r FloridaA s1 AI V01.56, No.3 A Universi ty of Florid,CGflnesv le LI TOFridayMay R8, 1964 F ridayMoy 8 '~< U C Inside the Gator : 1 FA Du pree best?-pagc 11 69 Charlie's tale.page 7 Pretty Girl-page 5 S ummer pla y-page 7 I C 0 p I B Sin 'I, a44 & 4 4 ~ gt~~'A <~1 '4 .4 - ' ,, t I I * - ~ - 'I fh~ Florida MI H i M~, A, Announcement Director Rioni reminisces U ir ', ' | [. I .rF' . I the 1,1 , . i i r I. t ofth se',anii lrE' ujis thl list 'if ii4eiuties pati Imtiinv ii le ,mert. Flhe six-story tuion, to be '0,,m- [Acted by 966, wIll h~e 'oust ructedl by the II. I,. C ,hl, , nistructin li it is .It'.i s 0 . if ( rlando-. 'V. , I Bil l.cii lr'. i 4 t mheE l t id iuinii r,' t i i ' I~i pidiiirl s~ is I, , F uii o ver ePs cair i iilofl loor Ii- i us .eveh <eealleilng 1theie ' I lorans sedi lIt ll p edvery tit it and sole r ht the floor. "Some- chess match between the I , ye 85 nd Hak wha ile itwas. how we got tIhe campus police and a Russ an chess tea it &ts liee,"' saul Plot,, " 'dd they took members all had fIrst ;ii', lik AW. rLig to 'Idr uti, tis icc ired ii, uwai , but it WAS pretty tense Nikita, Josef and iva, hterly 0dA ever' iht t next try lli fore the fr a guests while.* after the chess' teams Swt f~,F idtfedm hurmlfor off.uderdiiu Iion is known as 'Mr. tinpre- "'FBI"' came in aund t(Kok By Fl) hANDEl? Flying In from Washirngtcn, I)." 'le Ii explanins.a mino vrt dcable'' to his staff, because he sian team members 'wiv, Staff Writer C. to sp~ak will be Ii. S, Uep. niay show up for work between all had great laugh, (lharles EC. Bennett, past presi- i' 8:30 and U a.m,. uiid lieni again people still think the m'at'h Interwoven as the very warp and dent of the Student liody. Nep. Thental the weasle ti rid i he may get in before the janitor for real,'" woof of Its being ire the iaames Bennett, v~i th Dr. Tigert, tonk Rion said, at 5 a.m,. 'We never know when of those who have toad and will part in the 1934 ground-breaking 'hsstudent walkedu in yard sked, Another Incident in the I mn he will turn up,' reported staff have a share in the thulon's de- Ce remnony. where Mr. arti was.er Soler i- story occured about ipht years member, so we're always or, our velopmnurt. Invited as speakers U. S. Rep. I). U. ''BillY" Mat- plie d ak hwhidt know who w. ago when the Union got two rihber. toes'' and honored guests for the 'crc- thews was appointed director if Macrn as o, whe he might link floor mats weiglig ,uhut Wion re alled with great glee the mony are representatives of the the Union in 1936, and held the bert ghd. Abt xat .yt e0 iorn 220 pounds each. The hiits were ''ussian chess Match'' staged by future, the present arid the paest. post until 1948. During Mat- thd cenk. tothe desk. fr ee inscribed with the words "I lorid Karl Cluck in Bryan I ounge sev- thews' WW Ii military service, J, oetid,* pied he her tfwereny Union'' in multi-colors. According eral years ago. THlE PAST N. Johnson, professor of Bible, to lion they were put dlowi one 'Carl came to me and told me was appointed acting director. 'poThen hule a guns thie Rin day and stolen sometime 'irlg if his planned hoax, rid assured me From out of the past come imny Upon the death of Johnson in 1943, the night. ''We never saw them that there would be no destruction familiar names. Under the leader- Professor of Speech Dr. l ester T97heatnrqe erws It alter that first day, and even to because of It, so we agreed to go ship aiid help of then-President 1L. Hlal, now LDean of Student this day we have no idea how they .Iohn J. Tigurt, the first Florida Affairs, was named Acting lDirec- "Thilituetwle in new lork'ia .long with hin.'' Gluck staged Union was built in 1936. WorkIng bor until the return of Rep. Mat- wrno will Mctm asiralr te- what appeared to be a legi nmate (See RION, Page 3) with IDr. Tigert were G ainiesil le thews In 1946. The actual work ptred that 'wid't hnw wto rea Attorney Erwin A. Cluyton, presi-. iii constructing the first building bakrt to wan o lee he mgtr Went of the University's Alumni was supervised by now-retired ine ounty'' sAboti tiim in tnt Association ini 1933-34, and Pr. builder W. l eroy ScIhoch. hondicetoro the Fdeskd Unioyn. one new V. W. Kokomoor, who was chair- Since 1948, the director has ytu th," elste ordntrarri i Connecting the theater arid gal- Also there will 1e a ten -i'hr upo he saild.agnwil in man of the YMCA Board of [Ii- been William E. Wion. While Mion lery to the main building is a barber shop, four public Ioiue, rectors in 1934. was on two leaves of absence, Mrs. olonnade 200 feet long and 50 an arts and crafts shop, 'a I'iveiig IDeaii H. C. Ileaty, [)ea, Emneritus Thomas P. Clinard served as Act-. feet wide, providing outdoor space library and] five miusi' listeik and director of the Alumni loy- ing lDirector in l90-5, and Miss FCsties $790,000 e thara for exhibits .mi activities. "'I rooms. alty Fund since 1960 wts Assistant Joan Cochran s r'e! IIn 19 58-59. Umwill tuu ahdraicc te. thtipk the whole student election Dean of Students at the time of the miuld be held here,'' said Rmon. thatre-iherou't ste t tokwa Florida Food Servict ijit the first ground-Ibreaking. lie was Other space includes 36 guest ib all ed toflt'nlt:,ole Seater Campus Shop and Bcookstuore later to lieccme the Dean of Stu-. (See GUES TS, Page 3) rooms, meeting rooms with total 1Wt ninte ont, satid eiram the will have branches in the dents from 1938 to 1948. capacity of 480, a large general Union building. assembly room seating 1,600, or middlesaise . 100 for banquets, which is divisi- Aotxng$7ve0 the theater W~lh b~tino nine smaller rooms by Student activities, includtg ti nosah e walls, a game room hous- dent publications, Student (,ivern- ment, Florida Blue Key, Traffic let or art exhit.intl showsg. bilad tabs and"" ew in pig-pon tbes, and ii' auditorium seating 500 square feet. other officeS The Browse Shop wil e the Alumni ssrain * Chorbroiled Delmonico Steak - baked University placenient ~erV' Onalihy Paperbac ks Special * Pork Chop Plate.7% TEX TS & PRETEXTS . .Aldous Huxley Te buiding willcs t, THE PEARL . .John Steinbeck 1966. Architects are b at! LOVE IS A SPECIAL WAY OF FEELING T SURE FEED Yo Daifin and Bishop of Tahis13 and Moore and May of(iiS A NEW BGINNING SPRING IS .Joan Anglund QooiIrANC GT~fIUS-! lt to Ii 1. Cobl onst I i' ENTERPRISI NG AMERICANS . .John Chamberlain Company, Inc. of Orlando. GRADUA TE RECORD EXAMINA TION BOOK -I NATIONAL TEACHERS EXAMINA TIQI N BOOK 111111. TECHNICAL & REFERENCE KLEAH-A-MATKC A AND CROSS BREEDING BEEF CA TtLE . .Cunha LAUNDRY MATRIX THEORY,.VC L. I & II .Gantmacher SYMBO LIC LANG UAGE OF VINCENT VAN GOGH DRY CLEANING .Groetz -. - - . tINDER NEW A I . 9 yjt U GUESTS 10 Northwest 6th St. I, i Fr' r (}4ami/irq wi/k tittd. 53" -vr Bed.' will sieik ror Ne thrver- shty turrrm row; kion Is >speikig V (or the ano,. amersity P e STARTS THURSDAY. JUNE 4th Pros dent F arry M. Phi pott will preside over the gi ouind-breaktrg. THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE MANY wasii air uni i ofte 1 il SPECIAL VALUES THROUGHOUT THE STORES' l95ii by III Prvesident J. Hlis Miller. (dher members of the commirittee were woody liles, then a Union staff mwember and now a state representative, and Larry a King, also a former staff member La and, at present, a member of the state Board of Control. Linked (Continued from Page 2) result was that wheni the Janitor with both the old and the new are opened up the doors in the morn- Florida graudates Forrest M. were taken, Where they went or ing he was greeted with a cascade I why," said IRion. of water down the stairway. Union Kelly Jr., architect to the Board of Control, new Umion architects Among the projects started by was awakened at 5 a.m. with '"We U P. L. Barrett Jr. and Jack Moore, the Union for student benefit we got a waterfall in the lobby.' 4 and engineer William Bishop. Be- the Blue (ross insurance plan for Many antedotes concerning the sides working on the design of the married students in 1946. "'Itwent Union will never he told. But the Ii new structure, Barrett Was a desk great for about two years," re. turn of the shovel when the ground I assistant in 1946-47. marked Rion. "Then we had to is broken for the new Union will Also instrumental in the estab- cancel it because the premium got not be enough to bury the many lishment of the new UnIon were Bill too high.
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