february 2015 IN THIS PUBLICATION «Helicopter Industry» magazine is a publication Helicopter Industry Association of Russia (HIA) Editorial/advertising Editor Vladimir Orlov
[email protected] English editor Alan Norris Maker-up Irina Danenova New centres of power Middle East Page 2 Page 8 Advertising manager Marina Bulat The moment has now come that Russian helicopter technol- VIP, super-VIP – well, in reality these are the flavour hall-
[email protected] ogy manufacturers must work within the environment of marks for the airs shows held annually in the countries of the economic sanctions imposed by western countries. It ought oil-producing regions of the Middle East. Most of these Translator to be stressed that Russian helicopter producers have al- shows may have a very well-worn atmosphere for local pur- Moscow Translation Agency MTA, ready been working under sanctions for decades – sanc- chasers, by contrast to the mere observers – but manufactur- Inna Frolova, Translation Agency tions which arise from classification certificates issued for ers beat a path here looking for markets. Translink their models. And markets for big helicopter contracts depend on top con- Photographer tacts among the echelons of major business partners. Dmitri Kazachkov Photos by Dmitri Kazachkov, Dmitri Lifanov, Alan Norris, Sergei Alexandrov, Michael Bibichkov, by companies Eurocopter, UTair Aviation, Russian Helicopters, Vertical-T, Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant, Aviamarket Publisher Russian Helicopter Systems Moscow Region, Krasnogorsk, 65- 66 km Moscow Ring Road, IEC “Crocus Expo”. Pavilion № 3, office 332, 143402 Tel. + 7 (495) 926-60-66 URL: www.helisystems.ru Crisis to the rescue At the Sochi Olympics © «Вертолетная индустрия», Page 14 Page 42 2006-2015 © «Helicopter Industry in Russia», You won't have missed doom-preaching headlines recently It's impossible to imagine the success of large-scale inter- 2015 - about a slump in oil production national sporting events today without the effective use of in the Gulf of Mexico, wilting energy prices, the final bow of helicopters.