Institutional Economics
INSTITUTIONAL ECONOMICS AT COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Malcolm Rutherford University of Victoria (This Draft: March 2001) This paper draws on archival work using the James Bonbright Papers, J. M. Clark Papers, Joseph Dorfman Papers, Carter Goodrich Papers, Robert Hale Papers, and Wesley Mitchell Papers, all at the Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Columbia University, the Arthur F. Burns Papers at the Eisenhower Library, Abilene, Kansas, and the John R. Commons Papers at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. My thanks to Lowell Harriss, Aaron Warner, Eli Ginzberg, Donald Dewey, Mark Perlman, Daniel Fusfeld, Mark Blaug, and Walter Neale for sharing their recollections of Columbia. Thanks also to my research assistant Cristobal Young. Any errors are my responsibility. This research has been supported by a Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada research grant (project # 410-99-0465). 1 1. Introduction In a number of recent papers I have attempted to outline the nature of the institutionalist movement in American economics in the interwar period (Rutherford 2000a, 2000b, 2000c). At that time institutionalism was a very significant part of American economics. In terms of research output and the production of graduate students, the main centers for institutionalism were the university of Chicago (until 1926 and the departure of J. M. Clark), the University of Wisconsin, the Robert Brookings Graduate School (which existed only briefly between 1923 and 1928), and, after the arrival of Wesley Mitchell in 1913, and J. M. Clark in 1926, Columbia University. Columbia University became the academic home of a large concentration of economists of institutionalist leaning, and other Schools and Departments in the University, particularly Business, Law, Sociology, and Philosophy, also contained many people of similar or related persuasion.
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