Education Social Services


Pastoral Ministries

Priestly & Diaconate Ministries

www.archsa.org/archbishops-appeal 45 454545 45 Appeal Funded Ministries Archdiocesan Pastoral Ministries Catholic Education Department Head: Catholic University of America Deanery Resource Coordinators Pastoral Ministry Ambassadors Hope for the Future Seminarians Internship Program Superintendent Resource Fund, Catholic schools Assembly Campus Ministry Criminal Justice Ministry: Chrysalis Catholic Communications Deanery Resource Coordinators El Camino de San Antonio Missions Catholic Television of San Antonio Hospital Ministry National Catholic Communication Lay Ministry Formation Fund Sec. Christian Community: Today's Catholic Newspaper Bereavement Training Community Wedding Marriage Conference Marriage Convalidation Training Catholic Social Services Marriage Preparation Training National Youth Sunday : Theology of the Body Training World Youth Day Catholic Counseling Services Youth Family and Marriage Resources Caritas Legal Services Youth Leadership Development Youth Spectacular Crisis Response Unit Sec. Evangelization, Catechesis and Faith Formation: Guadalupe Community Center (After School Catechetical Resources and Summer Youth Program) Community Baptisms Guadalupe Home Evangelization, Catechesis and Faith Formation Program Mid-Winter Gatherings Financial Wellness and Care Program New Leadership Orientation Parish Outreach & Hotline Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Study Day and Webinar Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Workshops Project Rachel Special Needs Training St. Stephen’s Care Center (Food Pantry and Texts for Parishes in Need Clothing Closet) Sec. Liturgy & : Senior Services (RSVP/AAS) Adult Confirmations Archdiocesan Liturgies and Resources Chrism Mass La Procesion Liturgical Ministry Trainings Seton Home Pentecost Vigil Mass St. Peter-St. Joseph Children's Home Rite of Election Sec. Mission and Young Adults: Advocacy (State and Local) Campaign on Human Trafficking Priestly and Diaconate Ministries Faithful Citizenship Training Respect Life Masses Diaconate Program Respect Life Prayer Vigil Theology on Tap Office of Vocations Social and Young Adult Resources Priests' Pension Plan, Retired Priests Worship on the River San Antonio Seminarian Fund Young Adult Ambassadors 46

Archdiocesan Pastoral Ministries

The Department for Pastoral Ministries supports the archdiocese by providing the educational, spiritual, and formational opportunities to promote the Gospel values in the local Church. Gifts to the ’s Appeal will support the following pastoral ministries:

 Department of Pastoral Ministries Head  Hospital Ministry  Assembly  Lay Ministry Formation Fund  Campus Ministry  Secretariat for Christian Community  Criminal Justice Ministry  Secretariat for Evangelization, Catechesis & Faith Formation  Deanery Resource Coordinators  Secretariat for Liturgy and Christian Prayer  El Camino de San Antonio Missions  Secretariat for Mission and Young Adults

Department of Pastoral Ministries Head Department of Pastoral Ministries Pastoral Ministry Ambassadors Joan Martinez, Department Head Seminarian Internship Program Email: [email protected]

Phone(210) 734-1638


This is the “event of the year” for the Archdiocese of San Antonio. All clergy, religious, and gather with Archbishop as missionary disciples to explore topics related to our pastoral vision.

Juan Carlos Rodriguez, Assembly Chair Email: [email protected] Phone: 210-734-1632

Campus Ministry

Campus Ministry serves students in universities and colleges throughout the archdiocese. This ministry connects campus adults with Jesus Christ, the local Church, and its Mission through faith and spiritual formation, leadership development, fellowship, networking, and Christian service projects.

Veronica Ybarra, Director Email: [email protected] Phone: (830) 486-5509

Criminal Justice Ministry Chrysalis

As Catholics, we are called to social ministry, to act with justice, love tenderly, serve one another, and walk humbly with God. The Criminal Justice Ministry, in partnership with Chrysalis Ministry, recruits, screens, and trains volunteers to minister and provide formation and education to serve the incarcerated, the formerly incarcerated, and their families. Through this ministry, clients and families are able to receive a wide variety of religious and social services.

Deacon Robert Leibrecht, Director Email: [email protected] Phone: (210) 734-1980 www.archsa.org/archbishops-appeal 47 474747 47 Archdiocesan Pastoral Ministries

Deanery Resource Coordinators

The Archdiocese Deanery Coordinators serve as liaisons between their deaneries and the archdiocesan offices. The Deanery Coordinators work with all the pastors in their assigned deanery. They assist pastors to plan realistic parish goals and programs to serve their community. Their efforts support parish staff members and lay leaders to offer programs at the deanery level. Some deanery sponsored events and activities include: Bible studies, liturgy trainings, evangelization retreats, marriage preparation classes, the annual catechist retreat, and many more.

For more information on deanery coordinators, please contact the Archbishop’s Appeal.

El Camino de San Antonio Missions

The El Camino de San Antonio Missions seeks to encourage and support those who desire to encounter the sacred through the San Antonio Missions. A special focus of El Camino de San Antonio Missions will be to reach young people as a new evangelization incorporating the sacred space of the Missions and their surrounding environment. Through the opening of Padre Margil Pilgrimage Center we seek to foster the pilgrim’s conversion to a deeper Gospel life that will renew their faith and their communities. People of all faith or no faith will be supported in their journey to touch the sacred. We seek to transform our communities by engaging a diverse and inclusive community of pilgrims.

Rebecca Simmons, Executive Director Email: [email protected] Phone: (210) 734-1648

Hospital Ministry

The Archdiocese Hospital Ministry forms individuals to serve as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the hospitalized. This ministry carries the presence of Christ to hospital patients and their family members. Volunteers provide regular and emergency pastoral visits to more than thirteen hospitals throughout the San Antonio area. In addition, this ministry works with two priests to provide patients with the Sacrament of Anointing.

Elizabeth Ramirez, Director Email: [email protected] Phone: (210) 734-2620

Lay Ministry Formation Fund (LMFF)

The Archdiocese Lay Ministry Formation Fund supports the formation of parish laity by providing partial scholarships to attend ongoing formation and enhancement workshops. This assistance enables parishes to properly form laity to serve their parish community.

Jazmine Villamil Email: [email protected] Phone: (210) 734-1650


Archdiocesan Pastoral Ministries Secretariat for Christian Community

 Bereavement Training  National Youth Sunday  Community Wedding  Theology of the Body Training

 Marriage Conference  World Youth Day  Marriage Convalidation Training  Youth Family & Marriage Resources  Marriage Preparation Training  Youth Leadership Development  Youth Spectacular

Lizett Farias, Secretariat Director Email: [email protected] Phone: (210) 734-1646

Secretariat for Evangelization, Catechesis & Faith Formation

 Catechetical Resources  Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults  Community Baptisms Study Day and Webinar

 Evangelization, Catechesis and Faith  Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Formation Program Workshops  Mid-Winter Gatherings  Special Needs Training  New Leadership Orientation  Texts for Parishes in Need

Gloria Zapiain, Secretariat Director Email: [email protected] Phone: (210) 734-1960

Secretariat for Liturgy and Christian Prayer  Adult Confirmations  La Procesion  Archdiocesan Liturgies and Resources  Liturgical Ministry Trainings  Chrism Mass  Pentecost Vigil Mass  Rite of Election

Rev. Heliodoro Lucatero, Secretariat Director Email: [email protected] Phone: (210) 734-1912

Secretariat for Mission & Young Adults  Advocacy (State & Local)  Theology on Tap  Campaign on Human Trafficking  Social & Young Adult Resources  Faithful Citizenship Training  Worship on the River  Respect Life Masses  Young Adult Ambassadors  Respect Life Prayer Vigil

Aaron Castillo, Secretariat Director Email: [email protected] (210) 734-1655

For more information on these programs, contact Pastoral Ministries Office at (210) 734-2620. www.archsa.org/archbishops-appeal 49 494949 49 Catholic Communications

The Appeal supports Catholic communication resources that bring the Good News to our communities through various mediums. Thanks to Appeal donors and Catholic Communications, individuals can experience a true encounter with Christ daily.  Today’s Catholic Newspaper  Catholic Television of San Antonio  National Catholic Communications

Catholic Television of San Antonio (CTSA)

As an outreach ministry, Catholic Television of San Antonio lives in the spirit of the New Evangelization with programs that inspire, teach the faith, and touch the heart. It provides immediate access to the people of the archdiocese, while helping to fulfill priorities and goals, so that we may live United as Church, Encountering Christ, and Sent by the Spirit. Catholic Television brings the community together during important moments within the Universal Church, daily Mass, and other opportunities for prayer and reflection.

Yesenia Ramirez, Executive Director Email: [email protected] Phone: (210) 734-1915 Website: www.ctsa.tv

Today’s Catholic Newspaper

Established in 1892, Today’s Catholic Newspaper is the official publication of the Archdiocese of San Antonio. It serves as an evangelization resource that brings a Catholic perspective on daily life to the community. The newspaper covers Catholic doctrine, teachings, and information to the faithful in the Archdiocese of San Antonio.

Jordan McMorrough, Director of Communications Email: [email protected] Phone: (210) 734 – 1634 Website: www.archsa.org/news

National Catholic Communication

Every diocese and archdiocese in the United States contributes to a program for National Catholic Communication. Your support of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) helps provide national Catholic radio, television, and print communications.

Phone: (202) 541-3000 Website: www.usccb.org


Catholic Education

As the future Church, young people are central to its mission. It is our privilege and responsibility to preserve our Catholic faith for our children and their children. With the help of Appeal donors, we invest in the formation of our youth to become competent, intellectual individuals that are strong in their faith and in Christ’s Church.

 Catholic University of America  Hope for the Future  Superintendent Resource Fund

Catholic University of America

Founded by the Pope Leo XIII, and sponsored by the US bishops, Catholic University of America is an institution of higher learning, faithful to the teachings of Jesus Christ as handed on by the Church. Each archdiocese and diocese contributes support to Catholic University of America. Funds go directly towards defraying operating costs.

John Garvey, President Phone: (202) 319-5000 Website: www.cua.edu

Hope for the Future

Hope for the Future supports student families in need with tuition assistance to attend one of our 38 Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of San Antonio, where students will receive a faith-filled and rigorously academic education.

Amy Hone, Director Email: [email protected] Phone: (210) 734-1642 Website: www.archsa.org/hope

Superintendent Resource Fund

The Superintendent's Curriculum Resource Fund provides schools in the archdiocese with support to obtain curriculum materials. This initiative offers students resources for a quality education.

Marti West, Superintendent Email: [email protected] Phone: (210)734-1657 Website: www.archsa.org/schools

www.archsa.org/archbishops-appeal 51 515151 51 Catholic Social Services

The Catholic Social Services Ministries, supported by the Appeal, strive to provide assistance to those in need to promote encouragement, healing and self- sufficiency. Appeal gifts will support:

 Catholic Charities  Seton Home  St. Peter - St. Joseph Children’s Home


Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of San Antonio provides a comprehensive network of social services aimed at promoting and facilitating self-sufficiency. The programs offer support and opportunities that empower people and communities to grow and thrive.

 Caritas Legal Services  Guadalupe Home  Catholic Counseling Services  Project Rachel

 Crisis Response Unit  Parish Outreach & Hotline  Financial Wellness and Care Program  Senior Services (RSVP/AAS)  Guadalupe Community, Center-After School  St. Stephen’s Care Center (Food and Summer Youth Program Pantry & Clothing Closet)

J. Antonio Fernandez, President and CEO Phone: (210) 222-1294 Website: www.ccaosa.org

Caritas Legal Services

The Caritas Legal Aid Program serves low-income individuals needing representation in civil legal matters. Participants benefit from free walk-ins during legal clinics and Ask-A-Lawyer events. These clinics are held several times throughout the year by Catholic Charities, the Archdiocese of San Antonio, and St. Mary’s University School of Law.

Catholic Counseling Services

The Catholic Counseling Service provides individual, family, and couple’s counseling to persons residing in the Archdiocese of San Antonio. This program helps individuals to break the poverty cycle by providing case management services to clients seeking to access food, rental assistance, legal assistance, and employment resources. They offer assistance to domestic violence groups and Child Protective Service clients.


Catholic Social Services

Crisis Response Unit Crisis Response Unit offers disaster relief services of case management and immediate response through the HOPE mobile unit. The program offers short term and long term aid to individuals and families facing displacement due to humanitarian crisis or natural disasters. The program assists migrant families and homeless population through outreach services providing hot meals, food, clothing, hygiene items, temporary shelter assistance, travel assistance, and rental/utility assistance. The mobile relief unit includes kitchen, food pantry/basic needs items, and shower.

Financial Wellness & Care Program

The Financial Wellness & Care Program provides bill payer and representative payee services to low- income individuals 55 years and older. This program serves those who are unable to effectively manage their own financial affairs. Designed to prevent financial abuse, neglect and exploitation of the elderly, this program promotes independent living for individuals on a fixed income and those who have no one to assist them with their finances.

Guadalupe Community Center - After School & Summer Youth Program

The After School and Summer Youth Program provides no-cost services to families in need. Offering services to families with children in grades K-12, the program allows parents and guardians to continue working to provide for their families, while their children receive homework/tutoring assistance, arts and crafts, community gardening and nutrition skills, and a safe, positive environment. The program functions year-round, including school holidays.

Guadalupe Home

The Guadalupe Home is a transitional living program for homeless expectant mothers and homeless mothers with infants, providing them with a safe home environment in which to nurture their babies. The women at Guadalupe Home are ready to improve their lives and the lives of their children.

Project Rachel

Project Rachel is a post-abortive healing ministry that supports anyone desiring to begin the journey of healing into the merciful heart of Jesus. Services offered include: a confidential phone line to answer questions and listen, individual counseling, and day retreats.

Parish Outreach & Hotline

The Parish Support Line is a direct resource for pastors offering assistance to individuals under difficult or emergency situations such as mobile food pantry, legal services, counseling, basic healthcare, and opportunities to volunteer.

www.archsa.org/archbishops-appeal 53 535353 53 Catholic Social Services

Senior Services (RSVP/ AAS)

Retired Seniors Volunteer Program (RSVP) supports adults ages 55 and older to identify volunteer opportunities in which they can participate, as they help to strengthen our communities. This program works with more than 800 Retired and Senior Volunteers, which share their life experiences with younger generations through meaningful volunteer opportunities. In addition, the funds will support the Adopt-A- Senior (AAS) program which pairs seniors to a volunteer companion following a short questionnaire and a phone or in-home meeting with the senior. Volunteers are expected to spend at least one hour or more engaging with the senior in their home. The goal is to have the senior visited during a previously agreed upon time period whether it be a few times annually, weekly, or monthly.

St. Stephen’s Care Center– Food Pantry & Clothing Closet

The mission of St. Stephen's CARE Center is to provide Compassion, Aid, Respect, and Empowerment welcoming clients to receive basic needs on their way to self-sufficiency. St. Stephen's CARE Center will serve as the hub for Catholic Charities crisis response including the Mobile Relief Unit fleet and facility stocked with basic needs. The site is equipped to serve individuals, families, and large groups of people with emergency services. ______

Seton Home

Seton Home’s “Living In Faith Everyday” Program promotes acceptance and positive self-development by helping women and their babies to work toward viewing themselves as worthy and unique creations of God. This program works with mothers to attend faith-based activities and a weekly youth group meeting, and encourages them to attend religious services.

Gladys Gonzalez, Executive Director Email: [email protected] Phone: (210) 533-3504 www.stpjhome.org

St. Peter-St. Joseph Children’s Home

St. PJ’s Children’s Home provides neglected and abused children with a safe haven in which they begin to heal from the trauma of the abuse and/or neglect plaguing their young lives. With the help of Appeal donors, St. PJ’s offers counseling, medical attention, spiritual development, and a home away from home, helping its residents to heal from their wounds and to grow to be successful, productive adults.

Gladys Gonzalez, Executive Director Email: [email protected] Phone: (210) 255-1462 www.stpjhome.org


Priestly & Diaconate Formation

As Disciples of Christ, it is our responsibility to support those discerning the call to serve Christ in a religious life, as well as our retired clergy. Vocation Ministries provide education and formation for those studying and discerning religious life, as well as for those in formation for the permanent diaconate.

 Deaconate Program  Priests’ Pension Plan, Retired Priests  Office of Vocations  San Antonio Seminarian Fund

Diaconate Program

The Diaconate Office walks men through the discernment process, helping them to respond to a call of service to the Church as a permanent deacon. Candidates receive the necessary resources to completely focus on their spiritual and academic growth, as they work to strengthen our parish communities by their service.

Deacon Michael Pawelek, Director Email: [email protected] Phone: (210) 734-1626 Website: www.archsa.org/deacons

San Antonio Seminarian Fund

The San Antonio Seminarian Fund supports the spiritual and educational formation of the San Antonio seminarians, providing for their living expenses and general care.

Fr. Jonathan Felux, Director of Vocations and Seminarians Email: [email protected] Phone: (210) 735-0553 x 1429 Website: www.archsa.org/vocations/seminarians

Priests’ Pension Plan, Retired Priests

Integral to ensuring that our priests live out their retirement years in peace and dignity, the Pension Plan provides the resources to cover the essential costs of housing, utilities, meals, and health expenses.

Rene Wilkes, Director Phone: (361) 991-0496

Office of Vocations, Consecrated Life

The Vocation Office provides educational opportunities and resources to assist men and women to discern and respond to their call to serve Christ and His Church through a religious life.

Fr. Jonathan Felux, Director of Vocations and Seminarians Email: [email protected] Phone: (210) 735-0553 x 1429 Website: www.archsa.org/vocations www.archsa.org/archbishops-appeal 55 555555 55