r FloridaA s1 AI V01.56, No.3 A Universi ty of Florid,CGflnesv le LI TOFridayMay R8, 1964 F ridayMoy 8



C Inside the Gator : 1 FA Du pree best?-pagc 11 69 Charlie's tale.page 7

Pretty Girl-page 5

S ummer pla y-page 7


C 0 p


B Sin 'I, a44

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- ' ,, t I I * - ~ - 'I fh~ Florida MI H i M~, A, Announcement Director Rioni reminisces

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ofth se',anii lrE' ujis thl list 'if ii4eiuties pati Imtiinv ii le ,mert. Flhe six-story tuion, to be '0,,m- [Acted by 966, wIll h~e 'oust ructedl by the II. I,. C ,hl, , nistructin li it is .It'.i s 0 . if ( rlando-. 'V. , I Bil l.cii lr'. i 4 t mheE l t id iuinii r,' t i i ' I~i

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sedi lIt ll p edvery tit it and sole r ht the floor. "Some- chess match between the I , ye 85 nd Hak wha ile itwas. how we got tIhe campus police and a Russ an chess tea it &ts liee,"' saul Plot,, " 'dd they took members all had fIrst ;ii', lik AW. rLig to 'Idr uti, tis icc ired ii, uwai , but it WAS pretty tense Nikita, Josef and iva, hterly 0dA ever' iht t next try lli fore the fr a guests while.* after the chess' teams Swt f~,F idtfedm hurmlfor off.uderdiiu Iion is known as 'Mr. tinpre- "'FBI"' came in aund t(Kok By Fl) hANDEl? Flying In from Washirngtcn, I)." 'le Ii explanins.a mino vrt dcable'' to his staff, because he sian team members 'wiv, Staff Writer C. to sp~ak will be Ii. S, Uep. niay show up for work between all had great laugh, (lharles EC. Bennett, past presi- i' 8:30 and U a.m,. uiid lieni again people still think the m'at'h Interwoven as the very warp and dent of the Student liody. Nep. Thental the weasle ti rid i he may get in before the janitor for real,'" woof of Its being ire the iaames Bennett, v~i th Dr. Tigert, tonk Rion said, at 5 a.m,. 'We never know when of those who have toad and will part in the 1934 ground-breaking 'hsstudent walkedu in yard sked, Another Incident in the I mn he will turn up,' reported staff have a share in the thulon's de- Ce remnony. where Mr. arti was.er Soler i- story occured about ipht years member, so we're always or, our velopmnurt. Invited as speakers U. S. Rep. I). U. ''BillY" Mat- plie d ak hwhidt know who w. ago when the Union got two rihber. toes'' and honored guests for the 'crc- thews was appointed director if Macrn as o, whe he might link floor mats weiglig ,uhut Wion re alled with great glee the mony are representatives of the the Union in 1936, and held the bert ghd. Abt xat .yt e0 iorn 220 pounds each. The hiits were ''ussian chess Match'' staged by future, the present arid the paest. post until 1948. During Mat- thd cenk. tothe desk. fr ee inscribed with the words "I lorid Karl Cluck in Bryan I ounge sev- thews' WW Ii military service, J, oetid,* pied he her tfwereny Union'' in multi-colors. According eral years ago. THlE PAST N. Johnson, professor of Bible, to lion they were put dlowi one 'Carl came to me and told me was appointed acting director. 'poThen hule a guns thie Rin day and stolen sometime 'irlg if his planned hoax, rid assured me From out of the past come imny Upon the death of Johnson in 1943, the night. ''We never saw them that there would be no destruction familiar names. Under the leader- Professor of Speech Dr. l ester T97heatnrqe erws It alter that first day, and even to because of It, so we agreed to go ship aiid help of then-President 1L. Hlal, now LDean of Student this day we have no idea how they .Iohn J. Tigurt, the first Florida Affairs, was named Acting lDirec- "Thilituetwle in new lork'ia .long with hin.'' Gluck staged Union was built in 1936. WorkIng bor until the return of Rep. Mat- wrno will Mctm asiralr te- what appeared to be a legi nmate (See RION, Page 3) with IDr. Tigert were G ainiesil le thews In 1946. The actual work ptred that 'wid't hnw wto rea Attorney Erwin A. Cluyton, presi-. iii constructing the first building bakrt to wan o lee he mgtr Went of the University's Alumni was supervised by now-retired ine ounty'' sAboti tiim in tnt Association ini 1933-34, and Pr. builder W. l eroy ScIhoch. hondicetoro the Fdeskd Unioyn. one new V. W. Kokomoor, who was chair- Since 1948, the director has ytu th," elste ordntrarri i Connecting the theater arid gal- Also there will 1e a ten -i'hr upo he saild.agnwil in man of the YMCA Board of [Ii- been William E. Wion. While Mion lery to the main building is a barber shop, four public Ioiue, rectors in 1934. was on two leaves of absence, Mrs. olonnade 200 feet long and 50 an arts and crafts shop, 'a I'iveiig IDeaii H. C. Ileaty, [)ea, Emneritus Thomas P. Clinard served as Act-. feet wide, providing outdoor space library and] five miusi' listeik and director of the Alumni loy- ing lDirector in l90-5, and Miss FCsties $790,000 e thara for exhibits .mi activities. "'I rooms. alty Fund since 1960 wts Assistant Joan Cochran s r'e! IIn 19 58-59. Umwill tuu ahdraicc te. thtipk the whole student election Dean of Students at the time of the miuld be held here,'' said Rmon. thatre-iherou't ste t tokwa Florida Food Servict ijit the first ground-Ibreaking. lie was Other space includes 36 guest ib all ed toflt'nlt:,ole Seater Campus Shop and Bcookstuore later to lieccme the Dean of Stu-. (See GUES TS, Page 3) rooms, meeting rooms with total 1Wt ninte ont, satid eiram the will have branches in the dents from 1938 to 1948. capacity of 480, a large general Union building. assembly room seating 1,600, or middlesaise . 100 for banquets, which is divisi- Aotxng$7ve0 the theater W~lh b~tino nine smaller rooms by Student activities, includtg ti nosah e walls, a game room hous- dent publications, Student (,ivern- ment, Florida Blue Key, Traffic let or art exhit.intl showsg. bilad tabs and"" ew in pig-pon tbes, and ii' auditorium seating

500 square feet. other officeS The Browse Shop wil e the Alumni ssrain * Chorbroiled Delmonico Steak - baked University placenient ~erV' Onalihy Paperbac ks Special * Pork Chop Plate.7% TEX TS & PRETEXTS . .Aldous Huxley Te buiding willcs t, THE PEARL . .John Steinbeck 1966. Architects are b at! LOVE IS A SPECIAL WAY OF FEELING T SURE FEED Yo Daifin and Bishop of Tahis13 and Moore and May of(iiS A NEW BGINNING SPRING IS .Joan Anglund QooiIrANC GT~fIUS-! lt to Ii 1. Cobl onst I i' ENTERPRISI NG AMERICANS . .John Chamberlain Company, Inc. of Orlando. GRADUA TE RECORD EXAMINA TION BOOK -I NATIONAL TEACHERS EXAMINA TIQI N BOOK 111111.


-. - - . tINDER NEW A I . 9 yjt U

GUESTS 10 Northwest 6th St.

I, i Fr' r (}4ami/irq wi/k tittd. 53" -vr Bed.' will sieik ror Ne thrver- shty turrrm row; kion Is >speikig V (or the ano,. amersity P e STARTS THURSDAY. JUNE 4th Pros dent F arry M. Phi pott will preside over the gi ouind-breaktrg. THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE MANY wasii air uni i ofte 1 il SPECIAL VALUES THROUGHOUT THE STORES' l95ii by III Prvesident J. Hlis Miller. (dher members of the commirittee were woody liles, then a Union staff mwember and now a state representative, and Larry a King, also a former staff member La and, at present, a member of the state Board of Control. Linked (Continued from Page 2) result was that wheni the Janitor with both the old and the new are opened up the doors in the morn- Florida graudates Forrest M. were taken, Where they went or ing he was greeted with a cascade I why," said IRion. of water down the stairway. Union Kelly Jr., architect to the Board of Control, new Umion architects Among the projects started by was awakened at 5 a.m. with '"We U P. L. Barrett Jr. and Jack Moore, the Union for student benefit we got a waterfall in the lobby.' 4 and engineer William Bishop. Be- the Blue (ross insurance plan for Many antedotes concerning the sides working on the design of the married students in 1946. "'Itwent Union will never he told. But the Ii new structure, Barrett Was a desk great for about two years," re. turn of the shovel when the ground I assistant in 1946-47. marked Rion. "Then we had to is broken for the new Union will Also instrumental in the estab- cancel it because the premium got not be enough to bury the many lishment of the new UnIon were Bill too high. The birth rate among laughs and Wears that will haunt A. Fleming, chairman of the Flori- the married students ezceeded the the halls of the 'Old Union" for da Union Board of Managers and highest projecttocs made by the years to come. ~ William R. Conway, president of Insurance company when they set the Alumni Association. the rates on the plan. 'Wehad no Taking part in the actual ground- alternative but to withdraw the breaking itself, Sandra Scales, PI an. president of the Florida Union One of the many occupational -- Board for Student Activities, will be a symbol of the present. in October of 1962. The Union I Delivering the main address will had planned to have two Air Force N be Dr. Delton L. Scuddr, head of ------. N Officers from Cape Kennedy (then the department of religion, who Canaveral) come to speak on space has long been identiliedas working progress at the Cape. The pro- with the Union. Besides being gram called for showing of films chairman of the Boardof Managers of the Glenn and Grissomn space Misss'eg.$2.8 from195-59and chairman of the flights and a lecture by officials ~eoa y5paiining COmimittfl from from the Cape. Members of the 1955-59, he has actively supported ROTC Air Force unit were suppose the Union through talks beforestu- to attend en masse. Special In- dent Government and other Inter- vitations were sent out to the Niceiy tailored uIhorts witih aid. ested groups. Aerospace School, and a capacity zipper closing, b.It loops end id. crowd of at least 1,220 was ex- pocket. Woven ligHt and dark $ 99 THE FUTURE pected. Came the time of the plaids, lined s.,r-suckrs and sold well-pubticized event and '70 people color cottons. You save 99c during - Iig. As a projection Into tomorrow, showed up. Murphy's Anniversery S.I.I I. *s IS two future graduates of UF, David During the same week, a book D. Celion and Thomas P. Clinard review of "Lord of The Flies', $Sold only .t Murpky'. Jr., will take part in the cere- was scheduled in Johnson Lounge, monies. David, l0 years old,Class seating capacity 50. Thatevening of "7$, spent the first three years 500 UP students turned out ad of his life as a resident of Fla- the book review sas delayed while vet I, the housing area how being speakers and wires were stretched torn down for construction of the over balls and vacant spaces in flew building. Thomas, 12, Class the Union to accomodate thercrowd, 10 iNerhu 6t t of $74, is the son of former Act- Rion said. ing Director Mrs. Clinard. Tu1e Union has even had its own Appearing along with these rep- waterfall. resentatives of three eras in the Several years ago, while the wa- history and development of the ter was off on campus, a student. Florida Union will be many others stopped up th, lavatory onthesec- Aligtor Advertisi ng: who have supported the Union with ond floor outside the auditorium. University Ext. 2832 their time, talents and contribu- During the night, water service tions over the years. to the university was restored. Net- PATRONIZE GATOR ON ADVERTISERS


ftEG. ^NN'->W5^4' $1.00 7-PIECE SPECIALSIZE Caddy Sets SHAMPOOS

p "iou '4 .u.-g" 77seC a . DECORATED 94C If~ / * J AZZ COP N ER REFLECTION: - - - - The eccentric Monk )s tJ \ C !()

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-Ti rd If P A d' Mso av' k

Ii ;ila, Hs When yioi I i rulil i I gel TI lin i; ICe, like Iiriioom Nojik yrou 'ill 1'tiarue Iarkei, <:Lts ini her ApartrieTnt., madIn4'?~ \I' ;il has LI,etj lie0 AmJ' "Tic' with such prodigious 'enl ic9Ix rt [suTmet~Imes wonder if she hasn't 4 The jarri sins ills to et bh, k \lclid', I,3 ire' i ri, s'cie(o coi ncred th mimarket on negatives. she Thtlonious spher e \Monk was bu th i a Iew andl siw \a iorik wa, back it wr, II that was because I have barn Oct. ID, 1920, In Rocky Mo' nt, called 'hbop"' Jr "heboj."' \Ionk this tuuie with lohil Oltr 'io it aipms that It only seems 1,,n S( faithful to provide her with innumerable N.* ( ., moved with his parent , to became known as the ' Highl 1>rest tie I ivn >jpt ( aie. New York City in 1924, tok his of FBebx4.'' I jppl Iunities, and that she's really only beimg very 'we hive riosen \Thiik' ltweMt to guard my virtue. first piano lesson at the age ol In 1951 he flpent 60 da s ini ail 'x cieu ret Ir fo a r~ and Uhrer years later he was wv for having heroin in his vp eson aIeaid gur. &t my rate, this preoccupation with the negative rie 'Ing almost every' amatfrur nut ht'' upon ti.d his ' ibaret nvale espe( ially interested in anl article written andi release on( at' CI 2164, ( IrIb by Nor iian Vini ett Peale, entitled '"The Power of was re orded at Qolumbia Phl- harmionit Hall, New~ ork it y. L E TTERS Ine Tittevextolled the virtues of the ability to utter The band cons ists of ten pieces. tis two lettered expression of negativity with the fiditye and emphasis that give it a power second only Trimester Surve y to that of the atom, lie expressed the belief that, sired. EDITOR: once we have established the moral and ethical frame- Overton has not been very sue- work under which we wish to live, we should cultivate eessful in tr ansfe rring Monk's Reference (Gerald Feaster's letter on the 'Trl- the ability to say, quickly and finally, '"NO'' to any compositions from piano to the big Mess," and his recommendation (or a statistIcally temptation or act that would infringe upon that life. band. The arrangements entirely sound survey. I am presently planning such a survey In so doing, we free the mind from the needless lack the imagination of a Don Red- for my Master's thesis, and it should be sound. I preoccupation with peccadillos, and our spirit from man or a Pete Rugolo. possibly have studied the recommendations of the inter-in- the incessant barrage of small temptations that can because of uninspiring arrange- stitutional committees from all four stteuniversities, ultimately erode all but the most resolute beliefs. ments, Monk's solo flbeote a survey conducted by the University of Pittsburgh Beyond this, however, the positive NO worries me after FOUR full years of trimester operation, andi (CL 1965) and 'Criss-Cross"' (CL almost as much as its kissing cousin, the positive many other sources of information. Further my minor KNOW statisticians 2038). Monk s best solo in the is statistics and my committee includes SSome of the shortest discussions of my life have from and a d peces Is on ' our both Business Administration Agriculture. iv e bi been with people who have been paradigms of consis- tency in teir ideas, In that they KOW such and this under-writte byl thBoad of Control and therefore save from fiure by the br ilant be much larger than icmn afford. However, the Board Frost's most well known poems, "Mending Wall." In was denied their request for a grant from the U.S. cornet solos of mad lanes, heard it, Frost is walking down one side of the stone wall Office of Education. If the Student Govornment is best on "I Mean You," "Evi- dence," and "Four in One, and with his neighbor walking down the other, each re- interested enough to donate $200-300 so that a more 4> placing the stones that have fallen from the wall onto comprehensive survey may be conducted, I would by Frank Dunlop's unbelievable drum solos heard best on 'I Meaui his property. Frost keeps remarking that there is You," and "Pour in hurry thosuhsince Ihav alreay spend mnhor One.'done negbor keeps repeating a saying handd dwn from picking a random sample of approximately 250 from his father, 'Good fences make good nieghbors.' a university of 13,BSL. (This Includes all students who by Monk's quartet, and tenor sax Despite Frost's questioning and probing, were enrolled inseptember 1962.) EnlargIng the sample man Charlie Rouse actually man- "'ie will not go behind his father's saying, would almost require starting over from scratch, and ages to get off a nice little solo. And he likes having thought of it so well TIME is running out. The high point of this better.- than-average album (and It Is a He says again, 'Good tences make good neighbors." The purpose of this letter, however, is not to solicit in of all we've And thus by establishing the framework of the funds, but to solicit ideas for questions from students good album spite said) is Monk's five-minute solo pxositive KNOW, the mind is allowed to slip behind and faculty. I not only want to uncover the depths of 'Darkness on the Delta." the protective curtain of the positive NO. . . .and feeling toward the 'trimester,'but exactly what specific represents a radi- is relieved of the responsibility of probing and items are most impxortant to the majority. Further, "Drnes cal departure questioning; freed from evaluating and substantiating, what, if anything, could be done to make the trimester from the usual style of Monk. His use of parallel and released from thevague uneasiness of uncertainty. acceptable. For instance, suppose the entire campus chords, minor seconds, whole-tone It is unfortunate that this uneasiness of uncertainty were air-conditioned, professors easedupon the work-- Sis often the harbinger of, and indeed the motivating to students at- scales, and the flatted fifth, all load, and reduced fees were offered force behind, the type of questing pioneer spirit to tending all three trimesters. There ar. many other typical Monk, are used rather sparingly. in fact, Monk seems which we have so often professed to aspire. possible considerations, and your readers can cer- to bie playing "Darkness on the e And each time we accentuate the trend of Judging tainly help me to frame better questionnaires. It Delta"' with a touch of Fats Wallert b people by what they know rather than by what they could help us all, since my findings will be widely and James P. Johnson. Never be- think, we are helping to crush the s.eed of inventiveness circulated. fore have we heard Mock play with and originality. . suech lyric beauty. Monk's "Dark.- I not only think s0, I KNOW 50. Frank J. Gallagher, 7BA nes on 2549 N. W. 12th Avenue te D e should b re




Carmanella' a FREE Banquet SPECaAL BONUS Rooms DISCOUNT oE To All Sludats N afid Univlvsnhy Pennnd EWT (Just Show I.D. Card) different Something tacb-I1:30 a.u.-2:OS p. an dining experience Dhumer-4:30 a.u.-8:0OS p.m. 365 days ay ear THE FRIENDLY

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4I~ \loi1d iy I lt| +r al at 1' ,. a d 10 t(' Itet i II ill LliIht~i to 1* CAMPUS COMPA SS B !ibm tri- listed In ' #o1's whto in AmTIe t a' I ThOu (fm the fit ture this year. progre'w report' 'lii lhgter or at lut, lDr. Kimball Wiles, professor of Uepublli iii Rep. \ilI: on F flciay education, Lr. K,. Travis Sork, ide of >t. Pettrstburg will be Ihe AlI into eted par-ties are urged to tonlversatioi cinb \May hi apI .I provost for featuenic peake r at a(tIdwater ag rIc Ilt Lie, andl attend. r Spam' h covers dioui club \iay 25. liiramt Uraper Williams, assistant titipaigni rally Saturday it p.n. Pefreshnmerts, native muisi- .i I. UB FF- NI)F /\ 015 has slated 'I lhichhol, Junior H11gb audltori- professor of art, were picked (or A (fPhMAN (INX EI.SA litA slides alt ilso plailel for the a ''May lI)as tDanC' tonight. A umn. Goldwater sulppxrters are the 33rd ed thon of the pubIi cat ion, club will meet for thte first timhe m'el In14. .oc ii radio invited(. dISC hockey will emcee, About three persons out of 10,000 Monday at 7:34 p.m,. ill the In- aind anyone who wants to entertain are chosen for 'Who's Who." te rnatioinal (einter. the club's I F- ( H A l'Ti- of the I lorida riiv s 1[)EN F GRdMI P for rnay apply to Ho.o, 115 oftbe Finrn- 1 Educators make up 26 per cent main purpose, Sit Mhs. .,v a Chi Istlar F ellowship elected low Equal Rights will have a summntr [Ia I'nton today. 4~ >,


iciltor...... Joiuit Xskips

Xc xe tive I iltors Jimr Fianhrmeck licuny ( asuil

Bob Thomas Joel Gastoui Jitm Castello yrtie I It, Pat logan Eunice Tall Beth Kraselsky N aucy Brachey

Sports Editor. . . . .S. . Martin Edwards

Staff Writers John Hlancock, Jackie Cornelius, Millie (so rman, Barbara Keller, Ed lBarl her, Don Federman, Joyce E. KElmer, J'atti Pitz, Liz Brew er, Hail ( ap. c'harlIe Bush, Joe Kollin, Bsob Wise, Jim C a dl to, Phil Geyter, and 6tan Kuip.

Ueeceptioniist. .*...... Marsha G. Brown

The F lorida Alligatnr I Sthe officials student newspaper of the University of F lorida and is published five tines weekly except during the mon ths of May, June and July, when it is published semi-weekly. The Florida Alligator is entered as second-class matter it tbe United States Post Office at Gainesville, Florida. t'W J D \' '. S i C' LW'SEU 'Thi, I. ZUC Sally Rafts, Phi Gammia Det's entry in lh. 1Q64 Miss Camp wsahwrg Playday beauty contest. All campus group. are Invited to nominate girl by May IS. Winner winl be crowned during 1964 l'layday at the camp, May 21. There is no fee. Only qualification requirements are a 2.0 grade pmint average mud at least three hours of classe, this trimeater. Include In nominations the girl's name, addrwis and telephone plus name and telephone of your group. last years euerhq won more than $200 in merchandise. Food poison COMPLETE DINNER ( 4:45 to 8:05 pm cases on

MONDAY - Golden Brown Fried Chicken or Baked Ham ther ise TUESDAY - Chopped Sirloin Steak or Beef Stew The State Hoard of Health this week reported 294 'ases of food WEDNESD AY - Roast Turkey & Dressing or Country piolsoning so far this year against Styled Steak 190 to date last year and warned that the number can Iicrea with THURSDAY - Barbecue Short Ribs of Beef or Sliced warm weather unless proper pre- Roost Beef cautions are taken. - French Sea rRib Steak A. W. Morrison Jr., director of Watt up, Wmthrop -'I says here. 57APREstt,,CCJniNEVER NFEDS 'RON/NMO F RIDAY Fried Deep Scallops o the hoard's Division of Sanitation, SA TURDA Y - Chopped Fiesta Steak or Fried Chicken said most food, spoil mor, quickly SUNDAY NOON - Roast Turkey & Dressing in hot weather when awayfromnre- SUNDAY NIGHT - Our Famous Country Styled frigeration, adlng, 'some food. can"become STA-PEST MEAN S Smothered Steak, or Slbced Roast Beef contanminaled by rapid- 'U' ly multiplying bacteria in five or si hor. Never Needs Imning! Includes: On outings, he suggested that of Rice, Potatoes or you can wash them in any manner, in your home Choice of Any Dessert, Choi cc washer, at the coin laundry, on a scrub board. You any One Vegetable, Choice of any I5e or 2C Salad,. a portable icebox with plenty of can dr them in an automatic dryer, on the line, Roll & Butter, Coffee or Tea (All You Wont). ice. "it you're making s.Adwices*, over the badh tub. Do ;a a dozen times. .never a take tUe fixings aloiw iflndrr- wrinkle. .always a crease. Fremnocs' selection of frigeratlor. ad make the saM. Mict u set tian meiaS., If- colo iousadin tool Ton,blackc light olive & colorsis out--n you saleS, ng 9 want putst a. m ff~ I JAZZ tOR NER ------The eccentric Monk REFL EC TION: ii I

F, )S1 (Ix EL tl()

I ,,ir ii

Ii; .h F .1 I, the lueFi F4 '+3W 01k ii F,,a o es , IZ ilM i Sity, Elui Ic' liiileirhoe Wh en you're a rrhust I getJIIs IF piavw-l wth 11541e imes stra s hd tb like Thp ornoui %Jotik yomu ,mIet TAy withbIelng j ittlem entib H Bud rweil, aidt hii lie, lristirn. rib b eT ,parllienlt:, rlatageli zairi tL]h*s e 'hewuil' with such pirxigious The jarm sessi r[S it \lilitc It',v RV to ger bii' \onk', rabji pt 4pt C ate. herc so faithful to provide her with innutrerahie New York City in 1924, took his of Bebxw.'' {ppotunities, and that she'' really only being very first piano lesson at the dge of We have toser, Mink's 'ewe>t II, Iii 1951 he spent GO das s ii jail aT aeful to guard my virtue. and thre,. years later he was win- re<,rd (or .1re'ew. for having heroin in his possession At liny rate, this preoccupation with 'ng almostevery'amateurnight"' ,,lonk: 14g Band andi Quartet the negative and upri reieast bad hi, ''Ciart riade me especially ml ( one ert'' a [ 2164, 89G68 interested in an~ article written by Nor was re ordedl at Columbia Phil- mar, Vincent Peale, entitled "'The Power of lie LETTERS hat moni c IIall * ew York Cfly. Posiie NC-"' In it lie extolled the virtues imsteriOf Survey The band conqssts of ten pieces. of the ability to utter to that of the atom. EDITOR: lie expressed the belief that, once we Overton has not been very suc- have established the moral andethicalframe- work under which we wish Reference Gerald Feaster's letter on the 'Trn- cessfuh in t r arsfe rring Monk's to live, we should cultivate the ability to say, quickly Mess," and his recommendation for a statistically compositions from piano to the big and finally, ''No" to any . temptation or act that sound survey. I am presently planning such a survey band. The arrangements entirely would infringe upon that life. - In so doing, we free the mind for my Master's thesIs, and it should be sound. I lack the imagination of a Don Red- from the needless preoccupation have studied the recommendations of the inter-In- man or a Pete Rugolo. Possibly with peccadillos, and our spirit from the Incessant barrage stitutional committees from all fourstate universities, because of uninspiring arrange- of small temptations that can ultimately erode a survey conducted by the University of Pittsburgh ments, Monk's solos fall below the all but the most resolute beliefs. after FOUR full years of trimester operation, and level beard on "Monk's Dream". Boyon4 this, however, the positive NO worries me many other sources of liformtatlon. Further my minor (CL. 1965) and ''Criss-Cross'" (Ct. almost as much as its kissing cousin, the positive Is statistics and my committee includes statisticians 2038). Monk's best solo in the KNOW. from both Business Administration and Agriculture. five big band pieces Is on 'Ftour Some of the shortest discussions of my life have It was origInally hoped that this study would be in One.' been with people who have been paradigms of consis- under-written by the Board of Control and therefore Each of the big band pieces is tency in their ideas, in that they KNOW such and thIs be much larger thmni canafford. However, the Board saved Irom, failure by the brilliant ~ to be true. . . .And i'm reminded of one of Robert was denied their request for a grant from the U, S. cornet solos of Thad Jones, heard - Frost's most well known poems, "Mending Wall." In Office of Education, If the Student Government is best on "1 Mean You," "Evi- e it, Frost is walking down one side of the stone wall interested enough to donate $200-300 so that a more dence," and "Pour in On,' a 9 with his neighbor walking down the other, each re- comprehensive survey may be conducted, I would by Frank Dunlop's unbelieveable # placing the stones that have fallen from the wilt onto gladly assume the additional work. They had better drum solos heard best on 'r Mean his property. Frost keeps remarking that there is hurry though since I have already spent many hours Yet,," and "Pour in One." 4 really no need for a wall iin the first place, and his picking a random sample or approximately 250 from 'Played Twice" is played once neighbor keeps repeating a saying handed down from a university of 13,881. ('This includes all students who by Monk's quartet, and tenor sax his father, 'Good fences make good nieghbors." were enrolled inseptember 1962.) Enlarging the sample man Charlie Rouse actually man- LDespite Frost's questioning and probing, would almost require starting over from scratch, and ages to get off a nice little solo. SHe will hot go behind his father's saying, TIME is running out. The high moint of this better- And he likes having thought of It so well The purpose of this letter, however, is not to solicit than-average album (and it is a Ae says again, 'Good fences rnake good neighbors." funds, but to solicit ideas for questions from students good album in spite of all we've And thus by establishing the framework of the and faculty. I not only want to uncover the depths of said) is Monk's five-minute solo positive KNOW, the mind Is allowed to suip behind feeling toward the 'trimester,' butexaetly what specific 'Darkness on the Delta." the protective curtain of the positive NO. . . and items are most important to the majority. Further, 'Darkness" represents a radi- is relieved of the responsibility of probing and what, if anything, could be done to make the trimester cal departure from the usual style questioning; freed from evaluating and substantiating, acceptable. Por Instance, Suppose the entire campus of Monk. His use of parallel and released from the vagueuneasiness of uncertainty. were air-conditioned, professors eased up onthe work- chords, minor seconds, whole-tone It Is unfortunate that this uneasIness of uncertainty load, and reduced fees were offered to students at- scales, and the flatted fifth, all is often the harbinger of, and indeed the motivating tending all three trimesters. There are many other typical Monk, are used rather force behind, the type of questing pioneer spirit to possible considerations, and your readers can cer- sparingly. in fact, Monk seems which we have so often professed to aspire. tainly help me to frame better questionnaires. It to be playing "Darkness on the And each time we accentuate the trend of judging could help us all, since my findings will be widely Delta" with a touch of Fats Wailer people by what they know rather than by what they circulated. and James P. Johnson. Never be- think, we are helping to crush the seedof inventiveness fore hav, we heard Monk play with and originality. . Frank J. Gallagher, BA such lyric beauty. Monk's 'Dark- 2549 N, W. 12th Avenue nMM on the Delta" should be re- I- ~i not only think so, I KNOW so. quired listening for every jazz bug. Akg____.


Carmanolla a FREE Banquet Rooms oF dsw~rtKi~r To All Shed.s and University PwrucwwI (WT (Just Show I.D. Card) Something different in dining experience t Ludc-11:30 a.u.-2:OS p.m. DImmr4:30 a.a.-8:S p.m. 365 days a year I' THE FRIENDLY

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hr ( rue

I1I 4 4' I

H htlivef- lIIL,

CAMPUS COMPA SS MIQII hatJLuiS 'iLI i Ue ,Ipat - he ~l'nxditon listed in 'VIL'I'S whI( in \m'er lea' ruse. \pl'i for t. 614s tnje this year. poI n report. student utivItIs "0 Im or ,t ( lub I!. kiniball wilrs, professor of itenle/vous I ii 1 * on Friday education,pr )E. I'ra vi, \Nk, riper of St. Pettrsl'uig will 1w the A I lute rested parties are uredt (onvel satiori i liu \l:jy IS anti a liilghts, provost Lot feat ueti 'jpeake, at Goldwater ag r irult ire, And attend. , spanr'h coniversjtioni jl \lay 7. ft ram I )raper williarns, assistant iipaigpi laly Saitir lay at S p.m. Pefreshments, native musi ul (Il OLI [B NIih /\'1liS has slated professor of art, werp picked for iii Ihchhol/ Junior [11gh iuditori - A (,iMAN ( ' slides aiet lso phlani ne for the a "May Div [ane'' tonight. A the 33rd edItion of the publIcation,. first trme i. Gi*Olwater suhppnrters are club will meet for the ireet lrgN. lot a1 radio dige jockey will emcee, About inviteI. three persons out 410,000 Monday at 7:30 pr. -ied abyonIe who wants to entertain are chosen for "Who's who." ternatiorial ( erte r. The c lib's I AILT. of the I lorida I'lE-. SI'ThEN I tid Pci lor may apply to bum 315 ofihe Elar- Edu ators make up 26 per rent main plrpoet, sa ii Mlis. E va tbh Istlan F ellowship elected flew Equal Rights will have a sirm m or da. Union today.

T[lie * F lorida ALLIGATOR

clditor. . . . .9. .j.chi sku

I xeruttve diitlpr, im Hammriork Berniy C no

Boh Thonirs Joel (astup Jlim C as tell Itnie [.It, Pat slogan Itunire Tall Beth Kraselskv Nancy Brarhey

Sports Editor. Martin [:dwardis

Staff Writers John TIancock, a. ckie Cornelius, Millie G;ornlan, Barbara r, Ed BarIer ,Don Federman, .loyre L. Kilmer, Patti Pitz, [ iz Brewer, Trail tap. rharlie Bush, Joe Kolin, Bob Wise, Jrm Carleto, Phil (,eyek, and Staxn Kuip.

Pec.;ptiopist. . .*...... Marsha C. brown

The I loridar Altgato is the official student newspaper of the University of Flor!da aiid is published five times weekly except during themro niths of May, Junie and July, when It is published semn-week ly .The Florida Alligator is entered as -/ second-class matter at the Umited States Post { fftce at Gainesville, Florida. This is ZUC Sally Ref;a Phi Gamma Delta's .ntry In the 1964 Miss Camp Waubarg Playday beauty contest. All campus groups are Invited to nominate girls by May IS. Wirnar will be crowned during 1964 Playday at the camp, May 21. There is ho tee. Only qualification requirements art a 2.0 grade point average and at least three hours of classes this trimester. Include in nominations the girl's name, address and telephone plus name and telephone of your group. Last year's queen won more than $200 In merchandise. Food COMPLETE DINNER poison 4:45 to 8:05 pm Cases on

MONDAY - Golden Brown Fried Chicken or Baked Ham the rise TUESDAY - Chopped Sirloin Steak or Beef Stew The State Hoard of Health this week reported 294 eases of food WEDNESDAY - Roast & Dressing or Country Turkey poisoning so rar this year against Styled Steak 196 to date last year and warned that the THURSDAY - Barbecue Short Ribs of Beef or Sliced number can Increase with warm weather wuns proper pre- Roast Beef cautions are taken. - French Fried Sea Scallops or Rib Steak A. W. Morrison Jr., director of Wadps~Wrthop-'tsays here, $1A P'RESrmuar's NCVER J FRIDAY Deep the board's Dlivialon of Sanitation, SA TURDA Y - Chopped Fiesta Steak or Fried Chicken said most foods .poi1 mor, quickly SUNDAY NOON - Roost Turkey & Dressing SIn hot weather when away from re- SUNDAY NIGH T - Our Famous Country Styled frigeratlon, adding, 'Some foods can becomecntaminated STA-PETMEANS Smothered Steak, or Sliced Roast Beef by rapid- ly multiplying bacteria in five or i hours.'' Never Needs Imning! Includes: O" outings, he suggeuted that in ce of Rice, Potatoes or you can wash them in any manner, your home Choice of Any Dessert, Chol eigeaor athotenpii washer, at the coin laundry, on a scrub board. You any One Vegetable, Choice of any 15e or 2Oe Salad, a portable Icebox with jimny c ice. them in an automatic dryer, on the line, Roll & Butter, Coffee or Tea (All You Want). can dr "ii yia're uaaq amields, over the both tub. Do toa dozen times. .never take tiIe 11jms Slan fly .e wrinkle."1 ways a crease. Fremacs' selection of C frlmnhain and Cel es ma- & colors s outstanding tool Tan,block, light olive burnt olive. Slack sjzes2S-36.j4 .98 hen

I - U

*IA tt rj I r dov , Mo , 1 >4





I, I> ik9, ~ ), P ' Summer and Smoke set by Players

mt Ires'ta oitlL Lnesee wVil-

Iu jnib Il ieleatu -1In Norman Flail Alititm 1111r pres~entatIon

The jd'iy. whit i. being diirect- tby lDr. AuiguM >tjuh, will fes- lure Some. of the tiost unusual A A slginig of iri P loidat layer pro- Iuc ttin of rcn years. fle rared tiid multi-leveled set, de- Zeta Phi Eta, professional speech *rts fraternity for women, performed James 'Thurber s play "Many signed by Fhtii y Swanson, will jut Moons" for Sunland Training Center children Monday. Included in the cast were Karen Tllghman, 3JM, out in$o Flhe itienie, muakinig pos- the King; Judy Lynn Prince, 4JM, the princess; nina landis, 4Et, the Court Jester; Rita lDoberty, 4JM, slibe a semuul-a r.'la type of pre- the lord 1-1gh Chamberlain; Barbara Ann Conrad, TJM, the Royal Wizard; Marie Stanganeilo, 4JM, the sentat ion whi h will produc, a Royal Mathemnatuclan; Sandcra Ross, 4JM, the Royal Goldsmith; and Sara Jo Edlit, 3AS, the Narrator. great tnt ite with the atiience. (Photo by Carolyn Johnston) (osumues di e tIlihk'r the super- vision of Mary st.iheiison, the [lot Ida Players' %taffcostume de- signer, tjmd will depict the fashlon. The tale of Charlie Enign we - L inda [ ashbrook, 7A8, Is tea- S (Don Grooms is a UF journalism instructor, former hired Ii, the leading role, at Alm, TV and wire services newsman, philosopher-without- wIneniller, the woman with thw portfolio and folk-singer who Is currently alsoengaged irritated doppleganger. Steve Ma- in writing a satiric novel -- Ed.) lit, an instructor In the C-3 do- pertinent, will portray John Ru- By DON GROOMS chantn, the young rogu. ot Gilori- ou H1111, Mississippi. This is the heart rending tale of what happened was roaring warm, Charlie went over to a Flavet Mimi Carr, 4AS, will play Mrs. when Charles S. Enign lost his IBM card. building and jerked two boards loose. He returned Winem~Ier, Alma's doe m en ted You see, Charles transferred from a small South to his fire, and stoked it. mother, and Wayne Cobb, a law Florida college that was so backward it had never When the iron was hot, Charlie struck. In the student, will portray the Rev. heard of the IBM Card system. As a matter of fact, process of ironing the crinkles out of the card., Winemitler, Aumn's fattier. Bill when Charlie first came here and was handed his however, he smudged three of them. Then, In a fit Gwynn, lAS, will be featured -s he asked, "What's this?' packet of IBM cards, of pique, Charlie threw all the cards Into the blazing Dr. John Buchanan, Sr., John'. The registrar turned a cold and contemptuous eye fire. f athe, on Charles and declared, "That's your IBM cards."' The Vice-President in Charge of IBM cards went "Oh,"' said Charles as he folded the cards in into a high dudgeon (this is quite different from either Sand Mahoney, ZUC, will play haMf and tucked them into his shirt pocket* a blue funk or a brown study, both of which should the flery Rosa Gonzales, ahoates. The registrar, of course, reacted In typical IBM be easily understood by a 2UC or equivalent) when *t the Blue Moon Casino owned Card Society fashion. She screamed fourteen times, he heard of Charlie's actioys. The VP immediately by her father, Papa Gonzales, each epithet more horrendous than the preceding one, called a meeting of the Committee to Assess DIs- played by George Sprinkle, 4AS. concluding with "DO NOT PUNCH, E3ENI), FOLD OR ciplinary Matters in Cases Involving IBM Card Rene Cobb, 7A5, will portray Nel- SMUDGE." Bending, Smudging or Punching. lie Ewell, the young wommn who By the time she finished with the hapless transfer Although the University President could not attend, finally wins Johnny Buchanan. (they are always called thlsforsomeunknownreasoh)', (he was trying to find someone to play gnuf with Others in the cast include Martha Charles had a new respect for the IBM card, i~e him) the VP went ahead witi, the meeting. All the 9 Austin, ZtUC; Marty Fergiao, clutched the packet of cards to his breast and rushed heads of departments and deans of schools wore 2UJC; Hal Green, 2UC; Holly Ho- back to his sub-standard housing and prepared to there, along with the chief of police, two supreme ward, lUC; Gerald Jones, 2UC; crinkles out of the cards. ~* e iron the court justices and the student hoaor court Judge. H er be rt Gilliland, 7AS; Lqpuie Heating the iron was rather difficult sice in "Here is a student," cried the VP. "H. came hors Rothenbwrg, ZIUC; Richard Strahan, Charlie's sub-standard housing there was no electri- with 78 hours. Out of the goodness of our heart, we 7AS; Peggy Thompson; Earl We]- city. From the outhouse, he obtained several pages allowed him to transfe, r18 of those 78 hours. Then lace, 3Efl; Jo Schatz, 7AS; and of Sears-Roebuck catalog, with which to start a fire he had the pure gall to destroy his IBM Cards."' Barbara Wolf, 2UC. in his stove--half of a steel oil drum. When the fire There was a murmur of shock and protest from the committee as a whole. The eommnittee then went into The construction crew 'Summnur executive session and--because the violation was so and Smoke' Is working in Norman I horrible--ordered Charlie to paythe supreme penalty. 11*11 Auditorium every .ftenooi Part y to m or r ow Indelible ink was implantd in hi. chest; his student from I to 2 p.m. Th. costume crew is working in the Florid. AN ALL-CAMPtSPARTYSpOl- number was tattooed on his right forearm; four- ' * loft, which is located sored by Theta Chi and Pt Kappa teen boles were keypunched on his left shoulder players' next to Growe Hall, every evening Phi fraternities is st heduled Sat- hlade; and, across his forehead in block letters from 7 - 10 p.m. Anyone inter- night froni 9 to I. Band was printed the words, DC NOT PUNCH, BEN), urday ested In working on either of these will be the "Starllghters,' agroup t FOLD OR SMUDGE. crews is welcome and no previOus tat sings i~n Beatle style. Charge theater experience is necesSary.


304- -I I1 it FL, ~ A' , Ia> M. i~ S 964 k a. HELD OVER ~ * ~ir~ <,NrL:,YFIA . I.' 4,' A ~ tt 4- por~ b Tb GATORCLASSIFIEPS y)lId SSk in] 'am - flncJ Fl w ~),'it'-!r 'j~

Cl. / ''-'--Ut -- *1, P .1,. iittt.ji I~FJ[ttj~~. IS Vt I Y O I uI IL * 4 It ~'I[!,,i'' V.1 11i1 'lifh.r it I II - Phone 4 2-/'. (A-Id nt-r Wanted 4' x 43' Hick's Trailer with II' trnd Jo'rks fmr ensy idjuistmrents. sr WVANT[I -- il rITn S A prlvt Ihis eulmlpnment Is stri(th, pr}- I4rnie for 2 vear old hoy rmlrin14. I enu'ti yard. Arrher moad VII- fesslijnal, th' finest made. ( all Everyone (well, a most *everyone) isen saying EI s -02.I I (( -l7-lt-c).- I age. Thom)as o. stewart. F- N ext. 28132 for Gary Burke, 9 a.m. in his latest Fun-Song Hit! Showinq at 9 :4 5t to 4 n.m. Mondays thru Fridays. WANTh[) - Typing done In ex- r -r [aEuIJvIflIAfl,!invI.c6ImhOit) Air Conditioner - Modern, stream - change for use of electric type- lined, about I ton, 110 volt, high ROTC students - spray shine works writer. Contact Giles G. Tomp- tJYISfr.Mhf - p~j5g~y.\fl speed cage fan. Used formerly on mens and womens shoes, Will kins, Room 420 Thomas J,,, Box ~RIWJ to cool large living room, Owner pass inspection. Money back guar-. 8420 Murpbrec Area. ((-137-It-p), selling because he has moved fito ontee. (an lasts 30 to 50 shines. M,7~WRFb~&&I air conditioned apartment. Call 376-8968. (A-l35-St-c). WANTED - luggage rack for '63 Bill FR 2-7650. (A-137-It-c). Porsche. J. F. Munroe - 2-5l!32. Automatic Zig-Zag Sewing Ma- (C-137-3t-c). MGMPjUL Guitar - Kay, classical and ele- chine, 1964 model. Does every- 4 trWc, hollow body model with case. thing, Sold for $339 four months Male roommate. New air condi- 7:30 One week old. Sacrifice! Phone ago. Take over payments or $50 tIoned 2 hr. apt., all new Danish IEWMII 376-0431 after , p.m. (A-li7- cash full price. Phone FR 2-2051. modern furniture, stereo, phone, Oni y 2t-p), (A-136-2t-d. new ,tove and refrigerator, $30 per F~lE SlIERED I .HOIIISUI month, tacks only one thing - mPANAVISI(Th'&dMF BQCOLOR 1953, 10 lIP. Mere ury outboard English Two girls bicycles with one more male roommate for sum- motor-Model KG-7, Super liurri- three speed transmissions, bas- mer. Call Bill or Joe at iii 3rd Bonus Hit at 11:15 rE SPIRAL RoAn" cane. This motor used with a kets, lights, and all the extras. 2-7650. (C -i37-It-c). small boat will pull a skier. Call Both bikes "early new and it Bob Adams at FR 6 -3925 alter 6 perfect condition. Phone FR 2- Nice girl to share apartment, pre- p.m. (A -135-2t -nil. 2735. (A-136-2t-cY. ferably between the ages of 20 to 30. Call FR 2-1401 or FR 2-1391. (C-U35-3t-c).

crrAR7Y uWsv-AY WANTED -- One beauth operator 2 ACTION PACKED HITS! five days per week. Call Blanch's at FR 2-1581. (C Open 6:45 * show at 7:30 -135-4t-c). 5. HoP, Lot. os 9:15SillI EXCLUSIVE FIRST AREA SHOWING' NedroCommat for 2 bedroomdu- plex at 825 N. E. 8th Ave. $50 per month includes rent, utilities, and phone. Marvin Moss, 6-2365 or Ext. 2986. (C-l35-St-c), t For Pent

2 floom furnished apartment, share bath, $40 per month. 1614 N. W. 3rd Place. FR 2-2946 before 5:30 and FR 2-7366 after 5:30 and weekends. (B-137-3t-c).

STUDENT R(X)MS - Two doors from main gate of campus -- 1238 S. W. 2nd Avenue. Summer rates per trimester - single $140, double $120. Parking space, re- frigerator, private entrance. Phone Mrs. Roberts 372-5595. Come by and see. (B-1 3 7 -lt-p). SEEmThorgy of the Sven Tortures! SUBURBIA the Doomed Virgins' a~nmoa featuresat DRIVE-IN THEATRE 1:00,3:05, SEE The battleco - .-5:10. 7:18. 9:26 the Slave Galleons! show starts at 7:30 Sundry -tuesday SDR. STRANGELOVE Peter Sellers George C. Scott

aIN NE PRENCH STYLE" Jean Seberg Stanley Baker

2 SU ND thru TUES 7- 1*3*5*7*9 College Radio 817 W. UnRv.Ave. TODAY fl,'jfl'fl~- ______'9


-% I IlIIh- f-


- - 1,1 K! *I[1.j Ill) Er I .e AX

' J*[ 4~r

' - II ,ii I V * . I niv,.i sits I' * ~V Illoiigtibv.

ritl. '4 teL lortia.(b. - A'f 'Aitli separate With titd urn I dl' * 2-I wIll Kit fr 104 Wyoiin11,IIi - - t -M > 'like I 'bIs -- lhlinre dfurl~sIhet fOohI. 10% N. I

-rtl lenr *. ( all after i .rr-. Sllit, - I U*'ie, di'ssrt tthvi, .2(fl09.( I-.36-2t-p). Iirmjpap*I s onl lci Is 18\ vyp.- wi Per, I seiiiat'l, I t*s, I steeriiia top. Alitomiic Urii,., New llaiiCh Ilome, furnished. 2-122. .\-I 4'-t-c. Iwo bedrooms, living rouri, dinig iris titt'd gi as, t itlhci uphtol- area, and 1-1/2 baths. Two rooms CI NE MA. stery, t'OOd I ifnttioi - %%. 'l5 - ar-conditiOned. $100 per month. Help Wante d j. w. Robinson Ranch located II mm les southwest of Gainesville on I gilar XKs - 12( iHoatistei * New pertle5e of' thr ul Ietg stiitltuts Route 346A. For information write clutch, n9w br~e--, eW eletiri- shO earjnet z-, Ity big L IIIInlVIIII% Box 185, Flagler Beach, Florida Cal parts. \eeds pj.Ilnt. $550. wtling thi lini tlt hmin.-and or call 439-2123. (B-136-5t-c). Call 2-76II. Q-liS-Jt -c). high - priced (lhristlmas arkl. Mondo Cane 1962 ( orvair Mon/.i, 4 dr. Auto- Write Irotiss ( Vrp. (our 43rd for rent - 1/2 Iwo apartments matic trains., I? & II, WS, pri. year), n4i s. 54th Ave., I ept., bLtck from campus. Air condi- $1595. 1958 \1GA model WOO0 / -2 Chcag, II. 'IYW I - tiuied, Danish modern furniture, ltoadster with top and tontneat, 137--) Call I lw'drcOml, kitchen equipped. covers, also wire wheels. Ex- 372-63O9. (B-135-ti-c)* cellent condition. $795. See at Students oil housewives wanting in work Glyxnwood Trailer 1'ark, tot #26, extra Income interested - only - Clean Private room men 2307 8. W. 16th Place after 5 p.m. part-bime call 6-8968 from M a.n,. month to fly HON I FI)ERMAN $20 per 1614 N.W. 3rd Plae, (6-136-21-c). 12noon everyday. (IC-l35-31 -c}. FR 2-2946 before 5:30. Alter 5:30 FR 2-7366. (B-135-3t-c), It's 'i' mee !, If you I III live it. Iii Moluh ( ate,'" director G;ualtlero ,Jacopetti New Modern Beach House. un- shows the de ri vii y or t he hiurn n condition at its mediate occupancy. '7 ml. from worst. In . seri~s of 34 sctllis, existence is reduced to parody * liere, mi n, ienated from Ihimnself, campus, located on lake at Tum- confronted with sterile objeetifled world of his bleweed Ranch. Suitable for 2 stu- andi affirms his distraught state of mind dents. Call 466-9295 mornings. own making, in series of hctionlw,

Law professor selling spacious .eight cents .' iound, snakes, turtles and li,.,rtis Ire 3 bedroom home, Study, l-l/2bath, too high for two million stitrving Chinese In Hong attic fan, built in drawers, vanity Kong, whereas in fairy New York restaurants, 21) and much storage. $80 per month dollars for a lunch of fried ants :md beetle larva many extras, negotiateequity. FR- Is considered a< ceptable. 6-2775. 1062 N. El. 4th Ave. (I- Hut the mlhtst remsrkathle thing about 'Mondo 134-ti-c). Cane"' Is its grim, ironic humor. A good deal of this comes from the dialogue, hut most of It comes from Scenes which speak for themselves, life Is Immediate occupancy, assume TH E ENGAGEMENT RING WITH mortgage, low down pay m en t, not only depraved but a cruel joke, and, what's mote, Charming 2 bdrm. CCB home, THE PERFECT CENTER DIAMOND the joke is on us. Most who see this movie will 2-1/2 years old, tO minutes to soon forget the shocks they experience, and jokes UnIversity, large lot, awning win- grow stale. They will return to the world which dows, concrete drive, payments gives rise to 0Mondo Cane." Th, audience then, Is $67 per mo. 1730 N. W. 65th the a5th scene. Terrace, West Park, See it today' Trun. ,ristry is (Xpr9Ss'(d in lh. lbrilianI (l-135-4t-c). There is one scene in this film where there is no fashicm si viig of 'very Kejpsdkl tijinond laughter, ho snmirks, no obscen, comments. This is 3BR, 2 bath, concretoblock home, trigagim.'nt rinx Each silting is a master- the scene depicting the effects of atomic radiation central heating, hardwood floors, pit. of design rEfle(Iing ih. full brilh t on the wildlife living at Bikini Atoll. Here, birds lay Fla. Rm,. Located near Little- that do not hatch, sea turtle, without a .wise and braity ol thb (flier diamuond - a 4 eggs wood & Westwood schools. Terms aimlessly inland to die of heat perfect gem of flawless .ltrily, line coior of direction wander to suit buyer. Call 372-3193 after and exhaistlon, and fish live in trees for severs] 6 p~m. for .ppt. Owners moving dnd metICUl(,1s mod ern (ut. hours each day to avoid some of the contaminsita out Of state. 621 N. W. 35th St*. The name, Keepsake, mn the ring mnd WI of th, ocean. It makes us shudder to think we are (l-136-Bt-p), responsible for this. Perhap. our final ritual will tag is your asslirante of fjin' quality the be genocide. Jacopetti's heartles, commentary makeS Land is the basis of all wealth, and( La sting satisFict on. Your very p. r- us wonder if this won't be the cms. and real estate with the highest sonal Keepsak. diamond ring is twaiting The los, of innocence can be Saen throwlh Sat- profit returns in your bust izivest- y11 r selec 11011at y our Keepsa ke lewel r's urday at the State. It SHOULD be seen. ment. Persons interested ir ril store. ind him in the ye Ilow pdges Prices estate investments including: Small acreage, rental-income pro- from $100 to $2500 Rings enl argedciIc show Pertles, or investment properties beauty of detail ETrade-mark registered in the Gainesville area can reach * :/t mfe at 37646461 or 312-5940 s any _ ___ - __._ ------.------time. Wayne D. MSSOD, c/o Ena - The Drama Group of the Episcopal Univeriy Center eat 'Nw Realty, 2910 N. W. 13t. INOW TO PU.N YOUR ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING | St. (1-135-ti-c). IPlans send two new booklets, "How to Plan Your Engog.- I presents a Staged Reoding of meint and Wedding" and 'Chooiing Your Diamond Rings,"i bt or only Z5c. Also send wceciol offer of beautiful 44 I 'ONE WAY PENDULUM" p Br side)., Bock. flarDari+al Georgia: last chance for Gators

".1,t4(IL ' ', re r o, 11' - i ' " ' ifa e a r Vi e E i ' i,

'M M INt'l i L'"i'as t TIlL L6idI0l\ It QI ad bow , mnl IDave ii kits 'LC L .'o)lL'> 1''' . [thlS it' ILLS irL4 HblliL4 s this ~'Weklt'. rii,'-i k. m * TEL lI I II \,ihurn wynl I'ave t4 ILos' n 'Xnlers,L 'I%1l! It'dot aILL Xphr the FastirL ~IvISiIL with a I0 - thip ,at4'rs *IiL Itwo fil imhi'1L4' JT '[N'SitC rI coili t l mark, Auburrn letl' the (Jileul I a beingteTestdrtel'lg streaming tf olele llo Bhlnrel fihonrs baeaomplt h State track 22-game basebc il stats Sann n hr aea o meet ILI NIA\'U' PM I\X GOODYEAR tirts viii ral; this weeke rhd. MOire By CIIARIES 1'164 l'WK\ [ Y - PW( > GA MF B oSP I I lI( i The next Gator home game will could easily run th. nile ulnder Ne next Friday against Rollins. (Ovetall Renorri I 4-8 4:15 on Saiurd .y with Chris Two final home series will be Track fans will get an eyefull NF( He' ori- IC this weekend at the UF asphalt Quimbhy, It. Lauderdale, a11d sev- one against Jacksonville N amie AH IH H .1 A2hl 3 b HR Hilsn playetl, track with the Class B, A, arid eral others pushing him. ------I1. May 20 and arch-rival Florida 16 3State in a three-gameAA stateseries Maytrack meets. I I Tom Shannon, lb .77 23 .29, - The Class B will be run off s is ack - -. 2 _30. May b i)ave Porter, t .4 20 .270 Friday, with the preliminaries at Once again Willie Mays, the ECarl Montgomery, 2h 82 .218 9:45 in the mourning and the finals "Say Hey" kid, is th' reigning SE C standings .eim Elliott, 41 .68 starting at 1,45. The same time king of major league baseball. if 21 Jim Duncan, .263 schedule is set for Class A and It is reported that when Willie If 21 EASTERN DIVISION Bill Blomigren, ra 82 .256 lotbie A on Saturday. Mays gets going on a hot streak, 21 Ron Creese, 63 .206 All of the events offer good stock in the community-owne.I San Sb 13 Auburn Il-S Handy Morrroft, ss 80 .163 Florida 10-5 competition, but the mile run and Francisco Giants goes up. Kentucky 10-5 pole vault should he the most spec- Right now that stock must he Than3 AtBats Tennessee 6-7 tacular Individual events. John sky-high, for the Iicomnparable tess - ,. -- Georgia Tech Mortor and Steve Owens from the Mays Is hitting at a clip that has 4-7 Allen Trammell, c f 27 5 ID .370 1 1 1 --2< Georgia Miami area have both~vaulted 14 the baseball world turned topsy- 4-8 flnnyloggart,p L-, 5 5 .333 00o1 507 Vanderbilt feet, inches. 'Tey will be backed turvey, and the Giants in first place 3-Il Don Pendley, 3b 28 4 9 .321 0 I 0 4 I up by a host of 13-foot vaulters. in the National League. Jim Boyesen, cf I? 2 5 .294 2 0 0 0 0 Merrill Moore, Gainesville, is During The Giants' rlrst flrteen WESTERN DIVISION SDan Grlftin, p 7 I 2 .286 0 0 020 the favorite for the mile run with games Mays trotted to the plate 2 3 .250 I 0 0 1 0 a stat.'s-best time of 4:18.0. The 59 official times and produced 27 SJtm Higgart, p 12 Mississippi 11-0 0 0 Mississippi State mile run looms sotoughthat Harry safeties--for a mere .461 batting C harlie Anderson, p 12 0 1 .091 0 0 0 5-6 RHichard PhalinoS, p 1 0 0.00000 0 00 0 Alabama Drake, Jacksonville, who has run m ark. 6-8 Zabala, p 12 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 0 a 4:26.0, switched to the half-mile What has been amazing about Adrian L. S, U. 4-7 Tiilane for the state meet and quall led Maya' streak is the fact that be 4-9 in E:5B behind htssophomotain- ha. smashed 10 horn, runs, scored -- mate Brian Oneash, who ran a 22 tallies, and driven in 25 runs- Kar ate tonig ht Starter & Complete Sers 1:57.4 half-mile. all within the space of two short Clubs by McGregor for Men, Women & Children Rain or shine, many state rec- weeks. There will be an exhibition of Karat. In Florida Gym tonight at 7,30, featurIng the top three ex- Carts GOLF potsinKaat tda -foJa. Dupree bc ~st- Graves Per ede The men have just completed an exhibition in Denmark -s part of Flor 4a head football coach Ray game," says Graves. "That's a current world tour. The same Gloves Grave is ready to put star full- an outstanding sEason for any back demonstration will be held hre- - back Larry Dupree in some mighty and a healthy Dupree this fall will Shoes & Socks fast company. top anything how's yet done." *Du'prn is the best runner I've creat, an education nterest i Inen in ," says Duprne will play fullback and Jim,', Hughes Sporting Goods It, the intermurals department Graes. "Taking everything into halfback for the Gators In 1964, said. consideration, Incliding power and Cranes added, switching to half- IllS W. University Avenue FRanklin Z-W212 Admission is free. broken field .billty, there are only back oui the "Go Team" at times. two other backs I'd put in Dupree's class s. "They ar. Johnny Butler of Ten - nesee (late .Z0s, 1940), tad IAon Hardeman of Georgia Tech (early

Dupree, a nsar-unmnimoim choles as cqitaloftbeol4Flori- brisk, bracing-the original spice-fresh lotion 1.25 ends drag. pull, sp eeds LIp electric shaving 100

helps 'educate" your hair. grooms natu rally. a insall earn, alboustands a rod chance cf joining the elite ot SEC p revents d rying 1.00 iotball next fell. He may well become the third back in cdnfrnce history to earn .11-SEC honors three times. Du- pies Iz a two-time un an im ou s 54EffR/( choice on this honor squad. ,,,, sene. Thin-time all-corderence men are Shorty Mcwilliams of Mis- ulsdppi State (1946-47-48) and of Alabama (1945- 46-47. Mcwilliams also made .1- . - eo e Handball meet set I hi A~ i( 4 0 t01 9

| | t r i I ,

+ 1 11. .1 ' i .1 ' '' ,l' s i i U

( l lilR ,,t t 4.liS ago. I v Er, hJri ' s i aII J'~ iA ., K Re] I, ii' ii' F; r' II t Ft 'I I [ ' <1b l\It I' til * ii; ft

Cricket Match Posey g along \s I; esInnr ii I re in t r Ing Im' n 'VaIII Iulny r L' i i Is t i Slatedl Saturdlay risey,afl I iptt o \it' iut Nie ii bti' a.1t la it V. ie ne lulerI tickett maatch is sch, lii r ill at n e sattarlay on F lemailg's ffrld at 2 (Omip !v ii the I isier group[ re all. - Fh Til leC p., The British Isles have rhal 'cut,-fniI oim n it n i IousiFiL.-il i sli h hik -biths lol l tshm11 mtLdasttre itii ws ot l,'aaed alitomers, ad the game tiacri lii Jle will last for an agreed one innr He always stood i little part Iiotm thN r,'-t oC is. it \%auiini ir tip \irial Al-, ii [3 side. -or spei tors, thIs lsev tollel luhst iii i 5s ad I took totire if this partictulat (0llw fi eshml~lm be- is gorod for about four hours play, 2 sea 011d1' In thi moujtetist litti - 8.rtgtoh I 'aiit liallyawi.rlel c Ie i h.I reil his namlLe oil numrlirus Oct asl(,is &olleglatt ailing sos lti, ew ad some hundred oddt rums. To h Ft trtreser.n o m iii 11h4 .p'its ,.ctioii of North I boa nIewsIIpQIS. help spectators viewing their first orleans meil, iaptiirig aetu lie hail Nerin ,m'iitstainiig hnalhrk, setttiig niimtr(,u' match, a free pamphlet will be to rrpresenit $1 IS \mi~Ii ith iine ruin'iig retm', .',it 'ome Smldl Ilih ,tcihotl I hail available describing cricket prin- Lier heard 4., tiht Vatiruuver meel will ko oil t ci pies. Now, three yrats late , that fi 'ShmTan has growii iilo 5-ali, Ifiptund mt'ImOr andi was aITmost at uiianimtous cliol e for th. caplaiiuy of the 1964 edition of the (,amis. F urthermaure, hi, has ulreaty bi,,a seleptedi by sev- eral pre-seasoni tat tonal ImagaziInes .1nd Iiewspapers as a chaic' for AII-America. Il, lame, of ('urFs$, is [arry I )Ipree. le was ahia lfba k I ut rail withi the As a freshan h authority of a fullback. LDurirng the early part of IDupree's sophomore year, the Gator traim hadl Its setbacks, anid he was a rather unheralded soplhomore playing oil the "Go" team-- one of those mlysteriiusly-inimet teams that c'obody could quite tinde rstrad. The name of I ilwttore, Iloove r, aind Itifante held the interests of tihe (,,tur fains during the early prtiona of the se aSCI. Although his piay wsas fairly impressive during those early games, It was a run ihupree made against Duke In the Gator Bowl that brought himu int, the pmt light. ()upree rut through tackle, several times eluded would-lw t dik lets anda broke away for a tour ldi wn Jaunt of 7U yards. Fains began to w:atcih for No. 35 and the ,opliomire didn't disaLppAint them. Against (jeorgia, again ini the Galor Bowl, lie brought the fans to their feet with a spetacuiar 42-yard touchdown roamp midway In the first half, ant inter In the secouid quarter went over from 10 yarals out, Inal he carried the hail iitlnmes for 60 yards. 'or his work he was named "Sopiaomore of the Year" in the Southeastern (onfprenr's arnd chosen to the All-SC team. Glory upon Kiory was piled upxni IDpree. An appropriate end tame to his first varsity season when he caught a 24-yard touchdown pass against Penn State In tih (Gator Bowl game to lead the Gators to a 17-7 vIctory. last year as :I Juior liupree piaye'i moat of the Season with .i had knee and suffered jtrsoral tragedy through family uos' but stlll managed to zaln 745 yards rushing. Most of the se .a4,I )tupe wa~s a myaurkpu man he- ause the (,ator larks wPre unseasoned sophomnores. Those sophomores are experienced juniors now and the Gators have Captain Dupree ready to lead them through one of the roughest schedules in F iorida football history. One thing Is certain aniong the numerous uncer- tainties of the upcoming football campaign. Never was there a more modest star, or fitting captain to a Gator football team, than l arry Dupree. Let's say fbr a minute, tis is von.

for. You've Once you wear the bars of a second years have been preparing you gold Now's the Tennis lieutenant in the United States Air Force, got ability and a good education. Tennis Balls (Pennsylvonia-Dunlop-Bancroft) what's in store for 7 time to put then to workt you Tennis Rackets (Bancroft & Dunlop) fly an aircraf entrusted veth a YoulI have every opportunity to prove your WelL you may Presses24H vital defense mission Or you may lead a talents am the Air Force By doing so, you can U RE R 24HURET INGING SERVICE research team tackling problems on the fron- put yourself and your country ahead. Covers .------.--- ._.Il-A . -*2DnTC- . C La. tar AAar L. Ea Do. 1

Prg t' h\J F ii

Ii N. - I L I! 6) '- - a - Lrj ,i '-C SVU'Y' S -Q A / Orhesis Jr / '4 C edition It Ii;K t2 new Don Addis

lr&,Itnt of C r-chesis

Orchests, the (I ioed conte m- CantOOns By at the Camu Sho & porary dance rluh, is pleased to Grad stords Corps job announce the birth of Orchesis okstore Browse Oliver P. Johnson, F lorIda '63, Siani, is bordered by B urma, Laos, conab~is Shop J Junior. Both parent Mid offspring ha.' begun a two-year assignment Cambodia and the Chmna Sea. its are doing line. as a Pece Corps I >iunt,'er In capital, Bargkok, is One or the Thailand., largest and most mT,dern cities This summer, Orchesis is Ini- lie Is one of 35 Volunteers who in Southeast Asia. Agriculture tiating a new program for those left April .30 ror Thailand. They occupies over 90 per cent of the interested in mhoderri dance. Or- join over 2S>O Peace Corps volun- population; rice is the staple food cheats will remain a performing teers already at work in Thailand of Thailand, and a prrTe export. group. It will be composed of in rural comn munity action, health This group of Yolunteers trained members who have been accepted an] education. for tweivr weeks at the University during tryouts, and who will do the The majority of the Volunteers of Hawaii. They received con- Men's Shop choreography for the grcup. will teach English as a foreign centrated instruction iin the Thai OXSTRIPE SHIRT 100% long- language. The need for English language, culture history and tra- COAT has a Pure At the same time, ()rchesls instruction in Thailand is basic: ditions as well as a review of point button down collar, 100% Pure tapered members will instruct Junior Ur- most training and educational op- American history and world af- body, 100%. Pure box pleat, hang-a-loop and chbsls in basic moderndancetech- portunities require an understand- fairs. They also received health back button. It's authentic! Tropical cotton ox- niques, and will also teach comn- mng of English. Yew people outside education and physical condition- ford, varying width stripes 50 plete dances that have been per- Thailand speak Thai. ing. roormed or, campus in the past Nearly 6,500 Volunteers are now year. Other Volunteers will toe a eh at work in 45 countries of Africa, physical and vocational education Asia and Latin America. Requests 'lb. apprentice dance group is and vocational agriculture. They for additional Volunteers are re- REWR being formed because many people will teach In universities, teacher ceived daily. Peace Corps offt- who express interest in joining training colleges, and technical dis report that plans are being Orchesis have had little or no inslituies. made to train up to 6,000 more EXCLUSIVELY YOURS, P57 training in modern dance. Under Thailand, formerly known as Volunteers this summer. I-' AT WILSON'S / the new arrangement, each dancer CH OP will be occupied by activities that MEFKN'C best suit her ability.

Alter tryouts, the new Orchesis members will he as familiar with the club's repertoire of dances as Ar. the senior members. This w11 leave more time for choreography, which is the most important and time-consuming area of dance.

If the initial ventur, is suc- cessful, Orchesis Junior will be carried into the fail and Winter trimesters. lh the past, Orchesis has performed for the CS Lectures, the Newcomer's Club, the Fine Arts Festival, the International Week Talent Show, the Swim -Fins and Aqut-Gators water Show, the Hum. Hall Social, the Faculty Wives, Gatar Grs and Gator Growl. In addition, Orchesis has appeared in the productions of Florida Play- era, and In films for WUFT-Tl. Orchesis Junior will meet every Macday at 7 p.m. in the women's OXSTRIPE DUKE SHORT looks like a sportshirt. Gymnasium-. It should, We cleverly borrowed the bold strip. and tropical oxford fabric right from our most can't CHOM CNCM For people who stand popular sportshlrt but in aBermuda weight.New and tapered- CHMP cw (NAI the sight of a Volkswagen. Duke sort are slgtysorte Some people just can't seedo VW. theyloo beterandfitheer.5.95 CI4OMV CNoGP Even though they admire the car's attributes, they picture themselves in something Foncier. We sell such a pockoge . It's called a Karmnann Ghio The Korrnonn Ghha is what happened to a Votkswogen when on tioihan designe r got hold of it. He didn't design it fat moss production, so they wouldn't think of giving it the mass production treatment. They take the time to hond-weid, hond-shqpe, and hand-smooth the body. Finally, after 185 men hove hod a hand in It, the Ghio's body is lowered onto one of those strictly THE ALAN'S CUBANA functional chasis The kind that comes with 'VWVs big IS-inch wheels, torsion hors, a four-speed synch romesh ROAST BEEF ar-cooled SANDWICH transmission at that rather f-:toa engine, So that along with Is Roman nose and graCefUl FREE DELIVERY curves, the Ghio has a beauty tmot is more than