Teaching World History at Chinese Universities: Sity, Shanghai Nonnal L'~

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Teaching World History at Chinese Universities: Sity, Shanghai Nonnal L'~ Teaching Wo': - ,':-, :=- University, Jilin Uni\ef"::'.. '. c ­ Xia Jiguo, Wan Lanjuan sity, Shanghai Uni\ef"l:-..' ',~- ­ University, Hebei Nonn~: " -;:-:­ Teaching World History at Chinese Universities: sity, Shanghai Nonnal L'~. :--, A Survey University, Ningxia l"ni', e~< .. :.: University, Middle Chi:-:2 ,':-. Teachers' College. Sou:~. C--.=. Since the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949, and espe­ University, Liaocheng L~·. =~':­ cially since China carried out refonns from the policy of opening up, University of Science~ :\:~.~ '::~ enonnous progress has been made in world general history education in Shan Teachers' College. C ~-'-~ .::~ China. In order to create a picture of the current teaching conditions of Teachers' College. and J:-,-~.::'-~. this subject at institutions of higher education in China as weil as to teen ofthese uni\'ersitic, 2~c -~ :-.' pinpoint the main channels of transmitting knowledge about world his­ key nonna\ universitie, c:':~ =' ~ :-­ tory to students, we conducted a survey in early 2005. With this project (some are doub\e-counre':. we also intend to provide useful and practical infonnation for scholars are deans or president, \':".' . c', engaged in the study of world general histOI)' and to encourage teaching 14 are leading scholar, :~ :~c ::. refonns in this field. common teachers in 1\ I>".•i ': ., ­ cient to reflect the ba'l~ ~l- ::: :­ I. Statistical information fram the teacher survey China and that its res'.:::, :--: _ hand material that is th(\:.L:~:-:-~:, : We distributed one questionnaire to 50 universities, invlting a teacher At the 37 universities ~~.-. ;-<.::~ engaged in the teaching and study of ,mrld history to fill it out. I We in teaching and srud\ir.g , ­ received responses from the following 37 universities: East China Nor­ been abroad for fu~he: ,:~:: =, mal University, Shandong University, Wuhan University, Fudan Uni­ shows that the number of ~C':-: - ::: versity, Beijing Nonnal University, Sichuan University, People's Uni­ is 43 (12%); 31 to 40 :ca~'. :::, ': versity, Nanjing University, Nan Kai University, Northeast China respondents (31 %); 51 to f-, .. c ~ ­ years, 8 respondents (~''': I. -:-', c c ~ According to the discipline structure in the Ministry of Education of the People's is as folIows: 59 particira:-::-- ­ Republic of China, world his/OIY is one of eight subdisciplines under history. The have a masters degree. ar.': .:: . other subdisciplines are: theory and philosophy of history, archaeology and ticipants (72%) have a se;: IX :- ~ . :"=. museology, histarical geography, philosophy of historical documents, special history, ancient history of China, and modem history of China. Thus teachers Looking at the data abc" c. c':-' :'.~c who are engaged in the teaching and studying of world his/ory generally stay in who have been abroad for c' , the same teaching and research section. The main courses or subjects they of­ or senior title. there is no Cl.'-: :-.=. fered include: world general his/ory, special history, dynasty history, and na­ within the discipline of ". ': .. , tional or state history. Among them, world general his/orr is a compulsory these 37 schooJs into thre" :.;'~::- 2~ course or subject while others are selective. The education of world general his­ discipline of word his(ol-. tory is different from that in the U.S. and other countries, far world general his­ them. ' tory in China refers to the history of other countries except China, which means to harshly add up each national history. The so-called world his/ory in the U.S. and other countries, which is led by American research and is focused on global relationships and mutual cooperation, is named global histOlY by Chinese schol­ ars, so as to distinguish itself from the conceptions of world hislory and world general hislOry in China. COMPARATIV 16 (2006), Heft 1, S. 66-77. ./t" . ,h'~ S :Re P:''''''' t ' h,· Teaching World History at Chinese Universities: A Survey 67 University, Jilin University, Neimenggu University, Zhengzhou Univer­ sity, Shanghai University, Nanjing Normal University, Hunan Normal University, Hebei Normal University, Southwest China Normal Univer­ : Chinese Universities: sity, Shanghai Normal University, Qufu Normal University, Shanxi University, Ningxia University, Heilongjiang University, Anhui Normal University, Middle China Normal University, Huaibei Coal lndustry Teachers' College, South China Normal University, Capitai Normal _ '" :', _;.dc:d in 1949, and espe­ University, Liaocheng University, Hubei Teachers' College, Hunan :'~ ,-:-. ::-.~ policy of opening up, University of Science, Xihua Normal University, Yanan University, An ..- Z:,cr,ll hisfOlY education in Shan Teachers' College, Guangxi University for Nationalities, Baotou :' '_- c ~ _:-:-~:,,: kaching conditions of Teachers' College, and Jiangxi Science and Teachers' College, Seven­ - c,::.:':::::'. :;. China as weil as to teen of these universities are considered first-rate universities; 19 are the - _. -;: ,~,:.\ lc:dgc: about world his­ key normal universities of their province; and 4 are common universities -.:: - c.:<:. :1105. With this project (some are double-counted). Among the 37 persons who participated, 5 ..:: ::-:':.:, ~.: T. ;-om1ation for scholars are deans or presidents of universities that teach or study world history, - '::',': LO c:ncourage teaching 14 are leading scholars in the discipline of world hisfOry, and 18 are common teachers in world history. We believe that this survey is suff!­ cient to reflect the basic condition of world general history education in :::::-:' s... rvey China and that its results provide abundant and comprehensive first­ hand material that is thought-provoking. _:' . c:5i:ies. im'iting a teachcr At the 37 universities investigated, a total of 366 people are engaged ,; ;:._,:",ry to fill it out. l We in teaching and studying world history. Among these, 152 (42%) have -_:. :: - _:,,, '. ,;'~5Itic:s: East China Nor­ been abroad for further studies. An analysis of the age distribution ':'. _-,'::': l-niversiry, Fudan Uni­ shows that the number of respondents from the age group 20 to 30 years ~. ,.:::" :_:'.j\'~rsiry, People's Uni­ is 43 (12%); 31 to 40 years, 135 respondents (37%); 41 to 50 years, 112 !--:..::.. ;::5it\. '\Iortheast China respondents (31%); 51 to 60 years, 68 respondents (19%); and above 60 years, 8 respondents (2%). The highest educational level of participants . ,~~, .:' Edu.;ation ofthe People's is as follows: 59 participants (16%) have a bachelors degree, 107 (29%) :':- ;-- '_~~:<:;Jlinö under history, The have a masters degree, and 200 (54%) have a doctora\ degree. 263 par­ - . - -, ::' :-,i510ry, archaeology and ticipants (72%) have a senior professional tille. '>, ':o~l.;al documents, special Looking at the data above, especially at the large number of people - ,.:,- -,,~,~, 01' China. Thus teachers who have been abroad for further study and who hold a doctoral degree = "..i hislury generally stay in .' c~, :ourscs or subjects they 01'· or senior title, there is no doubt that there is a high level of achievement ':':. _ . <:~" dynasty history, and na­ within the discipline of world hisfOlY in recent years. Ycl if we c1assify " ',;.' /11.11011' is a compulsory these 37 schools into three kinds according to the standard or level ofthe , --: :~_-:J,ion ofwurld general his­ discipline of word history at each, we still find great differences among _~,~~:e5. _ '_ ,',,':'. for wurld general h/s­ them. '_- " " _~ :~'" n-:ept China, which means , -:--:-" <:.:ej Imrld h/slul)' in the U.S, - ,- __ - '>;;"~:h and is focused on global - ~,-: __ , -.;, hislOl)' by Chinese schol­ ,_ • ; ~ ~ : ~,5 ot \\Drld h/stury and world Xia Jiguo, Wan Lanjuan 68 Teaching Wor1c - ö:: -. =' Table 1: Teacher Qualifications 2. Which teaching met!:o":' course? Type Numberof Members Further Doctoral Senior universities employed study degree capability thoroughly explain emir", ~.: abroad emphasize key events ar,c ..: .•"c ~_ I I I 143 98 (69%) 101 (71%) 118(83%) ments II 17 158 49 (31%) 79 (50%) 106 (67%) supplement with extra ).;::0,:,,, .:;:" III 9 65 5 (80/0 20 (31%) 39 (60%) with international studie, ­ instruct students to lean; :-' ',.:: -, m,L::-:~ With regard to the total number of class hours of world general his/ory, plemented with extra ,_ we have infonnation on 36 universities. At 1 university the program tional studies spanned 6 semesters; at 9 universities, 5 semesters; at 13 universities, 4 other ways semesters; at 12 universities, 3 semesters; and at the remaining univer­ sity, 2 semesters. The total number of class hours at the different univer­ From these results \\e co::~:_"::: ~ sities are shown in Table 2. the basic foundations of." ',;:, incorporate the adnnc",": ':::::-::~ Table 2: Number of Class Hours of World General His/ory Teaching widen the students' hor:h:, ~. :: any suggestions for imr:':',-;: _: Universities Class hours ideas were offered. \\hie:- ;:::::. ' 3 400 and above further below (see Sect1o:: I: ,', :-:~:::: 12 301 to 399 respondents stated that -_ 12 251t0300 practice; the source-bui k:::.: : .. - _ ~:< 4 201 to 250 ened; materials or souree .-,:: 4 151 to 200 tions; and multimedia ma:",::::' ,. 1 150 and below argued that multimedia r.:",:c-: > ' they are only audio-\isua: ~.:' ::"-. Fourteen universities (38%) offered world general his/ory in their non­ ods of historical seiene", '\ -" ­ L~".' history departments, 18 universities (49%) did not offer it at all, and 5 should be eombined \\i(r, (15%) did not answer.
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