhancement, or spiritual ple (who use NHPs in the United States) is American practice, rather than for food energy. The origins of Indian/Alaskan Native (U.S. Department of Health many NHPs can be traced to regional traditional or & Human Services, 2008). This suggests how im- ethnomedicine practices. In 2004, a new Canadian portant it is to include Aboriginal and Native popu- regulation (part of the Food and Drugs act) stated lations in any study about CAM and NHPs. that NHPs include any plant, animal, or microorgan- There are some published studies that discuss ismal products, vitamins and minerals, and homeo- the prevalence of NHPs use amongst students. A pathic medicines used for disease prevention and study regarding nonvitamin nonmineral (NVNM) treatment, as well as health and wellness mainten- supplement use amongst college students shows ance (Andrews and Boon, 2005). Excluded from the that college students use such supplements more mainstream definition of NHPs are blood products, than middle-aged adults. The authors suggest that commercial tobacco, marijuana, or any injectable college students more likely have higher exposure to form products (Andrews and Boon, 2005). advertising from television, internet, and magazines Two national surveys in the United States indi- (Newberry et al., 2001). Another study assessed the cate that 12–14% of the sample used herbal prepara- prevalence of NVNM supplement use amongst uni- tions/natural supplements (Kaufman et al., 2002). versity students (Perkin et al., 2002). It was found On the other hand, a national survey on NHPs used that 51.7% of the participants learned about NVNM in Canada determined that 9.3% of Canadians had supplements from their friends and family, 43% re- used botanical and naturally derived nonbotanical ceived their information from health food stores, products in the past 2 days in 2000–2001 (Singh and 31.6% learned from magazine and newspapers, Levine, 2006). In a Canadian study published in 2002 and 3.8% from dietetics professionals (Perkin et al., it was reported that 13% of the men and 16% of the 2002). A Turkish study of NVNM supplement usage women had used at least one herbal supplement amongst university students indicates that the within the last 24 hours (Troppmann et al., 2002). In most frequently used sources of information about 2010, a survey, conducted using computer assisted NVNM supplements are television (76.3%), maga- telephone interviews, indicated that up to 73% of zines and newspapers (41.5%) and internet websites the interviewees used NHPs (Health Canada, 2012). (37.3%) (Ayranci et al., 2005). In a study conducted Singh and Levine (2006) have assessed the at the State University of New Jersey examining prevalence of NHPs use, user characteristics, and herbal use by students, it was found that the major- user rationale for NHPs use in Canada. For example, ity of students use nonprofessional sources of infor- Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Students Learn about Natural Health Products from Different Information Sources 101 mation about NHPs such as family, friends, coaches, Canadian university students (Aboriginal and non- and media (Ambrose and Samuels, 2004). Amongst Aboriginal) and to identify the sources of informa- older adults, 51.6% of the participants using NVNM tion utilized by students to learn about NHPs. We supplements revealed that the media was their hypothesize that Aboriginal/Native students use source of information (Wold et al., 2007). Another NHPs more than non-Aboriginal students, and study of older adults and their use of NHPs indicat- there will be a difference between Aboriginal and ed that 49% of the sample learned about NHPs from non-Aboriginal students in how they learn about friends and family (Levine et al., 2009). Despite the NHPs. Plants are an important component of the documented increase in the prevalence of NHPs use Aboriginal culture and Aboriginal people have a in the adult North American population, these prior long history of using these as food and medica- studies do not yet show a clear picture about the tion.
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