

What precautions should we use with for women of childbearing age? Chaitany Patel, MD, Lisa Edgerton, PharmD New Hanover Regional Medical Center, Wilmington, North Carolina Donna Flake, MSLS, MSAS Coastal Area Health Education Center, Wilmington, NC

EVIDENCE- BASED ANSWER Statins are contraindicated for women who are on its low tissue-penetration properties. pregnant or . Data evaluating -lowering with 40 mg/d did use for women of childbearing age is limited; how- not disrupt menstrual cycles or effect luteal phase ever, they may be used cautiously with adequate duration (strength of recommendation: C). contraception. may be preferred based

CLINICAL COMMENTARY Use statins only as a last resort Before reading this review, I had not been for women of childbearing age ® Dowdenaware Health of the serious Media effects of statin I try to follow the USPSTF recommendations and on the developing fetus. In conversations with not screen women aged <45 years without coro- my colleagues, I found that the adverse effects nary artery riskCopyright factors for Fhyperlipidemia.or personalof usestatins onlyduring are not readily When a woman of any age needs treatment, my known. Such information needs to be more first-line therapy is lifestyle modification. Given the widely disseminated. risks of statin to the developing fetus, Ariel Smits, MD women with childbearing potential should give Department of Family Medicine, Oregon Health & Science fully informed consent and be offered reliable University, Portland contraception before stating statin therapy.

I Evidence summary anal, cardiac, tracheal, esophageal, renal, Hydroxymethyl glutaryl coenzyme A and limb deficiency (VACTERL associa- (HMG CoA) reductase inhibitors, com- tion), intrauterine growth retardation monly called statins, have been on the (IUGR), and demise in fetuses exposed market since the late 1980s. Statins are pri- during pregnancy, especially in the first marily used to treat , trimester. It is thought that adverse and in recent years have been shown to events are under-reported and likely reduce the risks of coronary events, , biased toward severe outcomes, thereby and cardiovascular mortality.1 limiting actual reported exposures. Use of statins is contraindicated dur- Despite this limitation, the likelihood of ing pregnancy based on pre-marketing observing specific anomalies has been animal studies showing developmental predicted based upon prescription data toxicities in animal fetuses; consequently and birth rates. The overall birth preva- they are pregnancy category X.2 To date, lence of any isolated lower-limb defect or no controlled studies demonstrate terato- VACTERL anomaly is estimated as genic effects in humans; however, numer- 1:100,000 and ranges from 1:50,000 for ous case reports have documented con- simvastatin (Zocor) to 1:500,000 for genital anomalies, including vertebral, (Mevacor).3 These congenital

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anomaly frequencies do not exceed gen- vention, the NNT to prevent 1 CHD eral population rates. event was 26. Since women of child-bear- One study suggests that short-term use ing potential have lower probability of of simvastatin does not affect menstrua- CHD events compared to the older tion or ovulation of premenopausal women studied in this meta-analysis, the women. This double-blind, randomized, expected benefit for younger women is -controlled trial enrolled 86 nor- likely to be substantially lower.5 mally cycling women. Mean age of women Consider initial pregnancy tests and completing the study was 35. Simvastatin inform all women of childbearing age of 40 mg/d was studied for cholesterol effects the possibility of fetal injury before starting and female reproductive effects. Urinary statin therapy.2 Highly lipophilic statins— luteinizing (LH) and pregnanedi- such as simvastatin, (Lipitor), ol glucuronide (PDG), a and lovastatin—achieve embryoplacental metabolite, were assessed to determine if concentrations similar to those of maternal treatment with simvastatin adversely plasma. For this reason, if statin therapy is affects luteal function. Simvastatin lowered needed, these agents should be avoided. low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol Pravastatin (Pravachol) is the most by 34.3% (P<.001). Normal luteal phase hydrophilic statin and has no reports of duration and peak were confirmed by uri- abnormal pregnancy outcomes, even in nary PDG and LH levels. This study animal research.3 demonstrated that treatment with simvas- tatin for 4 months had no significant clini- Recommendations from others cal changes on reproductive gonadal func- The National Cholesterol Education tion compared with placebo.4 Program Expert Panel and the American Although ovulation may not be Association make no specific affected by simvastatin, do statins provide recommendations regarding precautions a reward worth the risk of other adverse with statin use for women of child- effects? A recent meta-analysis evaluated bearing age who require treatment for FAST TRACK the benefits of -lowering hypercholesterolemia or coronary heart Statins are in trials of at least 1 year duration that disease.6,7 The American College of included women. Total and coronary Obstetrics and Gynecologists makes no contraindicated heart disease (CHD) mortality, nonfatal distinction regarding recommendations for women who , revascularization, for pharmacological treatment of hyper- are pregnant or and total CHD events were assessed lipidemia for women aged 20 to 45 among women with and without cardio- years.8 breastfeeding vascular disease (CVD). Ten trials includ- The US Preventive Services Task ed statins. Of the 5 studies that reported Force makes no recommendations on age, the average was 61 years. For women treatment with statins; they only address without CVD, lipid-lowering treatment screening for hypercholesterolemia.9 The was not shown to affect total or CHD Food and Administration has given mortality. For women with known CVD, statin agents a pregnancy category of X treatment did not affect (risks involved in use of the drug by preg- total mortality, but was shown effective in nant women clearly outweigh potential reducing CHD events, CHD mortality, benefits). nonfatal myocardial infarction, and revascularization; the relative risk of REFERENCES CHD events for statin users was 0.80 1. Moore TH, Bartlett C, Burke MA, Davey Smith G, Ebrahim SB. Statins for preventing cardiovascular dis- (95% confidence interval [CI], ease. Database Syst Rev 2004; (2):CD004816. 0.71–0.91). The number of women need- 2. Draft summary of reproductive toxicology studies on ed to treat (NNT) to prevent an initial Mevacor NDA 21-213: Meeting of the Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee and CHD event was 140. For secondary pre- Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drugs Advisory

76 VOL 55, NO 1 / JANUARY 2006 THE JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE Statins for women of childbearing age L

Committee of the Federal Drug Administration, Merck & Co, (July 13, 2000). Available at: www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/ac/00/backgrd/ 3622b1b_summary.pdf. Accessed on December 7, 2005. 3. Edison RJ, Muenke M. Mechanistic and epidemiologic considerations in the evaluation of adverse birth out- comes following gestational exposure to statins. Am J Med Genet A 2004; 131:287–298. 4. Plotkin D, Miller S, Nakajima S, et al. Lowering low density lipoprotein cholesterol with simvastatin, a hydroxyl-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme a reductase inhibitor, does not affect luteal function in pre- menopausal women. J Clin Endocrinol Metabol 2002; 87:3155–3161. 5. Walsh JME, Pignone M. Drug treatment of hyperlipi- demia in women. JAMA 2004; 291:2243–2252. 6. Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Cholesterol in Adults. Executive Summary of The Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III). JAMA 2001; 285:2486–2497. 7. Mosca L, Appel JA, Benjamin EJ, et al. AHA guide- lines: Evidence-based Guidelines for Prevention in Women. Circulation 2004; 109:672–693. 8. Herbert WNP, Braly PS, Barss VA, et al. ACOG: Guidelines for Women’s Health Care. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: ACOG; 2002: 209–211. 9. US Preventive Services Task Force. Screening for lipid disorder in adults: recommendations and rationale. Internet J Intern Med 2002;3(2). Available at: www.ispub.com/ostia/index.php?xmlFilePath= journals/ijim/vol3n2/lipid.xml. Accessed on December 8, 2005.

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