An Overview of the Upper Palaeozoic–Mesozoic Stratigraphy of the NE Atlantic Region

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An Overview of the Upper Palaeozoic–Mesozoic Stratigraphy of the NE Atlantic Region Downloaded from at British Geological Survey on October 5, 2016 An overview of the Upper Palaeozoic–Mesozoic stratigraphy of the NE Atlantic region M. S. STOKER1*, M. A. STEWART1, P. M. SHANNON2, M. BJERAGER3, T. NIELSEN3, A. BLISCHKE4, B. O. HJELSTUEN5, C. GAINA6,K.MCDERMOTT2,7 &J.O´ LAVSDO´ TTIR8 1British Geological Survey, The Lyell Centre, Research Avenue South, Riccarton, Edinburgh EH14 4AP, UK 2School of Geological Sciences, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland 3Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Øster Vøldgade 10, DK-1350 Copenhagen, Denmark 4I´SOR (Iceland Geosurvey), Deptartment of Energy Technology, Rangarvellir, PO Box 30, 602 Akureyri, Iceland 5Department of Earth Sciences, University of Bergen, Allegaten 41, N-5007 Bergen, Norway 6Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics, University of Oslo, Postbox 1028, Blindern, N-0135 Oslo, Norway 7Present address: ION Geophysical, 1st Floor, Integra House, Vicarage Road, Egham TW20 9JZ, UK 8Jarðfeingi, Brekkutı´n 1, PO Box 3059, FO-110 To´rshavn, Faroe Islands *Corresponding author (e-mail: [email protected]) Abstract: This study describes the distribution and stratigraphic range of the Upper Palaeozoic– Mesozoic succession in the NE Atlantic region, and is correlated between conjugate margins and along the axis of the NE Atlantic rift system. The stratigraphic framework has yielded important new constraints on the timing and nature of sedimentary basin development in the NE Atlantic, with implications for rifting and the break-up of the Pangaean supercontinent. From a regional per- spective, the Permian–Triassic succession records a northwards transition from an arid interior to a passively subsiding, mixed carbonate–siliciclastic shelf margin. A Late Permian–earliest Triassic rift pulse has regional expression in the stratigraphic record. A fragmentary paralic to shallow- marine Lower Jurassic succession reflects Early Jurassic thermal subsidence and mild extensional tectonism; this was interrupted by widespread Mid-Jurassic uplift and erosion, and followed by an intense phase of Late Jurassic rifting in some (but not all) parts of the NE Atlantic region. The Cre- taceous succession is dominated by thick basinal-marine deposits, which accumulated within and along a broad zone of extension and subsidence between Rockall and NE Greenland. There is no evidence for a substantive and continuous rift system along the proto-NE Atlantic until the Late Cretaceous. Gold Open Access: This article is published under the terms of the CC-BY 3.0 license. The NE Atlantic region incorporates the conjugate to the Arctic Ocean via the Fram Strait, which devel- continental margins of NW Europe (between SW oped as a result of transtensional shear between Ireland and northern Norway) and East Greenland, North Greenland and the western Barents Sea; to as well as the intervening NE Atlantic Ocean. The the south, the NE Atlantic Ocean is separated from latter is an area of complex bathymetry and structure the North Atlantic Ocean by the Charlie-Gibbs Frac- that includes both active and extinct spreading ture Zone. ridges, Iceland and its insular margin, the Green- For much of the Phanerozoic eon, the NE Atlantic land–Iceland–Faroe Ridge Complex, and the Jan region experienced a shared geological develop- Mayen microcontinent (JMMC) (Fig. 1; Table 1). ment since its amalgamation – the collision of Bal- To the north, the NE Atlantic Ocean is connected tica and Laurentia to form Laurussia – during the From:Pe´ron-Pinvidic, G., Hopper, J. R., Stoker, M. S., Gaina, C., Doornenbal, J. C., Funck,T.&A´ rting,U.E. (eds) The NE Atlantic Region: A Reappraisal of Crustal Structure, Tectonostratigraphy and Magmatic Evolution. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 447, # 2016 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. Publishing disclaimer: Downloaded from at British Geological Survey on October 5, 2016 M. S. STOKER ET AL. Fig. 1. Map showing location of NAG-TEC study area, with geographical regions, geoseismic profile locations and key structural elements referred to in the text (modified after Hopper et al. 2014). See Table 1 for key to structural element abbreviations. Map information: the Geodetic Reference System is WGS 1984; the Projection is Lambert Conformal Conic with Central Meridian of 240, and standard parallels of 55 and 75. Downloaded from at British Geological Survey on October 5, 2016 THE UPPER PALAEOZOIC–MESOZOIC OF THE NE ATLANTIC Table 1. Explanation of structural element Table 1. Continued abbreviations in Figure 1 EJMFZ East Jan Mayen Fracture Zone European margin GFZ Greenland Fracture Zone ANB Annika Sub-basin MFZ Molloy Fracture Zone BARM Bjarmeland Platform SFZ Spitsbergen Fracture Zone BJØR Bjørnøya Basin SeFZ Senja Fracture Zone CB Corona Sub-basin WJMFZ West Jan Mayen Fracture Zone ERB Erris Basin FLB Flett Sub-basin FOB Foula Sub-basin FSTB Fastnet Basin Late Silurian Scandic phase of the Caledonian Oro- GJAL Gjallar Ridge geny: its subsequent Late Palaeozoic incorporation GSB Goban Spur Basin into the Pangaean supercontinent; the prolonged HALT Halten Terrace history of extension linked to the Mesozoic break- HAMM Hammerfest Basin up of Pangaea; and, ultimately, the early–mid- HARS Harstad Basin Cenozoic opening of the NE Atlantic Ocean (Ziegler HH Hatton High 1988; Dore´ et al. 1999; Roberts et al. 1999; Torsvik JB Judd Sub-basin et al. 2002; Pharaoh et al. 2010). The assembly of JH Judd High LOPP Loppa High Pangaea resulted from the convergence and colli- NBB North Bro´na Basin sion of Laurussia with Gondwana (from the south), NERB NE Rockall Basin with final suturing – in the NE Atlantic region – NLB North Lewis Basin marked by the Late Carboniferous–Early Permian NMB North Minch Basin Variscan Orogeny. However, the development of NORD Nordland Ridge Permian–Triassic rift basins over a large part of NORK Nordkapp Basin the west European and NE Atlantic regions marks NYKH Nyk High the onset of instability shortly after the assemblage OHH Outer Hebrides High of Pangaea. This instability was driven by a number RH Rockall High ROH Rona High of processes, including the late spreading collapse SHLMB Sea of the Hebrides–Little Minch Basin of the Variscan orogen, the southwards propagation SLB Slyne Basin of rifting emanating from the Arctic and the open- SNAG Sørvestsnaget Basin ing of the neo-Tethys (Williams & McKie 2009). TROM Tromsø Basin This early rift phase instigated a long period of TRØN Trøndelag Platform post-Variscan extension that eventually culminated VESL Veslemøy High in early–mid-Cenozoic break-up of this wide VIGS Vigrid Syncline rifted region. WFB West Flannan Basin In general terms, the tectonic evolution of this WLB West Lewis Basin WOB West Orkney Basin region has been dominated by several phases of epi- WSHB West Shetland Basin sodic extension, which are increasingly attributed to the interaction of a southwards-propagating ‘Arctic’ East Greenland margin and Jan Mayen rift and a northwards-propagating ‘Atlantic’ rift microcontinent (Dore´ 1992; Dore´ et al. 1999; Roberts et al. 1999; AMBA Ammassalik Basin EGRD East Greenland Ridge Lundin & Dore´ 2005a; Ellis & Stoker 2014). The JMB Jan Mayen Basin break-up phase that led to the formation of the NE JMLB Jameson Land Basin Atlantic Ocean was accompanied by magmatic JMMC Jan Mayen Microcontinent activity, which some authors attribute to an ‘Ice- JMRN Jan Mayen Ridge North land’ mantle plume (e.g. White 1988, 1989; White KDLP Koldewey Platform & McKenzie 1989; White & Lovell 1997; Small- KGLB Kangerlussuaq Basin wood et al. 1999; Skogseid et al. 2000; Smallwood LPLB Liverpool Land Basin & White 2002), whereas others argue that rifting NDHB North Danmarkshavn Basin and break-up can be wholly explained by plate tec- SDHB South Danmarkshavn Basin THBA Thetis Basin tonic mechanisms, lithospheric thinning and vari- WFLB Wollaston Forland Basin able decompressive melting along the rifts (e.g. WSB Wandel Sea Basin Foulger & Anderson 2005; Foulger et al. 2005; Lun- din & Dore´ 2005a, b; Ellis & Stoker 2014). Oceanic fracture zones Within the NE Atlantic region, Roberts et al. BFZ Bight Fracture Zone CGFZ Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone (1999) perceived the ‘Arctic’ rift to extend south- ward via the Norwegian–Greenland area into the (Continued) West Shetland area and the North Sea, whereas Downloaded from at British Geological Survey on October 5, 2016 M. S. STOKER ET AL. the ‘Atlantic’ rift comprises the SE Greenland, Heb- on the maps of Ziegler (1988), thereby perpetuating rides, Rockall, Porcupine and the western Celtic Sea all of their inherent limitations. This is particularly areas. The overall rift system is generally fairly sim- evident in that part of the NE Atlantic region ple in the Greenland–Norway region, but becomes between NW Britain/Ireland and SE Greenland – more complex with different rift arms from the SE the critical rift tip overlap area in the dual rift Greenland–Faroe–Shetland region southwards. model – where the Late Palaeozoic–Mesozoic Arguably, this is why Roberts et al. (1999) divided rock record is very fragmentary and only sparsely the overall system into the Arctic (simple, northern) known (cf. Ritchie et al. 2011a; Hitchen et al. and the Atlantic (more complex, southern) rifts. 2013). Thus, reconstructions that currently show Whilst taking into consideration this north–south linked Permo-Triassic, Jurassic and Early Creta- variation in structural complexity, we prefer to use ceous rift basins across this area are largely without the term ‘NE Atlantic’ for the entire rift system – any robust foundation. excluding the North Sea – in this paper, which we In view of the uncertainty relating to the suggest is a more accurate indicator of the geograph- pre-break-up configuration of the NE Atlantic rift ical domain that we are focused upon, and does not system, this paper focuses on the Upper Palaeo- force or perpetuate this subdivision without a more zoic–Mesozoic (Permian–Cretaceous) rock record rigorous analysis of its history of rifting (see below).
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