EDWARD NORMAN 1. Introduction and definitions. In this note we consider a discrete analogue of the transform

,TÍ-g}*ttg(y)£yi /(*)=/_;

This transform may be considered as a ; accordingly our analogue will take the form

00 f(n) = £ k(n — m)g(m) —00

where the kernel sequence k(n) is to be appropriately chosen. The choice of k(n) is motivated as follows. One way in which the kernel e~y '* arises in the theory of the con- volution transform is by consideration of the class of kernels whose bilateral is of the form 6*ñ(i--)x- (1.1) «-V -tlak i \ aj When c = 0 we obtain the class of kernels whose analogue was con- sidered by Pollard and Standish [4] where the kernels formed a sub- class of the totally positive sequences. The totally positive sequences can be characterized as sequences having a generating of the form

(1.2) «""■«"II 1 7:-7Z—r-77(1 - a,z)(i - bjZ-1)

(see [l]). The factor eaz+h'~ in (1.2) corresponds to the factor e" in (1.1). Letting a = b = v/2 we have the familiar expansion

eC/2) (H-*"1) = Y,Im(v)zm

Received by the editors February 10, 1959 and, in revised form, October 22, 1959. 1 This work is part of a doctoral thesis done under the direction of Professor Harry Pollard at Cornell University. * See Hirschman and Widder [3] for the theory of the Weierstrass transform.

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where Im(v) is the modified Bessel coefficient of the first kind. We take the sequence {J„(l )}"__„= {j„} "«, as the kernel of our transform

(1.3) /(«) = 23 In-mg(m).

Before proceeding further we list some elementary properties of the functions In(v). (v/2Y (i) J»(») = £ w = 0, ±1, ± o s!(s + w)! (Ü) Ir.(v) = I-n(v) ; In(-V) = (- l)»In(v), 2(l/2)'»i ^ , „. ^ 3(1/2)1-1 (iii) —j—¡—- S InW S —¡—r—t

(iv) In(v + V') = ¿ In-m(v)Im(v').

If we take g(m) = 2|m||»z| !/(1-)-»í2) it is clear, by (iii), that (2.13) converges only for the value w = 0. We therefore define the transform (1.3) only when it converges for all w. Define the operators ô and 5_1 by the equations 5/(w) =/(w-l), 6-1/(w)=/(w+l). Then by analogy with the theory of the Weierstrass transform we may expect (1.3) to be inverted by the operator e~ai2ns+s~ ' inter- preted as (1.4) [«-»'»<«+|-1>]/(n) = lim £ (-l)mImf(n-m)/T(l + im). i-»o+ _„ The method of summation adopted in (1.4) is a regular method introduced by Mittag-Leffier (see [2; p. 72]). The motivation for choosing Mittag-Leffier summation as the "natural" method for the inversion operator is indicated in the table below.


Kernel Im 1/m!

Convergence factor l/T(l+f|m|) i->0 +

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Unfortunately the operator (1.4) will not serve to invert all con- vergent transforms (1.3). For example let ' 2mm\ m > 1, g(m) = mlogm 10 mal. Then, if «>0 say, we have " 2mm\ " 2mm\

/(») = Ei I«-»—-'mloe m > E i 2|n-™l | « - w | !wlog ' " 2"w! " mn > Et-TT——„ (m — n) \mlos m > E „ wlog m

If in the last sum above we consider only the term with m= [enl2] we obtain

/(») > 0(e"2/4) » -» + oo ;

and (1.4) does not converge for any value of t. In view of the above we restrict attention to the class of determin- ing sequences g(m) which satisfy the condition g(m) = 0(\m\ !xl"*l) as |m|—>oo, where x is strictly less than 2. We abbreviate this re- striction by writing g(m) EX. 2. The inversion theorem. We first find the order of the transform.

Theorem 1. // g(m)EX then /(«) = 22"„ In-mg(m) converges ab- solutely for all «, and (2.1) /(«) = 0(2l"'| «|!(2/x- l)-l"l) | «| ->°o. Proof. The first statement is obvious. To prove the second, note that since the order conditions on g(m) and Im are the same for «z—>+ and m—►—<» the same is true of/(«). It is therefore suffi- cient to prove the theorem for «—>+ oo.

|/M| £¿7»—U(»»)| +iln-m\g(m)\ =S' + S. —oo 0

Since «>0 it is clear that 5'^const. Y1ô(x/2)m/mn—»0 as «—»<».

» (x/2)mm\ °° 5 g const. 2" Yj -■ = const. xn Y (m + 1) - ' ' (m + n)(x/2)m. n (m — «) ! o

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The formula

CO E (m + 1) ■ • • (m + n)ym = w!/(l - y)n+1, y < 1 0 may be proved by induction. Hence we have

xnn\ S < const.-= const. 2"w!(2/x — 1)_". (1 - x/2)« Theorem 2. If g(n)^X and f(n) = E-» In-mg(m), then

00 (2.2) lim 2~2(-l)mImf(n-m)/Y(\ + t\m\) = g(n). t—0+ -«,

Proof. There is no loss of generality in taking w = 0. For any i>0

CO £(-i)»jm/(-w)/r(i + i|w|) —00 00 00 = E (-l)mIm/T(l + t\m\) E I-m-rg(r) m =—oo r=—oo

00 00 00 = Z g(r) E (-l)"'J-m_rJm/r(l + i|W|)= E g(r)p(r,l). r=—co ffi=—co r=—oo The interchange of summations is justified by the estimate of Theo- rem 1. Since CO CO m(o, o) = E (-i)raJ-m(i)Jm(i) = £/-«(l)/m(-l) = Jo(0) = 1 —00 —co (see iv) the theorem will be established if we show

CO (2.3) lim 2Zg(r)p(r,t) = 0, <-o+ i

(2.4) lim 2Zg(r)p(r,t) =0. <-*>+ -co We will prove (2.3) ; the proof of (2.4) is entirely similar. As a first step let us replace l/r(l-f-i| m\ ) by the contour integral 1 1 c(0+) e" —j-¡— =- I — u-'imldu T(l + t\m\) 2-kíJ _„ u where the path of integration is as shown, the circle being of radius greater than one.

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arg «=— ir

Define the function K = K(t) =21"(2/x-1)"1", so that K-> + as <—>+ .' For any ¿>0 we have

» 00 00 ~ (0+) gu 2« E «W/*(r,0 = E «to E (- Dm/m/n,-r 1 —8-«l"ld8 1 r«*»l m——oo ** —oo W = EgtoE(-Dm(---) f (•••)*» + E«WE(-!)"•(•••)f (•••■)* + EiWE(-!)"(••■)f (•••)* = 5 + 5! + Si. The path C runs from u=—K(argu=—ir) round the circle and back to u— —K(ar% u = ir), G runs from -»to —if (arg u= —«•), C2 runs from —K to — « (arg « = 7r). We show now that lim,_0+ Si = 0; the argument showing Iim(<0+ S2 = 0 is the same.

\$l\ S £ I «to I £ W»-» f — 8-«l»l¿8 r-1 m—oo »Ci *

^ 0 + .

' It is essential to the proof that K—>°o. This is not the case when *S2/3. But in that event the sum (1.4), with t = 0, converges, and the proof that (1.4) inverts (1.3) is trivial. We therefore assume from now on that *>2/3.

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The proof has now been reduced to showing that S—>0 as t—>0+ . To this end we make use of the formula [5, p. 441] 2 ("I*f'l* Jm(l)Jr_m(l) = — I Jr(2 cos 8) cos (2m - r)6dd. IT J on We obtain, setting u~' = w,

IT oo oo *%x/2 i* eu S=2~2g(r) E (-l)m I Jr(2 cos 8) cos (2m - r)8d8 j —w^du 2 r=l m—oo / 0 » C U

CO - E g(r)v(r, t). r-l Estimate of v(r, t). Since | w\ <1 along the entire path C, we may write

/' e" crl2 ! °° ) — | Jr(2 cos 8) < E (-1)1"«"» cos (2w - r)ô> ¿0¿m. C U J o \ m--co J " 1 - W2 2_! (— í)mw^ cos(2w - r)8 = cos(rô) ■ 1 + 2w cos 20 + w2 We now have "l2 IT(2 cos 8) cos rö /' -e" (1 - «,*)I rT/2 - dddu. 0 « J o 1 + 2w cos 20 + w2 The integral 1*l* IT(2 cos 8) cos r0 /. r/2 de 0 1 + 2w cos 20 + w2

may be estimated as follows. Replace Jr(2 cos 8) by the sum (i) and interchange the order of summation and integration to obtain

co { p ' T/2i/2 (cos)| 8r+2s cos r0 (2.5)•5) Qr(w) = E}_, -77--77—T- I 7-;d8. ,=o i!(f + s)[J o 1 + 2w cos 28 + w2

The integral appearing in (2.5) is now estimated by contour integra- tion. It is easily verified that

/.x/2 1 /* 2t (■■■)dd = - ( -. - )dêt o 4 / o and so the standard substitution cos 0 = 1/2(2 + 1/3), z = ei6 yields

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cTlî r (z2 + i)r+2s(32r +1) i2*+2>+3I ( ■• • )dd = I-dz J o J |,|=i z2^2'-1^4 + (1 + w2)z2 + w)

= I (z)dz + I p2(z)dz J M=l J \z\-\ where

(Z2 + 1)H-* Pi(z) = Z2,-1(WZ4 + (1 + W2)32 + W) (z2 + 1)--+2' P2(z) = 22r+2S-l(w24 _|_ (1 _|_ w2)z2 _|_ w)

Both pi(z) and p2(z) have poles at 2 = 0 and at the zeros of wzi + (l+w2)z2+w, that is, at 2= +iw112, ±i/w112. The points ±iw112 lie inside the unit circle, while +i/w112 lie outside. Estimate of J\z\=\pi(z)dz. Let a be a real positive number such that

1 | , 1/1 IV'2 a < inf — | w1/2 -1(1-1)' uec 2 2 \x 2/

/I Pi(z)dz\ = If I Pl(z)dz\+I .I Respi(z) .|2_±1v/2 |zl=l I J |i|=a

HI r+2s Res pi(z) !_+<„»» = 2 | w' | | 1 — w21

(a2+ 1)--+2« /pi(z)dz Pi(z)dz = 2ira2-:—:-Mi(w) 1*1-«i,

where Mi(w)=sup\z\=a | wz+(l+w2)z2+w2| _1. Afi(w) certainly ex- ists since the choice of a assures that wz4 + (l +w2)z2+w2 is bounded away from zero for |z| =a. Now, fix a so small that x(a2 + l) <2. Estimate of f\z\=ipz(z)dz. Let ß be a real positive number such that 2 ß > sup 2/ w1'2 = -, »eC ' ' /l IX1'2 VT~T/

/I p2(z)dz = I If p2(«)az li+ | Res p2(z) i|z„±nww,

w r+2» Res p2(z) |z_±i/u,i'2 = 2 I W « 1 - W2

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(ß2 + iy+2' p2(z)dz g 2irß2-M2(w) 1/ «2r+2« where M¡(w)=sup¡z¡^\wzi + (í+w2)z2+w\~l. The choice of ß as- sures that M2(w) exists. Now fix ß so large that x(ß2 + l)/ß2<2. We are now ready to give the estimate of v(r, t).

/' I —eu I | 1 - w21 | Qr(w)| | du I c\ u \ where « 1 ill- w\r+23 (a2 + ly+^Mt Q(w)s E-\t-t-,—!-r + x-- Zl sl(r + s)l2r+2> 11 w\°\ 1 - w2\ a2'-2 (2.6) (02 + 1)^+2^^ _|_ 2v-} . 02r+2a—2 I

The estimate (2.6) enables us to write

CO E I g(r) | | v(r, t) | (2.7) * f \ — \\ l-w2\ j¿ \g(r)\ \Qr(w)\\du. J c\ u \ \ i ; The proof is now completed by breaking (2.7) into three parts cor- responding to the three sums in (2.6). Call these parts J\, T2, and T3. We give the details showing J\—>0 as i—>0+ . The details for T2 and Tí are similar, and somewhat simpler after observing that Mi(w) and M2(w) are bounded for w£C (again by the choice of a and ß).

— | 1 - w21 /'«Hic\ u I i í A i i A 1 I l - w\r+2" ) • < E g(r) E - T^-r-,-!-rt fa- il Í-Í sl(r + s)l2*+2° \w\°\ 1 - w2\ ) Since (r+s)\^r\s\ and since 22s(s!)2^(2s)! we have • 1 | 1 - w Ir+23

tZ s\(r + s)I2r+2' \w\'\l-w2\ I 1 - wV A I 1 - w\2s 1 . e\l-w\l\w\l | 1 - w21 rl2* tZ (\w\ i'2)28 (25) ! | 1 - w2 \r !2r so that

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/' \ -Lu-.i/h'^^J-Le" \ °° 1 — wW\ \r \d, cl « I i 2rr!

/' I eu I „„ | 1 — w-' I du] cl M I 1 — x/2 1 — M' where Ai is a constant. Break the path C into two parts, C* and C* as shown: C* i i _l__

v -K -AT

Given €>0 choose / so small that there is a fixed positive number N

/. elu'-l||u|« -!-1- I 1 —u~' I ¿M < - c. 1 - x/2 | 1 - «"' | 2 and also sud | 1 1 - N-* PC

(2.9) <-(2 VJc'l f l-U'-1'"""2-Î-rl*»lÜ « I 1 - x/2 | 1 - «-'I '/ This can be done by virtue of the fact that K—->+ » as /—»0+ and the fact that the integrals in (2.8) and (2.9) are seen, by elementary estimates, to be bounded independently of t. Thus Ti

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