Created in God's Image

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Created in God's Image CREATED IN GOD’S IMAGE FROM HEGEMONY TO PARTNERSHIP CREATED IN GOD’S IMAGE FROM HEGEMONY TO PARTNERSHIP CREATED IN GOD’S IMAGE IN GOD’S IMAGE CREATED FROM HEGEMONY TO PARTNERSHIP PARTNERSHIP TO HEGEMONY FROM Created in God’s Image: From Hegemony to Partnership is a church manual on men as partners for promoting positive masculinities. It is a dynamic resource on men, gender and masculinity from the stand point of the Christian faith. The concepts of masculinity and gender are explored with the aim of enabling men to become more conscious of gender as a social construct that affects their own lives as well as that of women. Masculinity is explored from lived experiences as well as from the perspective of social practices, behaviour and power constructions through which men become conscious of themselves as gendered subjects. Various approaches are used to examine and question hegemonic masculinity and for creating enabling environments in which men and women work towards re-defining, re-ordering, re-orienting and thus transforming dominant forms of masculinity. The intention is to affirm positive masculinities and not to demonize men or to instill feelings of guilt and powerlessness in them. Men are enabled to peel away layers of gender constructions which have played a key role in defining manhood in specific cultural, religious, economic, political and social contexts. The manual includes theological and biblical resources, stories, sermon notes and eight modules on men, masculinity and gender. The modules include activities for discussion on how men’s experiences, beliefs and values form the foundational bases of masculinity. It also addresses the role of the church in this formation. It makes a vital contribution in advancing men’s partnership with women in building a just community where right relationships with each other and with all of creation will be fostered. It affirms the right for both women and men to live life in fullness. A Church Manual on Men as Partners: World Communion of Reformed Churches & Promoting Positive Masculinities World Council of Churches 150, Route de Ferney PO Box 2100 Edited by 1211 Geneva 2 WCRC Switzerland WCC Patricia Sheerattan-Bisnauth and; Philip Vinod Peacock Created in God’s Image: From Hierarchy to Partnership is a Church Manual on Gender Awareness and Leadership Development, edited by Patricia Sheerattan-Bisnauth and published by the World Alliance of Reformed Churches in 2003. It is a set of two books: a manual with a facilitator’s guide and eight modules and a Workbook for Participants. The manual was designed to help the Christian community and their partners increase their awareness of gender and enhance their understanding of gender relations in the home, church, and society. The underlying principle taken in the manual is that healthy gender relations based on partnership – not power – are necessary for gender justice all over the world. The books are available from the World Communion of Reformed Churches, [email protected] Printed in Switzerland by SRO-Kundig ǯ ǣ Ǧ World Council of Churches ; 3UHIDFH 5HY'U6HWUL1\RPL 0HVVDJHIURPWKH:RUOG&RXQFLORI&KXUFKHV 5HY'U2ODY)\NVH7YHLW $FNQRZOHGJHPHQWV 5HY3DWULFLD6KHHUDWWDQ%LVQDXWK 6HFWLRQ ,QWURGXFWLRQ 5HY3DWULFLD6KHHUDWWDQ%LVQDXWK 7UDQVIRUPDWLYHPDVFXOLQLWLHVLQSDUWQHUVKLSIRU 5W5HY'U-DPHV7HQJDWHQJD JHQGHUMXVWLFH )DFLOLWDWRU·VJXLGH 5HY3DWULFLD6KHHUDWWDQ%LVQDXWK 6HFWLRQ²5HDGLQJWKH%LEOHLQWKH&RQWH[WRI*HQGHU-XVWLFHDQG6H[XDOLW\ 8QFRYHULQJQHZPHDQLQJVLQWKH%LEOH² 5HY'Q3KLOLS9LQRG3HDFRFN PHWKRGRORJLHVIRUUHUHDGLQJDQGUHLQWHUSUHWLQJWH[WV 7KH,PDJHRI*RGIRUWRGD\VRPHLQVLJKWVRQWKH 5HY'Q3KLOLS9LQRG3HDFRFN ,PDJR'HL 3DWULDUFK\DQGWKHSROLWLFDOHFRQRP\RIWKHELEOLFDO 'U(]UD&KLWDQGR FXOWXUH 7RZDUGVDOLEHUDWRU\&KULVWLDQWKHRORJ\IRUPHQ 5HY'U-RVHSK3UDEKDNDU'D\DP LQWHUURJDWLQJWKHJHQGHUHGVHOI 7RZDUGVDWKHRORJ\RISDUWQHUVKLSRIZRPHQDQGPHQ 5HY'Q3KLOLS9LQRG3HDFRFN 6HFWLRQ²0RGXOHV 0RGXOH,²*HWWLQJ6WDUWHG6HWWLQJWKH&RQWH[W :KHUHDUHWKH0HQ" 5HY'U'DOH$%LVQDXWKDQG 5HY6RORPX]L0DEX]D 'HVFULSWLRQDQGDFWLYLWLHV 5HY3DWULFLD6KHHUDWWDQ%LVQDXWK 0RGXOH,,²0HQ*HQGHUDQG6RFLDOL]DWLRQ %LEOH6WXG\$QDQDO\VLVRIWKH3DXOLQHFRUSXVRQ 5HY'U'DOH$%LVQDXWK PDOHIHPDOHUHODWLRQVKLSV 0RGXOH,,D²8QGHUVWDQGLQJJHQGHU 5HY3DWULFLD6KHHUDWWDQ%LVQDXWK 0RGXOH,,E²%XLOGLQJDSRVLWLYHJHQGHUHG 'U)XODWD/XVXQJX0R\R FRPPXQLW\ $OWHUQDWLYHDFWLYLW\*DPLQJDQGPHDVDPDQ 0U6DPVRQ-RKQ0R\R JURZLQJXS (7*&9*).3,4)ē8.2&,*KWTRMJLJRTS^YTUFWYSJWXMNU 0RGXOH,,,²6HQVHRI6HOI ,QWURGXFWLRQ 5HY'U)HOL[&KLQJRWD 'HVFULSWLRQDQGDFWLYLWLHV 5HY3DWULFLD6KHHUDWWDQ%LVQDXWK %LEOH6WXG\-HVXVFXOWXUHDQGLGHQWLW\ 5HY'U'DOH$%LVQDXWK ,OOXVWUDWLRQ,QLWLDWLRQULWHVLQ0DODZL 5HY'U)HOL[&KLQJRWD 0RGXOH,9²6H[XDOLW\ ,QWURGXFWLRQ$WKHRORJ\RIKXPDQVH[XDOLW\ 5HY'U-RVHSK3UDEKDNDU'D\DP UHFRYHU\RIGLYLQH(URVLQRXUWKHRORJLFDO LPDJLQDWLRQ 'HVFULSWLRQDQGDFWLYLWLHV 5HY3DWULFLD6KHHUDWWDQ%LVQDXWK %LEOHVWXG\RQKXPDQVH[XDOLW\ 5HY'U-RVHSK3UDEKDNDU'D\DP 0RGXOH9²5HDO0HQDQG0DVFXOLQLWLHV ,QWURGXFWLRQ 5HY'Q3KLOLS9LQRG3HDFRFN 'HVFULSWLRQDQGDFWLYLWLHV 5HY3DWULFLD6KHHUDWWDQ%LVQDXWK 3LFNXSDUWLVWV 0V.U\VWD6DGKDQD%LVQDXWK 6WRULHV,OOXVWUDWLRQV 7KHVWUHHWILJKW 5HY'Q3KLOLS9LQRG3HDFRFN +RZPHQKDQGOHVWUHVV 3URIHVVRU0LFKDHO6W$0LOOHU 'LQHVKDQG'L\D 0V'DSKQH0DUWLQ*QDQDGDVRQ %ULDQ·VVWRU\ZKDW·VLQLWIRUPH" $QRQ\PRXV 0RGXOH9,²*HQGHU%DVHG9LROHQFH ,QWURGXFWLRQGHVFULSWLRQDQGDFWLYLWLHV 5HY3DWULFLD6KHHUDWWDQ%LVQDXWK %LEOH6WXG\RQYLROHQFHDJDLQVWZRPHQ 5HY'U'DOH$%LVQDXWK &RQQHFWLQJZLWKVWRULHVRIJHQGHUEDVHGYLROHQFH&DVH6WXGLHV $W&KDWHDX0DUJRW 6WDEURHN1HZV*X\DQD $IWHUHLJKW\HDUVVFDUUHGGRPHVWLFDEXVHVXUYLYRU VWDUWVRYHU 6WDEURHN1HZV*X\DQD :KDWGRHVLWWDNHWREHDPDQ"%RQJDQL·VVWRU\ 'U)XODWD/XVXQJX0R\R 0RGXOH9,,²*HQGHU/HDGHUVKLSDQG3RZHU ,QWURGXFWLRQGHVFULSWLRQDQGDFWLYLWLHV 5HY3DWULFLD6KHHUDWWDQ%LVQDXWK %LEOHVWXG\RQJHQGHUSRZHUDQGOHDGHUVKLS 'U$UXQD*QDQDGDVRQ 0RGXOH9,,,²7RZDUGV3DUWQHUVKLSRIZRPHQDQGPHQ ,QWURGXFWLRQGHVFULSWLRQDQGDFWLYLWLHV 5HY3DWULFLD6KHHUDWWDQ%LVQDXWK 5HDOOLIHH[SHULHQFHRIJHQGHUDQGFKXUFK 5HY'U6LFLO\0EXUD0XULLWKL %LEOH6WXG\RQSDUWQHUVKLS 5HY'Q3KLOLS9LQRG3HDFRFN 6HFWLRQ%LEOH6WXGLHV 6H[XDOLW\ 5HY'U0RQLFD-\RWVQD0HODQFKWKRQ 0DOHIHPDOHHTXDOLW\LQ&KULVW 5HY'U'DOH$%LVQDXWK 7KH3-(&UHDWLRQ6WRU\ 5HY'U'DOH$%LVQDXWK 6XERUGLQDWLRQDQGHTXDOLW\LQFRQYHUVDWLRQ 5HY1RUEHUW6WHSKHQV ´:KDWLI"µ 5HY1RUEHUW6WHSKHQV 6HUPRQQRWHV *OHDQLQJZLWK5XWKWKHVHDUFKIRUUHGHPSWLYH 5HY'Q3KLOLS9LQRG3HDFRFN PDVFXOLQLWLHV 7KH-RVHSKPRGHORIPDVFXOLQLW\ 5HY6RORPX]L0DEX]DDQG 5HY1LFROH$VKZRRG 9LROHQFHEHJHWVYLROHQFH 5HY'Q3KLOLS9LQRG3HDFRFN ´%OHVVHGDQGKLJKO\IDYRXUHGµ 5HY1RUEHUW6WHSKHQV /LWXUJLFDOUHVRXUFHV 7RZDUGVDZDUHQHVVKHDOLQJDQGUHFRQFLOLDWLRQ 5HY1LFROH$VKZRRG *ORVVDU\ $ERXWWKHZULWHUV %LEOLRJUDSK\ (7*&9*).3,4)ē8.2&,*KWTRMJLJRTS^YTUFWYSJWXMNU 6R*RGFUHDWHGKXPDQNLQGLQKLV,PDJHLQWKH,PDJHRI*RGKH FUHDWHGWKHPPDOHDQGIHPDOHKHFUHDWHGWKHP. (Genesis 1: 27) In the creation account of the very first chapter in the Bible, the emphasis laid on God creating humanity as male and female in God’s Image is very significant. However, throughout history, cultural and other social factors have led even believers to think and act in ways inconsistent with this basic truth of both male and female being created in the Image of God. In so doing, such people have yielded to values that seem to glorify gender injustice. Men in many cultures have adopted hegemonic attitudes and ways of life and have oppressed women, and far too often they justify such behaviour either by reference to Bible passages or church doctrines. A rereading of the word of God, acknowledging that human beings (male and female) are created in the Image of God, demands that we act differently. Such an acknowledgement is inconsistent with any way of life which makes a man a kind of “demigod” over women. If men have been culturally and socially conditioned to having a hegemonic self- understanding, our coming to faith in Christ calls us to begin putting off this “burden” and to begin to learn ways in which God calls men and women to partnership, in living in community as well as in engagement in God’s mission. This is what this book is about. The book is a result of men and women of God reading the word of God and daring to ask critical questions about how we can be more faithful to God in how women and men relate. The book has been developed with sensitivity to invite men into dialogue and critical examination of what it means to be a man in today’s society. It is neither confrontational nor prescriptive, but takes into consideration that gender analysis needs to be contextual and must be done with gender justice perspectives. While some men who see their identity in the “macho” cultural construct may find the contents of this book challenging, many faithful Christians who are ready to be faithful to the Word of God will find this book resourceful and will see it as a valuable instrument that will strengthen their faith as they commit to the vision of partnership reflected in God’s intention for women and men. I give thanks to my colleagues who have worked very hard on this manual – to Rev. Patricia Sheerattan- Bisnauth who has led this effort on behalf of the World Communion of Reformed Churches and its predecessors. A special word of thanks is due to Rev. Dn. Philip Vinod Peacock for contributing to this manual and co- editing it. We are grateful to all from our churches and seminaries that participated in workshops and consultations through which this manual has emerged, as well as all the contributors and editors. This work is done in partnership with other ecumenical sister organizations. We note especially the partnership
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