Opinion: Social Studies Standards of Common Core in question. The Kentucky The Kentucky Citizen is published by The Family Foundation, a Kentucky nonprofit CITIZEN educational organization that works in the The Kentucky public policy arena on behalf of the family and the values that make families strong. Should kids learn facts? Executive Editor Editor Kent Ostrander Sarah Roof The Family Foundation The last time Kentucky changed their P.O. Box 911111 academic standards was when Kentucky’s Martin Contributing Editors Lexington, KY 40591-1111 General Assembly passed one of the most Cothran is Martin Cothran 859-255-5400 sweeping education reform measures ever the senior Jack Westwood Jack Henshaw passedT by a state: the Kentucky Education policy Don Cox Greg Williams e-mail:
[email protected] Reform Act of 1990 (KERA). It also, not Ivan Zabilka David Moreland Web site: www.kentuckyfamily.org coincidentally, included the biggest tax analyst for increase in the state’s history. The Family The Family Foundation Non-Profit Org. The law resulted in another wave of Foundation P. O. Box 911111 U. S. Postage Paid STRENGTHENING FAMILIES AND THE VALUES THAT MAKE FAMILIES STRONG trendy permissivist education in our schools: Lexington, KY 40591-1111 Lexington, KY the non-graded primary program (a new the final version, calling it, “in large Permit No. 555 Vol. XXII No. 5 September – November 2013 version of the “open classrooms” of the 60s); measure a political document.” a new version of the New Math; and a Then came the science standards that general backing away from basics. include almost no actual nature study (they But one of its most touted features do not even mention mammals, fish, birds, “Stunning development” in Instant Racing case was a set of touchy-feely academic reptiles or amphibians).