SENATE COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Leadership Is Highlighted in Yellow, While New Members to the Committee Are in Bold
SENATE COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Leadership is highlighted in yellow, while new members to the committee are in bold. Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Majority Minority Pat Roberts, CHAIRMAN, Kansas Patrick Leahy, Vermont Thad Cochran, Mississippi Debbie Stabenow, RANKING, Michigan Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Sherrod Brown, Ohio John Boozman, Arkansas Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota John Hoeven, North Dakota Michael Bennet, Colorado Chuck Grassley, Iowa Kirsten Gillibrand, New York John Thune, South Dakota Joe Donnelly, Indiana David Perdue, Georgia Heidi Heitkamp, North Dakota Joni Ernst, Iowa Bob Casey, Pennsylvania Thom Tillis, North Carolina Ben Sasse, Nebraska Appropriations Majority Minority Thad Cochran, CHAIRMAN, Mississippi Patrick Leahy, Vermont Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Barbara Mikulski, RANKING, Maryland Richard Shelby, Alabama Patty Murray, Washington Lamar Alexander, Tennessee Dianne Feinstein, California (cont'd) (cont'd) 1 Susan Collins, Maine Dick Durbin, Illinois Lisa Murkowski, Alaska Jack Reed, Rhode Island Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Jon Tester, Montana Mark Kirk, Illinois Tom Udall, New Mexico Roy Blunt, Missouri Jeanne Shaheen, New Hampshire Jerry Moran, Kansas Jeff Merkley, Oregon John Hoeven, North Dakota Chris Coons, Delaware John Boozman, Arkansas Brian Schatz, Hawaii Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin Bill Cassidy, Louisiana Chris Murphy, Connecticut James Lankford, Oklahoma Steve Daines, Montana Armed Services Majority Minority John McCain, CHAIRMAN, Arizona Jack Reed, RANKING, Rhode Island
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