Sound Learning Audiobook Collection Lists & Samples
Sound Learning Audiobook Collection Lists & Samples Use this annotated list to guide your audiobook collection development and implementation of audiobooks to meet Common Core State Standards. Click on each title to hear an audio clip. Sound Learning and Early Childhood Support for Literacy There are millions of sounds in the world, and the most powerful of all is the human voice. From infancy, children become attuned to their parents’ voices as well as the noises around them: the weather outside, road traffic, music, dogs barking, and so much more. These sounds create a bridge from the child’s developing brain to the very beginnings of early literacy --what children know about language, reading, and writing before they can actually read or write. A good story, well told, increases vocabulary and assists children in learning how words are put together to construct meaning. The more words a child hears, especially “rare” words not used in everyday conversation, the more likely they are to be successful in school. In presentations to preschool teachers and librarians, audiobook-friendly picture book author Jamie A. Swenson talks about using both rare words and onomatopoeia in her books for young children, specifically to help grow vocabulary and to encourage children, and the grown-ups who share books with them, to have fun with language. Both Swenson and Michelle R. Weirich, Lead Early Childhood Education Instructor at Blackhawk Technical College in Beloit, Wisconsin, advocate using picture book read- alongs with young children at home, in libraries, and in preschool classrooms. Swenson’s experiences working with young children in the library setting has led to her understanding the important role played by picture book read-alongs in supporting the six principles of early literacy: print motivation, print awareness, phonological awareness, vocabulary, narrative skills, and letter knowledge.
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