02/12 STANISLAUS NATIONAL FOREST PACIFIC SOUTHWEST REGION 5 *****OUTREACH NOTICE***** TITLE: Various- See Below DUTY LOCATION: Stanislaus National Forest SERIES: GS-462 Various Locations- See Below GRADE: GS- 6, 7, 8, 9 FOREST: The Stanislaus National Forest (http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/stanislaus/) totals approximately 1,090,000 acres within its boundaries. The Forest is bordered on the south by the Merced River and the Sierra National Forest. The Mokelumne River and the Eldorado National Forest comprise the northern border. Yosemite National Park and the Toiyabe National Forest make up the eastern boundaries. The Forest Supervisor’s Office is located in Sonora, California, county seat for Tuolumne County. The four Ranger Districts, Mi-Wok, Calaveras, Summit and Groveland, are within 45 minutes of the Supervisor’s Office. To view the AVUE vacancy announcement summary, click the announcement number link. This will give you salary, qualification and application information regarding the position. GROVELAND RANGER DISTRICT: Please use the “AVUE Location” listed in the tables below as the preferred location on your application. Number of Position Series and AVUE Resource/Duty Merit Promotion DEMO Announcement positions Grade Location Station Announcement Number Number Forestry Groveland, 1 Technician (Fire GS-462-7 Kinsley Engine OCRP-462-FEO(H)-7G OCRP-462-FEO(H)-7DP CA Engine Operator) Forestry Technician (Hand Groveland, Buck Meadows OCRP-462- OCRP-462- 1 GS-462-7 Crew Supervisor) CA HANDCREW-7G HANDCREW-7DP For technical questions regarding the above positions, please contact Division Chief Alec Lane at:
[email protected] or (209) 962-7825 x519 MI-WOK RANGER DISTRICT: Please use the “AVUE Location” listed in the tables below as the preferred location on your application.