
Formation of Gametes ( & )

1 Facts About Meiosis ü 4 haploid daughter cells are produced (each contain half the number of as the original ) ü Produces gametes (eggs & sperm) ü Occurs in the testes in males () ü Occurs in the ovaries in ()

2 Meiosis: Two Part Sister chromatids separate Homologous Chromosomes separate

Meiosis Meiosis I II


Diploid Haploid 3 Why Do we Need Meiosis?

ü sexual ü two haploid (1n) gametes are brought together through fertilization to form a diploid (2n)

4 Fertilization

2n = 6

1n =3

5 Meiosis I: Reduction Division

Telophase I Late Prophase I Anaphase I (haploid) Metaphase I

Nucleus Spindle fibers Early Prophase I Nuclear ( number doubled envelope because has gone through S phase of )

6 Prophase I

Early prophase Late prophase ü Homologs pair ü Chromosomes condense. through synapsis ü Spindle forms. forming tetrads. ü Nuclear envelope breaks ü Crossing over down. 7 occurs. Crossing-Over

Crossing-over multiplies the already huge number of different gamete types produced by independent assortment 8 Metaphase I

Homologous pairs of chromosomes align across from each other along the equator of the cell. Random alignment is called Independent

Assortment. 9 Anaphase I

Homologs separate and move to opposite poles.

Sister chromatids remain attached at their centromeres.

10 Telophase I

Nuclear envelopes reassemble.

Spindle disappears.

Cleavage furrow forms and cytokinesis divides cell into two.

11 Prophase II

Nuclear envelope breaks down.

Spindle forms.

12 Metaphase II

Chromosomes align On the equator of cells.

13 Anaphase II Equator

Pole Sister chromatids separate and move to opposite poles.

14 Telophase II

Nuclear envelope assembles.

Chromosomes decondense.

Spindle disappears.

Cytokinesis divides cell into two. 15 Results of Meiosis Gametes ( & sperm) form

Four haploid cells with one copy of each chromosome


Oogenesis or Spermatogenesis

17 17 Spermatogenesis ü Occurs in the testes ü Meiosis produces 4 ü Spermatids mature into sperm ü Men produce about 250,000,000 sperm per day

18 Spermatogenesis in the Testes


19 Oogenesis ü Occurs in the ovaries before birth ü Two divisions produce 3 polar bodies that die and 1 egg ü Polar bodies die because of unequal division of cytoplasm ü Immature egg called ü Starting at , one oocyte matures into an ovum (egg) every 28 days

20 Oogenesis First polar body may divide a (haploid) X a Polar bodies X a die X a X Meiosis I Meiosis II A X (if fertilization occurs) A (diploid) Primary oocyte X (diploid) A X Ovum (egg) Mature Secondary A egg oocyte X (haploid) Second polar body (haploid) 21 Comparison of Divisions Mitosis Meiosis Number of 1 2 divisions Number of 2 4 daughter cells Genetically identical cells Yes No made? Chromosome # Same as Half of parent to make Where cells gametes When Throughout life At Growth and Role repair 22