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New Rules Ease Alien Micronesia’s Leading Newspaper Since 1972 Vol.22 No.50 ' m w j i - » i f ■ "9 A 4 A A 9 Saipan,MP 96950 ol993 Marianas Variety. .·. IV IO IiQ iiy ■ IVI«iy 4 *r, 1 # /» Serving CNMI for 20 Years New rules ease alien ban NON-RESIDENT workers who law,’ Attorney General Robert because of their apprehension that called four year ban has resulted alleviate the unintended but real have been in the Northern Naraja said in an interview. they may not be allowed to enter in outcomes that are unnecessar­ damage to the economy which Marianas for four consecutive According to Tom Sheldon, the Commonwealth again. In this ily damaging to our economy and may be caused by immediate ap­ years may re-enter the CNMI as assistant attorney general, aliens case, exclusion is unfair and un­ patently unfair to non-resident plication of the guidelines. Num­ tourists, short- or long-term busi­ with permits will be allowed to intended,” Sheldon said. workers, particularly those who bering of these guidelines follows ness visitors, foreign investors or reenter and those presently on the Following are the supplemen­ were outside the Commonwealth from the previously issued guide­ other categories. island will be authorized to depart tal guidelines: on May 10,1993. Many persons lines. Those who are subject to the freely and reenter freely without First supplemental guidelines. have been unwilling or unable to 7. No Deportations. As the four-year ban and are currently risk of exclusion up to the expira­ As a result of our initial experi­ return to the Commonwealth be­ result of many inquiries from the outside the CNMI may still re­ tion date of their current entry ence in enforcing the exclusion of cause of concerns about possible public, it is necessary to clearly enter the Commonwealth if they permits. the immigration law related to exclusion or have been faced with state INO enforcement policy re­ have pending applications for re­ “This is to provide fundamen­ aliens who have completed a term airline refusals to board flights to garding possible deportation of newal timely filed with the De­ tal fairness, due process and equi­ of four years employment in the the Commonwealth based on the aliens exceeding four years’ con­ partment of Commerce and La­ table treatment of all non-resi­ Commonwealth as non-resident airline’s concern about possible tinuous employment and resi­ bor. dent workers, as well as to pro­ workers, several particular mat­ exclusion and their additional dence under INO Regs. §706 (k). These are among the supple­ vide for a reasonable enforcement ter have came to the attention of costs in such situations. The fol­ INO will not revoke the entry mental guidelines issued by the of the law that is not overly dis­ the Office of the Attorney Gen­ lowing guidelines should give permits of such aliens and seek attorney general Friday. ruptive to the economy,” Sheldon eral and the Immigration and employers, non-resident workers their deportation. The only en­ “The Immigration Policy Re­ said. Naturalization Office which re­ and airlines a substantial ly clearer forcement actions to be taken in view Committee has continuously Another feature of the new quire attention as part of our state understanding about whether or these circumstances will be by analyzed the statute on the four guidelines is the exemption of enforcement policy. not non-resident workers will be way of exclusion upon arrival. year limit and has decided to pro­ workers sent off-island for medi­ These supplemental guidelines readmitted to the Commonwealth There will be no deportations of vide for a phase out period to cal treatment from exclusion upon are intended to allow INO en­ and the date at which the exclu­ aliens present on the Common­ allow contract workers to brace reentry. “We would not want any­ forcement to address certain ar­ sion provision of law will be ap­ weal th who are subject to the stat- themselves on the effect of the body to forego medical treatment eas where enforcement of the so- plied. these guidelines will also ______ continued on page 11 THE LAW limiting non-resi­ haveadoptedconflictingpositions dent workers’ stayintheÇom- on the issue of the four-.y,ear ban. monwealth may be lifted next The House of Representatives . week tiirough an executive earlier voted to repeal any refer- ' order, ;Govemor Lorenzo I. erices to the four-year limit. On Guerrero said Friday. the other hand, the Senate passed Speaking before a forum or­ a bill that seeks to retain the re- * ganized by the.Marianas Visi- strictiom // tors Bureaüffpuerrero said he . The busmess community. spe­ would first ask the Legislature cifically the tourism; sector, has to convene a joint session to been quite vocal abbut their op­ act on a bill seeking to repeal position to thé four-year limit, the restriction. saying it will causé the demise of “Let’s give the Legislature a the industry. chance, in as much as this could - Majority of workers manning be resolved through the legis­ tourism-related businesses such MARIANAS High School principal Doris Thompson and JROTC lative process,” he said. “But as hotels, touroperators andshops instructor Major Lee Miller install lieutenant colonel's shoulderboards I can assure you, by next week are non-resident workers who are on Anthony Rios who takes over command of Dolphin Battalion from Lorenzo I. Guerrero outgoing commander Corina Skerei Saturday. if there would be no action, we covered by the four-year limita­ may find solution through an tion. Other panelists were Repre­ executive order as a last re­ “We have to protect our indus­ sentatives Jesus P. Mafnas, sort.” tries. It’s very hard to do this Francisco DLG. Camacho, Ana own suit He said his advisers are look­ across-the-board. We need some S. Teregeyo, Pete P. Reyes, ing at the legality o f such an flexibility here to allow businesses Herman T. Guerrero, Antonio alternative, whether such ac­ to continue hire the people they M. Camacho, Mametto U. tion is within his executive thinkwouldmake their businesses Maratita, Vice Speaker Diego MICRONESIAN Telecommuni­ before (the) court with unclean powers. grow,” the governor said. T. Benavente. Only Senator cations Corp. filedacounter-claim hands...” Under the Constitution, ex­ “I find it very awkward to say Juan S. Torres was there to rep­ Friday against rival IT&E Over­ MTC said some IT&E adver­ isting laws may be changed we support tourism as our num­ resent the Senate. seas Inc. which earlier accused tisements were “materially simi­ through executive ortjers ber one revenue generator and yet All Speakers were in favor of MTC of using deceptive and mis­ lar or identical” to the MTC ad­ which must be submitted to we will not allow our tourism repealing the four-year limita­ leading advertisements to attract vertisements complained about. the LegisIature.These changes businesses to flourish,” Guerrero tion. long distance telephone custom­ MTC likewise denied that its ad­ become effective 60 days af­ said. Most of them also favored a ers. vertisements were untrue and ter submission unless specifi­ He mentioned the possibility of gradual phaseout of alien work­ MTC said IT & E also had simi­ misleading. cally moo. " 1 or disapproved setting a quota for alien workers ers subsequent to intensive ef­ lar advertisements publicized so IT&E’s, in a complaint filed by the majority members of in selected industries to dimmish forts at enhancing training pro­ if the court decides that the MTC with the Superior Court on April each house of the Legislature, the influx of those workers he grams for thé local population. advertisements were false and 30, sought at least $4 million in The House and the Senate termed as “unnecessary workers.” (RHA) misleading, then IT&E “comes continued on page 8 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VffiWS-MONDAY- MAY 24,1993 Dolphin Battalion changes command CADET Lt. Col. Anthony Rios (left) receives command flag from MHS principal Doris Thompson as outgoing battalian commander, Lt. Col. Conna Skerei looks on. SSG T. Jessie Unsiog of the National Guard in Guam show rifle skill during change of command at Marianas High School JRO TC (Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps) Saturday. THE JRO TC color guard, often invited to grace public ceremonies. , A company, which won TWO YEARS ago I was a trouble relinquished command of the bat­ ‘There were a lot of students I The stories of Rios and Skerei be an instructor.” maker; I even spent time in jail. talion Saturday. She is graduating saw in office often, not necessar­ and the observations of Thomp­ Rios said that two years ago a JROTC changed my life. this year. ily for healthful reasons,"shesaid. son reflect the accomplishments friend told him that JROTC makes These words were from Cadet “JROTC (Junior Reserve Of­ “Now I see them being more re­ of the JROTC program at young people more disciplined, Lt. Col. Anthony Rios, new com­ ficers’ Training Corps) has made sponsible in the mainstream of Marianas High School. more motivated. But he was at­ mander of the Marianas High valuable contributions not only to school life instead of its fringes.” In an interview, Skerei, 18, said tracted more by the prospects of School Dolphin Battalion. the school but also to the commu­ The JROTC program started that before she joined JROTC she trips during training, even sur­ “It has built up my confidence, nity and the Commonwealth,” said last year as an optional course for could not even stand up and speak vival training, when the cadets my belief in myself, as well as Doris Thompson, MHS princi­ MHS students.
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