CEU eTD Collection Female Identity in the Popular Psychology Self-Help In partial fulfillment for the degree of Master of Arts in Gender Studies in Gender of Arts ofMaster degree forthe In partialfulfillment Being a “Bitch” inRussia: Construction of the New Supervisor: Professor Allaine Cerwonka Department ofGenderStudies Central European University Central Maria Karepova Maria Budapest, Hungary Discourses Submitted to 2007 By CEU eTD Collection participate in the contemporary capitalist society its glamour andtemptations. with society incapitalist contemporary the participate let women and context contemporary with itmakecompatible to relationship male/female of provide a“solution” for existing genderinequality, conventionalthe redefine understanding men books The of Russian today. emasculation and the for emancipated” as “too responsible offer a positive image society.Russian They issues incontemporary important deal to with an attempt represent of women’s power whichbooks identity these proposed of the features specific through nevertheless consumerism, contests popular individualismsustain and discourses reproduce on reinforce and stereotypes, gender accusations of women dochallenge “bitch”-books not though the relations, the existingpower patriarchal system of as Even in books. women’sthese andcontested arebeing(re)defined and about power ideas functions in the contemporary Russian context and how dominant discourses of femininity thisliterature how type of analysis,Iexplore of life.aspect of Usingamethod discourse achievein every to tobecome“bitch”how teach success inorder women a Russia and that female identity in produced new the series of self-help books emergedthat in contemporary Abstract This thesis focuses on the investigation of the construction of an alternative model model of of construction an alternative the investigation of onthe focuses This thesis ii CEU eTD Collection nervous break down breaknervous thisproofread valuable thesismade down comments. and internationally… music doing of experience rewarding and frustrating amusing, intense, highly of time stressful strive knowledge for andexhausting thesis butwriting experience an unforgettable always stay in my heart. insanityvalues, andfor alcohol; makingOvid - issues debatable people and other whowill life my sharing for - Iva conversations; anti-depressant and after-midnight-coffees numerous career. brilliantscholars, wonderful people andanencouragementforpursue me myto academic putting together this thesis.Personal toÉva andZsazsathanks for being uniqueexamplesof meinspiration criticisms beinga and for great and aguide inthemazeof of challenges Acknowledgements Immense thanks to Monica Jones who in spite of being in the state of getting her own nota only year making for this band-mates mydearest CEU creditto Special goes I alsowantmy toexpress friends. Mariagratitude for andVictoria – precious I want to thank my wonderful supervisor Allaine Cerwonka for providing insightful I dedicate this work to my mother with eternal love, gratefulness and admiration. * * iii * CEU eTD Collection BIBLIOGRAPHY CONCLUSION Chapter 4 Chapter 3 Chapter 2 Process the of Project Chapter 1 contents of Table 4.2 T 4.1 P 3.43.3 P N 3.2 T 3.1 R 2.5 “B 2.5 2.4 S 2.3 W 2.2 “B 2.2 2.1 W 1.4 M 1.3 T 1.21.1 M P LAYING A ARTICIPATING ARTICIPATING IN MODERNITY ELF ROJECT OVERVIEW ROJECT HE NEW HE POWEROFTHE ECHNIQUES USSIA EW BEAUTY EW Y POSITION ASA RESEARCHER AND LIMITATIONS OFTHE METHODS ETHODOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OMEN AND CONSUMPTION OF SELF HYWOMEN DO READ SELF ITCH ITCH - Beating Patriarchy at Its OwnGame The “Bitch”:The Glamour, Power andtheRight Handbag Getting Acquainted: Feminine Identity and Self-HelpDiscourses Approaching the “Bitch”: Introductions, Orientations and the HELP ANDWOMEN ...... 47 ...... - ”- : FEMININE IDENTITY INTRANSITION BOOKS BOOKS BOOM IN “ ...... 50 ...... BITCH “ BITCH ...... 6 ...... 31 ”: ...... 1 ...... ” “ ANDHER THE SAME OLD STORY ...... 38 ” “ ...... 1 BITCH ’ S EMPOWERMENT R ”...... 28 USSIA M - HELP AN ...... 34 ...... 41 ...... 11 : : THE SPECIFICITY OF THE OF SPECIFICITY THE DISCOURSE ANALYSIS DISCOURSE - iv HELP LITERATURE …”?...... 20 ...... 16 ...... 25 ...... 38 ...... 9 ...... 4 “ BITCH ”- ...... 7 ...... 25 ...... GENRE ...... 13 . 9 ... CEU eTD Collection 1 Project 1.1 overview and Orientations Introductions, the“Bitch”: Approaching 1 Chapter books in self-help of genre new the of Russiadiscussion in the engage will I Particularly, identity. feminine which teach womenanalysis of popular psychology self-helpbooks which anallegedlyconstruct new model of how to become focus on the I Inthis thesis, discourses. press inmedia and place havetaken meanings a bitch ( negotiationsnew of 2000).The (Tatarkovskaya newrealities in tothese response redefinition economicidentities life in country, and havechangethe genderroles and undergone with the readers in Russia. It is especially interesting toinvestigate these books since there are type femininity of number the and according to books of on sale thisliterature is popularquite alternative and non-conventional allegedly an propose series “bitch”-book The place. taking is femininity of models of a redefinition Russia, in society capitalist new the to socialism researchers Klimenkova out,(Einhorn after from 1993; 2000)point the transition state (Zimmerman, beliefs and values cultural of maintenance (Macdonald 1995:91)self-help acrucialrole reinforcementand play inthe discourses in of life. success spheres all Here and further allthe translations are mine. the Process of the Project With the collapse of the Soviet Union, together with the crisis in political and political in crisis the with together Union, Soviet the of collapse the With Today, when “making the most of oneself” is represented as an ultimate goal ultimate asan is represented oneself” of most the “making when Today, 1 “If a woman is nota bitch, she is notat all… et al. sterva 2001:129).Assome ) inachieve ) to order (Shatskaya 2007a:9) 1 ” CEU eTD Collection discourses discourses have? Why is thisimage attractive to women in particularthis historical period? new these do function What women? toempower propose they do What strategies readers? identity thethat promote? Russian“bitch”-books messages What give doauthors totheir femininity is commonly frowned upon. of type this and “bitch” the of identity the women offer books the because interesting In Russian regardlessthe is caseit particularly debates. books academic the self-helpof women stillitis(Simonds Rimkeread that clear 1992; 2000). Nevertheless, 1993; Shrager situation. These discoursesquestion the tendexisting to frameworkbe normalizingsome positive effects, self-help generally aredisempowering books becausethey not do of power relations and lead and ratherto commodificationin spite is coin of the However, sideof theother that 2001; Cameron2000;Simonds 1992). teach women to adjust to ofthe the choicewomen bysociety etal ideaof independencepromoting and (Zimmerman through the self on put pressure toeasethe try and alonein problems their not are feel thatthey readers the lets it if roles, and choices non-conventional behavior, non-stereotypical encourages it if example, hasFor adegreeof empowering. self-help claim that scholars Some scholarship. feminist of focus a been long has life better and empowerment women brings really women’s advice. offeringposition However,through question expert the whether self-help in Russia. contemporary contested dominant discourses women’sfemininity of and ideasabout arebeing (re)defined and power dismissed astrivial.from Far being unimportant,the “bitch”-books give into insights how discourse willnostudies of kindthis in Russia.My fill aimsproject to gapthis because exploring these new help to understand the sociological significance of a genre that is usually Therefore, my questions in this thesis are the following: What is this new female new is this What following: the are thesis in this my questions Therefore, is enhance to of literature goal self-help the isthat senseperspective The common 2 CEU eTD Collection books try redefineto the image and the power strategies for women, and explain the ways this overview of women’s inposition Russia. contemporary Additionally, “bitch”- Ishowhow empowering and disempowering capacity self-helpliterature.of In thirdthe chapter,Igive an potentially the in about debate the the “bitch”-books in genre andsituate Russia “bitch”-book and outline the reasons why women I discuss books issue Inthesecondself-help the of of central chapter, consumption concepts. read self-help. Then, I talk about the emergence of the context. conventional understanding tomake of themcompatible relationships the contemporary with and glamour the its inequality and redefine gender existing for a “solution” temptations.provide They with society capitalist contemporary the in participate women let to attempt men books The of Russian today. emasculation and the for emancipated” as “too responsible offer a positive image and male/female relationship of concept the They redefine context. Russian contemporary of women’s power which identity of deal proposed the to issuesattemptwith somerepresent an important of the contests popular specific features through books these relations. However, system power existingof patriarchal accusations of women discourses stereotypes, reproduce onindividualism notchallengeand consumerism, the do as sustaincontainview and from gender a feminist of scholarship.They of reinforce point the context and post-Soviet Soviet issues in the theproblems and which assesses literature scholarly Ianalyzed of Russia context in cultural and historical a “bitch”-identity new emergencethe method tosituate of the analysis. the order of In genrediscourses employing what solution are provided? issuesWhat within the situation Russiancontemporary of reflectwomen do these books and In this first chapter, I present a project overview, methodological foundations and define I argue that, indeed, there are several problematic aspects thatthe “bitch”-books aspects problematic are several indeed, that, there I argue “bitch”-books the from books 10 analyzed have I questions, above the answer To 3 CEU eTD Collection Scholars argue that although people can make choices about themselves, their behaviorstheirthemselves, and make about choices although can people Scholars arguethat then fixed 2002:7). andrather (Sunderland a setof Litosseliti characteristics iscircumstances”andin of making different 1996:119).It aconstant(Ang process choices times different at things, many mean different can a woman Being andpractice… discourses identity “isnon-unitary, in and produced through intersection the of a multitude of social negotiated in of process the social interactionsand discursive (deFina and constructed changeable,constantly beingis fluidand seenas identity perspective identity (gender) approach, which as athis From theorizes process. social constructionist anddiscourse identity, which highlyare complex and problematic. Inthis study, Iemploy as a tool identify“to languagepatterns of and practices”related (ibid:9). purposesof functioning”Forthe discursive (ibid.). analysis my study, Iunderstand discourse of “mechanisms orthe of argument” the “structure or beyond sentence” the “structures the languagemeanDiscourse analysis inuse”(Taylor 2001:5). canalsocome to examination of discourse analysis is widely contested and in broad terms can be defined as “the close study of Consequently,discourses. chose touse method I the of discourse analysis. The definition of Methodological foundations: discourse 1.2 analysis how they redefinemodelsattempt to the of self relationship, and gender roles. show inequalities and gender offertodeal existing the with “bitch”-books thatthe strategies I last the chapter, outline In the and market consumption. issues of genre deal with the However, social context plays a crucial role in the process of identity construction. ofidentity in theprocess role plays acrucial social context However, of concepts the the from of taking for arise this The reasons understanding approach self-help through identity female of construction the examine I thesis, this In 4 et al. 2006). Gender2006). CEU eTD Collection 1993). Since the “bitch”-book that I analyze are the product of the contemporary productcontemporary thatIanalyze of the the times, Since are “bitch”-book 1993). the contesting (ibid:18). assumptions conventional only lifeas shapingalso torecognize include but a themas possibility ofstrugglea site for language”by and (2002:6). In contextsocial other words, this perspective not seesdiscourses individual agency, and of gender (identity) asmultiple fluctuating, and shapedin by part of ideas accommodate “aims itto because employ scholars feminist that been alens et Uniontransition 1990; of Soviet collapse Ashwin 2000 and the after 1991, Attwood the (Gray studies done on formation the feminineinof Russiain identity Soviet times, during the so, Irevieweddo the to order In its emergence. for reasons the and role its place, analyze books in the broader historical context of the social life of Russia. It is necessary(Weedon 1987:25). in order to framework relations in power the discourses arealways embedded fact that the of importance poststructuralist(Chouliaraki Fairclough Feminist and 1999:136). theory also outlines the in the processan give and (ibid:13) “canbe meanings toexperience” combined seen to Discourses practices. of historical change, can produce new complex discourses as a result organizational practices the shape nature of the discursive practice)” (1992:4). text production andinterpretation isconcerned), andaninstance of social practice (understanding how institutional and approach. Adiscursive event is“simultaneouslyof a piece aninstance text, of discursive practice (here the process of 2 and Litosseliti This is2002:7). where discourses by (Sunderland lesssocial delimitedpractices ismore choices or thinking rangeof these the Discourse has been differently theorized among researchers. Inthis project Iadopt Fairclaugh’s three-dimensional al. ). Self-helpis a considered powerful discourseinfluential and (Simonds 1992; Shrager gender As SunderlandLitosseliti out thediscursiveand has long to point approach Therefore, as part of this discourse analysis, I situate the phenomenon of the “bitch”- the of phenomenon the I situate analysis, of this discourse as part Therefore, Discourses do not simply reflect the social facts. They construct and reconstruct social and reconstruct construct They facts. social the not simplyreflect do Discourses 5 2 come to play a significant role. CEU eTD Collection do they reflect? these discourses? What do they offer women and what problems of the contemporary society What proposed? strategiesthisis of imageappealing? are What empowerment thefunction of give their and authors is readers to What messages“bitch” dothe why image a presented? of fitsbooks into contemporary the Ipose Russian context. following the is How questions. this in these constructed identity feminine “new” particular this how and books these to specific is books in the genre. empowering/disempowering which are specific from and differ these books self-helpother will and new of bringstrategies reading any “bitch”-books aspects of reveal other by it if is proposed works tomy exhaustive, whether researchers andapplied the data whether of characteristics range whetherthis show will because ituse this to strategy important is It sexism). resist to how example, (for situations in certain oppression of influence the resist them help and aware women make book the of contents the whether life; women’s in choices non-traditional supports book the whether women; of concerns main the presents behavior encourages stereotypical discourages it andhow or following: book the whether is place under the category acertain was used to thebooks in order The criteria that al. following stages and strategies and techniques of discourse analysis. of discourse andtechniques strategies and following stages of Iemploy Shrager 1992)inanalyzing 1993; self-helpthe books Simonds the contents the 1.3 Techniques Russia. in identity of feminine construction the contemporary of processes the understanding of tothe cancontribute discourses exploring these 2001:124-125) to identify the degree to which the book is disempowering.identifywhich book the empowering2001:124-125) toor degreeto the Therefore, in the second stage of my analysis Iconcentrate on the examination of what First, I identify several patterns that were used in the previous study (Zimmerman Drawing on examples of the studies of self-help literature (Zimmerman 6 et al. 2001, et CEU eTD Collection arise in the books, however the information that I find can still point out several specific several out point still can find I that information the however books, in the arise may which themes, of scale whole the be covering not may conclusions my Consequently cover wholepublications. the explore of not range and to Ido whichbooks makechoice, the I that understand I issubjective. which my interpretation, I offer in own that limited sense the object andthe of subject study the be fullycannot (Stacey separated my1988), is analysis since the view. Second, a common reader’s from mightbe different contents books’ the about my conclusions andas a result, aretheory-laden my ask.Inaway, questions readers academic non that from those aredifferent books these reading I askwhile that questions research the making” Therefore, (Taylor 2001). anddecision background theoretical “involves it since method neutral a be considered cannot analysis discourse of method the First, ways. My position as a researcher and limitations 1.4 of the methods stereotypes? appropriatingidentity “Bitch” is this extent what To discourse? of kind this with is achieved What time? feminist comparison othermodelsthe itfemininity? to Whymightof emergedat this particular have values in is by answercontext is following to the questions. Whatnewidentity trying different this or to what extent is anddetermine them. what context, Russian linked the how they to are are articulated, it a backlash they how arise, themes particular some often how me see help will text the to analysis the of or reproductionidentity, comparison tothe typesother femininity, of Applyingmen. portraying these schemes “bitch”- of the employment the of andconsequences for image,of reasons of the characteristics the in themes literature. They investigated the are following:the suggested behavior, andidentifying Bernard(2003)for themes andcoding Iidentified several categories of I am aware that my position and the methods I use influences my study in several mystudy Iuseinfluences methods my the and I am position aware that my revealedAfterthe information Isituate in exploring social contemporary the data, by answerIn order thetechniquesproposed above the to Ryan andfollowing questions 7 CEU eTD Collection can become offurther the focus research. responses will be out of the scope of my thesis, due to time and recourses constraints. Thus,it reader and interviews exploring Therefore, make certain conclusions. Ican assumptions discourses based ontheoretical and “bitch”-books the through produced femininity image of it possible to identify source informationof women’sabout towards themessagesattitudes of and books these make other patterns. valuable beHowever, a can responses reader the Theanalysisof books. these perceive regular readers it is still possible for me to assess details. specific certain the new noticing makes me of capable butstill less subjective makemyresearch necessarily notdoes being raisedin Russia, Ilive thereand Iknow the contemporary insituation county.the This of experience I havethe in that sense the literature this of reader regular of one the to the makes nuancesaware of my also language.BeingRussian of specificposition closer the the am I because study the on influence positive have also can position my However, different. is language native with who’s a researcher incomparison in way,for example, a specific trends and tendencies.Finally,my identity as can influenceRussian my reading of books the Another limitation of this project is that I do not have the possibility to analyze how analyze to possibility the have not do I is that project this of limitation Another 8 CEU eTD Collection reproducing patriarchalidentity normalize gender shape and of culture consumer products the whether terms of values or whether they can also be seen claimmainly 2002). Kronna thatthey also forare women (see as a site of resistanceresearched I that “bitch”-books the Further, self-help. of main consumers arethe since women and topic this to relevant is consumption of issue the Discussing identity? feminine regulating commodfied discourse which is intended beto sold to women, towhat extentis it powerful in is:question dopeopleliterature is how consumethesediscourses? If a kindself-help of practices and butconstitute maintain them (Sunderland andLitosselity saidThat 2002:13). the and contexts historical not they gender influenced by specific only do represent particular Women and consumption of 2.1 self-help literature Russia. discourses when we analyze them in the specific historical context of post-state socialist these function appeal and of the about insight we gain additional andthat complicated is empowerment on debate the that show I “bitch”-books, of example the and literature the issue of self-help in Iturn Next, to “bitch”-books particular. why reasons outline and the read self-help women capacity genre in and “bitch”-book Russia emergenceof popularity the the andthe Then, Italk about to empower women. in of construction and aresociallycontestation gender important to the Russia. discourses Finally, using the review of scholarly and Self-Help Identity Feminine Acquainted: Getting 2 Chapter In this chapter, I discuss the extent of consumption of self-helpbooks and show that the Discourses The question of women’s relation to consumption is complex and highly debated in consumptionThe is andhighly ofwomen’s question debated relation complex to inand discourses are produced chapter inthe haveAs previous discussed already I 9 CEU eTD Collection critical in examination toidentify order waysin female itthe which constructs identity and to constructingfeminist Forthese self-helpunder themselves. reasons, scholarship hasputthe in since primary they audience, in are the people, andwomen particular assists self-help is that common the assumption Moreover, and produced sustained. meanings arereflected, seriously. book the of contents the take to be tempted may reader the why reason another as serve can which many for considerandpeople anauthority believe, answers. this Consequently, turn to authoritative Psychology psychologists usuallywrite self-helpbooks. is apowerful discourse, (Cameron isFurthermore, it2000:216). a journalists common thatwell-known practice and In discourse. words,they other “consumers anormoffer judgeagainst whichto themselves” certain adopt andpatterns identities (Macdonald1995:36). in the full sense of the Althusserian term (Althusser 1972), but still the texts “invite” people to is “interpellated” itmaybe subject thatcompletely Thus, not the ideology prevailing (ibid:19). understanding of what andhowreality beis to from expected pointthe of view of the their and observations and experience own their world”: the about ideas of sets competing necessarily (citedwill inPeoplenot dominate 1995:19). balance “two usually Macdonald experience ideology, nevertheless, the contradict can experience although personal out points “cultural andvictims whomanipulated areboldly dupes” (ibid:114). asFrazer However, not women and experiences are personal andfilteredthe Meanings negotiated through are by She thatreadingmechanically is states activeprocess. adopted” women (1996:113). an and 1992). Livingstone isthere noreason pictureto women plain as victims of these (seediscourses Ang 1996; Lunt Thus, self-help can be considered a powerful discourse and a tool andbe a tool which Thus,through apowerful considered discourse can self-help self-helpAs Simonds do function (1992) points out books as a form of normalizing uniformlyfeminineAng inscribed“textually subject positions arguesthat arenot and 10 CEU eTD Collection worker and contains advice about communication, promotion of ideas, dealing with with ideas,tensions dealing communication, promotion of andcontains adviceabout worker guide 2003) is(Vladimirskaya a become on good to how amore successful manager and book the example, For identity. “bitch”- then rather matters other concern contents their while “bitch” name the take just life. inaspect of and help bitch” “a become achievefinal goal every success the reader to real to to address friends, relatives or those whom you knowvery well). All booksthe state that their isreader “you” with formaddressed informal form the language in (the Russian which isused a marionette puppet ora man in a leash and a handwoman’s controlling it. man a as picture covers Some sexy woman. very ayoung usually display books the of covers dollars (with 6-8USdollarsabout beingan priceaverage for other popular books). The copies, some areavailable inpaperback. The prices 3 range from US dollarsabout to15US Literature and are usually10 about different booksavailable. Theyare in usuallysituated section the Psychological of displayed on a separate I visited, store were that there eachbook cooking In andgardening. from pursuing careerto shelf. Most of life “bitch”-books which advicealmostmore every sphereof 50different contain on then the books are hard cover are inthere Today, Russia. literature of marketself-help the place on securedastable has “Bitch”-books boom in 2.2 Russia in Russia. “bitch”-books of phenomenon the explore the questions for which itpeople seek isanswers. Therefore, important aswell as interesting to of problems self.Self-helpthe can mirror urgentin which out to society andexist point asses the strategies that this genre offers women in terms of enhancement and empowerment What is interesting and what points to the popularity of the genre is that some books some is that genre the of popularity the to points what and interesting is What The language in the books is very informal and easy to read. In most of the books the “bitch”-series Given books, the number andthethe availability of copies of published Business Bitch:orHow to Survive inaMen’sWorld 11 CEU eTD Collection ets” fatale. femme under trendy the brand of a “bitch” something elsecanbe women. “sold” to word predator, carnivore. The verb “ carnivore. verb The predator, with the same root)Russian used meansto mean a corpse ofa a kinddead animal, ofcarrion. hawk The word “ eagleetymology of the word that“ eats offal,different dead fromanimals, the TheEnglish a Russianvulture, translation. translation So in order to present of a thefull pictureword manyou typeyou?” need?” of type “Whatdo erotic are ”What style,” I ishere give theyour out “Find isyour character?” (“What tests psychology popular of is acollection itrest of andthe allegedly “bitchy” the has characteristics introduction second book a about ten-page itselfword is onlyatthe end The every usedoccasionally (Mezhevkina 2006:35). of chapter introduction there is notmuch information on who a bitch is and what itmeans beto one. The in the except Yet, legislation. on advice and recommendations psychological of lot 3 Divorce nothing to do with the contents. Another such examples finally itlooks likeused are it done in tojust was correspond to order titlethe has becauseit the books Sometimes, the “bitch”used word at all isnot several andthroughout chapters itis when sense howthis identity beginningthe was describedat of in book the or books. other at work. However, the interesting thing is that it has very little relation to the “bitch” in the 4 http://vidahl.agava.ru/cgi-bin/dic.cgi?p=220&t=38811 http://www.psycho.ru/biblio/technologies/events/izvestnye_rugatelstva.html (male gender) which in the Russian Language Dictionary of S.I.Ozhegov means a sneaky sterva Another interesting aspect of the “bitch”-books is the very name of the series: “ series: the of name very the is “bitch”-books the of aspect interesting Another Vladimir Dahl’s dictionary of Vladimir “ Language Russian word Dahl’s dictionary says the that of (Mezhevkina 2006) and was used for prostitutes. Nowadays the word acquired some traits of the notion of 4 The word is mostly used to address women, although there is a word sterva ”. sterv-enet The LastBitch ” means tofall intofury, rage, vehemence “sterva” (accessed April, 26 2007). 12 (Maksimuk firstthe 2006).In book, are there and the connotations of it are slightly are it of connotations the and , (accessed April,26 2007). sterv-yatnik The BitchIsGettinga etc .). This means that means This .). sterva ” (the word ” in the old in the ” 3 . Later the bitch.” “sterv- CEU eTD Collection the “bitch”-books genre. “bitch”-books the women of readers that are primary I argue forreasons, several however Russian context the menthan and it find more helpful (Simonds 1992). There have been no studies of this in genre morewomen buy kindof literature often researchers found, that and readthis helpliterature help literature is published then it obviously meets a prior need of people. In the study of self- Why do women read self-help: the specificity2.3 of the “bitch”-genre read self-help in general. itdidanswer emerge? and these To itis questions other necessary understand why to women such ambiguousnamenewan becomeis brand? popular a What in soattractivethere it? Why own. their on it with up came from these publications and the “bitch” was translated into “ into translated “bitch” was the and publications from these had inspiration some Russianauthors say whether isitto difficult thus by JackieCollins) (for example, publishedauthors byforeign is are“bitch”-books thatthere reason, audience, Ifind it suitableuse to the word “bitch”rather then the Russian equivalent. Another still widely present. although is dobetter” the true, negative (ibid:8).isto something connotation partially This term. “Now if someone callsyouif “Now term. someone 5 Bitches in In caseof than female. the islessnegative and meaning the address teenageboys used to andis a very usually term ispopular not abrawler. It prankster, person, ascoundrel, http://ozhegov.ru/slovo/51339.html It is a truism that where there is a demand, there will be a supply. By this logic, if self- areapopularThus, “bitch”-books the why genre. So suddenlythisidentity did with For For sakethe makingcomprehend of this thesis easierto by non-Russian speaking Shatskaya (2007a) writes that lately that word the (2007a)writes Shatskaya 5 but in slang most of the time it comes to mean a trouble-maker, a mean atrouble-maker, to comes itof time the in most slang but , (accessed April262007) sterva it means that youmanaged havemeans it that someone, overridden 13 “sterva” sterva stopped being stopped a derogatory The BeginnerSchoolfor ” or whether the authors the whether ” or The Bitch CEU eTD Collection books isbooks women? appealing to published and women still read them.why So is readingself-help andparticularly “bitch”- they should dress behave, inand engage are Nevertheless, self-helprelationships. books still pages all sort of materials and recommendations on what women are supposed image-filled to be,glossy how their on including 2001), (Nicolaescu identity female global new a of kind Housekeeping like Journals magazines. and media in women for advice of (ibid). difficulties shallow, notis advice get questions the women whoarguethat (1992:173).The authorcites critics, trustworthya waste ofand time anddo thatnotdeal of mockerywomen about women’sgive tendencydo to read notself-help literature.reallysatisfactory Theis agreat there out, claims points Simonds As books. new are in these thatbe interested it to seem is in Russia get any real and exhaustive decisions answers to their about men than how to in on-linerecent in women buyand more statistics Russia published books readmoregeneral overcome defineused addressmen.femininity isused theto of atype notFinally,to according to and because menfrom “bitch”automatically ittargets excludes is audience the word itself the become the nameseries “howto of abitch” Second, already the 2003:14). (Vladimirskaya mysteries ifyou andcunnings. Therefore secrets, areaman – Iadviseclose youthis to book” 6 the book http://rulit.org/read/4 Another argumentfor not reading self-help is that there is an abundance of same kinds out,judgingAs Ihave by pointed popularity thisthe quiteof alot literature, of women First, the “bitch”-books explicitly say that their audiences are women. For instance, in instance, For women. are audiences their that say explicitly “bitch”-books the First, 6 Business Bitch Business . are published in most of of a countries includingare publishedinmost and also Russia, they promote , (accessed: April24th, 2007) the author writes that “[T]his book is the collection of women-only of collection is the book “[T]his that writes author the 14 Cosmopolitan, Elle, Good Cosmopolitan, Elle, CEU eTD Collection 1992, Cameron 2000, Shrager 1993). The “bitch”-books offer new identity, acomplete The “bitch”-books 1992, Cameron 2000, Shrager 1993). way in(see Simonds a better arelationship work makelife or to certain eliminate qualities or interestingusually First, andcontroversial.self-help strategiesimprove provides different to which self-helpother make “why literature thequestion women books?” evenmoreread these and the“bitch”-books see between I that some also differences are there Russia. However, still powerful for the simple reason that it is associated with psychology. is discourse the “bitch”-books) the with case in the is (as be psychologists not may authors in Russia,more and more psychological help-centers open every year. Thus, even though the shows there is as experts, a newmagazine“Psychologies” whichistranslated and published popularized as a reliable andscientific of source advice –psychologists in participate TV tendency believe to this “expert” knowledge. of kind Today in Russiais a psychology published and sold under the category of “psychology.” As Gessen (1995) points out there is a (ibid).disagree can one fact with iswhich justasa bebut wrong notperceived is to – theinformation morein aretrusted sense books the butthis be could advice, awrong spoken amistake, word been around for along time and therefore there is a “respect for the printed word” (ibid:27). A because authority they granted power booksto the since in historically books, havegeneral, areasin problematic (ibid:36). relationships differencessolve orat (ibid:37).home,They can help understand conflicts atwork to to becometo thesituational more teaching tolerant howto hope, and ease depression give someinsight, information in self-help (1992:174).literature” In short-termthe can books the The above arguments can be the reasons for women’s interest in the “bitch”-books in in the “bitch”-books interest for women’s be reasons can the arguments The above Another possible reason for the readers’ trust is that self-helpmagazines then rather books the they trusted that reported interviewees also Simond’s books usually are Simond’s research shows that women mainly “hope to find some comfort, some 15 CEU eTD Collection disempowering for women have been the focus of feminist study for quite a while (Cameron Self-help and women’s 2.4 empowerment empower women. theself-help’s capacity issueto about really help them to cope withissomething.whataccomplish? So it Russianwomen that Andwant to “something” can this their problems? To answerhelp achieve to Self-help, readerinto the attempts by definition, context. Russian the these questions, make to I address that them attractive books these that issues image now specific bitch and the of the turn to the (Simonds authors other mention, aresome aboutfeatures 1992;Cameron there 2000) specific Therefore, as I would argue further, that apart from the reasonsfor the appeal self-helpof that genre. the of affect popularity the not does fact this However, of advice. source less scientific This can sound less becausetrustworthy usually itis difficultbe to an expertin all domains. is in which andlife, allegedly guidance unique. as experts advice sphere of providing every are invery The books written presentproblems.themselves tone. The authors self-assured a the to as universal, only effective solution andthe writers present authentic the that ideas personal and experiences on authors’ the aremainly based “bitch”-books However, method. based a information onresearch whotheraputical or provide professional psychologists is“package” andchange or there nochancetosucceed. up you whole take the thateither it makesthefeeling also gives theadvicemore rigid: is It offered. cure ultimate and sinceone only simplistic sound maketheadvice however, can suggest everything should bechanged in self whenthe you decidetobecome a“bitch”. This, employing which is said to result in eradicating all the drawbacks of the previous life. they The debate about the effects of self-help literature and on whether it is empowering or is itempowering and whether on literature of self-help effects the about The debate look above couldThus, the makeas less “bitch”-books differences the or professional Another interesting point is that, a great deal of self-help literature is written by 16 CEU eTD Collection the rush for letting women have the possibility not to choose anymore “between being sexual “between anymore not tochoose have the possibility letting rushfor the women to enhance certain characteristics or to deal with certain problems and situations. Therefore, in up to offer immediately itis waysinthishelpliterature took started the ideaand better which Self- fetishbecame (Macdonald anew 1995:91). of oneself” themost choice” and“making “right life live” now (ibid:261). choose Thus,makingthe must they kind the want to of for “femalecourse (McRobbie mustbeencouraged “Individuals individualization” 2004). intimacymarriage andinstead Consequently,“outdated” (ibid). of feminist ideals the new a fear statethatthere is feminism-induced anda of books The a androphobia man” (ibid:338). real inforyour theUSpromoted empowerment women “surrendering andsubmittingas to Sheforwomen uppersonalrelationshipsacareer(1991:336). self-help claims gave that genre contrary an accusingmovementof theobsessive feminist women’s suchaslonelinesstroubles the personal oron desire to get ingenre“bitch”-book framework married, andthis understand which ideasto itreproduces. which defineinthe of position to turning the order isworth harmful to and (1995:91).This debate supposedlyideas asoutdated feminist of criticizing bases on the wererejected simply or consumption” results “atomized into ofindividual on the acts messages transformed hand,these other wereeither from the factup withhave “caught messagethe by of freedom advocated self-fulfillmentfeminism,” and that seemed some to On discourses framework. onehand,asMacdonaldargues the patriarchal promotes ideasthe in which of empowerment, line feministgo with agenda ofchallenging the However, as Faludi (1991) argues,and Iagreewith notall point, this self-helpliterature of feminism in theform literatureof self-help can be probably empoweringthe strategy. strategies do they employ and what assumptions lie beneath these ideas? these beneath lie assumptions what and employ they do strategies 2000). The is question also, howand why empowerexactly do thesebooks women? What At a certain point, as Faludi points out, self-help literature has joined the backlash the has joined literature self-help out, asFaludi a certain points Atpoint, The common assumption is that self-help is meant to meant is self-help that is assumption common The 17 help . Buying a popular version popular a . Buying CEU eTD Collection “Bitch”-books however, claim that the new identity they promote is not an innate one – one is one – one innate an not is promote they identity new the that claim however, “Bitch”-books of (ibid). others texts ideas and the ifs/he uses someself of restore essence cannot one that simultaneously essentialistviews of and constructionist Thus, selfhood. the authorargues andtrue essential identity, Most“true” self her (1996:16). of present books the it promises her anew“improved” hand, a revelation other of self, awoman the construct on identity. The controversy that exists in this kind of literature is that on the one hand, itlets one for anewandbetter asincomplete, andsearching broken, of areconstructed readers self-help fundamental feminist grounds of questioning existing the of order power relations. are not questioned, thus relations In power the this challengecase, biases” and political social than its (1993:180). to most of the books therefore a society situated better to inhabitingrather female agender-asymmetrical produce subject cannot be considered its disempowerment lead“is1992). Shragerargues self-helpmain because to can goal to that as based on gender nature donotresistof gendered expectations, the socialization andbehaviorthe (Simonds question stereotypical donot messages and they usually contain gender-related books these empowering/disempowering binary addsand reading“bitch”-books more controversy it. to just morethan complex looks question the argue that would I so. However, do claim to not if isrest onfeminist self-helpthat ideas anddo disempoweringthey foreven women most scholars of Therefore, feminist2000; (seeCameron 1996; the Simonds intentions. such have even may books the all not Moreover, empowerment. women’s of ideas prevent women’s advancement. ideals which resulted inignoring ofthe acknowledgement many structural of factors that and serious” incited inSorisio(Wolf self-help the USembraced 1997:139) post-feminist Simonds states that another problematic area of the self-help genre is that that the that is that genre the self-help area of problematic another that states Simonds One of why literature isis reasons disempowering the because self-help considered feminism-based promotes literature self-help all not that illustrate examples above The 18 et al. ) point out point ) CEU eTD Collection realizing and understanding oneself can be empowering, but on the other hand, it can be can it hand, other the on but be empowering, can oneself understanding and realizing “understanding Nevertheless, their (2000:220). the of on that condition” states she one hand, for women search that argues researcher The experience. problematic in theiralone are not they that proof that a for search readers the Rather toovercome. strategies for look really not in modern society. the capitalist participation of it women can feeling a give context Russian in however contemporary practices, consumer of “bitch”-imagethe and linking self-help canbe disempoweringthrough identity to thatconsumption following goeshandideas of chapter) inhandwith materiality isas it a part (in argue the advice.therefore I “expert” the of guidance capable it the without not doing of is s/he and that strategies self-enhancement and consumption have be readertaught to the that price since thisis the in way itworks capitalist society (Shatskaya 2007a).This implies also buy certain kind of clothing. The authors try to persuade women to sell themselves at the women careof bestfor in example manner, take should themselves beauty a certain visitsalons, Another(1992:203). example canbefrom which brought “bitch”-books the suggestthat book inthe discussed problems deal with the ways to the of as one recommend therapy explicitly of some outthat self-helpthe books authors (Faludi 1991).Simonds points sessions and byprofessional variousemergence guided therapists training groups self-help of books only Not means. new and different through improvement constant be under should which powerful instruments of cultural commerce” (1992:7).The focus is onthe self a as product market. in themake “self” acommodity to women their thus, they do not seem to appeal to an “essential” or “natural” femininity. not born a bitch butshouldlearn how becometo (see one Kronna 2002;Shatskaya 2007a), per se Deborah Cameron in her study found women inDeborahliterature Cameron whenreading self-help herstudy that do Another aspect which Simonds argues is disempowering is that these books teach books is thatthese is disempowering argues Simonds which aspect Another are bought in order to improve oneself, but self-help can also instigate toimprovein the but also oneself,self-help order arebought can 19 Self-help books are “ideologically are books Self-help CEU eTD Collection that from the perspective of this research, some of the ideas in the “bitch”-books couldbe “bitch”-books inthe ideas of the some research, of this from that perspective the Iwould argue resist (2001:124-125). oppression to bringing andtools for awareness women; )stereotypical behavior, presenting women’s concerns; supporting (non-)traditional choices following: As arecategories. (non- encouraging criteria Ioutlined the previously, the contents and messages of the book should meet in order to fallthe intothat one criteria of the abovecertain identified literature self-help of potential empowering/disempowering . “Bitch-books”: “the same old2.5 story…”? degree of empowerment of women’s self-helpbooks. and of purpose the the existingassessment to andnew complexity interesting dimension adds an context in theRussian the books to categorization thisclear applying argue that for women and helped toeffectively resist differentforms choices of oppression.non-conventional of However, I would exploration the encourage interests, personal and goals pursue to themselves, care for to if advisewomen areempowering they books the They that argue criteria. certain meet they dependingwhether on books self-help of capacity disempowering Zimmerman their research empower In women. to books of these capacity as aregiven looks arguments a complex issueliterature for sincedifferent and against the descriptions ortheworld they order andprovide aretrue authentic. the that state explicitly they because “bitch”-books the for is relevant it think I much. it about is “normal” and peoplesince other have also similarproblems then isthere worry noneed to say readeristhe in to reside leftthat beliefin way the the are described things books that the in because deceptive, notleadthis case itdoes words, In to any (ibid). other Iwould changes As I have mentioned in the last section, Zimmerman section, last in the mentioned have I As Considering all the arguments outlined above, the debate on empowerment of self-help at al . (2001) offer a tool for classification of the 20 et al of of popular self-help books extent . in their research on of of empowering of CEU eTD Collection in empowerment or disempowerment. or empowerment in necessarily result not discouraged does or stereotypes areencouraged fact that the Therefore, level. be most only surface seemto negated of the stereotypes on the would arguethat his it as isdesires (although a “real” describednot but submission as a manipulation). Thus, I suggested to“hold him” on to aresamestereotypical behaviors of followingsubmission and are that him” strategies the “shegets once it shouldMan”. However, be“the will do, any forman abitch not isthat divergence life andanother of a woman’s asa household center and family on emphasis much that not is there that is however image conventional from goal” does not seem to change – it is still to get a man to make life meaningful. The difference argueAlthough books the changingthat behavior bring will personalhappiness, “ultimate the Kronna 2007a; men 2002). (see change therelationships with Shatskaya need areabout to society: abitch is notagood girl anymore. by woman a on imposed is that behaviors clichéd the overcome to try authors the like seems it sense, In strategies. this non-conventional follow supposedly advise books thereaderto the career path.Therefore, happiness or inrelationships personal achievement of satisfaction and humility, passivity and self-sacrificing behavior areshown as being ineffectivein patterns the behavior arecriticized. girl”, Beinga“good hard, working submitting too men’s to desires, is there a needways “appropriate” achangeconventionally of The for (Maksimuk 2006:4). sudden realization is having“an that a rewarding character” angel-like not and experience the author usually tells withwhere introduction start a personal girl” of books the anymore. Most a “good image of a story of the series of events in life, whichin criteria andthese described strategies “bitch”-books. the the lead to the gradualmatching complicatethat present aremany Yet, there contradictions empowering. considered or However, most of these situations that brought the authors to the realization of the the preserve not should woman new the isthat state “bitch”-books the thing first The 21 CEU eTD Collection experience andbring pleasure. interests them, willbe may feel topursue that a careera rewarding which encouraged women that sense inthe helpful be may give they advice the Therefore one. “conventional” from the discourse which is the different do andproduce concerns tacklebooks women’s the Thus, concern. personal woman’s is a career that say and focus the switch “bitch”-books women should work because they are “responsible for the comfort of the family” (ibid). The “personal comelife was to second” (KiblitskayaAnother 2000:55). line of agenda was that working for the state (nowomen that alsotaught propaganda Thehours. Soviet long still working routine job and matter what job it is) shouldcombine family (Gray and work 1991) andmany therefore women end updoingsome dull be the meaning of their mediocre them to whichsupposedly take jobs will allow to inWomen Russiaareoften life and that sameworkaholic from boringday” whodoes work paper day 2007b:244).to (Shatskaya become The“bitch” not “an should findingexhausted inwork. of importance pleasure the out point also authors The (ibid). does” she what in best be the “to is thing important most the chooses bitch a life of sphere what matter No independence. and self-sufficiency her to “a writes: Shatskaya itis (2007a:86)becausebitch should alwayswork” themain contribution women should aspire for a real career and achieving professionalbut success.job Fora regular example, just be not should it Moreover, politics. or management business, into “bitch”-books contrary,the tell should up like,women they that take any they go profession guilty guilty of leaving children and family without care are they that more, for aspire not and job any have simply should they that were socialism media women state The messagesthrough press conveyed and under the discourses to “encouraging choices non-traditional pursues” andwomen career. (seeabove)is talking about Another aspect in the “bitch”-books that seems to be responding to the criteria of the be to responding seems to that in “bitch”-books the aspect Another 22 etc. (seeAshwin 1993).On Einhorn 2000; CEU eTD Collection traditional career but itmay not necessarily entail bringing success or more money. Therefore, do not correspond to the depending contextmentionedthe being on categories can even empoweringcease if they real situationsee that to itpossible makes books these in from examples the Moreover, choices.” traditional the society. A woman non- “pursuingcan into or classify“denying stereotypes” categories to of suggestion these choose to pursueis difficult itwhy it That overlook. seemto in thebooks non- advice the that problems are certain choice. of a personal power the however,they of reality traditional picture provide an oversimplified agenda, and exaggerate from becausethey diverge provideappealing books mayseem the Thus, theadvicethat mentioned.inequalities arenot of inthesphere work politics other 2001)and (Ocharova discriminations, labor segregation 1996), dominance(Hutton of men in business sphere and picture complex provide the to Failure chapters). following inthe of arguments morethese on elaborate the situations (I ignored of will in careerare books andpursuing discourses structural the aspects the in it,Thus, theseareindividualistic on ifither she depends achieveall effort. everything wants a way makes say a “bitch men. authors can that the through goalsThird, the theismediated accessto thus thesein menmanipulate power, are who isto achieve success career to mainstrategy the Second, strategies for a concentration desirable area of most the distant as isconstructed business that implies it occupations possible examples other of areno there from since Yet, beinbusiness. should necessarily thatawoman articulated Itisnot clearly 2003). the reality. Sex of how to behave at negotiations, on a business trip, with the clients the with trip, business a on negotiations, at behave to how of narrow. Most of the times when the authors address the career path they give many examples is very for a“bitch” “suitable” liketherangeof careers itseems First, of acareer. pursuing Consequently, although some positive and new aspects are present in the books, there books, in the present are aspects new and positive some although Consequently, However, several problems arise when the author starts talking about concrete aspect concrete talking about starts author whenthe problems arise several However, 23 real “bitch”. The rest are often not as good. etc . (Vladimirskaya . CEU eTD Collection cultural and economic context in which they now find themselves. find now they in which context economic and cultural books have in the vision of femininity and what advice they offer Russian women in the new function these focus on what and “bitch”-genre of the features specific the of analysis to the effective in terms or assessing whether it empowering or disempowering. Now I will proceed equivocally. to assess and difficult thecontext be on dependant seem to different tolook of definition andthe categories starts these empowerment/disempowerment termspersonal in is empowering it whether is question the then but framework, conventional the challenging is probably it as or context sociological broader of in terms empowering be may it in the particular cultural context. Thus, the very categorization of Therefore, as I have pointed out that the analysis of the “bitch”-books will not be very be not will “bitch”-books the of analysis the that out pointed have I as Therefore, 24 CEU eTD Collection “formation and reproduction nations”the of is crucial (ibid:3)most they and of are, time,the in women’s role as the because argue, scholars femininity, models the of concerned this identities. Particularly gender models of forsay alternative wasasearch fair there that to is it socialism, state of fall the after critique to subjected been have masculinity and femininity organizing principle of Sovietthe system” (Ashwin since 2000:1) and models Sovietthe of meanings, newways of expression (Klimenkova 1994).Since“was gender always a key maintainneed to own uniqueRussians’ identity led to a period of forsearching new the and values Soviet the of rejection the economy, market of introduction the globalization, “Westernization”, terms. cultural and political ina dramatic economic, crisis begot new tothe democracy period from Soviet the transition ways. The inparticular issues social andframework self-helpin historical they are embeddedthe discourses cultural reframe started tobecome when Doing period becauseduring the books soisimportant these popular. inthecountry situation assess the to itis important women, to are attractive are andwhy they Russia: feminine identity in 3.1 transition can level be society attractive. some that and andon capitalist culture consumer contemporary structural factors, imagethe theypresentoffersparticipating women a way into the image of women’s power andbeauty. Finally, Iargue that, although booksthe overlook many individualism and traditionalsuggest female behaviors, they a positive redefine and present ideas of reproducethe “bitch”-books thethat fact in spite of the Then, Iarguethat, outcome. logical its is femininity of model alternative the of emergence the that show and Handbag theRight and Power Glamour, The“Bitch”: 3 Chapter In this chapter, Igive In chapter, inthis abrief situation of overview women’s the contemporary Russia In order to understand what the specificities of self-help books in specificitiesthe books understand Russian context of self-helpIn orderto the what 25 CEU eTD Collection caring mother and wife seem to be present in bemother andwifeseem society. present the caring to “real” man,“ain knight shining armour” (ibid:89)for and the “real” woman – afeminine and the desire for the “reassertion of masculinity andfemininity” (2000, 88). The nostalgia for the gender and roles qualities by inthesurveysexpressed in people mediaand promoted showed (Kay “ideal”womanhood theviews revive morality crucial AsKaystates, as on to 2000). media (Gessen 1995). On theintroduction of other hand,the after information and there images sexual of abundance the hand, was one the On controversial. a also strong resistance and the tendency to standards.live uptooften contradictory (Einhorn 1993).This situation createdthe deal underwhen women agreater got of pressure to terms women were not well-offin financial times. However, consequenceof Soviet the unfortunate andupon the considered so they had to be workers, driver” frowned was of ina “tractor although image the wasstill present, woman-worker the but now feminine andstate still was in needof labor(Ashwin women’s the and Bowers1997).Thus theimage of beautiful eagerly otherthe hand, supportthe themselvesand revival didnot domesticity the of women Therefore, themodel a goodhousewifeof mother andaproper was widely “advertised.” On 2000). (Ashwin femininity theloss of and women” of for “masculinization” the reason a “overemancipation” as waspresented Soviet (Gray of 1989). children abandonment the and increase of rate divorce for the acause bymediaas was posited employment Women’s encouragingdomesticity women’s to maternityreturn and and(Ashwin Bowers1997). emergence the crisisdiscourses of ledto anddemographic hand, economic On one the the in newchanges were toevolve. identity feminine society models of the ideology inmanipulated by lightTherefore, existingstate of (Voronina 1994a). the arising Discourses on women’s beauty and sexuality widely discussed in media and press are press and in media discussed widely sexuality and beauty women’s on Discourses issue. contradictory and a complex also was feminity of ideals the of redefinition The Glasnost and withdrawal of censorship lead to the proliferation of a sexist a of proliferation the to lead censorship of withdrawal and 26 CEU eTD Collection housewife did andmother” which notwas widelyseem respond promoted women’sto to an for reasons model the was not “appropriate” morality. imageof The “happy the prostitute, although sometimes picturedasa suffering savior of nation the (Borenstein 2006) socialism” The wasgone. of state (ibid) “de-sexed mother-worker but self-sacrificed socialthe made situation femininitycomplex. situation orredefining women’s the The that would argue that it was the abundance of the uncertainties in the discourses and ambiguity of much models innot offer for Russian termsof massof (1993:228)I the role today’s women” and for power. advancein success women of economic difficultto terms make factors it structural the 2001)therefore (Ritter and sphere in public both private the roles secondary ascribed are where women patriarchal, remain society Russian contemporary duties andrelationship maintain good with theirman. values Nevertheless, the in the fulfill household to trying pursue careerwhilealso asuccessful andto choices make the right agenda on individuation and the encouragementfor women to be in control of their lives, to their set of own (Ashwin2000:18).Thenewambiguities” neo-liberal self-help joined the “of and norms influence values,the with discourses success and of individualistic western men” (Gray 1991:48). of reassuring morecapable make women them down, “quietmedia our wasto inproclaimed solution the So, (Voronina in 1994b:138). mission forgetting life” their careers and their by away away’ ‘carried “women masculinized on put was psychologists, expert many drunk, irresponsible” (Ashwin Furthermore, 2000:17). mainblameit, the for according to 1994b:139). Soviet men were portrayed in mass mediathe as feminine, “inappropriately emphasized inpsychological “weakness discourses was the of today’s men”(Voronina Thus, although Einhorn in her study of literature discourses states that the letter “did letter the that states discourses literature of study her in Einhorn although Thus, economy, market of introduction the by complicated was situation the However, widely women “overemacipation” of the of consequence another Moreover, 27 CEU eTD Collection behaviorlike manipulation and pretence, redefine they still try theimage and to power of of strategies conventional stereotypical suggest “bitch”-books the that fact in of the spite that “overemancipated” being superwomanmen andstop argue an 1994b:138). Iwould (Voronina women should remember their “place and mission in idea the life”, that strongly reiterated media discourses scarce.However, although their power, which is (in the end) to submit to domesticity agenda and genderinequality in the society neither desire togive up theirjobs nor makesbeauty tendencies. theidentity and culture popular compatible contemporary with image with the reconcile to possibility the presents It power. image of positive women the individualismof and sustains numerousconventionalit stereotypes, tries redefine to andoffer it discourses the upholds Although reasons. image the several for of canbea “bitch” attractive shoulders’ lean”on which (Ashwinto Therefore,would 2000:20). I in arguethat situation this ‘strong for longing “persistent a versus role submissive a completely assume to whether and bywomen’sperhapsambivalence about situation disagreement wasalso complicated The workers. be andbeautiful to successful theneed same time andatthe wives mothers and submissive and caring moral, feminine, essentially being of expectations the fulfill to need beby the torn women seem to that andcontroversial complicated areso Russia contemporary The power of the 3.2 “bitch” identity in part resulted in the attractiveness of the new image of a bitch. standards of reconcile contradictory need several of the thisto situation would arguethat one person.Thisstartedappear. “bitch”-books situation to was the Moreover,I firstthe when in combine becompletely impossible to and images thatseem of to kaleidoscope confusing like tolook “appropriate” picture femininity started the 2000). Therefore, of acomplete an (Ashwin men’s weakness for wasblamed “superwomen” Powerful andaspirations. needs As I have discussed in the previous section, women in Russia in spite of of the inspite in Russia women section, previous in the discussed As Ihave in be should a woman what of descriptions the above, outlined have I As 28 CEU eTD Collection of the categories of women, it nevertheless makes the “bitch”-image look powerful.look makes theitof “bitch”-image of nevertheless categories the women, and (Shatskaya made glamorous 2007a:66). Although homogenize division by this books the independent is she herself, for best the all wants who vulture, is a “She others. from distinct men”approach (ibid:6). Thebitch has her own style andmanner of doing things, which is in life and in men lady, who is full of psychological complexes…, [she] doesn’t know how to inwant andanything lifeexceptsoapoperas cooking.is Afeminist saidbe to “disappointed (wo)mankind 2007a:7). Housewives areshown (Shatskaya brainlessdonot as who women “golden”the middleground–incorporating allthebest qualities and wisdom of the in is right and bitch the and afeminist, ahousewife (obviously bad)extremes: aretwo there Bitches and men,“she isnot like anybody else” (Kronna 2002:60).In is as both powerful. “bitch” is to“ordinary someone The who represented superior women” prefers getto things as soon as possible. Shehas astrong character (ibid:10). Sheis definitely an “extraordinary,bright and contemporary tough woman” (Vladimirskaya 2003:9).She nevertheless they celebrate women’s power instead of renouncing2000), the model is novel. it. A bitch is describedmodesteminentdominatedsocialist and that caring Sovietdiscourses worker, wife (Ashwin as in Nevertheless, compared Russian the images context, widespread of the to a loving mother, in predominant inalways were control” late 80s. the (Macdonald 1995:90) complete and move the on always superwoman, executive “the of discourses US in the example, for as, and canachieve everything she desires. The idea imageof this isnot original newor in so far for it. blameand the image andescape guilt makefor itkill womenpossible to birds one stone:two with preserve powerful beautiful and there is a “placement” of the “bitch” in the categories of women. The author says that Theauthor women. of categories in the of “bitch” the isa“placement” there “regular women”, of categories are“othering” the Although “bitch”-books the A “bitch” is a stunning, sexy and successful career woman, who is in charge of her life 29 The Beginner Schoolfor The Beginner CEU eTD Collection terms“Bitch”-books glamour, tothe asconnected popular professionalismand culture. romanticize strategy, this power women direct to takepride init, andit put in more “modern” make “bitch”-books (2001:139). difference isthatthey the the However, that feels good want bymanipulating aman in a way that he itisthinks his idea, soheown likes do to it and you what get andeasier better “you was women Russian most for credo the out points Ritter people it” sothey (Shatskaya know Thedon’t strategy 2007a:66). is ofcoursenot new. As breaks men’shearts” (Shatskaya 2007a:40). andpleasure her welfare happiness, way on the to forherself,and is lives she “egoistic, should always be a challenge for him. At the same time, a bitch knows what she is worth, shewrites that men are “conquerors by nature” and that if a woman wants tohold on a to man she “She is Shesurprise. ismysterious. She is difficulttobe with” (Kronna 2002:60).Shatskaya herpeople howtolure advantage, howtobe to interesting” andflirt, 2007a:4). (Shatskaya (Kronna isuse however,2002). The bitch She weak “to how different. sides of knows other pictured as being in a constant2003:9). They are dullin most sphereslife: work, inof at in relationship, sex. state of envy of themodest“too andquiet”(Vladimirskaya 2007a:3), (Shatskaya be“boring and predictable” bitch and trying to set her by power being asurprise,a change anda men. for challenge “Ordinary women” aresaid to up somehow way that they start to look more attractive. inthe strategies power areredefined fact of the also “bitch” but that the image the attractive, makes that women “other” with merecomparison only itisnot the “bitch”-books case the of This(2001:271). strategy usually makeserves to thenew image morein attractive. However, popular magazines’ discourses “the where identity ‘oldtraditional, fashioned’ is othered” One of the main strategies of One for mainstrategiesismanipulation.the abitch of of power Shecanmanipulate behavior. patterns Bitch The “new”gains isexercisedchangeof the through of power such As “othering” out of Nicolaescu in points techniques common arealso the 30 They are They CEU eTD Collection reality lifereality of and ameans of On (ibid:107).self-expression otherthe hand, scholars the argue a type of resistance to the Soviet system. At the same time it was a struggle against exhausting beauty women’s era. Thus, was with preoccupation site during of struggle Soviet the political femaleis beauty valued highly in AfemaleRussian society (1996:106). body was aconstant of idea the out point Coscilo and Azhgikhina As beauty. women’s of idea the on emphasis New 3.3 beauty modernity. and atthesametimeas a“wisebutwith power” compatible quite (Shatskaya 2007a:81) which makes theidentity look not like selfish “Western self-love whichleads alienation” to of sincerity theconcepts ideas with these reconcile to try “bitch”-books the However, (ibid). control ideas dubiousindividualization of lead the of state perception the of to capitalist lack the ideasUnion of collective”the in (2001:138), privacy omnipresence and the of Soviet identity arguesinof “hegemonic Ritter case was tothe concept Sovietthe connected As appealing. as“modern” and Russian these probably women strike ideas collective past, individual responsibility and beingin charge ofyour life. Considering Russia’s experience of of neo-liberal reproduce the discourses to seems The description self(2007b:9-14). the exercisedin such a ishelpway manipulation saidto awoman gain control over herlife and She herself should befrank and although she shemanipulates, for with people. cares If manipulateinis herlife control with of not anddoes vicious envy,despite intentions. any or manipulation “does not deform mind,people’s it it” develops (2007b:16). that writes predictand manageShe is Shatskaya situation. perfectly anydifficultable to andinvisible. very skillful are manipulation “Bitchy” woman exercises. “overemancipated” suggestwomen be becauseshould proud this behavioris notthe one that aSoviet-type Besides the attempt to redefine the concept of power the “bitch”-books place an “bitch”-books the power of concept redefine the to attempt the Besides “bitch” bea effective when saidto is only manipulation “new” of type the Moreover, 31 CEU eTD Collection that her beauty was not something herbeauty that not butwas was hadworkedat, she natural”entirely (Attwood convey“manage impression appearance,to but they to were supposed andpretty careabout “natural” one as it used to be in the Soviet discourses. anothera women spherewherecan bein creates control. sphere andtherefore Soviet women private the to belong it makes it, were depoliticize a way in they choice supposeda personal into beauty to be framework by another isarticulating “normal,” Iwould what thatby argue converting the one to choose what how to look like. Therefore, in spite of the fact that the books do construct she isthe her that outfit; people’s opinionsabout care aboutother not to “bitch”can afford thata (Kronna 2007a,Vladimirskayaemphasize 2003)constantly books 2002,Shatskaya jewelry”many (ibid:288) and advice/prescriptions like this. However,other most of the (ibid:204); “A bitch should always have her manicure done” “Never(ibid:239); fake buy whatwearmake-up” matter always no example: “Abitch should For image andstyle. bitch’s the for is appropriate andwhat how of advice of range awide give topic the authors each 2007a).On (Shatskaya shouldare evenonwhatbe the “bitch’s” handbag inside tips use. There to “better” are nail colors polish wayandwhat “right” in the dressing talking and wearingfacial glasses,performingand body buying andmake-up; care, fragrances walking, andpedicures, manicures as addressing doing devoted tosuchquestions several chapters are still ideas of uniquenessAlthough imagethe of bitchthe tobeprettydetailedseems anddetermined in books, there the and free choice. In beauty with smartness. itand depoliticize reconcile seems to itbecause forwomen’s beauty aspiration to I argue stillresponds “bitch”-image the that However, for beauty a joy became lessof women (ibid:117). arrived, consuming of products beauty the abundance the period post-Soviet the pleasures”when afterduring getting“forbidden that the Another interestingis aspect books thatthe promote a “stunning beauty” a andnot Beauty and looks are proclaimed to be very important part of “bitch”-identity. partof the important very be to areproclaimed looks Beauty and 32 The Beginner School for Bitches for Beginner School there are there CEU eTD Collection follow popular tendencies of contemporary society.follow of popular tendencies Russian contemporary the “Russianness” and beauty. makes of for “Russian” value looks, itwomen It witpossible reconcilethe the and to present it the to credit gives as image The chapter. personal next in the point last this to back come will I and choice. I would also weak, men making and “masculinization” “overemansipation”, of accusations the women’s argue that it lets women imageinthe of powerwhich but letswomen a manner resists women’s preserve control that attemptredefine ways and the to way havechanged.“Bitch”-books the are represented they care what people think other to be shecanchoose and she whatever feel guilt wants nofor it. considerationa “real beauty ultimate notinto that and takingbitch”standards” (ibid:84) does no are there “nowadays saysthat Shatskaya on contrary, in the books, the “demonized” smartness and Kronnawisdom 2007a, (Shatskaya 2002,Maksimuk 2006). The beauty not is her bitch of joined looks with becauseare the be the punished not typebeauty will of such“stunning” persuadethe readerthat “bitch”-books the Therefore, (Shatskaya 2007a:66). change personal internal important an undergone has she but doll” a “silly not is she manners, yammerer, who is isnot ahysterical because bitch the She compatible inthe“bitch”-identity wise. completely is artificially“natural” however (ibid:95). attractiveness say “bitch”-books twosides The are the that trying charm,beauty historically to in discourses was always Russian opposed spirituality and to show makeup” “Incredible” “evil beauty” wasopposed to the West sculptured of the (1995:95-96). off copying some femmebe spectacular. care should She of herself. take to should start fatale outfit wearingandsocialistin old behavior givemake-up. upthe ornot dressing ugly clothes of She and state a “bitch” “bitch”-books beOn that seductive the stunningandsexy, contrary, the should in Modesty make-up“good taste” 2001:167). (Stitiel and in wereencouraged clothing 2005). Thus, although the new image seems to have a great deal of “old” strategies, however, havedeal “old” image agreat of strategies, seemsto the new Thus, although However, as Azhgikhina and Coscilo point out that the Soviet “modest girl without 33 CEU eTD Collection businessman wrote abook life about in of the businessman wrote wives “good life”. the justor an about if a book article it somehow in reading fantasy even participate try this to Forafford, however the images are luringit and Therefore,tempting. islogical peoplemay that example, and cannot jewelry.shining of Russian couture haute above theaveragecitizen the Most recently display stores fancy posh; and atmosphere first-class with tempt clubs and restaurants fancy life; glamorous featuring commercials colorful of variety are OksanaThere unaffordable). mostly Robski which variousisare tempting (but consumermarket with flooded goods, abundance of the of peopleandthe predominantly women financial are experiencing difficulties. Still, the (Meshcherkinalivewhile most are “freewho 2000), their astheychoose” emerged, wives) to and men (rich people rich extremely of class new the Therefore, 2001). (Ovcharova expanded andharassment. nolawsscarce redundancy againstdiscrimination sexual payments, categories in terms of economic conditions because of high unemployment rate, low wages, collapse of the social welfare system (ibid). Therefore, women are one of the most vulnerablestill work, even if for lowmost 1996).Thus,is women justfamily ahusband apparent (Attwood with asawage earner wages. Additionally, of gender discriminationthe (Roshjin 2005).Atthe same impossibility time, the sustaininga of fall of the Soviet regimeabout 60% of men’s wage, it takes them longer tofind jobs,resulted and there is a consistent tendency in the Recent that in wereearning 1996). women governmental on show statistics average 2003 7 of unemploymentwomen (Bridger mass desired.Unstable economicsituation caused Participating in 3.4 modernity Robski, Oksana. 2006. Another problem is that after the years of transition the gap between rich and poor Women’s economic position in the contemporary Russian society much society Women’s in be leaves economicRussian contemporary position the to Casual . Moscow: Rosman, P-Plus. . Moscow:Rosman, 34 Rublevka – Rublevka 7 , the ex-wife of a “new Russian” a “millionaire’s in district” et al . CEU eTD Collection 8 bestseller. anabsolute was book The Moscow. since the times of the USSR were associatedthem with a knowpowerful what state rule is andbest lack of Ittopersonal waswear a long and tradition how to behave in freedom, rightto chooseis notionsthe Soviet of tothe closely related and capitalism emancipation. appropriately Union to educate (Stitielwomen out,in materiality.Asthen diversity the ideaof and discourse public Hellman (2004) points to be 2005).“proper” However, consumers, lifeglamorous and thefreedom modernity,of if even fantasy through imagination or rather to let if to be youeasily area“bitch”. achievable said are options All these you behave. how you wearand you arewhat practices: material to bitches” 2002;Shatskaya 2007a,2007c).Theidentity is(Kronna connected closely therefore and andmovie operas manners takeupthe style pop soap “ideal watch of stars, and those famous encourage women follow The books of celebrities, examples the fakes” (2002:29). to cheap with herself humiliate go doesn’t bitch “the because be used not should brands fake instance Kronnaway –highmake-up. quality markets for suggests clothes andand cheap that features of “bitch”-image. bythe popular culture certain appropriating society and in participate capitalistic means to contemporary the practices women they give image is hardly which most, achievable for nevertheless, bylinking consumer identity to teach women to be the “right” consumers, ignore many structural factors and promote an life the society about styles ofinpeople rich general. in interest is high a there celebrities about in gossips the interest the besides Thus, celebrities. and of oligarchs restaurants favorite the or Abramovich of yacht news new such asthe http://www.rosman.ru/news.php?nid=370&year_id=2006 Therefore, I would argue that the books let women at least “touch” the new way of newway the least “touch” at letwomen books the that I would argue Therefore, The “bitch”-image is in in outlined details books.Abitch should inthe dress aspecial books the although that argue I “bitch”-identity? the to relate above the all does How 35 8 The newspapers are full Thenewspapers are articles of describing (accessed May 30, 2007) CEU eTD Collection books. “bitch”- inthe presented theseideasare in way the aspects problematic however, several are, There men. or behavior clothes, her be that choose, to possibility the has always she and her/his life seems to be logical. The bitchin achieve advertising idea the was underthecontrol everything to of possibility of state) the is a presented to be in complete control Sovietregimeeverything when the to (compared be values based on democratic presumed to of her life for and Since choices the responsibility in make(2000:62). is the society people now Russia personal agency promote that discourses psychological from alsoresulted self-autonomy and discourses individuation of 2004).Rimke (McRobbie of arguesthatindividuality promotion which they could never afford with theirmonthly paycheck. - self-identification and fantasy - through economy consumer the and Russia” “new the in part take a way to woman averageRussian the gives a “bitch” image and of the “bitch”-book money,then is the life totheglamorous ticket style the books self-help offer. Thus, buyinga rather beauty cunning. is Self-recognition, “bitchy”andtaste, awoman of identity exceptional to relate to and imagine herself to be one. by makingidentity linkedThe consumer to goodsmake the image seem easieras toreach. books invite the readerbooks through constant emphasis of the idea of freedomthe of choice for the new woman and to feel“bitch”- However, (ibid). are they as thatenough good not are women that hermessage the gives true of self, commodification the leadsto them, itobjectifies because is problematic consumers” differences 2003:106)becomes fromothers” influential.(True very “proper Making women and identity, one’s expresses choice “consumer that idea The alternatives. of impression an produce in seemto times goods recent consumer of availability and agency abundance the The idea that one is able to be in full control over life goes in line with neo-liberal in line with lifethe goes over beinfull is control able The ideathatone to stars, a soapopera to akin identity, often fantasy readera the offer The “bitch”-books 36 CEU eTD Collection absolutely possible to gain: to possible absolutely as is presented the identity since Especially, obstacles. above the toovercome hope women a and the redefinition of the power strategies outlined in the previous section may still give overcome them. detailed the Thus, description of step-by-stepof the process achievements strategies the for to look and complications these areawareof in livingwomen Russia the lack of men’s desire helpto around the house and with the baby. I assume that most of the maternity lowleave payments, as system, badof the mention factors welfare state such not shedoes enough life. Interestingly lead regular the and (2007c:29) as possible” again assoon thatit isshape“getback suggests into life.The pursue of necessary to author her successful ischildren a itdesired thing,butis something not which will bitchthe from prevent further difficulties in sustaining the household. everyday and sexism ceiling, glass asdiscrimination, such factors such of mention no is there place. Nevertheless, work managing atthe situations provides difficult adviceabout work, outfit“proper” job the advice “winning”behaviornumerous of interviews, at atthe the about overcome andifyou area“real bitch” you would know how to doit. The books then give very to problems are implythese easy usually that books the however salary,want with a low certain problems may arise, for example, while looking for a job or trying to buy what you acknowledge dothat The factors. authors structural important imageachieve overlooks this The(2002:58). “bitch”always best. for the However,is aspires the easy way thatto proposed by surrounded handsomemost men,is she accompanied byenvious looks women” of other is her. She recognize always you’ll carexhibition expensive the ball,at elite “Atthe Another such example is the discussion about children. Shatskaya says that having that says Shatskaya children. about discussion is the example such Another writes: Kronna is afantasy. “bitch”-image the out, pointed Ihavealready In a as way, you just have to get the right handbag. 37 CEU eTD Collection new “better self” at incorporatingnew newmeaning really work s/heshould “better seriously,that certain tothe suggesttotreat transition the books words,the In other Rimke2000). Shrager 1993, (see life better a live to in order behavior change and qualities certain enhance responsibility, is theoffer your to turn life,image behavior, into andattitudes aconstant game. which inRussia, femininity of models other to in comparison “bitch”-image in the be new to may be only a short-term solution. Inow focus on the discussion of the feature, which appears do offer cope with women a strategy inequalityto gender and difficultsituation, it although I would femininity they masculinity. arguethat and of stereotypes However, “conventional” in the sense that they do not offer to challenge the system, they reinforce many remains. Russia is a patriarchal society (2001:133). still andcontradicted contested although meaning” of patterns argues“thecultural Ritter women’s position in the contemporary Russia is still poor in economic terms. Moreover, as complete equality and emancipation of duringwomen the Soviet times is widely present, Playing a 4.1 “bitch” in arelationship. being with image powerful and glamorous reconcile to possible it makes it.towards This foralleviates emasculation burdenof Russianmen, the of guiltwomen’s attitudes and the male/female relationship of redefine concept the to attempt “bitch”-books they cope women give with a strategy to existingthe the genderinequalities. Furthermore, patriarchal framework of power relations and reinforce traditional stereotypes, nevertheless OwnGame at Its Patriarchy Beating 4 Chapter As researchers argue, most self-help books suggest that a personpersonal take should that suggest mostbooks self-help As researchersargue, society, inthe relations power existing question the not indeeddo The “bitch”-books As I have already mentioned in although previous the chapter, myths the of the really donot thatalthough question “bitch”-books Iargue the the In chapter, this 38 CEU eTD Collection genius in genius women Shatskayabed” (ibid:93). (2007b)suggests that learnshould sexual is a he “that man the reassure to in order time to time from orgasm simulate should women love” suggestssatisfy, that bringto the menthey (2002:87),sheeven please,to delight to to Creator made bythe were “women that Kronna writes conduct. feminine with conventional However, the strategiesinitiative self-love, self-respect, behavior, goal-oriented assertiveness, encourage that are offered. authors the chapter, in second mentioned the asIhave already example, For “norms.” for example, to “holdbehaviors which areproposed obviouslynot do correspond tothe“traditional”femininity on to your man” are instrategies line of behavior during this game thatitimagining differently easiermore andsounds fun. a bitch plays. On inthe achange. butplaying, any Life isdifficultintroduce case to dreary image really tries the one hand, some typeswhatshe should and alwayslookglamorous shiny. compared tothe everyday However, life of indisappointment many cases in toproduce order a better impression (2002:7) and matterno bitch the life”,would nevershow “dark side her of sheshould conceal vexation or a says that Kronna instance, For game. easy always an is not itdeny that not do The authors improvise itas fun play andtake 2007b:30). (Shatskaya important to to gamecreatively, the it is is why that and situations the all for clichés no be can there that emphasized constantly is It pretence. and manipulation skillful through situations difficultmost the handles a “bitch” easily how demonstrate which many examples are a These acompetition. challenge, constant plays with it mouse.the Isn’t a real The“bitch”-books picturepower?” (2007b:7). life a as a“bitch”that herself and leads shouldbeplay. towards aconstant andapproach personal to the lifechanges thorough towards (becoming abitch) attitude the patterns into identity. On the contrary, the “bitch”-books say that in spite of the systematic The “bitch”-books also represent a controversial picture when they talk about talk they when picture a controversial represent also “bitch”-books The Shatskaya writes: “To get to know a person, to feel him (her), toplay with him as a cat 39 etc. CEU eTD Collection it easier for women to handle the situation of gender inequality in the society. although the “bitch”-books do not propose explicitresistance, they propose a strategy maketo game.Therefore, fun and easy into a struggle andby the personal success power turning of achievement individual of possibility the and self-efficiency on discourses individualist structural means through such laws. as or politics “modernize” However, the they brings which fun process, achievementof additionally goals. the is The asa as mademore attractivesituation presented bybeing a very statement. appealing look potentially could men manage to easy is it that reader the showing soon, change to likely not is situation the and control have still men struggle, women’s of in spite where, context in would light that argue of inthe women’s the position Russian difficult contemporary I Therefore, 2000). (Kronna manipulated they are fact that being the awareof asnot portrayed are men and game easy and fun a as isdescribed men managing again, then But men. herautonomy isnevertheless lifeis around bitch focused andof independence the encouraged manany yourother and usehim advantage (seeto Shatskaya although2007b). Thus, self- Vladimirskaya There is how 2003). advicenumerous to lure about youror boss colleague, (see are in men of power who life spheresof aremanipulations and other career relationships, bitch mediatedthe throughmen. are described Most means of successof in the reaching stereotypes, butnevertheless,instead making of them a belief turn them intoa strategy. certain purpose. This change ofas attitudesa part of a game. does In other not words,necessarily they should from regularthe pressormedianow women propaganda isthat should perform behaviorthis lead be aware to thethat challengethey do it deliberately of thesemakes offersdifferent what these However, agenda here. is feminist no there Thus, obviously with a techniques from moviesare shown becausebehaviorsporn that is there men what really want. The “bitch”-books do not represent an attempt to challenge the patriarchal society patriarchal the challenge to anattempt represent not do “bitch”-books The aspect of thatindeed Onemany bitch’s is game the more significant achievements 40 CEU eTD Collection such “simple creatures”. Thus, power Thus, power such “simplecreatures”. of men women is denied, over not encouraged. but gainingover feeling control of such representations reader’s canenhance easiness the of the nevertheless, “bitch”-image, of the isapart which a commodity into them “convert” books of “man-ology”Althoughscience called (ibid:13). such images men of oversimplified andthe a type is seenas men know to Getting animals. with analogy is apersistent there and “train” “domesticate”,“tame”, isestablishing to to men to when with talking about relationship Lookingman isisfor The aas (Kronnamostly that described word 2002:61). used a “hunt” men are still representedMaintenance as the objects of study. Thus, men are commoditized in a way. 2 of the subtitle For example,the “kinds”. “species” or as They describes are also 2007c:18). inferior of the bitch. descriptions ofmen andbitch’s relationships with them. Men are presentedas obviously understand andwayof behavior Numerous their thinking. chaptersaredevoted to the men. over control gain to how shoulders” (Ashwin 2000:20). for a“strong aspiration with women’s the and havingpower self-respect reconcile to feasible men) yourself make (towards At and it men. same towards the newtypeattitudes of time “demasculinizing”relationship. resistwomen blameputon for the possible Thismakesit to books do portray men as a commodity it. Iwould understandingargue that although of andattitudes the towards relationship the and a part of the image, they redefine The thenew “bitch” andnotion her 4.2 Man of nd book of the trilogy of the School of Bitch is “ Several thatmen write arelikeauthors grown-up babies (KronnaShatskaya 2002:18, One of the main features of the “bitch”-books is that they promise to teach women Another aspect of the “bitch”-books is that they try to redefine the conventional ”. Although the author says that she likes men and wants to understand them, understand to wants and men likes she that says author the Although ”. The reader is men togetknow The reader guaranteed very well, to 41 Men: theGuideforObtaining, Useand CEU eTD Collection and desires what she pretends (2007b:28). For example, the author gives direct instructions gives direct author example, the For (2007b:28). she pretends what and desires believemake feels, wants she she that herself should Instead is visible. itfake love because best. Oneandthe the to “make her own Prince” (Ibid). The strategy is persuadingto oneself thethat man onehas is idealmen’sthemselves donotrepresent So abitch (Ibid). either complainshouldnot but try saysauthor men that should for beforgiven many becausedrawbacks nowadays women should behappy with noble occasional The manifestations behavior”of the (2007c:15). 2007a:11). Shatskaya writes abitch“doesn’tthat awaitsomething from impossible a man,but as well. Men are said to be a game forbitch does not need thea man showingbitch, the latter). thus is an betweenunambiguous distinction it“manly” andbehavior “non-manly” (of the course, should not be man” There “right shouldoutlined. areclearly The thatthe possess characteristics difficult2007c:25). (Shatskayahim love(Shatskaya “tie you” make tohim upand heinunderstand wants order what to how man, right the identify to how on advice the to devoted are chapters Many not. are which which for “kinds” abitch suitable men and classification the are of about advice and provide side”. The man she gets “is a king or even an ace” (Kronna 2002:60). an but ofher,inferior equal partner. be not andhe will she respects type be the he would one, she found one. Once “right” the style.not Inorder to“suppress”men a bitch be should very “picky” andconscious andchoose Voronina 1994b).This contradiction is insolvedbooks by the redefinition of relationship the 1991; makingmen (seeGray for weak blamed in discourses was exactly type that the What is more interesting, Shatskaya writes that a bitch should not “really” pretend or pretend “really” not should a bitch that writes Shatskaya interesting, more is What him change and herself adjust should she wants she what exactly not still is man the If byher is person she“doesn’tSincewoman, needamediocre abitch an extraordinary However, asI have out in pointed previousthe chapter powerful the is superwoman 42 Shatskayagives (2007c) CEU eTD Collection she feels happy, beautiful and needed, if only she isloved…A lonely woman can live aman” happily Shatskaya (ibid). “[A]iswithout writes: made woman ina way that represented as a bad thing.says The author thatawoman lying“stop herselfshould to she that manyouyou haveno havetofind Thus, on – one” onehand,the (2002:80). loneliness is away”. like andnot tobebeing afraid that and powerful, glamorous independent will “scare him any men they be promise ableget books to women The andself-value. power independence, thing. they havinginappropriate However, importance the amanof reconcile women’s with loneliness asan can agenda. Theyconstruct be apost-feminist “bitch”-books considered Inthis “change(1991:339). for single solution isthe problems the sense status” women’s to that proposing through exactly backlash the joined Self-help lonely. and be alone to women Faludi points out one anxiety beleft to especiallywhen men is alone not “choice”widethe of too (ibid:38). As of the main accusation down looked patriarchal issociety, they Therefore,and pitiedupon are (Gray there 1991). an in the offavor in not are the women single Second, finance. feminist and household the manage to difficult movement was that it caused it.for The proposedstrategy also alleviates the anxiety beingof strong butlonely. need no be will there because him controlling and subordinating for guilt the feel not will and she byher men who support respect will side,the samethe astrong control and at have time (ibid:94). the new is Thus, typerelationship – the of beone whichlets proposed a woman in should not “wear rainbow glasses” and should always control herfeelings in the relationship At abitch sametime, the feel “fraud”. amanwill the loveit otherwise beshould “real” that how to make yourself fall inlove with the man who is “suitable” or “useful”. Shatskaya states no matter how muchno she convince it wouldismy to try herself possible” that (2007a:4, Kronna writes that a bitch should not be without a man, “loneliness is a bad fate”, “if isabad “loneliness aman,be without not should a bitch that Kronna writes is it First, reasons. several for problematic is Russia in woman a for single Being 43 cannot be happy CEU eTD Collection reconsidered, but also to the self. not only be tomen Therefore, attitudes the (Shatskaya to 2007b:153). are proposed itis notworth holding on to a man and abitch should be the first one “todrop the wrong guy” that contrary emphasize the on “bitch”-books The failure relationship. for every main reason self-help books that she mostfrom pressurethe outthat of Simonds Incomparison, women’s shoulders. (2002)points researched usually make isof nopoint blamingyourself man you. the that a Thisdeserted point advice atone alleviates woman see her own imperfectionman left, abitch holdshould not it. herself for Kronna responsible (2002)suggests thatthere as the andthus attitudes, deflect blame the for emasculatingmen. guilt andthe and same ones helpthe their expectations try timeand at find“appropriate” to adjust women therefore books The “losers”. are “bitch”) the for suitable not (those men Russian many that will know men well and it willpressure for “finding aman” is if bythe promisepartly alleviated you that are a realbitch you not be hardThe self-esteem. her to increase will find that something but a woman for one.a “charity” not is man Therefore, the “bitch”-books Therefore, the sucha appreciation of (Kronnasmart andpowerful stunning, 2000:45). woman admit man”,being thata bitch needsisnot of afraid a theone with intherelationship really self, not her success in career,what makesactually a bitch a “goddess” is tochange, notherattempts her inner not “bitchy” but the Man. On the “youmen.Kronnaare you without writes: him?” areagoddess,butwhatThus, (2002:91). other hand, the authors sayTherefore, that a “real in the end on themeansbeing the one does needwho not aman)be ideas these true(2003:321). cannot day personal happinessof work,of the no matterbitch sphere the in how success seemshard achieves awoman when even she that out wouldtopoints also be tryVladimirskaya dependantitalics). to play a “woman ontouched by feminism” (which Another aspect that is constantly emphasized is that if, however, it happens that the that happens it however, if, that is emphasized constantly is that aspect Another 44 CEU eTD Collection contemporary Russian society. They also do not advocate to openly contest the patriarchal the contest toopenly advocate not do also They society. Russian contemporary Russian society. They admit, is of challenge system. no becausethe there perspective that mostly strategylike look work for it agood for toonly success,even though appears ashort-term men areischange can is likely suggested be notvery to what desiredandthesituation leaves muchto in charge of in course outin women’s society the where (asIhavepointed chapter) theoretical position the public arewomen“bitches started to think Of who but theystill asmen, stayedfeminine” (2007a:5). sphere in thewill be no need to controlthe same but time whom they area womanpromised will men toand women. Women havecan preserve power, self-respectunderstand. and be ina control manof themselves.At who will be a strongThus, shoulder,as Shatskaya whom there puts it make Russiancontext. moreit suitable the for books the “spirituality” or “warmth” Moreover, through combining the new concept ofself-love such with valuestraditional as before. “inappropriate” that wasconsidered be new, something something offering to seems kindness andhospitality is also essential (2007a:86). In this sense, what the “bitch”-identity is warmth, of values the keeping However for oneself. best the wanting career, a successful from pleasures,appreciating about it oneself finally,isand aboutself-sufficiency, which comes fulfillment. Shatskaya defines self-love as caring about one’s personality: itis about small andimportance self- of self-respect several areusually self-love, about “bitch”-books chapters importance ofself-value. 1990).TheInthe stress Attwood “bitch”-books the on contrary,the pay attention to the needs of others, be itsocialization the in the family Russian or attraditional work general, tellsIn (Tartakovskayasocialization. Soviet the conventional the contest to seems girl 2000; that she should care less about personal desires and should rather The “bitch”-books do not give donot in illusions thesituation about The “bitch”-books the contemporary any a redefined between attemptconstructrelationships of type to Thus, the “bitch”-books This discourse is worth. she what know should bitch the that stressed isIt constantly 45 CEU eTD Collection produced by in produced discourses Russia. contemporary need deal the andconsumer society, inequalities,blames,guiltcontemporary to with critiques address such be participate issues as desireto to independent, crucial inthe women’s “bitch”-books bevisible. shouldsame Atthe the too not books time the to andaccording values. The defend evenauthors need women’s tohavepower, itisthough obviously scarce traits and important “traditionally” several sustaining through preserve “Russianness” the time same the at and individualism of features “good” incorporate to attempt the represent in The books a way whatthey are worth. know and assertive succeed if are powerful, to they promised are women where but dominate still men where inRussia society capitalist today’s society. contemporary Simonds 1996; relationsexisting (seeShrager feminist power criticism accommodating 1993; scholarship of order of society and at this point these books as most of the other self-help are subjected to The image that the “bitch”-books present is relatively “modern” and compatible with is present and compatible “modern” relatively “bitch”-books The image the that et al .). However, they do try to address the issues and anxieties of women in 46 CEU eTD Collection contain sometimes simplistic and shallow advice and in a way construct another type of construct and inaway advice shallow and simplistic sometimes contain neo-liberal consumption, individualism, encourage of reproduce stereotypes, discourses adjust rather then challenge theexistingsituation, many reinforce traditional gender to women teach they because view researcher feminist from of of a point the are problematic problems. their to answers existing of relations, framework patriarchal power womenand still for thesebooks look read (see Simondsfor 1992; accommodatingCameron 2000) reproducing 1993; Shrager the and this situation.Although self-help discourses have been bymanycriticized feminist scholars position. This brings women to the crossroads where economic they unfavorable an in are still in are women a search patriarchal of help traditionally to cope remains withrelations of power framework the where society in Russian the Moreover, society. consumer capitalist contemporary competitive to the sametimeadjust the at care and family, maternity, of values imposed traditionally reconcile to women for need is a there and controversial are femininity is addressing self-help oriented withtowards and dealing issues. these facewomen since that problems studying canreveal crucial discourses the these Therefore, certain models(Ang readers the mayfollow.1996) andconstruct they andstrategies that influential very still are discourses these advice self-help the of consumers plain just not are Simonds tofollow out,they Although (1992)points are encouraged the expertadvice.women inand as the society categories vulnerable most of areusually the sincethey one women is place This take mainly inthe literature targeting and historical context. given cultural that of processes the and aproduct apart inevitably are discourses Self-help context. Russian Conclusion “Bitch”-books as I have pointed out can be indeed subjected to these criticisms and criticisms these to subjected beindeed can out havepointed asI “Bitch”-books is“proper” a what on society discourses the Russian contemporary In of situation the genre in contemporary “bitch”-book emergence of the the In my researched I thesis, 47 CEU eTD Collection contemporary Russia. contemporary in circulate that identity female on the as discourses the ascontradictory sometimes are also the same time, there is a feeling of its inevitability and permanence. The contents of the books contradictions. There are attemptsgive to techniques copeto with the existing situation and at make sure that it is a good one, but what is good is always a matter of negotiation. to has just One times. all al practice a common is it achieve to dreaming and model ideal a for after all,reach in seeking degree.But full the idealto impossible is probably which another easily manage fun. personal concerns largely,and with Of course, image the isafantasy, They in animagegetliving of agame create life as and to beingable a relationship and modern and glamorous life that many women cannot afford due to the economic difficulties. part features in take image of to the for the acquiring women it certain through possible for not beingfeminine overemancipated, andfor emasculating make Russianmen. Thebooks samethe blame the common and itdeal of thesewith at discourses letwomen power preserve image the By redefining they achieve to. aspire what isawayto there hopethat give women new choices, encourage behaviors, feminine contestcertain “conventional” The “bitch”-books “bitch” address many thebooks concerns and anxieties in women of contemporary Russia. is framing a through imageof this the readers that makes the“bitch”-identity appealing to female(re)defining Russia.As in identity contemporary I have argued,what potentially historical and cultural context revealed the significant role these discourses play in incredibly interesting, confusing and sometimes shocking. study becauseseparate from perspectiveis investigated linguistic it befurther and should the included inthisproject duetothelimitation andspaceof time havebeen could an a of object writing of manner and style the of assessment The femininity. “normal” In this sense, the new genre of bitch books represents an interesting mixture of mixture interesting an represents books bitch of genre new the sense, this In However, as assessing this literature in terms of how it functions in a particular 48 per se which is not is which CEU eTD Collection female identity in the contemporary Russian context. Russian contemporary inthe identity female Russia and about the specificities of the processes of shaping and reshaping of the category of in women of dilemmas and difficulties situation, the about insights new brought it do they how and reflect they issues what society, Russian contemporary in the function discourses looking solutions forthe of theirAssessing in problems. the “bitch”-books terms of how these really are women that shows genre the of popularity the and have women that aspirations ideasbut promoted “bitch”-books the remain forinvestigation.open further The questions literature.and women’s of women interpret how of opinions usethe this read, be(2007a:79). Whetherfurther issuccessful study this not can seenfrom philosophy of or andlifenew skin, islike style” a newphilosophy “beingabitch that writes a Shatskaya “bitch”-books. by offered strategies the the howexactly women unequivocally perceive she had read these books she would have had her own opinion about them. It is difficult say to Can you brief me on what I should do?..” You’veShe read soseemed many “bitch”-books! Now youreally must know for sure how interestedto be a real bitch! and I am sure that is My study showed that this literature can point out to certain problems, desires and certain problems, desires out to can point literature this showed that My study “Wow! me: told Department) Gender from not is (who friends Russian my of One 49 CEU eTD Collection Cameron, Deborah. 2000. “A Self off Cameron, Deborah. “A Self Self? Women’sthe Consuming In 2000. Empowerment.” off Borenstein, 2006.”Selling Eliot. Russia: Prostitution, Masculinity, of Metaphors and ------. 2001. “Rationality versus Romanticism: Representations of Women in Faludi, Susan. 1991. Faircough, Norman. 1992. Azhgikhina,“Getting HelenaGoscilo. Nadezhgaand 1996. Under TheirSkin: Beauty The Attwood, Ang,“Gender and/in In MediaConsumption.” Ien. 1996. Bibliography Fina, Anna de, Deborah Schiffrin, MichaelBamberg. and 2006. 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