1 Edited by the National Staff - Special thanks to: Daniel Miller ΑΦΖ '14 Nicolas R. Hewgley ΔΣΦ '15 The Exoteric Manual, 18th Edition, 2015 The Fraternity of Alpha Chi Rho 2 RB Stewart National Headquarters 109 Oxford Way Neptune, NJ 07753
[email protected] (E-Mail) (732) 869-1895 (Phone) www.alphachirho.org (Website) www.facebook.com/AlphaChiRhoHQ (Facebook) 3 "The experience of Greek letter societies has developed certain tendencies against which we need to caution ourselves and our younger brethren." The tendencies we should avoid include vanity, egotism, contempt for the poor, a merely social spirit, idleness, and inactivity. Revered Founder Rev. Paul Ziegler 4 INTRODUCTION The first Exoteric Manual was printed in 1895 under the authorship of Revered Founder Paul Ziegler. Designed to present the ideas of the Fraternity, the six paged, 3.5" x 4.5" book contained an oath for postulants encouraging them to maintain the high ideals of Alpha Chi Rho. Since 1895 the Exoteric Manual has been revised many times to reflect the growth and changes in the Fraternity. Though the manual has encountered changes, its purpose as an educational tool and Brotherhood life-guide has not. This Exoteric contains the history of Alpha Chi Rho, its principles, ideals and mission. As the men of Alpha Chi Rho, we must always keep an eye open to change and development. Since the inception, the Fraternity has gone through many changes which have enabled the Fraternity to survive. Evolution has made this Fraternity stronger and better able to fulfill the changing needs of the brotherhood. The new Exoteric Manual is a book for life and is to be used not only through the Postulant period, but also through one’s college career and beyond.