Schedule 1 14 September 2017
Schedule 1 14 September 2017 Schedule 1 – Aquatic Ecosystem Areas A Habitats and migratory pathways of indigenous fish species Note: The GPS co-ordinates relate to points at which the fish species were identified. The following streams, rivers and lakes are habitats or migratory pathways for indigenous fish species. Catchment River, Stream or Tributary Species Present Lake Waihi Beach Waihi Stream Banded Kokopu, Giant Kokopu, Redfinned Bully, Unidentified Eel 2 Mile Creek Banded Kokopu, Redfinned Bully, Common Bully, Inanga, Common Smelt, Longfinned Eel, Shortfinned Eel 3 Mile Creek Banded Kokopu, Redfinned Bully, Common Bully, Inanga, Common Smelt, Longfinned Eel, Shortfinned Eel Tauranga Waiau River Firewood Stream Banded Kokopu, Longfinned Eel, Shortfinned Harbour Tributary (T13 662 132) Eel, Koura Athenree tributary (T13 Banded Kokopu, Redfinned Bully, Koura 675 110) Unnamed tributary Giant Bully, Cockabully, Common Bully, Athenree (U13 717 144) Common Smelt, Inanga Tuapiro Creek Waitengaue Stream Banded Kokopu, Longfinned Eel, Redfinned Bully: Common Smelt: Common Bully Wharawhara Banded Kokopu, Common Smelt, Longfinned Stream Eel, Shortfinned Eel, Redfinned Bully Uretara Stream Redfinned Bully, Longfinned Eel, Inanga, Giant Kokopu, Common Smelt, Banded Kokopu, Koura, Common Bully, Shortfinned Eel, Torrentfish Boyd Stream Banded Kokopu, Longfinned Eel, Shortfinned Eel, Common Bully, Common Smelt, Torrentfish Boyd Stream Tributary Common Bully, Koura, Longfinned Eel, (T13 646 000) Unidentified Eel Te Mania Stream Common Bully, Common
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