Course: HUA202 Monday 5:45-9:05 pm LaGuardia Community College History of Photography Instructor: Professor Jaimie Gordon
[email protected] HISTORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY -MIDTERM STUDY GUIDE Will cover Sessions 1-6 Assigned readings 1-5 TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS:118 Multiple Choice/FBlank: 40 point Image ID: 60 point ESSAY: 18 point KNOW THE FOLLOWING INFO FOR: MULTIPLE CHOICE/FILL IN THE BLANK-40 QUESTIONS, 1 POINT EACH The underlined sections will be one of the chioces, and you should retain these answers from the statements. -William Henry Fox Talbot called his images resulting from his early experiments from 1833-1839 photogenic drawings. - Talbot’s ingenious concept evident in his calotype process is a negative from which multiple positives might be made. -Frederick Archer, English sculptor is credited with the collodion process for negatives, referred to as Wet Plate. -Discovered in 1853 in France, and 1856 in England and the US, sensitized collodion used for direct positive images on sheet iron produced what was known as Tintypes. - Albumen is what the paper was called that Blanquart-Evrard, in 1850 developed, and was used with wet plate collodion negatives. -Sir John Herschel discovered sodium thiosulfate as fixer of silver halides in 1820’s, and to make images permanent in 1839, & invented the cyanotype process in 1842, -and also coined the terms, “photography”, “photograph”, “negative”, “positive”, “fixer”. -From 1844-1846, W.H. Fox Talbot created the first publication called The Pencil of Nature to explain & illustrate the scientific & practical applications of photography. -Anna Atkins, worked with cyanotypes and was one of the first woman photographers.