THE GREEK AUSTRALIAN The oldest circulating Greek newspaper outside VEMA Greece JANUARY 2015 Tel. (02) 9559 7022 Fax: (02) 9559 7033 E-mail: [email protected] DISCIPLINEANGELICA IN SOTIRIOU THE HOME Painting with the colours of Creation PAGES 16/34 - 17/35

Archbishop Stylianos visits new Greek Community building in Melbourne His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos, made a historic visit to the new building of the Greek Community of Melbourne, on Thursday De- cember 31, 2014. PAGE 15/33 ELDER PAISIOS CANONIZED

Big increase in the number Elder Paisios was canonized on 13 January 2015 by Cappadocia. He is famous for his spiritual teachings. the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Saint Many people worldwide, especially in Greece and in of students opting for Paisios of (Greek: Όσιος Παΐσιος ο Αγιο- Russia, highly venerate Elder Paisios. Ancient Greek in Australia ρείτης), born Arsenios Eznepidis (1924–1994), was a Students studying Ancient Greek at the Uni- well-known Eastern Orthodox from Farasa, Cont. page 5/23 versity of Melbourne have doubled since 2010. It is indicative that the interest in An- cient Greek and Latin language studies is growing in Australia, Asia and worldwide. GGrraanntt ooff $$99,,995500 ttoo tthhee HHoollyy PAGE 4/22 MMoonnaasstteerryy ooff SStt GGeeoorrggee aatt YYeellllooww RRoocckk PAGE 2/20

90th Anniversary Celebrations in Perth Official celebrations took place in Perth to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the laying of the Foundation Stone of the Church of Sts Constantine and Helene. PAGE 6/24 JANUARY 2015 2/20 TO BHMA The Greek Australian VEMA

Greek National Theatre to transform Rex into Athenian theatre hub

Xylouris family music tradition coming soon on cinemas Re-opening the Rex as a theatre may contribute to the gentrification of Omonia The documentary ‘A Family Affair’ is going to be By Nikos Vatopoulos - Kathimerini, Athens The theatre’s management also hopes that the oper- released this month in cinemas across Greece, Aus- ation of the Rex complex as a purely theatrical venue - tralia and the US. A recent ruling by an Athens court granting the Greek it had been best known for hosting Greek music acts - The film’s production was made possible by a National Theatre the right to use a large theatre on the will contribute toward efforts to gentrify the Omonia successful Kickstarter campaign in March 2014, ground floor of a building it owns in the city center is district. which helped to cover initial shooting in Australia expected to contribute to efforts for the gentrification The building, whose exterior has already been reno- and trigger the support of ABC TV Australia, the of Omonia Square and its environs. vated, will also be refurbished inside, with plans includ- Greek Film Centre and OTE-TV, and most recently The plan is for all three stages to be utilized by the ing making it fully accessible to people with mobility NERIT, the Greek public broadcaster. National Theatre to present different kinds of works, problems. The film follows three generations of musicians with the initial idea being to use the biggest of three These ambitious plans will be possible after careful fi- of the Xylouris family who uphold and pass on the stages, on the ground-floor level, for musicals, a genre nancial management resulted in the National Theatre vibrant tradition of Cretan music, performing cea- that has been gaining increasing popularity in Greece paying off all of its debts and ending September with a selessly to followers across the world. It captures but does not have a solid presence. surplus to the tune of 260,000 euros. how music is passed on from father to son to Hatzakis hopes that he will be able to launch the new The Rex was built in 1935 and designed by architects grandchildren, in a contemporary Greek-Australian initiative with a major international production of an Leonidas Bonis and Vassilis Kassandras to resemble the family, brought together by their love of music. acclaimed musical such as “The Phantom of the Opera” grand art deco theaters of New York. A short version of the film, entitled ‘Sounds Like to generate a buzz about the venue and the National It was the first venue for large spectacles to operate Home’ was aired on ABC Australia in October 2013. Theatre’s initiative to branch out into new genres. in Athens. Grant of $9,950 to the Holy Monastery of St at Yellow Rock (NSW)

The Very Rev. Fr. Kyriakos Stavronikitianos accepting the cheque at St George Bank in Springwood from the Branch Manager Mr Dean Berry

The Holy Monastery of St George, at Yellow Rock NSW, received a grant of $9,950 from Westpac Group, in support to the Replacing Workshop and Equipment for Vol- unteers project, following last years devastating bushfires. The cheque was received by the Abbott of the Monastery, the Very Rev. Fr Kyriakos Stavronikitianos. The grant application was completed, voluntarily and with Father Kyriakos’ bless- ing, by Mrs Christina Efthymiades, on behalf of St George Monastery at Yellow Rock under Westpac Group’s Natural Disaster Recovery Fund. The presentation of the cheque was organised at the St George Branch in Spring- wood on Thursday 18th December. JANUARY 2015 The Greek Australian VEMA TO BHMA 3/21

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity By Pantelis Boukalas - Kathimerini, Athens

Even if we have difficulty grappling with complex and complicated notions, and even if we are ruled by an urge to divide the world into Good and Evil, Light and Darkness, Civilized and Barbaric, it is still neces- sary to turn an ear to the lessons of history. A first lesson is that Good and Evil have no geo- graphic relevance. Good exists in no greater quantity in Europe and America than in Asia and Africa, and the same goes for evil. In recent history, the West has on numerous occasions flirted with the forces of Evil to promote its interests, which should make us skep- tical to claims of purity and goodness. A second lesson is that the religious and cultural map that we have come up with in a bid to conve- niently give locations to our ideas is too a product of biased fantasy. No matter what the Scriptures say, there has never been a religion that was purely be- nign. Similarly, no civilization in history has ever been virtuous and immaculate through and through. Our Greco-Roman legacy has its own failings simply be- cause it was the product of history, not metaphysics. So if we insist on treating history as a clash of civi- lizations, the conflict is not one between Western and Afro-Asian civilizations, or between the Christian and Muslim religions. The dividing line is between the culture of freedom, A French national flag remains hung at the statue named 'Le triomphe de la Republique' (Republic Triumph) by French solidarity, tolerance and democracy on the one hand, artist Jules Dalou, in the Place de la Nation (Nation square), on Monday, a day after demonstrators put during a unity rally ‘Marche Republicaine' in tribute to the 17 victims of a three-day killing spree by homegrown Islamists. and the culture of violence, intolerance, authoritari- anism, religious zeal and theocracy on the other. The the locus of ideological fermentation. The crowds did against those who sow or exploit fear. two camps are clear, but they have no relevance to not protest against a specific religion or race - after Demonstrators did not just carry “Je suis” signs, geography or race. After all, how can one forget US all, the demonstrators came from different races and which could be interpreted as an indication of ephe- President George Bush, a religious fundamentalist in religions. They did not demonstrate against refugees meral emotional identification. Other signs carried spite of his Western background? and migrants that supposedly threaten to Islamicize the revolutionary slogans that have inspired genera- Among other things, the above was underscored in the West. Rather, they demonstrated against those tions of people across races and religions. “Liberty, the massive demonstrations in France, a country who try to install fear while speaking and killing in the Equality, Fraternity.” The one and only chapter of an which has once more drawn the eyes of the world as name of - absent or ignorant - gods. They protested ever-timeless gospel.

SPEECH NIGHT 2014 An evening of Excellence and Achievement

Left: His Grace Bishop Iakovos of Miletoupolis with guest speakers Mr David Feeney MP, journalist and former newsreaderMr George Donikian, the Parish Priest Fr Dimitrios Catrinei, College VP Mrs Denise Summers, and the College Principal, Dr Charalampos Ladopoulos. Centre and Right: Dr Ladopoulos with students/recipients of awards On Wednesday 10th December St John’s College (VIC) acknowledged the great reputation and exceptional cal- life on the importance of setting one’s aims high and held its annual Speech Night where it was able to cele- ibre the College within the wider community. As an ar- the importance of embracing hard work. He advocated brate the success of the academic year. The College was dent supporter of promoting equitable educational op- for vision, proactive thinking and collegiality as vital delighted to welcome the Hon Mr Feeney MP and Mr portunities within the community and his electorate, characteristics that will lay the foundations for a future Donikian as guest speakers. Also in attendance on the the College was thrilled to have The David Feeney of personal growth and success. evening were His Grace Bishop Iakovos of Miletoupolis, award of Excellence presented to Year 12 student The audience was rewarded with outstanding student Reverend Fathers, members of the College Board, Nicholas Delivinias. musical and instrumental performances throughout the Alumni and distinguished guests and supporters of the The College was delighted to welcome back well evening. school. known and much respected journalist and former The 2015 College Captains for Junior and Senior Dr Ladopoulos, Principal of the College, praised the newsreader Mr George Donikian to present an address School 2015 were announced as were the recipients of student body for their academic achievements and for on the topic of Excellence and Perseverance. In his ad- major awards such as the Caltex Award, Kwong Lee their tenacity and hard work throughout the year. He dress to the students, Mr Donikian used the much loved Dow Young Scholars Award, ASPIRE- La Trobe Universi- commended the diverse talents of the students as they topic of Sport as a metaphor. Reference was made to ty, ADF Long Tan Leadership Award, Insight Publications strived to excel in all aspects of school life. The commit- the importance of goal setting, working on one’s tech- English Scholarship, Orthodoxy Award, and the Darebin ment and professionalism of the teaching staff was a re- nique, being flexible, playing fairly and being part of a Youth Summit Awards. flection on the admirable results the students achieved. team in all future endeavours. He referred to personal Mr Feeney MP and Federal Member for Batman also anecdotes from his own early family and professional 4/22 TO BHMA The Greek Australian VEMA JANUARY 2015 Letter from I should note also that there are special English li- deciding what is one’s cultural identity. It is not a Letter turgies in some parishes, even in those with the mi- matter of Greek vs English because that is like asking xed Greek-English liturgies. whether I want my eye or my hand. My answer is that Maroubra For the most part we have adapted to this silent I want both. revolution. My Greek will never be as perfect as my English. from Let’s leave aside the quality of the experience for a I have trouble expressing abstract or complex ideas in moment and think about where we are heading. Greek. I struggle to read the headlines in the What is it that we are trying to achieve? What effects Kathimerini newspaper. I need a dictionary or Google will these changes bring about to Orthodoxy in Aus- Translate when writing. Liturgical Greek takes some Maroubra tralia? What will we gain and what will we lose? And time to become familiar but it is do-able, especially then of course there is the question of how important with bi-lingual service books. is Greek? Speaking even my broken Greek is really about who I am not sure that even one of these questions can I am and who I want to be. It is about maintaining a be answered in the 700 words or so that I have at my rich cultural and theological heritage that is irreplace- disposal. So, where does one start? able. Let me stress “irreplaceable”. The practical problem is that religion and language are intertwined. Orthodoxy is flexible. It does not oc- cur in a social, cultural or linguistic vacuum. As you know, Orthodoxy was brought to these shores by immigrants and nurtured by them. With the effluxion of time, these earlier generations are lessening and the newer mainly English-speaking gen- erations remain. Despite the best efforts to maintain language, it has been eroded through acculturation and assimilation. There are many reasons for this situation. It does not help that in our family and community we are gradually removing any need to speak Greek (even in this opinion piece). I think it is also a question of wanting. Some say that it is too hard to acquire Greek but I do not understand why people I know who can excel at four-unit maths, or learn all sorts of other lan- guages, or cope with complex university studies or ac- quire intricate skills or even learn English, cannot Returning to faith - no doubt with God’s grace our How important speak a little Greek? I mean just some Greek not the Church will find its way through the linguistic maze. whole Oxford Greek Dictionary. Is it that hard? Could Translation from Greek to English is only a partial so- is Greek? we perhaps be lazy? lution. At times, the words can be stilted and artifi- It is admirable to see people of other cultures - like cial. The meaning is decaffeinated. English is forced The church that I attend uses a mixture of Greek a Vietnamese travel agent in Sydney who had come into some strange-sounding hymnology. Neverthe- and English in the liturgy. This has its good points and to Athens as a refugee - being able to converse to me less, I can cope with this. its bad points. It would have been unthinkable 20 in Greek. It is even more admirable to hear my Con- The real question is: ‘How important is Greek?’ The years ago. golese students in Kinshasa speaking Greek. Yet in answer is intensely individual. Mind you most parishes now include some English suburban Sydney, you might be lucky to get a kalime- but the funny thing is that there is no consistency. So- ra from a second-generation Australian. We have be- me prayers in one parish are Greek while a few kilo- come intellectually obese. The views expressed are those of the author and not neces- metres away, you can hear that part only in English. It is not a matter of Greek vs English or some com- sarily those of the VEMA Anyway, the policy seems to be some sort of hybridi- promise. It is about maintaining a heritage that was sation of the liturgy. hard fought for and worth keeping. It is a matter of [email protected]

Christian Dior, Gucci, Ted Baker Big increase in the number Katerina + Kyriacos Mavrolefteros of students opting for ancient Greek in Australia Students studying Ancient Greek at the but in recent years it has been very con- University of Melbourne have doubled sistent and also showing signs of growth (49% increase) since 2010. It is indicative so, it’s pretty positive I think”. that the interest in Ancient Greek and He believes both Ancient Greek and Latin extend beyond their influences on

Ray Ban Ray Latin language studies is growing in Aus- tralia, Asia and worldwide. founding western civilisation, by stretch- Currently, at the University, 71 stu- ing to the far eastern corners of Asia. dents have undertaken classical studies. “If you look at Buddhist sculpture, we Dr Hyun Jin Kim, from the University of would think of that as quintessentially Melbourne’s School of Historical and Phi- Asian, that it is the soul of Asia. Actually losophical studies, was born in Seoul, Ko- the art form derives from the mixing of rea, and grew up in Auckland, New Zea- Greco-Bactrian art. And there are many, land, before making Melbourne his ho- many other things that we could claim 874 Anzac Parade, Maroubra Junction me and furthering his studies and expert- goes back to Greeks as well - modern (at bus stop, on RTA block) ise in Ancient Greek. democracy, which has a home not just in

(at bus stop, on RTA block) Rodenstock, Dr Kim now teaches the language and the west but also in the east. The politi- TTeell:: ((0022)) 99331144--00339933 says numbers have been increasing cal language we use and also a lot of the Serengeti, Maui Jim, Fendi steadily, peaking at 71 in 2014. “Our an- quintessential features of civilisation go [email protected] cient world studies program has been back to ancient Greece, so knowing the booming in recent years. The number of language allows you to enter into that students in Ancient Greek and Latin has culture and also interact with that cul- Nina Ricci, Oakley, La font been consistent. It fluctuates over time ture much more effectively” he added. JANUARY 2015 The Greek Australian VEMA TO BHMA 5/23 Our Primate’s View On the Occasion of the New Year

Dear brothers and sisters, Of course we shall not see the year 2014 again in our diary, but we will carry it within us both in In whatever way we communicate with our fel- 2015 and in all the years that will follow, just as low human beings these days - whether it be by with all the other years which have passed since telephone, a letter or meeting personally - the our birth up to the present time. If yesterday had subject we talk about is a stereotyped one: the not pre-existed, we would not have been here to- New Year. We hasten to wish one another that it day. Our time is not cut to pieces, it does not part By ARCHBISHOP be full of health and joy, blessed and prosperous. from us, it is not estranged. It is simply marked and STYLIANOS OF AUSTRALIA Whether it is said simply as a social custom or characterised. whether it responds to an inward wish, it certainly expresses a legitimate and justified desire. Therefore, let us thank God for the year 2014, which has been completed and filled our life. And However, in the mutual “wishes” of these days let us pray that everything good, which we came there is no mention at all, even in a stereotyped to know in the past year, may also engraft the new way, about the year which passed, as if it did not year in a beneficial manner. May every success of exist, and as if we do not want to remember it at the year 2014 become the good leaven of the all. ln the name of one value, which we did not yet coming year. come to know, we altogether push aside and for- get a tested value, which was just completed and Blessed be the year 2014, sisters and brothers, attained its definite image. Therefore I will tell you which has passed. a few words about the significance of this neglect- ed value. Blessed also be the year 2015, which comes.

The year which has passed does not have a neg- Christ is the same yesterday and today and unto ative relationship to the new year. It is neither the ages. To Him be the glory and the power now substituted nor abolished, as we replace a pair of and always and to the endless ages. Amen. old shoes or a worn out garment. It is part of our history, our life and our truth. Hundreds of worshipers visit St Paisios’ tomb

Hundreds of worshipers traveled to , Greece, in order to pay their respects to the recently canonized St Paisios, whose tomb is located at the Monastery of Saint John the Theolo- gian. It is estimated that a total of 1,500 people visit the Greek monastery each week, a figure that will surely increase significantly, now that Elder Paisios was canonized. Archbishop of Mount Sinai and Raithu Damianos was among the tomb’s visitors. The regular monastery visitors noted that the worshipers who have recently started arriving are people of every age and nationality. In fact, many Russians are travelling to Thessaloniki in order to visit the monastery individually or by organized travel coaches. Elder Paisios was canonized by the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriar- chate on January 13, 21 years after his repose in 1994, despite the fact that, according to Orthodox Church rules, a person can be canonized 70 years after his death. Paisios inspired thousands of people with his work and way of life. His can- onization is expected to significantly in- crease tourist flow from the Balkans and Russia. JANUARY 2015 6/24 TO BHMA The Greek Australian VEMA

Left: The Divine Liturgy at the Church of Sts Constantine and Helene, was presided by His Grace Bishop Ezekiel of Dervis. Right: Father Elpidios during his speech at the Hyatt. 90th Anniversary Celebrations in Perth

On Sunday 19 October 2014, official “clever, professional, able, personable…” celebrations took place in Perth to com- Mr Kalaf presented the original and someone who has earned “… enor- memorate the 90th anniversary of the silver trowel, boxed, to the mous respect from all who are in contact Church of Sts Constantine laying of the Foundation Stone of the and Helene for the 90th with her”. He stated that there is sadness Church of Sts Constantine and Helene. anniversary of the laying at losing “… this dynamic person” from A special visit from His Grace Bishop of the Foundation Stone. our consulate. However, he went on to Ezekiel of Dervis added an important di- The gift was received announce that the Perth Consular Office mension to the celebrations. by the will remain open, most likely as a result At the Divine Liturgy of the Church of Very Reverend of the status and the diplomatic achieve- Archimandrite ments of Ms Choli. “Her presence and Sts Constantine and Helene, presided by Elpidios Karalis His Grace, he mentioned in his homily his passion will be sorely missed”, were Mr personal links to Perth and how privi- Mitchell’s closing remarks. Ms Choli re- leged he felt to be asked by His Eminence ceived as gifts from the Hellenic Commu- Archbishop Stylianos to be attending the nity of WA a coin from the Perth Mint, an commemorative events. honourable membership to the HCWA, Bishop Ezekiel gave a brief outline of and an exquisite trophy dated 22/1/2010 his connection to Perth, stating that he to 10/11/2014, marking the dates of her had spent three years here; one year as a service to this state. priest (in 1976) and then two as a bishop Yet another significant individual to re- thereafter before moving to the eastern ceive honours was Dr John Stamatis, First states. Chanter and Choir Master at the Church He stated that it has been nearly 10 of Sts Constantine and Helene. Father El- years since his last visit to WA and 35 pidios stated that Dr Sta-matis had hard- years since he served in Perth. He has ly missed a Sunday in 30 years and that been in Australia for 51 years. However, his contributions to the church also in- he remembers faces and people well and clude the very beautiful and creative with great fondness, quoting names such flower arrangements on special Feast as the Kakulas brothers, amongst others, Days and of the Kouvouklion at Easter for their collective efforts with regard to time. Dr Stamatis received a gift from Fa- building churches and the monastery in ther Elpidios whilst his wife, Maria, re- this city. showing a Sunday Liturgy filmed and the inaugural award and of his grand- ceived a beautiful bouquet of flowers for His Grace spent considerable time pay- broadcast by the ABC were also available mother, Mrs Jasmine Michelides. being the supportive spouse that she has ing tribute to all past and present mem- for all guests at their tables. Welcomed also on the stage was Mr been during these many years of John’s bers of the Greek community in Perth for Special guests at the Luncheon includ- Nick Kalaf, a descendant of Mrs Trianta- contribution to the Church. their exceptional sacrifices and service; ed Bishop Ezekiel, the Reverend Fathers fyllia Kalafatas. Mr Kalaf exuded an equal The formal proceedings ended with and for their achievements with regard from all of the Greek Orthodox parishes amount of pride as Mr Paroulakis regard- the President of the Hellenic Community to the magnificent churches and mona- of Perth, the Honourable Consul of ing the achievements of his ancestor. Mr of WA offering sincere thanks to all of stery that now exist for the benefit of the Greece, Ms Sofia Choli, Eleni Evangel Kalaf presented the original silver trowel, the members of the Committee and Sub- Greek Orthodox Christians of this state. MLA, and many generous sponsors of boxed, to the Church of Sts Constantine committee of the HCWA, and in particu- At this point, His Grace also highlighted the event. and Helene for the 90th anniversary of lar to the MC for the event, Mrs Cather- the importance of continuing to teach After a delicious buffet lunch, Mr Gary the laying of the Foundation Stone. The ine Papanastasiou. Catherine received a the to future genera- Mitchell, President of the Hellenic Com- gift was received by the Very Reverend stunning bouquet of flowers for her ef- tions as it is inextricably tied to the Faith munity of Western Australia (HCWA) ad- Archimandrite Elpidios Karalis. forts as MC but also for her behind-the- but also to the wonderful legacy of our dressed the audience. There were a sig- In turn, Father Elpidios presented a gift scenes work in helping to make the Greek forefathers; the gift of civilisation nificant number of descendants in the to His Grace Bishop Ezekiel for his pres- event a success. to the Western world. Finally, His Grace audience of the two women who laid the ence at the commemorative event as a His Grace officially closed the event offered the congregation greetings and Foundation Stone; Mrs Jasmine Miche- token of everyone’s appreciation. The with a prayer and best wishes for the fu- blessings from His Eminence Archbishop lides and Mrs Triantafyllia Kalafatas. Gary gift, an Engolpion, (a medallion with an ture of Perth’s Greek community and all Stylianos. also acknowledged all those who have icon in the centre worn around the neck parishes. Celebrations continued with an official passed and stated that an inaugural by Orthodox Bishops) was well received May His Grace’s blessings be heard by Luncheon at the Hyatt, starting at mid- award has now been created to acknowl- by His Grace who was moved by the ges- God and may the Greek Orthodox parish- day. Mrs Catherine Papanastasiou, the edge contributions to the Greek commu- ture. es of this city, along with all the parishes Master of Ceremony for this event, wel- nity of WA. The announcement of the Mr Mitchell also took the opportunity of this beautiful country be progressive comed all 450+ guests and directed award, known as the ‘Peter Michelides to pay tribute at the Luncheon to the and fruitful in their endeavours! everyone’s attention to a commemora- Community Award’, was received with Consul of Greece, the Honourable Ms tive screening of the foundation history great enthusiasm by everyone present. Sofia Choli, who will be leaving after al- of the Church of Sts Constantine and He- The eldest grandson of Peter S. Miche- most five years in Perth. In his speech, Dr Angela Evangelinou-Yiannakis lene. Complimentary copies of a DVD lides, Mr Peter Paroulakis, spoke about Mr Mitchell referred to Ms Choli as Perth, Western Australia JANUARY 2015 The Greek Australian VEMA TO BHMA 7/25

GreekOrthodoxArchdioceseofAustralia      TheGreekOrthodoxBoardofEducation congratulatesallGreekOrthodoxCollegesinAustralia fortheiroutstandingresultsintheYear12HSC,VCE,SACEandWACEexaminations  THEGREEKORTHODOXBOARDOFEDUCATION(GOBE)   ProfessionalDevelopment TheGreekOrthodoxBoardofEducationisthecentralbodywhichrepresentsthe x Through St Andrew’s Theological College, provide Courses for all Day Schools of our Archdiocese around Australia, providing a strong voice in educators in Orthodox Schools on a ChristͲcentred approach to issuesofcommoninterest. educationbasedontheologicallyinformedvalues.   Ithastakensometimesinceitwasfirstestablishedin1990.However,theGOBE GreekLanguageStudies isnowadynamicanddecisivereality. x DeveloppositivepublicawarenessoftheteachingofModernGreek  withinArchdioceseSchools. ItfunctionsunderthePatronageandPresidencyofourPrimate,HisEminence x Enhance the status of both Modern Greek and Classical Greek Archbishop,andisChairedinSydneybyHisGraceBishopSeraphimofApollonias. studies in each State.     

The GOBE enjoys the collaboration of our Colleges and has the authority to x Regularly advertise and publish notable student work and events determine the religious, spiritual, cultural, and organizational standards which throughthemedia. ourArchdioceseexpectsinthemissionofeducation. x ConductWorkshopsforCoordinatorsandrelevantStafftoensure  Programmes and Resources are developed and implemented TERMSOFREFERENCE effectively.  x Publiclyrecogniseandawardstudentsachievementincollaboration TheBoardofEducationconfersandprovidesadviceforthecoordinationacross withotherkeybodiesandstakeholders. GreekOrthodoxArchdiocesanSchoolswithinthefollowingareas: x Provide professional development to teachers of Modern and

x OrthodoxStudies ClassicalGreek. x ModernandClassicalGreeklanguage  x Promotionoftheethos,phronemaandvaluesofGreekOrthodox PromotionofOrthodoxEducation Schools x CoordinatethepromotionofOrthodoxEducationthroughwritten x Coordination of response to relevant issues, providing a National and social media as a united Sector, still maintaining individual voicetoourSector schools’identitieswithintheumbrellaofOrthodoxEducationasa x Promotionofcommonadvertisingandmarketingcampaigns whole. x ProfessionaldevelopmentofstaffthroughStAndrew’sTheological x Determine and approve the participation of our Archdiocese College Schoolsinanycommunityevents.   TheBoardofEducationiscomprisedofthefollowingrepresentativesofeachDay NationalVoice School: x ProvideadvocacyonbehalfofOrthodoxSchoolsinpromotingtheir x ParishPriest interests as a Sector, particularly in issues affecting levels of x ParishPresident governmentpolicyandfunding. x SchoolPrincipal   Review&AssessmentofAllProposalsforFutureParishDaySchools ROLESandRESPONSIBILITIES x ParishesacrossAustraliamustbemadeawarethatallproposalsfor  establishingfutureDaySchoolsarerequiredtobeforwardedtothe OrthodoxStudies ArchdioceseBoardofEducationforReview&Assessmentatleast x ReviewprogrammesrelatedtoOrthodoxStudieswithinaPrimary threeyearspriortocommencement. andSecondarycontext. x All proposals will be assessed to ensure current and future x DevelopprogrammesforuseatallArchdiocesanDaySchools. demographics,financialviability,andimpactonexistingschoolsis x ProvideprofessionaldevelopmenttoteachersofOrthodoxStudies. analysed,toindicatefuturesustainability.  x Recommendations will then be made accordingly, based on the  termsstatedabove,toHisGraceandHisEminence.

  ThefirstMeetingoftheNationalGreekOrthodoxBoardofEducation(GOBE)washeld on9thMay2014chairedbyHisGraceBishopSeraphimofApollonias  TopRow: LtoR:DrLadopoulos,PrincipalStJohn’sCollege,Victoria;MrHirakis,PrincipalStEuphemiaCollege,Sydney;RevFatherTriantafyllou,AllSaintsParish, Sydney;MrsMayson,President,StSpyridonParish,Sydney;RevFatherScoutas,StSpyridonParish,Sydney;MrTriantafyllou,PresidentAllSaintsParish, Sydney;MrRobertson,PrincipalOakleighGrammar,Victoria. BottomRow: LtoR:MrsLillis,HeadofSchool,AllSaintsGrammar,Sydney;MrsStefanouͲHaag,HeadofCollege,StSpyridonCollege,Sydney;Chairman,HisGrace BishopSeraphimofApollonias;MrsCoate,HeadofSecondarySchoolStAndrew’sGrammar,WesternAustralia;MrsKatsogiannis,Principal,SeniorSchool, StSpyridonCollege,Sydney. Absent: RevFatherP.Protopsaltis,StEuphemiaParish,Sydney,andMrP.Theofilou,PresidentofStEuphemiaParish Inthisedition,theGOBEtakesmuchpleasureinpresenting theHSCresultsofourthreeCollegesinNewSouthWales  JANUARY 2015 8/26 TO BHMA The Greek Australian VEMA

 GreekOrthodoxArchdioceseofAustralia ST SPYRIDON COLLEGE CongratulaƟons Year 12 Class of 2014


FRONTROW:SophiaLeeGoergas,MichaelVlachos,YiannaCriƟcos,EleniMavroleŌeros(CollegeCaptain),PanayioƟKapodistrias,ChloeKourtesis SECONDROW:GeorgiaGiatsios,YiannaCarpis,NataliaSrnic,ElenaGanis,NansiaKoukounaris,FoƟniKapsabelis,NicoleƩeGregory,DemetriaKioukas,LenaSialepis, EvelynTzivakis,NatalieMichos,AndrianeEfstraƟouTHIRDROW:AlexandraTsesmelis,SandraMilisavljevic,PamelaPrineas,NicolaDemetri,JovanaRadic,RenaLambos, LenaNesterenko,CassandraGeorgiou,KaterinaͲDionArvanitakis,ChrisƟnaAndrew,StephanieMioFOURTHROW:TimothyDokos,AlexanderVij,GeorgeKarapanayioƟdis, AnthonyVasili,AnthonyTheofanidis,LukaKasalovic,JonahRichardRobertshawe,DaneIvanovic,EliasAndreou,NikolasBaratsas,DylanKontos ABSENT:MarisaCalligeros,GeorgeMalomiƟsSTAFF:MrsA.Petzler,MrsA.Katsogiannis(PrincipalSeniorSchool),MsK.O’Shea(YearAdviser),MrsV.Belajcic.

We are pleased that the following students of the HSC Class of 2014, achieved results in Bands 5 and 6 (OVER 80%) in one or more courses:

Ancient History Economics Food Technology MathemaƟcs General 2 Modern Greek Extension ChrisƟnaAndrew SandraMilisavljevic YiannaCriƟcos TimothyDokos MichaelKaranikolas Katerina DionArvanitakis AnthonyVasili ChloeKourtesis ElenaGanis CalioppeKefalas Natalia Srnic SandraMilisavljevic LukaKasalovic VickyPapadopoulos   English Standard StephanieMio DemetriaKioukas Biology DemetriaKioukas ChloeKourtesis NikolasBaratsas ChloeKourtesis Geography Modern History  NatalieMichos  PanayioƟKapodistrias NatalieMichos Chris na Andrew Chris na Andrew Ɵ   JonahRobertshawe Ɵ   DemetriaKioukas Cassandra Georgiou Yianna Cri cos   AnthonyVasili  Ɵ  English Advanced DemetriaKioukas SandraMilisavljevic ChrisƟnaAndrew  Business Studies NatalieMichos MathemaƟcs StephanieMio KaterinaDionArvanitakis ChrisƟnaAndrew NikolasBaratsas PamelaPrineas YiannaCriƟcos History Extension AndrianeEfstraƟou YiannaCriƟcos PanayioƟKapodistrias NataliaSrnic Music 1 DemetriaKioukas LenaNesterenko LukaKasalovic DylanKontos ChloeKourtesis Hospitality PamelaPrineas RenaLambos NatalieMichos AndrianeEfstraƟou NataliaSrnic EleniMavroleŌeros Personal Development, Health & PamelaPrineas JovanaRadic AlexandraTsesmelis SandraMilisavljevic Physical EducaƟon LenaSialepis LenaSialepis Nikolas Baratsas StephanieMio MathemaƟcs Ext 1   EvelynTzivakis Yianna Cri cos LenaNesterenko PanayioƟKapodistrias  Ɵ  PamelaPrineas Legal Studies Eleni Mavrole eros NatalieMichos Chemistry  Ō  JonahRobertshawe NikolasBaratsas Lena Nesterenko EvelynTzivakis PanayioƟKapodistrias   LenaSialepis ElenaGanis Natalia Srnic LenaNesterenko   NataliaSrnic DemetriaKioukas  Mathema cs Ext 2 Physics Classical Greek AlexandraTsesmelis ChloeKourtesis Ɵ  Panayio Kapodistrias KaterinaDionArvanitakis EvelynTzivakis SandraMilisavljevic Ɵ  Serbian ConƟnuers NataliaSrnic AnthonyVasili StephanieMio JovanaRadic  PamelaPrineas Modern Greek ConƟnuers Dance English Extension 1 Visual Arts JonahRobertshawe MichaelKaranikolas EleniMavroleŌeros Katerina Dion Arvanitakis StephanieMio    LenaSialepis CalioppeKefalas Luka Kasalovic Drama   AlexandraTsesmelis ChristosKollias Lena Nesterenko NansiaKoukounaris   EvelynTzivakis VickyPapadopoulos Jonah Robertshawe ChloeKourtesis   AdonisTsoustas RenaLambos EvelynTzivakis  EleniMavroleŌeros JANUARY 2015 The Greek Australian VEMA TO BHMA 9/27



Evelyn Tzivakis Natalia Srnic PanayioƟ Kapodistrias Eleni Mavrole eros SandraMilisavljevic Ō ATAR 93.10 ATAR 93.00 ATAR 92.85 ATAR 95.85 ȰTAR 93.35 BusinessStudies EnglishAdvanced  Dance FoodTechnology LegalStudies HistoryExtension  Drama LegalStudies PDHPE   ModernHistory

Anthony Vasili Lena Nesterenko Jonah Robertshawe KaterinaͲDion Arvanitakis Elena Ganis Yianna CriƟcos   ATAR 92.80 ATAR 92.30 ATAR 90.7 LegalStudies FoodTechnology LegalStudies LegalStudies EnglishAdvanced PDHPE MathemaƟcsGeneral2 ClassicalGreekConƟnuers  

Chloe Kourtesis PamelaPrineas Alexandra Tsesmelis Dylan Kontos Natalie Michos Christos Kollias LegalStudies LegalStudies LegalStudies Music1 PDHPE ModernGreekConƟnuers   


Michael Karanikolas Vicky Papadopoulos Adonis Tsoustas JovanaRadic Calioppe Kefalas Modern Greek Con nuers ModernGreekConƟnuers ModernGreekConƟnuers ModernGreekConƟnuers SerbianConƟnuers   Ɵ  Modern Greek Extension ModernGreekExtension ModernGreekExtension 4thinCourse     Developing the whole person—Mind, Body and Soul

JuniorSchool0296635363,SeniorSchool0293113340.Email:[email protected] JANUARY 2015 10/28 TO BHMA The Greek Australian VEMA

GreekOrthodoxArchdioceseofAustralia ALL SAINTS GRAMMAR

CongratulaƟons Year 12 Class of 2014


We are pleased that the following students of the HSC Class of 2014, achieved results in Bands 5 and 6 (OVER 80%) in one or more courses.

Ancient History English Advanced Geography MathemaƟcs 2U Modern Greek Extension GeorgiosFountotos LaraBaillie AnaBoric MariaAnagnostou MariaAnagnostou StavroulaNikolas GeorgiosFountotos EveƩeHarris AnaBoric VassiliaHaralampidou VassiliaHaralampidou GabrielKoliomihos EveƩeHarris MelinaKoveos GeorgioKatsifis Business Studies EvanMichaels EvanMichaels PeterLiaskos MelinaKoveos JamisonMilessis VickyOrfanos LaraBaillie PeterLiaskos History Extension AnaBoric AndreaVerteouris VassilikiPantzouris EvanMichaels VassiliaHaralampidou MarissaTheodorou DimitriosSƟvaktas KostaGalanis JamisonMilessis PeterLiaskos Eve e Harris KalliopeSƟvaktas Ʃ   TimothySimich PetrosXenos MathemaƟcs Extension 1 Melina Koveos SianneTsandidis   PeterSofatzis GeorgiosFountotos MarissaTheodorou Felicia Stavropoulos Informa on Processes Georgio Katsifis   Ɵ   Modern History DimitriosSƟvaktas and Technology PeterSofatzis KostaGalanis Biology MarissaTheodorou GeorgioKatsifis DimitriosSƟvaktas VassiliaHaralampidou MariaAnagnostou NatalieTsoutsouras PeterSofatzis PeterLiaskos NatalieTsoutsouras AndreaVerteouris MathemaƟcs Extension 2 JamisonMilessis  PetrosXenos Legal Studies GeorgiosFountotos Chemistry PetrosXenos LaraBaillie GeorgioKatsifis GeorgioKatsifis Ricky Chaudry English Extension 1   PeterSofatzis Physics PeterSofatzis Lara Baillie KostaGalanis   DimitriosSƟvaktas GeorgioKatsifis Vassilia Haralampidou VassiliaHaralampidou   JamisonMilessis Design and Technology PeterLiaskos EveƩeHarris Modern Greek ConƟnuers TimothySimich HarrisonHanna TimothySimich MarissaTheodorou MariaAnagnostou PeterSofatzis FeliciaStavropoulos NatalieTsoutsouras TinaBroussos DimitriosSƟvaktas Economics NatalieTsoutsouras PetrosXenos VassiliaHaralampidou KostaGalanis AndreaVerteouris MelinaKoveos PDHPE EvanMichaels PetrosXenos General MathemaƟcs Peter Liaskos JamisonMilessis AdrianAresƟ   TinaBroussos Evan Michaels TimothySimich English Extension 2 LaraBaillie   VassiliaHaralampidou StavroulaNikolas Peter Liaskos MarissaTheodorou PeterLiaskos RickyChaudry   DimitriosSƟvaktas Evan Michaels AndreaVerteouris TimothySimich HarrisonHanna   Kalliope S vaktas PetrosXenos MelinaKoveos  Ɵ  AndreaVerteouris Sianne Tsandidis StephanieLimberis   Natalie Tsoutsouras PaulPanay   Visual Arts Andrea Verteouris NatalieTsoutsouras   HarrisonHanna  StephanieLimberis  FeliciaStavropoulos  JANUARY 2015 The Greek Australian VEMA TO BHMA 11/29





Peter Sofatzis Georgio Katsifis Peter Liaskos Georgios Fountotos Jamison Milessis ATAR 96.15 ATAR 94.9 ATAR 94.3 ATAR 93.95 ATAR 92.7 Physics Physics PDHPE  MathemaƟcs ModernGreekConƟnuers  ModernGreekExtension

Evan Michaels Petros Xenos Dimitrios SƟvaktas Marissa Theodorou Lara Baillie ATAR 92.5 ATAR 91.65 ATAR 91.10 ATAR 90.5 MathemaƟcsGeneral MathemaƟcs ModernGreekExt PDHPE 

Harrison Hanna Natalie Tsoutsouras Kalliope SƟvaktas Maria Anagnostou Sianne Tsandidis Design&Technology LegalStudies ModernGreekConƟnuers 2nd in Course 4th in Course ModernGreekExtension ModernGreekConƟnuers ModernGreekConƟnuers ModernGreekExtension ModernGreekExtension

Recognising and Developing each child’s needs

Primary0297046400,Secondary0297187715.Email:[email protected] JANUARY 2015 12/30 TO BHMA The Greek Australian VEMA

GreekOrthodoxArchdioceseofAustralia ST EUPHEMIA COLLEGE

CongratulaƟons Year 12 Class of 2014


BackRow: EvanKatz,JosephGetsios,KostaZarafetas,MihailoJankovic,DusanBorak,NebojsaSkoric,KostasFarmakis,AndrewTheodosiou,PanagioƟsChristodoulou FourthRow: NicoleAntoniou,GermaineKanellos,NickolasKalivas,GeorgeMavroidis,MichaelSkourƟs,ChrisƟnaDoxaras,StellaSkouloudis,EvanLoizou,DimitrisBoukouvalas,Frank Maropoulos,StefanoKarafyllas,GregoryGeorgiou ThirdRow: MariaPapadopoulos,AndrianaSimos,ChrisafinaPapathomas,MariaGiailoglou,TeteiBakic,AndelaSuboƟc,PanayiotaBelavgenis,NicholeƩaZacharia,Francene Christophorou,MarcoGasparo,NicholasMessiou SecondRow: StephanieTokatlidis,VictoriaVreƩos,JuliaPimms,KonstanƟnaVasiloglouGkanis,KaterinaPapasoulis,JosephineKonstandis,BiljanaPopovic,MariaPapantoniou, VictoriaKotsoris,TahsinKhan,GeorgiaLafogianni,KallieAgathocleous,PatrinaKambitsis,JohnTsagiannis FrontRow: ZoeChristodoulou,PelayiaChrisafis,NikiGiannaros,TeriTzaneros,MareePsomas,GeorgeMouyiaris,MsV.Radivojevic,MrH.Hirakis(Principal),MichaelVamiadakis, LydiaConƟ,ConstanƟnaTsatsaklas,LuciaZunigaͲMendoza,NatalieSesƟto,VanessaKambitsis,TanjeelaAnjum

We are pleased that the following students of the HSC Class of 2014, achieved results in Bands 5 and 6 (OVER 80%) in one or more courses:

Ancient History English Advanced Geography MathemaƟcs Extension 2 Modern History GeorgeMavroidis KallieAgathocleous ChrisafinaPapathomas DimitriBoukouvalas GeorgeMavroidis BiljanaPopovic TanjeelaAnjum KonstanƟnaTsatsaklas AndrianaSimos NicoleAntoniou Hospitality MathemaƟcs General MichaelVamiadakis DimitriBoukouvalas KallieAgathocleous ChrisƟnaDoxaras Music 1 VictoriaVreƩos FranceneChristophorou FranceneChristophorou KostandinosFarmakis GregoryGeorgiou LydiaConƟ KonstanƟnosFarmakis MarcoGasparo ChrisafinaPapathomas PatrinaKambitsis Biology ChrisƟnaDoxaras JosephGetsios MichaelVamiadakis GermaineKanellos LydiaConƟ GregoryGeorgiou EvanKatz FrankMaropoulos AndrianaSimos SharabanTahsinKhan FrankMaropoulos Personal Development, Health & EvanLoizou NicholasMessiou NicholasMessiou Physical EducaƟon GeorgeMavroidis JuliaPimms ChrisafinaPapathomas LydiaConƟ Business Studies NicholasMessiou NebojsaSkoric ChrisƟnaDoxaras FranceneChristophorou Andela Subo c GeorgeMouyiaris  Ɵ  Modern Greek ConƟnuers NicholasMessiou EvanLoizou MariaPapantoniou KallieAgathocleous BiljanaPopovic NicholasMessiou ChrisafinaPapathomas Legal Studies PanagioƟsChristodoulou AndrewTheodosiou GeorgeMouyiaris BiljanaPopovic EvanKatz FranceneChristophorou MareePsomas Studies of Religion II MareePsomas EvanLoizou MariaGiailoglou AndrewTheodosiou Victoria Kotsoris AdrianaSimos GeorgeMouyiaris GeorgiaLafogianni   MariaPapantoniou GeorgeMavroidis Design and Technology AndelaSuboƟc GeorgeMouyiaris StellaSkouloudis MariaPapantoniou DusanBorak AndrewTheodosiou MariaPapadopoulos ConstanƟnaTsatsaklas VictoriaVreƩos ChrisƟnaDoxaras ConstanƟnaTsatsaklas ChrisafinaPapathomas LuciaZunigaͲMendoza GregoryGeorgiou MichaelVamiadakis MareePsomas VictoriaVreƩos MathemaƟcs 2 Unit PatrinaKambitsis AndrianaSimos Serbian ConƟnuers Lucia Zuniga Mendoza TanjeelaAnjum JosephineKonstandis  Ͳ  JohnTsagiannis Mihailo Jankovic LydiaConƟ   MariaPapadopoulos KonstanƟnaTsatsaklas English Extension 1 StefanoKarafyllas MareePsomas MichaelVamiadakis LydiaConƟ SharabanTahsinKhan TexƟles and Design AndrianaSimos GeorgeMavroidis GeorgeMouyiaris Modern Greek Extension 1 KallieAgathocleous AndelaSuboƟc MariaPapantoniou AndrianaSimos PanagioƟsChristodoulou MarieGiailoglou StephanieTokatlidis BiljanaPopovic NebojsaSkoric MariaGiailoglou GermaineKanellos Andriana Simos VictoriaVreƩos Georgia Lafogianni Economics     ConstanƟnaTsatsaklas LuciaZunigaͲMendoza GeorgeMouyiaris Visual Arts DimitriBoukouvalas MichaelVamiadakis  MariaPapadopoulos MariaPapadopoulos NicholasMessiou MathemaƟcs Extension 1 JuliaPimms BiljanaPopovic MariaPapantoniou Food Technology TanjeelaAnjum MareePsomas BiljanaPopovic KallieAgathocleous DimitriBoukouvalas KonstanƟnaVasiloglouGkanis MichaelVamiadakis LydiaConƟ LydiaConƟ VictoriaVreƩos GermaineKanellos StefanoKarafyllas LuciaZunigaͲMendoza MariaPapantoniou ChrisafinaPapathomas JANUARY 2015 The Greek Australian VEMA TO BHMA 13/31

Greece awarded as



Lydia ConƟ Maria Papantoniou Andriana Simos Biljana Popovic George Mouyiaris ConstanƟna Tsatsaklas Dimitris Boukouvalas ConstanATARna Tsatsaklas92.7 ATAR 97.8 Lydia ConƟATAR 95.75 Maria PapantoniouATAR 94.65 Andriana SimosATAR 94.3 BiljanaATAR Popovic 91.15 George MouyiarisATAR 94.6 Ɵ ATAR 94.6 EnglishAdvanced ATAR 97.8English Advanced ATAR 95.75Ancient History ATAR 94.65Ancient History ATARLegal 94.3Studies  ATAREnglish 91.15Advanced  English Advanced EnglishExtension1 EnglishAdvancedEnglishExtension1 EnglishDesignAdvanced&Technology  AncientEnglishHistoryAdvanced  ModernAncientGreekHistoryCon Ɵnuers LegalEnglishStudiesExtension 1   FoodTechnology EnglishExtensionFoodTechnology1  EnglishExtensionEnglishAdvanced1  Design&PersonalTechnologyDevelopment,  EnglishModernAdvancedGreekExtension 1 ModernGreekLegalConStudiesƟnuers  EnglishExtension1 MathemaƟcs FoodTechnologyLegalStudies FoodTechnologyEnglishExtension 1 EnglishHealthAdvanced&Physical EducaƟonPersonalDevelopment, ModernModernGreekGreekExtensionConƟnuers1  LegalStudies PersonalDevelopment,HealthMathema Ɵcs LegalModernStudiesGreek ConƟnuers EnglishExtension1 Health&PhysicalEducaƟon ModernGreekConƟnuers &PhysicalEducaPersonalƟon Development,Health ModernGreekConƟnuers &PhysicalEducaƟon

Francene Christophorou Gregory Georgiou Mihailo Jankovic Patrina Kambitsis Stefano Karafyllas Georgia Lafogianni Hospitality Design&Technology SerbianConƟnuers Design&Technology MathemaƟcs ModernGreekExtension1  

Top Achiever in Course

Nicholas Messiou Maree Psomas Andela SuboƟc Michael Vamiadakis KonstanƟna Vasiloglou Gkanis Maria Papadopoulos Hospitality Design&Technology Design&Technology EnglishAdvanced ModernGreekExtension1 ModernGreekExtension1 ModernGreekExtension1  EnglishExtension1 ModernGreekConƟnuers  5thinCourse Strive for Excellence

Strive for Excellence

PrimarySchoolandHighSchool0297968240.Email:oĸ[email protected] JANUARY 2015 14/32 TO BHMA The Greek Australian VEMA

GreekOrthodoxArchdioceseofAustralia    Greece awarded as   “Destination of Year 2013”

The Greek Orthodox Board of Education invites you to enrol your children at a Greek Orthodox School for Excellence in Education enriched by the Hellenic Ethos and the Orthodox Faith

ST JOHN’S COLLEGE - MELBOURNE ST. EUPHEMIA COLLEGE – SYDNEY Primary and Secondary Campus 202 Stacey Street, Bankstown NSW 2200 21-27 Railway Place, West Preston VIC 3072 Tel.: (02) 9796 8240, Fax: (02) 9790 7354 Tel.: (03) 9480 5300, Fax: (03) 9480 4314 Primary School Internet: Email: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] High School Email: [email protected] Internet: ST. SPYRIDON COLLEGE - SYDNEY Junior School

80-88 Gardeners Road, Kingsford NSW 2032 ALL SAINTS GRAMMAR - SYDNEY Tel.: (02) 9663 5363, Fax: (02) 9663 5365 Primary School Email: [email protected] 13-17 Cecilia Street, Belmore NSW 2192 Senior School Tel.: (02) 9704 6400, Fax: (02) 9789 2260 1130 Anzac Parade, Maroubra NSW 2035 Tel.: (02) 9311 3340, Fax: (02) 9311 4532 Secondary School Internet: 31 Forsyth Street, Belmore NSW 2192 Email: [email protected] ȉȘȜ.: (02) 9718 7715, Fax: (02) 9718 7392 Internet: Email: [email protected] ST. GEORGE COLLEGE – ADELAIDE Junior School 54 Rose Street, Mile End SA 5031 Tel.: (08) 8159 8117, Fax: (08) 8159 8111 ST. ANDREWS GRAMMAR – PERTH Senior School Primary and Secondary Schools 75 Rose Street, Mile End SA 5031 4 Hellenic Drive, Dianella WA 6059 Tel.: (08) 8159 8100, Fax: (08) 8234 5942 Tel.: (08) 9375 1355 Fax: (08) 9376 5859 Internet: Internet: Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

OAKLEIGH GRAMMAR – MELBOURNE ST SPYRIDON COLLEGE – ADELAIDE Junior and Senior Schools Primary School 77-81 Willesden Road, Oakleigh VIC 3166 52 Oxford Terrace, Unley S.A. 5061 Tel.: (03) 9569 6128, Fax: (03) 9568 6558 Tel.: (08) 8272 1655, Fax: (08) 8272 1677 Internet: Internet: Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Church – Family – School - the relationship of security that parents are seeking for their children.

Our Schools are today sophisticated centres of education where Christ and His teachings are central to a well-balanced schooling experience.

Our graduates are making an impact on the global scene in their given professions whilst our values are proudly advancing the common good of Australian society. JANUARY 2015 The Greek Australian VEMA TO BHMA 15/33

Archbishop Stylianos visits new Greek Community building in Melbourne

Archbishop Stylianos of Australia made a historic visit to the new building of the Greek Community of Melbourne on Thursday, December 31, 2014. Their Graces Bishop Ezekiel of Dervis and Bishop Iakovos of Mile- toupolis accompanied His Eminence in his tour around the new Greek Community Centre of Contemporary Culture. The Archbishop met with Greek Community President Vasilis Pa- pastergiadis, as well as Vice Presidents Jim Bossinakis and George Kallianis, Secretary General Costas Markos, Treasurer Nick Parthi- mos, Greek Community Centre of Contemporary Culture director George Menidis and community staff members. His Eminence was informed about the new building, the educa- tional programs and the Greek Orthodox Community activities, while Markos presented him the Community’s first minute book, dating back to 1897. Archbishop Stylianos congratulated the Board on the Communi- ty’s work and activities. “You are making a great work and you need to be congratulated,” he said. Furthermore, he stated that he was excited about his visit and wished everyone a Happy New Year and success. Papastergiadis noted that the Archbishop’s visit “was a historic moment.” “It is an indication of good relations between the Arch- diocese of Australia and the Community. It is also an indication of the strong ties between the leadership of both institutions. It was an opportunity to show the new Community building to His Emi- nence and talk about the positive effects of a united front, some- thing for which both institutions are proud. We shall work togeth- er so that these positive results continue in the future. Archbishop Stylianos expressed his appreciation for our great work. We thank him for honouring us with a visit to the new Community building.” Source: Singer Dimitris Basis to perform Greek-Cypriot Director’s film ‘Anna’ in Melbourne and Sydney receives Acclaimed Greek singer and performer Dimitris Basis Australian Award (pictured) headlines this year’s programs at the largest celebration of Greek culture outside of Greece; the Greek-Cypriot director Spyros Haralabous has Lonsdale Street Festival in Melbourne (Sat 14/2) and been excelling abroad. His short film “Anna” won the Greek Festival of Sydney in Darling Harbour (Sun the award for Best International Short Film at the 15/2). 21st Delphi Bank Greek Film Festival that was held In what has become a feature of the two closely knit in Melbourne, Australia, while he also won the sum community festivals, a well-known artist from Greece of 1,000 dollars. headlines their respective programs and this year’s an- The black and white drama was filmed in a village nouncement ensures a set-list of popular classics. Basis in and tells the history of an elderly man, will be joined onstage by Zoi Papadopoulou and backed Michalis, played by actor Spyros Stavrinidis, and his by a 7 piece band. obsession with his 30-year-old caregiver from the Jorge Menidis, Director of The Greek Centre in Mel- Philippines, Mary, played by Imee Lysandriou. bourne said: “Melbourne and its people have shown Michalis spends most of his day in front of the TV great love for Greek culture and we are once again have Basis and Papadopoulou at our festival to provide watching a soap opera about a heroine named An- pleased to bring the best of Greece to the heart of the what will no doubt be an unforgettable musical per- na. He soon becomes obsessed with this heroine, city. The Festival is honored to host these two perform- formance in the absolutely spirited environment of to the point of calling Mary by the name ‘Anna’, ers who will bring the street alive with a mix of popular Darling Harbour.” thus portraying the importance of the caregiver in and traditional Greek music that will appeal to people Basis has performed with some of Greece’s premium his life. of all ages.” musicians and is a regular vocalist with the “Mikis Haralabous’ short film was also awarded the first Meanwhile, according to Nia Karteris, Chair of The Theodorakis” Orchestra. With a diploma in Byzantine prize at the Cyprus International Short Film Festival, Greek Festival of Sydney, “our community enthusiasti- music, he started chanting the liturgy in the local in 2012. cally embraces all aspects of Greek culture, but espe- church before taking his first steps in professional The Greek Film Festival in Australia is organized cially music. It is for this reason that we are thrilled to singing at the age of 20. annually in order to promote and award short films. This effort was established in 2010 at Loop, a bar in Melbourne’s central business district. The organiz- ers’ goal was to offer Greek-Australian filmmakers Napoleon Perdis cosmetics to expand in Greece the opportunity to present their work. Greek-Australian entrepreneur Napoleon Perdis who specializes in the cosmetics industry stated that he is Five years after its launching, the Greek-Aus- planning to expand his “empire” to Greece. In a recent interview Perdis explained that he is planning to live in tralian Short Film Festival co-operated with Delphi Greece for some time so that his daughters may have the opportunity to learn Greek as well as he does. The Bank Greek Film Festival for the second consecutive “makeup guru”, built a cosmetics empire from nothing, along with his brother Emmanuel. At the moment, year, while it also included international films, from their company is making plans to expand in various regions across the globe. Napoleon Perdis cosmetics stores Cyprus, Greece, France and the U.S., for the first currently operate in Australia, New Zealand, USA, Latin America, Canada, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. time. JANUARY 2015 16/34 TO BHMA The Greek Australian VEMA

Digital Mosaic Where the Ancient Faith + 21st century media merge Painting with the colours of Creation heart of a young introspective artist. My senses were richly fed. By Chris Vlahonasios Founder & Director Why did you choose to blend Orthodoxy into your OFA blog + Byzanfest + THE MOVING art? ICON I do not see my Orthodoxy as a blend or a choice… it is how I breathe, how my heart beats, who I am in Christ. My paintings have become what I pray, as in Luke 12:34: “For where your treasure is there your heart Angelica Sotiriou is a visual artist from San Pedro will be also.” As a young artist my sculptures were often in California, USA. As an Orthodox Christian, Angelica’s of the interior angst I had at being a woman raised in a art is a vivid expression of her Faith. Using abstract traditional family and the longing to choose the path of and surreal forms, she originally started off drawing an artist. As I grew into young motherhood my work and painting with graphite and acrylics, but moved to- was about polarities and the angst of losing my artist wards scul-pture. Then after many years she returned self to a husband and to my children as a wife and to her first love of colour and line on larges canvasses. mother. As my children grew so did my need to pray Having been a teacher and lecturer for 39 years, An- more and to hold onto trusting in the Will of God. As my gelica finally decided to dedicate herself to what she prayer life increased so my work changed… instead of truly loved. She established her own studio and has youthful angst and searching for definitions, my works been painting for over 20 years. Her work has been ex- became all about my relationship with my internal hibited at many renowned galleries across the USA world and relationship with God. and forms the private collections of some very promi- Visual artist Angelica Sotiriou creates abstract-surreal, nent people, including blockbuster film and TV pro- contemplative works of art that reflect on her personal Your artist statement describes your recent draw- relationship with the Divine. ducer, Jerry Bruckheimer. ings and paintings as “a personal journey of uncover- coloured salmon pink, purple, pink, lavender, rose ing and revealing pathways, windows and portals of What was your upbringing like? pinks, shades of greens and blues were my visual field light and of spirit.” What does this mean? I was raised in a Greek Orthodox family. My father and colours became recorded memory. We were in a My paintings are large, the average size is 8’x 4. The was born in Pireaus and my mother was a first genera- constant relationship with the weather… rain, wind and process of painting them becomes a tango of sorts. The tion Greek born to parents from Kefalonia. We were sun determined how healthy the crops would grow and works take much energy and broad strokes. They are wholesale flower farmers. My youth was spent working eventually be sold at the flower market in downtown like painted choreographies. The paintings are large like in the family business surrounded by acres of multi Los Angeles. We were saturated in the mystical rhythm giant windows and doorways that I must pass through… coloured fields of rows and rows of asters… Intensely of nature and connected in a way that imprinted on the I constantly work on creating and attempting to bring light out of the painted surface. I am always humbled and made small in the presence of the enormous size of each canvas. The process becomes a relationship and New Scripture Teachers the canvas becomes a dimensional space that I have en- tered. Each painting I do has been inspired by passages from scripture, or a phrase or prayer that touches me during Divine Liturgy, or a perspective of the writings of the Holy Mothers and Fathers, or what I take to prayer. Sometimes it is something as simple as the incense that rises or the image of the hundreds of beeswax candles lit in the Holy Sepulchre, or how the light enters through the stained glass images and shines on the iconostasis… all the images settle into my visual memo- ry bank and become these wordless illustrations of the sublime. As I work on the sketch of the idea/concept I do my homework and explore more deeply the concept with more Orthodox reading, more prayers and ap- proaching my Father Confessor with clarifying ques- tions. As I work on the painting, more questions arise that await answers and sometimes the work itself an- swers them for me. When a work is complete I am often surprised at all that I learned and how I spiritually grew in the process of creating my work. It is a grace and al- BASIC ACCREDITATION COURSE ways this process humbles me. I guess the Lord knows how to make me listen and how I am to learn! Monday 9th February 2015 What are some examples of your ‘contemplative 9.45 am – 2.30 pm narrative paintings’? I have a portfolio of two hundred or more works, but Greek Orthodox Parish & Community of “St George” my most recent works in the last decade have become more illustrative of my interior world. I will take for ex- 90 Newcastle Street, Rose Bay ample the last ten paintings I have done in sequence. I finished a work called “Mary’s Yes” and it is an ab- stract illustration of the moment the Theotokos says This is a preparation for new Scripture Teachers in State ‘Yes’ to the Lord. The image is the fusion of the very Schools in NSW. It is also for teachers who have not attended moment when the Holy Spirit and Mary’s ‘Yes’ became one. The painting is vertically large and begs the viewer a course previously. to look up to the point where the viewer’s neck strains to see the swirl of wings and spirit above the beam of RegisteronlineͲ1132372/BasicͲAccreditationͲCourseͲ2015 golden light that descends into the swirls of amber, pink nd and blue living embrace. Or the painting I did of “Sin RSVP–2 February2015 and Grace” where sin is this viscous, undulating and di JANUARY 2015 The Greek Australian VEMA TO BHMA 17/35

Cont. from previous page colour. Perhaps the influence of my childhood working You taught art for many years before becoming a in the fields and always fascinated with the expansive full-time artist, so what has the experience of teaching mensional application of deep red, broken apart by the blue sky above me. I always thought if I just looked hard ‘taught’ you? thrust of illuminating golds and heavenly blues from enough I wouldGreece see the Lord looking downawarded on me. But Teaching has as taught me so very much about the pow- above and below, covering the intestinal ribbons of yes, blue is like the heavens, the Kingdom… the blue er of the creative process, the power of the visual arts, deep red. Then there is the painting of “Theosis” where that is not of this world, dense and infinite. Gold indeed how teaching art was such a gift because it always gave becoming one with the Lord is a collision of galactic pro- is always found“Destination in some spot of my paintings. It repre- ofme a glimpse Year into the soul 2013” of my student. I know there portions… the red of the union and blend of colours sents illumination, the uncreated light of God and His is not a student in the world that I cannot love because becomes almost embryonic and the shape of the union heavenly kingdom. The gold is Christ’s Divinity. White is of teaching. becomes chalice-like and takes the form of the cup and always my final application or my first application on I became a better artist, a more compassionate mem- woman. the canvas… like a moth to light. ber of the world, a seeker of beauty and a more thoughtful mentor. From the time you first started has your artistic Which of all your pieces would you say is your direction and subject matter changed? favorite? What was it like making the plunge into the realm of I truly can say that I have always been searching in my My favorite piece is titled “Seventy times Seven”…the a full-time artist? work to find reconciliation in finding light in darkness. journey in creating this painting was a poignant spiritu- There was no fear in the plunge… life finally allowed Some earlier works were more literal and figurative. As al journey for me. It was my most difficult yet my most me the time to use my gifts in a more focused manner. my paintings became more confident in technique and successful and rewarding. I set out believing I could por- At my age now I no longer have to balance my roles as media the works became more abstract… but all the tray in a painting the concept of forgiveness. Yet in ap- a woman, mother, wife, daughter, friend, employee. I while still dealing with finding “light.” proaching the painting I realized that there was still un- have been blessed that I never lost sight of my soul’s forgiveness in my heart. So after many layers of humili- desire to be an artist and I have been blessed to a have What is your creative process - from blank canvass ty, shades of purple grey, I was able to create a golden had all of my life’s experiences and responsibilities that to art? portal into eternity where the key was forgiveness that transformed and shaped the artist that I am today. I start out in contemplation of a verse, a prayer, a let me into God through love. chant etc. I enter into the images that form and I settle So what’s next? into them and sketch them out in my sketchbook… Not only are you skilled in the ‘worldly’ arts, but you I will continue painting as long as the Lord has making notations on the sketch where and how colour have also written icons. Has iconography altered your planned and I will continue to use my gifts to glorify and texture will intersect. Most of my paintings start overall artistic perspective? Him. I also have made a commitment to offer my gallery out being covered in black or in an indigo black… I mix I took a beginning iconography class from my Father and studio space to show faith-based artists who other- black gesso and acrylic paint together and make direc- confessor, Rev. Fr. Michael Courey about 15 years ago. wise would not have the opportunity to show their tional scoring while wet to create textural movement. The notion of working from dark to light turned the cor- works. The works initially start on the floor and then are lifted ner in my paintings. Also there was a very mystical rela- I am enjoying bringing together artists in my studio onto a very large easel to work in details. tionship when my hand painted the glycasmo onto the and finding commonality in our works. As He says, Face of Christ. I truly can say I fell into Christ’s eyes for where there are three or more gathered, there I will be! Deep shades of blue, gold and white light seem to the first time in my life and I fell deeply in love. From feature predominantly in your work. that point forward all my paintings were done to glorify Yes, that’s right! Blue has always been my “go-to” Him. To see Angelica’s work:


Australia Day means something different to everyone, and it’s important you do what’s right for you. So on January 26, reflect on what you love about being Australian. #australiaday JANUARY 2015 18/36 TO BHMA The Greek Australian VEMA Arts, Food & Wine Editor: Imogen Coward The State of Education

By Taliésin Coward

“Rarely is the question asked: is our children learn- ing?” were the words spoken, and sadly not in jest, by former US President George Bush Jnr. In Ancient Greece, and also, for example in Australia in past gener- ations, the first steps in providing an ‘education’ have been to, initially, equip students with some basic skills; chief among these were often reading, writing and arithmetic (somewhat amusingly referred to as the three ‘R’s). They are, of course, also essential skills for any would-be autodidact. The word ‘educate’ is taken from the Latin educare – to bring forth. As a teacher, one aims to impart knowledge and skills to help stu- dents ‘bring forth’ and develop their abilities. A noble aim, but one that I fear is too old fashioned for many of the educational theories and practices of today. A more accurate description of the education process, as it is experienced by many students today, is perhaps not to bring forth, but rather to ‘stuff full’ (of paradigms, facts, but rarely genuine skills, it seems) in order to pass a test. For example, in my own experi- ence, it is not uncommon to come across late-primary or early-high school students struggling with fractions and basic mental calculations (1 + ½), or to come across children with several years worth of schooling who lack fine motor skills and are still labouring under the im- pression that the best way to hold a pen is with one’s fist, rather than one’s fingers. (In their defence, it might be noted that they are, however, fully proficient in the ‘jab and swipe’ method of finger-pointing required to run touch screens.) How is it that we have reached a point where vast numbers of ‘educated’ children lack the most basic of skills? Although there are many possi- ble factors, one part of the answer is perhaps to be found in the biting examination of the English under- class mentality, Life at the Bottom, by retired prison doctor and psychiatrist Theodore Dalrymple. Whether you agree with Dalrymple’s observations or not, they make interesting food for thought. Along with a general lack of value being placed upon education in modern popular culture, Dalrymple cites two highly destructive educational policies (unfortu- nately evident in Australia) centred on the notions of self-esteem (which can also be termed the ‘glass egos’ theory) and relevancy. The ‘glass egos’ theory holds that to correct a mistake, to tell a child that they have gotten something wrong, is damaging to their sense of self-worth and should therefore be avoided. An exam- ple I am aware of was of a student who habitually wrote a particular letter from the alphabet back-to-front. Gen- tle correction by the tutor was met with condemnation by the parent who was following their school teacher’s view that any correction should be avoided as it would damage the child’s self-esteem (a view the parent re- vised when it was pointed out that it was better to be gently and kindly corrected now, than to be the subject historical knowledge, which relates to the policy on rel- Dalrymple, of the fact that an education (including the of ridicule – overt or covert – by one’s peers or employ- evancy. For example, if a child is asked to decipher the skills to be an autodidact) has been the route perhaps ers later on). phrase ‘Achilles’ heel’, it would not be strange today if “...most frequently travelled – to social advancement”; Dalrymple suggests that not to correct mistakes at all, the answer came back, ‘wasn’t he played by Brad Pitt?’ a process that has seen many immigrants not only sur- on the basis that it may damage a child’s self-esteem, Yet that same child may harbour serious doubts about vive, but thrive. sets a dangerous precedent, providing a shield behind the viability of the planet’s future, and therefore their Although perhaps the flaws of current educational which poor teachers can hide their lack of ability, and own, from constant reminders threaded throughout thinking are not entirely new (if Lady Bracknell’s com- actively hindering good teachers from carrying out their various subjects on current politically driven topics. Dal- ments in The Importance of Being Earnest are recalled), job. Dalrymple notes that at one school, in order to pro- rymple lays the blame for this on the notion - in order there are excellent teachers within the system, devoted tect the students’ apparently tenuous grip on self- to make learning more engaging - that what people are to providing a high quality of teaching, and who possess worth, teachers were only allowed a set number of cor- to be taught should be somehow relevant to their exis- and radiate an infectious air of inspiration and enthusi- rections, regardless of how many errors were actually tence (though how relevance is determined, and by asm. The last word though, should perhaps be given to present. If a student repeatedly made the same spelling whom, is a very thorny question). As Dalrymple points Dalrymple, who suggests that education is never just mistake, for example, the error could only be corrected out, the way this has been put into practice in England the job of an ‘official’ teacher alone. In order to make a as long as the ‘correction quota’ had not been exceed- (and it is remarkably similar to Australia), can result in a difference, he suggests, it requires a community to ed. Once exceeded, the mistake was not to be noted. child’s educational world shrinking to that which he or prize and promote skills as valuable, and a responsibili- The net result was that the students concluded their she already knows (or politicians/bureaucrats think ty to be taken by those who have an education to ac- mistakes and the correction of them was both arbitrary they should know). One upshot, he suggests, is that stu- tively ‘bring forth’ a high standard of skill and ability, and unjust. dents do not have, or value, a knowledge of the past and to impart knowledge to those who do not. Such approaches may go some way to explaining the (and therefore the possibilities of the future) but are fo- References: poor level of maths and literary skills in evidence, but it cussed on the present, and specifically their present; an Dalrymple, Theodor. Life at the Bottom. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee. 2001. doesn’t explain the ever-increasing lack of cultural and idiocentric viewpoint. It also flies in the face, suggests Wilde, Oscar. The Importance of Being Earnest. JANUARY 2015 The Greek Australian VEMA TO BHMA 19/37 St John’s College

GreeceVCE Results 2014 awarded as

Top Achiever – Congratulations to Gregory“Destination Koutsantonis who received the ATAR of of 96.25. Year 2013” Highlights include... 6% above 95 29% above 90 35% above 80 41% above 75

St John’s College is a truly open entry School, and we celebrate the tremendous achievements of the Class of 2014. These wonderful results demonstrate our School community's capacity to support all students to achieve their personal best. VCE SUCCESS 2014

St John’s College congratulates its Year 12 students on their excellent performance in the 2014 Examinations. Their success is once again testament to the talent and hard work of our students, the excellent work, professionalism and dedication of our teachers and the effective support of the parents at St John’s College. We are all proud of their achievements and dedication and wish them the very best for the future. The Dux of the College for 2014 is Gregory Koutsantonis, who achieved a score of 96.25. Scores in individual subjects were also outstanding, with George Mylonopoulos (Year 11) receiving a perfect score of 50 for Greek. Other students who achieved excellent marks include Maria Anamourlis with 46 for Greek, 41 for Business Management, 41 for Legal Studies, Gregory Koutsantonis with 45 for Further Maths and 40 for Chemistry, Konstantinos Mylonopoulos with 45 for Greek, 42 for Further Maths and 40 for English (EAL), Konstantinos Kavaleris (Year 11) with 45 for Greek, Vasilios Psarakos with 43 for Further Maths, Niki Fotias with 42 for Greek and Petros Gkourmis with 41 for Greek. Congratulations also goes to the staff of the various studies that have students who scored over 40. Greek 60% English (EAL) 33% Further Mathematics 25% Chemistry 25% Legal Studies 17% Business Management 13%

        GkourmisP.KavalerisK.PsarakosB.MylonopoylosG. AnamourlisM.FotiasN.KoutsantonisG.MylonopoulosK.

2014ͲYear12ͲGroupphoto Studentswithover90ATARscore

     KoutsantonisG.AnamourlisM.MylonopoulosK.CatrineiI.FotiasN. 93.2093.1591.7591.70  96.25 JANUARY 2015 20/38 TO BHMA The Greek Australian VEMA