MOC Bibliografi

Relevant litteratur på Internet

- A History of Aragon and Catalonia, Henry John Chaytor - A History of and Portugal, vol 1, Stanley G. Payne - Chronicle, James I King of Aragon, transl. by John Forster - The Chronicle of Alphonso the Emperor, transl by G. E. Lipskey - The Spanish and Portuguese Reconquest, C.J. Bishko

Bibliografi i urval

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4.ABULAFIA, David & GARI, Blanca : En las Costas del Mediterràneo Occidental (Omega, Barcelona, 1996)

5.ACTON, Sir Harold : The Bourbons of Naples 1734-1825 (Methuen & Co. Ltd, London 1956)

6.ACTON, Sir Harold : The Last Bourbons of Naples 1825-1861 (Methuen & Co. Ltd, London 1961)

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18. ALMANACH DE GOTHA, 1999 (1 av 31) [2007-10-23 19:00:58] MOC Bibliografi




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