AGENDA ADMINISTRATION/FINANCE ISSUES COMMITTEE MEETING WITH BOARD OF DIRECTORS* ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 18700 Ward Street, Fountain Valley, CA 92708 Thursday, February 14, 2019, 8:00 a.m.-Conference Room C-2

*The OCWD Administration and Finance Issues Committee meeting is noticed as a joint meeting with the Board of Directors for the purpose of strict compliance with the Brown Act and it provides an opportunity for all Directors to hear presentations and participate in discussions. Directors receive no additional compensation or stipend as a result of simultaneously convening this meeting. Items recommended for approval at this meeting will be placed on the February 20, 2019 Board meeting Agenda for approval.



RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolution determining need to take immediate action on item(s) and that the need for action came to the attention of the District subsequent to the posting of the Agenda (requires two-thirds vote of the Board members present, or, if less than two-thirds of the members are present, a unanimous vote of those members present).


Time has been reserved at this point in the agenda for persons wishing to comment for up to three minutes to the Board of Directors on any item that is not listed on the agenda, but within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. By law, the Board of Directors is prohibited from taking action on such public comments. As appropriate, matters raised in these public comments will be referred to District staff or placed on the agenda of an upcoming Board meeting.

At this time, members of the public may also offer public comment for up to three minutes on any item on the Consent Calendar. While members of the public may not remove an item from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion, a Director may do so at the request of a member of the public.


All matters on the Consent Calendar are to be approved by one motion, without separate discussion on these items, unless a Board member or District staff request that specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate consideration.


RECOMMENDATION: Approve minutes as presented


RECOMMENDATION: Agendize for February 20 Board meeting: Receive and file Summary Cash and Cash Equivalents Control Reports dated January 31, 2019


RECOMMENDATION: Agendize for February 20 Board meeting: Receive and file the Investment Portfolio Holdings Reports dated January 31, 2019


RECOMMENDATION: Agendize for February 20 Board meeting: Authorize purchase of Caterpillar-issued, 3-year extended warranties for hybrid bulldozers: TL-36, TL-37 and TL-39


RECOMMENDATION: Agendize for February 20 Board meeting: Authorize recruitment of an R&D Laboratory Technician to be filled as a Limited Term Employee


RECOMMENDATION: Agendize for February 20 Board meeting: 1) Authorize the preparation and execution of documents necessary to extend the current Letter of Credit and Reimbursement Agreement with Citibank, N.A. for the 2003A variable rate debt for a term of 2 years consistent with the offer provided by Citibank, and 2) Authorize payment for costs of issuance not to exceed $12,500




RECOMMENDATION: Agendize for February 20 Board meeting: 1) Authorize issuance of Request for Proposals for investment banking/underwriting services for the issuance tax-exempt short-term obligations; 2) Authorize issuance of Request for Proposals for investment advisory services; 3) Authorize engaging Stradling, Yocca as Bond Counsel and Fieldman, Rolapp & Associates as Municipal Advisor and 4) Authorize the preparation of documents for future issuance of tax-exempt short-term obligations pending further action by the Board


RECOMMENDATION: Agendize for February 20 Board meeting: Authorize issuance of an Amendment to Agreement No. 1281 with TRC for Video Monitoring System Replacement Project Consulting and Construction Support Services for the amount not to exceed $124,646


RECOMMENDATION: Agendize for February 20 Board meeting: Authorize the District CFO/Treasurer to contribute $15 million to the District’s PARS OPEB trust by December 31, 2019, and paydown the outstanding taxable commercial paper debt by $8.2 million


RECOMMENDATION: Agendize for February 20 Board meeting: Receive and file the Budget to Actual Report for Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2018-19 ending December 31, 2018


RECOMMENDATION: Agendize for February 20 Board meeting: Receive and file the Ratio Analysis Report for FY 2018-19 Second Quarter ending December 31, 2018







Committee Members Bruce Whitaker - Chair Tri Ta - Vice Chair Roger Yoh Dina Nguyen Kelly Rowe

Alternates Cathy Green Steve Sheldon Jordan Brandman Denis Bilodeau Vicente Sarmiento

In accordance with the requirements of California Government Code Section 54954.2, this agenda has been posted at the guard shack entrance and in the main lobby of the Orange County Water District, 18700 Ward Street, Fountain Valley, CA and on the OCWD website not less than 72 hours prior to the meeting date and time above. All written materials relating to each agenda item are available for public inspection in the office of the District Secretary. Backup material for the Agenda is available at the District offices for public review and can be viewed online at the District’s website:

Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with a disability who require a disability-related modification or accommodation in order to participate in a meeting, including auxiliary aids or services, may request such modification or accommodation from the District Secretary at (714) 378-3233, by email at [email protected] by fax at (714) 378-3373. Notification 24 hours prior to the meeting will enable District staff to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to the meeting.

As a general rule, agenda reports or other written documentation has been prepared or organized with respect to each item of business listed on the agenda, and can be reviewed at Copies of these materials and other disclosable public records distributed to all or a majority of the members of the Board of Directors in connection with an open session agenda item are also on file with and available for inspection at the Office of the District Secretary, 18700 Ward Street, Fountain Valley, California, during regular business hours, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. If such writings are distributed to members of the Board of Directors on the day of a Board meeting, the writings will be available at the entrance to the Board of Directors meeting room at the Orange County Water District office. 1 MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE ISSUES COMMITTEE ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT January 10, 2019 @ 8:00 a.m.

Director Whitaker called the Administration and Finance Issues Committee to order in Conference Room C-2 in Fountain Valley, CA. The Assistant District Secretary called the roll and reported a quorum of the Committee as follows. Committee Members OCWD staff Bruce Whitaker Mike Markus - General Manager Roger Yoh (absent) Jeremy Jungreis – General Counsel Dina Nguyen (absent) Randy Fick - CFO/Treasurer Cathy Green Christina Fuller - Assistant District Secretary Steve Sheldon

Alternates Tri Ta Denis Bilodeau (absent) Kelly Rowe Jordan Brandman (absent) Vicente Sarmiento

CONSENT CALENDAR The Consent Calendar was approved upon motion by Director Ta, seconded by Director Green and carried [4-0]. Ayes- Whitaker, Green, Ta, Rowe

1. Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the Administration/Finance Issues Committee meeting held December 13, 2018 were approved as presented.

2. Monthly Cash Control Report

Recommended by Committee for approval at January 16 Board meeting: Receive and file Summary Cash and Cash Equivalents Control Reports dated December 31, 2018.

3. Investment Portfolio Holdings Reports

Recommended by Committee for approval at January 16 Board meeting: Receive and File the Investment Portfolio Holdings Reports dated December 31, 2018.

4. Surplus of Equipment, Vehicles, Miscellaneous Furniture and Computer Hardware

Recommended by Committee for approval at January 16 Board meeting: Declare items on Surplus List as of 12/31/18, surplus and authorize the sale and disposal thereof.

5. Amendment Three to License Agreement with Pub Construction for Storing of Construction Equipment Located at Upper Five Coves Basin, Anaheim

Recommended by Committee for approval at January 16 Board meeting: Approve and authorize execution of Amendment Three to License Agreement with PUB Construction to extend the License expiration date to February 28, 2019, with an additional license fee of $1,148, with all other Agreement terms to remain the same.

6. Amendment Three to License Agreement with T.E. Roberts for Storing of Construction Equipment Located at Huckleberry Pond, Anaheim

Recommended by Committee for approval at January 16 Board meeting: Approve and authorize execution of Amendment Three to License Agreement with T.E. Roberts, Inc. to extend the License expiration date to June 30, 2019, with a license fee of $500 per month, with all other Agreement terms to remain the same.


7. Basin Production Percentage and Replenishment Assessment Estimates for Fiscal Year 2019-20

Executive Director John Kennedy reviewed BPP issues and total water demands. He stated that at this time staff recommends that the projected BPP for FY 2019-20 be established at 75%.

CFO/Treasurer Randy Fick reviewed the Replenishment Assessment (RA) issues and reported that staff is preparing the FY 2019-20 budget for review at the March 6 Board meeting. He stated that the RA is currently $462/acre-foot and is expected to increase to somewhere between $498 to $505 per acre-foot.

Upon motion by Director Ta, seconded by Director Green and carried [5-0], the Committee recommended that the Board at its January 16 Board meeting: Provide the Fiscal Year 2019- 20 Replenishment Assessment and Basin Production Percentage estimates to the Groundwater Producers.

Yes- Whitaker, Green, Sheldon, Ta, Rowe


8. Monthly Cash Disbursements Report

There was no verbal report on this item.

9. Employment Status Report

General Manager Mike Markus stated the District is actively filling open positions.


It was agreed that Item Nos. 2-7 be agendized on the Consent Calendar at the January 16 Board meeting.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 a.m.

Bruce Whitaker, Vice Chair

2 2


Meeting Date: February 14, 2019 Budgeted: N/A Budgeted Amount: N/A To: Administration/Finance Issues Cte. Cost Estimate: N/A Board of Directors Funding Source: N/A Program/Line Item No.: N/A From: Mike Markus General Counsel Approval: N/A Engineers Report: N/A Staff Contact: R. Fick/V. Sharma CEQA Compliance: N/A



The following monthly financial information is provided in the staff report.

Attachment(s): . Summary Cash and Cash Equivalent Control Report . Summary of Reserves . Summary Sources and Disbursements . Sources of Funds . Disbursement of Funds


Agendize for February 20 Board meeting: Receive and file Summary Cash and Cash Equivalents Control Reports dated January 31, 2019.




Meeting Date: February 14, 2019 Budgeted: N/A Budgeted Amount: N/A To: Administration/Finance Issues Cte. Cost Estimate: N/A Board of Directors Funding Source: N/A Program/Line Item No: N/A From: Mike Markus General Counsel Approval: N/A Engineers/Feasibility Report: N/A Staff Contact: R. Fick/V. Sharma CEQA Compliance: N/A



The District’s monthly Investment Portfolio Holdings Report is provided for Committee review.

Attachment(s): Investment Portfolio Holdings Reports dated January 31, 2019.


Agendize for February 20 Board meeting: Receive and file the Investment Portfolio Holdings Reports dated January 31, 2019.


The Investment Portfolio Holdings Report is a list of each of the District’s fixed income investments and provides the market value at the end of each month. All securities within the District’s Investment Portfolio are in compliance with the District’s Statement of Investment Policy. The District’s portfolio maturities provide cash liquidity sufficient to meet the District’s projected six-month expenditures (as required by Government Code Section 53646).

Highlights of the current and previous report:

Description Prior Month Current Month SWAP Value (in Citi’s favor) $14,247,258 $14,524,326 Required Collateral $0 $0 Duration/Maturity 491 Days or 1.35 years 347 Days or 0.97 years Rate of Return/Yield 1.976% 2.122%

. The yield on the one-year Treasury note as of the month end is at 2.55%; two- year at 2.45% and the five-year at 2.43%

. The last Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting was held on January 29-30, 2019. The FOMC kept the Federal funds in the range of 2.25% to 2.50%. This is the rate prime banks lend to each other. Orange County Water District Investment Portfolio Holdings Report 01/31/19


Investment Pools

Local Agency Invest Fund (LAIF) State of California Treasury $41,906,797 (JAN rate) 2.355% (1) $41,906,797 $41,906,797 20.91% Orange County Invest Pool (OCIP) County of Orange $4,227,651 (DEC rate) 1.939% (1) $4,227,651 $4,227,651 2.11%

Federal Agencies

04/22/16 04/28/16 04/28/19 04/28/21 AA+/Aaa FHLMC - qtrly call on/after 10/28/16 Freddie Mac - Step $3,000,000 1.500% 2.136% $2,997,000 $2,977,080 3134G8XX2 07/15/16 07/26/16 04/26/19 07/26/19 AA+/Aaa FHLMC - qtrly call on/after 10/26/16 Freddie Mac $3,000,000 1.250% 1.250% $3,000,000 $2,981,790 3134G9Q75 08/09/16 08/25/16 02/23/19 08/23/19 AA+/Aaa FHLMC - qtrly call on/after 11/23/16 Freddie Mac $3,000,000 1.300% 1.300% $3,000,000 $2,979,750 3134GAAF1 10/24/16 10/31/16 04/27/19 04/27/20 AA+/Aaa FHLMC - qtrly call on/after 4/27/17 Freddie Mac - Step $5,000,000 1.500% 1.564% $5,000,000 $4,974,400 3134GAVD3 01/13/17 01/27/17 04/27/19 01/27/22 AA+/Aaa FHLMC - qtrly call on/after 4/27/17 Freddie Mac - Step $3,000,000 1.750% 2.492% $3,000,000 $2,990,160 3134GAS21 04/20/17 04/26/17 04/26/19 10/26/20 AA+/Aaa FHLMC - qtrly call on/after 10/26/17 Freddie Mac $3,000,000 1.750% 1.750% $3,000,000 $2,959,800 3134GBJY9 04/20/17 04/27/17 04/26/19 04/26/21 AA+/Aaa FHLMC - qtrly call on/after 7/26/17 Freddie Mac $3,000,000 1.875% 1.875% $3,000,000 $2,957,160 3134GBKA9 06/21/17 06/21/17 03/21/19 09/21/20 AA+/Aaa FHLMC - qtrly call on/after 9/21/17 Freddie Mac $3,000,000 1.750% 1.750% $3,000,000 $2,960,760 3134GBSG8 07/13/17 07/27/17 04/27/19 04/27/21 AA+/Aaa FHLMC - qtrly call on/after 10/27/17 Freddie Mac $3,000,000 2.000% 2.000% $3,000,000 $2,965,350 3134GBYQ9 08/23/17 08/28/17 02/28/19 08/28/20 AA+/Aaa FHLMC - qtrly call on/after 2/28/18 Freddie Mac $3,000,000 1.700% 1.700% $3,000,000 $2,960,880 3134GBD33 10/03/17 10/27/17 04/27/19 07/27/21 AA+/Aaa FHLMC - qtrly call on/after 4/27/18 Freddie Mac $3,000,000 2.000% 2.000% $3,000,000 $2,961,960 3134GBQ39 01/04/18 01/26/18 04/26/19 01/26/21 AA+/Aaa FHLMC - qtrly call on/after 4/26/18 Freddie Mac $3,000,000 2.220% 2.220% $3,000,000 $2,984,670 3134GSBW4 07/27/18 07/30/18 04/30/19 12/30/21 AA+/Aaa FHLMC - qtrly call on/after 1/30/19 Freddie Mac $3,000,000 3.000% 3.000% $3,000,000 $3,002,400 20.29% 3134GSSX4

07/25/16 07/29/16 04/26/19 07/26/19 AA+/Aaa FNMA - qtrly call on/after 10/26/16 Fannie Mae $3,000,000 1.250% 1.250% $3,000,000 $2,981,670 3136G3D51 07/21/16 07/26/16 04/26/19 07/26/19 AA+/Aaa FNMA - qtrly call on/after 1/26/17 Fannie Mae $3,000,000 1.250% 1.250% $3,000,000 $2,981,670 3135G0N25 07/15/16 07/18/16 03/23/19 12/23/19 AA+/Aaa FNMA - qtrly call on/after 12/23/16 Fannie Mae $3,400,000 1.500% 1.408% $3,410,472 $3,368,516 3136G3RP2 10/24/16 10/25/16 03/30/19 03/30/20 AA+/Aaa FNMA - qtrly call on/after 3/30/17 Fannie Mae $5,000,000 1.300% 1.306% $4,999,000 $4,930,150 7.12% 3135G0Q63

11/04/16 11/07/16 cont. 09/30/21 AA+/Aaa FHLB - call on/after 12/31/16 Federal Home Loan Bank $1,100,000 1.500% 1.492% $1,098,625 $1,067,935 3130A9MG3 07/20/17 07/21/17 cont. 07/13/20 AA+/Aaa FHLB - call on/after 10/13/17 Federal Home Loan Bank $3,000,000 1.750% 1.753% $2,999,700 $2,963,730 3130ABNV4 08/23/17 08/30/17 02/24/19 02/24/21 AA+/Aaa FHLB - qtrly call on/after 11/24/17 Federal Home Loan Bank $3,000,000 1.800% 1.800% $3,000,000 $2,956,680 3130AC6L3 10/05/17 10/26/17 04/26/19 10/26/22 AA+/Aaa FHLB - qtrly call on/after 1/26/18 Federal Home Loan Bank - Step $3,000,000 2.125% 2.824% $3,000,000 $2,999,700 3130ACLG7 10/23/17 10/30/17 04/26/19 10/26/22 AA+/Aaa FHLB - qtrly call on/after 1/26/18 Federal Home Loan Bank - Step $3,000,000 2.000% 2.387% $3,000,000 $2,979,030 3130ACQ64 01/18/18 01/25/18 cont. 01/25/21 AA+/Aaa FHLB - call on/after 01/25/19 Federal Home Loan Bank $3,000,000 2.280% 2.280% $3,000,000 $2,989,590 3130ADGA4 01/18/18 01/26/18 04/26/19 01/26/21 AA+/Aaa FHLB - qtrly call on/after 4/26/18 Federal Home Loan Bank $3,000,000 2.300% 2.300% $3,000,000 $2,983,410 3130ADG30 01/04/18 01/29/18 04/29/19 01/29/21 AA+/Aaa FHLB - qtrly call on/after 1/29/19 Federal Home Loan Bank $3,000,000 2.200% 2.200% $3,000,000 $2,979,030 3130ADC26 01/23/18 01/30/18 04/30/19 07/30/20 AA+/Aaa FHLB - qtrly call on/after 1/30/19 Federal Home Loan Bank $3,000,000 2.170% 2.211% $2,998,500 $2,980,950 3130ADF98 10/03/18 10/03/18 03/01/19 03/01/19 AA+/Aaa FHLB - discount note Federal Home Loan Bank $5,048,000 2.300% 2.354% $4,999,946 $5,038,560 313384CM9 01/23/19 01/23/19 06/24/19 06/24/19 AA+/Aaa FHLB - discount note Federal Home Loan Bank $5,360,000 2.435% 2.494% $5,304,893 $5,308,276 313384HG7 01/30/19 01/30/19 04/08/19 04/08/19 AA+/Aaa FHLB - discount note Federal Home Loan Bank $7,800,000 2.380% 2.424% $7,764,935 $7,765,680 313384EB1 01/31/19 01/31/19 03/12/19 03/12/19 AA+/Aaa FHLB - discount note Federal Home Loan Bank $17,200,000 2.360% 2.399% $17,154,898 $17,155,280 313384CY3 01/31/19 01/31/19 05/20/19 05/20/19 AA+/Aaa FHLB - discount note Federal Home Loan Bank $12,000,000 2.400% 2.451% $11,912,800 $11,913,240 313384FV6 01/31/19 01/31/19 03/21/19 03/21/19 AA+/Aaa FHLB - discount note Federal Home Loan Bank $10,000,000 2.370% 2.411% $9,967,742 $9,968,000 40.95% 313384DH9

07/11/16 07/12/16 cont. 07/12/19 AA+/Aaa FFCB - call on/after 10/12/16 Federal Farm Credit Bank $3,000,000 1.080% 1.121% $2,996,400 $2,982,510 3133EGLC7 07/11/16 07/18/16 cont. 10/18/19 AA+/Aaa FFCB - call on/after 10/18/16 Federal Farm Credit Bank $3,000,000 1.180% 1.196% $2,998,500 $2,971,830 3133EGLD5 09/11/17 09/13/17 cont. 12/06/21 AA+/Aaa FFCB - call on/after 12/06/17 Federal Farm Credit Bank $3,000,000 1.930% 1.930% $3,000,000 $2,947,290 3133EHXM0 04/25/17 04/27/17 cont. 04/20/21 AA+/Aaa FFCB - call on/after 4/20/18 Federal Farm Credit Bank $3,000,000 1.930% 1.956% $2,997,000 $2,960,130 3133EHGG2 08/23/17 08/24/17 cont. 11/01/21 AA+/Aaa FFCB - call on/after 11/01/17 Federal Farm Credit Bank $2,500,000 2.000% 2.000% $2,500,000 $2,462,375 3133EHTE3 08/30/17 08/30/17 cont. 04/05/22 AA+/Aaa FFCB - call on/after 10/05/17 Federal Farm Credit Bank $3,000,000 2.000% 2.000% $3,000,000 $2,947,320 8.62% 3133EHQG1

Total Federal Agencies $155,408,000 $155,100,410 $154,238,712 76.98%

Sub Totals $201,542,448 2.122% $201,234,858 $200,373,160 100% Restricted / Debt Service Funds: Certificate Payment Fund Series 2003A/2005B/2013A/2017AB $9 1.990% $9 Interest Fund Series 2003A $0 0.000% $0 Interest Fund Series 2013A/2017A/2017B $351 2.020% $351 Investment Revenue $201,542,807 $200,373,519 FYTD Fair Market Value Adj. Unrestricted 844,103 Restricted - Investment Income OCWD - Petty Cash $2,700 Unrestricted 1,815,234 Bank Balance (unreconciled) Union Bank Gen - Interest 0.010% $36,285 Restricted 398 Bank Balance (unreconciled) Wells Fargo - Checking 0.000% $3,607,668 Total per G/L 2,659,735 Total $204,020,172

(1) Market value is as of the most recent quarter-end/month-end as reported by LAIF/OCIP/FCB. Security values are provided by Bloomberg Financial Markets and/or Union Bank Investment Services. Note: This Investment Summary Report is in conformity with OCWD's Investment Policy and provides sufficient liquidity to meet the next six months estimated expenditures. OCWD - Investment Portfolio as of January 31, 2019

Federal Agencies , $154,238,712 , 76%

LAIF , $41,906,797 , 20% Working Cash & Debt Service Funds, $3,647,011 , 2% Orange County Pool , $4,227,651 , 2% OCWD - Investment Return Comparision for the Month Ended 01/31/19



2.500% 2.355%


1.939% 2.000%

1.500% Percentage/Return



0.000% LAIF Orange County Pool Total OCWD Investment Return U.S. Treasury 1 Year Note


Note: Orange County Pool rate is as of December 31, 2018. OCWD - Investment Maturities as of January 31, 2019

$140,000,000 Investment Maturities Estimated 6 month Expenditures




$60,000,000 Investments



$0 0-6 Months 7-12 Months 1-3 Years 3-4 Years 4-5 Years

Years Orange County Water District Investment Portfolio Holdings Report 01/31/19


Investment Pools

Local Agency Invest Fund (LAIF) State of California Treasury $41,906,797 (JAN rate) 2.355% (1) $41,906,797 $41,906,797 20.91% Orange County Invest Pool (OCIP) County of Orange $4,227,651 (DEC rate) 1.939% (1) $4,227,651 $4,227,651 2.11%

Federal Agencies

04/22/16 04/28/16 04/28/19 04/28/21 AA+/Aaa FHLMC - qtrly call on/after 10/28/16 Freddie Mac - Step $3,000,000 1.500% 2.136% $2,997,000 $2,977,080 3134G8XX2 07/15/16 07/26/16 04/26/19 07/26/19 AA+/Aaa FHLMC - qtrly call on/after 10/26/16 Freddie Mac $3,000,000 1.250% 1.250% $3,000,000 $2,981,790 3134G9Q75 08/09/16 08/25/16 02/23/19 08/23/19 AA+/Aaa FHLMC - qtrly call on/after 11/23/16 Freddie Mac $3,000,000 1.300% 1.300% $3,000,000 $2,979,750 3134GAAF1 10/24/16 10/31/16 04/27/19 04/27/20 AA+/Aaa FHLMC - qtrly call on/after 4/27/17 Freddie Mac - Step $5,000,000 1.500% 1.564% $5,000,000 $4,974,400 3134GAVD3 01/13/17 01/27/17 04/27/19 01/27/22 AA+/Aaa FHLMC - qtrly call on/after 4/27/17 Freddie Mac - Step $3,000,000 1.750% 2.492% $3,000,000 $2,990,160 3134GAS21 04/20/17 04/26/17 04/26/19 10/26/20 AA+/Aaa FHLMC - qtrly call on/after 10/26/17 Freddie Mac $3,000,000 1.750% 1.750% $3,000,000 $2,959,800 3134GBJY9 04/20/17 04/27/17 04/26/19 04/26/21 AA+/Aaa FHLMC - qtrly call on/after 7/26/17 Freddie Mac $3,000,000 1.875% 1.875% $3,000,000 $2,957,160 3134GBKA9 06/21/17 06/21/17 03/21/19 09/21/20 AA+/Aaa FHLMC - qtrly call on/after 9/21/17 Freddie Mac $3,000,000 1.750% 1.750% $3,000,000 $2,960,760 3134GBSG8 07/13/17 07/27/17 04/27/19 04/27/21 AA+/Aaa FHLMC - qtrly call on/after 10/27/17 Freddie Mac $3,000,000 2.000% 2.000% $3,000,000 $2,965,350 3134GBYQ9 08/23/17 08/28/17 02/28/19 08/28/20 AA+/Aaa FHLMC - qtrly call on/after 2/28/18 Freddie Mac $3,000,000 1.700% 1.700% $3,000,000 $2,960,880 3134GBD33 10/03/17 10/27/17 04/27/19 07/27/21 AA+/Aaa FHLMC - qtrly call on/after 4/27/18 Freddie Mac $3,000,000 2.000% 2.000% $3,000,000 $2,961,960 3134GBQ39 01/04/18 01/26/18 04/26/19 01/26/21 AA+/Aaa FHLMC - qtrly call on/after 4/26/18 Freddie Mac $3,000,000 2.220% 2.220% $3,000,000 $2,984,670 3134GSBW4 07/27/18 07/30/18 04/30/19 12/30/21 AA+/Aaa FHLMC - qtrly call on/after 1/30/19 Freddie Mac $3,000,000 3.000% 3.000% $3,000,000 $3,002,400 20.29% 3134GSSX4

07/25/16 07/29/16 04/26/19 07/26/19 AA+/Aaa FNMA - qtrly call on/after 10/26/16 Fannie Mae $3,000,000 1.250% 1.250% $3,000,000 $2,981,670 3136G3D51 07/21/16 07/26/16 04/26/19 07/26/19 AA+/Aaa FNMA - qtrly call on/after 1/26/17 Fannie Mae $3,000,000 1.250% 1.250% $3,000,000 $2,981,670 3135G0N25 07/15/16 07/18/16 03/23/19 12/23/19 AA+/Aaa FNMA - qtrly call on/after 12/23/16 Fannie Mae $3,400,000 1.500% 1.408% $3,410,472 $3,368,516 3136G3RP2 10/24/16 10/25/16 03/30/19 03/30/20 AA+/Aaa FNMA - qtrly call on/after 3/30/17 Fannie Mae $5,000,000 1.300% 1.306% $4,999,000 $4,930,150 7.12% 3135G0Q63

11/04/16 11/07/16 cont. 09/30/21 AA+/Aaa FHLB - call on/after 12/31/16 Federal Home Loan Bank $1,100,000 1.500% 1.492% $1,098,625 $1,067,935 3130A9MG3 07/20/17 07/21/17 cont. 07/13/20 AA+/Aaa FHLB - call on/after 10/13/17 Federal Home Loan Bank $3,000,000 1.750% 1.753% $2,999,700 $2,963,730 3130ABNV4 08/23/17 08/30/17 02/24/19 02/24/21 AA+/Aaa FHLB - qtrly call on/after 11/24/17 Federal Home Loan Bank $3,000,000 1.800% 1.800% $3,000,000 $2,956,680 3130AC6L3 10/05/17 10/26/17 04/26/19 10/26/22 AA+/Aaa FHLB - qtrly call on/after 1/26/18 Federal Home Loan Bank - Step $3,000,000 2.125% 2.824% $3,000,000 $2,999,700 3130ACLG7 10/23/17 10/30/17 04/26/19 10/26/22 AA+/Aaa FHLB - qtrly call on/after 1/26/18 Federal Home Loan Bank - Step $3,000,000 2.000% 2.387% $3,000,000 $2,979,030 3130ACQ64 01/18/18 01/25/18 cont. 01/25/21 AA+/Aaa FHLB - call on/after 01/25/19 Federal Home Loan Bank $3,000,000 2.280% 2.280% $3,000,000 $2,989,590 3130ADGA4 01/18/18 01/26/18 04/26/19 01/26/21 AA+/Aaa FHLB - qtrly call on/after 4/26/18 Federal Home Loan Bank $3,000,000 2.300% 2.300% $3,000,000 $2,983,410 3130ADG30 01/04/18 01/29/18 04/29/19 01/29/21 AA+/Aaa FHLB - qtrly call on/after 1/29/19 Federal Home Loan Bank $3,000,000 2.200% 2.200% $3,000,000 $2,979,030 3130ADC26 01/23/18 01/30/18 04/30/19 07/30/20 AA+/Aaa FHLB - qtrly call on/after 1/30/19 Federal Home Loan Bank $3,000,000 2.170% 2.211% $2,998,500 $2,980,950 3130ADF98 10/03/18 10/03/18 03/01/19 03/01/19 AA+/Aaa FHLB - discount note Federal Home Loan Bank $5,048,000 2.300% 2.354% $4,999,946 $5,038,560 313384CM9 01/23/19 01/23/19 06/24/19 06/24/19 AA+/Aaa FHLB - discount note Federal Home Loan Bank $5,360,000 2.435% 2.494% $5,304,893 $5,308,276 313384HG7 01/30/19 01/30/19 04/08/19 04/08/19 AA+/Aaa FHLB - discount note Federal Home Loan Bank $7,800,000 2.380% 2.424% $7,764,935 $7,765,680 313384EB1 01/31/19 01/31/19 03/12/19 03/12/19 AA+/Aaa FHLB - discount note Federal Home Loan Bank $17,200,000 2.360% 2.399% $17,154,898 $17,155,280 313384CY3 01/31/19 01/31/19 05/20/19 05/20/19 AA+/Aaa FHLB - discount note Federal Home Loan Bank $12,000,000 2.400% 2.451% $11,912,800 $11,913,240 313384FV6 01/31/19 01/31/19 03/21/19 03/21/19 AA+/Aaa FHLB - discount note Federal Home Loan Bank $10,000,000 2.370% 2.411% $9,967,742 $9,968,000 40.95% 313384DH9

07/11/16 07/12/16 cont. 07/12/19 AA+/Aaa FFCB - call on/after 10/12/16 Federal Farm Credit Bank $3,000,000 1.080% 1.121% $2,996,400 $2,982,510 3133EGLC7 07/11/16 07/18/16 cont. 10/18/19 AA+/Aaa FFCB - call on/after 10/18/16 Federal Farm Credit Bank $3,000,000 1.180% 1.196% $2,998,500 $2,971,830 3133EGLD5 09/11/17 09/13/17 cont. 12/06/21 AA+/Aaa FFCB - call on/after 12/06/17 Federal Farm Credit Bank $3,000,000 1.930% 1.930% $3,000,000 $2,947,290 3133EHXM0 04/25/17 04/27/17 cont. 04/20/21 AA+/Aaa FFCB - call on/after 4/20/18 Federal Farm Credit Bank $3,000,000 1.930% 1.956% $2,997,000 $2,960,130 3133EHGG2 08/23/17 08/24/17 cont. 11/01/21 AA+/Aaa FFCB - call on/after 11/01/17 Federal Farm Credit Bank $2,500,000 2.000% 2.000% $2,500,000 $2,462,375 3133EHTE3 08/30/17 08/30/17 cont. 04/05/22 AA+/Aaa FFCB - call on/after 10/05/17 Federal Farm Credit Bank $3,000,000 2.000% 2.000% $3,000,000 $2,947,320 8.62% 3133EHQG1

Total Federal Agencies $155,408,000 $155,100,410 $154,238,712 76.98% Sub Totals $201,542,448 2.122% $201,234,858 $200,373,160 100% Restricted / Debt Service Funds: Certificate Payment Fund Series 2003A/2005B/2013A/2017AB $9 1.990% $9 Interest Fund Series 2003A $0 0.000% $0 Interest Fund Series 2013A/2017A/2017B $351 2.020% $351 Investment Revenue $201,542,807 $200,373,519 FYTD Fair Market Value Adj. Unrestricted 844,103 Restricted - Investment Income OCWD - Petty Cash $2,700 Unrestricted 1,815,234 Bank Balance (unreconciled) Union Bank Gen - Interest 0.010% $36,285 Restricted 398 Bank Balance (unreconciled) Wells Fargo - Checking 0.000% $3,607,668 Total per G/L 2,659,735 Total $204,020,172

(1) Market value is as of the most recent quarter-end/month-end as reported by LAIF/OCIP/FCB. Security values are provided by Bloomberg Financial Markets and/or Union Bank Investment Services. Note: This Investment Summary Report is in conformity with OCWD's Investment Policy and provides sufficient liquidity to meet the next six months estimated expenditures. 4 AGENDA ITEM SUBMITTAL

Meeting Date: February 14, 2019 Budgeted: No Budgeted Amount: $0 To: Administration Finance Committee Cost Estimate: $53,720 Board of Directors Funding Source: General Reserves Program/Line Item No.: N/A From: Mike Markus General Counsel Approval: N/A Engineers/Feasibility Report: N/A CEQA Compliance: N/A Staff Contact: J. Bonsangue/M. Patel



In an effort to meet the Districts recharge needs and satisfy requirements of the California Air Resources Board, the District purchased three first-generation hybrid Caterpillar bulldozers. These three hybrid bulldozers, which utilize a diesel and an electric motor, have been problematic, requiring repair work that exceed what non-hybrid dozers typically require. After many discussions with the manufacturer, Caterpillar is offering the District an exclusive 3- year extended warranty option for each of the three first-generation hybrid dozers.


Agendize for February 20 Board meeting: Authorize purchase of Caterpillar-issued, 3-year extended warranties for hybrid bulldozers: TL-36, TL-37 and TL-39.


In an effort to meet the Districts recharge needs and satisfy emission requirements of the California Air Resources Board, The District purchased three Caterpillar first-generation hybrid bulldozers. These three hybrid dozers, which utilize a combination of a diesel and an electric motor, have been problematic. This has required repair work that exceeds what typical non-hybrid dozers normally require. After many lengthy and detailed discussions with the manufacturer, Caterpillar, they have agreed to offer the District an exclusive 3-year extended warranty for each the three first-generation hybrid dozers: TL-36, TL-37 and TL-39. The extended warranty covers the full power-train and hydraulic systems for each of the hybrid dozers.

TL-36 and TL-37 were purchased new by the District in 2012. TL-39 was purchased new by the District in 2014. All three of these first-generation hybrid bull dozers have relatively low hours of usage. However, all three machines have experienced an unusually high number of mechanical failures.

The following table summarizes each dozer’s age, usage and repair expenses to date. The table also shows the usage-based extended warranty cost for each dozer.

1st Generation Age Hours of Repair Expenses Cost of 3-Year Hybrid Dozer (years) Operation (from Original Warranty) Extended Warranty TL-36 7 3,780 $82,550 $19,170 TL-37 7 3,583 $67,731 $19,170 TL-39 5 2,287 $106,099 $15,380

When purchased, each of these hybrid dozers was covered by a 5-year power-train and hydraulic system warranty from Caterpillar. The repair expenses summarized in the table above were covered under warranty. Warranties for TL-36 and TL-37 have expired. The warranty for TL-39 will expire in April 2019.

District maintenance staff and management have had several meetings with the manufacturer regarding the performance of the three first-generation hybrid bulldozers. Representatives from the Caterpillar headquarters in Illinois and from the local dealership participated in the discussions.

Caterpillar staff is sympathetic to the District’s hybrid bulldozer issues and has offered the District an exclusive 3-year extended warranty that covers all power-train and hydraulic system failures for each of the first-generation hybrid bulldozers. Because of the extreme conditions these hybrid dozers work in, staff feels that future failures are inevitable and recommends purchasing the 3-year extended warranties for TL-36, TL-37 and TL-39.

District maintenance staff developed a list of 14 deficiencies and shared the list with the manufacturer. Caterpillar has addressed 11 of the 14 issues for their next generation hybrid bulldozer. It is hoped that because of these discussions the newer generation of hybrid bulldozers from Caterpillar will have less issues.




Meeting Date: February 14, 2019 Budgeted: No (FY18-19); Proposed (FY19-20) Budgeted Amount: $0 (FY18-19) To: Administration/Finance Issues Cte Cost Estimate: $21,949 (FY18-19) Board of Directors Funding Source: General Fund Program/ Line Item No. 1040 From: Mike Markus General Counsel Approval: N/A Engineers/Feasibility Report: N/A Staff Contact: M. Plumlee/J. Dadakis CEQA Compliance: N/A



The Research and Development (R&D) Department seeks to hire a Laboratory Technician. The position would be filled via a Limited Term Employee (LTE) contract and has been included in the initial Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-20 proposed budget. Pending recruitment of a suitable candidate, staff would seek board approval to officially hire via an LTE in Spring 2019, just ahead of the new FY to support immediate grant-supported research activities.


Agendize for February 20 Board meeting: Authorize recruitment of an R&D Laboratory Technician to be filled as a Limited Term Employee


Introduction The mission of the Research and Development (R&D) Department at OCWD is to conduct applied research that supports the District’s operational, regulatory, and water quality objectives through technology evaluation, development of new processes, and collaboration with universities and topic experts.

The R&D Laboratory Technician would be responsible for performing chemical and biological analyses under the direction of the Department’s existing staff Scientists, Senior Scientists, Principal Scientists, and R&D Director. The District’s Philip L. Anthony Water Quality Laboratory employs similar entry-level laboratory technician positions. A Laboratory Technician in the R&D Department would increase the Department’s productivity and extend the District’s capacity to conduct pertinent applied research, a significant portion of which is externally grant-funded.

Timing Recruitment for the position would begin in February 2019. The Laboratory Technician would begin their term in Spring 2019, just before the start of the OCWD 2019-20 Fiscal Year.

Term The initial tenure of the Laboratory Technician position would be a one-year appointment via a limited-term (at will) contract with the District. Any extension beyond the initial period would depend on status of research and grant activities and the need for ongoing laboratory support.

Funding The position is currently included in the District’s FY2019-20 proposed budget for the R&D Department at $87,797 to cover anticipated salary plus benefits. Once a candidate is identified, subsequent Board approval for the hiring of a staff-recommended Laboratory Technician to a limited-term (at will) contract would be required. With respect to the intent to fill this position in Spring of 2019, the estimated FY18-19 cost is $21,949 with an assumed start data of April 1, 2019. Offsetting personnel funding is available for the R&D Department in FY2018-19 due to a recent staff scientist retirement and external grant funds.

Research Projects The Laboratory Technician will be directed to support key projects in the R&D Department, including those which involve commitments to external grant funding agencies. Some of these will include:

• Sample analysis for N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) using R&D’s prototype detector, for two grant-supported projects (USBR and National Science Foundation). The District will receive a total of $106,000 of grant funds over the course of these two projects.

• Measurement of enteric virus occurrence at Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) Reclamation Plant No. 1 in raw water and secondary effluent, to support development of log credit toward GWRS virus removal requirements. Project will be partially supported through a Metropolitan Water District (MWD) grant. The District will receive a total of $27,000 of grant funds for this project.

• Sample analysis and field work related to ongoing use of OCWD’s pilot-scale UV/AOP reactor for various research projects and collaborations (e.g., UC Riverside; USBR grant for CCRO and FO-RO treatment of reverse osmosis concentrate which includes treating the permeates with UV/AOP). The District will receive a total of $150,000 of grant funds for these projects.

• Sample analysis and operation of instrumentation related to USBR grant to study four different monitoring technologies for real-time or daily evaluation of reverse osmosis process integrity. The District will receive a total of $75,000 of grant funds for this project.




Meeting Date: February 14, 2019 Budgeted: Yes Budgeted Amount: $435,300 To: Administration/ Finance Issues Cte Cost Estimate: $447,791 Board of Directors Funding Source: Debt Program Program/Line Item No N/A From: Mike Markus General Counsel Approval: Yes Engineers/Feasibility Approved: N/A Staff Contact: R. Fick CEQA Compliance: N/A



The District currently has a Letter of Credit (LOC) and Reimbursement Agreement with Citibank N.A. for the District’s outstanding 2003A variable rate Certificates of Participation (COPs) in an amount of $129,815,000. The existing LOC was executed with Citibank on June 1, 2011 with an original expiration date of May 30, 2014. Subsequently, effective May 23, 2013, the expiry date of the LOC was extended to May 23, 2016, with a reduction in fees. In March 2016, the Citibank LOC was again extended to May 23, 2019, with no change in the rate and no fees. Citibank has offered to extend the current LOC for two years at the current rate of 33 basis points with no fees and the District can optionally terminate the LOC at any time.

Attachment(s): • Citibank N.A. offer letter dated January 23, 2019 • Presentation


Agendize for February 20 Board meeting:

1) Authorize the preparation and execution of documents necessary to extend the current Letter of Credit and Reimbursement Agreement with Citibank, N.A. for the 2003A variable rate debt for a term of 2 years consistent with the offer provided by Citibank, and

2) Authorize payment for costs of issuance not to exceed $12,500


The District is required to obtain either a standby liquidity facility or letter of credit to support its variable rate debt issuances because the bonds can be tendered weekly by investors. When tendered bonds are remarketed, proceeds from new investors are used to pay the tendering investors. With a liquidity facility, if the tendered COPs are not remarketed, the Trustee draws on the liquidity facility to pay bondholders. In the case of a Letter of Credit, the bank makes direct payments to the Trustee for the tender price and is subsequently reimbursed by the District.

The District’s 2003A variable rate COPs are currently backed by an LOC with Citibank, N.A. The Citibank, N.A. LOC was issued on June 1, 2011 for a term of three years at a cost of 57 basis points (bps) or $751,866 per year with an optional termination at the District’s discretion after two years. Subsequently, effective May 23, 2013, the expiry date was extended to May 23, 2016, at 33 basis points or $435,291 per year and total upfront fees of $2,000 for Citibank’s legal fees. The Citibank, N.A. LOC was again extended effective May 23, 2016, to May 23, 2018, at 33 basis points or $435,291 per year and no fees for Citibank’s legal costs.

Staff recommends extending the current Citibank, N.A. LOC at 33 basis points with no upfront fees payable to Citibank. The advantages to the District with this recommendation are: (1) lower cost of issuance due to extending the current liquidity facility versus a possible bank substitution via Request for Proposals (RFP) process, (2) no costs incurred in drafting a new offering document, (3) the District can optionally terminate the LOC at any time, and (4) no changes to the Reimbursement Agreement are contemplated except for the modification of the maturity date definition on the LOC.

The proposed pricing assumes the District’s current credit ratings of “Aa1/AAA/AAA” from Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s, and Fitch, respectively. Any downgrade in ratings would result in an increase in the facility fee in accordance with the proposed schedule as detailed in Table 1.

Table 1 Citibank Pricing Grid Moody’s S&P Fitch Current Proposed Facility Fee Facility Fee Aa1 or higher AA+ or higher AA+ or higher 33 bps 33 bps Aa2 AA AA 38 bps 38 bps Aa3 AA- AA- 43 bps 43 bps A1 A+ A+ 53 bps 53 bps A2 or lower A or lower A or lower 63 bps 63 bps

Approximately $12,500 in cost for extending the current LOC will be incurred by the District as follows:

$ 1,500 – District’s Legal Fees (Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth) $ 1,500 – Financial Advisor (Fieldman, Rolapp & Associates, Inc.) $ 0 – Citibank’s Legal Fees $ 6,000 – Rating Agency Fees $ 3,500 – Contingency for Unanticipated Costs $12,500


Staff identified two alternatives versus extending the current Citibank, N.A. LOC as follows: (1) issue an RFP to possibly obtain a lower cost liquidity facility, and (2) not extend or replace the current bank facility.

Issuing an RFP to possibly replace Citibank as the liquidity facility provider would be much costlier in terms of cost of issuance than extending the current liquidity facility. Approximately $248,000 in cost of issuance including legal fees (banks and District’s), rating agency costs, preparing a new offering document and financial advisor fees would be incurred by the District for a bank replacement. The increased cost of issuance for possibly replacing the current bank has an impact on the breakeven fee that would be required of a new bank. The Table 2 below details that the District would need a competing bank to charge a fee of 24.1 basis points or less with a cost of issuance of approximately $248,000 on a 2-year liquidity facility versus extending the current LOC with Citibank N.A. at 33 basis points and an estimated $12,500 in cost of issuance.

Table 2 Breakeven Analysis Citibank Extension: Annual Fee - Basis Points .00330 $131,906,266 Cost of Issuance $12,500 Year 1 Cost $ 447,791 Year 2 Cost $ 435,291 $ 883,082

Possible Replacement Bank due to RFP Process: Annual Fee - Basis Points .00241 $131,906,266 Cost of Issuance $248,000 Year 1 Costs $ 565,541 Year 2 Costs $ 317,541 $ 883,082

Staff went through an RFP process to replace the Letter of Credit and Reimbursement Agreement with Bayerische Landesbank to provide credit liquidity for the District’s commercial paper program in November 2015. After sending an RFP to seventeen banks a total of six bids were received ranging from 29 to 55 basis points and varying amounts of upfront costs. Based on the breakeven analysis in Table 2, a competing bank would have to come in at less than 24.1 basis points to make the economics work to switch banks.


• Prepare necessary legal and financing documents, including updated Fee Letter Agreement, Letter of Credit and Reimbursement documents, Resolutions for the District and Financing Corporation.



4/19/06 R06-4-41: Authorize execution and delivery of an Amendment to a Standby Certificate Purchase Agreement relating to the Adjustable Rate Revenue Certificates of Participation, Series 2003A with Lloyds TSB Bank PLC

4/23/03, R03-4-58: Certificates of Participation to $150,000,000, and authorize the financing and refinancing of the acquisition of certain facilities, the refinancing of such commercial paper notes, the financing of the acquisition of real property and to approve forms of the Preliminary Official Statement, the Standby Certificate Purchase Agreement and certain required documents



Citibank, N.A. Letter of Credit Extension Proposal

February 6, 2019

Citibank, N.A. (“Citi”) is providing the information contained in this document for discussion purposes only in anticipation of serving solely as an LOC Provider on the Notes referenced herein. The primary role of Citi is to act as an LOC Provider in an arm’s-length commercial transaction between the District and Citi. Citi has financial and other interests that differ from those of the District. Citi is not acting as a municipal advisor, financial advisor or fiduciary to the District or any other person or entity. The information provided is not intended to be and should not be construed as “advice” within the meaning of Section 15B of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The District should consult with its own financial and/or municipal, legal, accounting, tax and other advisors, as applicable, to the extent it deems appropriate. The District should consider whether to engage an advisor to act in a fiduciary capacity on its behalf in connection with this transaction. Orange County Water District Letter of Credit Proposal Preliminary Terms and Conditions

Note: This Proposal constitutes a brief summary of certain, but not all, transaction terms and conditions for discussion purposes only. The summary that follows is subject to credit approval and does not constitute an offer or commitment.

I. Summary of Transaction Parties Obligor Orange County Water District (“OCWD”) Contact Randy Fick Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer 18700 Ward Street Fountain Valley, CA 92708 [email protected]

Provider Citibank, N.A. Contact Rebekah McGuire Vice President 388 , 8th Floor (212) 723-5577 New York, NY 10013 [email protected] Credit Ratings Rating Agency Long-Term Short-Term Outlook Moody’s A1 P-1 Positive S&P A+ A-1 Stable Fitch A+ F1 Stable

Recent Ratings History Rating Agency Rating/Outlook Date Change Moody’s Watchlist 11/29/2018 Potential upgrade w/in 90 days Moody’s Positive 01/08/2018 Revised up from Stable S&P A+ 12/19/2016 Upgrade from A S&P Positive 7/23/2015 Revised up from Stable Moody’s A1 5/28/2015 Upgrade from A2 Fitch A+ 5/19/2015 Upgrade from A Moody’s A2/P-1 11/14/2013 Upgrade from A3/P-2 S&P Stable 6/20/2013 Revised up from Negative Bonds $129,815,000 Adjustable Rate Revenue Certificates of Participation Series 2003A Facility Extension of the Expiration Date of a Letter of Credit (the “Facility”) in an amount sufficient to provide for payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds and payment of the purchase price of Bonds in the event of a failure to remarket tendered Bonds. The Letter of Credit Reimbursement Agreement by and among Orange County Water District, OCWD Public Facilities Corporation and Citibank, N.A., relating to $129,815,000 Orange County Water District Adjustable Rate Revenue Certificates of Participation Series 2003A dated June 1, 2011 (the “Reimbursement Agreement”). The extension shall not amend or modify the Reimbursement Agreement; the extension shall be accomplished by delivery of a Letter of Credit Amendment amending only the current Expiration Date of the Letter of Credit. Security Reimbursement obligation under the Facility Agreement is secured by a pledge of Pledged Revenues on parity with outstanding senior indebtedness. Credit Approval Final Credit Approval is subject to review and acceptance of satisfactory documentation. It is expected that final credit approval would be in place within ten days of receipt of final documentation.

Letter of Credit Proposal – Preliminary Terms and Conditions Page 2 February 6, 2019 Proposal Expiration Date This term sheet shall remain firm through May 6, 2019 if accepted by the District no later than March 6, 2019. Closing Date Not later than 90 days from the date of this Proposal.

Facility Expiration Date Shall be amended to May 23, 2021

II. General Facility Features Unchanged from the Reimbursement Agreement Closing Date Facility Expiration Date Stated Amount Facility Fee Facility Fee Daycount Facility Fee Payment Frequency Bank Bonds Bank Bond Rate Base Rate Default Rate Default Premium Maximum Rate Interest Repayment Provisions Principal Repayment Provisions Conditions Precedent to Term- Out Drawing Fee Amendment/Transfer Fee

III. Events of Default Unchanged from the Reimbursement Agreement

Letter of Credit Proposal – Preliminary Terms and Conditions Page 3 February 6, 2019 IV. Additional Requirements/Conditions Reporting Requirements Unchanged from the Reimbursement Agreement Covenants Representations and Warranties Closing Conditions Most Favored Covenant Participation Governing Law Waiver of Jury Trial Consent Rights Right of Setoff Sovereign Immunity Documentation EMMA and Rating Agency Disclosure Change in Law/Increased Costs Extension of Facility Expiration Date Legal Fees/Expenses Legal Counsel Expenses

Ratings Citibank accepts the Standard & Poor’s Summary: Orange County Water District, California; Joint Criteria; Water/Sewer dated July 5, 2018 and Fitch Ratings New Issue Report Orange County Water District, California Water Infrastructure Finance Innovation Act Loan dated July 31, 2018 as evidence of ratings confirmation and waives all requirement that OCWD deliver any additional evidence of its current ratings in connection with the extension of the Facility.

Letter of Credit Proposal – Preliminary Terms and Conditions Page 4 February 6, 2019 This presentation has been prepared by individual personnel of Global Markets Inc., Citigroup Global Markets Limited or their subsidiaries or affiliates (collectively, “Citi”). Such employees are not research analysts and are not subject to SEC or FSA rules designed to promote the independence of research and research analysts and accordingly may receive compensation related to securities or products to which these materials relate. These materials may contain general market commentary and excerpts of research; however they are not intended to constitute investment research, a research recommendation, research analysis or a research report for purposes of such rules.

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Any terms set forth herein are intended for discussion purposes only and are subject to the final terms as set forth in separate definitive written agreements. This presentation is not a commitment to lend, syndicate a financing, underwrite or purchase securities, or commit capital nor does it obligate us to enter into such a commitment. By accepting this presentation, subject to applicable law or regulation, you agree to keep confidential the existence of and proposed terms for any contemplated transaction.

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Letter of Credit Proposal – Preliminary Terms and Conditions Page 6 February 6, 2019 Variable Rate 2003A COPs Letter of Credit

Admin/Finance Committee February 14, 2018 Overview • District is required to obtain either a standby liquidity facility or a letter of credit to support its variable rate debt. • Obtained Citibank three year letter of credit (LOC) on June 1, 2011 – Effective May 23, 2013 the LOC was extended three years with a reduction in fees – Effective May 23, 2016 the LOC was extended three years at the same fees Current Citibank Pricing (3 year LOC)

Moody’s S&P Fitch Current Facility Current Fee Annual Cost

Aa1 or higher AA+ or higher AA+ or higher 33 bps $435,290

Aa2 AA AA 38 bps $501,243 Aa3 AA- AA- 43 bps $567,196 A1 A+ A+ 53 bps $699,103 A2 or lower A or lower A or lower 63 bps $831,009

bps = basis point Upfront Cost of Extending LOC versus Bank Substitution

Costs LOC Extension Bank Substitution Bond Counsel $1,500 $55,000 Rating Agencies $6,000 $110,000 Trustee $0 $5,000 Financial Adviser $1,500 $30,000 Underwriter’s Counsel $0 $45,000 Miscellaneous $3,500 $3,000 Total $12,500 $248,000 Breakeven Analysis at 24.1 Basis Points (assuming current ratings)

Proposed LOC Extension Bank Substitution

Annual Fee 33 bps 24.1 bps

Year 1 Costs $447,791 $565,541

Year 2 Costs $435,291 $317,541

Total $883,082 $883,082 Advantages of Extending LOC • Lower cost of issuance due to extending the LOC versus a possible bank substitution process • The District can optionally terminate the LOC at any time • No changes to the LOC Agreement except for the modification of the maturity date • The District went through an Request for Proposal process to replace the bank LOC for its commercial paper program – The best rate obtained was 29 bps from Sumitomo Bank Recommendation

• Agendize for February 20 Board meeting: • 1) Approve and authorize the preparation and execution of documents necessary to extend the current Letter of Credit and Reimbursement Agreement with Citibank for the 2003A variable rate debt for a term of 2 years consistent with the offer provided by Citibank, and • 2) Authorize payment for the costs of issuance not to exceed $12,500. 7


Meeting Date: February 14, 2019 Budgeted: N/A Budgeted Amount: N/A To: Administration/Finance Issues Cte. Cost Estimate: N/A Board of Directors Funding Source: N/A Program/Line Item No. N/A From: Mike Markus General Counsel Approval: N/A Engineers/Feasibility Report: N/A Staff Contact: R. Fick CEQA Compliance: N/A



The District recently closed on an Environmental Protection Agency Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) loan on July 26, 2018, to fund up to $135,000,000 of the design and construction of the Groundwater Replenishment System Final Expansion (GWRSFE) Project at an interest rate of 3.06%. Staff recommends issuing tax-exempt short-term obligations to finance the project construction from Fiscal Year (FY) 2018-19 thru 2022-23. Tax-exempt short-term obligations would carry a lower interest rate than drawing on the WIFIA loan during the construction period. The tax-exempt short-term obligations would eventually be repaid from a draw on the WIFIA loan near the end of the project construction period. Staff estimates this financing plan will reduce interest expenses by about $9.3 million over the life of the WIFIA loan with a net present value savings of approximately $2.5 million.

Attachment(s): • Estimated savings analysis from Fieldman Rolapp & Associates • Request for Proposals for Investment Banking/Underwriting Services • Request for Proposals for Investment Advisory Services • Presentation


Agendize for February 20 Board meeting:

1. Authorize issuance of Request for Proposals for investment banking/underwriting services for the issuance tax-exempt short-term obligations;

2. Authorize issuance of Request for Proposals for investment advisory services;

3. Authorize engaging Stradling, Yocca as Bond Counsel and Fieldman, Rolapp & Associates as Municipal Advisor and

4. Authorize the preparation of documents for future issuance of tax-exempt short- term obligations pending further action by the Board.


Staff submitted a Letter of Interest on April 7, 2017, for the financial assistance program with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) for an estimated $123,872,000 loan to partially fund the GWRS Final Expansion (GWRSFE) Project. The EPA notified the District on July 17, 2017, that our GWRSFE Project was selected to submit an application for credit assistance in the amount of $135 million. The application was submitted to the EPA on March 14, 2018. On July 26, 2018, the WIFIA loan closed for an amount up to $135,000,000 at an interest rate of 3.06% with a term of 35 years including the deferral period.

The current recommended plan to finance the GWRSFE Project includes the following:

1. Issue $135,000,000 of tax-exempt short-term obligations to finance the construction period from FY 2018-19 thru FY 2022-23 as staff believes these short-term obligations will carry a lower interest rate than drawing upon the WIFIA loan;

2. The remaining $157 million of the estimated $292 million GWRSFE project cost is expected to be financed through a State Revolving Fund loan. If the State does not provide full funding or any funding, it is expected that the District will issue Revenue Certificates of Participation, to fund the balance of the $157 million needed to complete the GWRSFE project. The District may choose to use a portion of its reserves to fund a portion of the GWRSFE.

3. The WIFIA loan will be drawn on after substantial completion of construction, (anticipated in October 2022), to repay the $135,000,000 of tax-exempt short- term obligations at or prior to the maturity of the short-term obligations. Staff and the District’s Municipal Advisor estimate that the rate on tax-exempt Certificates of Participation would be about 3.9 to 4.0% in today’s market and assuming rates are unchanged or higher in 2022 we would draw on the WIFIA loan at 3.06% versus issuing Certificates of Participation to take out the tax-exempt short-term obligations; and

4. The District will defer payment on the WIFIA loan for five years and begin payments in FY 2027-28 to allow the District to ramp in the Replenishment Assessment increase due to the remaining GWRSFE Project debt service and operations and maintenance costs.

Currently, tax-exempt short-term rates including estimated cost of issuance and underwriter’s discount are estimated to be lower than the 3.06% WIFIA loan rate so staff is proposing to issue the tax-exempt short-term obligations to finance a portion of the project during the construction period. The District is conservatively estimating short-term tax-exempt rates to have an interest rate of about 2.25%. When compared with immediately drawing on the WIFIA loan at a rate of 3.06% to finance a portion of the GWRSFE project construction, an opportunity to garner significant savings exists. If short-term tax-exempt rates were to increase over the WIFIA loan rate of 3.06%, the District would draw on the WIFIA loan during construction period of the GWRSFE project.

The proposed plan to finance $135 million of construction period costs with tax-exempt short-term obligations allows the District to pay a lower interest rate than the WIFIA loan rate for about four to five years. A conservative interest rate estimate for four-five year highly-rated debt from the District is about 2.25%. As seen in the attached Table 1 the use of the construction period financing using tax-exempt short-term obligations would save the District about $2.5 million net present value or about $9.3 million in gross savings over the life of the WIFIA loan. These projected savings are net of cost of issuance and underwriter’s discount.

In order to begin moving forward with the WIFIA loan utilizing tax-exempt short-term obligations during construction, staff recommends sending out a Request for Proposals for investment banking/underwriter’s services and investment advisory services. The investment banking/underwriter services are required to market and sell the tax-exempt short-term obligations to finance the $135 million GWRSFE project construction period. The investment advisory services are required to invest the project funds until spent (see Table 1 – “Project Fund Earnings” column). Also, staff is requesting that Stradling, Yocca be continued as Bond Counsel and Fieldman, Rolapp & Associates, under its existing contract be engaged as Municipal Advisor and that legal documents be prepared for the issuance of the $135 million in tax-exempt short-term obligations pending further action by the Board. Both firms advised the District on the negotiation of the WIFIA Loan. The estimated cost of issuance which includes Bond Counsel, General Counsel, Municipal Advisor, credit ratings, investment advisory services and trustee fees is estimated at $350,000. Underwriter’s discount or the cost to market and sell the tax- exempt short-term obligations is estimated at $300,000. These costs will be paid out of bond issuance proceeds. Staff will bring back firm costs for underwriter’s discount and cost of issuance with the bond documents in March or April 2019.


WIFIA Loan versus WIFIA Loan with Short Term Obligations (Table 1)

Fiscal Year WIFIA Loan WIFIA Loan Difference Project Fund Net Without Notes With Notes (Cost)/Savings Earnings Cost/(Savings) With Notes 2018-19 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2019-20 $0 $3,240,000 $3,240,000 $3,063,121 $176,879 2020-21 $0 $3,240,000 $3,240,000 $3,051,932 $188,068 2021-22 $0 $3,240,000 $3,240,000 $1,434,906 $1,805,094 2022-23 $0 $3,240,000 $3,240,000 $78,428 $3,161,572 2023-24 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2024-25 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2025-26 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2026-27 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2027-28 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2028-29 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2029-30 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2030-31 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2031-32 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2032-33 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2033-34 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2034-35 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2035-36 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2036-37 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2037-38 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2038-39 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2039-40 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2040-41 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2041-42 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2042-43 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2043-44 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2044-45 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2045-46 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2046-47 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2047-48 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2048-49 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2049-50 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2050-51 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2051-52 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2052-53 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2053-54 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2054-55 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2055-56 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2056-57 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917) 2057-58 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 ($473,917) $0 ($473,917)

Total $249,099,235 $247,367,810 ($1,731,425) $7,628,387 ($9,359,812)

ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT Premium Bond @ 2.25% Yield - Short Term Note (1)

WIFIA Loan vs. Short Term Note Gross (Savings) / Cost ($9,359,812) NPV @ 3.06% Inc./(Dec) ($2,511,659) Short Term Project Note (Draw for WIFIA Loan WIFIA Loan Reimbursement Project Fund Date WIFIA) WIFIA Loan w/o Note w/ Note Difference Earnings Earnings(2) Net Payments 2019 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2020 3,240,000 0 0 3,240,000 3,240,000 0 3,063,121 176,879 2021 3,240,000 0 0 3,240,000 3,240,000 0 3,051,932 188,068 2022 3,240,000 0 0 3,240,000 3,240,000 0 1,434,906 1,805,094 2023 3,240,000 0 0 3,240,000 3,240,000 0 78,428 3,161,572 2024 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2025 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2027 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2028 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2029 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2030 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2031 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2032 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2033 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2034 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2035 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2036 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2037 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2038 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2039 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2040 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2041 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2042 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2043 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2044 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2045 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2046 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2047 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2048 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2049 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2050 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2051 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2052 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2053 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2054 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2055 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2056 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2057 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2058 0 7,561,542 8,035,459 7,561,542 (473,917) 0 0 (473,917) 2059 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2060 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2061 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL $12,960,000 $234,407,810 $249,099,235 $247,367,810 ($1,731,425) $0 $7,628,387 ($9,359,812) Assumptions: (1) Premium bond at 2.40% coupon to yield 2.25% (assumes small premium to pay for cost of issuance). (2) Assumes monthly interest earnings at arbitrage yield at 2.26%.

ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT Revenue Certificates of Participation Obligations, Series 2019A Approximately $135 Million Par Amount

Request for Proposals for Investment Banking / Underwriting Services

On behalf of the Orange County Water District, (“the District”), we are distributing this Request for Proposals for investment banking/underwriting services for the District’s interim funding in the form of Obligations in connection with the design, engineering and construction of the final expansion of the District’s Ground Water Replenishment System (the “Project”). The District intends to secure the Obligations from Net Revenues on its parity lien and has the option to use the proceeds from its WIFIA Loan to retire the Obligations. The District does not intend to capitalize interest on the Obligations.

Submittal information:

Responses are to be delivered electronically to Mr. Randy Fick, Chief Financial Officer of Orange County Water District, and Robert Porr and Lora Carpenter of Fieldman, Rolapp & Associates no later than 3:00 PM pacific time on March 1st, 2019.

Randy Fick [email protected] Robert Porr [email protected] Lora Carpenter [email protected]

Responses should be no more than twenty (20) pages, including any appendices or attachments.

All requests for additional information or questions regarding this RFP, the District or the Project shall be directed to Robert Porr in writing via email on or before February 26th, 2019.

The District may decide to interview a shortlist of underwriting firms based on the responses to this RFP.

ADM.07.b.Request for Proposals for Investment BankingUnderwriting Services.docx Orange County Water District Request forProposals Page 1



The District plans to issue its Obligations to fund a portion of the design, engineering and construction of the Project. The District expects to pledge its Net Revenues to secure the Obligations. It is expected that proceeds from the WIFIA Loan will be used to retire the Obligations on or about March 23, 2023.

The District’s publically offered parity debt has ratings of Aa1/AAA/AAA; the Obligations are anticipated to be secured on a parity basis.

For additional information on the District, please see the documents posted on EMMA.


It is anticipated the Obligations will price in early April 2019, depending on market conditions.

Selection Considerations & Criteria

The District is interested in firms with strong investment banking and underwriting qualifications. Firms will need to demonstrate exceptional capabilities to underwrite California water related tax- exempt revenue Obligations, or other short-term fixed rate obligations.

Firms will be selected based upon their responses to the questions below, qualifications and fees. The District reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to select one or two co-managers from responding firms.

The District’s Finance Team

Fieldman, Rolapp & Associates has been retained by the District as its Municipal Advisor for the refunding, Rutan & Tucker will act as the District’s general counsel, and Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth will serve as bond counsel; bond counsel will prepare the POS and Official Statement.

ADM.07.b.Request for Proposals for Investment BankingUnderwriting Services.docx Orange County Water District Request forProposals Page 2


1. Describe your firm’s sales capabilities to sell 4-5 year interim Obligations. Describe your firm’s recent success at selling similarly structured financings to retail, professional retail and institutional investors. Please provide an example of the pricing of a recent California water transaction, for which you were senior manager, preferably with a water wholesaler special district issuer and preferably with a par amount in excess of $100 million. Provide the detail of orders for retail investors, professional retail and institutional investors. In connection with institutional investors, provide details on orders from Tier 1, 2, and 3 investors. 2. Provide your experience, if any, with WIFIA Loans and the issuance of fixed rate interim funding, preferably short term fixed rate obligations, to be taken out by a WIFIA Loan. 3. Provide examples of any short term fixed rate publically offered obligations where your firm underwrote significant portions, more than 10%, of the issue. 4. Provide your thoughts on selling par bonds versus premium bonds in today’s market in the short-end of the yield curve. 5. In light of the current conditions in the municipal marketplace, discuss your structuring, ideas. Identify pricing for a four year note, a five year note without a call feature and a five year note subject to a par call at any time after the start of the fourth year. Provide appropriate quantitative support/analysis in connection with this question. Such quantitative analysis will not be counted against the page limitation of this RFP. 6. Discuss your firm’s thoughts on selling Revenue Certificates of Participation Obligations versus Revenue Obligations issued through a JPA, such as the California Municipal Finance Authority. Provide your market strategy and spread differential for selling Certificates of Participation Obligations versus Revenue Obligations. 7. Provide your firm’s forecast of taxable and tax-exempt interest rates for 2019. 8. Discuss the benefits and disadvantages of using all three of the District’s credit ratings versus the two highest ratings. 9. Describe any other considerations or factors not addressed previously that you believe should be considered by the District in selecting your firm. 10. Provide any potential conflicts of interest your firm may have in acting as Underwriter for the District.


1. Please list or summarize your firm’s experience as underwriter for California-based enterprise revenue backed revenue tax-exempt notes, or short-term fixed-rate obligations in the last 5 years and note/highlight: a. Whether your firm served as senior or co-manager; b. Transactions with par in excess of $100,000,000; c. The three transactions you believe are most comparable to the District’s proposed transaction

ADM.07.b.Request for Proposals for Investment BankingUnderwriting Services.docx Orange County Water District Request forProposals Page 3

2. Please provide a proposed project team, including your underwriter, and resumes of each team member. Please provide each team member’s experience over the last 5 years with: a. Tax-exempt California water enterprise revenue notes, and revenue certificates of participation on senior managed transactions only; b. Provide a breakdown of the responsibilities of each of your project team members.


Provide a detail of your proposed takedown and expenses for the proposed Obligations, and any assumptions used in deriving this fee structure.

Include the cost of underwriter’s counsel as a fixed expense item, which firm and contact person you propose to retain. If you require a 10(b)(5) opinion, the delivery of such opinion will be the responsibility of underwriter’s counsel.


The District reserves the right to waive immaterial irregularities in responses. The District reserves the right to negotiate fees prior to the selection of an underwriting firm, or firms. The District also reserves the right to select a senior manager and one or more co-managers. The District further reserves the right to select one or more firms or to reject all proposals.

ADM.07.b.Request for Proposals for Investment BankingUnderwriting Services.docx

ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT Series 2019 Revenue Interim Obligations Request for Proposals for Investment Advisory Services

On behalf of Orange County Water District, (the “District”), we are distributing this Request for Proposals for investment advisory services in connection with the investment of certain proceeds from the sale of the District’s 2019 interim obligations (the “2019 Obligations”) that is expected to price and close in April 2019.

The District is seeking an investment advisor to provide advisory services in connection with the investment of the District’s Project Fund established under an Indenture of Trust for the 2019 Obligations (“Indenture”).

The District expects to have approximately $135 million(1) in gross proceeds to invest (the “Initial Deposit Amount”) for capital purposes. Currently, the District expects to draw down funds in amounts as set forth in Exhibit A. The District will provide an updated draw schedule to the firm selected prior to the finalization of an investment strategy. Attached hereto as Exhibit B are the definitions of Permitted Investments from the draft Indenture.

Submittal information:

Responses are to be delivered electronically to Mr. Randy Fick, Chief Financial Officer of the District, and Robert Porr of Fieldman, Rolapp & Associates, Inc. no later than 4:00 PM pacific time on March 04, 2019.

Randy Fick [email protected] Robert Porr [email protected]

Responses should be no more than fifteen (15) pages including any appendices or attachments.

All requests for additional information or questions regarding this RFP shall be directed to Robert Porr in writing via email by February 27, 2019.

The selected firm will be responsible for:

1. Reviewing and providing recommendations in connection with the definitions of Permitted Investments in the Indenture. 2. Recommending to the District Permitted Investments which prioritize safety, liquidity and yield in connection with the Initial Deposit Amount.

(1) Preliminary, subject to change.

ADM.07.c.Request for Proposals for Investment Advisory Services.docx Page | 1

3. Recommending to the District a passive approach to purchasing a portfolio of securities versus an active management approach, if a portfolio of securities is recommended. 4. Recommending to the District Permitted Investments which prioritize safety, liquidity and yield in connection with any earnings or amounts on deposit (over and above the Initial Deposit Amount) in the Project Fund which may require investing. 5. Preparing bid specifications, materials and packages in connection with the solicitation and settlement of Permitted Investments. 6. Managing the process of settling securities including any Investment Agreements between any provider of securities and the Trustee, (if such is recommended and solicited). 7. Representing the District in connection with the negotiation of terms and conditions for an Investment Agreement, and working with the District to close such Permitted Investment (if such is recommended and solicited).

The Finance Team

Fieldman, Rolapp & Associates, Inc. has been retained by the District as its Municipal Advisor and Stradling Yocca Carslon & Rauth will serve as Bond Counsel.

Selection Considerations & Criteria

The District intends to select a firm with highly relevant qualifications providing investment advisory services for similar issues and objectives. Selection criteria will include written responses to the questions below, firm qualifications and fees.

The District reserves the right to negotiate fees prior to the selection of an investment advisory firm. The District further reserves the right to select one or more firms or to reject all proposals.


1. Provide an overview of your firm’s investment advisory practice, including the number of years in business and your licenses. Describe your firm’s capability related to providing investment advisory services in connection with the District’s Project Fund. 2. Taking into account the preliminary draw schedule and Permitted Investments in Exhibits A and B respectively, provide a comparison, detailing advantages and disadvantages of investing the Project Fund in an Investment Agreement, a Repurchase Agreement or purchasing a portfolio of securities. Provide a quantitative example of the three strategies. 3. Provide your thoughts on the Permitted Investments language in Exhibit B and whether or not the District should consider additional Investment vehicles. 4. Describe the process your firm would take to provide advice to the District. Include the process you would take, if selected, to bid out Permitted Investments. 5. Distinguish your approach towards an active versus a passive management approach to a portfolio of securities.

ADM.07.c.Request for Proposals for Investment Advisory Services.docx Page | 2


1. List or summarize your firm’s experience in the investment of tax-exempt bond proceeds in the last 5 years.

2. Provide the proposed lead advisor’s background and experience over the last 5 years in connection with services similar to the District’s requirements.


Provide a detail of your proposed fees and expenses for the proposed engagement and any assumptions used in deriving this fee structure. Please provide fees and expenses in connection with

1. Purchasing a portfolio of securities; distinguish your proposed fees for an actively managed portfolio versus a passive management approach. 2. Purchasing individual securities; and 3. Bidding and settling an Investment Agreement.

ADM.07.c.Request for Proposals for Investment Advisory Services.docx Page | 3

Exhibit A

Orange County Water District

(1) Initial Deposit = $135,000,000

(2) MONTH DRAW DOWNs REMAINING BALANCE Apr-19 $9,905,899 $125,094,101 May-19 $784,315 $124,309,786 Jun-19 $784,315 $123,525,471 Jul-19 $1,568,630 $121,956,840 Aug-19 $1,725,493 $120,231,347 Sep-19 $4,313,733 $115,917,614 Oct-19 $3,529,418 $112,388,197 Nov-19 $4,078,438 $108,309,758 Dec-19 $3,529,418 $104,780,341 Jan-20 $3,137,260 $101,643,080 Feb-20 $3,137,260 $98,505,820 Mar-20 $3,137,260 $95,368,560 Apr-20 $3,137,260 $92,231,299 May-20 $4,312,949 $87,918,351 Jun-20 $4,705,890 $83,212,461 Jul-20 $3,921,575 $79,290,885 Aug-20 $4,622,753 $74,668,132 Sep-20 $5,804,716 $68,863,416 Oct-20 $4,790,596 $64,072,820 Nov-20 $4,849,420 $59,223,400 Dec-20 $7,355,307 $51,868,093 Jan-21 $7,066,679 $44,801,415 Feb-21 $4,705,890 $40,095,524 Mar-21 $5,323,931 $34,771,593 Apr-21 $4,083,144 $30,688,449 May-21 $4,641,577 $26,046,873 Jun-21 $5,796,873 $20,250,000 Jul-21 $1,420,498 $18,829,502 Aug-21 $1,734,683 $17,094,819 Sep-21 $1,711,924 $15,382,895 Oct-21 $1,915,090 $13,467,804 Nov-21 $1,422,440 $12,045,364 Dec-21 $1,526,383 $10,518,981 Jan-22 $975,586 $9,543,395 Feb-22 $739,114 $8,804,281 Mar-22 $1,333,902 $7,470,379 Apr-22 $963,790 $6,506,589

ADM.07.c.Request for Proposals for Investment Advisory Services.docx Page | 4

May-22 $758,542 $5,748,047 Jun-22 $801,979 $4,946,068 Jul-22 $853,325 $4,092,743 Aug-22 $713,163 $3,379,580 Sep-22 $912,305 $2,467,275 Oct-22 $1,003,341 $1,463,934 Nov-22 $686,518 $777,416 Dec-22 $366,504 $410,912 Jan-23 $125,314 $285,598 Feb-23 $131,975 $153,624 Mar-23 $153,624 $0 TOTAL $135,000,000

(1) Preliminary, subject to change. (2) The remaining project fund balances assume no additional interest earnings.

ADM.07.c.Request for Proposals for Investment Advisory Services.docx Page | 5

Exhibit B

Orange County Water District – Permitted Investments [To Come]

ADM.07.c.Request for Proposals for Investment Advisory Services.docx Page | 6 WIFIA Loan Structuring Opportunity

Administration/Finance Issues Cte. February 14, 2019 Overview • The District secured a WIFIA loan in July 2018 for the partial funding of the GWRS Final Expansion (GWRSFE) Project – The District can draw up to $135 million – Interest rate on the WIFIA Loan is 3.06% – WIFIA allows the District to draw on the loan as needed and accrue interest during construction or use the WIFIA Loan proceeds to pay off interim funding that is used for the GWRSFE Project during construction • Currently, interim funding offers the District an estimated lower interest rate at ~2.25% to finance the GWRSFE

construction versus the WIFIA loan at 3.06% 2 WIFIA Loan GWRSFE Financing Options Net Fiscal Year Ending 2019‐2023 2024‐2027 2028‐2058 Payments Option 1 Draw on Draw on WIFIA Loan during WIFIA Loan WIFIA Loan WIFA Loan construction during Deferral @ repayment $249,099,235 construction 3.06% @ 3.06% @ 3.06% Option 2 Issue short‐ Draw on Issue short‐term notes term notes WIFIA Loan & WIFIA Loan during construction during retire short‐ repayment $239,739,423 construction term notes @ @ 3.06% @ ~2.25% (1) 3.06%

Gross Interest Cost/(Savings) $(9,359,812) $(2,511,659) (1) Rate estimated and subject to change Net Present Value Cost/(Savings) 3 Quantitative Analysis

Fiscal Year WIFIA Loan WIFIA Loan Difference Project Fund Net Ending w/o Notes with Note Cost/(Savings) Earnings Cost/(Savings) with Notes 2019 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2020 $0 $3,240,000 $3,240,000 $3,063,121 $176,879 2021 $0 $3,240,000 $3,240,000 $3,051,932 $188,068 2022 $0 $3,240,000 $3,240,000 $1,434,906 $1,805,094 2023 $0 $3,240,000 $3,240,000 $78,428 $3,161,572 2024 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2025 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2026 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2027 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2028 – 2058 $8,035,459 $7,561,542 $(473,917) $0 $(473,917) Total $249,099,235 $247,367,810 $(1,731,425) $7,628,387 $(9,359,812) Short-Term Obligation Benefits

• Estimated short-term tax-exempt rates are lower than WIFIA Loan rate • Issuing short-term tax-exempt obligations to fund up to $135 million of GWRSFE project costs creates an opportunity to save approximately $9.3 million in interest expense or ~$2.5 million net present value versus drawing on the WIFIA Loan during construction 5 Recommendation

Agendize for February 20 Board meeting: 1. Authorize issuance of Request for Proposals for investment banking/underwriting services for the issuance of tax-exempt short-term obligations; 2. Authorize issuance of Request for Proposals for investment advisory services; 3. Authorize engaging Stradling, Yocca as Bond Counsel and Fieldman, Rolapp as Municipal Advisor; and 4. Authorize the preparation of documents for future issuance of tax-exempt short-term notes pending further action by the Board. End of Presentation 8


Meeting Date: February 14, 2019 Budgeted: No Budgeted Amount: $0 To: Administration/Finance Committee Cost Estimate: 124,646 Board of Directors Program/Line Item No.: R17034 Funding Source: R&R From: Mike Markus General Counsel Approval: N/A Project Report Approved: N/A Staff Contact: P. Bouyounes / R. CEQA Compliance: N/A



The District’s Video Monitoring System (VMS) is obsolete, cannot be fully integrated and not functioning in some locations. In December 2017, the District hired TRC Companies, Inc. for consulting services to assess OCWD’s existing VMS, make replacement recommendations, and prepare the project plans and specifications for the first phase of the Video Monitoring System Replacement Project, including replacement of the VMS at OCWD’s Fountain Valley campus. Staff recommends issuing an amendment to Agreement No. 1281 with TRC Companies, Inc. for additional construction document preparation and engineering support services during project bidding and construction.


Agendize for February 20 Board meeting: Authorize issuance of an Amendment to Agreement No. 1281 with TRC for Video Monitoring System Replacement Project Consulting and Construction Support Services for the amount not to exceed $124,646.


The Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement for the Development, Operation, and Maintenance of the GWRS and the Green Acres Project (GAP) governs the operation, maintenance, and ownership responsibilities associated with the GWRS project. OCWD’s GWRS plant and Orange County Sanitation District’s (OCSD) plants are a joint campus since there are no physical fences or barriers between the two organizations. The agreement includes a provision calling for a joint security vulnerability assessment of the joint campus. Pinkerton completed an assessment of OCWD’s facilities. Based upon the results of the report and discussions with OCSD, the following four recommendations were made to the Board in August of 2016:

1. Man the guard shack at the District’s Ward Street entrance during working hours. 2. Provide campus security patrols during non-working hours. 3. Increase the height of the security wall around the GWRS treatment plant from six feet to eight feet. 4. Upgrade the Video Monitoring System (VMS) and lighting capability of the District.


Items 1 and 2 have been implemented. Item 4 was initially addressed in December of 2017, when the Board authorized an agreement with TRC Companies, Inc. (TRC). The scope of OCWD’s agreement with TRC included the following tasks:

• Evaluate OCWD’s existing VMS • Recommend levels of security & VMS performance needed for all OCWD facilities based upon risk & vulnerability • Provide recommendations for proactive measures to potentially stop vandalism in progress • Prepare plans and technical specifications for the installation of the VMS at OCWD’s Fountain Valley campus

TRC security assessment recommends OCWD utilize a VMS at a total of thirteen OCWD facilities, including the Fountain Valley Campus (Administration, Laboratory, and GWRS); Field Headquarters (FHQ); Kraemer/Miller, Santiago, La Jolla, Mira Loma, and La Palma Basins; Burris Pump Station; Imperial and Five Coves Dams; Prado Wetlands Office; Mills Pond; and Anaheim Lake. TRC’s assessment also recommends completely replacing OCWD’s existing VMS with a new digital VMS. The existing VMS mostly consists of analog cameras and recorders that cannot be integrated to allow multiple recorders to communicate with each other, cannot send alarm notifications, and cannot provide a single video feed that can be easily remotely monitored. Because of this, OCWD currently relies on its roving security to patrol a route covering approximately 150 miles every shift. The size of this coverage makes it cost prohibitive for the roving security to provide full-time coverage at all OCWD facilities. The proposed VMS would utilize cameras and motion sensors that send alarms when motion from intrusion is detected, and all OCWD sites would be linked via computer network to send these alarms to one central location. The alarms could even be sent to mobile devices so roving security personnel can notify police and respond immediately when intrusions are detected at any of the protected sites.

TRC’s original scope of work includes providing construction plans and specifications for replacing the VMS server and installing cameras and motion detectors at OCWD’s Fountain Valley Campus. However, upon review of TRC’s security assessment, staff recognized that it would be beneficial to complete construction documents for all thirteen facilities to assure the system is fully compatible once installation is complete. Staff recommends phasing the VMS installation, with the first phase including installation of the VMS server hardware and software, and prioritizing camera and motion detection hardware installation at the following facilities:

1. Fountain Valley Campus – OCWD’s main headquarters, and the highest employee population. Staff has recorded more than ten occurrences of transients sleeping or wandering onto OCWD’s campus. A few of these incidents involved interaction with District staff, and the police were called after one incident when the transient acted violently toward OCWD employees. There have also been more than three incidents of damage to OCWD property or personal vehicles. The responsible parties could not be identified due to insufficient video monitoring. 2. FHQ – OCWD’s office, maintenance shop, and warehouse are located immediately adjacent to the Santa Ana River and have the second highest employee population of OCWD’s three main locations. Many of OCWD’s heavy machines are housed and


maintained at FHQ. Since 2014, staff has reported over 100 incidents including: backflow preventors that were stolen, fences that were cut, and copper wire theft, broken lights, graffiti and stolen maintenance equipment. Repairs and replacements from some of these incidents cost OCWD more than $30,000. Lately, there has also been an increase in the reports of transients wandering onto District property around the FHQ office and shop buildings. A video monitoring system at FHQ could identify these incidents in real time and result in a timely response from security and authorities. 3. Santiago Basin – OCWD’s security personnel frequently reports trespassing and fishing at this basin. In 2015, vandals set fire to the power cables at Santiago Basin causing approximately $450,000 in damage. The existing video monitoring system at Santiago does not function, so those responsible were never identified. 4. Burris Pump Station – This facility is critical for conveying water from the Santa Ana River to Santiago Basin. Staff has reported transients sleeping around the facility and using water from the surge tanks causing the pump station to shut down. Backflow preventor theft at Burris Pump Station would result in a station outage and could cost OCWD up to $250,000 per day in lost water value. Video monitoring at the site would allow staff to alert authorities when intruders are detected and greatly decrease the likelihood of this type of incident. 5. Kraemer/Miller Basins – OCWD’s main fiber optic communication hub between Fountain Valley and FHQ is located at this facility. There have not been any reported incidents of theft or vandalism to this hub. However, one incident could require costly repairs and disrupt phone and network communication between Fountain Valley and FHQ; disrupt business network and internet communications between the Administration Building and FHQ; and disrupt communication between GWRS and the recharge basins.

Staff recommends completing the construction drawings for all facilities now and completing installation as one construction contract, sequenced over 2-3 years. Due to the complexity of the new VMS, staff will require construction support services from TRC during VMS Installation. Installations in the first year would include approximately half of the recommended cameras at the Fountain Valley Campus, and full installation at FHQ, Santiago Basin, Burris Pump Station, and Kramer/Miller Basins. VMS installation would be completed at Fountain Valley and the remaining OCWD facilities in subsequent years. Spreading the project installation over 2-3 years will give the District time to use the VMS; allow the District to assess its functionality and optimize how the system works; and allow District personnel to level resources that will be required to support the installation.

The total cost of the VMS is estimated to be $1.2 million. The VMS assessment and design of the Fountain Valley VMS replacement were budgeted in FY 2018/19. An amendment to OCWD’s agreement with TRC is required to finalize construction drawings for the remaining sites, revise the construction drawings for Fountain Valley Campus, and include support services during construction. Staff recommends issuing an amendment to Agreement No. 1281 with TRC for Video Monitoring System Replacement Project Consulting and Construction Support Services for the amount not to exceed $124,646.


12/20/17 R17-12-162 – Authorize Agreement with TRC Companies, Inc. for Video Monitoring Design Services 3

09/20/17 M17-133 – Authorize RFP for Video Monitoring Design Services Authorize issuance of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for VMS Replacement Project consulting services.




Meeting Date: February 14, 2019 Budgeted: No Budgeted Amount: $0 To: Administration/Finance Issues Cte. Cost Estimate: $23,200,000 Board of Directors Funding Source: Gain on Sale of Property Program/Line Item No. From: Mike Markus General Counsel Approval: N/A Engineers/Feasibility Report: N/A Staff Contact: R. Fick CEQA Compliance: N/A



The District declared Ball Road Basin property in Anaheim surplus to the District’s needs. As a result, the property was recently sold, and the District received a net gain on the sale of the property of $23.2 million. Staff recommends that the proceeds be used for two purposes: (1) $15 million would be contributed to the District’s Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS) Other Postemployment Benefit (OPEB) Trust, and (2) the remaining $8.2 million would be used to reduce the District’s outstanding taxable commercial paper debt.

Attachment: Presentation


Agendize for February 20 Board meeting: Authorize the District CFO/Treasurer to contribute $15 million to the District’s PARS OPEB trust by December 31, 2019, and paydown the outstanding taxable commercial paper debt by $8.2 million.


The District declared the Ball Road Basin property located at 1200 and 1204 South Phoenix Club Drive in the City of Anaheim as surplus to the District’s needs. As a result, the property was sold, and the District received a net gain of $23.2 million.

Staff is recommending the District pay down its liabilities to avoid or reduce future costs and assist in maintaining the District’s credit ratings rather than using this one-time gain on the purchase of a capital asset or for recurring operating expenditures.

OCWD Retiree Healthcare Benefit Liability

As of June 30, 2017, the District’s net OPEB liability was $18.9 million ($28.7 million total OPEB liability less $9.8 million plan assets = $18.9 million net OPEB liability) and the District’s OPEB Plan was 34% funded ($9.8 million plan assets / $28.7 million OPEB liability = 34% funded). The District’s actuary-Bartel Associates, LLC

recommends a funding ratio of 80%. In order to achieve an OPEB that is approximately 80% funded, the District would need to contribute an estimated $15 million into the District’s PARS OPEB Trust. Prefunding the District’s OPEB Trust improves the District’s balance sheet, shows rating agencies that long-term obligations are being funded, and management is aware of and responsive to the OPEB liability.

The District should consider the 80% funded ratio versus a greater funding ratio to reduce the risk of overfunding the Plan due to the following: (1) funds in an irrevocable trust are permanently dedicated and cannot be pulled back to use for other purposes, and (2) a change in accounting or actuarial standards could reduce the District’s total OPEB liability and lock up the funds in the Trust.

The District’s most recent Orange County Water District Retiree Healthcare Plan Actuarial Valuation report as of June 30, 2017, was completed on July 31, 2018. The Actuarially Determined Contribution (ADC) for the next 10 years, based on a 34% funded ratio as of the July 31, 2018, Actuarial Valuation is seen in Table 1 – “Actuarially Determined Contribution”. The ADC is the recommended contribution to the District’s PARS OPEB Trust that is projected to result in assets equaling the actuarial accrued liability within a period of time. The ADC is comprised of the normal cost (the cost for OPEB benefits attributable to current year service) and an amortization payment (the past service cost to fund the unfunded actuarial accrued liability over the next 25 years).

Table 1 Actuarially Determined Contribution (Amounts in 000’s) Amortization Full ADC from Fiscal Year Normal Cost Payment Full ADC if 80% Previous (25 Year Funded Report (approx. Amortization) 34% Funded) 2019-20 $972 $497 $1,469 $2,523 2020-21 $977 $497 $1,474 $2,524 2021-22 $981 $497 $1,478 $2,529 2022-23 $985 $497 $1,482 $2,533 2023-24 $986 $497 $1,483 $2,537 2024-25 $990 $497 $1,487 $2,538 2025-26 $993 $497 $1,490 $2,542 2026-27 $999 $497 $1,496 $2,545 2027-28 $1,005 $497 $1,502 $2,551 2028-29 $1,012 $497 $1,509 $2,557

If approximately $15 million is contributed to the District’s PARS OPEB Trust by December 31, 2019, the revised ADC drops from $2,523,000 in Fiscal Year 2019-20 to $1,469,000 as calculated by the District’s Actuary (Table 1 above).

It is recommended that the one-time contribution to the PARS OPEB Trust of $15 million be contributed to the District’s PARS OPEB Trust over the coming year so as not to try and time the market. Staff recommends contributing $1.5 million per month for

the next 10 months in to the District’s PARS OPEB Trust on top of the recommended $1.469 million ADC assuming an 80% funded ratio for FY 2019-20.

Increasing the funded ratio to approximately 80% from 34% reduces the previous calculated ADC from an estimated $2.5 million to $1.5 million per year. This will decrease the projected Replenishment Assessment by about $3 per acre foot for the next 25 years.

OCWD Commercial Paper Debt Program

The remaining $8.2 million of the $23.2 million from the net proceeds received from the sale of Ball Road Basin would be used to pay down the $36 million outstanding taxable commercial paper debt the District incurred as a result of purchasing 60,000 acre-feet of in-lieu water from MWD in fiscal year 2017-18. Commercial paper debt can be paid down at anytime unlike fixed rate bonds.

Currently, the rate on the District’s taxable commercial paper debt is 2.58%. Paying down $8.2 million will reduce annual interest expense by about $211,600 per year or result in about a $1 decrease in the projected annual Replenishment Assessment. Also, only $21.1 million is currently available of the total $70 million commercial paper program for the District to borrow against should the District wish to purchase, for example, more water or capital equipment. If the District pays down $8.2 million of the taxable commercial paper outstanding, this would increase the commercial paper borrowing capacity to $29.3 million for future needs.


Proposed Use of Funds Received from Sale of Ball Road Basin

Administration/Finance Issues Cte. February 14, 2019 Overview

• The District declared Ball Road Basin property in Anaheim as surplus to the District’s needs. • The property was recently sold and the District received ~$23.2 million. • Staff recommends paying down two liabilities with the one- time gain – $15 million contribution towards the District’s Other Postemployment Benefit (OPEB) Trust (Retired Employees Health Insurance Benefit) – $8.2 million to reduce the outstanding commercial paper (CP) debt Contribution to OPEB Trust

• A $15 million contribution to the District’s Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS) OPEB Trust will: –Increase the funded ratio from current 34% to an estimated 80% – Reduce the Actuarially Determined Contribution (ADC) from ~$2.5 million/year to ~$1.5 million/year – Reduce the projected Replenishment Assessment by ~$3/acre-foot, – Improve the District’s balance sheet, – Assist in maintaining the District’s credit rating Contribution to OPEB Trust

• The District’s actuary – Bartel Associates, LLC recommends a funding ratio of 80% over 100% as funds in an irrevocable trust are permanently dedicated and cannot be used for other purposes • The $15 million contribution to the District's PARS OPEB Trust would be contributed at $1.5 million per month from March – December 2018 Projected ADC (Amounts in 000’s) Fiscal Year Normal Cost Amortization Full ADC if 80% Full ADC from 6/30/17 Payment (25 Years) Funded Report (34% Funded) 2019‐20 $972 $497 $1,469 $2,523 2020‐21 $977 $497 $1,474 $2,524 2021‐22 $981 $497 $1,478 $2,529 2022‐23 $985 $497 $1,482 $2,533 2023‐24 $986 $497 $1,483 $2,537 2024‐25 $990 $497 $1,487 $2,538 2025‐26 $993 $497 $1,490 $2,542 2026‐27 $999 $497 $1,496 $2,545 2027‐28 $1,005 $497 $1,502 $2,551 2028‐29 $1,012 $497 $1,509 $2,557 Paydown Outstanding Commercial Paper Debt

• The District currently has $48.9 million outstanding on it’s CP Program - $36 million taxable and $12.9 million tax-exempt • Paying down $8.2 million of the taxable CP will reduce future interest payments by ~$211,600 per year based on the most recent interest rate of 2.58% and ~$1/acre-foot on the RA • Paying down $8.2 million of CP debt increases our CP borrowing capacity from $21.1 million to $29.3 million for future needs Recommendation

Authorize the District CFO/Treasurer to contribute $15 million to the District’s PARS OPEB Trust by December 31, 2019, and paydown the outstanding taxable commercial paper debt by $8.2 million. End of Presentation 10


Meeting Date: February 14, 2019 Budgeted: N/A Budgeted Amount: N/A To: Administration/Finance Issues Cte. Cost Estimate: N/A Board of Directors Funding Source: N/A Program/Line Item No.: N/A From: Mike Markus General Counsel Approval: N/A Engineers/Feasibility Report: N/A Staff Contact: R. Fick /M. Ochoa CEQA Compliance: N/A



Attached is a copy of the Budget to Actual Report for the second quarter year-to-date fiscal year 2018–19. General Fund operations expenditures are $4.3 million under budget. Debt Service expense is $774,000 less than planned, Refurbishment and Replacement costs are $1.6 million less than planned and Water Purchases are $130,000 more than budget.

Attachment(s): • Attachment A – Operating Costs Budget to Actual • Attachment B – Cost Center Budget to Actual Summary • Attachment C – Cost Center Budget to Actual Details • Attachment D – Revenue Budget to Actual Summary


Agendize for the February 20 Board meeting: Receive and file the Budget to Actual Report for Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2018-19 ending December 31, 2018.


Attachment A provides an overall summary of the District’s various operating costs for the second quarter. Attachment B provides a budget to actual summary of the 21 cost centers that comprise the general fund and attachment C provides the details of these 21 cost centers. The District’s revenue performance is summarized in attachment D.

General Fund

General Fund costs are $4.3 million under budget due primarily to lower costs for Water Production, Forebay Operations and Hydrogeology. Specific details on the expense categories that make up this variance can be found in the footnotes to the reports in attachments B and C.


Water Purchases

Water purchases are $130,000 more than budget. For the second quarter 2018-19, the District budgeted 32,500 acre-feet of water (six months of 65,000 acre-feet) and purchased approximately 40,345 acre-feet of MWD water. The District budgeted and plans to purchase a total of 65,000 acre-feet in fiscal year 2018-19.

Debt Service

Debt service is under budget by $774,000 due to lower than planned interest rates on variable rate debt.

Refurbishment and Replacement Fund

Refurbishment and Replacement costs are $1.6 million less than budget due primarily to the Talbert Barrier Pipeline Improvement Project and the Santiago Pipeline Repair is less than planned for the first six months.

Revenue Summary

Operating and non-operating revenues were $5.2 million more than budget for the first six months of FY18-19. This variance represents a 2.8% increase from the original annual budget as shown in attachment D. Majority of this variance is due to the Replenishment Assessment revenues being more than budget by $2.4 million ending December 31, 2018 and the District received $2.6 million for annexation fees in the first six months of the year. Budgeted pumping was 161,150 acre-feet and actual pumping was approximately 167,244 acre-feet for the period ending December 31, 2018.


2 ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT Operations Budget to Actual Report

For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment A

Budget Items Annual Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference

General Fund 71,241,777 35,620,889 31,329,876 4,291,013 1 Small Equipment 272,500 136,250 153,075 (16,825)

Debt Service 36,901,837 20,056,681 19,282,476 774,204

Replacement & Refurb. 22,604,600 11,302,300 9,725,943 1,576,357 2 Water Purchases 61,574,002 30,787,001 30,916,826 (129,825)

Totals $ 192,594,716 $ 97,903,120 $ 91,408,197 $ 6,494,923

For the Second Quarter of FY 2018/19


$200,000,000 $192,594,716


$97,903,120 $100,000,000 $91,408,197


$- Annual Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual

1.) Expenses were lower than planned in Water Production, Forebay Operations, and Hydrogeology.

2.) Talbert Barrier Pipeline Improvement Project and the Santiago Pipeline Repair is less than planned year to date.

Attachment A ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment B

Dept. Dept. Revised Department Projected Annualized Headcount Headcount Original Revised YTD Variance Variance Total Annual Budget % of Annualized Variance Description Budget Actual YTD Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual (Over)/Under % Budget Total Budget Actual (Over)/Under A B C D = B-C E F G H I = F-H

GENERAL MANAGER'S OFFICE 3 3 1,256,010 1,290,585 1,248,282 42,303 3% 2,581,170 3.6% 2,496,564 84,606

PUBLIC AFFAIRS 7 7 990,252 994,252 800,325 193,927 20% 1 1,988,503 2.8% 1,600,649 387,854

INFORMATION SERVICES 10 10 1,298,325 1,298,325 1,267,144 31,181 2% 2,596,650 3.6% 2,534,287 62,363

BOARD ADMINISTRATION 3 3 597,055 597,055 457,192 139,863 23% 1,194,110 1.7% 914,384 279,727

PURCHASING 6 6 379,156 379,155 353,081 26,074 7% 758,311 1.1% 706,163 52,148

FINANCE 13 13 1,027,362 1,027,361 1,036,128 (8,766) -1% 2,054,723 2.9% 2,072,255 (17,533)

HUMAN RESOURCES 7 7 563,375 613,769 533,215 80,555 13% 1,227,539 1.7% 1,066,430 161,109

SAFETY & RISK MANAGEMENT 2 2 777,117 805,583 689,916 115,666 14% 1,611,165 2.3% 1,379,833 231,333

WATER QUALITY 12 12 973,890 973,890 935,561 38,329 4% 1,947,780 2.7% 1,871,123 76,657

LABORATORY 30 29 2,854,605 2,854,605 2,624,930 229,675 8% 5,709,210 8.0% 5,249,860 459,350

RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 7 5 790,952 790,951 629,805 161,146 20% 1,581,903 2.2% 1,259,610 322,293

PLANNING & WATERSHED MGMT 4 3 869,145 942,225 719,078 223,147 24% 2 1,884,449 2.6% 1,438,156 446,294

LOCAL RESOURCES 1 1 163,399 163,399 159,008 4,391 3% 326,798 0.5% 318,017 8,781

HEALTH & REGULATORY 2.5 2.5 417,333 427,413 398,970 28,443 7% 854,826 1.2% 797,939 56,887

WATER PRODUCTION 64 60 15,719,570 15,896,073 14,420,168 1,475,905 9% 3 31,792,146 44.6% 28,840,336 2,951,811

FOREBAY OPERATIONS 20 19 2,095,902 2,219,733 1,737,716 482,017 22% 4 4,439,467 6.2% 3,475,433 964,034

PRADO 3 3 361,348 366,348 230,449 135,899 37% 732,695 1.0% 460,898 271,797

PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 1 1 124,433 212,983 128,557 84,426 40% 425,966 0.6% 257,114 168,852

ENGINEERING 8 8 554,092 554,092 602,812 (48,720) -9% 1,108,185 1.6% 1,205,624 (97,439)

HYDROGEOLOGY 13.5 13.5 2,415,096 2,463,302 1,858,841 604,461 25% 5 4,926,603 6.9% 3,717,681 1,208,922 NATURAL RESOURCES 3.5 3.5 729,789 749,789 498,698 251,090 33% 6 1,499,577 2.1% 997,397 502,181 220.5 211.5 $ 34,958,199 $ 35,620,889 $ 31,329,876 $ 4,291,013 $ 71,241,777 100%$ 62,659,751 $ 8,582,026

1.) Lower than planned due to the Children Water Festival held in March 2019. 4.) Electricity charges at Forebay was less than planned. 2.) Less than planned professional services for Santa Ana River Conservation and Conjunctive Project. 5.) Professional services Legal and Engineering for South Basin Litigation was 3.) GWRS Chemicals, Electricity and the Los Alamitos Barrier O&M expenses was less than planned. less than planned. 6.) Maintenance expense for Prado Basin was less than planned year to date.

Attachment B ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 1 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference GENERAL MANAGER'S OFFICE A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 620,130 639,281 319,641 326,857 (7,216) ACTUAL REG OT WAGES 0 0 0 (11) 11 RETIREMENT 103,252 103,252 51,626 39,764 11,862 HEALTH INSURANCE 55,091 55,091 27,545 27,132 414 WORKERS COMP 4,155 4,155 2,077 1,468 610 PAYROLL TAXES 11,271 11,271 5,636 4,541 1,095 MEMBERSHIP 314,069 314,069 157,035 52,817 104,217 SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,000 1,000 500 0 500 SPECIAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSE 21,500 71,500 35,750 38,450 (2,700) TECH TRAINING 250 250 125 0 125 EXPENSE CONTRA 0 0 0 (985) 985 TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 18,000 18,000 9,000 11,291 (2,291) OFF EXP-GENERAL 84,500 84,500 42,250 33,249 9,001 LOGO SHIRTS 300 300 150 0 150 RENT EQP-GEN 41,000 41,000 20,500 16,540 3,960 PRF SRVCS-GEN 39,500 39,500 19,750 23,628 (3,878) PRF SRVCS-LEGAL 600,000 600,000 300,000 198,408 101,593 INTER-AGENCY AGREEMENT 597,900 597,900 298,950 475,134 (176,184) MAINT EQ-GEN 100 100 50 0 50

$ 2,512,019 $ 2,581,170 $ 1,290,585 $ 1,248,282 $ 42,303

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 2 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference PUBLIC AFFAIRS A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 842,473 850,473 425,236 397,336 27,900 ACTUAL REG OT WAGES 2,500 2,500 1,250 124 1,126 RETIREMENT 137,440 137,440 68,720 64,253 4,467 HEALTH INSURANCE 126,870 126,870 63,435 62,416 1,018 WORKERS COMP 5,759 5,759 2,879 1,803 1,076 PAYROLL TAXES 13,461 13,461 6,731 6,151 580 MEMBERSHIP 900 900 450 139 311 SUBSCRIPTIONS 500 500 250 0 250 SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 41,500 41,500 20,750 15,078 5,672

CHILDREN WTR FESTIVAL 225,000 225,000 112,500 0 112,500 1 CHILDREN WTR FESTIVAL-REIMBURSEMENT (80,000) (80,000) (40,000) 0 (40,000) SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE-O.C. WTR SUMMIT 82,000 82,000 41,000 2,838 38,162 O.C. WTR SUMMIT-MWDOC COST SHARE (6,000) (6,000) (3,000) 686 (3,686) O.C. WTR SUMMIT-SPONSER REIMBURSEMENT (70,000) (70,000) (35,000) 0 (35,000) TECH TRAINING 2,000 2,000 1,000 0 1,000 MISC. EXPENSES 2,500 2,500 1,250 967 283 EXPENSE CONTRA 0 0 0 (1,275) 1,275 TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 24,500 24,500 12,250 3,835 8,415 PUB INFO TOUR 27,100 27,100 13,550 6,100 7,450 OFF EXP-GENERAL 47,500 47,500 23,750 20,560 3,190 PRF SRVCS-GEN 480,500 480,500 240,250 207,534 32,716 INTR-AGNCY AGRMNT-GWRS 74,000 74,000 37,000 22,478 14,523 MISC REIMBURSEMENT - OCSD 0 0 0 (10,697) 10,697 $ 1,980,503 $ 1,988,503 $ 994,252 $ 800,325 $ 193,927 1.) Children Water Festival held in March 2019.

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 3 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference INFORMATION SERVICES A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 1,271,194 1,271,194 635,597 643,851 (8,254) RETIREMENT 208,407 208,407 104,204 106,796 (2,593) HEALTH INSURANCE 172,891 172,891 86,445 86,540 (94) WORKERS COMP 8,517 8,517 4,259 2,919 1,340 PAYROLL TAXES 19,641 19,641 9,821 9,234 587 MEMBERSHIP 500 500 250 390 (140) TECH TRAINING 16,000 16,000 8,000 12,814 (4,814) TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 5,500 5,500 2,750 1,349 1,401 OFF EXP-GENERAL 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,857 (857) HARDWARE/SOFTWARE 289,000 289,000 144,500 102,942 41,558 VOICE COMM 175,000 175,000 87,500 109,162 (21,662) PRO SERVICE - GEN 20,000 20,000 10,000 0 10,000 MAINT EQ-GEN 408,000 408,000 204,000 189,291 14,709 $ 2,596,650 $ 2,596,650 $ 1,298,325 $ 1,267,144 $ 31,181

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference BOARD ADMINISTRATION A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 305,934 305,934 152,967 154,730 (1,763) DIRECTOR FEES 328,320 328,320 164,160 107,262 56,898 RETIREMENT 105,604 105,604 52,802 43,072 9,730 HEALTH INSURANCE 225,466 225,466 112,733 104,124 8,609 WORKERS COMP 4,250 4,250 2,125 1,227 898 PAYROLL TAXES 9,196 9,196 4,598 3,515 1,083 LEGAL ADVERTISING 3,000 3,000 1,500 2,130 (630) ELECTION 133,000 133,000 66,500 0 66,500 MEMBERSHIP 440 440 220 580 (360) SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 35,000 35,000 17,500 15,226 2,274 TECH TRAINING 300 300 150 0 150 TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 26,300 26,300 13,150 15,689 (2,539) OFF EXP-GENERAL 17,300 17,300 8,650 9,637 (987) $ 1,194,110 $ 1,194,110 $ 597,055 $ 457,192 $ 139,863

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 4 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference PURCHASING A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 517,455 517,455 258,728 236,029 22,699 RETIREMENT 86,156 86,156 43,078 46,639 (3,561) HEALTH INSURANCE 104,204 104,204 52,102 46,267 5,835 WORKERS COMP 6,342 6,342 3,171 2,056 1,115 PAYROLL TAXES 7,503 7,503 3,752 3,340 412 MEMBERSHIP 500 500 250 260 (10) TECH TRAINING 500 500 250 0 250 OFF EXP-GENERAL 12,400 12,400 6,200 4,845 1,355 GAS & DIESEL 1,000 1,000 500 80 420 LOGO SHIRTS 150 150 75 0 75 SMALL TOOLS 100 100 50 0 50 INVENTORY ITEM ADJ 0 0 0 (68) 68 INVENTORY COST ADJ 0 0 0 (143) 143 INVENTORY FREIGHT 20,000 20,000 10,000 13,777 (3,777) MAIN-S&I-GEN 2,000 2,000 1,000 0 1,000 $ 758,311 $ 758,311 $ 379,155 $ 353,081 $ 26,074

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 5 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference FINANCE A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 1,436,805 1,436,805 718,403 743,722 (25,319) ACTUAL REG OT WAGES 1,388 1,388 694 305 389 RETIREMENT 234,697 234,697 117,349 119,605 (2,257) HEALTH INSURANCE 219,704 219,704 109,852 110,458 (606) WORKERS COMP 9,701 9,701 4,850 3,332 1,518 PAYROLL TAXES 22,627 22,627 11,314 11,308 5 MEMBERSHIP 3,400 3,400 1,700 1,079 621 SUBSCRIPTIONS 500 500 250 0 250 TECH TRAINING 4,000 4,000 2,000 0 2,000 TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 1,000 1,000 500 0 500 OFF EXP-GENERAL 16,000 16,000 8,000 5,348 2,652 GAS & DIESEL 4,800 4,800 2,400 2,585 (185) UNIFORM & SAFETY 200 200 100 67 33 PRF SRVCS-GEN 163,000 163,000 81,500 62,104 19,396 PURCHASE DISCOUNTS (70,000) (70,000) (35,000) (23,862) (11,138) REBATES-PURCHASING CARD (32,000) (32,000) (16,000) (7,548) (8,452) BANK CHRGS 38,400 38,400 19,200 7,623 11,577 MAINT EQ-GEN 500 500 250 0 250 $ 2,054,723 $ 2,054,723 $ 1,027,361 $ 1,036,128 $ (8,766)

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 6 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference HUMAN RESOURCES A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 625,623 681,699 340,850 327,443 13,407 ACTUAL REG OT WAGES 500 500 250 158 92 RETIREMENT 100,920 100,920 50,460 52,088 (1,628) HEALTH INSURANCE 125,394 125,394 62,697 67,577 (4,880) HEALTH INS. - RETIREE PREMIUMS 15,500 15,500 7,750 3,261 4,489 WORKERS COMP 4,194 4,194 2,097 1,540 557 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 33,550 33,550 16,775 3,982 12,793 PAYROLL TAXES 10,319 10,319 5,160 5,033 126 MEMBERSHIP 450 450 225 105 120 SUBSCRIPTIONS 200 200 100 265 (165) SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 25,000 25,000 12,500 2,498 10,002 TECH TRAINING 6,000 6,000 3,000 249 2,751 TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 3,650 3,650 1,825 1,847 (22) OFF EXP-GENERAL 30,000 30,000 15,000 13,171 1,829 PRF SRVCS-GEN 70,450 74,564 37,282 24,111 13,171 TEMP WORKERS 75,000 115,600 57,800 29,887 27,914 $ 1,126,749 $ 1,227,539 $ 613,769 $ 533,215 $ 80,555

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference SAFETY & RISK MANAGEMENT A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 265,613 265,613 132,806 134,955 (2,149) RETIREMENT 40,977 40,977 20,489 21,041 (552) HEALTH INSURANCE 50,358 50,358 25,179 25,205 (26) WORKERS COMP 2,124 2,124 1,062 742 320 PAYROLL TAXES 5,061 5,061 2,531 2,366 164 MEMBERSHIP 500 500 250 0 250 SUBSCRIPTION 5,700 5,700 2,850 1,450 1,400 SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 5,000 5,000 2,500 2,098 403 TECH TRAINING 47,900 47,900 23,950 12,556 11,394 SECURITY PROGRAM 429,400 434,972 217,486 132,927 84,559 TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 3,200 3,200 1,600 198 1,402 OFF EXP-GENERAL 2,700 2,700 1,350 1,872 (522) UNIFORM & SAFETY 29,500 29,500 14,750 14,186 564 SAFETY SUPPLIES 9,200 9,200 4,600 1,417 3,183 INSURANCE 639,500 639,500 319,750 302,915 16,835 INSURANCE REFUND 0 0 0 (1,225) 1,225 CLAIMS 5,000 5,000 2,500 2,200 300 PRF SRVCS-GEN 8,000 59,360 29,680 35,015 (5,335) MAINT EQ-GEN 4,500 4,500 2,250 0 2,250 $ 1,554,233 $ 1,611,165 $ 805,583 $ 689,916 $ 115,666

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 7 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference WATER QUALITY A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 1,164,051 1,164,051 582,025 594,193 (12,167) ACTUAL REG OT WAGES 12,161 12,161 6,080 2,799 3,281 RETIREMENT 195,840 195,840 97,920 99,204 (1,284) HEALTH INSURANCE 184,027 184,027 92,014 94,305 (2,291) WORKERS COMP 33,547 33,547 16,773 11,307 5,467 PAYROLL TAXES 17,054 17,054 8,527 8,453 74 SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 8,000 12,500 6,250 7,380 (1,130) TECH TRAINING 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,998 (998) TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 2,500 2,500 1,250 517 733 OFF EXP-GENERAL 13,500 16,500 8,250 12,532 (4,282) GAS & DIESEL 15,500 15,500 7,750 8,293 (543) UNIFORM & SAFETY 1,500 1,500 750 33 717 SMALL TOOLS 49,000 46,000 23,000 14,394 8,606 LAB SUPPLIES 4,800 4,800 2,400 3,899 (1,499) LAB SAMPLE ANALYSIS 206,800 206,800 103,400 64,673 38,727 MAINT EQ-GEN 37,500 33,000 16,500 11,584 4,916 $ 1,947,780 $ 1,947,780 $ 973,890 $ 935,561 $ 38,329

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 8 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference LABORATORY A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 3,118,599 3,118,599 1,559,300 1,466,703 92,596 ACTUAL REG OT WAGES 62,199 62,199 31,100 13,449 17,650 RETIREMENT 504,061 504,061 252,031 229,715 22,315 HEALTH INSURANCE 466,838 466,838 233,419 221,540 11,879 WORKERS COMP 41,080 41,080 20,540 12,860 7,680 PAYROLL TAXES 55,632 55,632 27,816 24,221 3,595 SUBSCRIPTIONS 200 200 100 0 100 SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 40,000 40,000 20,000 16,512 3,488 TECH TRAINING 5,000 5,000 2,500 2,803 (303) TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 10,000 10,000 5,000 6,599 (1,599) OFF EXP-GENERAL 17,900 17,900 8,950 9,701 (751) UNIFORM & SAFETY 3,600 3,600 1,800 4,993 (3,193) SMALL TOOLS 3,500 3,500 1,750 26 1,724 LAB SUPPLIES 860,000 860,000 430,000 390,697 39,303 LAB SAMPLE ANALYSIS 2,000 2,000 1,000 353 647 RENT EQP-GEN 1,000 1,000 500 230 270 MAINT EQ-GEN 517,600 517,600 258,800 224,527 34,273 $ 5,709,210 $ 5,709,210 $ 2,854,605 $ 2,624,930 $ 229,675

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 9 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 1,023,777 1,023,777 511,889 446,667 65,221 ACTUAL REG OT WAGES 0 0 0 300 (300) RETIREMENT 155,525 155,525 77,763 65,566 12,197 HEALTH INSURANCE 123,835 123,835 61,918 42,730 19,188 WORKERS COMP 11,588 11,588 5,794 3,017 2,777 PAYROLL TAXES 20,407 20,407 10,203 7,634 2,569 MEMBERSHIP 10,625 10,625 5,313 115 5,198 SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 1,000 1,000 500 21 479 TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 17,400 17,400 8,700 2,014 6,686 OFF EXP-GENERAL 5,200 5,200 2,600 2,703 (103) GAS & DIESEL 1,000 1,000 500 556 (56) UNIFORM & SAFETY 0 0 0 397 (397) LAB SUPPLIES 41,450 41,450 20,725 19,067 1,658 LAB SAMPLE ANALYSIS 8,000 8,000 4,000 1,701 2,299 RENT EQP-GEN 2,700 2,700 1,350 1,408 (58) PRF SRVCS-GEN 125,000 125,000 62,500 26,600 35,900 MAINT EQ-GEN 33,395 33,395 16,698 9,309 7,388 MAINT S&I-GEN 1,000 1,000 500 0 500 $ 1,581,903 $ 1,581,903 $ 790,951 $ 629,805 $ 161,146

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 10 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference PLANNING & WATERSHED MGMT A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 676,956 676,956 338,478 307,624 30,854 RETIREMENT 109,466 109,466 54,733 52,897 1,836 HEALTH INSURANCE 77,489 77,489 38,745 36,668 2,076 WORKERS COMP 4,536 4,536 2,268 1,422 846 PAYROLL TAXES 10,742 10,742 5,371 4,569 802 MEMBERSHIP 400 400 200 675 (475) SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 106,400 106,400 53,200 26,754 26,446 TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 9,200 9,200 4,600 8,704 (4,104) OFF EXP-GENERAL 1,900 1,900 950 1,857 (907) GAS & DIESEL 1,000 1,000 500 343 157 UNIFORM & SAFETY 200 200 100 0 100

PRF SERVCS-GEN 740,000 886,160 443,080 277,563 165,517 1 $ 1,738,289 $ 1,884,449 $ 942,225 $ 719,078 $ 223,147

1.) Lower than planned professional services for Santa Ana River Conservation and Conjunctive Use Program.

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 11 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference LOCAL RESOURCES A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 211,308 211,308 105,654 119,466 (13,812) RETIREMENT 35,183 35,183 17,591 19,197 (1,605) HEALTH INSURANCE 22,577 22,577 11,289 11,601 (313) WORKERS COMP 1,416 1,416 708 515 193 PAYROLL TAXES 3,064 3,064 1,532 1,648 (116) MEMBERSHIP 200 200 100 0 100 TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 1,950 1,950 975 277 699 OFF EXP-GENERAL 1,100 1,100 550 157 393 PRF SERVCS-GEN 50,000 50,000 25,000 6,148 18,852 $ 326,798 $ 326,798 $ 163,399 $ 159,008 $ 4,391

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference HEALTH & REGULATORY A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 470,358 490,519 245,260 291,288 (46,029) RETIREMENT 78,315 78,315 39,158 43,310 (4,153) HEALTH INSURANCE 59,115 59,115 29,558 28,832 726 WORKERS COMP 3,151 3,151 1,575 1,292 284 PAYROLL TAXES 7,926 7,926 3,963 4,073 (110) MEMBERSHIP 800 800 400 144 256 SUBSCRIPTION 500 500 250 0 250 SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 36,000 36,000 18,000 26,631 (8,631) TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 10,000 10,000 5,000 3,217 1,783 OFF EXP-GENERAL 3,500 3,500 1,750 183 1,567 PRF SRVCS-GEN 165,000 165,000 82,500 0 82,500 $ 834,665 $ 854,826 $ 427,413 $ 398,970 $ 28,443

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 12 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference WATER PRODUCTION A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 6,924,222 6,770,316 3,385,158 3,423,551 (38,393) ACTUAL REG OT WAGES 371,636 371,636 185,818 161,140 24,678 RETIREMENT 1,214,760 1,189,135 594,567 581,900 12,667 HEALTH INSURANCE 1,179,560 1,154,123 577,062 555,797 21,265 WORKERS COMP 226,481 221,017 110,509 78,248 32,260 PAYROLL TAXES 105,792 103,560 51,780 49,750 2,031 MEMBERSHIP 13,000 13,000 6,500 3,796 2,705 SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 25,000 45,000 22,500 11,779 10,721 TECH TRAINING 20,000 20,000 10,000 4,992 5,008 TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 24,000 24,000 12,000 14,073 (2,073) OFF EXP-GENERAL 19,200 19,200 9,600 9,848 (248) HARDWARE/SOFTWARE 70,000 70,000 35,000 29,879 5,121 GAS & DIESEL 26,000 26,000 13,000 11,029 1,971 UNIFORM & SAFETY 48,100 48,100 24,050 16,950 7,100 CARTRIDGE FILTERS 35,000 35,000 17,500 2,928 14,572 SMALL TOOLS 20,000 20,000 10,000 11,713 (1,713) SAFETY SUPPLIES 29,400 29,400 14,700 1,612 13,088 LAB SUPPLIES 30,000 30,000 15,000 9,920 5,080 LAB SAMPLE ANALYSIS 7,000 7,000 3,500 0 3,500 RENT EQP-GEN 6,000 6,000 3,000 0 3,000 PRF SRVCS - GEN 75,000 225,000 112,500 27,980 84,520

CHEM-CHLORINE 1,857,000 1,979,988 989,994 925,599 64,395 1

CHEM-PLYMR 35,000 35,000 17,500 14,503 2,997 1

CHEM-SLFRC ACID 301,500 321,468 160,734 127,380 33,354 1

CHEM-ANTISCALENT 700,000 700,000 350,000 257,542 92,458 1

CHEM-MF CLN CHEM 840,000 895,633 447,816 310,086 137,731 1

CHEM - GWRS RO CLEANING 211,500 219,508 109,754 59,732 50,022 1

CHEM-ALUM 6,000 6,000 3,000 5,742 (2,742) 1

CHEM-PST TREATMT HYDRATED LIME 840,000 997,576 498,788 350,201 148,587 1

CHEM-HYDROGEN PEROXIDE UV 385,000 410,498 205,249 132,754 72,495 1

CHEM-SODIUM BISULFITE 5,000 5,000 2,500 2,504 (4) 1

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 13 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference B B C D C - D

CHEM - ANHYDROUS AMMONIA(TAX) 5,000 5,000 2,500 0 2,500 1 UTIL-ELEC 251,000 251,000 125,500 151,193 (25,693)

UTIL-POWER 13,139,737 13,139,737 6,569,869 6,224,072 345,796 2 UTIL-POWER-DEMAND CREDIT (1,000,000) (1,000,000) (500,000) (547,490) 47,490 UTIL-GAS 48,000 48,000 24,000 20,782 3,218 UTIL-WATER 60,000 60,000 30,000 33,247 (3,247) LADPW CURRENT EXP 810,000 810,000 405,000 241,081 163,919 MAINT-SUPPLS&MATRL-ELECTRICL 43,700 43,700 21,850 9,081 12,769 MAINT - SUPPLS&MATERIAL 248,450 248,450 124,225 136,968 (12,743) MAINT EQ-COMM 3,000 9,000 4,500 7,351 (2,851) MAINT EQ-CARTS 13,000 13,000 6,500 4,560 1,940 MAINT EQ-VEH 47,000 47,000 23,500 18,274 5,226 MAINT EQ-HEAVY 5,000 5,000 2,500 2,343 157 MAINT S&I-OUTSIDE SVC 650,000 650,000 325,000 281,361 43,639 MAINT S&I-MICROFILTRATION 159,300 159,300 79,650 57,862 21,788 MAINT S&I-REV OSMOS 180,700 180,700 90,350 33,739 56,612 MAINT S&I-GAP 49,500 49,500 24,750 13,666 11,084 MAINT S&I- INJECT 319,600 319,600 159,800 228,925 (69,125) MAINT S&I-UV 653,500 653,500 326,750 290,392 36,358 MAINT-INFLNT PMP STN 4,000 4,000 2,000 1,056 944 MAINT-SNT ANA RES 5,000 5,000 2,500 0 2,500 MAIN-S&I-SCREENINGS 20,000 20,000 10,000 4,424 5,576 MAIN-S&I-LIME SYSTEM 41,000 41,000 20,500 11,460 9,040 MAIN-S&I-PRODUCT WATR PUMP STN 31,500 31,500 15,750 2,890 12,860 $ 31,439,139 $ 31,792,146 $ 15,896,073 $ 14,420,168 $ 1,475,905

1.) Lower Chemical expenses than planned for GWRS.

2.) Lower than planned Electricity expenses for GWRS.

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 14 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference FOREBAY OPERATIONS A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 1,753,237 1,907,143 953,572 865,083 88,489 ACTUAL REG OT WAGES 148,488 148,488 74,244 15,242 59,002 RETIREMENT 316,637 342,262 171,131 150,593 20,538 HEALTH INSURANCE 329,207 354,644 177,322 168,840 8,482 WORKERS COMP 63,769 69,233 34,616 21,151 13,466 PAYROLL TAXES 27,575 29,807 14,903 12,719 2,184 MEMBERSHIP 590 590 295 441 (146) SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 4,500 4,500 2,250 4,665 (2,415) TECH TRAINING 8,750 8,750 4,375 3,746 629 TRAVEL 0 0 0 513 (513) OFF EXP-GENERAL 7,250 7,250 3,625 1,897 1,728 GAS & DIESEL 28,000 28,000 14,000 15,850 (1,850) FUEL - OFF ROAD 60,000 60,000 30,000 21,270 8,730 UNIFORM & SAFETY 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,028 (28) LOGO SHIRTS 800 800 400 0 400 SMALL TOOLS 13,000 13,000 6,500 473 6,027 SAFETY SUPPLIES 5,000 5,000 2,500 11,199 (8,699) RENT EQP-GEN 1,000 1,000 500 0 500 RENT EQP-HEAVY 6,000 6,000 3,000 3,003 (3) PRO SERVICE-GEN 2,500 2,500 1,250 3,450 (2,200) TEMP LABOR 0 35,000 17,500 0 17,500 CHEM-PESTI 1,000 1,000 500 0 500 UTIL-ELEC 870,000 870,000 435,000 202,932 232,068 1 UTIL-WATER 27,500 27,500 13,750 19,304 (5,554) MAINT EQ-GEN 5,000 5,000 2,500 235 2,265 MAINT EQ-COMM 3,000 3,000 1,500 0 1,500 MAINT EQ-VEH 30,000 30,000 15,000 19,141 (4,141) MAINT EQ-HEAVY 85,000 85,000 42,500 31,978 10,522 MAINT S&I-GEN 384,000 384,000 192,000 158,963 33,037 $ 4,191,803 $ 4,439,467 $ 2,219,733 $ 1,737,716 $ 482,017

1.) Lower Electricity expenses than planned due to less movement of water.

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 15 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference PRADO A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 345,763 345,763 172,881 94,956 77,926 ACTUAL REG OT WAGES 16,042 16,042 8,021 0 8,021 RETIREMENT 60,240 60,240 30,120 15,652 14,468 HEALTH INSURANCE 56,222 56,222 28,111 19,762 8,349 WORKERS COMP 12,181 12,181 6,091 2,253 3,837 PAYROLL TAXES 5,247 5,247 2,624 1,312 1,312 TECH TRAINING 250 250 125 0 125 MISC EXPENSE 500 500 250 0 250 OFF EXP-GENERAL 3,500 3,500 1,750 312 1,438 GAS & DIESEL 3,500 3,500 1,750 1,970 (220) FUEL - OFF ROAD 20,000 20,000 10,000 17,987 (7,987) UNIFORM & SAFETY 3,500 3,500 1,750 1,892 (142) LOGO SHIRTS 250 250 125 0 125 SMALL TOOLS 1,000 1,000 500 327 173 SAFETY SUPPLIES 500 500 250 48 202 RENT EQP-GEN 500 500 250 0 250 RENT EQP-HEAVY 40,000 40,000 20,000 0 20,000 TEMP LABOR 0 10,000 5,000 0 5,000 SECURITY 2,000 2,000 1,000 0 1,000 CHEM-FLOC 1,000 1,000 500 0 500 UTIL-ELEC 12,000 12,000 6,000 4,864 1,136 MAINT EQ-GEN 1,500 0 0 1,172 (1,172) MAINT EQ-VEH 3,500 5,000 2,500 1,518 982 MAINT EQ-HEAVY 25,000 25,000 12,500 10,537 1,963 MAINT S&I-GEN 108,500 108,500 54,250 55,887 (1,636) $ 722,695 $ 732,695 $ 366,348 $ 230,449 $ 135,899

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 16 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference PROPERTY MANAGEMENT A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 88,473 88,473 44,237 26,968 17,269 RETIREMENT 14,731 14,731 7,365 3,715 3,651 HEALTH INSURANCE 12,740 12,740 6,370 1,970 4,400 WORKERS COMP 593 593 296 90 207 PAYROLL TAXES 1,283 1,283 641 384 258 MEMBERSHIP 270 270 135 0 135 SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 200 200 100 0 100 LICENSES & PERMITS 68,126 195,226 97,613 35,742 61,871 OFF EXP-GENERAL 500 500 250 0 250 GAS & DIESEL 250 250 125 0 125 PRF SRVCS-GEN 3,700 53,700 26,850 2,500 24,350 TAXES & ASSESMENTS 57,500 57,500 28,750 57,189 (28,439) MAINT S&I-GEN 500 500 250 0 250 $ 248,866 $ 425,966 $ 212,983 $ 128,557 $ 84,426

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference ENGINEERING A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 1,015,553 1,015,553 507,777 570,568 (62,792) ACTUAL REG OT WAGES 3,000 3,000 1,500 0 1,500 CAPITALIZED SALARIES (271,908) (271,908) (135,954) (125,606) (10,348) RETIREMENT 166,343 166,343 83,171 92,511 (9,339) HEALTH INSURANCE 144,231 144,231 72,115 82,402 (10,286) WORKERS COMP 8,095 8,095 4,048 4,237 (189) PAYROLL TAXES 15,978 15,978 7,989 8,691 (702) CAPITALIZED BENEFITS (88,307) (88,307) (44,154) (44,443) 290 MEMBERSHIP 1,000 1,000 500 405 95 SUBSCRIPTIONS 5,100 5,100 2,550 900 1,650 TECH TRAINING 2,000 2,000 1,000 0 1,000 TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 5,000 5,000 2,500 3,300 (799) OFF EXP-GENERAL 7,900 7,900 3,950 2,252 1,698 GAS & DIESEL 3,500 3,500 1,750 1,073 677 LOGO SHIRTS 700 700 350 532 (182) PRF SRVCS-ENG 90,000 90,000 45,000 5,991 39,009 $ 1,108,185 $ 1,108,185 $ 554,092 $ 602,812 $ (48,720)

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 17 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference HYDROGEOLOGY A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 1,660,445 1,660,445 830,223 847,551 (17,329) ACTUAL REG OT WAGES 12,163 12,163 6,082 5,024 1,057 CAPITALIZED SALARIES (98,772) (98,772) (49,386) (43,559) (5,827) RETIREMENT 270,697 270,697 135,348 130,384 4,964 HEALTH INSURANCE 240,669 240,669 120,335 111,936 8,398 WORKERS COMP 25,600 25,600 12,800 8,171 4,629 PAYROLL TAXES 27,154 27,154 13,577 12,927 650 CAPITALIZED BENEFITS (34,665) (34,665) (17,333) (15,249) (2,083) MEMBERSHIP 1,500 1,500 750 1,180 (430) SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 271,000 271,000 135,500 150,299 (14,799) TECH TRAINING 2,500 2,500 1,250 525 725 TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 4,000 4,000 2,000 1,944 56 OFF EXP-GENERAL 12,000 12,000 6,000 6,303 (303) GAS & DIESEL 6,000 6,000 3,000 3,877 (877) UNIFORM & SAFETY 200 200 100 0 100 LOGO SHIRTS 100 100 50 0 50 SMALL TOOLS 14,000 14,000 7,000 1,456 5,544 LAB SUPPLIES 100 100 50 90 (40)

PRF SRVCS-LEGAL 1,310,000 1,310,000 655,000 414,601 240,399 1

PRF SRVCS-ENG 936,500 1,032,912 516,456 212,679 303,777 1 MAINT EQ-GEN 22,000 22,000 11,000 8,275 2,725 MAINT S&I-GEN 147,000 147,000 73,500 426 73,074 DEPARTMENT GRAND TOTAL $ 4,830,191 $ 4,926,603 $ 2,463,302 $ 1,858,841 $ 604,461

1.) Less than planned expense for profestional services and legal expenses for South Basin litigation.

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 18 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference NATURAL RESOURCES A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 492,113 492,113 246,057 245,262 794 RETIREMENT 76,309 76,309 38,155 41,248 (3,094) HEALTH INSURANCE 91,155 91,155 45,578 43,533 2,044 WORKERS COMP 12,116 12,116 6,058 4,584 1,474 PAYROLL TAXES 9,231 9,231 4,616 4,602 14 SUBSCRIPTIONS 750 750 375 0 375 SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,733 (733) TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 3,000 3,000 1,500 0 1,500 OFF EXP-GENERAL 5,000 5,000 2,500 2,276 224 GAS & DIESEL 11,000 11,000 5,500 3,993 1,507 UNIFORM & SAFETY 500 500 250 0 250 LOGO SHIRTS 500 500 250 0 250 SMALL TOOLS 13,000 13,000 6,500 3,328 3,172 SAFETY SUPPLIES 500 500 250 0 250 RENT EQP-GEN 1,500 1,500 750 338 412

PRF SRVCS-GEN 360,000 400,000 200,000 79,199 120,801 1 SAWA REIMBURSEMENT (123,097) (123,097) (61,548) (44,417) (17,131) TEMP WORKERS 75,000 75,000 37,500 24,231 13,269 CHEM-FLOC 5,000 5,000 2,500 4,002 (1,501) INTER-AGENCY AGREEMENT 15,000 15,000 7,500 0 7,500 MAINT EQ-GEN 1,000 1,000 500 294 206 MAINT EQ-VEH 5,000 5,000 2,500 266 2,234 MAINT EQ-HEAVY 3,000 3,000 1,500 232 1,268

MAINT S&I-GEN 400,000 400,000 200,000 83,995 116,005 2 $ 1,459,577 $ 1,499,577 $ 749,789 $ 498,698 $ 251,090 1.) Lower than planned professional expense for mointoring of Prado Basin. 2.) Expenses for maintenance expenses of Prado Basin were lower than planned.

Grand Totals $ 69,916,401 $ 71,241,777 $ 35,620,889 $ 31,329,876 $ 4,291,013


Variance Revenue Sources Annual Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual (Over)/Under Replenishment Assessment (Including In-Lieu RA) $ 148,687,347 $ 74,343,674 $ 76,794,703 $ (2,451,029) 1 In-Lieu (Energy) $ - $ - $ - $ - Basin Equity Assessment$ 1,750,000 $ 875,000 $ 875,000 $ - Property Taxes$ 25,400,000 $ 12,700,000 $ 12,913,277 $ (213,277) Facility Revenue (GAP & LRP)$ 9,392,280 $ 4,696,140 $ 5,084,343 $ (388,203) Notes Receivable$ 457,778 $ 228,889 $ 13,065 $ 215,824 Investment Revenue$ 1,500,000 $ 750,000 $ 1,572,289 $ (822,289) Rent & Others$ 3,800,000 $ 1,900,000 $ 3,493,527 $ (1,593,527) 2 $ 190,987,405 $ 95,493,703 $ 100,746,204 $ (5,252,501)

1.) Replenishment Assessments were more than planned for the six months. Actual pumping is 167,244 acre-feet and budget is 161,150 acre-feet for the period ending December 31, 2018.

2.) The District received $2.6 million for annexation fees in the first six months.

1/23/2019 11:41 AM ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT Operations Budget to Actual Report

For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment A

Budget Items Annual Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference

General Fund 71,241,777 35,620,889 31,329,876 4,291,013 Small Equipment 272,500 136,250 153,075 (16,825)

Debt Service 36,901,837 20,056,681 19,282,476 774,204

Replacement & Refurb. 22,604,600 11,302,300 9,725,943 1,576,357 Water Purchases 61,574,002 30,787,001 30,916,826 (129,825)

Totals $ 192,594,716 $ 97,903,120 $ 91,408,197 $ 6,494,923

For the Second Quarter of FY 2018/19


$200,000,000 $192,594,716


$97,903,120 $100,000,000 $91,408,197


$- Annual Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual

Attachment A ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment B

Dept. Dept. Revised Department Projected Annualized Headcount Headcount Original Revised YTD Variance Variance Total Annual Budget % of Annualized Variance Description Budget Actual YTD Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual (Over)/Under % Budget Total Budget Actual (Over)/Under A B C D = B-C E F G H I = F-H

GENERAL MANAGER'S OFFICE 3 3 1,256,010 1,290,585 1,248,282 42,303 3% 2,581,170 3.6% 2,496,564 84,606

PUBLIC AFFAIRS 7 7 990,252 994,252 800,325 193,927 20% 1 1,988,503 2.8% 1,600,649 387,854

INFORMATION SERVICES 10 10 1,298,325 1,298,325 1,267,144 31,181 2% 2,596,650 3.6% 2,534,287 62,363

BOARD ADMINISTRATION 3 3 597,055 597,055 457,192 139,863 23% 1,194,110 1.7% 914,384 279,727

PURCHASING 6 6 379,156 379,155 353,081 26,074 7% 758,311 1.1% 706,163 52,148

FINANCE 13 13 1,027,362 1,027,361 1,036,128 (8,766) -1% 2,054,723 2.9% 2,072,255 (17,533)

HUMAN RESOURCES 7 7 563,375 613,769 533,215 80,555 13% 1,227,539 1.7% 1,066,430 161,109

SAFETY & RISK MANAGEMENT 2 2 777,117 805,583 689,916 115,666 14% 1,611,165 2.3% 1,379,833 231,333

WATER QUALITY 12 12 973,890 973,890 935,561 38,329 4% 1,947,780 2.7% 1,871,123 76,657

LABORATORY 30 29 2,854,605 2,854,605 2,624,930 229,675 8% 5,709,210 8.0% 5,249,860 459,350

RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 7 5 790,952 790,951 629,805 161,146 20% 1,581,903 2.2% 1,259,610 322,293

PLANNING & WATERSHED MGMT 4 3 869,145 942,225 719,078 223,147 24% 2 1,884,449 2.6% 1,438,156 446,294

LOCAL RESOURCES 1 1 163,399 163,399 159,008 4,391 3% 326,798 0.5% 318,017 8,781

HEALTH & REGULATORY 2.5 2.5 417,333 427,413 398,970 28,443 7% 854,826 1.2% 797,939 56,887

WATER PRODUCTION 64 60 15,719,570 15,896,073 14,420,168 1,475,905 9% 3 31,792,146 44.6% 28,840,336 2,951,811

FOREBAY OPERATIONS 20 19 2,095,902 2,219,733 1,737,716 482,017 22% 4 4,439,467 6.2% 3,475,433 964,034

PRADO 3 3 361,348 366,348 230,449 135,899 37% 732,695 1.0% 460,898 271,797

PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 1 1 124,433 212,983 128,557 84,426 40% 425,966 0.6% 257,114 168,852

ENGINEERING 8 8 554,092 554,092 602,812 (48,720) -9% 1,108,185 1.6% 1,205,624 (97,439)

HYDROGEOLOGY 13.5 13.5 2,415,096 2,463,302 1,858,841 604,461 25% 5 4,926,603 6.9% 3,717,681 1,208,922 NATURAL RESOURCES 3.5 3.5 729,789 749,789 498,698 251,090 33% 6 1,499,577 2.1% 997,397 502,181 220.5 211.5 $ 34,958,199 $ 35,620,889 $ 31,329,876 $ 4,291,013 $ 71,241,777 100%$ 62,659,751 $ 8,582,026

Attachment B ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 3 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference GENERAL MANAGER'S OFFICE A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 620,130 639,281 319,641 326,857 (7,216) ACTUAL REG OT WAGES 0 0 0 (11) 11 RETIREMENT 103,252 103,252 51,626 39,764 11,862 HEALTH INSURANCE 55,091 55,091 27,545 27,132 414 WORKERS COMP 4,155 4,155 2,077 1,468 610 PAYROLL TAXES 11,271 11,271 5,636 4,541 1,095 MEMBERSHIP 314,069 314,069 157,035 52,817 104,217 SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,000 1,000 500 0 500 SPECIAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSE 21,500 71,500 35,750 38,450 (2,700) TECH TRAINING 250 250 125 0 125 EXPENSE CONTRA 0 0 0 (985) 985 TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 18,000 18,000 9,000 11,291 (2,291) OFF EXP-GENERAL 84,500 84,500 42,250 33,249 9,001 LOGO SHIRTS 300 300 150 0 150 RENT EQP-GEN 41,000 41,000 20,500 16,540 3,960 PRF SRVCS-GEN 39,500 39,500 19,750 23,628 (3,878) PRF SRVCS-LEGAL 600,000 600,000 300,000 198,408 101,593 INTER-AGENCY AGREEMENT 597,900 597,900 298,950 475,134 (176,184) MAINT EQ-GEN 100 100 50 0 50

$ 2,512,019 $ 2,581,170 $ 1,290,585 $ 1,248,282 $ 42,303

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 4 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference PUBLIC AFFAIRS A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 842,473 850,473 425,236 397,336 27,900 ACTUAL REG OT WAGES 2,500 2,500 1,250 124 1,126 RETIREMENT 137,440 137,440 68,720 64,253 4,467 HEALTH INSURANCE 126,870 126,870 63,435 62,416 1,018 WORKERS COMP 5,759 5,759 2,879 1,803 1,076 PAYROLL TAXES 13,461 13,461 6,731 6,151 580 MEMBERSHIP 900 900 450 139 311 SUBSCRIPTIONS 500 500 250 0 250 SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 41,500 41,500 20,750 15,078 5,672 CHILDREN WTR FESTIVAL 225,000 225,000 112,500 0 112,500 CHILDREN WTR FESTIVAL-REIMBURSEMENT (80,000) (80,000) (40,000) 0 (40,000) SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE-O.C. WTR SUMMIT 82,000 82,000 41,000 2,838 38,162 O.C. WTR SUMMIT-MWDOC COST SHARE (6,000) (6,000) (3,000) 686 (3,686) O.C. WTR SUMMIT-SPONSER REIMBURSEMENT (70,000) (70,000) (35,000) 0 (35,000) TECH TRAINING 2,000 2,000 1,000 0 1,000 MISC. EXPENSES 2,500 2,500 1,250 967 283 EXPENSE CONTRA 0 0 0 (1,275) 1,275 TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 24,500 24,500 12,250 3,835 8,415 PUB INFO TOUR 27,100 27,100 13,550 6,100 7,450 OFF EXP-GENERAL 47,500 47,500 23,750 20,560 3,190 PRF SRVCS-GEN 480,500 480,500 240,250 207,534 32,716 INTR-AGNCY AGRMNT-GWRS 74,000 74,000 37,000 22,478 14,523 MISC REIMBURSEMENT - OCSD 0 0 0 (10,697) 10,697 $ 1,980,503 $ 1,988,503 $ 994,252 $ 800,325 $ 193,927

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 5 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference INFORMATION SERVICES A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 1,271,194 1,271,194 635,597 643,851 (8,254) RETIREMENT 208,407 208,407 104,204 106,796 (2,593) HEALTH INSURANCE 172,891 172,891 86,445 86,540 (94) WORKERS COMP 8,517 8,517 4,259 2,919 1,340 PAYROLL TAXES 19,641 19,641 9,821 9,234 587 MEMBERSHIP 500 500 250 390 (140) TECH TRAINING 16,000 16,000 8,000 12,814 (4,814) TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 5,500 5,500 2,750 1,349 1,401 OFF EXP-GENERAL 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,857 (857) HARDWARE/SOFTWARE 289,000 289,000 144,500 102,942 41,558 VOICE COMM 175,000 175,000 87,500 109,162 (21,662) PRO SERVICE - GEN 20,000 20,000 10,000 0 10,000 MAINT EQ-GEN 408,000 408,000 204,000 189,291 14,709 $ 2,596,650 $ 2,596,650 $ 1,298,325 $ 1,267,144 $ 31,181

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference BOARD ADMINISTRATION A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 305,934 305,934 152,967 154,730 (1,763) DIRECTOR FEES 328,320 328,320 164,160 107,262 56,898 RETIREMENT 105,604 105,604 52,802 43,072 9,730 HEALTH INSURANCE 225,466 225,466 112,733 104,124 8,609 WORKERS COMP 4,250 4,250 2,125 1,227 898 PAYROLL TAXES 9,196 9,196 4,598 3,515 1,083 LEGAL ADVERTISING 3,000 3,000 1,500 2,130 (630) ELECTION 133,000 133,000 66,500 0 66,500 MEMBERSHIP 440 440 220 580 (360) SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 35,000 35,000 17,500 15,226 2,274 TECH TRAINING 300 300 150 0 150 TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 26,300 26,300 13,150 15,689 (2,539) OFF EXP-GENERAL 17,300 17,300 8,650 9,637 (987) $ 1,194,110 $ 1,194,110 $ 597,055 $ 457,192 $ 139,863

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 6 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference PURCHASING A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 517,455 517,455 258,728 236,029 22,699 RETIREMENT 86,156 86,156 43,078 46,639 (3,561) HEALTH INSURANCE 104,204 104,204 52,102 46,267 5,835 WORKERS COMP 6,342 6,342 3,171 2,056 1,115 PAYROLL TAXES 7,503 7,503 3,752 3,340 412 MEMBERSHIP 500 500 250 260 (10) TECH TRAINING 500 500 250 0 250 OFF EXP-GENERAL 12,400 12,400 6,200 4,845 1,355 GAS & DIESEL 1,000 1,000 500 80 420 LOGO SHIRTS 150 150 75 0 75 SMALL TOOLS 100 100 50 0 50 INVENTORY ITEM ADJ 0 0 0 (68) 68 INVENTORY COST ADJ 0 0 0 (143) 143 INVENTORY FREIGHT 20,000 20,000 10,000 13,777 (3,777) MAIN-S&I-GEN 2,000 2,000 1,000 0 1,000 $ 758,311 $ 758,311 $ 379,155 $ 353,081 $ 26,074

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 7 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference FINANCE A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 1,436,805 1,436,805 718,403 743,722 (25,319) ACTUAL REG OT WAGES 1,388 1,388 694 305 389 RETIREMENT 234,697 234,697 117,349 119,605 (2,257) HEALTH INSURANCE 219,704 219,704 109,852 110,458 (606) WORKERS COMP 9,701 9,701 4,850 3,332 1,518 PAYROLL TAXES 22,627 22,627 11,314 11,308 5 MEMBERSHIP 3,400 3,400 1,700 1,079 621 SUBSCRIPTIONS 500 500 250 0 250 TECH TRAINING 4,000 4,000 2,000 0 2,000 TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 1,000 1,000 500 0 500 OFF EXP-GENERAL 16,000 16,000 8,000 5,348 2,652 GAS & DIESEL 4,800 4,800 2,400 2,585 (185) UNIFORM & SAFETY 200 200 100 67 33 PRF SRVCS-GEN 163,000 163,000 81,500 62,104 19,396 PURCHASE DISCOUNTS (70,000) (70,000) (35,000) (23,862) (11,138) REBATES-PURCHASING CARD (32,000) (32,000) (16,000) (7,548) (8,452) BANK CHRGS 38,400 38,400 19,200 7,623 11,577 MAINT EQ-GEN 500 500 250 0 250 $ 2,054,723 $ 2,054,723 $ 1,027,361 $ 1,036,128 $ (8,766)

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 8 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference HUMAN RESOURCES A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 625,623 681,699 340,850 327,443 13,407 ACTUAL REG OT WAGES 500 500 250 158 92 RETIREMENT 100,920 100,920 50,460 52,088 (1,628) HEALTH INSURANCE 125,394 125,394 62,697 67,577 (4,880) HEALTH INS. - RETIREE PREMIUMS 15,500 15,500 7,750 3,261 4,489 WORKERS COMP 4,194 4,194 2,097 1,540 557 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 33,550 33,550 16,775 3,982 12,793 PAYROLL TAXES 10,319 10,319 5,160 5,033 126 MEMBERSHIP 450 450 225 105 120 SUBSCRIPTIONS 200 200 100 265 (165) SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 25,000 25,000 12,500 2,498 10,002 TECH TRAINING 6,000 6,000 3,000 249 2,751 TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 3,650 3,650 1,825 1,847 (22) OFF EXP-GENERAL 30,000 30,000 15,000 13,171 1,829 PRF SRVCS-GEN 70,450 74,564 37,282 24,111 13,171 TEMP WORKERS 75,000 115,600 57,800 29,887 27,914 $ 1,126,749 $ 1,227,539 $ 613,769 $ 533,215 $ 80,555

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference SAFETY & RISK MANAGEMENT A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 265,613 265,613 132,806 134,955 (2,149) RETIREMENT 40,977 40,977 20,489 21,041 (552) HEALTH INSURANCE 50,358 50,358 25,179 25,205 (26) WORKERS COMP 2,124 2,124 1,062 742 320 PAYROLL TAXES 5,061 5,061 2,531 2,366 164 MEMBERSHIP 500 500 250 0 250 SUBSCRIPTION 5,700 5,700 2,850 1,450 1,400 SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 5,000 5,000 2,500 2,098 403 TECH TRAINING 47,900 47,900 23,950 12,556 11,394 SECURITY PROGRAM 429,400 434,972 217,486 132,927 84,559 TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 3,200 3,200 1,600 198 1,402 OFF EXP-GENERAL 2,700 2,700 1,350 1,872 (522) UNIFORM & SAFETY 29,500 29,500 14,750 14,186 564 SAFETY SUPPLIES 9,200 9,200 4,600 1,417 3,183 INSURANCE 639,500 639,500 319,750 302,915 16,835 INSURANCE REFUND 0 0 0 (1,225) 1,225 CLAIMS 5,000 5,000 2,500 2,200 300 PRF SRVCS-GEN 8,000 59,360 29,680 35,015 (5,335) MAINT EQ-GEN 4,500 4,500 2,250 0 2,250 $ 1,554,233 $ 1,611,165 $ 805,583 $ 689,916 $ 115,666

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 9 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference WATER QUALITY A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 1,164,051 1,164,051 582,025 594,193 (12,167) ACTUAL REG OT WAGES 12,161 12,161 6,080 2,799 3,281 RETIREMENT 195,840 195,840 97,920 99,204 (1,284) HEALTH INSURANCE 184,027 184,027 92,014 94,305 (2,291) WORKERS COMP 33,547 33,547 16,773 11,307 5,467 PAYROLL TAXES 17,054 17,054 8,527 8,453 74 SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 8,000 12,500 6,250 7,380 (1,130) TECH TRAINING 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,998 (998) TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 2,500 2,500 1,250 517 733 OFF EXP-GENERAL 13,500 16,500 8,250 12,532 (4,282) GAS & DIESEL 15,500 15,500 7,750 8,293 (543) UNIFORM & SAFETY 1,500 1,500 750 33 717 SMALL TOOLS 49,000 46,000 23,000 14,394 8,606 LAB SUPPLIES 4,800 4,800 2,400 3,899 (1,499) LAB SAMPLE ANALYSIS 206,800 206,800 103,400 64,673 38,727 MAINT EQ-GEN 37,500 33,000 16,500 11,584 4,916 $ 1,947,780 $ 1,947,780 $ 973,890 $ 935,561 $ 38,329

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 10 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference LABORATORY A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 3,118,599 3,118,599 1,559,300 1,466,703 92,596 ACTUAL REG OT WAGES 62,199 62,199 31,100 13,449 17,650 RETIREMENT 504,061 504,061 252,031 229,715 22,315 HEALTH INSURANCE 466,838 466,838 233,419 221,540 11,879 WORKERS COMP 41,080 41,080 20,540 12,860 7,680 PAYROLL TAXES 55,632 55,632 27,816 24,221 3,595 SUBSCRIPTIONS 200 200 100 0 100 SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 40,000 40,000 20,000 16,512 3,488 TECH TRAINING 5,000 5,000 2,500 2,803 (303) TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 10,000 10,000 5,000 6,599 (1,599) OFF EXP-GENERAL 17,900 17,900 8,950 9,701 (751) UNIFORM & SAFETY 3,600 3,600 1,800 4,993 (3,193) SMALL TOOLS 3,500 3,500 1,750 26 1,724 LAB SUPPLIES 860,000 860,000 430,000 390,697 39,303 LAB SAMPLE ANALYSIS 2,000 2,000 1,000 353 647 RENT EQP-GEN 1,000 1,000 500 230 270 MAINT EQ-GEN 517,600 517,600 258,800 224,527 34,273 $ 5,709,210 $ 5,709,210 $ 2,854,605 $ 2,624,930 $ 229,675

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 11 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 1,023,777 1,023,777 511,889 446,667 65,221 ACTUAL REG OT WAGES 0 0 0 300 (300) RETIREMENT 155,525 155,525 77,763 65,566 12,197 HEALTH INSURANCE 123,835 123,835 61,918 42,730 19,188 WORKERS COMP 11,588 11,588 5,794 3,017 2,777 PAYROLL TAXES 20,407 20,407 10,203 7,634 2,569 MEMBERSHIP 10,625 10,625 5,313 115 5,198 SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 1,000 1,000 500 21 479 TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 17,400 17,400 8,700 2,014 6,686 OFF EXP-GENERAL 5,200 5,200 2,600 2,703 (103) GAS & DIESEL 1,000 1,000 500 556 (56) UNIFORM & SAFETY 0 0 0 397 (397) LAB SUPPLIES 41,450 41,450 20,725 19,067 1,658 LAB SAMPLE ANALYSIS 8,000 8,000 4,000 1,701 2,299 RENT EQP-GEN 2,700 2,700 1,350 1,408 (58) PRF SRVCS-GEN 125,000 125,000 62,500 26,600 35,900 MAINT EQ-GEN 33,395 33,395 16,698 9,309 7,388 MAINT S&I-GEN 1,000 1,000 500 0 500 $ 1,581,903 $ 1,581,903 $ 790,951 $ 629,805 $ 161,146

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 12 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference PLANNING & WATERSHED MGMT A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 676,956 676,956 338,478 307,624 30,854 RETIREMENT 109,466 109,466 54,733 52,897 1,836 HEALTH INSURANCE 77,489 77,489 38,745 36,668 2,076 WORKERS COMP 4,536 4,536 2,268 1,422 846 PAYROLL TAXES 10,742 10,742 5,371 4,569 802 MEMBERSHIP 400 400 200 675 (475) SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 106,400 106,400 53,200 26,754 26,446 TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 9,200 9,200 4,600 8,704 (4,104) OFF EXP-GENERAL 1,900 1,900 950 1,857 (907) GAS & DIESEL 1,000 1,000 500 343 157 UNIFORM & SAFETY 200 200 100 0 100 PRF SERVCS-GEN 740,000 886,160 443,080 277,563 165,517 $ 1,738,289 $ 1,884,449 $ 942,225 $ 719,078 $ 223,147

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 13 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference LOCAL RESOURCES A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 211,308 211,308 105,654 119,466 (13,812) RETIREMENT 35,183 35,183 17,591 19,197 (1,605) HEALTH INSURANCE 22,577 22,577 11,289 11,601 (313) WORKERS COMP 1,416 1,416 708 515 193 PAYROLL TAXES 3,064 3,064 1,532 1,648 (116) MEMBERSHIP 200 200 100 0 100 TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 1,950 1,950 975 277 699 OFF EXP-GENERAL 1,100 1,100 550 157 393 PRF SERVCS-GEN 50,000 50,000 25,000 6,148 18,852 $ 326,798 $ 326,798 $ 163,399 $ 159,008 $ 4,391

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference HEALTH & REGULATORY A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 470,358 490,519 245,260 291,288 (46,029) RETIREMENT 78,315 78,315 39,158 43,310 (4,153) HEALTH INSURANCE 59,115 59,115 29,558 28,832 726 WORKERS COMP 3,151 3,151 1,575 1,292 284 PAYROLL TAXES 7,926 7,926 3,963 4,073 (110) MEMBERSHIP 800 800 400 144 256 SUBSCRIPTION 500 500 250 0 250 SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 36,000 36,000 18,000 26,631 (8,631) TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 10,000 10,000 5,000 3,217 1,783 OFF EXP-GENERAL 3,500 3,500 1,750 183 1,567 PRF SRVCS-GEN 165,000 165,000 82,500 0 82,500 $ 834,665 $ 854,826 $ 427,413 $ 398,970 $ 28,443

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 14 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference WATER PRODUCTION A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 6,924,222 6,770,316 3,385,158 3,423,551 (38,393) ACTUAL REG OT WAGES 371,636 371,636 185,818 161,140 24,678 RETIREMENT 1,214,760 1,189,135 594,567 581,900 12,667 HEALTH INSURANCE 1,179,560 1,154,123 577,062 555,797 21,265 WORKERS COMP 226,481 221,017 110,509 78,248 32,260 PAYROLL TAXES 105,792 103,560 51,780 49,750 2,031 MEMBERSHIP 13,000 13,000 6,500 3,796 2,705 SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 25,000 45,000 22,500 11,779 10,721 TECH TRAINING 20,000 20,000 10,000 4,992 5,008 TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 24,000 24,000 12,000 14,073 (2,073) OFF EXP-GENERAL 19,200 19,200 9,600 9,848 (248) HARDWARE/SOFTWARE 70,000 70,000 35,000 29,879 5,121 GAS & DIESEL 26,000 26,000 13,000 11,029 1,971 UNIFORM & SAFETY 48,100 48,100 24,050 16,950 7,100 CARTRIDGE FILTERS 35,000 35,000 17,500 2,928 14,572 SMALL TOOLS 20,000 20,000 10,000 11,713 (1,713) SAFETY SUPPLIES 29,400 29,400 14,700 1,612 13,088 LAB SUPPLIES 30,000 30,000 15,000 9,920 5,080 LAB SAMPLE ANALYSIS 7,000 7,000 3,500 0 3,500 RENT EQP-GEN 6,000 6,000 3,000 0 3,000 PRF SRVCS - GEN 75,000 225,000 112,500 27,980 84,520 CHEM-CHLORINE 1,857,000 1,979,988 989,994 925,599 64,395 CHEM-PLYMR 35,000 35,000 17,500 14,503 2,997 CHEM-SLFRC ACID 301,500 321,468 160,734 127,380 33,354 CHEM-ANTISCALENT 700,000 700,000 350,000 257,542 92,458 CHEM-MF CLN CHEM 840,000 895,633 447,816 310,086 137,731 CHEM - GWRS RO CLEANING 211,500 219,508 109,754 59,732 50,022 CHEM-ALUM 6,000 6,000 3,000 5,742 (2,742) CHEM-PST TREATMT HYDRATED LIME 840,000 997,576 498,788 350,201 148,587 CHEM-HYDROGEN PEROXIDE UV 385,000 410,498 205,249 132,754 72,495 CHEM-SODIUM BISULFITE 5,000 5,000 2,500 2,504 (4)

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 15 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference B B C D C - D CHEM - ANHYDROUS AMMONIA(TAX) 5,000 5,000 2,500 0 2,500 UTIL-ELEC 251,000 251,000 125,500 151,193 (25,693) UTIL-POWER 13,139,737 13,139,737 6,569,869 6,224,072 345,796 UTIL-POWER-DEMAND CREDIT (1,000,000) (1,000,000) (500,000) (547,490) 47,490 UTIL-GAS 48,000 48,000 24,000 20,782 3,218 UTIL-WATER 60,000 60,000 30,000 33,247 (3,247) LADPW CURRENT EXP 810,000 810,000 405,000 241,081 163,919 MAINT-SUPPLS&MATRL-ELECTRICL 43,700 43,700 21,850 9,081 12,769 MAINT - SUPPLS&MATERIAL 248,450 248,450 124,225 136,968 (12,743) MAINT EQ-COMM 3,000 9,000 4,500 7,351 (2,851) MAINT EQ-CARTS 13,000 13,000 6,500 4,560 1,940 MAINT EQ-VEH 47,000 47,000 23,500 18,274 5,226 MAINT EQ-HEAVY 5,000 5,000 2,500 2,343 157 MAINT S&I-OUTSIDE SVC 650,000 650,000 325,000 281,361 43,639 MAINT S&I-MICROFILTRATION 159,300 159,300 79,650 57,862 21,788 MAINT S&I-REV OSMOS 180,700 180,700 90,350 33,739 56,612 MAINT S&I-GAP 49,500 49,500 24,750 13,666 11,084 MAINT S&I- INJECT 319,600 319,600 159,800 228,925 (69,125) MAINT S&I-UV 653,500 653,500 326,750 290,392 36,358 MAINT-INFLNT PMP STN 4,000 4,000 2,000 1,056 944 MAINT-SNT ANA RES 5,000 5,000 2,500 0 2,500 MAIN-S&I-SCREENINGS 20,000 20,000 10,000 4,424 5,576 MAIN-S&I-LIME SYSTEM 41,000 41,000 20,500 11,460 9,040 MAIN-S&I-PRODUCT WATR PUMP STN 31,500 31,500 15,750 2,890 12,860 $ 31,439,139 $ 31,792,146 $ 15,896,073 $ 14,420,168 $ 1,475,905

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 16 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference FOREBAY OPERATIONS A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 1,753,237 1,907,143 953,572 865,083 88,489 ACTUAL REG OT WAGES 148,488 148,488 74,244 15,242 59,002 RETIREMENT 316,637 342,262 171,131 150,593 20,538 HEALTH INSURANCE 329,207 354,644 177,322 168,840 8,482 WORKERS COMP 63,769 69,233 34,616 21,151 13,466 PAYROLL TAXES 27,575 29,807 14,903 12,719 2,184 MEMBERSHIP 590 590 295 441 (146) SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 4,500 4,500 2,250 4,665 (2,415) TECH TRAINING 8,750 8,750 4,375 3,746 629 TRAVEL 0 0 0 513 (513) OFF EXP-GENERAL 7,250 7,250 3,625 1,897 1,728 GAS & DIESEL 28,000 28,000 14,000 15,850 (1,850) FUEL - OFF ROAD 60,000 60,000 30,000 21,270 8,730 UNIFORM & SAFETY 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,028 (28) LOGO SHIRTS 800 800 400 0 400 SMALL TOOLS 13,000 13,000 6,500 473 6,027 SAFETY SUPPLIES 5,000 5,000 2,500 11,199 (8,699) RENT EQP-GEN 1,000 1,000 500 0 500 RENT EQP-HEAVY 6,000 6,000 3,000 3,003 (3) PRO SERVICE-GEN 2,500 2,500 1,250 3,450 (2,200) TEMP LABOR 0 35,000 17,500 0 17,500 CHEM-PESTI 1,000 1,000 500 0 500 UTIL-ELEC 870,000 870,000 435,000 202,932 232,068 UTIL-WATER 27,500 27,500 13,750 19,304 (5,554) MAINT EQ-GEN 5,000 5,000 2,500 235 2,265 MAINT EQ-COMM 3,000 3,000 1,500 0 1,500 MAINT EQ-VEH 30,000 30,000 15,000 19,141 (4,141) MAINT EQ-HEAVY 85,000 85,000 42,500 31,978 10,522 MAINT S&I-GEN 384,000 384,000 192,000 158,963 33,037 $ 4,191,803 $ 4,439,467 $ 2,219,733 $ 1,737,716 $ 482,017

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 17 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference PRADO A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 345,763 345,763 172,881 94,956 77,926 ACTUAL REG OT WAGES 16,042 16,042 8,021 0 8,021 RETIREMENT 60,240 60,240 30,120 15,652 14,468 HEALTH INSURANCE 56,222 56,222 28,111 19,762 8,349 WORKERS COMP 12,181 12,181 6,091 2,253 3,837 PAYROLL TAXES 5,247 5,247 2,624 1,312 1,312 TECH TRAINING 250 250 125 0 125 MISC EXPENSE 500 500 250 0 250 OFF EXP-GENERAL 3,500 3,500 1,750 312 1,438 GAS & DIESEL 3,500 3,500 1,750 1,970 (220) FUEL - OFF ROAD 20,000 20,000 10,000 17,987 (7,987) UNIFORM & SAFETY 3,500 3,500 1,750 1,892 (142) LOGO SHIRTS 250 250 125 0 125 SMALL TOOLS 1,000 1,000 500 327 173 SAFETY SUPPLIES 500 500 250 48 202 RENT EQP-GEN 500 500 250 0 250 RENT EQP-HEAVY 40,000 40,000 20,000 0 20,000 TEMP LABOR 0 10,000 5,000 0 5,000 SECURITY 2,000 2,000 1,000 0 1,000 CHEM-FLOC 1,000 1,000 500 0 500 UTIL-ELEC 12,000 12,000 6,000 4,864 1,136 MAINT EQ-GEN 1,500 0 0 1,172 (1,172) MAINT EQ-VEH 3,500 5,000 2,500 1,518 982 MAINT EQ-HEAVY 25,000 25,000 12,500 10,537 1,963 MAINT S&I-GEN 108,500 108,500 54,250 55,887 (1,636) $ 722,695 $ 732,695 $ 366,348 $ 230,449 $ 135,899

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 18 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference PROPERTY MANAGEMENT A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 88,473 88,473 44,237 26,968 17,269 RETIREMENT 14,731 14,731 7,365 3,715 3,651 HEALTH INSURANCE 12,740 12,740 6,370 1,970 4,400 WORKERS COMP 593 593 296 90 207 PAYROLL TAXES 1,283 1,283 641 384 258 MEMBERSHIP 270 270 135 0 135 SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 200 200 100 0 100 LICENSES & PERMITS 68,126 195,226 97,613 35,742 61,871 OFF EXP-GENERAL 500 500 250 0 250 GAS & DIESEL 250 250 125 0 125 PRF SRVCS-GEN 3,700 53,700 26,850 2,500 24,350 TAXES & ASSESMENTS 57,500 57,500 28,750 57,189 (28,439) MAINT S&I-GEN 500 500 250 0 250 $ 248,866 $ 425,966 $ 212,983 $ 128,557 $ 84,426

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference ENGINEERING A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 1,015,553 1,015,553 507,777 570,568 (62,792) ACTUAL REG OT WAGES 3,000 3,000 1,500 0 1,500 CAPITALIZED SALARIES (271,908) (271,908) (135,954) (125,606) (10,348) RETIREMENT 166,343 166,343 83,171 92,511 (9,339) HEALTH INSURANCE 144,231 144,231 72,115 82,402 (10,286) WORKERS COMP 8,095 8,095 4,048 4,237 (189) PAYROLL TAXES 15,978 15,978 7,989 8,691 (702) CAPITALIZED BENEFITS (88,307) (88,307) (44,154) (44,443) 290 MEMBERSHIP 1,000 1,000 500 405 95 SUBSCRIPTIONS 5,100 5,100 2,550 900 1,650 TECH TRAINING 2,000 2,000 1,000 0 1,000 TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 5,000 5,000 2,500 3,300 (799) OFF EXP-GENERAL 7,900 7,900 3,950 2,252 1,698 GAS & DIESEL 3,500 3,500 1,750 1,073 677 LOGO SHIRTS 700 700 350 532 (182) PRF SRVCS-ENG 90,000 90,000 45,000 5,991 39,009 $ 1,108,185 $ 1,108,185 $ 554,092 $ 602,812 $ (48,720)

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 19 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference HYDROGEOLOGY A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 1,660,445 1,660,445 830,223 847,551 (17,329) ACTUAL REG OT WAGES 12,163 12,163 6,082 5,024 1,057 CAPITALIZED SALARIES (98,772) (98,772) (49,386) (43,559) (5,827) RETIREMENT 270,697 270,697 135,348 130,384 4,964 HEALTH INSURANCE 240,669 240,669 120,335 111,936 8,398 WORKERS COMP 25,600 25,600 12,800 8,171 4,629 PAYROLL TAXES 27,154 27,154 13,577 12,927 650 CAPITALIZED BENEFITS (34,665) (34,665) (17,333) (15,249) (2,083) MEMBERSHIP 1,500 1,500 750 1,180 (430) SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 271,000 271,000 135,500 150,299 (14,799) TECH TRAINING 2,500 2,500 1,250 525 725 TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 4,000 4,000 2,000 1,944 56 OFF EXP-GENERAL 12,000 12,000 6,000 6,303 (303) GAS & DIESEL 6,000 6,000 3,000 3,877 (877) UNIFORM & SAFETY 200 200 100 0 100 LOGO SHIRTS 100 100 50 0 50 SMALL TOOLS 14,000 14,000 7,000 1,456 5,544 LAB SUPPLIES 100 100 50 90 (40) PRF SRVCS-LEGAL 1,310,000 1,310,000 655,000 414,601 240,399 PRF SRVCS-ENG 936,500 1,032,912 516,456 212,679 303,777 MAINT EQ-GEN 22,000 22,000 11,000 8,275 2,725 MAINT S&I-GEN 147,000 147,000 73,500 426 73,074 DEPARTMENT GRAND TOTAL $ 4,830,191 $ 4,926,603 $ 2,463,302 $ 1,858,841 $ 604,461

Attachment C ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 20 General Fund ( Cost Center ) Budgets For the Second Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Attachment C

Original Revised Budget Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Difference NATURAL RESOURCES A B C D C - D ACTUAL REG WAGES 492,113 492,113 246,057 245,262 794 RETIREMENT 76,309 76,309 38,155 41,248 (3,094) HEALTH INSURANCE 91,155 91,155 45,578 43,533 2,044 WORKERS COMP 12,116 12,116 6,058 4,584 1,474 PAYROLL TAXES 9,231 9,231 4,616 4,602 14 SUBSCRIPTIONS 750 750 375 0 375 SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,733 (733) TRVL/MILEAGE/CONFERNC 3,000 3,000 1,500 0 1,500 OFF EXP-GENERAL 5,000 5,000 2,500 2,276 224 GAS & DIESEL 11,000 11,000 5,500 3,993 1,507 UNIFORM & SAFETY 500 500 250 0 250 LOGO SHIRTS 500 500 250 0 250 SMALL TOOLS 13,000 13,000 6,500 3,328 3,172 SAFETY SUPPLIES 500 500 250 0 250 RENT EQP-GEN 1,500 1,500 750 338 412 PRF SRVCS-GEN 360,000 400,000 200,000 79,199 120,801 SAWA REIMBURSEMENT (123,097) (123,097) (61,548) (44,417) (17,131) TEMP WORKERS 75,000 75,000 37,500 24,231 13,269 CHEM-FLOC 5,000 5,000 2,500 4,002 (1,501) INTER-AGENCY AGREEMENT 15,000 15,000 7,500 0 7,500 MAINT EQ-GEN 1,000 1,000 500 294 206 MAINT EQ-VEH 5,000 5,000 2,500 266 2,234 MAINT EQ-HEAVY 3,000 3,000 1,500 232 1,268 MAINT S&I-GEN 400,000 400,000 200,000 83,995 116,005 $ 1,459,577 $ 1,499,577 $ 749,789 $ 498,698 $ 251,090

Grand Totals$ 69,916,401 $ 71,241,777 $ 35,620,889 $ 31,329,876 $ 4,291,013

Attachment C 11


Meeting Date: February 14, 2019 Budgeted: N/A Budgeted Amount: N/A To: Administration/Finance Issues Cte. Cost Estimate: N/A Board of Directors Funding Source: N/A Program/Line Item No.: N/A From: Mike Markus General Counsel Approval: N/A Engineers/Feasibility Report: N/A Staff Contact: R. Fick CEQA Compliance: N/A



The Administration and Finance Issues Committee recommended at its October 11, 2012 meeting that staff present a ratio analysis of the District’s financial results. The Committee recommended the analysis be presented on a semiannual basis. Attached is the Ratio Analysis report of the District’s financial results for the fiscal year ended 2019 (projected) with three prior years actual results.

Attachment(s): • Ratios for Financial Analysis [June 30, 2015 – June 30, 2019] • Presentation


Agendize for February 20 Board meeting: Receive and file the Ratio Analysis Report for FY 2018-19 Second Quarter ending December 31, 2018.


The District tracks the following six performance metrics that provide a look into the Districts financial health and its ability to run its operation and pay its annual debt service payments.

Current Ratio

The current ratio, also called the working capital ratio, is a measure of an organization’s ability to meet current obligations from current assets. The higher the ratio the more liquid the organization is. The current ratio is calculated by taking current assets divided by current liabilities. The Fitch 2019 current ratio median for AAA rated water and sewer agencies is 6.1. The District current ratio for the 2nd quarter ended December 31, 2018, is 2.7.

1 Quick Ratio

Quick ratio, also called the acid-test ratio, is an indicator of the District’s short-term liquidity. The quick ratio measures the District’s ability to meet its short-term obligations with its most liquid assets usually convertible to cash within 30 days. The quick ratio is equal to cash plus investments plus current receivables divided by current liabilities. The Quick ratio indicates financial flexibility to pay near-term obligations.

The higher the quick ratio is, the better the financial position of the District. The Fitch 2019 quick ratio median for AAA rated water and sewer agencies is 6.0. The District quick ratio for the 2nd quarter ended December 31, 2018, is 2.6.

Debt to Equity Ratio

The debt to equity ratio measures the District’s financial leverage calculated by dividing its total long term debt by total unrestricted net assets. It indicates existing debt leverage relative to system equity. The lower the ratio is the better. The Fitch 2019 debt to equity ratio median for AAA rated water and sewer agencies is 1.4. The District debt to equity ratio for the 2nd quarter ended December 31, 2018, is 3.0.

Operating Margin (%)

Operating margin indicates financial margin to pay operating expenses. A healthy operating margin is required for the District to be able to pay for its operating expenses, such as interest on debt. This metric is calculated by taking operating revenues minus operating expenditures plus depreciation, divided by operating revenues. A higher margin means less financial risk. The Fitch 2019 operating margin median for AAA rated water and sewer agencies is 33%. The District operating margin for the 2nd quarter ended December 31, 2018, is 64%.

Days Cash on Hand

Days cash on hand indicates financial flexibility to pay near-term obligations with its unrestricted cash and investments. Days cash on hand is calculated by taking current unrestricted cash and investments plus any restricted cash and investments (if available for general system purposes), divided by operating expenditures plus annual debt service minus depreciation. Generally, a higher number of days represents stronger a financial position. The Fitch 2019 days cash on hand median for AAA rated water and sewer agencies are 570 days. The District days cash on hand for the 2nd quarter ended December 31, 2018, is 527.

Debt Coverage Ratio

Debt coverage ratio measures the District’s ability to pay debt payments from the income generated from the District’s operating and non operating activities. Debt coverage ratio is calculated by taking operating and non-operating revenues minus basin equity assessment, less operating expenses net of depreciation divided by annual debt service costs. Rating agencies use this ratio as a guide to help them understand whether the District will generate enough cash to pay its debt service costs. The Fitch 2019 debt 2 coverage ratio median for AAA rated water and sewer agencies is 3.6. The District debt coverage ratio for the 2nd quarter ended December 31, 2018, is 3.8.



2016 2017 2018 2019 (Annualized)


UNRESTRICTED CURRENT ASSETS $ 201,582,239 $ 217,972,926 $ 247,329,902 $ 236,459,025 UNRESTRICTED CURRENT LIABILITIES 56,872,849 57,298,436 97,156,004 88,322,786 CURRENT RATIO 3.5 3.8 2.5 2.7

Current assets divided by current liabilities. Indicates financial flexibility to pay near-term obligations.


UNRESTRICTED CASH & CASH EQUIVALENTS PLUS $ 55,763,167 $ 55,214,256 $ 45,522,099 $ 33,286,379 UNRESTRICTED INVESTMENTS PLUS 78,866,443 90,332,914 114,279,249 110,752,836 UNRESTRICTED RECEIVABLES 58,774,616 65,808,775 76,280,479 86,147,529 UNRESTRICTED CURRENT LIABILITIES 56,872,849 57,298,436 97,156,004 88,322,786 QUICK RATIO 3.4 3.7 2.4 2.6

Current cash plus current receivables divided by current liabilities. Indicates financial flexibility to pay near-term obligations.


TOTAL LONG-TERM DEBT $ 578,778,119 $ 558,467,733 $ 594,330,103 $ 588,129,956 TOTAL UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS 173,374,582 186,797,842 154,531,157 197,364,802 DEBT TO EQUITY RATIO 3.3 3.0 3.8 3.0

Total amount of utility long-term debt divided by unrestricted net assets. Indicates existing debt leverage relative to system equity.


OPERATING REVENUES PLUS TAX REVENUE $ 126,447,636 $ 156,201,112 $ 174,206,966 $ 183,479,627 OPERATING EXPENSES LESS DEPRECIATION 65,811,722 68,672,269 72,710,793 66,920,506 OPERATING MARGIN % 48% 56% 58% 64%

Operating revenues minus operating expenditure less depreication, divided by operating revenue. Indicates financial margin to pay operating expenses. (For purposes of this calculation, the District considers property tax revenues as operating revenues and water purchases to be a nonoperating expense)

RATIO # 5 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS (UNRESTRICTED)$ 134,629,610 $ 145,547,170 $ 159,801,348 $ 144,039,214 TOTAL OPERATING EXP. AND DEBT SVE FROM BELOW 86,441,969 99,752,609 102,492,689 99,822,343 DAYS CASH RATIO 568 533 569 527

Current unrestricted cash and investments plus any restricted cash and investments (if available for general system purposes), divided by operating expenditures minus depreciation. ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT RATIOS FOR FINANCIAL ANALYSIS JUNE 30, 2016 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2019

2016 2017 2018 2019 (Annualized)

RATIO # 6 Replenishment assessments$ 88,464,250 $ 120,120,803 $ 136,212,805 $ 76,794,703 CUP revenue 3,085,226 41,500 - - Reclaimed water revenue 10,699,470 10,606,006 10,933,858 5,084,343 Property tax 24,198,690 25,432,803 27,060,303 12,913,277 Legal settlement revenue 700,000 691,036 4,957,292 - Rental income, net of expenses 985,796 1,153,435 1,488,004 808,722 Investment revenue 1,524,348 1,402,267 2,556,061 1,572,289 Other revenues 2,448,558 2,978,286 3,269,258 2,657,250 Total YTD revenues 132,106,337 162,426,136 186,477,581 99,830,584 Budgeted annual revenue less YTD revenue - - - 92,136,360

Operating expenses including litigation expenses 65,811,722 68,672,269 72,710,793 32,426,533 Operating expenses budgeted for the rest of the FY - - - 34,493,972 Total Expenditures 65,811,722 68,672,269 72,710,793 66,920,506

Net revenues 66,294,615 93,753,867 113,766,788 125,046,438

Annual debt service 20,630,247 31,080,340 29,781,896 32,901,837


Current year revenues available for debt service divided by cureent-year total debt service. Indicates the financial margin to meet current total ADS with current revenues available for debt service. Ratio Analysis

Administration/Finance Issues Committee February 14, 2019 900 800 700 600 Days Cash on Hand 500 400 FYE 2016 FYE 2017 FYE 2018 FYE 2019 300 DAYS 200 100 0

OCWD Fitch AAA Median Fitch AA Median

. Days cash on hand indicates financial flexibility to pay near-term obligations with its unrestricted cash and investments . Calculated by taking unrestricted cash and investments divided by operating expenditures less depreciation plus debt service costs Debt Service Coverage Ratio 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 RATIO 1.5 1 0.5 0 FYE 2016 FYE 2017 FYE 2018 FYE 2019 OCWD Fitch AAA Median Fitch AA Median

. Debt service coverage ratio measures an organizations ability to pay annual debt service costs from net revenues . Calculated by taking annual operating and non-operating revenues less operating expenses (excluding depreciation & water) divided by annual debt service END OF PRESENTATION 7 6 5 Current Ratio 4 3 FYE 2016 FYE 2017 FYE 2018 FYE 2019 2 RATIO 1 0

OCWD Fitch AAA Median Fitch AA Median

. Current Ratio is an indicator of an organizations ability to meet current obligations from current assets . Calculated by taking current assets divided by current liabilities 7 6 5 Quick Ratio 4 3 FYE 2016 FYE 2017 FYE 2018 FYE 2019 2 RATIO 1 0

OCWD Fitch AAA Median Fitch AA Median

. Quick ratio measures an organizations ability to meet short-term obligations with current assets convertible to cash within 30 days . Calculated by taking cash, investments and accounts receivable divided by current liabilities Debt to Equity Ratio 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 RATIO RATIO 1.5 1 0.5 0 FYE 2016 FYE 2017 FYE 2018 FYE 2019

OCWD Fitch AAA Median Fitch AA Median

. Debt to equity ratio measures an organizations debt leverage relative to unrestricted net assets . Calculated by taking long-term debt divided by unrestricted net assets 70%

60% Operating Margin (%)



30% FYE 2016 FYE 2017 FYE 2018 FYE 2019 20%

10% 0%

OCWD Fitch AAA Median Fitch AA Median . Operating margin indicates the organizations ability to pay operating expenses . Calculated by taking operating revenue minus operating expenses less depreciation divided by operating revenue 12


Meeting Date: February 14, 2019 Budgeted: Yes Budgeted Amount: N/A To: Administration/Finance Issues Cte. Cost Estimate: N/A Board of Directors Funding Source: All Program/Line Item No. N/A From: Mike Markus General Counsel Approval: N/A Engineers/Feasibility Report: N/A Staff Contact: R. Fick/M. Ochoa CEQA Compliance: N/A



The Committee requested that staff provide information related to the District’s cash disbursements and that it be included for review at Administration/Finance Issues Committee meetings.

Attachment(s): Cash Disbursements Reports for the period December 27, 2018 – January 30, 2019




At the request of the Committee, the Cash Disbursements reports are included in detail for review at Administration/Finance Issues Committee meeting. They are also included in the Board packet to be ratified. Checks numbered with a series beginning with an 8 represent normal automated system vendor check payments, checks numbered with an 80 represent vendor payments via single use account, and checks numbered with a series beginning with a 9 are manual checks or wire transfer disbursements


Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

Begin Date: 12/27/2018 End Date: 01/30/2019 Page 1 : Accounts Payable Cash Disbursements Presented for Board Ratification and/or Approval

Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89519 12/12/2018 UNI REFRIGERATION Inv# PO 504708 SERVICE BPO ($2,470.00) Total for Check: 89519 ($2,470.00) $9,501.36 89734 01/02/2019 AIRESPRING INC. Inv# 1349549DEC18 12/1-12/31 $564.39 Total for Check: 89734 $564.39 $4,568.67 89735 01/02/2019 ACWA/JPIA Inv# 0587619 JAN2019 HealthInsurance Jan2019 $437,006.36 Total for Check: 89735 $437,006.36 $5,360,323.92 89736 01/02/2019 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Inv# 507286 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $320.81 89736 01/02/2019 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Inv# 507393 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $878.26 89736 01/02/2019 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Inv# 507393 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $337.13 Total for Check: 89736 $1,536.20 $12,119.83 89737 01/02/2019 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Inv# 116350926 SHIPPING AND HANDLING $8.70 Total for Check: 89737 $8.70 $411,234.65 89738 01/02/2019 ALLEN TIRE COMPANY Inv# 23-6265 RO: T-127 SMEAL TRUCK TIRES $1,261.54 89738 01/02/2019 ALLEN TIRE COMPANY Inv# 23-6265 RO: T-127 SMEAL TRUCK TIRES $240.00 89738 01/02/2019 ALLEN TIRE COMPANY Inv# 23-6265 RO: T-127 SMEAL TRUCK TIRES $81.56 89738 01/02/2019 ALLEN TIRE COMPANY Inv# 23-6265 RO: T-127 SMEAL TRUCK TIRES $28.93 89738 01/02/2019 ALLEN TIRE COMPANY Inv# 23-6265 RO: T-127 SMEAL TRUCK TIRES $10.50 89738 01/02/2019 ALLEN TIRE COMPANY Inv# 23-6265 F.E.T REVERSAL ($26.64) Total for Check: 89738 $1,595.89 $7,440.79 89739 01/02/2019 AMERICAN MEMBRANE Inv# 9690-008 INV#9690-008 J.SAFARIK $800.00 TECHNOLOGY ASSOC. Total for Check: 89739 $800.00 $825.00 89740 01/02/2019 ASBURY ENVIRONMENTAL Inv# I500-00394469 BPO USED OIL $35.00 SERVICES Total for Check: 89740 $35.00 $2,890.31 89741 01/02/2019 AT & T Inv# 951 273-9586DEC18 12/20-1/19 $488.69 Total for Check: 89741 $488.69 $30,595.41 89742 01/02/2019 ATLAS COPCO COMPRESSORS, Inv# 205905 Generated by reorder 12/5/18 8 $1,272.70 LLC 89742 01/02/2019 ATLAS COPCO COMPRESSORS, Inv# 205905 Shipping and Handling $12.83 LLC Total for Check: 89742 $1,285.53 $11,914.02 89743 01/02/2019 AVANTPAGE Inv# IN-X-28002 TRANSLATION SERVICES $60.00 89743 01/02/2019 AVANTPAGE Inv# IN-X-33765 TRANSLATION SERVICES $316.60 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

Begin Date: 12/27/2018 End Date: 01/30/2019 Page 2 : Accounts Payable Cash Disbursements Presented for Board Ratification and/or Approval

Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD Total for Check: 89743 $376.60 $6,226.04 89744 01/02/2019 BEKS ACQUISITION, INC. dba Inv# 18-24235.4 Prog.Pmt#6 (GBM-2018-2) $107,664.21 Total for Check: 89744 $107,664.21 $708,113.00 89745 01/02/2019 BLACK & VEATCH CORPORATION Inv# 1284477 Thru 11/23 GWRS F.Expansion de $296,603.35 89745 01/02/2019 BLACK & VEATCH CORPORATION Inv# 1284477 Thru 11/23 GWRS F.Expansion de $132,139.95 Total for Check: 89745 $428,743.30 $2,323,859.45 89746 01/02/2019 BOOT BARN INC. Inv# IVC0160462 BPO SAFETY SHOES $886.74 89746 01/02/2019 BOOT BARN INC. Inv# IVC0160462 EMPLOYEE PAID/DISCOUNT ($15.49) Total for Check: 89746 $871.25 $3,802.93 89747 01/02/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI904478 12/20 22.335 tons citric acid $20,888.81 89747 01/02/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI904478 Discount ($626.66) 89747 01/02/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI904699 12/19 43700 lbs H.Peroxide $9,504.75 89747 01/02/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI904699 Discount ($285.14) 89747 01/02/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI905110 12/21 12.3924 tons caustic sod $8,220.80 89747 01/02/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI905110 Discount ($164.42) 89747 01/02/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI905235 12/26 43740 lbs H.Peroxide $7,915.95 89747 01/02/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI905235 12/26 43740 lbs H.Peroxide $1,597.50 89747 01/02/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI905235 Discount ($285.40) Total for Check: 89747 $46,766.19 $1,056,740.42 89748 01/02/2019 CALGON CARBON CORPORATION Inv# 90071514 BPO CARBON TRANSPORT $483.75 Total for Check: 89748 $483.75 $26,565.32 89749 01/02/2019 CALIFORNIA BARRICADE Inv# 60288 BPO TRAFFIC CONTROL SERVICE $940.00 RENTALS, INC. Total for Check: 89749 $940.00 $3,250.00 89750 01/02/2019 CALTROL, INC Inv# CD99063190 SS Mounting Kit for 2" Keyston $978.75 89750 01/02/2019 CALTROL, INC Inv# CD99063190 Shipping and Handling $26.69 Total for Check: 89750 $1,005.44 $94,702.86 89751 01/02/2019 CDW-G Inv# QFS3268 Port Replicator for M Markus $240.54 89751 01/02/2019 CDW-G Inv# QGF7560 Creative Cloud for Alexander K $398.82 Total for Check: 89751 $639.36 $20,170.42 89752 01/02/2019 CITIGROUP GLOBAL MARKETS Inv# 01AREMC152570088_20190101 03A REMKTG FEE $24,540.37 10/01-1/1 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

Begin Date: 12/27/2018 End Date: 01/30/2019 Page 3 : Accounts Payable Cash Disbursements Presented for Board Ratification and/or Approval

Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89752 01/02/2019 CITIGROUP GLOBAL MARKETS Inv# 01AREMC152920002_20190101 CP (A) REMKT FEE, $2,441.09 10/01-01/01 89752 01/02/2019 CITIGROUP GLOBAL MARKETS Inv# 01AREMC180920002_20190101 CP(B) REMKT FEE $6,805.48 10/01-OVOI Total for Check: 89752 $33,786.94 $113,259.09 89753 01/02/2019 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH Inv# 5386189DEC18 11/21-12/24USAGE4 $36.87 Total for Check: 89753 $36.87 $336.18 89754 01/02/2019 CLARIS STRATEGY INC. Inv# 13180100-06 Nov18 Emergency Response Plan $3,260.00 Total for Check: 89754 $3,260.00 $8,340.00 89755 01/02/2019 COMMUNICATIONS SUPPLY CORP. Inv# 356473 La Jolla UPS $666.70 89755 01/02/2019 COMMUNICATIONS SUPPLY CORP. Inv# 356473 Trans Charged to Customer DS $18.34 Total for Check: 89755 $685.04 $765.84 89756 01/02/2019 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY Inv# 13683755901 11/1-12/4KWH13840380 $739,137.45 INC. 89756 01/02/2019 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY Inv# 13692486001 11/19-12/20KWH7680 $632.10 INC. Total for Check: 89756 $739,769.55 $8,486,213.28 89757 01/02/2019 CONTECH SERVICES, INC. Inv# 1812279 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES $48,650.00 Total for Check: 89757 $48,650.00 $48,650.00 89758 01/02/2019 CORNER BAKERY CAFE Inv# 760441 BPO CATERING SERVICES $84.00 89758 01/02/2019 CORNER BAKERY CAFE Inv# 760441 DELIVERY FEE $8.40 89758 01/02/2019 CORNER BAKERY CAFE Inv# 760441 GRATUITY $6.00 Total for Check: 89758 $98.40 $3,019.62 89759 01/02/2019 DDB ENGINEERING, INC. Inv# IN201850 10/27-11/30 GWRSFE permitting $9,353.00 Total for Check: 89759 $9,353.00 $84,819.05 89760 01/02/2019 Dewane, Shawn Inv# DECEMBER 2018 TRAVEL Dec18 OCWD Various $10.36 Meetings 89760 01/02/2019 Dewane, Shawn Inv# NOVEMBER 2018 TRAVEL Nov18 OCWD Various $20.72 Meetings Total for Check: 89760 $31.08 $733.31 89761 01/02/2019 EDELSTEIN GILBERT ROBSON Inv# 24 Nov18 $7,500.00 AND SMITH Total for Check: 89761 $7,500.00 $90,326.09 89762 01/02/2019 ESRI, INC. Inv# 93559651 Renew ESRI SW Maintenance $27,600.00 Total for Check: 89762 $27,600.00 $29,293.15 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

Begin Date: 12/27/2018 End Date: 01/30/2019 Page 4 : Accounts Payable Cash Disbursements Presented for Board Ratification and/or Approval

Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89763 01/02/2019 FAST START SAFETY, INC. Inv# 18-969 CPR training $846.00 Total for Check: 89763 $846.00 $846.00 89764 01/02/2019 FIRELINE BROADBAND Inv# 55597 BPO Internet for Prado $699.00 Total for Check: 89764 $699.00 $8,388.00 89765 01/02/2019 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS Inv# 714-964-1492JAN19 12/28-1/27 $51.78 Total for Check: 89765 $51.78 $40,773.08 89766 01/02/2019 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS Inv# 714-935-1308DEC18 12/22-1/21 $155.34 Total for Check: 89766 $155.34 $40,773.08 89767 01/02/2019 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS Inv# 714-378-3200JAN19 12/28-1/27 $2,349.82 Total for Check: 89767 $2,349.82 $40,773.08 89768 01/02/2019 FRY'S ELECTRONICS Inv# 22657719 BPO ELECTRONIC SUPPLIES $65.21 Total for Check: 89768 $65.21 $3,902.68 89769 01/02/2019 GEOSCIENCE SUPPORT Inv# 13018-13-47 Nov18 Alamitos hydrogeo $4,645.00 SERVICES, INC. Total for Check: 89769 $4,645.00 $289,817.35 89770 01/02/2019 GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, Inv# 12213 10/27-11/30 Mid Basin SAR-12 $19,728.00 INC. 89770 01/02/2019 GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, Inv# 12215 10/27-11/30 Sunset GAP Seawtr. $39,710.90 INC. 89770 01/02/2019 GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, Inv# 12215 10/27-11/30 Sunset GAP Seawtr. $687.50 INC. Total for Check: 89770 $60,126.40 $331,631.24 89772 01/02/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9009700601 Air Compressor Filters, hose c $144.57 89772 01/02/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9009700601 Air Compressor Filters, hose c $41.47 89772 01/02/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9009700601 Air Compressor Filters, hose c $26.32 89772 01/02/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9009700601 Air Compressor Filters, hose c $24.60 89772 01/02/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9009700601 Air Compressor Filters, hose c $24.32 89772 01/02/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9009700601 Air Compressor Filters, hose c $18.89 89772 01/02/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9009783458 RO Pilot #1 Booster Pump $783.87 89772 01/02/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9010334069 Generated by reorder 11/6/18 3 $181.50 89772 01/02/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9010935576 Generated by reorder 10/26/18 $1,632.55 89772 01/02/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9010935576 Generated by reorder 10/26/18 $240.13 89772 01/02/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9010935576 Generated by reorder 10/26/18 $150.85 89772 01/02/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9010935576 Generated by reorder 10/26/18 $122.56 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

Begin Date: 12/27/2018 End Date: 01/30/2019 Page 5 : Accounts Payable Cash Disbursements Presented for Board Ratification and/or Approval

Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89772 01/02/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9010935584 Generated by reorder 11/19/18 $235.56 Total for Check: 89772 $3,627.19 $126,864.36 89773 01/02/2019 HACH COMPANY Inv# 11226223 Annual Hach particle counter f $1,165.00 89773 01/02/2019 HACH COMPANY Inv# 11251074 Generated by reorder 11/6/18 3 $155.51 89773 01/02/2019 HACH COMPANY Inv# 11251074 Freight $61.47 Total for Check: 89773 $1,381.98 $43,809.67 89774 01/02/2019 INDUSTRIAL METAL SUPPLY CO. Inv# 2407366 Industrial Metal Supply Co. fo $560.93 Total for Check: 89774 $560.93 $560.93 89777 01/02/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 899433 MF E08 Final Expansion CPVC Pa $231.40 89777 01/02/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 899433 MF E08 Final Expansion CPVC Pa $218.26 89777 01/02/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 899433 MF E08 Final Expansion CPVC Pa $163.56 89777 01/02/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 899433 MF E08 Final Expansion CPVC Pa $123.28 89777 01/02/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 899433 MF E08 Final Expansion CPVC Pa $94.13 89777 01/02/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 899433 MF E08 Final Expansion CPVC Pa $82.95 89777 01/02/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 899433 MF E08 Final Expansion CPVC Pa $70.08 89777 01/02/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 899433 MF E08 Final Expansion CPVC Pa $64.82 89777 01/02/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 899433 MF E08 Final Expansion CPVC Pa $60.12 89777 01/02/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 899433 MF E08 Final Expansion CPVC Pa $60.12 89777 01/02/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 899433 MF E08 Final Expansion CPVC Pa $59.78 89777 01/02/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 899433 MF E08 Final Expansion CPVC Pa $53.88 89777 01/02/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 899433 MF E08 Final Expansion CPVC Pa $48.10 89777 01/02/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 899433 MF E08 Final Expansion CPVC Pa $43.38 89777 01/02/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 899433 MF E08 Final Expansion CPVC Pa $43.38 89777 01/02/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 899433 MF E08 Final Expansion CPVC Pa $31.97 89777 01/02/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 899433 MF E08 Final Expansion CPVC Pa $29.54 89777 01/02/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 899433 MF E08 Final Expansion CPVC Pa $13.40 89777 01/02/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 899433 Discount ($30.89) 89777 01/02/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 899944 BPO PIPE & SUPPLIES $139.93 89777 01/02/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 899944 $10.72 89777 01/02/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 899944 Discount ($3.01) 89777 01/02/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 899974 BPO PIPE & SUPPLIES $15.49 89777 01/02/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 899974 Discount ($0.31) Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

Begin Date: 12/27/2018 End Date: 01/30/2019 Page 6 : Accounts Payable Cash Disbursements Presented for Board Ratification and/or Approval

Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89777 01/02/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 899433 MF E08 Final Expansion CPVC Pa $52.50 Total for Check: 89777 $1,676.58 $74,374.15 89778 01/02/2019 LARSON O'BRIEN LLP Inv# 4973 NBGPP NCP Oct18 legal/NBGPP NCP $424.60 Total for Check: 89778 $424.60 $45,306.91 89779 01/02/2019 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC. Inv# 9306367948 Generated by reorder 11/2/18 8 $168.80 Total for Check: 89779 $168.80 $168.80 89780 01/02/2019 LHOIST NORTH AMERICA Inv# 1180237469 12/2 25.34 tons lime $6,005.58 89780 01/02/2019 LHOIST NORTH AMERICA Inv# 1180237892A 12/4 25.11 tons lime $5,951.07 89780 01/02/2019 LHOIST NORTH AMERICA Inv# 1180237892B 12/6 24.68 tons lime $5,849.16 Total for Check: 89780 $17,805.81 $835,659.50 89781 01/02/2019 LUCCI'S DELI BAKERY Inv# 12904ADM/FIN BPO FOR LUCCI'S $94.50 89781 01/02/2019 LUCCI'S DELI BAKERY Inv# 12904ADM/FIN DELIVERY FEE $20.00 Total for Check: 89781 $114.50 $8,124.91 89782 01/02/2019 MAILFINANCE Inv# N7464769 RAE KRAUSE $956.39 Total for Check: 89782 $956.39 $3,825.56 89783 01/02/2019 MATTHEW W BECKER PH.D Inv# INV2018DEC4 Dr. Becker LaPalma FODTS Proj. $600.00 Total for Check: 89783 $600.00 $600.00 89784 01/02/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 82403428 Flow Meter for RO CIP Pump $308.64 COMPANY 89784 01/02/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 82403428 Flow Meter for RO CIP Pump $153.01 COMPANY 89784 01/02/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 82403428 Flow Meter for RO CIP Pump $100.81 COMPANY 89784 01/02/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 82403428 Flow Meter for RO CIP Pump $26.91 COMPANY 89784 01/02/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 82403428 Shipping $22.14 COMPANY 89784 01/02/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 82403428 Discount ($11.79) COMPANY Total for Check: 89784 $599.72 $49,999.73 89785 01/02/2019 MESA VERDE COUNTRY CLUB Inv# DEPOSIT 12/12/2019 HolidayLunchDeposit12/12/19 $1,000.00 Total for Check: 89785 $1,000.00 $9,209.53 89787 01/02/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2609758 12/3 4882 gal s.hypochlorite $3,363.70 89787 01/02/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2609759 12/3 4956 gal s.hypochlorite $3,414.68 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89787 01/02/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2609760 12/3 4958 gal s.hypochlorite $3,416.06 89787 01/02/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2610453 12/4 4952 gal s.hypochlorite $3,411.93 89787 01/02/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2610455 12/4 4958 gal s.hypochlorite $3,416.06 89787 01/02/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2611385 12/6 4972 gal s.hypochlorite $3,425.71 89787 01/02/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2611386 12/6 4734 gal s.hypochlorite $3,261.73 89787 01/02/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2611387 12/6 5006 gal s.hypochlorite $3,449.13 89787 01/02/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2611926 12/7 4910 gal s.hypochlorite $3,382.99 89787 01/02/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2611927 12/7 4910 gal s.hypochlorite $3,382.99 89787 01/02/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2611928 12/7 4510 gal s.hypochlorite $3,107.39 89787 01/02/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2610454 12/4 4204 gal s.hypochlorite $2,896.56 Total for Check: 89787 $39,928.93 $1,144,266.56 89788 01/02/2019 ONESOURCE DISTRIBUTORS INC. Inv# S6028419.001 Generated by reorder 12/21/18 $84.32 89788 01/02/2019 ONESOURCE DISTRIBUTORS INC. Inv# S6028419.001 S&H $9.25 89788 01/02/2019 ONESOURCE DISTRIBUTORS INC. Inv# S6028419.001 Discount ($0.78) Total for Check: 89788 $92.79 $157,021.88 89789 01/02/2019 ORACLE AMERICA INC Inv# 44115068 Renew Oracle Crystal Ball Supp $69.51 Total for Check: 89789 $69.51 $80,314.78 89790 01/02/2019 ORANGE COUNTY Inv# OCTA UA216010 PipelineReloctnSpencerFV $122,684.00 TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Total for Check: 89790 $122,684.00 $122,684.00 89791 01/02/2019 ORANGE COUNTY Inv# JANUARY 2019 SARParcelE01-706.1 Jan2019 $1,665.00 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR Total for Check: 89791 $1,665.00 $19,832.27 89792 01/02/2019 PENDERGRAFT, REX Inv# JANUARY 2019 RetireeCashMedical Jan2019 $548.24 Total for Check: 89792 $548.24 $6,383.28 89793 01/02/2019 POLYDYNE INC. Inv# 1305255 PLANT CHEMICALS $2,401.20 Total for Check: 89793 $2,401.20 $36,018.00 89794 01/02/2019 PRIMO POWDER COATING Inv# 83591 Powder Coat Truck Bumper $250.00 Total for Check: 89794 $250.00 $250.00 89795 01/02/2019 QUINN COMPANY Inv# PCA00093308 BPO EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES $232.75 Total for Check: 89795 $232.75 $232.75 89796 01/02/2019 RESILIENT COMMUNICATIONS INC Inv# 802260 WallMount IP Phones $282.75 89796 01/02/2019 RESILIENT COMMUNICATIONS INC Inv# 802260 WallMount IP Phones $11.22 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

Begin Date: 12/27/2018 End Date: 01/30/2019 Page 8 : Accounts Payable Cash Disbursements Presented for Board Ratification and/or Approval

Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD Total for Check: 89796 $293.97 $111,239.53 89797 01/02/2019 SAME LOS ANGELES POST, c/o Inv# WOODSIDE 1/11/19 TRAVEL $55.00 COL BARTA SAMEAnnlBrkfst1/11/19GDW Total for Check: 89797 $55.00 $55.00 89798 01/02/2019 SCHEEVEL ENGINEERING Inv# 1248 11/26-30 Prado Basin FS $1,250.00 Total for Check: 89798 $1,250.00 $150,620.40 89799 01/02/2019 SCHENCK PROCESS, LLC Inv# 116033610 Generated by reorder 12/4/18 8 $10,511.78 89799 01/02/2019 SCHENCK PROCESS, LLC Inv# 116033610 Freight Prepaid $2,948.88 Total for Check: 89799 $13,460.66 $8,938.28 89800 01/02/2019 SCW CONTRACTING Inv# 11282 #4 Prog.Pmt#4 (SAR-2018-1) $423,023.12 CORPORATION Total for Check: 89800 $423,023.12 $423,023.12 89801 01/02/2019 SEPARATION PROCESSES, INC. Inv# 9234 Nov18 Ops Support $1,792.00 89801 01/02/2019 SEPARATION PROCESSES, INC. Inv# 9235 Nov18 GWRS F.Expansion $6,410.75 89801 01/02/2019 SEPARATION PROCESSES, INC. Inv# 9238 Nov18 Ops Support $5,615.69 Total for Check: 89801 $13,818.44 $119,722.39 89802 01/02/2019 SHEAKLEY WORKFORCE MGMT Inv# FLEX00011562 FSA Fees Nov2018 $182.20 SVCS, LLC. Total for Check: 89802 $182.20 $2,062.30 89803 01/02/2019 SMBC C/O CITIBANK, NA NEW Inv# CP LC FEE #382199 12/31 CP LC FEE, #382199, $57,146.78 YORK 10/1-12/31 Total for Check: 89803 $57,146.78 $226,143.20 89804 01/02/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-023-7877-22DEC18 11/27-12/27KWH442 $86.27 CO. 89804 01/02/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-023-7877-42DEC18 11/27-12/27KWH181 $49.67 CO. 89804 01/02/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-026-3567-06DEC18 11/27-12/27KWH2842 $340.94 CO. 89804 01/02/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-033-3659-92DEC18 11/21-12/24KWH123 $43.90 CO. Total for Check: 89804 $520.78 $7,891,409.89 89805 01/02/2019 STANTEC CONSULTING INC. Inv# 1443476 Nov18 GAP syst.hydraulic model $5,391.00 Total for Check: 89805 $5,391.00 $40,850.39 89807 01/02/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3398447669 OFFICE SUPPLIES $97.74 89807 01/02/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3398447669 OFFICE SUPPLIES $39.15 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89807 01/02/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3398447669 OFFICE SUPPLIES $32.61 89807 01/02/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3398447669 OFFICE SUPPLIES $31.94 89807 01/02/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3398447669 OFFICE SUPPLIES $19.21 89807 01/02/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3398798567 D. Park's Office Supples $54.37 89807 01/02/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3398798567 D. Park's Office Supples $20.00 89807 01/02/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3398798567 D. Park's Office Supples $6.07 89807 01/02/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3398798567 D. Park's Office Supples $1.07 89807 01/02/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3398914407 OFFICE SUPPLIES $45.66 89807 01/02/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3398914408 Generated by reorder 9/13/18 1 $77.61 Total for Check: 89807 $425.43 $50,832.72 89808 01/02/2019 STERIS CORPORATION Inv# 501889314 EQUIP. SERVICE $1,462.34 89808 01/02/2019 STERIS CORPORATION Inv# 501889314 EQUIP. SERVICE $887.06 89808 01/02/2019 STERIS CORPORATION Inv# 501889314 EQUIP. SERVICE $887.06 Total for Check: 89808 $3,236.46 $16,260.78 89809 01/02/2019 SUNSET INDUSTRIAL PARTS Inv# 700819 Memsap Replacement Motor, spar $1,016.74 89809 01/02/2019 SUNSET INDUSTRIAL PARTS Inv# 700819 Memsap Replacement Motor, spar $24.99 89809 01/02/2019 SUNSET INDUSTRIAL PARTS Inv# 700819 DISCOUNT ($20.83) Total for Check: 89809 $1,020.90 $21,324.46 89810 01/02/2019 SWRCB Inv# SW-0163225 10/1/18-9/30/19 Annual Permit $820.00 Total for Check: 89810 $820.00 $18,528.65 89811 01/02/2019 Smith, Benjamin Inv# 11/27-12/26/18 STIPEND 11/27-12/26/18 phone $40.00 stipend 89811 01/02/2019 Smith, Benjamin Inv# 3/17-19/19 TRAVEL 3/17-19 Garden Grove WateReuse $450.00 Total for Check: 89811 $490.00 $6,813.09 89812 01/02/2019 Sparks, Luke Inv# 10/17-11/16/18 STIPEND 10/17-11/16/18 phone $40.00 stipend 89812 01/02/2019 Sparks, Luke Inv# 11/17-12/16/18 STIPEND 11/17-12/16/18 phone $40.00 stipend 89812 01/02/2019 Sparks, Luke Inv# 7/17-8/16/18 STIPEND 7/17-8/16/18 phone stipend $40.00 89812 01/02/2019 Sparks, Luke Inv# 8/17-9/16/18 STIPEND 8/17-9/16/18 phone stipend $40.00 89812 01/02/2019 Sparks, Luke Inv# 9/17-10/16/18 STIPEND 9/17-10/16/18 phone stipend $40.00 Total for Check: 89812 $200.00 $440.00 89813 01/02/2019 TELEDYNE INSTRUMENTS, INC. Inv# S020294152 Replacement Parts for Sampler $185.96 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89813 01/02/2019 TELEDYNE INSTRUMENTS, INC. Inv# S020294152 Replacement Parts for Sampler $127.24 89813 01/02/2019 TELEDYNE INSTRUMENTS, INC. Inv# S020294152 Shipping and Handling $25.01 Total for Check: 89813 $338.21 $10,340.79 89814 01/02/2019 TIME WARNER COMMUNICATIONS Inv# 0410454121218 BPO CABLE TV SERVICE $116.44 Total for Check: 89814 $116.44 $19,694.43 89815 01/02/2019 TOP HAT PRODUCTIONS Inv# 94698 BPO CATERING SERVICES $213.53 Total for Check: 89815 $213.53 $5,263.34 89816 01/02/2019 TROEMNER, LLC Inv# 00925286 CALIBRATION $32.00 89816 01/02/2019 TROEMNER, LLC Inv# 00925286 FREIGHT $26.10 89816 01/02/2019 TROEMNER, LLC Inv# 00925286 CALIBRATION $585.00 Total for Check: 89816 $643.10 $643.10 89817 01/02/2019 TROPICAL PLAZA NURSERY, INC. Inv# M59875 Remove Fallen Tree $500.00 Total for Check: 89817 $500.00 $34,325.80 89818 01/02/2019 TRUCPARCO Inv# 411918 BPO TRUCK PARTS $55.51 89818 01/02/2019 TRUCPARCO Inv# 411918 FUEL SURCHARGE $1.08 89818 01/02/2019 TRUCPARCO Inv# 412060 BPO TRUCK PARTS $8.99 89818 01/02/2019 TRUCPARCO Inv# 412060 FUEL SURCHARGE $1.07 Total for Check: 89818 $66.65 $7,948.08 89819 01/02/2019 U.S. BANK Inv# 5224109 CPA ADM FEE, 12/01-2/28 $1,776.00 89819 01/02/2019 U.S. BANK Inv# 5224111 CP B-TAX ADM FEE,12/1/18-11/30 $6,600.00 Total for Check: 89819 $8,376.00 $13,584.00 89820 01/02/2019 U.S. HEALTHWORKS Inv# 3439269-CA BPO MEDICAL SERVICES $148.00 89820 01/02/2019 U.S. HEALTHWORKS Inv# 3443264-CA BPO MEDICAL SERVICES $30.00 Total for Check: 89820 $178.00 $3,705.48 89821 01/02/2019 U.S. TELEPACIFIC CORP Inv# 110870575-0 INTERNET SERVICES $1,867.21 Total for Check: 89821 $1,867.21 $19,351.77 89822 01/02/2019 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE INC Inv# 0000X81601518 ups $161.68 Total for Check: 89822 $161.68 $2,598.55 89823 01/02/2019 UNITED RENTALS Inv# 163910186-001 35' lift Rental - Prado $403.98 89823 01/02/2019 UNITED RENTALS Inv# 163910186-001 Delivery Charge $283.06 89823 01/02/2019 UNITED RENTALS Inv# 163910186-001 Fuel $12.15 Total for Check: 89823 $699.19 $189.76 89824 01/02/2019 UNIVAR USA Inv# LA693929 12/19 25.32 tons sulfuric acid $3,671.40 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89824 01/02/2019 UNIVAR USA Inv# LA693929 Discount ($73.43) 89824 01/02/2019 UNIVAR USA Inv# LA693930 12/19 25.32 tons sulfuric acid $3,671.40 89824 01/02/2019 UNIVAR USA Inv# LA693930 Discount ($73.43) Total for Check: 89824 $7,195.94 $335,160.34 89825 01/02/2019 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Inv# 2270263 Sample Analysis Facility Charg $600.00 IRVINE Total for Check: 89825 $600.00 $55,994.45 89826 01/02/2019 USA BLUEBOOK Inv# 756775 Generated by reorder 11/14/18 $69.49 89826 01/02/2019 USA BLUEBOOK Inv# 756775 FREIGHT $20.75 89826 01/02/2019 USA BLUEBOOK Inv# 756776 Generated by reorder 11/14/18 $69.49 89826 01/02/2019 USA BLUEBOOK Inv# 756776 SHIPPING & HANDLING $20.75 Total for Check: 89826 $180.48 $867.67 89827 01/02/2019 UTILIQUEST LLC Inv# 270006-Q 9908 11/25-12/1 screen/mark pipes $70.89 89827 01/02/2019 UTILIQUEST LLC Inv# 270006-Q 9911 11/25-12/1 screen/mark pipes $991.47 89827 01/02/2019 UTILIQUEST LLC Inv# 270006-Q 9922 11/25-12/1 screen/mark pipes $578.35 89827 01/02/2019 UTILIQUEST LLC Inv# 270006-Q 9932 11/25-12/1 screen/mark pipes $11.73 Total for Check: 89827 $1,652.44 $94,681.02 89828 01/02/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084714708 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $185.16 89828 01/02/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084714708 DISCOUNT ($1.85) 89828 01/02/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084744289 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $124.49 89828 01/02/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084752648 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $220.33 89828 01/02/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084752648 DISCOUNT ($2.20) 89828 01/02/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084744289 DISCOUNT ($1.24) Total for Check: 89828 $524.69 $137,291.89 89829 01/02/2019 Villarreal, Leticia Inv# 11/9-12/11/18 SUPPLIES 11/9-12/11/18 $61.30 supplies(Xmas) Total for Check: 89829 $61.30 $157.48 89830 01/02/2019 WATEREUSE ASSOCIATION Inv# 2018 WATEREUSE CALIF. WateReuse CA. Annual $5,500.00 Conf. Total for Check: 89830 $5,500.00 $18,165.00 89831 01/02/2019 XYLEM INC. Inv# 3556A40288 Anaheim Pump Control Wiring $4,224.00 89831 01/02/2019 XYLEM INC. Inv# 3556A40288 Anaheim Pump Control Wiring $489.02 Total for Check: 89831 $4,713.02 $4,713.02 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

Begin Date: 12/27/2018 End Date: 01/30/2019 Page 12 : Accounts Payable Cash Disbursements Presented for Board Ratification and/or Approval

Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89832 01/02/2019 YSI INCORPORATED Inv# 761655 Bubbler Water Level Sensor $3,916.71 89832 01/02/2019 YSI INCORPORATED Inv# 761655 Shipping/Handling $13.11 89832 01/02/2019 YSI INCORPORATED Inv# 762126 Amazon Bubbler Water Level $3,916.71 89832 01/02/2019 YSI INCORPORATED Inv# 762126 Shipping/Handling $13.11 Total for Check: 89832 $7,859.64 $27,101.76 89833 01/02/2019 ZCATER Inv# 166692 ERP Breakfast $292.16 89833 01/02/2019 ZCATER Inv# 166692 Delivery $10.00 Total for Check: 89833 $302.16 $2,738.60 89834 01/02/2019 ZOHO CORP Inv# 2210900 AD Audit Software Renewal $1,228.00 89834 01/02/2019 ZOHO CORP Inv# 2210900 AD Audit Software Renewal $495.00 Total for Check: 89834 $1,723.00 $1,280.00 89835 01/09/2019 AB SCIEX LLC Inv# 210112594 SERVICE PARTS $295.42 89835 01/09/2019 AB SCIEX LLC Inv# 210112594 SHIPPING & HANDLING $25.43 89835 01/09/2019 AB SCIEX LLC Inv# 210112595 SERVICE PARTS $1,185.33 89835 01/09/2019 AB SCIEX LLC Inv# 210112595 SHIPPING & HANDLING $27.55 Total for Check: 89835 $1,533.73 $97,884.55 89836 01/09/2019 ACCURATE MEASUREMENT Inv# V121118DP4 United Electric Controls Vacuu $142.46 SYSTEMS 89836 01/09/2019 ACCURATE MEASUREMENT Inv# V121118DP4 SHIPPING $21.14 SYSTEMS Total for Check: 89836 $163.60 $4,689.59 89837 01/09/2019 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Inv# 116350926 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $1,427.06 Total for Check: 89837 $1,427.06 $411,234.65 89838 01/09/2019 AMERICAN WATER CHEMICAL, INC Inv# 05-181016/1 BILL DUNIVIN $32,010.80 89838 01/09/2019 AMERICAN WATER CHEMICAL, INC Inv# 05-18992/01 PLANT CHEMICAL $11,771.10 Total for Check: 89838 $43,781.90 $1,497,801.20 89839 01/09/2019 ANAHEIM HILLS PATROL Inv# OC396 November SECURITY PATROL $20,880.00 Total for Check: 89839 $20,880.00 $269,992.00 89840 01/09/2019 AQUILOGIC, INC. Inv# 002-04-44 SBGPP NCP 10/27-11/30 SBGPP NCP data $2,915.12 mgm Total for Check: 89840 $2,915.12 $48,293.08 89842 01/09/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533818126 UNIFORM SERVICES $133.23 89842 01/09/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533818126 UNIFORM SERVICES $83.23 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89842 01/09/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533818126 UNIFORM SERVICES $67.15 89842 01/09/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533852476 UNIFORM SERVICES $215.32 89842 01/09/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533852476 UNIFORM SERVICES $67.15 89842 01/09/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533870117 UNIFORM SERVICES $215.32 89842 01/09/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533870117 UNIFORM SERVICES $67.15 89842 01/09/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533887263 UNIFORM SERVICES $3.92 89842 01/09/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533887264 UNIFORM SERVICES $67.15 89842 01/09/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533887265 UNIFORM SERVICES $150.99 89842 01/09/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533887266 UNIFORM SERVICES $243.30 89842 01/09/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533887264 UNIFORM SERVICES $215.32 Total for Check: 89842 $1,529.23 $49,468.59 89843 01/09/2019 AUXILIARY SERVICE CORP (ASC) Inv# 5584 Resource info M43R Project $150.00 Total for Check: 89843 $150.00 $600.00 89844 01/09/2019 BC WIRE ROPE & RIGGING Inv# 0309423-IN 5/16 Cable for the Fork Lift W $95.36 Total for Check: 89844 $95.36 $2,320.97 89845 01/09/2019 BEKS ACQUISITION, INC. dba Inv# 18-24235.5 Prog.Pmt#7 (GBM-2018-2) $75,834.89 89845 01/09/2019 BEKS ACQUISITION, INC. dba Inv# 18-24235.5 Prog.Pmt#7 (GBM-2018-2) $63,472.02 Total for Check: 89845 $139,306.91 $708,113.00 89846 01/09/2019 BORCHARD SURVEYING & Inv# UR-120118-1 A SURVEYING SERVICES $1,520.00 MAPPING, INC. 89846 01/09/2019 BORCHARD SURVEYING & Inv# UR-120118-1 B SURVEYING SERVICES $3,040.00 MAPPING, INC. Total for Check: 89846 $4,560.00 $4,560.00 89847 01/09/2019 Buis, Matt T. Inv# 10/4-11/3/18 STIPEND 10/4-11/3/18 phone stipend $40.00 89847 01/09/2019 Buis, Matt T. Inv# 11/4-12/3/18 STIPEND 11/4-12/3/18 phone stipend $40.00 89847 01/09/2019 Buis, Matt T. Inv# 12/4/18-1/3/19 STIPEND 12/4/18-1/3/19 phone stipend $40.00 89847 01/09/2019 Buis, Matt T. Inv# 6/4-7/3/18 STIPEND 6/4-7/3/18 phone stipend $40.00 89847 01/09/2019 Buis, Matt T. Inv# 7/4-8/3/18 STIPEND 7/4-8/3/18 phone stipend $40.00 89847 01/09/2019 Buis, Matt T. Inv# 8/4-9/3/18 STIPEND 8/4-9/3/18 phone stipend $40.00 89847 01/09/2019 Buis, Matt T. Inv# 9/4-10/3/18 STIPEND 9/4-10/3/18 phone stipend $40.00 Total for Check: 89847 $280.00 $400.00 89848 01/09/2019 CALIFORNIA GROUNDWATER Inv# 2019 CATEGORY 3 DUES 1/19 G.WOODSIDE $9,500.00 COALITION Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD Total for Check: 89848 $9,500.00 $9,500.00 89849 01/09/2019 CALTROL, INC Inv# CD99063592 Vibratioin Testing-November 20 $2,760.00 Total for Check: 89849 $2,760.00 $94,702.86 89850 01/09/2019 CAMBRIDGE ISOTOPE Inv# 01158014 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $380.63 LABORATORIES 89850 01/09/2019 CAMBRIDGE ISOTOPE Inv# 01158014 TRANSPORTATION $8.05 LABORATORIES Total for Check: 89850 $388.68 $11,491.26 89851 01/09/2019 CHARLES P. CROWLEY CO, Inv# 25438 Generated by reorder 10/2/18 9 $2,289.19 89851 01/09/2019 CHARLES P. CROWLEY CO, Inv# 25438 FREIGHT $39.57 Total for Check: 89851 $2,328.76 $29,360.21 89852 01/09/2019 CHROMALOX, INC. Inv# 2395986 SO In Line Imersion Heater, 20KW, $6,935.00 Total for Check: 89852 $6,935.00 $6,935.00 89853 01/09/2019 COAST COMPRESSOR COMPANY Inv# 181228 EQUIP. SERVICE $1,909.93 89853 01/09/2019 COAST COMPRESSOR COMPANY Inv# 181228 EQUIP. SERVICE $1,385.00 89853 01/09/2019 COAST COMPRESSOR COMPANY Inv# 181254 EQUIP. SERVICE $260.00 Total for Check: 89853 $3,554.93 $5,710.68 89854 01/09/2019 COLE-PARMER INSTRUMENT CO. Inv# 1716038 Free Chlorine Test Kit Reagent $23.76 89854 01/09/2019 COLE-PARMER INSTRUMENT CO. Inv# 1716038 FREIGHT $10.11 Total for Check: 89854 $33.87 $3,155.41 89855 01/09/2019 CORPORATE IMAGE Inv# 36416 DEC 2018 $9,735.00 MAINTENANCE 89855 01/09/2019 CORPORATE IMAGE Inv# 36416 DEC 2018 $1,200.00 MAINTENANCE 89855 01/09/2019 CORPORATE IMAGE Inv# 36416 DEC 2018 $180.00 MAINTENANCE Total for Check: 89855 $11,115.00 $135,297.00 89856 01/09/2019 CORTECH ENGINEERING, A DXP Inv# 49991800 BJM 10hp SS Sump Pump $16,432.13 COMPANY 89856 01/09/2019 CORTECH ENGINEERING, A DXP Inv# 50000663 7 1/2hp Sump Pump $14,872.65 COMPANY 89856 01/09/2019 CORTECH ENGINEERING, A DXP Inv# 50000663 FREIGHT $82.70 COMPANY 89856 01/09/2019 CORTECH ENGINEERING, A DXP Inv# 50000663 DISCOUNT ($299.10) COMPANY Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89856 01/09/2019 CORTECH ENGINEERING, A DXP Inv# 49991800 discount ($328.64) COMPANY Total for Check: 89856 $30,759.74 $7,600.80 89857 01/09/2019 CPI INTERNATIONAL Inv# 20040921 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $189.23 89857 01/09/2019 CPI INTERNATIONAL Inv# 20040921 DISCOUNT ($3.78) Total for Check: 89857 $185.45 $185.45 89858 01/09/2019 CWEA Inv# ID#000004044I 1/31/19 Cert Renewal P.LEWIS $188.00 89858 01/09/2019 CWEA Inv# ID#000004044I 1/31/19 Cert Renewal P.LEWIS ($188.00) Total for Check: 89858 $0.00 $4,378.00 89859 01/09/2019 CWEA Inv# ID#000036740I 1/31/19 Cert Renewal R.Valdez $280.00 89859 01/09/2019 CWEA Inv# ID#000036740I 1/31/19 Cert Renewal R.Valdez ($280.00) Total for Check: 89859 $0.00 $4,378.00 89860 01/09/2019 DLT SOLUTIONS, LLC Inv# SI413215 Civil 3D for Engineering $1,974.94 Total for Check: 89860 $1,974.94 $3,900.15 89861 01/09/2019 Dosier, Bruce Inv# 7/24-8/23/18 DSL 7/24-8/23/18 DSL reimbursement $83.98 89861 01/09/2019 Dosier, Bruce Inv# 8/24-9/23/18 DSL 8/24-9/23/18 DSL reimbursement $83.98 89861 01/09/2019 Dosier, Bruce Inv# 9/24-10/23/18 DSL 9/24-10/23/18 DSL reimbursemen $83.98 Total for Check: 89861 $251.94 $759.80 89862 01/09/2019 Dunkin, Alicia Inv# 1/10/19 TRAVEL 1/10 Anaheim ACC-OC new electe $30.00 89862 01/09/2019 Dunkin, Alicia Inv# 2/26-28/19 TRAVEL 2/26-28 D.C. ACWA DC 2019 Conf $793.80 Total for Check: 89862 $823.80 $8,610.28 89863 01/09/2019 ENDRESS + HAUSER, INC. Inv# 6002020415 Generated by reorder 11/8/18 7 $2,438.73 89863 01/09/2019 ENDRESS + HAUSER, INC. Inv# 6002020415 SHIPPING & HANDLING $40.23 Total for Check: 89863 $2,478.96 $700.95 89864 01/09/2019 ENGINEERING NEWS-RECORD Inv# EN019825 ENR SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL $174.00 Total for Check: 89864 $174.00 $87.00 89865 01/09/2019 EXCELSIOR ELEVATOR Inv# 22829 ELEVATOR SERVICE $561.00 89865 01/09/2019 EXCELSIOR ELEVATOR Inv# 22829 DISCOUNT ($16.83) Total for Check: 89865 $544.17 $6,530.04 89866 01/09/2019 GOLD COAST AWARDS Inv# 14527 PLAQUE FOR WACO CHAIRMAN $78.60 Total for Check: 89866 $78.60 $1,065.39 89867 01/09/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9015761555 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $64.99 Total for Check: 89867 $64.99 $126,864.36 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89868 01/09/2019 HARGIS + ASSOCIATES, INC. Inv# 812831 SBGPP NCP Nov18 SBGPP NCP $11,882.50 conting.compli Total for Check: 89868 $11,882.50 $66,607.75 89870 01/09/2019 HOME DEPOT, INC. Inv# 1021215 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $27.98 89870 01/09/2019 HOME DEPOT, INC. Inv# 3284090 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $50.01 89870 01/09/2019 HOME DEPOT, INC. Inv# 3634889 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $143.81 89870 01/09/2019 HOME DEPOT, INC. Inv# 4125396 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $23.19 89870 01/09/2019 HOME DEPOT, INC. Inv# 4281207 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $107.64 89870 01/09/2019 HOME DEPOT, INC. Inv# 4633440 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $98.46 89870 01/09/2019 HOME DEPOT, INC. Inv# 5110679 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $32.30 89870 01/09/2019 HOME DEPOT, INC. Inv# 5120577 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $36.59 89870 01/09/2019 HOME DEPOT, INC. Inv# 7630497 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $224.08 89870 01/09/2019 HOME DEPOT, INC. Inv# 8383908 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $59.15 89870 01/09/2019 HOME DEPOT, INC. Inv# 9514303 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $80.46 89870 01/09/2019 HOME DEPOT, INC. Inv# 5223779 Return see CM:5120577 ($27.99) Total for Check: 89870 $855.68 $21,973.55 89871 01/09/2019 HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. Inv# 3089770106 Thru 11/30 Smith Basin Rehab $79,095.00 Total for Check: 89871 $79,095.00 $79,095.00 89873 01/09/2019 Hunt, William Inv# 10/16/18 TRAVEL 10/16 Century City SB Mediatio $43.24 89873 01/09/2019 Hunt, William Inv# 10/18/18 TRAVEL 10/18 Santa Ana NB Court Hearg $10.00 89873 01/09/2019 Hunt, William Inv# 10/29/18 TRAVEL 10/29 L.A. Meeting NB w/T.Gall $17.50 89873 01/09/2019 Hunt, William Inv# 10/9-11/8/18 STIPEND 10/9-11/8/18 phone stipend $32.44 89873 01/09/2019 Hunt, William Inv# 10/9/18 TRAVEL 10/9 Santa Ana MTBE Court Hear $5.00 89873 01/09/2019 Hunt, William Inv# 11/12/18 TRAVEL 11/12 Century City NB Mediatio $50.31 89873 01/09/2019 Hunt, William Inv# 11/29/18 TRAVEL 11/29 Century City NB Mediatio $43.44 89873 01/09/2019 Hunt, William Inv# 11/9-12/8/18 STIPEND 11/9-12/8/18 phone stipend $32.44 89873 01/09/2019 Hunt, William Inv# 11/9/18 TRAVEL 11/9 Century City SB Mediation $16.91 89873 01/09/2019 Hunt, William Inv# 12/10/18 TRAVEL 12/10 San Diego SB Appell.Cour $33.00 89873 01/09/2019 Hunt, William Inv# 12/13/18 TRAVEL 12/13 Oakland MTBE Mediation $308.39 89873 01/09/2019 Hunt, William Inv# 12/18/18 TRAVEL-1 12/18 Riverside RWQCB Meeting $2.00 89873 01/09/2019 Hunt, William Inv# 12/18/18 TRAVEL-2 12/18 Santa Ana MTBE Court Hea $4.00 89873 01/09/2019 Hunt, William Inv# 9/9-10/8/18 STIPEND 9/9-10/8/18 phone stipend $32.44 Total for Check: 89873 $631.11 $2,279.29 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89874 01/09/2019 INTERA, INC. Inv# 11-18-20 9/1-11/30 Alamitos GAP grndwtr $26,705.00 Total for Check: 89874 $26,705.00 $36,619.72 89875 01/09/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 897363-1 HP Tank Adapter $107.53 89875 01/09/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 897363-1 Shipping Charges $9.42 89875 01/09/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 897363-1 Discount ($2.34) Total for Check: 89875 $114.61 $74,374.15 89876 01/09/2019 LHOIST NORTH AMERICA Inv# 1180238728A 12/9 lime 25.02 tons $5,929.74 89876 01/09/2019 LHOIST NORTH AMERICA Inv# 1180238728B 12/11 lime 25.07 tons $5,941.59 89876 01/09/2019 LHOIST NORTH AMERICA Inv# 1180238728C 12/13 lime 25.22 tons $5,977.14 Total for Check: 89876 $17,848.47 $835,659.50 89877 01/09/2019 LILLESTRAND LEADERSHIP Inv# 7124 12/12 leadership consulting $1,292.74 CONSULTING Total for Check: 89877 $1,292.74 $39,500.00 89878 01/09/2019 LONG BEACH WATER Inv# 45099 Nov18 Alamitos 199.1 af@$1,020 $228,367.70 DEPARTMENT Total for Check: 89878 $228,367.70 $985,532.58 89879 01/09/2019 Lam, Thuy Inv# 2018-2019-06 EducationReimb. TTL $1,672.20 Total for Check: 89879 $1,672.20 $3,998.25 89880 01/09/2019 MAIL DELIVERY SERVICE CO. Inv# 17251 BPO MAIL DELIVERY $329.61 89880 01/09/2019 MAIL DELIVERY SERVICE CO. Inv# 17251 BPO MAIL DELIVERY $33.55 89880 01/09/2019 MAIL DELIVERY SERVICE CO. Inv# 17251 BPO MAIL DELIVERY $4.34 Total for Check: 89880 $367.50 $4,410.00 89881 01/09/2019 MARS ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Inv# 109918 EHC for GTY $4,874.58 Total for Check: 89881 $4,874.58 $14,983.08 89883 01/09/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 82653545 FIELD PARTS $33.47 COMPANY 89883 01/09/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 82653545 FIELD PARTS $29.42 COMPANY 89883 01/09/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 82653545 FIELD PARTS $17.80 COMPANY 89883 01/09/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 82653545 FIELD PARTS $16.96 COMPANY 89883 01/09/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 82653545 FIELD PARTS $13.01 COMPANY Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89883 01/09/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 82653545 FIELD PARTS $12.92 COMPANY 89883 01/09/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 82653545 SHIPPING $6.79 COMPANY 89883 01/09/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 82653545 DISCOUNT ($2.47) COMPANY 89883 01/09/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 82905256 Flow Meter for RO CIP Pump $141.38 COMPANY 89883 01/09/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 82905256 Shipping $6.43 COMPANY 89883 01/09/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 82905256 Discount ($2.83) COMPANY Total for Check: 89883 $272.88 $49,999.73 89884 01/09/2019 MILLER & AXLINE Inv# 11306 (MTBE) 11/29/18 legal/MTBE $383,348.67 Total for Check: 89884 $383,348.67 $271,023.96 89885 01/09/2019 MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT OF Inv# 9713A Nov18 water purchases $6,077,844.50 OC 89885 01/09/2019 MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT OF Inv# 9713B Nov18 water purchases $239,324.35 OC 89885 01/09/2019 MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT OF Inv# 9713C Nov18 water purchases $80,416.07 OC 89885 01/09/2019 MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT OF Inv# 9713D Nov18 water purchases ($1,031,174.10) OC Total for Check: 89885 $5,366,410.82 $79,677,153.63 89886 01/09/2019 Marshall, Erin Inv# 2018-2019-03 EducationReimb EJM $2,182.71 Total for Check: 89886 $2,182.71 $2,182.71 89887 01/09/2019 Murphy, Patrick Inv# 2018-2019-04 EducationalReim Prog $2,658.28 Total for Check: 89887 $2,658.28 $5,000.00 89888 01/09/2019 NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM OF Inv# VP181231A Records Check Santiago Basin $290.00 LOS ANGELES Total for Check: 89888 $290.00 $580.00 89889 01/09/2019 NWRI Inv# 2018-1858 SAR Panel 4/16/18-11/30/18 $25,554.53 Total for Check: 89889 $25,554.53 $95,028.07 89890 01/09/2019 Nguyen, Viethuong T. Inv# INTERNET REIMB JAN19 InternetReimb.VTN $65.99 Total for Check: 89890 $65.99 $619.88 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89891 01/09/2019 OFFICE SOLUTIONS BUSINESS Inv# I-01483677 Generated by reorder 11/7/18 2 $582.68 PRODUCTS 89891 01/09/2019 OFFICE SOLUTIONS BUSINESS Inv# I-01489960 Generated by reorder 11/30/18 $692.96 PRODUCTS 89891 01/09/2019 OFFICE SOLUTIONS BUSINESS Inv# I-01489961 Generated by reorder 11/30/18 $739.50 PRODUCTS Total for Check: 89891 $2,015.14 $12,182.41 89893 01/09/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2612764 12/10 4592 gal s.hypochlorite $3,163.89 89893 01/09/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2612765 12/10 4938 gal s.hypochlorite $3,402.28 89893 01/09/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2612766 12/10 4548 gal s.hypochlorite $3,133.57 89893 01/09/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2613402 12/11 4820 gal s.hypochlorite $3,320.98 89893 01/09/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2613403 12/11 4812 gal s.hypochlorite $3,315.47 89893 01/09/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2613404 12/11 4922 gal s.hypochlorite $3,391.26 89893 01/09/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2614597 12/13 4808 gal s.hypochlorite $3,312.71 89893 01/09/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2614598 12/13 4908 gal s.hypochlorite $3,381.61 89893 01/09/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2615227 12/14 4660 gal s.hypochlorite $3,210.74 89893 01/09/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2615228 12/14 4898 gal s.hypochlorite $3,374.72 89893 01/09/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2615229 12/14 4996 gal s.hypochlorite $3,442.24 89893 01/09/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2614599 12/13 4912 gal s.hypochlorite $3,384.37 Total for Check: 89893 $39,833.84 $1,144,266.56 89894 01/09/2019 ONESOURCE DISTRIBUTORS INC. Inv# S6028419.002 Generated by reorder 12/21/18 $421.65 89894 01/09/2019 ONESOURCE DISTRIBUTORS INC. Inv# S6028419.002 Discount ($3.88) Total for Check: 89894 $417.77 $157,021.88 89895 01/09/2019 ORANGE COUNTY Inv# PW190376 2011-00096,00097 $7,637.95 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR Total for Check: 89895 $7,637.95 $19,832.27 89896 01/09/2019 PACIFIC HYDROTECH Inv# 15 (MBI-2017-) Prog.Pmt#15 (MBI-2017-1) $694,969.54 CORPORATION 89896 01/09/2019 PACIFIC HYDROTECH Inv# 15 (MBI-2017-) Prog.Pmt#15 (MBI-2017-1) $4,824.02 CORPORATION Total for Check: 89896 $699,793.56 $9,238,056.59 89897 01/09/2019 PACIFIC HYDROTECH Inv# ESC1001737517 RET#15 Ret#15 (P.Hydro MBI-2017-1 $36,577.34 CORPORATION 89897 01/09/2019 PACIFIC HYDROTECH Inv# ESC1001737517 RET#15 Ret#15 (P.Hydro MBI-2017-1 $253.90 CORPORATION Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD Total for Check: 89897 $36,831.24 $425,948.14 89898 01/09/2019 PACIFIC OFFICE AUTOMATION Inv# 644611 BPO KONICA SERVICE AGREEMENT $224.34 89898 01/09/2019 PACIFIC OFFICE AUTOMATION Inv# 751910 BPO KONICA SERVICE AGREEMENT $260.90 Total for Check: 89898 $485.24 $3,245.14 89899 01/09/2019 PETE'S ROAD SERVICE, INC. Inv# 287107-00 BPO TIRE & SUPPLIES $142.21 Total for Check: 89899 $142.21 $2,129.46 89900 01/09/2019 PLATINUM COMPUTER SUPPORT Inv# 24036 Generated by reorder 12/12/18 $295.80 Total for Check: 89900 $295.80 $41,430.67 89901 01/09/2019 QUINN COMPANY Inv# PC830367303 BPO EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES $155.12 Total for Check: 89901 $155.12 $155.12 89902 01/09/2019 RAINBOW ENVIRONMENTAL / Inv# 0605-000554013 01/01-01/31 TRASH SERVICE $4,344.10 REPUBLIC SERVICE Total for Check: 89902 $4,344.10 $48,334.48 89903 01/09/2019 RED WING SHOE STORE Inv# 3-1-49569 BPO FOR RED WING $200.00 89903 01/09/2019 RED WING SHOE STORE Inv# 407-1-25334 BPO FOR RED WING $172.39 89903 01/09/2019 RED WING SHOE STORE Inv# 413-1-27819 BPO FOR RED WING $189.09 89903 01/09/2019 RED WING SHOE STORE Inv# 413-1-27910 BPO FOR RED WING $172.39 89903 01/09/2019 RED WING SHOE STORE Inv# 417-1-38506 BPO FOR RED WING $187.04 Total for Check: 89903 $920.91 $8,158.15 89904 01/09/2019 SANTA ANA WATERSHED ASSOC. Inv# 2018-107 NATURAL RESOURCE SERV. $3,012.28 89904 01/09/2019 SANTA ANA WATERSHED ASSOC. Inv# 2018-107 NATURAL RESOURCE SERV. $345.98 89904 01/09/2019 SANTA ANA WATERSHED ASSOC. Inv# 2018-107 NATURAL RESOURCE SERV. ($345.98) 89904 01/09/2019 SANTA ANA WATERSHED ASSOC. Inv# 2018-107 NATURAL RESOURCE SERV. ($3,012.28) Total for Check: 89904 $0.00 $133,892.48 89905 01/09/2019 SC FUELS Inv# 0056237 BPO UNLEADED FUEL FOR VEHICLES $513.79 89905 01/09/2019 SC FUELS Inv# 0056237 BPO UNLEADED FUEL FOR VEHICLES $466.50 89905 01/09/2019 SC FUELS Inv# 0056237 BPO UNLEADED FUEL FOR VEHICLES $278.66 89905 01/09/2019 SC FUELS Inv# 0056237 BPO UNLEADED FUEL FOR VEHICLES $206.66 89905 01/09/2019 SC FUELS Inv# 0056237 BPO UNLEADED FUEL FOR VEHICLES $175.56 89905 01/09/2019 SC FUELS Inv# 0056237 BPO UNLEADED FUEL FOR VEHICLES $167.93 89905 01/09/2019 SC FUELS Inv# 0056237 BPO UNLEADED FUEL FOR VEHICLES $24.62 Total for Check: 89905 $1,833.72 $96,203.29 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89907 01/09/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-000-2056-42DEC18 11/28-12/28KWH712 $113.14 CO. 89907 01/09/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-001-3969-92DEC18 10/31-12/3KWH58 $34.74 CO. 89907 01/09/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-001-3969-93DEC18 11/28-12/28KWH0 $25.98 CO. 89907 01/09/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-001-3969-94DEC18 11/28-12/28KWH650 $109.05 CO. 89907 01/09/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-005-6085-64DEC18 11/28-12/28KWH77 $35.01 CO. 89907 01/09/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-012-1700-45DEC18 11/30/18-1/2/19KWH256 $62.51 CO. 89907 01/09/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-015-7214-86DEC18 12/1/18-1/1/19 $3,900.00 CO. 89907 01/09/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-018-4099-58DEC18 12/4/18-1/4/19KWH315 $69.09 CO. 89907 01/09/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-024-0896-29DEC18 12/1/18-1/1/19 $9,486.85 CO. 89907 01/09/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-029-4040-48DEC18 11/28-12/28KWH273 $67.79 CO. 89907 01/09/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-029-4040-50DEC18 11/28-12/28KWH209 $56.54 CO. 89907 01/09/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-033-1467-28DEC18 11/30/18-1/2-19KWH4069 $938.64 CO. 89907 01/09/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-047-1053-09DEC18 12/4/18-1/4/19KWH24662 $2,069.02 CO. Total for Check: 89907 $16,968.36 $7,891,409.89 89910 01/09/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399081825 OFFICE SUPPLIES $28.69 89910 01/09/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399081826 OFFICE SUPPLIES $65.23 89910 01/09/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399384495 OFFICE SUPPLIES $98.95 89910 01/09/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399384495 OFFICE SUPPLIES $95.68 89910 01/09/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399384495 OFFICE SUPPLIES $88.28 89910 01/09/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399384495 OFFICE SUPPLIES $28.26 89910 01/09/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399384495 OFFICE SUPPLIES $24.33 89910 01/09/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399384503 OFFICE SUPPLIES $31.11 89910 01/09/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399513080 P-Touch Labels $43.87 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89910 01/09/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399513080 P-Touch Labels $43.48 89910 01/09/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399513080 P-Touch Labels $39.13 89910 01/09/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399513080 P-Touch Labels $36.87 89910 01/09/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399513080 P-Touch Labels $34.78 89910 01/09/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399513080 P-Touch Labels $33.70 89910 01/09/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399513080 P-Touch Labels $32.62 89910 01/09/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399513080 P-Touch Labels $32.62 89910 01/09/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399513080 P-Touch Labels $31.52 89910 01/09/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399513080 P-Touch Labels $29.35 89910 01/09/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399513080 P-Touch Labels $28.27 89910 01/09/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399513080 P-Touch Labels $27.18 89910 01/09/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399513080 P-Touch Labels $27.15 89910 01/09/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399513080 P-Touch Labels $21.74 89910 01/09/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399513080 P-Touch Labels $20.61 89910 01/09/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399513080 P-Touch Labels $18.43 89910 01/09/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399513080 P-Touch Labels $18.43 Total for Check: 89910 $980.28 $50,832.72 89911 01/09/2019 STATE OF CALIFORNIA Inv# 12-ORA057-0010-02 JAN/19 lease no: $736.00 12-ORA057-0010-02 Total for Check: 89911 $736.00 $4,416.00 89912 01/09/2019 SUPERIOR SWEEPING LTD. Inv# 377-1218 BPO STREET SWEEPING $450.00 Total for Check: 89912 $450.00 $5,400.00 89913 01/09/2019 TETRA TECH, INC. Inv# 51378635 Thru 10/27 Mid-Basin Cent.Park $414.00 Total for Check: 89913 $414.00 $252,547.66 89914 01/09/2019 TOTAL FUNDS BY HASLER Inv# 7900 0110 0247 2424/ 1/19 BPO PRE-PAID POSTAGE $3,000.00 Total for Check: 89914 $3,000.00 $18,086.44 89915 01/09/2019 TRC SOLUTIONS, INC. Inv# 58377 Thru 10/31 video monitoring $3,721.58 Total for Check: 89915 $3,721.58 $61,527.50 89916 01/09/2019 TRI-TEK BURGLAR ALARM CO. Inv# 127786 01/01-03/31 ALARM MONITORING $618.00 Total for Check: 89916 $618.00 $3,553.00 89917 01/09/2019 TRUCPARCO Inv# 412222 BPO TRUCK PARTS $14.69 89917 01/09/2019 TRUCPARCO Inv# 412222 FUEL CHARGE $1.07 Total for Check: 89917 $15.76 $7,948.08 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89918 01/09/2019 Tan, Lo Inv# 12/13/18 TRAVEL 12/13 Riverside SAWPA Wtr.Use $34.34 Total for Check: 89918 $34.34 $2,255.31 89919 01/09/2019 U-LINE Inv# 103952143 SPILL KIT $102.22 89919 01/09/2019 U-LINE Inv# 103952143 FREIGHT $12.37 Total for Check: 89919 $114.59 $9,484.46 89920 01/09/2019 U.S. HEALTHWORKS Inv# 3444901-CA BPO MEDICAL SERVICES $215.00 Total for Check: 89920 $215.00 $3,705.48 89921 01/09/2019 UCT LLC Inv# IN76342 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $4,730.63 89921 01/09/2019 UCT LLC Inv# IN77107 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $445.88 89921 01/09/2019 UCT LLC Inv# IN77420 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $5,342.34 Total for Check: 89921 $10,518.85 $18,311.65 89922 01/09/2019 UNI REFRIGERATION Inv# PO 504708/JAN19 SERVICE BPO $748.75 Total for Check: 89922 $748.75 $9,501.36 89923 01/09/2019 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE INC Inv# 0000X81601019 UPS $11.70 89923 01/09/2019 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE INC Inv# 0000X81601528 UPS $15.01 Total for Check: 89923 $26.71 $2,598.55 89924 01/09/2019 UNITED RENTALS Inv# 164127302-001 Forklift Rental for MF Victaul $614.10 89924 01/09/2019 UNITED RENTALS Inv# 164127302-001 Forklift Rental for MF Victaul $163.13 89924 01/09/2019 UNITED RENTALS Inv# 164127302-001 Forklift Rental for MF Victaul $150.00 89924 01/09/2019 UNITED RENTALS Inv# 164127302-001 Forklift Rental for MF Victaul $49.02 Total for Check: 89924 $976.25 $4,339.23 89925 01/09/2019 UTILIQUEST LLC Inv# 270330-Q 9908 12/2-8 screen/mark pipes $84.29 89925 01/09/2019 UTILIQUEST LLC Inv# 270330-Q 9911 12/2-8 screen/mark pipes $1,178.89 89925 01/09/2019 UTILIQUEST LLC Inv# 270330-Q 9922 12/2-8 screen/mark pipes $687.68 89925 01/09/2019 UTILIQUEST LLC Inv# 270330-Q 9932 12/2-8 screen/mark pipes $13.95 Total for Check: 89925 $1,964.81 $94,681.02 89926 01/09/2019 VICTAULIC BERMAD Inv# 65507075 3" V-Port Throttling Plug $315.00 TECHNOLOGIES 89926 01/09/2019 VICTAULIC BERMAD Inv# 65507075 3" V-Port Throttling Plug $3,392.00 TECHNOLOGIES 89926 01/09/2019 VICTAULIC BERMAD Inv# 65507075 3" V-Port Throttling Plug $100.00 TECHNOLOGIES 89926 01/09/2019 VICTAULIC BERMAD Inv# 65507075 SHIPPING & HANDLING $21.41 TECHNOLOGIES Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

Begin Date: 12/27/2018 End Date: 01/30/2019 Page 24 : Accounts Payable Cash Disbursements Presented for Board Ratification and/or Approval

Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD Total for Check: 89926 $3,828.41 $3,828.41 89927 01/09/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084256210/8084762073 Generated by reorder $625.31 10/5/18 1 89927 01/09/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084256210/8084762073 Generated by reorder $62.54 10/5/18 1 89927 01/09/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084256210/8084762073 DISCOUNT ($8.37) 89927 01/09/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084684240 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $220.33 89927 01/09/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084684240 DISCOUNT ($2.20) 89927 01/09/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084788405 Generated by reorder 12/28/18 $157.06 89927 01/09/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084788405 Generated by reorder 12/28/18 $104.70 89927 01/09/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084788405 freight $40.84 89927 01/09/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084788405 DISCOUNT ($3.02) Total for Check: 89927 $1,197.19 $137,291.89 89928 01/09/2019 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC Inv# S112197413.001 BPO ELECTRONIC SUPPLIES $64.94 COMPANY 89928 01/09/2019 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC Inv# S112197413.001 DISCOUNT ($1.20) COMPANY Total for Check: 89928 $63.74 $963.67 89929 01/09/2019 WATERS CORPORATION Inv# 230091509 SAMPLE ANALYSIS $678.52 89929 01/09/2019 WATERS CORPORATION Inv# 230091509 SAMPLE ANALYSIS $589.50 89929 01/09/2019 WATERS CORPORATION Inv# 230091509 FREIGHT $10.13 Total for Check: 89929 $1,278.15 $62,360.19 89930 01/09/2019 WHITE NELSON DIEHL EVANS LLP Inv# 187562 Final-fed. grant single audit $368.00 Total for Check: 89930 $368.00 $53,090.00 89931 01/16/2019 AB SCIEX LLC Inv# 210113430 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $2,030.09 89931 01/16/2019 AB SCIEX LLC Inv# 210113430 SHIPPING & HANDLING $59.97 Total for Check: 89931 $2,090.06 $97,884.55 89932 01/16/2019 ACCUSTANDARD, INC. Inv# 889814 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $36.00 89932 01/16/2019 ACCUSTANDARD, INC. Inv# 889814 SHIPPING $10.29 89932 01/16/2019 ACCUSTANDARD, INC. Inv# 889814 HANDLING $7.00 89932 01/16/2019 ACCUSTANDARD, INC. Inv# 890364 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $375.00 89932 01/16/2019 ACCUSTANDARD, INC. Inv# 890364 SHIPPING $73.97 89932 01/16/2019 ACCUSTANDARD, INC. Inv# 890364 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $50.00 89932 01/16/2019 ACCUSTANDARD, INC. Inv# 890364 HANDLING $7.00 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89932 01/16/2019 ACCUSTANDARD, INC. Inv# 890364 COLD-PAK $5.00 Total for Check: 89932 $564.26 $19,151.81 89933 01/16/2019 ACWA/JPIA Inv# WORKERSCOMP 10/1-12/31/18 WorkersComp Q4 $74,108.81 2018 Total for Check: 89933 $74,108.81 $1,204,529.98 89934 01/16/2019 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Inv# 508222 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $135.50 Total for Check: 89934 $135.50 $12,119.83 89936 01/16/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 1450430391 UNIFORM SERVICES $35.48 89936 01/16/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 1450442232 UNIFORM SERVICES $35.48 89936 01/16/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533835300 UNIFORM SERVICES $3.92 89936 01/16/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533835301 BUILDING SANITATION CONTRACT $32.63 89936 01/16/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533835302 UNIFORM SERVICES $220.46 89936 01/16/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533835302 UNIFORM SERVICES $67.15 89936 01/16/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533835303 UNIFORM SERVICES $150.99 89936 01/16/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533835304 UNIFORM SERVICES $261.75 89936 01/16/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533887267 UNIFORM SERVICES $197.44 89936 01/16/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533904458 UNIFORM SERVICES $201.07 89936 01/16/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533921579 UNIFORM SERVICES $3.92 89936 01/16/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533921581 UNIFORM SERVICES $150.99 89936 01/16/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533921582 UNIFORM SERVICES $243.30 Total for Check: 89936 $1,604.58 $49,468.59 89937 01/16/2019 ARC DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS, LLC Inv# 9947363 North Basin Poster Maps $207.72 89937 01/16/2019 ARC DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS, LLC Inv# 9947363 North Basin Poster Maps $42.92 89937 01/16/2019 ARC DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS, LLC Inv# 9947363 RECLASS CORRECTION $250.64 89937 01/16/2019 ARC DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS, LLC Inv# 9947363 RECLASS WRONG ACCOUNT ($250.64) Total for Check: 89937 $250.64 $250.64 89938 01/16/2019 AT & T Inv# 714 630-3232JAN19 1/4-2/3 $251.13 Total for Check: 89938 $251.13 $30,595.41 89939 01/16/2019 AT & T Inv# 714 630-4323JAN19 1/4-2/3 $1,895.12 Total for Check: 89939 $1,895.12 $30,595.41 89940 01/16/2019 AVOCET ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Inv# 5509 Jul18 SBGPP well inspection $2,900.75 Total for Check: 89940 $2,900.75 $364,091.60 89941 01/16/2019 BATTERY SYSTEMS Inv# 4732481 ELECTRIC CART PARTS $2,687.06 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89941 01/16/2019 BATTERY SYSTEMS Inv# 4732481 ELECTRIC CART PARTS $18.00 Total for Check: 89941 $2,705.06 $2,527.50 89942 01/16/2019 BAY ALARM COMPANY Inv# 3360370181215M 01/01-04/01/19 ALARM CHARGES $180.11 89942 01/16/2019 BAY ALARM COMPANY Inv# 3360370181215M 01/01-04/01/19 ALARM CHARGES $28.27 Total for Check: 89942 $208.38 $796.78 89943 01/16/2019 BPS SUPPLY GROUP Inv# S2528713.001 BPO PIPE & SUPPLIES $140.87 Total for Check: 89943 $140.87 $4,551.83 89945 01/16/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI289195 drum depos(#891938,PO#504964) ($100.00) 89945 01/16/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI907971 R&D CHEMICAL $522.00 89945 01/16/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI907971 R&D CHEMICAL $100.00 89945 01/16/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI907971 drum deposit to 10.11515 $100.00 89945 01/16/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI907971 R&D CHEMICAL $75.00 89945 01/16/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI907971 Discount ($13.94) 89945 01/16/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI907971 drum deposit to 10.11515 ($100.00) 89945 01/16/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI908316 1/4 44320 lbs H.Peroxide $9,639.60 89945 01/16/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI908316 Discount ($289.19) 89945 01/16/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI908695 1/8 43960 lbs H.Peroxide $9,561.30 89945 01/16/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI908695 Discount ($286.84) 89945 01/16/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI908976 Discount ($659.49) 89945 01/16/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI909930 1/10 12.3726 tons caustic soda $8,207.68 89945 01/16/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI909930 Discount ($164.15) 89945 01/16/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI908976 1/10 23.505 tons citric acid $21,983.05 Total for Check: 89945 $48,575.02 $1,056,740.42 89946 01/16/2019 BUTIER ENGINEERING, INC. Inv# 007 OCWD1309 Nov18 const.mgmt/Five Coves $5,800.00 Total for Check: 89946 $5,800.00 $640,613.91 89947 01/16/2019 CAL-OSHA REPORTER Inv# 479880 $427.00 Total for Check: 89947 $427.00 $427.00 89948 01/16/2019 CALIFORNIA BARRICADE Inv# 60316 BPO TRAFFIC CONTROL SERVICE $940.00 RENTALS, INC. 89948 01/16/2019 CALIFORNIA BARRICADE Inv# 60370 BPO TRAFFIC CONTROL SERVICE $940.00 RENTALS, INC. Total for Check: 89948 $1,880.00 $3,250.00 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89949 01/16/2019 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX Inv# 44-016622 2018 UndrgrndStor.Tank $371.97 & FEE ADMIN Total for Check: 89949 $371.97 $10,266.50 89950 01/16/2019 CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPERS Inv# 0011212813 $2,766.00 PARTNERSHIP 89950 01/16/2019 CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPERS Inv# 0011215971 CLIENT #5179533 $666.00 PARTNERSHIP Total for Check: 89950 $3,432.00 $12,223.60 89951 01/16/2019 CAMBRIDGE ISOTOPE Inv# 01153209 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $407.81 LABORATORIES 89951 01/16/2019 CAMBRIDGE ISOTOPE Inv# 01153209 TRANSPORTATION $16.83 LABORATORIES 89951 01/16/2019 CAMBRIDGE ISOTOPE Inv# 01153581 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $1,614.95 LABORATORIES 89951 01/16/2019 CAMBRIDGE ISOTOPE Inv# 01153581 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $1,386.56 LABORATORIES 89951 01/16/2019 CAMBRIDGE ISOTOPE Inv# 01153581 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $1,288.68 LABORATORIES 89951 01/16/2019 CAMBRIDGE ISOTOPE Inv# 01153581 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $815.62 LABORATORIES 89951 01/16/2019 CAMBRIDGE ISOTOPE Inv# 01153581 TRANSPORTATION $17.98 LABORATORIES 89951 01/16/2019 CAMBRIDGE ISOTOPE Inv# 01153841 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $1,712.81 LABORATORIES 89951 01/16/2019 CAMBRIDGE ISOTOPE Inv# 01153841 TRANSPORTATION $16.83 LABORATORIES Total for Check: 89951 $7,278.07 $11,491.26 89952 01/16/2019 CARMENITA TRUCK CENTER Inv# 69636 BPO FORD PARTS $6.58 Total for Check: 89952 $6.58 $6,310.81 89953 01/16/2019 CCS DISASTER RECOVERY Inv# 6132 Disaster Recovery Insurance $825.00 SERVICES Total for Check: 89953 $825.00 $3,300.00 89954 01/16/2019 CERTIFIED ENTERPRISES, INC. Inv# 38763 RECYCLING/WASTE 11/14/18 $75.00 Total for Check: 89954 $75.00 $75.00 89955 01/16/2019 COMMERCIAL DOOR OF ORANGE Inv# 23353 Repair Employee Access Gate by $461.94 COUNTY INC. Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89955 01/16/2019 COMMERCIAL DOOR OF ORANGE Inv# 23396 Server Room Door Louver $496.48 COUNTY INC. 89955 01/16/2019 COMMERCIAL DOOR OF ORANGE Inv# 23401 Repair Roof Hatch Access Doors $734.17 COUNTY INC. 89955 01/16/2019 COMMERCIAL DOOR OF ORANGE Inv# 23452 Door Crash Bar Service $368.78 COUNTY INC. Total for Check: 89955 $2,061.37 $7,230.60 89956 01/16/2019 CONNOR, FLETCHER & Inv# 13959 NO.BASIN ARNOLD COS Nov18 legal/No.Basin $120.00 HEDENKAMP LLC Arnold Co 89956 01/16/2019 CONNOR, FLETCHER & Inv# 13960 SABIC Nov18 legal/Sabic $13,866.76 HEDENKAMP LLC 89956 01/16/2019 CONNOR, FLETCHER & Inv# 13961 SOUTH BASIN APPEALS Nov18 legal/South $840.00 HEDENKAMP LLC Basin Appeal Total for Check: 89956 $14,826.76 $435,621.12 89957 01/16/2019 CORNER BAKERY CAFE Inv# 693759 BPO CATERING SERVICES $68.00 89957 01/16/2019 CORNER BAKERY CAFE Inv# 693759 DELIVERY $6.00 Total for Check: 89957 $74.00 $3,019.62 89958 01/16/2019 CPI INTERNATIONAL Inv# 20040971 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $245.78 89958 01/16/2019 CPI INTERNATIONAL Inv# 20040971 SHIPPING $18.06 89958 01/16/2019 CPI INTERNATIONAL Inv# 20040971 DISCOUNT ($5.27) 89958 01/16/2019 CPI INTERNATIONAL Inv# 20041026 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $531.79 89958 01/16/2019 CPI INTERNATIONAL Inv# 20041026 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $168.56 89958 01/16/2019 CPI INTERNATIONAL Inv# 20041026 DISCOUNT ($14.00) 89958 01/16/2019 CPI INTERNATIONAL Inv# 20041084 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $78.30 89958 01/16/2019 CPI INTERNATIONAL Inv# 20041084 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $78.30 89958 01/16/2019 CPI INTERNATIONAL Inv# 20041084 DISCOUNT ($3.13) Total for Check: 89958 $1,098.39 $1,098.39 89959 01/16/2019 CRAFTURN MACHINING Inv# 1678 DEDICATED PUMP LANDING PLATES $1,365.00 89959 01/16/2019 CRAFTURN MACHINING Inv# 1678 MATERIAL $1,103.81 89959 01/16/2019 CRAFTURN MACHINING Inv# 1678 SHIPPING $35.00 Total for Check: 89959 $2,503.81 $2,653.50 89960 01/16/2019 CRESCENT CHEMICAL CO., INC. Inv# 77005 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $365.00 89960 01/16/2019 CRESCENT CHEMICAL CO., INC. Inv# 77005 FREIGHT $16.29 Total for Check: 89960 $381.29 $1,588.21 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89961 01/16/2019 CS-AMSCO Inv# 14137 CREDIT FOR INV 14028 ($2,827.50) 89961 01/16/2019 CS-AMSCO Inv# 14266 3" Air Vac for GAP Influent Pu $1,033.13 89961 01/16/2019 CS-AMSCO Inv# 14266 FREIGHT $69.67 89961 01/16/2019 CS-AMSCO Inv# 14296 Combination Air Valves $1,983.60 89961 01/16/2019 CS-AMSCO Inv# 14296 FREIGHT $70.96 Total for Check: 89961 $329.86 $9,998.04 89962 01/16/2019 CULLIGAN OF SANTA ANA Inv# 1118132 01/01-01/31 WATER SERVICE $179.27 Total for Check: 89962 $179.27 $1,950.65 89963 01/16/2019 CWEA Inv# ID#000030032I J.PANNELLA $280.00 Total for Check: 89963 $280.00 $4,378.00 89964 01/16/2019 FIRE SPRINKLER INSPECTIONS Inv# 18-238 Fire Sprinkler Inspection $2,375.00 Total for Check: 89964 $2,375.00 $23,225.00 89965 01/16/2019 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS Inv# 213-002-8985JAN19 1/7-2/6 $48.19 Total for Check: 89965 $48.19 $40,773.08 89966 01/16/2019 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS Inv# 714-274-0393JAN19 1/7-2/6 $907.94 Total for Check: 89966 $907.94 $40,773.08 89967 01/16/2019 FRUIT GROWERS LABORATORY Inv# 812648A BPO RADIOACTIVITY ANALYSIS $974.00 INC Total for Check: 89967 $974.00 $49,193.00 89968 01/16/2019 FRY'S ELECTRONICS Inv# 22682064 BPO ELECTRONIC SUPPLIES $65.14 Total for Check: 89968 $65.14 $3,902.68 89969 01/16/2019 GANAHL LUMBER COMPANY Inv# 030335621 OPEN NEW BPO $103.43 89969 01/16/2019 GANAHL LUMBER COMPANY Inv# 030335940 OPEN NEW BPO $112.60 Total for Check: 89969 $216.03 $1,285.08 89970 01/16/2019 GEOTECH ENVIRONMENTAL Inv# 576211 BPO WELL SUPPLIES $189.21 EQUIPMENT, INC. 89970 01/16/2019 GEOTECH ENVIRONMENTAL Inv# 576211 Discount ($1.76) EQUIPMENT, INC. Total for Check: 89970 $187.45 $78,552.47 89971 01/16/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9021160792 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $43.46 89971 01/16/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9021894853 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $199.83 89971 01/16/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9023651442 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $343.24 89971 01/16/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9025128456 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $17.84 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89971 01/16/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9025295479 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $162.71 89971 01/16/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9026214701 Generated by reorder 10/15/18 $227.99 89971 01/16/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9038082849 CM #:9029335818 ($161.84) Total for Check: 89971 $833.23 $126,864.36 89972 01/16/2019 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. Inv# 9307451378 Generated by reorder 9/28/18 3 $3,277.51 89972 01/16/2019 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. Inv# 9307451378 Inbound Freight $309.94 89972 01/16/2019 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. Inv# 9307461304 CM ref3: 9304419787 ($737.39) Total for Check: 89972 $2,850.06 $16,442.75 89973 01/16/2019 HACH COMPANY Inv# 11262602 Generated by reorder 11/6/18 3 $777.57 Total for Check: 89973 $777.57 $43,809.67 89974 01/16/2019 HOME DEPOT, INC. Inv# 6113365 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $65.73 89974 01/16/2019 HOME DEPOT, INC. Inv# 7102912 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $50.20 Total for Check: 89974 $115.93 $21,973.55 89975 01/16/2019 HUNTINGTON BEACH FORD Inv# 6011743 T-97 REPAIR $583.42 Total for Check: 89975 $583.42 $33,241.66 89976 01/16/2019 IDEXX LABORATORIES, INC. Inv# 3040528354 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $370.29 89976 01/16/2019 IDEXX LABORATORIES, INC. Inv# 3040528354 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $185.15 89976 01/16/2019 IDEXX LABORATORIES, INC. Inv# 3040528354 SHIPPING $51.41 Total for Check: 89976 $606.85 $8,853.82 89977 01/16/2019 INNOVYZE Inv# 181259813 InfoWater InfoCare Renewal $1,225.00 Total for Check: 89977 $1,225.00 $1,200.00 89978 01/16/2019 INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL Inv# 182102 BPO FOR WQ ANALYSES $360.00 HEALTH INC 89978 01/16/2019 INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL Inv# 182150 BPO FOR WQ ANALYSES $360.00 HEALTH INC Total for Check: 89978 $720.00 $8,405.00 89979 01/16/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 899433-1 MF E08 Final Expansion CPVC Pa $1,333.26 89979 01/16/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 899433-1 Discount ($26.67) 89979 01/16/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 900680 BPO PIPE & SUPPLIES $316.53 89979 01/16/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 900680 Discount ($6.33) 89979 01/16/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 900917 BPO PIPE & SUPPLIES $115.70 89979 01/16/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 900917 DISCOUNT ($2.31) Total for Check: 89979 $1,730.18 $74,374.15 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89980 01/16/2019 JAMES LARSEN MEDICAL Inv# 12.06.2018 First Aid Invoices $1,035.00 INSTRUCTION Total for Check: 89980 $1,035.00 $2,925.00 89981 01/16/2019 JOE A. GONSALVES AND SON Inv# 157071 Jan19 $7,500.00 Total for Check: 89981 $7,500.00 $97,500.00 89982 01/16/2019 JiG CONSULTANTS Inv# 1208 12/3-30 Talbert Seawtr.Intrusi $5,933.21 Total for Check: 89982 $5,933.21 $11,616.65 89983 01/16/2019 KASEYA Inv# INV0002290937 2FA 250 Software Authentication $1,030.00 Total for Check: 89983 $1,030.00 $5,886.18 89984 01/16/2019 KDC SYSTEMS Inv# 34037 LAB-HVAC Andover Controls Main $2,898.00 89984 01/16/2019 KDC SYSTEMS Inv# 34037 Discount ($14.49) Total for Check: 89984 $2,883.51 $15,131.96 89985 01/16/2019 LAYNE CHRISTENSEN COMPANY Inv# 92094524 Prog.Pmt#7 (TAL-2018-1) $18,525.00 Total for Check: 89985 $18,525.00 $18,525.00 89986 01/16/2019 LHOIST NORTH AMERICA Inv# 1180239021 SUPPLY/DELIVER HYDR. LIME $5,977.14 89986 01/16/2019 LHOIST NORTH AMERICA Inv# 1180239198 SUPPLY/DELIVER HYDR. LIME $6,098.01 Total for Check: 89986 $12,075.15 $835,659.50 89987 01/16/2019 MCFADDEN-DALE HARDWARE CO. Inv# 354467/5 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $86.29 89987 01/16/2019 MCFADDEN-DALE HARDWARE CO. Inv# 354467/5 DISCOUNT ($2.40) 89987 01/16/2019 MCFADDEN-DALE HARDWARE CO. Inv# 354482/5 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $17.78 89987 01/16/2019 MCFADDEN-DALE HARDWARE CO. Inv# 354482/5 DISCOUNT ($0.50) Total for Check: 89987 $101.17 $7,113.78 89988 01/16/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 82668384 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $26.73 COMPANY 89988 01/16/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 82668384 SHIPPING $6.97 COMPANY 89988 01/16/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 82668384 DISCOUNT ($0.53) COMPANY 89988 01/16/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 83228594 FIELD WELL DISCHARGE $106.25 COMPANY 89988 01/16/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 83228594 FIELD WELL DISCHARGE $37.19 COMPANY 89988 01/16/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 83228594 SHIPPING $5.84 COMPANY Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89988 01/16/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 83228594 DISCOUNT ($2.87) COMPANY Total for Check: 89988 $179.58 $49,999.73 89989 01/16/2019 METTLER-TOLEDO RAININ LLC Inv# 678277330 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $309.94 89989 01/16/2019 METTLER-TOLEDO RAININ LLC Inv# 678277330 Freight $11.40 Total for Check: 89989 $321.34 $1,551.47 89990 01/16/2019 Markus, Michael R. Inv# 1/4/19 TRAVEL 1/4 Santa Ana MTA Meeting $4.00 89990 01/16/2019 Markus, Michael R. Inv# 10/27-11/26/18 STIPEND 10/27-11/26/18 phone $40.00 stipend 89990 01/16/2019 Markus, Michael R. Inv# 11/27-12/26/18 STIPEND 11/27-12/26/18 phone $40.00 stipend 89990 01/16/2019 Markus, Michael R. Inv# 8/27-9/26/18 STIPEND 8/27-9/26/18 phone stipend $40.00 89990 01/16/2019 Markus, Michael R. Inv# 9/27-10/26/18 STIPEND 9/27-10/26/18 phone stipend $40.00 Total for Check: 89990 $164.00 $13,522.38 89991 01/16/2019 NATIONAL SIGNAL, INC. Inv# 0029052-IN Microswitch Repair T109 $75.00 Total for Check: 89991 $75.00 $75.00 89992 01/16/2019 OFFICE SOLUTIONS BUSINESS Inv# I-01494768 Generated by reorder 12/12/18 $310.55 PRODUCTS Total for Check: 89992 $310.55 $12,182.41 89994 01/16/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2616239 12/17 4812 gal s.hypochlorite $3,315.47 89994 01/16/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2616240 12/17 4922 gal s.hypochlorite $3,391.26 89994 01/16/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2616241 12/17 4812 gal s.hypochlorite $3,315.47 89994 01/16/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2616242 12/17 4808 gal s.hypochlorite $3,312.71 89994 01/16/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2616920 CHEMICAL SUPPLY/DELIVERY $3,385.75 89994 01/16/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2616921 CHEMICAL SUPPLY/DELIVERY $3,409.17 89994 01/16/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2616922 CHEMICAL SUPPLY/DELIVERY $3,407.79 89994 01/16/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2616923 CHEMICAL SUPPLY/DELIVERY $3,312.71 89994 01/16/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2618191 CHEMICAL SUPPLY/DELIVERY $3,422.95 89994 01/16/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2618192 CHEMICAL SUPPLY/DELIVERY $3,370.59 89994 01/16/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2618193 CHEMICAL SUPPLY/DELIVERY $3,395.39 89994 01/16/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2618194 CHEMICAL SUPPLY/DELIVERY $3,387.12 89994 01/16/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2618765 CHEMICAL SUPPLY/DELIVERY $3,314.09 89994 01/16/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2618767 CHEMICAL SUPPLY/DELIVERY $3,134.95 89994 01/16/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2619315 CHEMICAL SUPPLY/DELIVERY $3,351.30 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89994 01/16/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2619316 CHEMICAL SUPPLY/DELIVERY $3,207.98 89994 01/16/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2619317 CHEMICAL SUPPLY/DELIVERY $3,199.72 89994 01/16/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2618766 CHEMICAL SUPPLY/DELIVERY $3,389.88 Total for Check: 89994 $60,024.30 $1,144,266.56 89995 01/16/2019 ORANGE COUNTY COUNCIL Inv# 2019 MERIT SPONSOR BOY SCOUT SPONSORSHIP $5,000.00 Total for Check: 89995 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 89996 01/16/2019 PHENOMENEX Inv# CIUS-19001738 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $1,670.40 89996 01/16/2019 PHENOMENEX Inv# CIUS-19001738 DISCOUNT ($30.72) Total for Check: 89996 $1,639.68 $19,274.48 89999 01/16/2019 PIKE, DONNA R./PETTY CASH Inv# OCT.16-DEC 31,18-16 KeyTags BJ $5.99 CUSTODIAN 89999 01/16/2019 PIKE, DONNA R./PETTY CASH Inv# OCT.16-DEC. 31,18-1 SafetyBlanket EU $16.29 CUSTODIAN 89999 01/16/2019 PIKE, DONNA R./PETTY CASH Inv# OCT.16-DEC. 31,18-2 SnakeSupplies BJ $51.70 CUSTODIAN 89999 01/16/2019 PIKE, DONNA R./PETTY CASH Inv# OCT.16-DEC.31,18-10 LicenseFrame PMD $6.45 CUSTODIAN 89999 01/16/2019 PIKE, DONNA R./PETTY CASH Inv# OCT.16-DEC.31,18-11 ChromePlate PMD $6.45 CUSTODIAN 89999 01/16/2019 PIKE, DONNA R./PETTY CASH Inv# OCT.16-DEC.31,18-12 MachineFitting PMD $4.42 CUSTODIAN 89999 01/16/2019 PIKE, DONNA R./PETTY CASH Inv# OCT.16-DEC.31,18-13 TLocking $18.24 CUSTODIAN 89999 01/16/2019 PIKE, DONNA R./PETTY CASH Inv# OCT.16-DEC.31,18-14 CoffeeSupplies BJ $31.99 CUSTODIAN 89999 01/16/2019 PIKE, DONNA R./PETTY CASH Inv# OCT.16-DEC.31,18-15 SnakeSupplies BJ $21.54 CUSTODIAN 89999 01/16/2019 PIKE, DONNA R./PETTY CASH Inv# OCT.16-DEC.31,18-17 KitchenSupplies EU $19.21 CUSTODIAN 89999 01/16/2019 PIKE, DONNA R./PETTY CASH Inv# OCT.16-DEC.31,18-18 Propane PMD $35.12 CUSTODIAN 89999 01/16/2019 PIKE, DONNA R./PETTY CASH Inv# OCT.16-DEC.31,18-19 TableCover EU $21.71 CUSTODIAN 89999 01/16/2019 PIKE, DONNA R./PETTY CASH Inv# OCT.16-DEC.31,18-20 CanOpener EU $20.46 CUSTODIAN 89999 01/16/2019 PIKE, DONNA R./PETTY CASH Inv# OCT.16-DEC.31,18-21 KitchenSupplies EU $54.77 CUSTODIAN Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 89999 01/16/2019 PIKE, DONNA R./PETTY CASH Inv# OCT.16-DEC.31,18-22 TruckWashTip T154 DH $2.00 CUSTODIAN 89999 01/16/2019 PIKE, DONNA R./PETTY CASH Inv# OCT.16-DEC.31,18-3 OfficeSupplies BJ $39.09 CUSTODIAN 89999 01/16/2019 PIKE, DONNA R./PETTY CASH Inv# OCT.16-DEC.31,18-4 FlaggingSupplies BJ $23.68 CUSTODIAN 89999 01/16/2019 PIKE, DONNA R./PETTY CASH Inv# OCT.16-DEC.31,18-5 MiscMileage EU $22.89 CUSTODIAN 89999 01/16/2019 PIKE, DONNA R./PETTY CASH Inv# OCT.16-DEC.31,18-6 Flashlight RHA $19.40 CUSTODIAN 89999 01/16/2019 PIKE, DONNA R./PETTY CASH Inv# OCT.16-DEC.31,18-7 LandingPad CBM $14.28 CUSTODIAN 89999 01/16/2019 PIKE, DONNA R./PETTY CASH Inv# OCT.16-DEC.31,18-8 SnakeSupplies BJ $58.14 CUSTODIAN 89999 01/16/2019 PIKE, DONNA R./PETTY CASH Inv# OCT.16-DEC.31,18-9 BoreBrush RHA $58.10 CUSTODIAN Total for Check: 89999 $551.92 $7,596.92 90000 01/16/2019 PRIMO POWDER COATING Inv# 81810 Powder Coat Cart Utility Rack, $550.00 Total for Check: 90000 $550.00 $550.00 90001 01/16/2019 Patel, Mehul Inv# 11/23-12/22/18 STIPEND 11/23-12/22/18 phone $40.00 stipend Total for Check: 90001 $40.00 $1,278.76 90002 01/16/2019 QUINN COMPANY Inv# PC830367680 BPO EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES $477.19 Total for Check: 90002 $477.19 $477.19 90003 01/16/2019 RESTEK CORPORATION Inv# 1617757 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $546.14 90003 01/16/2019 RESTEK CORPORATION Inv# 1617757 FREIGHT/HANDLING FEES $4.35 90003 01/16/2019 RESTEK CORPORATION Inv# 1617757 DISCOUNT ($11.00) Total for Check: 90003 $539.49 $14,252.17 90004 01/16/2019 Raley, Robert Inv# 12/2/18-1/1/19 STIPEND 12/2/18-1/1/19 phone stipend $40.00 Total for Check: 90004 $40.00 $480.00 90005 01/16/2019 SAFETY-KLEEN CORPORATION Inv# 78464843 Service Parts Washer $702.56 90005 01/16/2019 SAFETY-KLEEN CORPORATION Inv# 78464843 Service Parts Washer $15.02 90005 01/16/2019 SAFETY-KLEEN CORPORATION Inv# 78464843 Service Parts Washer $10.00 Total for Check: 90005 $727.58 $2,146.26 90006 01/16/2019 SAINT-GOBAIN PERFORMANCE Inv# 18CV4603392 Generated by reorder 10/24/18 $7,906.13 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 90006 01/16/2019 SAINT-GOBAIN PERFORMANCE Inv# 18CV4603392 FREIGHT $36.12 Total for Check: 90006 $7,942.25 $15,940.27 90007 01/16/2019 SANTA ANA WATERSHED ASSOC. Inv# 2018-113 NATURAL RESOURCE SERV. $2,474.30 Total for Check: 90007 $2,474.30 $133,892.48 90008 01/16/2019 SC FUELS Inv# 3818127 BPO BULK RED DIESEL FUEL $17,230.79 90008 01/16/2019 SC FUELS Inv# 3818127 DISCOUNT ($159.49) Total for Check: 90008 $17,071.30 $18,811.35 90009 01/16/2019 SCHORR METALS INC. Inv# 1737657 OPEN NEW BPO $220.98 90009 01/16/2019 SCHORR METALS INC. Inv# 1737657 DISCOUNT ($2.20) Total for Check: 90009 $218.78 $4,808.63 90010 01/16/2019 SIERRA SPRINGS/DS WATERS Inv# 507-6 OCWD 12/11/18 BPO BOTTLED WATER $42.50 SERVICE Total for Check: 90010 $42.50 $1,188.50 90011 01/16/2019 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY Inv# 88600468-001 BPO LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES $241.82 90011 01/16/2019 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY Inv# 88600468-001 ($4.48) Total for Check: 90011 $237.34 $1,122.73 90012 01/16/2019 SOLTIS AND COMPANY, INC. Inv# 1003 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES $3,000.00 90012 01/16/2019 SOLTIS AND COMPANY, INC. Inv# 1067 LANDSCAPE MAINT AT FIELD HQ $4,503.00 Total for Check: 90012 $7,503.00 $53,187.00 90013 01/16/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-003-7100-85DEC18 12/3/18-1/3/19KWH2376322 $190,785.66 CO. 90013 01/16/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-013-4094-34DEC18 12/4/18-1/4/19KWH4764 $735.49 CO. 90013 01/16/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-017-8551-74DEC18 11/19-12/20KWH7680 $6,288.82 CO. 90013 01/16/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-017-9139-64DEC18 12/7/18-1/8/19KWH31 $30.12 CO. 90013 01/16/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-017-9140-39DEC18 12/10/18-1/9/19KWH29 $28.26 CO. 90013 01/16/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-021-9405-46JAN19 12/11/18-1/10/19KWH2010 $404.71 CO. 90013 01/16/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-023-2096-60JAN19 12/12/18-1/11/19KWH253 $61.40 CO. 90013 01/16/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-024-1041-07DEC18 12/4/18-1/4/19KWH13532310 $519,661.46 CO. Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 90013 01/16/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-033-3084-84DEC18 12/4/18-1/4/19KWH173 $51.17 CO. 90013 01/16/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-044-7967-96JAN19 12/12/18-1/11/19KWH262 $128.74 CO. Total for Check: 90013 $718,175.83 $7,891,409.89 90014 01/16/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 7700963496 2/1/19-1/31/20 Operating Rent $20,421.00 CO. Total for Check: 90014 $20,421.00 $34,919.77 90015 01/16/2019 SOUTHWEST TOYOTA LIFT Inv# 00561950 BPO FORKLIFT SERVICE $91.75 90015 01/16/2019 SOUTHWEST TOYOTA LIFT Inv# 00561951 BPO FORKLIFT SERVICE $91.75 90015 01/16/2019 SOUTHWEST TOYOTA LIFT Inv# 00561952 BPO FORKLIFT SERVICE $105.16 90015 01/16/2019 SOUTHWEST TOYOTA LIFT Inv# 00561953 BPO FORKLIFT SERVICE $91.75 90015 01/16/2019 SOUTHWEST TOYOTA LIFT Inv# 00561954 BPO FORKLIFT SERVICE $91.75 Total for Check: 90015 $472.16 $3,475.77 90016 01/16/2019 SPARKLETTS Inv# 4076005 121518 BPO BOTTLED WATER $211.89 90016 01/16/2019 SPARKLETTS Inv# 4076005 121518 BPO BOTTLED WATER $210.75 90016 01/16/2019 SPARKLETTS Inv# 4076005 121518 BPO BOTTLED WATER $183.10 90016 01/16/2019 SPARKLETTS Inv# 4076005 121518 BPO BOTTLED WATER $64.76 90016 01/16/2019 SPARKLETTS Inv# 6144555 122818 BPO BOTTLED WATER $10.00 Total for Check: 90016 $680.50 $6,370.22 90017 01/16/2019 SPRINT Inv# 459104313-205DEC18 12/2/18-1/1/19 $90.12 Total for Check: 90017 $90.12 $936.08 90019 01/16/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3377737145 CREDIT FOR INV 3376940941 ($599.20) 90019 01/16/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3378256743 credit for INV 3377815402 ($21.73) 90019 01/16/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399602886 Generated by reorder 12/11/18 $140.13 90019 01/16/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399602886 Generated by reorder 12/11/18 $135.67 90019 01/16/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399602886 Generated by reorder 12/11/18 $131.48 90019 01/16/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399602886 Generated by reorder 12/11/18 $103.21 90019 01/16/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399602886 Generated by reorder 12/11/18 $91.03 90019 01/16/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399602886 Generated by reorder 12/11/18 $52.14 90019 01/16/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399602886 Generated by reorder 12/11/18 $52.07 90019 01/16/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399602886 Generated by reorder 12/11/18 $46.26 90019 01/16/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399602886 Generated by reorder 12/11/18 $21.67 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 90019 01/16/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399602887 Generated by reorder 12/11/18 $81.40 90019 01/16/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399773795 Employee Filing Folders $207.91 90019 01/16/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399773795 Employee Filing Folders $132.87 90019 01/16/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399773795 Employee Filing Folders $121.32 90019 01/16/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399773795 Employee Filing Folders $15.18 Total for Check: 90019 $711.41 $50,832.72 90020 01/16/2019 STATE WATER RESOURCES Inv# CONTRACT 11821-550-0 GWRSIE $9,440,237.08 CONTROL BOARD (11-821-550;C-06-4463-1 Total for Check: 90020 $9,440,237.08 $18,026,605.45 90021 01/16/2019 SUNSET INDUSTRIAL PARTS Inv# 700640 MF Banded Hose with Cam Lock $127.97 Total for Check: 90021 $127.97 $21,324.46 90022 01/16/2019 SWRCB ACCOUNTING OFFICE Inv# WD-0143204 FACILITY ID 8 303545001 $2,669.00 Total for Check: 90022 $2,669.00 $8,698.00 90023 01/16/2019 TANKNOLOGY, INC. Inv# 1312605 BPO UNDERGROUND SERVICE $213.50 Total for Check: 90023 $213.50 $7,845.19 90024 01/16/2019 THE GAS COMPANY Inv# 044 409 2900DEC18 12/4/18-1/4/19THERMS871 $661.74 90024 01/16/2019 THE GAS COMPANY Inv# 113 758 3304DEC18 12/4/18-1/4/19THERMS5393 $4,573.75 Total for Check: 90024 $5,235.49 $40,393.32 90025 01/16/2019 THE REGENTS OF UNIVERSITY OF Inv# 8782CA0012 SCOPING STUDY 11/01-11/30/18 $3,871.47 CALIFORNIA Total for Check: 90025 $3,871.47 $45,918.39 90026 01/16/2019 TOP HAT PRODUCTIONS Inv# 94763 BPO CATERING SERVICES $213.53 Total for Check: 90026 $213.53 $5,263.34 90027 01/16/2019 TORONTO RESEARCH Inv# 291667 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $450.00 CHEMICALS, INC. 90027 01/16/2019 TORONTO RESEARCH Inv# 291667 SHIPPING & INSURANCE $50.00 CHEMICALS, INC. Total for Check: 90027 $500.00 $3,561.00 90028 01/16/2019 U.S. HEALTHWORKS Inv# 3448178-CA BPO MEDICAL SERVICES $145.00 90028 01/16/2019 U.S. HEALTHWORKS Inv# 3448178-CA BPO MEDICAL SERVICES $35.00 Total for Check: 90028 $180.00 $3,705.48 90029 01/16/2019 U.S. TELEPACIFIC CORP Inv# 111957310-0 INTERNET SERVICES $1,839.53 Total for Check: 90029 $1,839.53 $19,351.77 90030 01/16/2019 UCI FOUNDATION: URBAN WATER Inv# 100 EU Workshop on Groundwater $15,000.00 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD Total for Check: 90030 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 90031 01/16/2019 UNIVAR USA Inv# LA696758 1/8 25.94 tons sulfuric acid $3,761.30 90031 01/16/2019 UNIVAR USA Inv# LA696758 Discount ($75.23) 90031 01/16/2019 UNIVAR USA Inv# LA696759 1/8 25.51 tons sulfuric acid $3,698.95 90031 01/16/2019 UNIVAR USA Inv# LA696759 Discount ($73.98) 90031 01/16/2019 UNIVAR USA Inv# LA697143 1/11 25.21 tons sulfuric acid $3,655.45 90031 01/16/2019 UNIVAR USA Inv# LA697143 Discount ($73.11) 90031 01/16/2019 UNIVAR USA Inv# LA697144 1/11 25.11 tons sulfuric acid $3,640.95 90031 01/16/2019 UNIVAR USA Inv# LA697144 Discount ($72.82) Total for Check: 90031 $14,461.51 $335,160.34 90032 01/16/2019 UTILIQUEST LLC Inv# 270558-Q 9908 12/9-15 screen/mark pipes $90.08 90032 01/16/2019 UTILIQUEST LLC Inv# 270558-Q 9911 12/9-15 screen/mark pipes $1,259.91 90032 01/16/2019 UTILIQUEST LLC Inv# 270558-Q 9922 12/9-15 screen/mark pipes $734.94 90032 01/16/2019 UTILIQUEST LLC Inv# 270558-Q 9932 12/9-15 screen/mark pipes $14.91 Total for Check: 90032 $2,099.84 $94,681.02 90034 01/16/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084798720 Generated by reorder 1/3/19 7: $113.67 90034 01/16/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084798720 Generated by reorder 1/3/19 7: $113.66 90034 01/16/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084798720 Discount ($2.27) 90034 01/16/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084799792 Generated by reorder 1/3/19 7: $881.15 90034 01/16/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084799792 Generated by reorder 1/3/19 7: $881.15 90034 01/16/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084799792 Generated by reorder 1/3/19 7: $55.87 90034 01/16/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084799792 Generated by reorder 1/3/19 7: $5.07 90034 01/16/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084799792 Discount ($18.23) 90034 01/16/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084811658 Generated by reorder 12/14/18 $562.54 90034 01/16/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084811658 Freight Charges $83.94 90034 01/16/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084811658 Discount ($6.71) 90034 01/16/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084811659 Generated by reorder 12/14/18 $278.37 90034 01/16/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084811659 Discount ($2.78) 90034 01/16/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084811658 Generated by reorder 12/14/18 $25.31 Total for Check: 90034 $2,970.74 $137,291.89 90035 01/16/2019 WASTE MANAGEMENT INLAND Inv# 0646687-0161-4 01/01-01/31/19 $162.03 EMPIRE Total for Check: 90035 $162.03 $1,944.36 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 90036 01/16/2019 WATERS CORPORATION Inv# 230098106 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $1,661.35 90036 01/16/2019 WATERS CORPORATION Inv# 230098107 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $727.32 90036 01/16/2019 WATERS CORPORATION Inv# 230098107 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $535.92 90036 01/16/2019 WATERS CORPORATION Inv# 230098107 freight $37.15 Total for Check: 90036 $2,961.74 $62,360.19 90037 01/16/2019 WEST COAST GASKET COMPANY Inv# 102417 Gaskets for Manway at Lime Sat $489.38 90037 01/16/2019 WEST COAST GASKET COMPANY Inv# 102417 FREIGHT $15.14 Total for Check: 90037 $504.52 $504.52 90038 01/16/2019 XEROX CORPORATION Inv# 095463224 BPO XEROX EQUIPMENT LEASE $646.17 Total for Check: 90038 $646.17 $17,677.78 90039 01/16/2019 ZCATER Inv# 166779 BPO CATERING SERVICES $225.33 90039 01/16/2019 ZCATER Inv# 166779 DELIVERY $10.00 Total for Check: 90039 $235.33 $2,738.60 90040 01/17/2019 COUNTY OF ORANGE-HEALTH Inv# BACKFLOWCERT 2019 C.FRIBERG 1/22/19 $288.00 CARE AGENCY Total for Check: 90040 $288.00 $1,398.00 90041 01/23/2019 ACCO ENGINEERED SYSTEMS, Inv# 1748485 Lab Cook EF Louvers on Lab Bui $177.00 INC. 90041 01/23/2019 ACCO ENGINEERED SYSTEMS, Inv# 1748485 Lab Cook EF Louvers on Lab Bui $40.00 INC. 90041 01/23/2019 ACCO ENGINEERED SYSTEMS, Inv# 1748485 Lab Cook EF Louvers on Lab Bui $15.00 INC. Total for Check: 90041 $232.00 $96,499.96 90044 01/23/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0110196000JAN19 12/13/18-1/15/19KWH0 $31.43 90044 01/23/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0110198000JAN19 12/13/18-1/15/19KWH880 $235.68 90044 01/23/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0110199000JAN19 12/13/18-1/15/19KWH65700 $12,952.40 90044 01/23/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0127464300DEC18 12/101/18-1/10/19HCF410 $1,156.67 90044 01/23/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0127602300DEC18 12/10/18-1/10/19HCF66 $243.44 90044 01/23/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0127603000DEC18 12/10/18-1/10/19KWH0 $49.96 90044 01/23/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0127704000DEC18 12/11/18-1/10/19KWH2400 $469.32 90044 01/23/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0128276000DEC18 12/11/18-1/10/19KWH1160 $253.11 90044 01/23/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0128277000DEC18 12/11/18-1/10/19KWH7920 $1,453.13 90044 01/23/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0128279000DEC18 12/11/18-1/10/19KWH5960 $1,500.15 90044 01/23/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0128280300DEC18 12/11/18-1/10/19HCF0 $59.30 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 90044 01/23/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0128282300DEC18 12/11/18-1/10/19HCF57 $181.58 90044 01/23/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0128283000DEC18 12/11/18-1/13/19KWH960 $1,267.36 90044 01/23/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0128284000DEC18 12/11/18-1/10/19KWH664 $141.13 90044 01/23/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0128660002DEC18 12/11/18-1/11/19KWH2772 $540.17 90044 01/23/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0129051000JAN19 12/13/18-1/15/19KWH0 $17.16 90044 01/23/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0131487000DEC18 12/11/18-1/10/19KWH164 $46.61 90044 01/23/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0132538000DEC18 12/11/18-1/10/19KWH1849 $365.14 90044 01/23/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0134144000DEC18 12/11/18-1/10/19KWH160 $45.85 90044 01/23/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0134145000DEC18 12/10/18-1/10/19KWH80 $31.24 90044 01/23/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0134965000DEC18 12/10/18-1/10/19KWH264 $66.03 90044 01/23/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0138802000DEC18 12/11/18-1/10/19KWH0 $15.60 90044 01/23/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0139824000DEC18 12/11/18-1/10/19KWH391 $89.53 90044 01/23/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0145552000DEC18 12/11/18-1/10/19KWH24 $20.14 Total for Check: 90044 $21,232.13 $218,892.21 90045 01/23/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 1450436892 UNIFORM SERVICES $35.48 90045 01/23/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 1450454020 UNIFORM SERVICES $35.48 90045 01/23/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533921583 UNIFORM SERVICES $197.44 90045 01/23/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533938771 UNIFORM SERVICES $3.92 90045 01/23/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533938773 UNIFORM SERVICES $150.99 90045 01/23/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533938774 UNIFORM SERVICES $239.67 Total for Check: 90045 $662.98 $49,468.59 90046 01/23/2019 AT & T Inv# 714 974-3616JAN18 1/11-2/10 $69.28 Total for Check: 90046 $69.28 $30,595.41 90047 01/23/2019 AT & T Inv# 335 253-2206JAN19 1/7-2/6 $85.86 Total for Check: 90047 $85.86 $30,595.41 90048 01/23/2019 AT & T Inv# 339 259-6949JAN19 1/7-2/6 $69.28 Total for Check: 90048 $69.28 $30,595.41 90049 01/23/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI910796 1/15 44200 lbs H.Peroxide $9,613.50 90049 01/23/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI910796 Discount ($288.41) 90049 01/23/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI910797 1/16 43200 lbs H.Peroxide $9,396.00 90049 01/23/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI910797 Discount ($281.88) 90049 01/23/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI911550 275gl SHC Tote at OCSD $818.77 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 90049 01/23/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI911550 275gl SHC Tote at OCSD $15.96 90049 01/23/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI911550 Discount ($16.70) Total for Check: 90049 $19,257.24 $1,056,740.42 90050 01/23/2019 Barker, Zachary Inv# 2018-2019-05 EducationReimb ZGB $2,658.28 Total for Check: 90050 $2,658.28 $3,097.49 90051 01/23/2019 Bilodeau, Denis Inv# DECEMBER 2018 TRAVEL Dec18 OCWD Various $139.01 Meetings Total for Check: 90051 $139.01 $5,752.92 90052 01/23/2019 Brandman, Jordan Inv# DECEMBER 2018 TRAVEL Dec18 OCWD Various $30.52 Meetings Total for Check: 90052 $30.52 $30.52 90053 01/23/2019 CERIDIAN HCM, INC. Inv# IN215548 Jan19 payroll service $4,283.04 Total for Check: 90053 $4,283.04 $57,447.32 90054 01/23/2019 CORNER BAKERY CAFE Inv# 744842 BPO CATERING SERVICES $56.00 90054 01/23/2019 CORNER BAKERY CAFE Inv# 744842 BPO CATERING SERVICES $33.00 90054 01/23/2019 CORNER BAKERY CAFE Inv# 744842 DELIVERY $8.90 90054 01/23/2019 CORNER BAKERY CAFE Inv# 795331 BPO CATERING SERVICES $48.00 Total for Check: 90054 $145.90 $3,019.62 90055 01/23/2019 CPI INTERNATIONAL Inv# 20041101 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $97.88 90055 01/23/2019 CPI INTERNATIONAL Inv# 20041101 DISCOUNT ($1.95) Total for Check: 90055 $95.93 $95.93 90056 01/23/2019 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL Inv# 0001848486 BPO PORTA POTTY SERVICE $249.69 SERVICES Total for Check: 90056 $249.69 $2,956.47 90057 01/23/2019 Dadakis, Jason Inv# 11/14/18 TRAVEL 11/14 Irvine OCWA $45.00 Total for Check: 90057 $45.00 $2,264.02 90058 01/23/2019 Davidson, Scott Inv# 11/17-12/16/18 STIPEND 11/17-12/16/18 phone $40.00 stipend Total for Check: 90058 $40.00 $480.00 90059 01/23/2019 EVANTEC LAB SUPPLY Inv# 190230 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $58.73 90059 01/23/2019 EVANTEC LAB SUPPLY Inv# 190230 SHIPPING $28.87 90059 01/23/2019 EVANTEC LAB SUPPLY Inv# 190230 DISCOUNT ($0.87) Total for Check: 90059 $86.73 $3,130.01 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 90060 01/23/2019 FRUIT GROWERS LABORATORY Inv# 813790A BPO RADIOACTIVITY ANALYSIS $487.00 INC 90060 01/23/2019 FRUIT GROWERS LABORATORY Inv# 813990A BPO RADIOACTIVITY ANALYSIS $622.00 INC 90060 01/23/2019 FRUIT GROWERS LABORATORY Inv# 814625A BPO RADIOACTIVITY ANALYSIS $49.00 INC Total for Check: 90060 $1,158.00 $49,193.00 90061 01/23/2019 FRY'S ELECTRONICS Inv# 22696897 BPO ELECTRONIC SUPPLIES $94.38 Total for Check: 90061 $94.38 $3,902.68 90062 01/23/2019 Field, David M. Inv# 12/7/18-1/6/19 STIPEND 12/7/18-1/6/19 phone stipend $40.00 Total for Check: 90062 $40.00 $707.35 90063 01/23/2019 GEOTECH ENVIRONMENTAL Inv# 576367 FIELD WELL PUMPS $4,892.39 EQUIPMENT, INC. 90063 01/23/2019 GEOTECH ENVIRONMENTAL Inv# 576367 SHIPPING/HANDLING $96.85 EQUIPMENT, INC. 90063 01/23/2019 GEOTECH ENVIRONMENTAL Inv# 576367 DISCOUNT ($45.41) EQUIPMENT, INC. Total for Check: 90063 $4,943.83 $78,552.47 90064 01/23/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9028519685 Wrench for Threaded Well Caps $16.07 90064 01/23/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9029016392 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $70.97 90064 01/23/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9029335818 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $161.84 90064 01/23/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9030242656 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $21.41 90064 01/23/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9032019292 Generated by reorder 12/12/18 $856.17 90064 01/23/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9032455488 WELL PUMPING SUPPLY $953.31 Total for Check: 90064 $2,079.77 $126,864.36 90065 01/23/2019 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. Inv# 9308146208 Square D Starter Contact Repai $233.96 90065 01/23/2019 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. Inv# 9308146208 Freight $9.28 90065 01/23/2019 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. Inv# 9308146208 Handling $4.35 90065 01/23/2019 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. Inv# 9308146208 Discount ($2.15) Total for Check: 90065 $245.44 $16,442.75 90066 01/23/2019 GREEN THUMB, LLC Inv# 20190065 BPO INDOOR PLANT CARE $265.66 90066 01/23/2019 GREEN THUMB, LLC Inv# 20190065 BPO INDOOR PLANT CARE $93.34 Total for Check: 90066 $359.00 $4,308.00 90067 01/23/2019 Green, Catherine T. Inv# 11/27/18 TRAVEL 11/27 San Diego ACWA Conferenc $5.49 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 90067 01/23/2019 Green, Catherine T. Inv# 9/21/18 TRAVEL 9/21 Scott Colton Memorial $10.98 90067 01/23/2019 Green, Catherine T. Inv# 9/25/18 TRAVEL 9/25 Lake Forest Mtg w/ETWD $5.75 90067 01/23/2019 Green, Catherine T. Inv# DECEMBER 2018 TRAVEL Dec18 OCWD Various $76.89 Meetings Total for Check: 90067 $99.11 $7,753.68 90068 01/23/2019 HOME DEPOT, INC. Inv# 4010519 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $139.16 90068 01/23/2019 HOME DEPOT, INC. Inv# 5710251 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $142.10 90068 01/23/2019 HOME DEPOT, INC. Inv# 6534968 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $26.91 Total for Check: 90068 $308.17 $21,973.55 90069 01/23/2019 HORIBA INSTRUMENTS, INC. Inv# 5101516286 HORIBA Instruments Ammonia Nit $10,041.98 90069 01/23/2019 HORIBA INSTRUMENTS, INC. Inv# 5101516286 HORIBA Instruments Ammonia Nit $917.85 90069 01/23/2019 HORIBA INSTRUMENTS, INC. Inv# 5101516286 Freight $15.88 Total for Check: 90069 $10,975.71 $10,975.71 90070 01/23/2019 INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL Inv# 182127 BPO FOR WQ ANALYSES $360.00 HEALTH INC Total for Check: 90070 $360.00 $8,405.00 90071 01/23/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 901749 12" PVC Pipe for RO CIP Loop D $585.94 90071 01/23/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 901749 Discount ($11.72) 90071 01/23/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 901770 BPO PIPE & SUPPLIES $139.73 90071 01/23/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 901770 DISCOUNT ($2.79) Total for Check: 90071 $711.16 $74,374.15 90072 01/23/2019 L.A. COUNTY DEPT. PUBLIC Inv# SA190000184 (H0321551) FY17-18 final-Alamitos $199,505.41 WORKS Barrier Total for Check: 90072 $199,505.41 $200,000.00 90073 01/23/2019 LAYNE CHRISTENSEN COMPANY Inv# 92094549 F.Retention release (TAL-2018- $9,999.80 90073 01/23/2019 LAYNE CHRISTENSEN COMPANY Inv# 92094549 F.Retention release (TAL-2018- $6,307.60 Total for Check: 90073 $16,307.40 $16,307.40 90074 01/23/2019 LHOIST NORTH AMERICA Inv# 1180239850A 12/20 25.33 tons lime $6,003.21 90074 01/23/2019 LHOIST NORTH AMERICA Inv# 1180239850B 12/25 24.58 tons lime $5,825.46 Total for Check: 90074 $11,828.67 $835,659.50 90075 01/23/2019 LUCCI'S DELI BAKERY Inv# 12912WACO BPO FOR LUCCI'S $405.00 90075 01/23/2019 LUCCI'S DELI BAKERY Inv# 12912WACO DELIVERY $20.00 90075 01/23/2019 LUCCI'S DELI BAKERY Inv# 12915WIC BPO FOR LUCCI'S $94.50 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 90075 01/23/2019 LUCCI'S DELI BAKERY Inv# 12915WIC DELIVERY $20.00 Total for Check: 90075 $539.50 $8,124.91 90076 01/23/2019 MCCONNELL, JAMES F. Inv# DECEMBER 31, 2018 Dec18 $7,500.00 Total for Check: 90076 $7,500.00 $90,077.00 90077 01/23/2019 MCFADDEN-DALE HARDWARE CO. Inv# 356186/5 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $181.99 90077 01/23/2019 MCFADDEN-DALE HARDWARE CO. Inv# 356186/5 DISCOUNT ($5.07) 90077 01/23/2019 MCFADDEN-DALE HARDWARE CO. Inv# 356347/5 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $20.15 90077 01/23/2019 MCFADDEN-DALE HARDWARE CO. Inv# 356347/5 DISCOUNT ($0.56) 90077 01/23/2019 MCFADDEN-DALE HARDWARE CO. Inv# 356393/5 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $8.62 90077 01/23/2019 MCFADDEN-DALE HARDWARE CO. Inv# 356393/5 DISCOUNT ($0.24) 90077 01/23/2019 MCFADDEN-DALE HARDWARE CO. Inv# 356568/5 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $25.85 90077 01/23/2019 MCFADDEN-DALE HARDWARE CO. Inv# 356568/5 DISCOUNT ($0.72) 90077 01/23/2019 MCFADDEN-DALE HARDWARE CO. Inv# 356960/5 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $80.49 90077 01/23/2019 MCFADDEN-DALE HARDWARE CO. Inv# 356960/5 DISCOUNT ($2.24) Total for Check: 90077 $308.27 $7,113.78 90078 01/23/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 83667033 WELL PUMPING FIELD WORK $37.19 COMPANY 90078 01/23/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 83667033 SHIPPING $5.83 COMPANY 90078 01/23/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 83667033 DISCOUNT ($0.74) COMPANY Total for Check: 90078 $42.28 $49,999.73 90079 01/23/2019 MOTION INDUSTRIES, INC. Inv# CA11-692203 Generated by reorder 10/30/18 $5,932.88 90079 01/23/2019 MOTION INDUSTRIES, INC. Inv# CA11-692203 Freight $97.98 90079 01/23/2019 MOTION INDUSTRIES, INC. Inv# CA11-692203 Discount ($54.56) Total for Check: 90079 $5,976.30 $5,902.97 90080 01/23/2019 Nguyen, Dina Inv# DECEMBER 2018 TRAVEL Dec18 OCWD Various $22.89 Meetings Total for Check: 90080 $22.89 $368.30 90081 01/23/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2620009 12/26 4952 gal s.hypochlorite $3,411.93 90081 01/23/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2620010 12/26 4898 gal s.hypochlorite $3,374.72 90081 01/23/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2620011 12/26 4962 gal s.hypochlorite $3,418.82 90081 01/23/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2620584 12/27 4922 gal. s.hypochlorite $3,391.26 90081 01/23/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2620585 12/27 4818 gal s.hypochlorite $3,319.60 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

Begin Date: 12/27/2018 End Date: 01/30/2019 Page 45 : Accounts Payable Cash Disbursements Presented for Board Ratification and/or Approval

Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 90081 01/23/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2620586 12/27 4972 gal s.hypochlorite $3,425.71 90081 01/23/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2621216 12/28 4946 gal s.hypochlorite $3,407.79 90081 01/23/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2621217 12/28 4962 gal s.hypochlorite $3,418.82 90081 01/23/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2621218 12/28 4930 gal s.hypochlorite $3,396.77 Total for Check: 90081 $30,565.42 $1,144,266.56 90082 01/23/2019 ONESOURCE DISTRIBUTORS INC. Inv# S6039910.001 Generated by reorder 12/20/18 $326.19 90082 01/23/2019 ONESOURCE DISTRIBUTORS INC. Inv# S6039910.001 Generated by reorder 12/20/18 $293.87 90082 01/23/2019 ONESOURCE DISTRIBUTORS INC. Inv# S6039910.001 Generated by reorder 12/20/18 $283.82 90082 01/23/2019 ONESOURCE DISTRIBUTORS INC. Inv# S6039910.001 Generated by reorder 12/20/18 $249.35 90082 01/23/2019 ONESOURCE DISTRIBUTORS INC. Inv# S6039910.001 Generated by reorder 12/20/18 $137.64 90082 01/23/2019 ONESOURCE DISTRIBUTORS INC. Inv# S6039910.001 S&H Charges $36.50 90082 01/23/2019 ONESOURCE DISTRIBUTORS INC. Inv# S6039910.001 Discount ($11.87) Total for Check: 90082 $1,315.50 $157,021.88 90083 01/23/2019 ORANGE COUNTY HEALTH CARE Inv# W0001 1/10/19 BPO FOR BIO ANALYSES $1,460.88 AGENCY 90083 01/23/2019 ORANGE COUNTY HEALTH CARE Inv# W0001 1/10/19 BPO FOR BIO ANALYSES $648.99 AGENCY Total for Check: 90083 $2,109.87 $15,388.62 90084 01/23/2019 ORANGE COUNTY TAX Inv# 156-101-06 2018-19B OC Prop Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $12,765.17 COLLECTOR 90084 01/23/2019 ORANGE COUNTY TAX Inv# 253-451-07 2018-19B OC Prop Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $692.24 COLLECTOR 90084 01/23/2019 ORANGE COUNTY TAX Inv# 345-142-03 2018-19B OC Prop Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $325.24 COLLECTOR 90084 01/23/2019 ORANGE COUNTY TAX Inv# 346-121-03 2018-19B OC Prop Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $3,108.23 COLLECTOR 90084 01/23/2019 ORANGE COUNTY TAX Inv# 346-143-03 2018-19B OC Prop Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $244.48 COLLECTOR 90084 01/23/2019 ORANGE COUNTY TAX Inv# 408-213-03 2018-19B OC Prop Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $27.15 COLLECTOR Total for Check: 90084 $17,162.51 $33,916.36 90085 01/23/2019 ORANGE COUNTY Inv# PW190167 2018-00574,2018-00613 $1,905.50 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR Total for Check: 90085 $1,905.50 $19,832.27 90086 01/23/2019 PETE'S ROAD SERVICE, INC. Inv# 287839-00 BPO TIRE & SUPPLIES $106.35 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD Total for Check: 90086 $106.35 $2,129.46 90087 01/23/2019 PHENOMENEX Inv# CIUS-19003328 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $1,291.95 90087 01/23/2019 PHENOMENEX Inv# CIUS-19003328 DISCOUNT ($23.76) 90087 01/23/2019 PHENOMENEX Inv# CIUS-19003768 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $1,383.30 90087 01/23/2019 PHENOMENEX Inv# CIUS-19003768 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $623.79 90087 01/23/2019 PHENOMENEX Inv# CIUS-19003768 HANDLING $6.51 90087 01/23/2019 PHENOMENEX Inv# CIUS-19003768 DISCOUNT ($37.03) Total for Check: 90087 $3,244.76 $19,274.48 90088 01/23/2019 PICTURE MOSAICS Inv# 108181C INVOICE 108181C $1,800.00 90088 01/23/2019 PICTURE MOSAICS Inv# 108181C INVOICE 108181C $1,200.00 90088 01/23/2019 PICTURE MOSAICS Inv# 108181C INVOICE 108181C $500.00 Total for Check: 90088 $3,500.00 $6,710.00 90089 01/23/2019 PRIMO POWDER COATING Inv# 82778 Stands and Plaque Powder Coati $980.00 90089 01/23/2019 PRIMO POWDER COATING Inv# 82779 Stands and Plaque Powder Coati $825.00 90089 01/23/2019 PRIMO POWDER COATING Inv# 83448 Liime Saturator A01 Manway Cov $675.00 90089 01/23/2019 PRIMO POWDER COATING Inv# 83448 Liime Saturator A01 Manway Cov $95.00 Total for Check: 90089 $2,575.00 $2,575.00 90090 01/23/2019 PRUDENTIAL GROUP INSURANCE Inv# C#00694,B#252925 JAN19 Life Insurance Jan2019 $28,541.27 Total for Check: 90090 $28,541.27 $322,738.07 90091 01/23/2019 R.F. MACDONALD CO. Inv# 270955 RO Pilot Centrifugal Pump $6,146.55 90091 01/23/2019 R.F. MACDONALD CO. Inv# 270955 FREIGHT $135.02 90091 01/23/2019 R.F. MACDONALD CO. Inv# 270955 DISCOUNT ($62.81) Total for Check: 90091 $6,218.76 $9,662.95 90092 01/23/2019 ROSEMOUNT ANALYTICAL INC. Inv# 882943 Generated by reorder 1/8/19 7: $3,088.50 90092 01/23/2019 ROSEMOUNT ANALYTICAL INC. Inv# 882943 FREIGHT & HANDLING $14.95 90092 01/23/2019 ROSEMOUNT ANALYTICAL INC. Inv# 882943 DISCOUNT ($31.03) 90092 01/23/2019 ROSEMOUNT ANALYTICAL INC. Inv# 883181 Generated by reorder 12/7/18 2 $550.98 90092 01/23/2019 ROSEMOUNT ANALYTICAL INC. Inv# 883181 FREIGHT&HANDLING $10.23 90092 01/23/2019 ROSEMOUNT ANALYTICAL INC. Inv# 883181 DISCOUNT ($5.61) Total for Check: 90092 $3,628.02 $64,159.40 90093 01/23/2019 Rowe, Kelly Inv# DECEMBER 2018 TRAVEL Dec18 OCWD Various $13.08 Meetings Total for Check: 90093 $13.08 $13.08 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 90094 01/23/2019 SALCO DYNAMIC SOLUTIONS, INC. Inv# 54917 Generated by reorder 12/5/18 8 $3,078.45 90094 01/23/2019 SALCO DYNAMIC SOLUTIONS, INC. Inv# 54917 DELIVERY $54.10 90094 01/23/2019 SALCO DYNAMIC SOLUTIONS, INC. Inv# 54917 Environmental Comp Fee $31.00 90094 01/23/2019 SALCO DYNAMIC SOLUTIONS, INC. Inv# 54917 DISCOUNT ($63.27) Total for Check: 90094 $3,100.28 $17,638.07 90095 01/23/2019 SANDWOOD ENTERPRISES INC. Inv# OC 20 1900125 BPO TEMPORARY LABOR $512.00 Total for Check: 90095 $512.00 $24,768.00 90096 01/23/2019 SANTA ANA WATERSHED Inv# 62350 FY2018-19 SA SUCKER CONSERVATI $15,000.00 PROJECT AUTHORITY Total for Check: 90096 $15,000.00 $408,336.90 90097 01/23/2019 SC FUELS Inv# 0061866 BPO UNLEADED FUEL FOR VEHICLES $945.08 90097 01/23/2019 SC FUELS Inv# 0061866 BPO UNLEADED FUEL FOR VEHICLES $282.69 90097 01/23/2019 SC FUELS Inv# 0061866 BPO UNLEADED FUEL FOR VEHICLES $277.45 90097 01/23/2019 SC FUELS Inv# 0061866 BPO UNLEADED FUEL FOR VEHICLES $245.76 90097 01/23/2019 SC FUELS Inv# 0061866 BPO UNLEADED FUEL FOR VEHICLES $143.62 90097 01/23/2019 SC FUELS Inv# 0061866 BPO UNLEADED FUEL FOR VEHICLES $136.87 90097 01/23/2019 SC FUELS Inv# 0061866 BPO UNLEADED FUEL FOR VEHICLES $91.83 90097 01/23/2019 SC FUELS Inv# 0061866 BPO UNLEADED FUEL FOR VEHICLES $53.54 90097 01/23/2019 SC FUELS Inv# 0061866 BPO UNLEADED FUEL FOR VEHICLES $693.02 Total for Check: 90097 $2,869.86 $45,280.60 90098 01/23/2019 SCW CONTRACTING Inv# 11329 Prog.Pmt#5 (SAR-2018-1) $133,000.00 CORPORATION Total for Check: 90098 $133,000.00 $133,000.00 90099 01/23/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 7590191994 Customer#10265544Doc7590191994 $10,000.00 CO. Total for Check: 90099 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 90100 01/23/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-017-7474-01JAN19 12/13/18-1/14/19KWH37 $30.97 CO. 90100 01/23/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-017-9360-14JAN19 12/14/18-1/15/19KWH61 $34.31 CO. 90100 01/23/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-027-0770-76JAN19 12/17/18-1/16/19KWH2826 $335.34 CO. Total for Check: 90100 $400.62 $7,891,409.89 90101 01/23/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3398798564 $156.58 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 90101 01/23/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3399008356 credit inv#3396959553 ($156.58) 90101 01/23/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3400230599 NEW CHAIRS $1,162.60 90101 01/23/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3400230599 NEW CHAIRS $1,162.60 90101 01/23/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3400230599 NEW CHAIRS $581.31 90101 01/23/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3400230599 NEW CHAIRS $581.30 90101 01/23/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3400357908 ERGO Equipment $201.87 90101 01/23/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3400357908 ERGO Equipment $32.67 90101 01/23/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3401479591 credit inv# 3398914408 ($51.74) 90101 01/23/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3401479592 credit inv#3398914408 ($25.87) Total for Check: 90101 $3,644.74 $50,832.72 90102 01/23/2019 SUEZ WTS ANALYTICAL Inv# 99610551 SUEZ PM Service on Two TOC 900 $7,140.00 INSTRUMENTS, INC. Total for Check: 90102 $7,140.00 $24,437.74 90103 01/23/2019 Sheldon, Stephen R. Inv# 8/21-23/18 TRAVEL* 8/21-23 San Diego UWI $349.34 90103 01/23/2019 Sheldon, Stephen R. Inv# 8/21-23/18 TRAVEL** 8/21 UWI personal expense ($461.94) 90103 01/23/2019 Sheldon, Stephen R. Inv# DECEMBER 2018 TRAVEL Dec18 OCWD Various $39.24 Meetings 90103 01/23/2019 Sheldon, Stephen R. Inv# OCTOBER 2018 TRAVEL Oct18 OCWD Various $56.68 Meetings 90103 01/23/2019 Sheldon, Stephen R. Inv# SEPTEMBER 2018 TRAVEL Sept18 OCWD Various $50.14 Meetings Total for Check: 90103 $33.46 $1,105.01 90104 01/23/2019 TAB ANSWER NETWORK CALL Inv# 1505401172019 $111.46 CENTER Total for Check: 90104 $111.46 $667.97 90105 01/23/2019 TESTAMERICA Inv# 4400008100 NEW BPO FOR WQ ANALYSES $32.50 90105 01/23/2019 TESTAMERICA Inv# 4400008190 NEW BPO FOR WQ ANALYSES $710.00 90105 01/23/2019 TESTAMERICA Inv# 4400008191 NEW BPO FOR WQ ANALYSES $710.00 Total for Check: 90105 $1,452.50 $52,980.00 90106 01/23/2019 TETRA TECH, INC. Inv# 51394444 Thru 11/23 Mid Basin Cent.Park $3,110.00 Total for Check: 90106 $3,110.00 $252,547.66 90107 01/23/2019 TIME WARNER COMMUNICATIONS Inv# 0400190122518 Internet Services for OCWD $1,349.00 90107 01/23/2019 TIME WARNER COMMUNICATIONS Inv# 0410454011219 BPO CABLE TV SERVICE $116.44 Total for Check: 90107 $1,465.44 $19,694.43 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

Begin Date: 12/27/2018 End Date: 01/30/2019 Page 49 : Accounts Payable Cash Disbursements Presented for Board Ratification and/or Approval

Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 90108 01/23/2019 Tri Ta Inv# DECEMBER 2018 TRAVEL Dec18 OCWD Various $97.56 Meetings Total for Check: 90108 $97.56 $97.56 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#22 NN/BH: tricyle $792.00 SYSTEM 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#35 MHP/BH: AEM modules $6,830.85 SYSTEM 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC ET#2 GMA/ET: on line svc $99.00 SYSTEM 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#1 VS/BH: GFOA certification $85.00 SYSTEM 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#10 RSW/BH: Smartphone $149.95 SYSTEM stabilizer 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#11 RSW/BH: photography $30.99 SYSTEM light bulb 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#12 RSH/BH: lobby signs $348.66 SYSTEM 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#13 VS/BH: GFOA training $580.00 SYSTEM 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#14 KI/BH: camlocks $42.07 SYSTEM 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#15 JMD/BH: code $134.00 SYSTEM regulations book 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#16 BDL/BH: ice machine $1,162.73 SYSTEM supplies 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#17 BL/BH: ERP vests $419.58 SYSTEM 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#18 LVS/BH: 12/28 AWWA $195.00 SYSTEM training 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#19 JDB/BH: truck washes $180.00 SYSTEM 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#2 RSH/BH: Samsung TV $311.49 SYSTEM monitor 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#20 AMA/BH: retaining bands $135.06 SYSTEM 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#21 KI/BH: See's $1,865.80 SYSTEM Candy( Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

Begin Date: 12/27/2018 End Date: 01/30/2019 Page 50 : Accounts Payable Cash Disbursements Presented for Board Ratification and/or Approval

Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#23 PMD/BH: lpatop & ram $47.84 SYSTEM mounts 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#24 JAN/BH: gold $247.50 SYSTEM nanoparticals 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#26 PMD/BH: transformer $102.37 SYSTEM 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#27 RSW-BL-GGA/BH: $207.81 SYSTEM supplies 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#28 LY/BH: refund-table clock ($34.95) SYSTEM retr 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#29 JRS/BH: pipe $555.77 SYSTEM 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#3 RSW/BH: framing $520.88 SYSTEM maps-C2 & C3 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#6 PP/BH: CWEA $280.00 SYSTEM workshops(4) 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#5 PMD/BH: trailer rental $352.07 SYSTEM 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#8 RSW/BH: video $189.95 SYSTEM microphone-boom 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#9 RSW/BH: Gov't Media $225.00 SYSTEM Pass-CLN 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC CMF 11/30/18 Property $235.35 SYSTEM Management 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC ET#1 ET: Legislative w/Director $13.40 SYSTEM Ta 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC ET#3 AD/ET: WACO dinner $506.42 SYSTEM 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC ET#4 GMA/ET: Constant Contact $1,275.00 SYSTEM renew 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC LAV#1 12/11 Xmas $308.31 SYSTEM Dinner-Wtr.Prod 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC LAV#2 12/11 Xmas $308.31 SYSTEM Dinner-Wtr.Prod 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DUNKIN 11/27-30/18 TRAVE2 11/27-28 San Diego $890.59 SYSTEM ACWA 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DUNKIN 11/27-30/18 TRAVEL 11/27-30 San Diego ($98.00) SYSTEM ACWA Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DUNKIN 2/26-28/19 TRAVE1 2/26-28 D.C. ACWA DC $690.00 SYSTEM 2019 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# MARKUS 11/27-30/18 TRAVE2 11/27-30 San Diego $36.07 SYSTEM ACWA 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# MARKUS 11/27-30/18 TRAVE3 11/27-30 San Diego $449.06 SYSTEM ACWA 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# PATEL 2/24-3/1/19 TRAVEL2 2/24-3/1 New Orleans, LA $434.40 SYSTEM AMTA 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# PATEL 2/24-3/1/19 TRAVEL3 2/24-3/1 New Orleans, LA $160.00 SYSTEM AMTA 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# PATEL 2/24-3/1/19 TRAVEL4 2/24-3/1 New Orleans, LA $289.85 SYSTEM AMTA 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# S.DOSIER 12/4-7/18 TRAVE2 12/4-7 Monterey $81.00 SYSTEM CALPELRA 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# S.DOSIER 12/4-7/18 TRAVEL 12/4-7 Monterey $1,129.83 SYSTEM CALPELRA 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# SAFARIK 2/25-28/19 TRAVE1 2/25-28 New Orleans, LA $206.80 SYSTEM AMTA 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# SAFARIK 2/25-28/19 TRAVE2 2/25-28 New Orleans, LA $120.20 SYSTEM AMTA 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# SAFARIK 3/31-4/3/19 TRAVE 3/31-4/3 Tucson, AZ $1,236.83 SYSTEM SMCMB 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# WOODSIDE 1/28-29/19 TRAVE 1/28-29 San Diego GRA $187.50 SYSTEM 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# WOODSIDE 2/28-3/1/19 TRA1 2/28-3/1 Las Vegas,NV $78.23 SYSTEM Multi-St 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# WOODSIDE 2/28-3/1/19 TRA2 2/28-3/1 Las Vegas,NV $275.00 SYSTEM Multi-St 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#31 JRS/BH: fire hydrant $474.99 SYSTEM gates 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#32 JRS/BH: fiojet pump $173.75 SYSTEM 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#33 LJ/BH: no food signs $18.00 SYSTEM 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#34 RSW/BH: cards $37.30 SYSTEM 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#36 RSW/BH: install glass in $20.00 SYSTEM frame Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#37 PAB/BH: reflective signs $560.20 SYSTEM 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#38 MRM/BH: Register $70.04 SYSTEM subscrip/Anah 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#39 MRM/BH: Register $233.00 SYSTEM subscr/F.V. 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#4 LAV/BH:Xmas $458.89 SYSTEM 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#40 PL/BH: trash disposal $213.60 SYSTEM 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#41 SD/BH: prescription $160.95 SYSTEM lens/SV 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#42 BCD/BH:Plural $4,990.00 SYSTEM SightOct18-Oct19 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#43 JRS/BH: freight-portable $1,462.96 SYSTEM light 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#44 BMO/BH: safety signs $11.18 SYSTEM 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#45 PL/BH: trash disposal $193.60 SYSTEM 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#46 BMO/BH: air blow gun $11.10 SYSTEM 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#47 SD/BH: prescription $237.08 SYSTEM lens/PL 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#48 RAE/BH: card stocks $249.36 SYSTEM 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#49 RSH/BH: Dell monitor $310.49 SYSTEM 90115 01/23/2019 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Inv# DECEMBER 2018 CC BH#30 RSW/BH: folding black $395.00 SYSTEM easels Total for Check: 90115 $35,152.06 $501,737.22 90116 01/23/2019 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE INC Inv# 0000X81601029 UPS $70.35 Total for Check: 90116 $70.35 $2,598.55 90117 01/23/2019 UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL Inv# 90692060 8/1/18-10/31/18-18WSCA02400 $13,652.00 SURVEY Total for Check: 90117 $13,652.00 $27,304.00 90118 01/23/2019 UNIVAR USA Inv# LA698440 1/16 25.47 tons sulfuric acid $3,693.15 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 90118 01/23/2019 UNIVAR USA Inv# LA698440 Discount ($73.86) 90118 01/23/2019 UNIVAR USA Inv# LA698441 Discount ($73.92) 90118 01/23/2019 UNIVAR USA Inv# LA698441 1/16 25.49 tons sulfuric acid $3,696.05 Total for Check: 90118 $7,241.42 $335,160.34 90119 01/23/2019 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Inv# 2280009 R&D Sample Analysis $192.00 IRVINE Total for Check: 90119 $192.00 $55,994.45 90120 01/23/2019 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN Inv# 15968 Water Purveyor Membership/ C.F $120.00 CALIFORNIA Total for Check: 90120 $120.00 $120.00 90121 01/23/2019 UTILIQUEST LLC Inv# 270793-Q 9908 12/16-22 screen/mark pipes $73.87 90121 01/23/2019 UTILIQUEST LLC Inv# 270793-Q 9911 12/16-22 screen/mark pipes $1,033.14 90121 01/23/2019 UTILIQUEST LLC Inv# 270793-Q 9922 12/16-22 screen/mark pipes $602.67 90121 01/23/2019 UTILIQUEST LLC Inv# 270793-Q 9932 12/16-22 screen/mark pipes $12.22 Total for Check: 90121 $1,721.90 $94,681.02 90122 01/23/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084538681 Generated by reorder 9/20/18 1 $45.45 Total for Check: 90122 $45.45 $137,291.89 90123 01/23/2019 WALRAVEN VANDENBERGH Inv# 1019 Nov-Dec18 Recharge support $1,050.00 Total for Check: 90123 $1,050.00 $14,700.00 90124 01/23/2019 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC Inv# S111524639.001 BPO ELECTRONIC SUPPLIES $113.27 COMPANY 90124 01/23/2019 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC Inv# S111557587.001 BPO ELECTRONIC SUPPLIES $62.16 COMPANY 90124 01/23/2019 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC Inv# S111565687.001 BPO ELECTRONIC SUPPLIES $58.52 COMPANY 90124 01/23/2019 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC Inv# S111590529.001 BPO ELECTRONIC SUPPLIES $37.36 COMPANY 90124 01/23/2019 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC Inv# S112270944.001 BPO ELECTRONIC SUPPLIES $66.29 COMPANY 90124 01/23/2019 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC Inv# S112270944.001 DISCOUNT ($1.23) COMPANY Total for Check: 90124 $336.37 $963.67 90125 01/23/2019 Whitaker, Bruce Inv# DECEMBER 2018 TRAVEL Dec18 OCWD Various $113.36 Meetings Total for Check: 90125 $113.36 $2,447.61 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

Begin Date: 12/27/2018 End Date: 01/30/2019 Page 54 : Accounts Payable Cash Disbursements Presented for Board Ratification and/or Approval

Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 90126 01/23/2019 Yoh, Roger Inv# DECEMBER 2018 TRAVEL Dec18 OCWD Various $30.52 Meetings Total for Check: 90126 $30.52 $1,539.25 90127 01/24/2019 SANTA ANA WATERSHED ASSOC. Inv# 2018-107 NATURAL RESOURCE SERV. $3,012.28 90127 01/24/2019 SANTA ANA WATERSHED ASSOC. Inv# 2018-107 NATURAL RESOURCE SERV. $345.98 Total for Check: 90127 $3,358.26 $133,892.48 90129 01/30/2019 XEROX CORPORATION Inv# 095641327 BPO XEROX EQUIPMENT LEASE $905.67 90129 01/30/2019 XEROX CORPORATION Inv# 095641328 BPO XEROX EQUIPMENT LEASE $179.77 90129 01/30/2019 XEROX CORPORATION Inv# 095641329 BPO XEROX COPIER MAINTENANCE $10.00 90129 01/30/2019 XEROX CORPORATION Inv# 095641330 BPO PLOTTER MAINTENANCE $43.00 90129 01/30/2019 XEROX CORPORATION Inv# 095641331 BPO PLOTTER MAINTENANCE $20.00 90129 01/30/2019 XEROX CORPORATION Inv# 095641332 BPO XEROX COPIER MAINTENANCE $104.93 90129 01/30/2019 XEROX CORPORATION Inv# 095641333 BPO XEROX COPIER MAINTENANCE $108.38 90129 01/30/2019 XEROX CORPORATION Inv# 095641335 BPO XEROX EQUIPMENT LEASE $119.48 90129 01/30/2019 XEROX CORPORATION Inv# 095641336 BPO XEROX COPIER MAINTENANCE $26.51 90129 01/30/2019 XEROX CORPORATION Inv# 095641337 BPO XEROX COPIER MAINTENANCE $17.27 90129 01/30/2019 XEROX CORPORATION Inv# 095641338 BPO SCANNER MAINTENANCE $309.52 90129 01/30/2019 XEROX CORPORATION Inv# 95641334 BPO XEROX COPIER MAINTENANCE $12.46 Total for Check: 90129 $1,856.99 $17,677.78 90130 01/30/2019 ACCO ENGINEERED SYSTEMS, Inv# 1746713 15HP Fan MOtor Replacement $3,064.50 INC. 90130 01/30/2019 ACCO ENGINEERED SYSTEMS, Inv# 1746713 15HP Fan MOtor Replacement $2,242.00 INC. 90130 01/30/2019 ACCO ENGINEERED SYSTEMS, Inv# 1746713 15HP Fan MOtor Replacement $244.29 INC. 90130 01/30/2019 ACCO ENGINEERED SYSTEMS, Inv# 1746713 15HP Fan MOtor Replacement $228.86 INC. 90130 01/30/2019 ACCO ENGINEERED SYSTEMS, Inv# 1746713 15HP Fan MOtor Replacement $63.03 INC. 90130 01/30/2019 ACCO ENGINEERED SYSTEMS, Inv# 1746713 15HP Fan MOtor Replacement $21.55 INC. 90130 01/30/2019 ACCO ENGINEERED SYSTEMS, Inv# 721982 Dec18 HVAC maintenance $4,999.00 INC. 90130 01/30/2019 ACCO ENGINEERED SYSTEMS, Inv# 723906 Jan19 HVAC maintenance $4,999.00 INC. Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD Total for Check: 90130 $15,862.23 $96,499.96 90131 01/30/2019 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Inv# 9100377797 EQUIP.SERVICE12/15/18-12/14/19 $3,615.84 Total for Check: 90131 $3,615.84 $12,119.83 90132 01/30/2019 ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES Inv# 981879 NSURANCE BROKER JAN-MARCH 19 $6,250.00 INC Total for Check: 90132 $6,250.00 $25,422.00 90133 01/30/2019 AMERICAN WATER CHEMICAL, INC Inv# 05-181045/1 1/3 40540 lbs antiscalant $32,026.60 Total for Check: 90133 $32,026.60 $1,497,801.20 90134 01/30/2019 ANAHEIM HILLS PATROL Inv# OC405 SECURITY PATROL $21,576.00 Total for Check: 90134 $21,576.00 $269,992.00 90135 01/30/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0110452300JAN19 12/13/18-1/15/19HCF0 $202.62 90135 01/30/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0110561300JAN19 12/13/18-1/15/19HCF459 $1,293.53 90135 01/30/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0110562000JAN19 12/13/18-1/15/19KWH33406 $7,252.37 90135 01/30/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0111128000JAN19 12/14/18-1/16/19KWH510 $293.75 90135 01/30/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0137310300JAN19 12/14/18-1/16/192HCF $25.45 90135 01/30/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0140776000JAN19 12/13/18-1/15/19 $55.00 90135 01/30/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0145085300JAN19 12/13/18-1/15/19HCF0 $19.93 90135 01/30/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0145086300JAN19 12/13/18-1/15/19HCF0 $19.93 90135 01/30/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 0147092000JAN19 12/13/18-1/15/19KWH520 $115.46 90135 01/30/2019 ANAHEIM, CITY OF Inv# 40060 12/13/18-1/15/19KWH7 $18.48 Total for Check: 90135 $9,296.52 $218,892.21 90136 01/30/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 1450477606 UNIFORM SERVICES $35.48 90136 01/30/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 1450489608 UNIFORM SERVICES $35.48 90136 01/30/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533938775 UNIFORM SERVICES $199.65 90136 01/30/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533955998 UNIFORM SERVICES $3.92 90136 01/30/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533956000 UNIFORM SERVICES $153.74 90136 01/30/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533956001 UNIFORM SERVICES $286.70 90136 01/30/2019 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Inv# 533956002 UNIFORM SERVICES $199.65 Total for Check: 90136 $914.62 $49,468.59 90137 01/30/2019 AT & T Inv# 714 632-1928JAN19 1/14-2/13 $136.01 Total for Check: 90137 $136.01 $30,595.41 90138 01/30/2019 AT & T Inv# 714 632-9206JAN19 1/14-2/13 $326.38 Total for Check: 90138 $326.38 $30,595.41 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 90139 01/30/2019 AT & T Inv# 951 273-9586JAN19 1/20-2/19 $488.63 Total for Check: 90139 $488.63 $30,595.41 90140 01/30/2019 BEE GONE Inv# 4845 BPO BEE REMOVAL $100.00 Total for Check: 90140 $100.00 $800.00 90141 01/30/2019 BOOT BARN INC. Inv# IVC0162746 BPO SAFETY SHOES $200.00 90141 01/30/2019 BOOT BARN INC. Inv# IVC0162749 BPO SAFETY SHOES $177.78 90141 01/30/2019 BOOT BARN INC. Inv# IVC0162750 BPO SAFETY SHOES $160.00 90141 01/30/2019 BOOT BARN INC. Inv# IVC0162754 BPO SAFETY SHOES $156.23 Total for Check: 90141 $694.01 $3,802.93 90144 01/30/2019 BPS SUPPLY GROUP Inv# S2545414.001 Generated by reorder 12/20/18 $1,225.94 90144 01/30/2019 BPS SUPPLY GROUP Inv# S2545414.001 Generated by reorder 12/20/18 $822.86 90144 01/30/2019 BPS SUPPLY GROUP Inv# S2545414.001 Generated by reorder 12/20/18 $246.90 90144 01/30/2019 BPS SUPPLY GROUP Inv# S2545414.001 Generated by reorder 12/20/18 $238.91 90144 01/30/2019 BPS SUPPLY GROUP Inv# S2545414.001 Generated by reorder 12/20/18 $201.43 90144 01/30/2019 BPS SUPPLY GROUP Inv# S2545414.001 Generated by reorder 12/20/18 $129.97 90144 01/30/2019 BPS SUPPLY GROUP Inv# S2545414.001 Generated by reorder 12/20/18 $86.14 90144 01/30/2019 BPS SUPPLY GROUP Inv# S2545414.001 Generated by reorder 12/20/18 $51.98 90144 01/30/2019 BPS SUPPLY GROUP Inv# S2545414.001 Generated by reorder 12/20/18 $38.50 90144 01/30/2019 BPS SUPPLY GROUP Inv# S2545414.001 Generated by reorder 12/20/18 $31.61 90144 01/30/2019 BPS SUPPLY GROUP Inv# S2545414.001 Generated by reorder 12/20/18 $23.68 90144 01/30/2019 BPS SUPPLY GROUP Inv# S2545414.001 Generated by reorder 12/20/18 $14.76 90144 01/30/2019 BPS SUPPLY GROUP Inv# S2545414.001 FREIGHT $10.89 90144 01/30/2019 BPS SUPPLY GROUP Inv# S2545414.001 DISCOUNT ($62.47) 90144 01/30/2019 BPS SUPPLY GROUP Inv# S2545430.001 Generated by reorder 12/20/18 $329.13 90144 01/30/2019 BPS SUPPLY GROUP Inv# S2545430.001 Generated by reorder 12/20/18 $38.52 90144 01/30/2019 BPS SUPPLY GROUP Inv# S2545430.001 SHIPPING & HANDLING $29.62 90144 01/30/2019 BPS SUPPLY GROUP Inv# S2545430.001 Generated by reorder 12/20/18 $27.50 90144 01/30/2019 BPS SUPPLY GROUP Inv# S2545430.001 Generated by reorder 12/20/18 $3.43 90144 01/30/2019 BPS SUPPLY GROUP Inv# S2545430.001 DISCOUNT' ($8.56) 90144 01/30/2019 BPS SUPPLY GROUP Inv# S2547820.001 Generated by reorder 9/14/18 1 $31.96 90144 01/30/2019 BPS SUPPLY GROUP Inv# S2547820.001 SHIPPING & HANDLING $12.76 90144 01/30/2019 BPS SUPPLY GROUP Inv# S2547820.001 DISCOUNT ($0.89) Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD Total for Check: 90144 $3,524.57 $4,551.83 90145 01/30/2019 BRENNER FIEDLER & ASSOC., Inv# 5239451 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $1,282.38 INC. 90145 01/30/2019 BRENNER FIEDLER & ASSOC., Inv# 5239451 FREIGHT $41.66 INC. Total for Check: 90145 $1,324.04 $2,577.02 90146 01/30/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI912443 1/22 20.905 tons citric acid $19,551.40 90146 01/30/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI912443 Discount ($586.54) 90146 01/30/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI912837 1/23 44340 lbs H.Peroxide $9,643.95 90146 01/30/2019 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC. Inv# BPI912837 Discount ($289.32) Total for Check: 90146 $28,319.49 $1,056,740.42 90147 01/30/2019 BUTIER ENGINEERING, INC. Inv# 001 OCWD 1340 Dec18 const.mgmt/GWRS F.Expans $21,767.00 90147 01/30/2019 BUTIER ENGINEERING, INC. Inv# 021 OCWD1168 Dec18 const.mgmt/Mid Basin-Cen $35,664.00 Total for Check: 90147 $57,431.00 $640,613.91 90148 01/30/2019 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH Inv# 5386189JAN19 12/24/18-1/23/19HCF79 $34.28 Total for Check: 90148 $34.28 $336.18 90149 01/30/2019 COLE-PARMER INSTRUMENT CO. Inv# 1730812 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $45.79 90149 01/30/2019 COLE-PARMER INSTRUMENT CO. Inv# 1730812 FREIGHT $17.87 Total for Check: 90149 $63.66 $3,155.41 90150 01/30/2019 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY Inv# 13756986301 12/4/18-1/4/19KWH13532310 $717,229.30 INC. Total for Check: 90150 $717,229.30 $8,486,213.28 90151 01/30/2019 CSMFO Inv# 2019 CSMFO 2019 CSMFO Municipal Membershi $110.00 Total for Check: 90151 $110.00 $110.00 90152 01/30/2019 CWEA Inv# ID#000004044I P.LEWIS $188.00 Total for Check: 90152 $188.00 $4,378.00 90153 01/30/2019 CWEA Inv# ID#000036740I R.VALDEZ $280.00 Total for Check: 90153 $280.00 $4,378.00 90154 01/30/2019 CWEA Inv# ID#000037006I D.HAFFKE $188.00 Total for Check: 90154 $188.00 $4,378.00 90155 01/30/2019 DDB ENGINEERING, INC. Inv# IN201903 12/1-28 GWRS F.Expans. permitt $8,756.00 Total for Check: 90155 $8,756.00 $84,819.05 90156 01/30/2019 DELL COMPUTER CO. Inv# 10288034856 Replace Power Supply $40.23 Total for Check: 90156 $40.23 $1,968.53 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 90157 01/30/2019 EDELSTEIN GILBERT ROBSON Inv# 25 Dec18 $7,500.00 AND SMITH Total for Check: 90157 $7,500.00 $90,326.09 90158 01/30/2019 ENS RESOURCES, INC. Inv# 2356 Dec18 $7,500.00 Total for Check: 90158 $7,500.00 $90,000.00 90159 01/30/2019 FORESTRY SUPPLIERS, INC. Inv# 460851-00 FIELD WORK $107.70 90159 01/30/2019 FORESTRY SUPPLIERS, INC. Inv# 460851-00 Shipping $13.77 Total for Check: 90159 $121.47 $1,616.70 90160 01/30/2019 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS Inv# 209-150-2229JAN19 1/16-2/15 $85.39 Total for Check: 90160 $85.39 $40,773.08 90161 01/30/2019 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS Inv# 714-965-1308FEB19 1/22-2/21 $155.28 Total for Check: 90161 $155.28 $40,773.08 90162 01/30/2019 FRUIT GROWERS LABORATORY Inv# 816251A BPO RADIOACTIVITY ANALYSIS $49.00 INC Total for Check: 90162 $49.00 $49,193.00 90163 01/30/2019 FRY'S ELECTRONICS Inv# 22698941 BPO ELECTRONIC SUPPLIES $96.73 Total for Check: 90163 $96.73 $3,902.68 90164 01/30/2019 GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, Inv# 12236 12/1-28 Mid Basin $13,890.20 INC. 90164 01/30/2019 GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, Inv# 12237 12/1-28 Sunset GAP Seawater $20,406.00 INC. Total for Check: 90164 $34,296.20 $331,631.24 90165 01/30/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9036422500 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $121.32 90165 01/30/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9037696581 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $86.37 90165 01/30/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9037743474 SAFETY GLASSES $136.54 90165 01/30/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9038082831 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $37.12 90165 01/30/2019 GRAINGER INC. Inv# 9038785870 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $74.23 Total for Check: 90165 $455.58 $126,864.36 90166 01/30/2019 GREAT WESTERN SANITARY Inv# 296288 Generated by reorder 1/15/19 2 $1,051.20 SUPPLIES Total for Check: 90166 $1,051.20 $1,223.51 90167 01/30/2019 HB DIGITAL ARTS & BLUEPRINT Inv# INV-64181 Water Factory Plan Set $239.27 Total for Check: 90167 $239.27 $2,500.39 90168 01/30/2019 HDR ENGINEERING, INC. Inv# 1200164694 11/25-12/29 Prado Basin SMDP $2,806.03 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD Total for Check: 90168 $2,806.03 $31,708.24 90169 01/30/2019 INTERA, INC. Inv# 12-18-62 Dec18 Alamitos GAP Grndwtr $1,995.00 Total for Check: 90169 $1,995.00 $36,619.72 90170 01/30/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 900989 Eyewash Shower Shutoff Valve $161.54 90170 01/30/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 900989 Incoming Freight $15.55 90170 01/30/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 900989 Discount ($3.54) 90170 01/30/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 902176 Generated by reorder 1/14/19 3 $151.71 90170 01/30/2019 IRVINE PIPE & SUPPLY Inv# 902176 Discount ($3.03) Total for Check: 90170 $322.23 $74,374.15 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 101020003-3 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $2,386.44 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 101020005-5 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $519.60 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 101030001-2 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $635.10 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 101030003-4 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $2,547.20 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 101030005-6 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $362.95 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 101030007-8 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $41.96 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 101030009-0 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $197.41 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 101030010-0 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $314.95 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 101050003-6 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $356.47 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 101050005-8 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $777.42 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 101050006-9 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $141.25 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 101050007-0 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $142.20 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 101050008-1 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $136.47 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 101050010-2 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $83.03 CTY TREASURER Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 101060001-5 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $396.11 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 101060002-6 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $76.26 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 101100001-8 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $220.78 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 101100002-9 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $209.09 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 101110001-9 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $89.92 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 101160001-4 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $8.17 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 101160002-5 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $5.31 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 101160004-7 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $0.19 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 121020001-7 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $87.27 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 121020002-8 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $180.67 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 121030001-8 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $119.02 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 121030007-4 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $125.22 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 121040003-1 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $202.38 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 121040004-2 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $121.89 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 130080007-5 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $37.98 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 130080015-2 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $34.45 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 130080029-5 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $7.63 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 130090002-1 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $222.67 CTY TREASURER 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 130090004-3 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $136.11 CTY TREASURER Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 90174 01/30/2019 JON CHRISTENSEN RIVERSIDE Inv# 130090005-4 2018-19B Riverside Tax 7/1-6/30/19 2nd $256.53 CTY TREASURER Total for Check: 90174 $11,180.10 $21,350.24 90175 01/30/2019 K-VAC ENVIRONMENTAL Inv# KW1812007 SouthBasin GW Waste Disposal $9,852.50 SERVICES INC Total for Check: 90175 $9,852.50 $9,852.50 90176 01/30/2019 KASEYA Inv# INV0002290937 VSA Cloud 3-Year Agreement $4,800.00 Total for Check: 90176 $4,800.00 $5,886.18 90177 01/30/2019 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS Inv# 256142545 COPY CHARGES $16.62 SOLUTIONS USA IN Total for Check: 90177 $16.62 $7,068.46 90178 01/30/2019 LHOIST NORTH AMERICA Inv# 1180240191A 12/27 25.14 tons lime $5,958.18 90178 01/30/2019 LHOIST NORTH AMERICA Inv# 1180240191B 12/30 24.69 tons lime $5,851.53 Total for Check: 90178 $11,809.71 $835,659.50 90179 01/30/2019 LIFEWORKS U.S. INC Inv# 68053 Lifeworks 1/1-12/21/19 $6,119.28 Total for Check: 90179 $6,119.28 $6,119.28 90180 01/30/2019 LUCCI'S DELI BAKERY Inv# 12916ADMFIN BPO FOR LUCCI'S $94.50 90180 01/30/2019 LUCCI'S DELI BAKERY Inv# 12916ADMFIN DELIVERY $20.00 Total for Check: 90180 $114.50 $8,124.91 90181 01/30/2019 MAGNOLIA BIRD FARMS Inv# 24958 BPO BIRD SEED & SUPPLIES $267.52 Total for Check: 90181 $267.52 $2,024.40 90182 01/30/2019 MCFADDEN-DALE HARDWARE CO. Inv# 357799/5 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $117.29 90182 01/30/2019 MCFADDEN-DALE HARDWARE CO. Inv# 357799/5 DISCOUNT ($3.27) 90182 01/30/2019 MCFADDEN-DALE HARDWARE CO. Inv# 358287/5 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $42.02 90182 01/30/2019 MCFADDEN-DALE HARDWARE CO. Inv# 358287/5 DISCOUNT ($1.17) 90182 01/30/2019 MCFADDEN-DALE HARDWARE CO. Inv# 358365/5 BPO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES $53.12 90182 01/30/2019 MCFADDEN-DALE HARDWARE CO. Inv# 358365/5 DISCOUNT ($1.48) Total for Check: 90182 $206.51 $7,113.78 90183 01/30/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 84827705 Mobile Adjustable-Height Stool $272.21 COMPANY 90183 01/30/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 84827705 Shipping $11.19 COMPANY 90183 01/30/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 84840712 30gl SS drum $994.04 COMPANY Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 90183 01/30/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 84827705 Discount ($5.44) COMPANY 90183 01/30/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 84840712 Shipping $30.43 COMPANY 90183 01/30/2019 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Inv# 84840712 Discount ($19.88) COMPANY Total for Check: 90183 $1,282.55 $49,999.73 90184 01/30/2019 MELTWATER NEWS US INC Inv# IN-S151-480701 INVOICE # IN-S151480701 $18,500.00 Total for Check: 90184 $18,500.00 $18,500.00 90185 01/30/2019 McMichael, David Inv# 1/21/19 SAFETY BOOTS 1/21/19 boots $129.01 Total for Check: 90185 $129.01 $797.36 90186 01/30/2019 NEW LINE FIRE Inv# 01122019-01 Annual Fire Alarm System Test $2,900.00 Total for Check: 90186 $2,900.00 $1,590.63 90187 01/30/2019 NORTHWEST MOSQUITO AND Inv# 1449 MOSQUITO CONTROL NOVEMBER $2,944.98 VECTOR 90187 01/30/2019 NORTHWEST MOSQUITO AND Inv# 1450 MOSQUITO CONTROL NOVEMBER $63.47 VECTOR Total for Check: 90187 $3,008.45 $76,279.35 90188 01/30/2019 Nettles, Crystal Inv# 2018-2019-07 Educational Reimb. $3,540.00 90188 01/30/2019 Nettles, Crystal Inv# 2018-2019-08 Educational Reimb. $1,460.00 Total for Check: 90188 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 90190 01/30/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2622062 12/31 4964 gal s.hypochlorite $3,420.20 90190 01/30/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2622063 12/31 4896 gal s.hypochlorite $3,373.34 90190 01/30/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2622064 12/31 4618 gal s.hypochlorite $3,181.80 90190 01/30/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2622626 1/2 4914 gal s.hypochlorite $3,385.75 90190 01/30/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2622627 1/2 4950 gal s.hypochlorite $3,410.55 90190 01/30/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2622628 1/2 4992 gal s.hypochlorite $3,439.49 90190 01/30/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2623284 1/3 4950 gal s.hypochlorite $3,410.55 90190 01/30/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2623285 1/3 4928 gal s.hypochlorite $3,395.39 90190 01/30/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2623286 1/3 4954 gal s.hypochlorite $3,413.31 90190 01/30/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2623717 1/4 4952 gal s.hypochlorite $3,411.93 90190 01/30/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2623718 1/4 4826 gal s.hypochlorite $3,325.11 90190 01/30/2019 OLIN CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS Inv# 2623719 1/4 4864 gal s.hypochlorite $3,351.30 Total for Check: 90190 $40,518.72 $1,144,266.56 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 90191 01/30/2019 ORANGE COAST PETROLEUM Inv# 0235800-IN BPO OPERATING SUPPLIES $121.49 EQUIPT. 90191 01/30/2019 ORANGE COAST PETROLEUM Inv# 0235800-IN FREIGHT $11.21 EQUIPT. Total for Check: 90191 $132.70 $3,942.80 90192 01/30/2019 ORANGE COUNTY CONSERVATION Inv# 01022019-OCWDADOPT Dec18 graffiti-trash removal $1,548.00 CORPS Total for Check: 90192 $1,548.00 $21,076.00 90193 01/30/2019 ORANGE COUNTY EMPLOYEE Inv# JANUARY 2019 OCEA DUES JAN2019 $4,261.95 ASSOCIATION Total for Check: 90193 $4,261.95 $40,724.89 90194 01/30/2019 ORANGE COUNTY Inv# FEBRUARY 2019 SAR Parcel E01-706.1 $1,665.00 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR Total for Check: 90194 $1,665.00 $19,832.27 90195 01/30/2019 PACIFIC HYDROTECH Inv# 16 (MBI-2017-1) Prog.Pmt#16 (MBI-2017-1) $283,258.65 CORPORATION Total for Check: 90195 $283,258.65 $9,238,056.59 90196 01/30/2019 PACIFIC HYDROTECH Inv# ESC1001737517 RET#16 Ret#16 (P.Hydro $14,908.35 CORPORATION MBI-2017-1) Total for Check: 90196 $14,908.35 $425,948.14 90197 01/30/2019 PDC INTERIORS Inv# 8944-19-A PURCHASE/INSTALL CARPET $66,776.00 Total for Check: 90197 $66,776.00 $1,140.00 90198 01/30/2019 PENDERGRAFT, REX Inv# FEBRUARY 2019 RetireeCashMedical Feb2019 $548.24 Total for Check: 90198 $548.24 $6,383.28 90199 01/30/2019 PERFORMANCE PIPELINE Inv# 9919 Vactor Cleaning of Wet Wells $2,200.00 TECHNOLOGIES Total for Check: 90199 $2,200.00 $2,200.00 90200 01/30/2019 PHENOMENEX Inv# CIUS-19004776 DISCOUNT ($12.72) 90200 01/30/2019 PHENOMENEX Inv# CIUS-19004776 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $691.65 Total for Check: 90200 $678.93 $19,274.48 90201 01/30/2019 POLYDYNE INC. Inv# 1310440 PLANT CHEMICAL $2,401.20 Total for Check: 90201 $2,401.20 $36,018.00 90202 01/30/2019 QUINN COMPANY Inv# PC830363641 BPO EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES $2,485.08 Total for Check: 90202 $2,485.08 $2,485.08 90203 01/30/2019 RED WING SHOE STORE Inv# 413-1-28869 BPO FOR RED WING $172.39 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD Total for Check: 90203 $172.39 $8,158.15 90204 01/30/2019 SANDWOOD ENTERPRISES INC. Inv# OC 20 1900055 TEMPORARY LABOR 12/11 $1,024.00 Total for Check: 90204 $1,024.00 $24,768.00 90205 01/30/2019 SANTA ANA, CITY OF Inv# 5-3995.300JAN19 11/14/18-1/15/19USAGE1 $178.11 Total for Check: 90205 $178.11 $41,443.82 90206 01/30/2019 SBC TAX COLLECTOR Inv# 1057221150000 2018-19B SB Prop Tax 7/1-6/30/19 $102.26 2nd 90206 01/30/2019 SBC TAX COLLECTOR Inv# 1057221160000 2018-19B SB Prop Tax 7/1-6/30/19 $149.60 2nd Total for Check: 90206 $251.86 $494.35 90207 01/30/2019 SCHEEVEL ENGINEERING Inv# 1253 Dec18 Prado Basin FS $750.00 Total for Check: 90207 $750.00 $150,620.40 90208 01/30/2019 SECURITAS SECURITY SERVICES Inv# W6300176 Dec18 security guard service $5,934.08 USA, INC. Total for Check: 90208 $5,934.08 $17,992.06 90209 01/30/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-033-3618-73JAN19 12/20/18-1/22/19KWH44 $32.72 CO. 90209 01/30/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-033-3959-92JAN19 12/24/18-1/24/19KWH114 $40.89 CO. 90209 01/30/2019 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Inv# 3-043-7407-25JAN19 12/20/18-1/22/19KWH1883 $4,734.49 CO. Total for Check: 90209 $4,808.10 $7,891,409.89 90210 01/30/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3401277342 OFFICE SUPPLIES $305.58 90210 01/30/2019 STAPLES Inv# 3401277348 OFFICE SUPPLIES $68.19 Total for Check: 90210 $373.77 $50,832.72 90211 01/30/2019 SUEZ WTS SERVICES USA, INC. Inv# 99626875 DI WATER SERVICE $440.44 Total for Check: 90211 $440.44 $1,022.80 90212 01/30/2019 SUNBELT CONTROLS Inv# 2011898 Sunbelt Controls-Svc agreemnt $1,412.17 Total for Check: 90212 $1,412.17 $6,633.27 90213 01/30/2019 SUNSET INDUSTRIAL PARTS Inv# 701949 Memsap Hoist Motor $1,016.73 90213 01/30/2019 SUNSET INDUSTRIAL PARTS Inv# 701949 Memsap Hoist Motor $135.94 90213 01/30/2019 SUNSET INDUSTRIAL PARTS Inv# 701949 FREIGHT/HANDLING $23.92 90213 01/30/2019 SUNSET INDUSTRIAL PARTS Inv# 701949 DISCOUNT ($23.53) Total for Check: 90213 $1,153.06 $21,324.46 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 90214 01/30/2019 Sarmiento, Vincent Inv# DECEMBER 2018 TRAVEL Dec18 OCWD Various $30.52 Meetings Total for Check: 90214 $30.52 $1,232.64 90215 01/30/2019 TOTAL FUNDS BY HASLER Inv# 34049755 BPO PRE-PAID POSTAGE $330.00 90215 01/30/2019 TOTAL FUNDS BY HASLER Inv# 34049755 BPO PRE-PAID POSTAGE ($330.00) Total for Check: 90215 $0.00 $18,086.44 90216 01/30/2019 TRIPLE A SERVICES Inv# 6156 Plumber service call $400.00 Total for Check: 90216 $400.00 $400.00 90217 01/30/2019 TROPICAL PLAZA NURSERY, INC. Inv# M59945 ANNUAL LANDSCAPE MAINT $3,398.01 90217 01/30/2019 TROPICAL PLAZA NURSERY, INC. Inv# M59955 MULCH COVER $2,802.00 Total for Check: 90217 $6,200.01 $34,325.80 90218 01/30/2019 U.S. HEALTHWORKS Inv# 3453724-CA BPO MEDICAL SERVICES $140.00 Total for Check: 90218 $140.00 $3,705.48 90219 01/30/2019 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT Inv# 1220180482 $674.95 Total for Check: 90219 $674.95 $10,550.15 90220 01/30/2019 UNION BANK Inv# 1132178 12/01/18-12/31/18 $1,092.67 Total for Check: 90220 $1,092.67 $23,005.37 90221 01/30/2019 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE INC Inv# 0000X81601039 UPS $33.39 90221 01/30/2019 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE INC Inv# 0000X81601049 UPS $30.16 Total for Check: 90221 $63.55 $2,598.55 90222 01/30/2019 UNIVAR USA Inv# LA699780 1/22 25.24 tons sulfuric acid $3,659.80 90222 01/30/2019 UNIVAR USA Inv# LA699780 Discount ($73.20) 90222 01/30/2019 UNIVAR USA Inv# LA699781 1/22 25.18 tons sulfuric acid $3,651.10 90222 01/30/2019 UNIVAR USA Inv# LA699781 Discount ($73.02) 90222 01/30/2019 UNIVAR USA Inv# LA699790 1/23 25.91 tons sulfuric acid $3,756.95 90222 01/30/2019 UNIVAR USA Inv# LA699790 Discount ($75.14) 90222 01/30/2019 UNIVAR USA Inv# LA699793 1/23 25.25 tons sulfuric acid $3,661.25 90222 01/30/2019 UNIVAR USA Inv# LA699793 Discount ($73.23) Total for Check: 90222 $14,434.51 $335,160.34 90223 01/30/2019 UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND Inv# 201812008258 BPO BACKGROUND CHECK $310.70 SCREENING INC Total for Check: 90223 $310.70 $5,414.66 90224 01/30/2019 UTILIQUEST LLC Inv# 271031-Q 9908 12/23-29 screen/mark pipes $62.47 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 90224 01/30/2019 UTILIQUEST LLC Inv# 271031-Q 9911 12/23-29 screen/mark pipes $873.67 90224 01/30/2019 UTILIQUEST LLC Inv# 271031-Q 9922 12/23-29 screen/mark pipes $509.64 90224 01/30/2019 UTILIQUEST LLC Inv# 271031-Q 9932 12/23-29 screen/mark pipes $10.33 Total for Check: 90224 $1,456.11 $94,681.02 90225 01/30/2019 V & A CONSULTING ENGINEERS, Inv# 18110 11/1-12/31 GAP Newp't Bch-SE $7,969.00 INC. Total for Check: 90225 $7,969.00 $54,982.60 90226 01/30/2019 VAUGHAN'S INDUSTRIAL REPAIR Inv# 026139 Repair & Replace Seal @ Burris $2,580.00 COMPANY INC. Total for Check: 90226 $2,580.00 $2,580.00 90227 01/30/2019 VERIZON WIRELESS Inv# 9822425405 12/17/18-1/16/19 $3,290.28 Total for Check: 90227 $3,290.28 $35,347.85 90230 01/30/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084518348 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $351.15 90230 01/30/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084518348 ($3.51) 90230 01/30/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084609775 CREDIT INV#8084391196 ($291.63) 90230 01/30/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084885235 Generated by reorder 11/19/18 $522.33 90230 01/30/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084885235 Generated by reorder 11/19/18 $522.33 90230 01/30/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084885235 Generated by reorder 11/19/18 $92.82 90230 01/30/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084885235 Generated by reorder 11/19/18 $48.27 90230 01/30/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084885235 DISCOUNT ($11.85) 90230 01/30/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084906768 Generated by reorder 1/10/19 4 $348.22 90230 01/30/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084906768 Discount ($3.48) 90230 01/30/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084918613 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $101.04 90230 01/30/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084918613 DISCOUNT ($1.01) 90230 01/30/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084932856 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $314.67 90230 01/30/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084932856 FREIGHT $45.82 90230 01/30/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084932856 DISCOUNT ($3.60) 90230 01/30/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084949419 Generated by reorder 12/14/18 $132.40 90230 01/30/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084949419 DISCOUNT ($1.32) 90230 01/30/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084949420 Generated by reorder 11/19/18 $185.64 90230 01/30/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084949420 Discount ($1.86) 90230 01/30/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084964904 SUPPLIES $114.38 90230 01/30/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084964904 DISCOUNT ($1.15) Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

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Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 90230 01/30/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084964905 SUPPLIES $114.38 90230 01/30/2019 VWR INTERNATIONAL, INC. Inv# 8084964905 DISCOUNT ($1.15) Total for Check: 90230 $2,572.89 $137,291.89 90231 01/30/2019 WALRAVEN VANDENBERGH Inv# 1020 Dec18 Recharge support $1,275.00 Total for Check: 90231 $1,275.00 $14,700.00 90232 01/30/2019 WESTERN EXTERMINATOR Inv# 6713406 BPO PEST & RODENT CONTROL $398.00 COMPANY Total for Check: 90232 $398.00 $4,112.00 90233 01/30/2019 Zembal, Richard Inv# 1/22/19 TRAVEL 1/22 SACTO SWRCB testimony $82.50 Total for Check: 90233 $82.50 $82.50

Run Date: 2/1/2019 $22,781,356.69 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

Begin Date: 12/27/2018 End Date: 01/30/2019 Page 1 : Accounts Payable Cash Disbursements Presented for Board Ratification and/or Approval

Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 802150 01/02/2019 ALTA FOODCRAFT Inv# 51824061 GM Office $526.06 802150 01/02/2019 ALTA FOODCRAFT Inv# 51824175 GM Office $95.40 Total for Check: 802150 $621.46 $14,003.22 802151 01/02/2019 EUROFINS EATON ANALYTICAL Inv# L0425769 BPO WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS $4,000.00 INC Total for Check: 802151 $4,000.00 $16,100.00 802152 01/02/2019 FEDERAL EXPRESS Inv# 6-371-51245 Package Delivery $354.63 CORPORATION Total for Check: 802152 $354.63 $18,954.13 802154 01/02/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 2823691 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $202.11 802154 01/02/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 2823691 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $30.45 802154 01/02/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 2823691 SHIPPING-FUEL SURCHARGE $4.95 802154 01/02/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 3343185 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $770.82 802154 01/02/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 3343185 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $497.21 802154 01/02/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 3343185 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $418.99 802154 01/02/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 3343185 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $268.41 802154 01/02/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 3343185 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $95.54 802154 01/02/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 3343188 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $84.80 802154 01/02/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 3343188 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $80.79 802154 01/02/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 3343188 SHIPPING-FUEL SURCHARGE $5.20 802154 01/02/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 4013505 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $27.62 802154 01/02/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 4013507 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $867.48 802154 01/02/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 4013507 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $40.57 Total for Check: 802154 $3,394.94 $171,219.44 802155 01/02/2019 GOPHER PATROL Inv# 319549 BPO PEST CONTROL $185.00 802155 01/02/2019 GOPHER PATROL Inv# 320301 BPO PEST CONTROL $525.00 Total for Check: 802155 $710.00 $8,945.00 802156 01/02/2019 SIGMA-ALDRICH INC. Inv# 546449914 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $3,572.44 802156 01/02/2019 SIGMA-ALDRICH INC. Inv# 546449914 TRANS/HANDLING $17.10 Total for Check: 802156 $3,589.54 $44,263.64 802157 01/02/2019 WECK LABORATORIES, INC. Inv# W8L0285-OCWD BPO FOR WQ ANALYSES $300.00 802157 01/02/2019 WECK LABORATORIES, INC. Inv# W8L0286-OCWD BPO FOR WQ ANALYSES $500.00 802157 01/02/2019 WECK LABORATORIES, INC. Inv# W8L0287-OCWD BPO FOR WQ ANALYSES $500.00 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

Begin Date: 12/27/2018 End Date: 01/30/2019 Page 2 : Accounts Payable Cash Disbursements Presented for Board Ratification and/or Approval

Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD Total for Check: 802157 $1,300.00 $40,439.00 802158 01/02/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 10789199 Lab-nitrogen $71.78 802158 01/02/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 10789199 freight $29.91 802158 01/02/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 10789199 hazardous material $10.76 Total for Check: 802158 $112.45 $75,316.89 802159 01/09/2019 ALTA FOODCRAFT Inv# 11831860 BPO FIRST AID CABINETS $207.84 Total for Check: 802159 $207.84 $14,003.22 802160 01/09/2019 EUROFINS EATON ANALYTICAL Inv# L0426520 BPO WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS $400.00 INC Total for Check: 802160 $400.00 $16,100.00 802161 01/09/2019 EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES Inv# 903808549 Membrane Demo Cell $132,392.25 LLC Total for Check: 802161 $132,392.25 $2,783,862.22 802163 01/09/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 4512875 Generated by reorder 10/24/18 $220.33 802163 01/09/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 4776401 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $48.02 802163 01/09/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 5057371 Return See CM# 6977602 $67.62 802163 01/09/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 5057376 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $43.56 802163 01/09/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 5057376 DIRECT SHIP TRANS CHARGE $14.00 802163 01/09/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 5057376 SHIPPING-FUEL SURCHARGE $5.20 802163 01/09/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 5553689 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $1,108.15 802163 01/09/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 5553689 DIRECT SHIP TRANS CHARGE $112.05 802163 01/09/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 6977602 CM ref#: 5057371 ($67.62) 802163 01/09/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 8591394 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $82.53 802163 01/09/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 4776401 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $27.88 Total for Check: 802163 $1,661.72 $171,219.44 802164 01/09/2019 SIGMA-ALDRICH INC. Inv# 546537368 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $489.39 802164 01/09/2019 SIGMA-ALDRICH INC. Inv# 546537368 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $131.58 802164 01/09/2019 SIGMA-ALDRICH INC. Inv# 546537368 TRANS/HANDLING $32.13 Total for Check: 802164 $653.10 $44,263.64 802165 01/09/2019 THERMO ELECTRON NORTH Inv# 9020858679 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $1,492.59 AMERICAL LLC 802165 01/09/2019 THERMO ELECTRON NORTH Inv# 9020858679 SHIPPING/HANDLING $10.88 AMERICAL LLC Total for Check: 802165 $1,503.47 $65,420.73 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

Begin Date: 12/27/2018 End Date: 01/30/2019 Page 3 : Accounts Payable Cash Disbursements Presented for Board Ratification and/or Approval

Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 802166 01/09/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 10792717 Lab-argon $946.13 802166 01/09/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 10792717 Freight $29.90 802166 01/09/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 10792717 Hazardous material $10.77 802166 01/09/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 10792744 Lab-helium, CO2, nitrogen $985.12 802166 01/09/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 10792744 Freight $29.90 802166 01/09/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 10792744 Hazardous material $10.76 802166 01/09/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 80224538A Nov18 cylinder rental-Lab $603.13 802166 01/09/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 80224538B Nov18 cylinder rental-Wtr.Prod $204.67 802166 01/09/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 80224538B Nov18 cylinder rental-Hydrogeo $15.00 802166 01/09/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 80224538C Nov18 cylinder rental-Recharge $7.50 Total for Check: 802166 $2,842.88 $75,316.89 802167 01/16/2019 EUROFINS EATON ANALYTICAL Inv# L0428335 BPO WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS $1,700.00 INC 802167 01/16/2019 EUROFINS EATON ANALYTICAL Inv# L0428335 BPO WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS $700.00 INC 802167 01/16/2019 EUROFINS EATON ANALYTICAL Inv# L0428336 BPO WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS $400.00 INC Total for Check: 802167 $2,800.00 $16,100.00 802168 01/16/2019 EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES Inv# 903823834 Membrane Demo Cell $370,698.30 LLC Total for Check: 802168 $370,698.30 $2,783,862.22 802169 01/16/2019 FEDERAL EXPRESS Inv# 1-769-85805 Package Delivery $33.22 CORPORATION 802169 01/16/2019 FEDERAL EXPRESS Inv# 1-770-98943 Package Delivery $150.10 CORPORATION 802169 01/16/2019 FEDERAL EXPRESS Inv# 6-378-46562 Package Delivery $530.77 CORPORATION 802169 01/16/2019 FEDERAL EXPRESS Inv# 6-392-50545 Package Delivery $275.52 CORPORATION 802169 01/16/2019 FEDERAL EXPRESS Inv# 6-398-83883 Package Delivery $371.41 CORPORATION 802169 01/16/2019 FEDERAL EXPRESS Inv# 6-407-96205 Package Delivery $410.83 CORPORATION Total for Check: 802169 $1,771.85 $18,954.13 802171 01/16/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 6282277 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $105.68 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

Begin Date: 12/27/2018 End Date: 01/30/2019 Page 4 : Accounts Payable Cash Disbursements Presented for Board Ratification and/or Approval

Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 802171 01/16/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 6282277 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $93.88 802171 01/16/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 6282277 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $53.58 802171 01/16/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 6282277 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $29.01 802171 01/16/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 6282277 SHIPPING-FUEL SURCHARGE $5.20 802171 01/16/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 6282279 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $497.21 802171 01/16/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 6282279 SHIPPING FUEL SURCHARGE $5.20 802171 01/16/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 6977595 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $1,047.48 802171 01/16/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 6977601 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $112.73 802171 01/16/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 6977601 SHIPPING-FUEL SURCHARGE $5.20 802171 01/16/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 7517345 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $292.61 802171 01/16/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 7844254 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $120.21 802171 01/16/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 7844255 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $971.53 802171 01/16/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 7844255 DIRECT SHIP TRANS CHARGE $115.89 802171 01/16/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 6282277 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $450.88 Total for Check: 802171 $3,906.29 $171,219.44 802172 01/16/2019 SIGMA-ALDRICH INC. Inv# 546559268 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $100.81 802172 01/16/2019 SIGMA-ALDRICH INC. Inv# 546559268 TRANS/HANDLING $15.01 802172 01/16/2019 SIGMA-ALDRICH INC. Inv# 546583037 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $66.44 802172 01/16/2019 SIGMA-ALDRICH INC. Inv# 546583037 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $47.43 802172 01/16/2019 SIGMA-ALDRICH INC. Inv# 546583037 TRANS/HANDLING $17.04 Total for Check: 802172 $246.73 $44,263.64 802173 01/16/2019 WECK LABORATORIES, INC. Inv# W8L1209-OCWD BPO FOR WQ ANALYSES $300.00 802173 01/16/2019 WECK LABORATORIES, INC. Inv# W8L1210-OCWD BPO FOR WQ ANALYSES $150.00 802173 01/16/2019 WECK LABORATORIES, INC. Inv# W8L1211-OCWD BPO FOR WQ ANALYSES $150.00 Total for Check: 802173 $600.00 $40,439.00 802174 01/16/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 10796248 Lab-helium,CO2, nitrogen $985.12 802174 01/16/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 10796248 freight $29.90 802174 01/16/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 10796248 hazardous material $10.76 Total for Check: 802174 $1,025.78 $75,316.89 802175 01/23/2019 EUROFINS EATON ANALYTICAL Inv# L0422810 BPO WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS $800.00 INC 802175 01/23/2019 EUROFINS EATON ANALYTICAL Inv# L0425076 BPO WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS $800.00 INC Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

Begin Date: 12/27/2018 End Date: 01/30/2019 Page 5 : Accounts Payable Cash Disbursements Presented for Board Ratification and/or Approval

Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 802175 01/23/2019 EUROFINS EATON ANALYTICAL Inv# L0426342 BPO WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS $400.00 INC 802175 01/23/2019 EUROFINS EATON ANALYTICAL Inv# L0429382 BPO WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS $2,000.00 INC 802175 01/23/2019 EUROFINS EATON ANALYTICAL Inv# L0430025 BPO WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS $1,200.00 INC 802175 01/23/2019 EUROFINS EATON ANALYTICAL Inv# L0430027 BPO WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS $1,200.00 INC Total for Check: 802175 $6,400.00 $16,100.00 802176 01/23/2019 FEDERAL EXPRESS Inv# 6-414-88932 Package Delivery $238.76 CORPORATION Total for Check: 802176 $238.76 $18,954.13 802177 01/23/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 8121383 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $247.98 802177 01/23/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 8121383 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $51.33 802177 01/23/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 8195708 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $41.48 Total for Check: 802177 $340.79 $171,219.44 802178 01/23/2019 THERMO ELECTRON NORTH Inv# 9020861016 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $1,616.98 AMERICAL LLC 802178 01/23/2019 THERMO ELECTRON NORTH Inv# 9020861016 SHIPPING/HANDLING $10.88 AMERICAL LLC Total for Check: 802178 $1,627.86 $65,420.73 802179 01/30/2019 ALTA FOODCRAFT Inv# 51900641 GM Office $863.38 Total for Check: 802179 $863.38 $14,003.22 802180 01/30/2019 EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES Inv# 903836971 BPO TANK RENTAL WATER SYS $219.84 LLC 802180 01/30/2019 EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES Inv# 903836972 BPO TANK RENTAL WATER SYS $102.16 LLC 802180 01/30/2019 EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES Inv# 903836973 BPO TANK RENTAL WATER SYS $204.33 LLC Total for Check: 802180 $526.33 $2,783,862.22 802181 01/30/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 8335533 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $2,127.43 802181 01/30/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 8335533 SHIPPING-FUEL SURCHARGE $5.20 802181 01/30/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 8464897 Generated by reorder 12/19/18 $3,540.03 802181 01/30/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 8464897 Shipping-Fuel Surcharge $5.20 802181 01/30/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 8641124 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $60.14 802181 01/30/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 8641124 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $42.43 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

Begin Date: 12/27/2018 End Date: 01/30/2019 Page 6 : Accounts Payable Cash Disbursements Presented for Board Ratification and/or Approval

Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 802181 01/30/2019 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Inv# 8641124 SHIPPING-FUEL SURCHARGE $5.20 Total for Check: 802181 $5,785.63 $171,219.44 802182 01/30/2019 GOPHER PATROL Inv# 324620 BPO PEST CONTROL $185.00 802182 01/30/2019 GOPHER PATROL Inv# 325352 BPO PEST CONTROL $525.00 Total for Check: 802182 $710.00 $8,945.00 802183 01/30/2019 IRON MOUNTAIN Inv# 201792710 BPO Archival Services $498.52 802183 01/30/2019 IRON MOUNTAIN Inv# AKMU080 BPO Archival Services $3,060.90 Total for Check: 802183 $3,559.42 $40,628.18 802184 01/30/2019 SIGMA-ALDRICH INC. Inv# 546621908 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $1,109.25 802184 01/30/2019 SIGMA-ALDRICH INC. Inv# 546621908 TRANS/HANDLING $17.17 Total for Check: 802184 $1,126.42 $44,263.64 802185 01/30/2019 SPEX CERTIPREP, LLC Inv# 377022 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $137.60 802185 01/30/2019 SPEX CERTIPREP, LLC Inv# 377022 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $132.80 Total for Check: 802185 $270.40 $10,076.40 802186 01/30/2019 THERMO ELECTRON NORTH Inv# 9020862867 LABORATORY SUPPLIES $435.61 AMERICAL LLC 802186 01/30/2019 THERMO ELECTRON NORTH Inv# 9020862867 SHIPPING/HANDLING $10.87 AMERICAL LLC Total for Check: 802186 $446.48 $65,420.73 802187 01/30/2019 WECK LABORATORIES, INC. Inv# W9A0305-OCWD BPO FOR WQ ANALYSES $200.00 802187 01/30/2019 WECK LABORATORIES, INC. Inv# W9A0306-OCWD BPO FOR WQ ANALYSES $480.00 802187 01/30/2019 WECK LABORATORIES, INC. Inv# W9A0307-OCWD BPO FOR WQ ANALYSES $240.00 802187 01/30/2019 WECK LABORATORIES, INC. Inv# W9A0308-OCWD BPO FOR WQ ANALYSES $240.00 802187 01/30/2019 WECK LABORATORIES, INC. Inv# W9A0309-OCWD BPO FOR WQ ANALYSES $480.00 802187 01/30/2019 WECK LABORATORIES, INC. Inv# W9A0310-OCWD BPO FOR WQ ANALYSES $480.00 Total for Check: 802187 $2,120.00 $40,439.00 802189 01/30/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 10800908 Lab-helium, nitrogen $1,196.26 802189 01/30/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 10800908 freight $29.90 802189 01/30/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 10800908 hazardous material $10.76 802189 01/30/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 10812211 freight $29.91 802189 01/30/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 10812211 hazardous material $10.76 802189 01/30/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 80229209 Dec18 cylinder rental-Wtr.Prod $100.75 802189 01/30/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 80229210A Dec18 cylinder rental-Lab $618.00 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

Begin Date: 12/27/2018 End Date: 01/30/2019 Page 7 : Accounts Payable Cash Disbursements Presented for Board Ratification and/or Approval

Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 802189 01/30/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 80229210B Dec18 cylinder rental-Wtr.Prod $213.11 802189 01/30/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 80229210B Dec18 cylinder rental-Hydrogeo $15.50 802189 01/30/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 80229210C Dec18 cylinder rental-Recharge $7.75 802189 01/30/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 80229211 Dec18 cylinder rental-Recharge $232.50 802189 01/30/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 80229212 Dec18 cylinder rental-Lab $254.38 802189 01/30/2019 WESTAIR GASES & EQUIPMENT Inv# 10812211 Water Prod-nitrogen $32.63 Total for Check: 802189 $2,752.21 $75,316.89

Run Date: 2/1/2019 $561,560.91 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

Begin Date: 12/27/2018 End Date: 01/30/2019 Page 1 : Accounts Payable Cash Disbursements Presented for Board Ratification and/or Approval

Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 976671 12/27/2018 CITIBANK NA NEW YORK, ABA Inv# OCWD 2005A SWAP PAY 12/27 ocwd 2005A Swap $88,031.62 Pay11/26-12/27 Total for Check: 976671 $88,031.62 $1,830,273.91 976672 12/28/2018 WELLS FARGO BANK Inv# JANUARY 2,19 #6911 Jan.2,19 DPR#01 #6911 $10,181.68 976672 12/28/2018 WELLS FARGO BANK Inv# JANUARY 2,19 #6911 Jan.2,19 DPR#01 #6911 ($10,181.68) Total for Check: 976672 $0.00 $20,777,212.50 976673 01/02/2019 PRUDENTIAL RETIREMENT Inv# JANUARY 2, 2019 Jan.02,19 DPR#01 401a $2,702.91 SERVICE Total for Check: 976673 $2,702.91 $5,589,468.10 976674 01/02/2019 PRUDENTIAL RETIRMENT Inv# JANUARY 2, 2019 Jan.2,19 DPR#01 457b $1,000.00 Total for Check: 976674 $1,000.00 $1,542,769.12 976675 12/28/2018 WELLS FARGO BANK Inv# JANUARY 2, 19 #6527 Jan.2,19 PR#01 #6527 $47,324.48 976675 12/28/2018 WELLS FARGO BANK Inv# JANUARY 2, 19 #6527 Jan.2,19 PR#01 #6527 ($47,324.48) Total for Check: 976675 $0.00 $20,777,212.50 976676 12/28/2018 WELLS FARGO BANK Inv# JANUARY 2, 19 #6911 Jan.2,19 PR#01 #6911 $743,916.12 976676 12/28/2018 WELLS FARGO BANK Inv# JANUARY 2, 19 #6911 Jan.2,19 PR#01 #6911 ($743,916.12) Total for Check: 976676 $0.00 $20,777,212.50 976677 12/28/2018 WELLS FARGO BANK Inv# JANUARY 2, 19 GARNABF Jan.2,19 PR#01 GarnABF $1,760.75 976677 12/28/2018 WELLS FARGO BANK Inv# JANUARY 2, 19 GARNABF Jan.2,19 PR#01 GarnABF ($1,760.75) Total for Check: 976677 $0.00 $20,777,212.50 976678 01/02/2019 PRUDENTIAL RETIREMENT Inv# JANUARY 2, 2019 401A Jan.2,19 PR#01 401a $210,996.64 SERVICE Total for Check: 976678 $210,996.64 $5,589,468.10 976679 01/02/2019 PRUDENTIAL RETIRMENT Inv# JANUARY 2, 2019 457B Jan 2,19 PR#01 457b $57,606.87 Total for Check: 976679 $57,606.87 $1,542,769.12 976680 12/31/2018 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Inv# COP 2003A INT 12/28 COP 2003A INTERESTS $130,945.03 Total for Check: 976680 $130,945.03 $9,476,439.89 976681 12/31/2018 WELLS FARGO BANK Inv# JANUARY 2,19 #6911 Jan.2,19 DPR#01 #6911 $10,181.68 Total for Check: 976681 $10,181.68 $20,777,212.50 976682 12/31/2018 WELLS FARGO BANK Inv# JANUARY 2, 19 #6527 Jan.2,19 PR#01 #6527 $47,324.48 Total for Check: 976682 $47,324.48 $20,777,212.50 976683 12/31/2018 WELLS FARGO BANK Inv# JANUARY 2, 19 #6911 Jan.2,19 PR#01 #6911 $743,916.12 Total for Check: 976683 $743,916.12 $20,777,212.50 976684 12/31/2018 WELLS FARGO BANK Inv# JANUARY 2, 19 GARNABF Jan.2,19 PR#01 GarnABF $1,760.75 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

Begin Date: 12/27/2018 End Date: 01/30/2019 Page 2 : Accounts Payable Cash Disbursements Presented for Board Ratification and/or Approval

Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD Total for Check: 976684 $1,760.75 $20,777,212.50 976685 01/02/2019 CITIBANK NA NEW YORK, ABA Inv# OCWD 2007B SWAP PAY 1/02 ocwd 2007B $29,483.20 SwapPay12/05-1/2/19 Total for Check: 976685 $29,483.20 $1,830,273.91 976686 01/09/2019 WELLS FARGO BANK Inv# JANUARY 9,19 #6911 Jan.9,19 DPR#01-1 #6911 $981.50 976686 01/09/2019 WELLS FARGO BANK Inv# JANUARY 9,19 #6911 Jan.9,19 DPR#01-1 #6911 ($981.50) Total for Check: 976686 $0.00 $20,777,212.50 976687 01/09/2019 PRUDENTIAL RETIREMENT Inv# JANUARY 9,2019 Jan 9, 19 DPR#01-1 401a $291.18 SERVICE Total for Check: 976687 $291.18 $5,589,468.10 976688 01/09/2019 PRUDENTIAL RETIRMENT Inv# JANUARY 9, 2019 Jan.9,2019 DPR#01-1 457b $341.75 Total for Check: 976688 $341.75 $1,542,769.12 976689 01/08/2019 WELLS FARGO BANK Inv# JANUARY 9,19 #6911 Jan.9,19 DPR#01-1 #6911 $981.50 Total for Check: 976689 $981.50 $20,777,212.50 976690 01/10/2019 Palanca, Victoria Inv# CK#2129 PR#2 Final PR CK#2129 $712.25 Total for Check: 976690 $712.25 $712.25 976691 01/15/2019 WELLS FARGO BANK Inv# JANUARY 16,19 #6527 Jan.16,19 PR#2 #6527 $39,101.19 Total for Check: 976691 $39,101.19 $20,777,212.50 976692 01/15/2019 WELLS FARGO BANK Inv# JANUARY 16,19 #6911 Jan.16,19 PR#2 #6911 $729,539.94 Total for Check: 976692 $729,539.94 $20,777,212.50 976693 01/15/2019 WELLS FARGO BANK Inv# JANUARY 16, 19 GARNABF Jan.16,19 PR#2 GarnABF $1,760.75 Total for Check: 976693 $1,760.75 $20,777,212.50 976694 01/16/2019 PRUDENTIAL RETIREMENT Inv# JANUARY 16, 2019 Jan.16,19 PR#2 401a $206,944.06 SERVICE Total for Check: 976694 $206,944.06 $5,589,468.10 976695 01/16/2019 PRUDENTIAL RETIRMENT Inv# JANUARY 16, 2019 Jan.16,19 PR#2 457b $56,102.44 Total for Check: 976695 $56,102.44 $1,542,769.12 976696 01/17/2019 U.S. BANK TRUST Inv# COMM PAPER(68428AAK4)1/17 Commercial Paper $91,700.00 (68428AAK4) Total for Check: 976696 $91,700.00 $4,338,730.61 976697 01/17/2019 U.S. BANK TRUST Inv# COMM PAPER(68427MNH2)1/17 Commercial Paper $21,297.61 (68427MNH2) Total for Check: 976697 $21,297.61 $4,338,730.61 Orange County Water District Cash Disbursements

Begin Date: 12/27/2018 End Date: 01/30/2019 Page 3 : Accounts Payable Cash Disbursements Presented for Board Ratification and/or Approval

Check No. Date Vendor Name Invoice # Purpose Invoice Amount Check Amount FYTD 976698 01/22/2019 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX Inv# 024792532 PE123118 Use Tax PE123118 Q4 $1,667.00 & FEE ADMIN Total for Check: 976698 $1,667.00 $10,266.50 976699 01/25/2019 CITIBANK NA NEW YORK, ABA Inv# OCWD 2005A SWAP PAY 1/25 OCWD 2005A Swap Pay $74,057.04 12/27-1/25 Total for Check: 976699 $74,057.04 $1,830,273.91 976700 01/29/2019 WELLS FARGO BANK Inv# JANUARY 30,19 #6527 Jan.30,19 PR#3 #6527 $49,203.76 Total for Check: 976700 $49,203.76 $20,777,212.50 976701 01/29/2019 WELLS FARGO BANK Inv# JANUARY 30,19 #6911 Jan.30,19 PR#3 #6911 $765,770.88 Total for Check: 976701 $765,770.88 $20,777,212.50 976702 01/29/2019 WELLS FARGO BANK Inv# JANUARY 30,19 GARNABF Jan.30,19 PR#3 GarnABF $1,760.75 Total for Check: 976702 $1,760.75 $20,777,212.50 976703 01/30/2019 PRUDENTIAL RETIREMENT Inv# JANUARY 30, 2019 Jan.30,19 PR#3 401a $206,525.22 SERVICE Total for Check: 976703 $206,525.22 $5,589,468.10 976704 01/30/2019 PRUDENTIAL RETIRMENT Inv# JANUARY 30, 2019 Jan.30,19 PR#3 457b $55,350.15 Total for Check: 976704 $55,350.15 $1,542,769.12

Run Date: 2/1/2019 $3,627,056.77