Western Forum for Pest Management Meeting 2016

Western Committee on Crop Pests Date: October 20, 2016 Location: Wanuskewin Heritage Park, Saskatoon, SK, Canada

Chair: Scott Hartley Secretary: Meghan Vankosky

1. Meeting called to order by the Chair at 8:20 am; all attendees welcomed to the meeting. -approximately 35-45 in attendance; all attendees present at the beginning of the meeting introduced themselves

2. Chair outlined agenda for the meeting; no changes or discussion of agenda.

3. Minutes from 2015 meeting in Abbotsford, BC briefly summarized. No comments or additions made to 2015 minutes.

4. No new business arose from 2015 meeting.

5. Resolutions from 2015 meeting discussed, with no outstanding Resolutions identified. John Gavloski and Owen Olfert volunteered for 2016 Resolutions Committee.

6. Pest Summaries

Saskatchewan: Presented by Scott Hartley; report appended. Report concluded at 8:45. Questions: i. Q: Are survey results available on SaskAg website? A: Most maps will be available online in January 2017, PLW map already published.

Alberta: Presented by Scott Meers with pictures by Shelley Barkley; report appended. Report concluded at 9:17 Questions: i. What was the incidence of wheat curl mite and wheat streak mosaic. A: ‘Big’ year for those in AB, also widespread in MB (input from John Gavloski) ii. What were tent caterpillar populations like? It was a big year in SK, were outbreaks observed in AB? A: Some activity, with a more significant pocket in Peace Region.

Manitoba: Report presented by John Gavloski; report appended. Report concluded at 10:02. Questions: i. Were there flax and hemp surveys in 2016? A: John was called out to look at flax and hemp crops for different issues, but never found any of the of concern in the fields; did find natural enemies; no formal survey of those crops was conducted. ii. How much wheat midge resistant wheat is planted in MB? A: Less than 5%; uptake has not been great because midge populations are so low and there have been no bad years. iii. Have you observed Lygus movement from alfalfa to canola when alfalfa is cut? A: Have observed quick build-up of Lygus populations in canola in July that seems to coincide with drying cereals and some alfalfa being cut, but not sure that is the source.

British Columbia: Report presented by Susanna Acheampong; report appended. Report concluded at 10:58. Questions: Scott Meers commented that it was unusual, suspect, that many pheromone traps were not as efficient for monitoring purposes this year as in the past, and that all provinces experienced some issues, albeit with different pest targets; Scott suggested this might be something to look into going forward.

Summarizers for 2017 will be the same as in 2016.

7. Provincial Entomology Research Summaries for 2016

Saskatchewan: Report of 10 research projects and one research program under establishment summarized by Tyler Wist with input from SK researchers in attendance (Owen Olfert, Meghan Vankosky, Boyd Mori). -Erl Svendsen briefly discussed the AAFC Field Guide that is now available in hard copy and electronically; the guide will be updated as needed; four new insects have been added in 2016: brown marmorated stink bug, pea , sugar beet root aphid and the bronzed blossom pollen

Alberta: Report of 23 research projects presented by Hector Carcamo with input from Jennifer Otani on projects in the Alberta Peace Region.

Manitoba: Report of 7 major research projects in MB presented by John Gavloski -Project #7 is a mobile app for IPM that is being developed; the project is looking for testers and John asked that interested volunteers sign up. Tyler Wist asked about access to the app once on the list of testers; Scott Hartley asked if maps produced for MB in the future would only be those developed by the app, or if regular maps would be produced

British Columbia: Report of 11 research projects underway in BC presented by Susanna Acheampong; focus on wireworm research (5 projects).

Summarizers for 2017 will be the same as in 2016.

8. Agency and Industry Reports

Canadian Food Inspection Agency Insect Pest Report: Presentation prepared by Dave Holden. -Gypsy moth found in Ontario and Quebec, not established in western Canada although some specimens have been found in BC, AB and suspect specimens have been collected in MB, SK -Apple maggot: 1 positive ID in Kelowna, BC -monitored for blueberry maggot at 25 sites, not detected -monitored for Japanese beetle with 500 traps, not detected; present in Oregon -No detections of Khapra beetle in BC, SK, MB, AB; expect that this species will not establish in Canada as outdoor winter temperatures are too cold to support its overwintering; monitor to protect Canada’s reputation for Khapra beetle free and clean commercial shipments -One positive ID of European cherry fruit fly in Ontario Questions: Where was the apple maggot found in Kelowna? A: Information not yet released.

Pest Management Regulatory Agency Insecticide Update: Report by Barb Luther -review of new insecticide registrations, new minor uses, and other associated updates; information provided in handout (includes pesticides and chemicals registered for use against a variety of pests including lamprey in the Great Lakes). Questions: i. Will methoprene products intended to control flies in cow manure affect decomposers? ii. What is the mode of action of canola oil? iii. Is there information online to help with decision-making regarding use of dimethoate? iv. What is the best way to keep up to date on pesticide registrations?

Pest Management Centre and Pesticide Risk Reduction Program Update: Report prepared and presented by Erin Adams and Kathy Makela -have identified 38 new priorities for minor use pesticides -interest in products for Christmas tree pests, contact Erin with suggestions -March 21-23, 2017: 2017 Canadian Biopesticide Minor Use Priorities meeting -crop profiles for 31 crops are available on-line from the Government of Canada website; profiles are updated on a rotation and are provided for vegetable and field crops; spring and winter wheat among profiles to be updated in 2017, information is being collected at this time -the PRRP has 5 strategies that concern insect pests -the PRRP works to support first time registrations for biopesticides and provides funding to demonstrate product efficacy -the PMC activities include invasive species coordination groups for brown marmorated stink bug and spotted wing drosophila -pest management reports: contact Allison Plunkett: [email protected]

Other Product Updates: Scott MacDonald, BASF: spoke briefly of a product being developed that fits into a novel class of pesticide chemistry that will target aphids, whitefly, and thrips that will eventually be registered for use in greenhouse crops and soybeans; the product has a novel mode of action (first in ~30 years) that is as yet unknown; the product is believed to have no cross resistance and is expected to be benign for non-target species. The international trade name for the product is Inscalis and a joint submission for registration has been made by Canada, USA, Mexico, and Australia; expect at least 3 years before product will be available for use in Canada BASF also undergoing nematode production and testing in Ontario and is working on a new strain of Beauveria that has been submitted to the EPA for mite control in addition to other insects already targeted by Beauveria products.

9. Special Reports

Todd Kabaluk, AAFC Agassiz: “Toward a comprehensive approach to wireworm biocontrol” -discussed work using two strains of Metarhizium (fungal entomopathogen) to control wireworm in BC Questions: i. Is Met52 product registered for blackvine weevil? Are pheromones known for Agriodes species? A: Yes to both questions. ii. What impact does fungal infection have on consumption of food by larvae? A: Wireworms feed in stages, but some feeding reduction is observed. iii. Are pheromone granules grain based? A: They are cellulose base, not sure about grain. iv. Do click have parasitoids that might be affected by the fungal pathogen? A: Some parasitoids have been found in adult click beetles, also larvae have been found infected with nematodes, and adult click beetles are eaten by ground beetles; most of these natural enemies seem unaffected by the fungal pathogen.

AAFC Update: Report provided by Owen Olfert on new entomologists hired by AAFC in 2016: -Dr. Haley Catton at AAFC Lethbridge, cereal crop entomologist -Dr. Meghan Vankosky at AAFC Saskatoon, field crop entomologist -Dr. Boyd Mori, Biologist at AAFC Saskatoon, swede midge host resistance project -Dr. Tyler Wist at AAFC Saskatoon, cereal crop entomologist focusing on cereal aphids and wheat midge -Dr. Paul Abram at AAFC Agassiz, biological control entomologist -Dr. Marta Guarna at AAFC Beaverlodge, honeybee program

Tyler Wist: “Refining the ceral aphid dynamic action threshold (DAT): Aphidius avenaphis voracity” -Tyler gave an overview of the DAT concept, work being done to refine estimates of natural enemy voracity for aphids, and an update on his collaboration with Erl Svendson to create a smartphone app for cereal aphids Questions: i. Scott Hartley observed silver and gold coloured aphid mummies in 2016; what parasitoid causes this? A: Tyler did not know, S. Acheampong suggested the mummies may be ‘double-decker’ mummies ii. Are the seven and thirteen spotted ladybugs are dominant in SK? A: Yes.

Prairie Pest Monitoring Network Update: Jennifer Otani demonstrated the PPMN blog and provided usage statistics showing that the majority of blog use is by stakeholders in the Canadian prairies and by other agricultural groups, with some overseas interest. Statistics are in appended report.

Foliar Insect Pests in Field Crops Update: John Gavloski provided an update on the PRRP/PMC working group/strategy established in 2011 -strategy aims to reduce all risks associated with field crop production by using selective products, registering biopesticides, using economic thresholds, and biological control etc.; this strategy is chaired by Cezarina Kora and John Gavloski -the working group has funded 13 projects (two ongoing projects) and has delivered or contributed to six key outcomes: PPMN, Field Guide, alfalfa weevil prediction model, release of T. julis across the prairies for cereal leaf beetle biocontrol, updated economic thresholds for Lygus bugs, DAT for cereal aphids -new priorities will be coming in winter 2017 for funding in 2018 Questions: i. Is there a list of parasitoids, pests of significant interest available (to help identify important natural enemies for screening new products etc.)? A: Yes, on the PPMN blog and in the guide

10. WCCP Guide The WCCP guide consists of chapters regarding different crops (i.e., cereal grains, pulse crops, seasoned wood and timber structures); a list of chapters and when they were last updated is appended. Chapters not updated within the past five years are archived on the WFPM website; we need to consider updating chapters that were last updated in 2012-13; John Gavloski will assist with formatting and provide guidance to help get this done. -Jennifer Otani commented that Hugh Philip is working with her to update the Forage Crop chapter and that Cynthia Scott-Dupree is working with her on the Bee Poisoning chapter (these collaborators replace Julie Soroka who is now retired) -Shelley Barkley is working on updating the Home Vegetable Crop chapter -Authors of archived chapters will be contacted regarding updates.

11. No new business.

12. Election of 2017 WCCP executive The 2017 meeting will be held in Winnipeg, October 25-27 at the Fairmont Winnipeg following the Entomological Society of Canada Meeting (October 22-25, 2017). John Gavloski is well underway with planning for the meeting (2017 Chair).

13. Resolutions 2016 There were no requests/suggestions for new Resolutions in 2016. However, a 2015 Resolution is considered to still be of valid concern, thus: Whereas the participation of AAFC and provincial entomologists adds value to the WCCP meeting, and as travel restrictions have begun to impact meeting attendance (and travel to the field to collect research data), be it resolved that the WCCP and WFPM write letters to provincial and federal government agencies to stress the importance of this industry meeting to all levels of agricultural production and encourage agencies to provide funding for their employees to attend this meeting.

14. Scott Meers moved to adjourn the meeting at 4:50 pm

APPENDIX A. Insect summary reports

2016 Saskatchewan Insect Report Western Committee on Crop Pests October 20, 2016 Wanuskewin Heritage Centre, Saskatoon


The 2016 growing season started with warm and dry to very dry environmental conditions for most crop regions in Saskatchewan. In May and June, rain events allowed for good crop growth in most areas with some areas receiving high amounts of precipitation. Following an exceptional winter with higher than normal temperatures and low snowfall in most areas, insects such as flea beetles were expected to be problematic. Richardson’s ground squirrel populations were on the increase with the dry conditions and low run-off in the spring. Wet conditions in the fall delayed harvest in most areas.

Cereal Insects

Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae – Oulema melanopus L. - cereal leaf beetle – A survey for the beetle was conducted by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC, Saskatoon) in 2016 and found low populations in Rural Municipalities (RM) 91, 122 and 211. This is the easternmost area in Saskatchewan, along the Manitoba border, where cereal leaf beetle has been collected previously and T. julis parasitoids have been released (obtained from AAFC, Lethbridge).

Diptera: Cecidomyiidae - Sitodiplosis mosellana (Gehin) - wheat midge – Wheat midge infestations were favoured by the humid conditions in July and reported throughout the eastern half of the Province in 2016. In many cases midge emergence was very high prompting questions about an economic threshold for wheat midge in midge tolerant wheat. Initially released in red spring wheat, midge-tolerant wheat varieties are now available in durum and extra strong classes. This option for managing wheat midge has become widespread with estimates of midge tolerant being grown on one-third of Canada Western Red Spring (CWRS) wheat in Saskatchewan.

A soil survey to collect midge cocoons and larvae is being conducted through a private contract again in 2016. Parasitism levels are determined and a 2017 risk map of viable midge will be produced from the survey data.

Homoptera: Aphididae – aphids - Sitobion avenae (F.) - English grain aphid, Rhopalosiphon padi L. – oat-birdcherry aphid - In early to mid-July reports of aphids started, first in in lentil crops followed by pea, wheat and canaryseed. Initially most reports were a result of regular field scouting and aphid numbers were not at economic threshold levels. However the humid conditions in July favoured the development of aphid infestations. Whether or not insecticide application was required depended on the stage of the crop. As in 2015 there were widespread reports of the orange or red morph of the normally green English grain aphid in wheat. This colour variation is thought to be a result of climatic conditions.

Oilseed Insects

Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Alticinae – Phyllotreta cruciferae (Goeze), P. striolata (F.) and Psylliodes punctulata Melsh. – crucifer flea beetle, striped flea beetle, hop flea beetle – There were reports of high feeding pressure by flea beetles in some areas in the latter part of May but overall it appeared to be a moderate year for flea beetles. In some cases where growing conditions were slow, canola plants in early stages were more vulnerable and foliar insecticide application was required. Producers were reminded to keep in mind any restrictions associated with the products including maximum number of applications and maximum amount of chemical that can be applied per season.

Curculionidae: Ceutorhynchinae – Ceutorhyncus obstrictus (Marsham) – cabbage seedpod weevil - The cabbage seedpod weevil has become an annual pest in canola and mustard (brown and oriental) primarily in southern Saskatchewan, migrating into flowering crops near the end of June and into July. The distribution of the weevil now includes most of southern Saskatchewan to near the Manitoba border and north to Kindersley and Outlook. A survey was conducted in 2016 with the results expected to be available in early December.

Lepidoptera: Noctuidae – cutworms – Cutworms were noted in canola by mid-May in most regions.

Plutellidae - Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus) - diamondback moth - Diamondback moths are monitored using wind trajectories and with pheromone traps on the ground. Diamondback moth trap monitoring commenced earlier in 2016 with most traps set up by the end of April. One trap near Regina picked up a single diamondback moth in the second week of April. Although economic infestations on the Prairies are usually a result of blow-ins from the south, the mild winter likely allowed for better over-wintering success for the moths. Collection of data continued until the end of June. However, even with the early start there were no significant, economic infestations noted in the Province.

Noctuidae – Hadeninae – Mamestra configurata Walker - bertha armyworm - Bertha armyworm emergence started by the end of June, earlier than noted in the past several years, and continued until the end of July. Although this pest was not expected to be of concern in 2016 there were some traps with higher numbers of moths collected especially in the central part of the Province by mid-July as seen on the weekly risk map. Since the bertha armyworm generally is more predictable with peaks in their cycle every eight to ten years the high numbers were surprising and may have been another result of the mild winter. There were reports of insecticide application for control in a few areas. Approximately 240 traps reported data in 2016.

Diptera: Cecidomyiidae - Contarinia nasturtii (Kieffer) - swede midge - AAFC, Saskatoon reported that swede midge emergence was about 6 to 7 weeks earlier than previous years due to higher temperatures in the spring. AAFC research continues on this pest to determine biology and potential management options.

Insects in Other Crops

Lepidoptera: Noctuidae – cutworms - most common species – Euxoa ochrogaster (Guenee) - redbacked cutworm; Agrotis orthogonia Morrison / pale western cutworm; Feltia jaculifera (Gn.) dingy cutworm; Lacinipolia renigera (Stephens) bristly cutworm – Cutworms were reported in most regions of the Province. Crops affected have included pea, lentil, wheat, oats, barley and canola. Due to favourable climatic conditions cutworms appear to have developed faster than previous years. Reports of cutworm infestations continued into the third week of June. There were reports from a few producers that the cutworms were worst on fields that were in hemp the previous year – late green growth possibly a factor.

Homoptera: Aphididae – aphids – Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harr.) – pea aphid in pea and lentil - Aphids were reported in various crops throughout the Province from about mid-July and into August. The first reports were in lentil in the southwest. Pea and lentil were the most common crops infested. There was a large increase in lentil acreage due to higher commodity prices for lentil. Economic thresholds need review for aphids in both lentil and pea.

Lentil - Orthoptera: Acrididae – grasshoppers - various species - Grasshopper infestations were not expected to be severe in 2016 but by the end of June young grasshoppers were reported in high numbers in some areas. AAFC bio-climatic models indicated the annual hatch was not complete in all areas by the middle of June. Some of the sentinel sites had higher populations of hatchlings than had been seen for over a decade but infestations, except in lentil where the economic threshold is only two grasshoppers per square metre, did not materialize and no doubt affected by wet conditions. A survey for adult grasshoppers was conducted by Saskatchewan Crop Insurance field personnel in August and early September.

Dry Pea - Coleoptera: - lineatus (L.) – pea leaf weevil - A pea leaf weevil survey was conducted in in pea fields in southern Saskatchewan in late May and early June. (83 sites in 56 RMs) Early reports were of high levels of feeding (based on notches on leaves). The range of the pea leaf weevil has gradually increased across the south and recently, just north of the South Saskatchewan River into the West Central Region. However, during the 2016 survey and from additional reports in the spring, it appears the pea leaf weevil has a much wider distribution east and north than previously known. The typical notching of the leaves of pea plants was noted southeast of Moose Jaw. Pea fields observed in the Outlook area (RM 284) had light levels of feeding but faba bean plots at the irrigation centre (CSIDC) showed potentially economic levels of damage. There were also pea fields with high levels of feeding near Kyle (RM 228) and Davidson (RM 252).

Faba bean - Hemiptera: Miridae: Lygus species – Lygus bugs have been identified as a problem in faba bean. Feeding causes staining on the seed and results in down-grading of the commodity. Although lygus present can be controlled, re-invasion from outside the fields presents difficulty in optimum control to prevent grade issues. There is a research project (AAFC, Lethbridge) that includes surveys of faba bean to determine species and potential management strategies.

Forage Crops

Coleoptera: Curculionidae – Hypera nigrirostris (F.) - lesser clover leaf weevil - Lesser clover leaf weevil continues to a pest of red clover in the Northeast Region of the Province (Melfort, Nipawin). Decis® is registered for suppression of the weevil.

Other Issues of note: Slugs – Slugs were reported consuming developing kernels in wheat heads in two areas in 2016 (Watrous and north of Saskatoon) in August.

Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae -Malacosoma disstria Hubner - Forest Tent Caterpillars were reported in high numbers across the Province primarily in urban areas, parks and shelterbelts. t. Although trees are the host to this insec there were reports of the caterpillars in alfalfa and canola, likely moving from nearby shelterbelts. Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (Btk) products were recommended for control.

Rodents: Richardson’s ground squirrels caused significant damage to canola in the Indian Head area. Rodents, presumably field mice caused damage to wheat in the Yorkton area.

Fruit Crop Pests (Submitted by Forrest Scharf – Provincial Specialist Sask. Ag.)

The majority of commercial fruit species did not suffer extensive spring frost damage, and since there were low average amounts of precipitation over the bloom period; infection from diseases like fire blight , brown rot, and Entomosporium leaf spot were less significant than average years. Since early summer temperatures over the bloom period (for most crops) were warmer, this allowed strong bee activity and pollination. In addition, since nutrient status was improved (due to warmer drier conditions in high pH soils), fruit-set and development for most crops was above average.

Haskap - Some growers have decided to let fruit stay on the plants until the sugar content is maximized and astringent tannin flavours are minimized. The astringent “off/grassy” flavours result in poorer wine quality; however leaving fruit on the plant late makes them more susceptible to significant loss; from foraging of birds like American robins and Cedar Waxwings, as well as via abscission (falling to the ground in wind, et cetera).

Strawberry - Strawberry producers did not suffer significant plant losses resulting from planting depth being too shallow (which happened in 2015); and since overwinter losses were low, most patches displayed strong vigorous growth throughout May, June, and July. Growth conditions in July and August remained strong; but high precipitation and mild to warm conditions resulted in increased insect and disease pressure. Some strawberry patches continued to experience strong tarnished plant bug infestations that required multiple applications of insecticides to bring them under control. Fewer growers reported cricket infestations. Cricket populations continued to decline, perhaps due to the dry hot early summer and cool wet July and August conditions. Spider mite infestations were limited in severity, and there were few reports of it being a significant economic problem.

Apple - Apple Maggot was present in some commercial orchards, but economic impact was not significant because the growers controlled the infestation. Unfortunately; apple maggot was not controlled by home gardeners and this allowed the populations to rise in 2016. It appeared most apple maggots were late to oviposit, as the infected fruit did not begin to present until early September and the larvae were very small. Tent Caterpillars were also present in large numbers in early to mid-summer, but commercial growers controlled infestations with Dipel or related Btk products - Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (Btk).

Cherry - Cherry fruit fly and apple maggot continue to infect dwarf sour cherry; it is recommended growers employ various insecticide options to control these pests in 2017.

Saskatoon berry - In some cases insect pest pressure was high. Hawthorn Lace Bugs were present in central areas of the grain belt, and although no economic thresholds exist, it is recommended growers control these insects since they severely damage leaves and appear to weaken plants over time. Tarnished plant bug populations continued to be fairly strong and it is recommended those insects be controlled with registered control products in 2017. A few Saskatoon berry orchards have endured leaf gall problems caused by midge (Cecidomyiidae). The persistent extent of gall infection (reported by growers) suggests use of control products is warranted. Several insecticides have been recommended based on their purported ability to control generic midge species. Some growers in the North-West quadrant of the grain-belt have reported larval infestations in their Saskatoon berries, but the samples were not submitted for identification. Spotted Wing Drosophila has not been detected in Saskatchewan, but conditions were favourable for their entrance into the province in 2016. So, it is hoped the berries were not infected by SWD. Samples are being sought from the growers who reported this issue.

Compiled by:

Scott Hartley P.Ag. Government of Saskatchewan Provincial Specialist – Insect and Vertebrate Pests Crops and Irrigation Branch, Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture 3085 Albert Street; Room 125 Regina, Canada S4S 0B1 Bus: (306)787-4669 Email: [email protected]

Alberta Crop Insect Update 2016


Very high rainfall accumulation dominated the growing season news in 2016 but early season precipitation was low and it looked like a dry year was in the cards. Major issues were cutworm mostly in canola but also to a lesser extent in other crops as well. Pea leaf weevil was a very large concern to producers in central and southern Alberta this year. Producers in central Alberta were not familiar with the insect and many were over reactive and a lot of foliar spraying took place. Flea beetles were once again an issue but not as big a problem as the previous year. Aphids in lentils were at very high levels very early in southern Alberta.


The cabbage seedpod weevil (Ceutorhynchus obstrictus) occurred above economic threshold throughout its “traditional” range in southern Alberta. 2016 was a higher than normal year in the traditional range with some very high populations noted. Scouting and spraying of early planted fields are routine management practices for canola producers south of the Trans-Canada Highway. In addition many fields north of Highway 1 were well above threshold this year and were sprayed for CSPW. Once again, CSPW was found in central Alberta along the Highway 2 corridor north of Lacombe. It appears as though this population has now established in these new northern range expansions. It will be interesting to see if this expansion persists or dies out as other northern range expansions have done in the past, especially if we receive the more normal winter conditions that are forecast. Our survey included 221 fields swept by program staff and 51 fields were reported using on line reporting tool.

Bertha armyworm (Mamestra configurata) moth catches were very low across the province in 2016. A total of 213 monitoring sites were set up thanks to excellent cooperation with the agricultural industry. Of the 213 locations, none had an elevated risk level above the low level (300 cumulative). There were no indications of spraying for bertha armyworm anywhere in the province. While our trap numbers are down from the high levels during the last outbreak many cooperators remain keen on participating in the monitoring in order to catch increases and the next potential outbreak. We are very appreciative of the efforts of the many agrologists that look after bertha armyworm traps for the network.

Diamondback Moth (Plutella xylostella). There were 39 trap locations established across Alberta in 2016 and monitored from April 25 to June 5. Only one location in Lamont county had elevated moth catches early in the season and these did not amount to anything of concern later in the summer. No spraying took place for DBM in 2016.

Striped flea beetle (Phyllotreta striolata) and P. cruciferae were less of a concern in 2016 than in 2015 largely because growing conditions for canola improved greatly after a very dry early spring. Early seeded canola appears to be at greatest risk especially due to damage from striped flea beetle including stem feeding on cool and/or windy days. Stem feeding is causing issues in interpreting thresholds. Although striped flea beetles are largely being blamed for damage to seedling canola, investigations by Syngenta show that both species are being found in fields throughout most of the province. The Peace River region is strongly predominately striped and southern Alberta remains predominately crucifer. There appears to be a growing trend to recommend an insecticide with early herbicide application because the grower is going to be on the field anyways. In these cases very little seems to be understood about thresholds.

Lygus bugs were less of a concern than in previous years throughout the province in the central Alberta Highway 2 corridor. Numerous reports of very low to zero lygus in canola this year. One agronomist commented that this was the lowest lygus bug population he had seen in canola in the past 15 years. Root maggots (Delia spp.) were common throughout central Alberta again this year.

Cutworms were a major concern in 2016. Once again the dominate species was redbacked cutworm (Euxoa ochrogaster). Very serious reports of cutworms came from many different parts of the province but the largest volume of concerns were from central Alberta. Very few reports from southern Alberta. The majority were redbacked cutworm, followed by pale western, dingy and army cutworm. Proper and timely scouting for cutworms continues to be a major issue with some situations not noticed until very late after the cutworms had finished feeding. There were 62 reports of cutworm in the spring using the online reporting tool; the results are summarized below: Crop Affected Previous Canola 38 15 Wheat 4 28 Peas 18 4 Flax 1 0 Fababean 0 2 Barley 0 10 Soybean 0 1 61 60

Species Reports Red back 46 Pale western 10 Dingy 3 Army 1 60

Swede midge (Contarinia nasturtii) monitoring was set up as a surveillance program in canola in 2016. Results are not yet available from this seasons pheromone traps. A visual survey was conducted in 44 fields in east central Alberta at the end of flowering in early August 2016. Midge were found in very low numbers in 21 fields. Additionally flower damage consistent with midge was observed in 11 fields. Samples of midge larvae were collected from all positive fields and sent to Saskatoon for further genetic testing.

Leafhopper numbers appeared to be higher this year than normal although there was no concerted survey and there was some aster yellows in canola but incidence was very low.

Darkling beetles (Tenebrionidae) were found in canola in the Youngstown area (southeastern AB). Specimens were collected and sent to Wim Van Herk (AAFC-Agassiz) for identification. They are in the genus Eleodes but species identification will not be possible from the larvae.

Several reports of severe damage to seedling canola by red turnip beetles was reported from the Westlock area. At least one field was sprayed.

Orange maggots were noted in sclerotina infested canola stems from a number of fields across Alberta. Field collections of canola stems were carried out to determine the species. Canola stems were moist chambered and are now in the cooler to see if we can force pupation. Initial indications are that the larvae are from flies of the family Cecidomyiidae.


Wireworm (Elateridae). There were lots of concerns about wireworms again this season. The larvae are now being found easily in most fields if you look hard enough. Generally producers were reasonably happy with the control provided by current options this year but most are looking forward to options that will reduce populations rather than just control damage. Generally wireworms appear to be more widespread although not always causing significant crop emergence issues. There are a number of producers with very severe problems that have become a perennial issue. We are finding wireworm issues further north into central Alberta.

Wheat stem sawfly (Cephus cinctus) is still at low levels throughout its traditional range. Our annual survey showed very few fields with elevated levels of sawfly although there remains a population in Willow Creek and western Lethbridge counties. Following up on reported sawfly cutting in central Alberta showed a population continuing to be present there. The area with sawfly in central Alberta expanded in 2016 but the population was heavily parasitized and larvae in many cut stems have succumbed to fungal infections in the stubs. Ninety -five fields have been surveyed for the 2017 wheat stem sawfly forecast.

The forecast for wheat midge (Sitodiplosis mosellana) was generally low going into 2016 but the wet growing season will likely result in higher forecast in 2017. Very few acres were sprayed for wheat midge in 2016. We continue to encourage producers to use midge tolerant wheat in areas where wheat midge pose the biggest risk. The soil samples are all collected and they will form the forecast for 2017 that is due out in November. This year we plan to process over 350 soil samples again from all the wheat growing areas of Alberta. We also had 32 pheromone trap locations including some with a project studying the effects of weather on insect development that helped with the reporting on wheat midge activity.

There were no reports of serious cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) in 2016 as populations are pretty much all less than threshold but there were reports of fairly high cereal leaf beetle damage in the Lacombe with occasional populations as high as one every two flag leaves. Damage typical of cereal leaf beetle was reported from a wide range in central and southern Alberta although at very low to low levels. There was a new report of cereal leaf beetle damage south of Falher. This represents the first incidence of cereal leaf beetle for the Peace River region of Alberta. Thanks to Hector Carcamo (AAFC-Lethbridge) for rearing parasitoids of cereal leaf beetle for release at the site south of Falher as well as other locations in Alberta.

Cereal grain aphids were very common in southern and central Alberta in 2016. No spraying was necessary as natural enemies appeared to keep them below threshold levels. Again this year, most of the reports were English grain aphids (Sitobion avenae).

There were no reports of wheat head armyworm in 2016 (Dargida diffusa).

Leaf miners were noted again in low numbers in wheat fields in central Alberta, the incidence appeared to be higher than previous years. This is the same species that Ken Fry identified several years ago in the Olds area. Family Agromyzidae: (Cerodontha lateralis).

European corn borer was found in very high levels in two fields, one north of Brooks and another hotspot near Ponoka. Both fields were planted to non-Bt varieties. As a response we surveyed 11 fields in the area around Brooks and found evidence of corn borer in all but one of the fields. Producers in the vicinity of the severely attacked fields will be encouraged to switch to Bt varieties.


Pea leaf weevil (Sitona lineatus) continued its northern expansion in 2016. This insect is being found well north and west of Edmonton in fababean and pea crops. Very severe damage occurred throughout west central Alberta south of Edmonton and damage in southern Alberta was more severe than normal. We still are unclear about the true pest status of this insect in the higher organic matter soils of central Alberta. In addition we need to work with producers to properly time foliar sprays if those decisions are made. 167 pea and 23 fababean fields were surveyed for pea leaf weevil. We will discontinue our survey in fababean in 2017.

Five surveillance sites were set up for Western Bean Cutworm (Striacosta albicosta) and none were found. Producers and agrologists continue to suggest that this insect is in Alberta but we have yet to find it in pheromone traps.

Lygus damage in fababeans was much lower in 2016, although it was easy to find lygus in fababeans field as other crops dried down.

Very high aphid numbers were reported in the Foremost area on lentils (pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum). Many fields were sprayed south of highway 3 in southern Alberta. Populations also developed in peas, alfalfa and even fababeans as the season proceeded but very little spraying took place in those crops. Most producers further north in Alberta chose not to spray for aphids in lentils. Also noted was the was the appearance of aphids and lady bugs in lentils (red and green) at mid to high (visual only) levels in fields at dessication timing that were sprayed earlier with insecticide.


In alfalfa there was a concern with alfalfa weevil (Hypera postica). Their populations are causing concern in hay (if left late) and alfalfa seed crops through either poor control with existing registrations or low rates of insecticides. Alfalfa weevil occurred early and in high numbers again in 2016. Seed producers reported serious problems controlling alfalfa weevil in the Brooks area. A quick bioassay showed that the population appears to be tolerant to applications of synthetic pyrethroids.

European skipper numbers were lower in 2016 than in previous years. (Thymelicus lineola)

More than 200 potato psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli) were found in Alberta through monitoring done as part of the Potato Psyllid and Zebra Chip Monitoring Program. Over 1,374 cards from potato fields and another 100 more from weed patches in potato growing areas were assessed by Dan Johnson’s Lab. All potato psyllids found were tested for Lso, the Zebra chip pathogen, by Lawrence Kawchuk, Agriculture and Agrifood Canada, and all were found to be negative. Evidence is mounting that there is a low level resident population of potato psyllids in western Canada. At this point this is mostly good news but that would change if the zebra chip pathogen were to make it into our potato psyllid population. Contact [email protected] for more information.

Once again there were several reports of slug damage in various crops. The most serious concerns were once again in canola. This is most likely the common grey garden slug (Derocerus reticulates).

A continued survey in cooperation with the Canadian Grain Commission is find lessor grain borer (Rhyzopertha dominica) around grain handling facilities in southern Alberta. So far at this point it is not showing up in grain shipments.

Grasshopper numbers were general down throughout Alberta but there are some important exceptions. Clear winged grasshopper numbers were very high in Mackenzie county (Fort Vermillion) and two stripped grasshoppers increased in northern Lethbridge, southeast Vulcan and northwest Taber counties. Both of these areas remained dry much longer than the rest of the province. We are progressing very well with the compilation of the grasshopper survey. Agriculture Service Boards have pretty much all sent in their final reports from the August survey. At this point 60 counties have reported their grasshopper survey numbers. Entomophaga grylli was noted killing high numbers of Camnula pellucida (clear winged grasshopper) in a wide swath from the north-central sites (Whitecourt) to southern BC (Cranbrook and Creston) and also Fort Vermillion but not in southern Alberta.

Sowthistle blister gall midge, Cystiphora sonchi. Sowthistle leaves were gathered to see if we could rear the midge from the larva. We were able to get the midge to move from the galls. Some pupated others died. We also were able to rear some parasitoid wasps from the larvae. The midge are pinned, while the parasitoid wasps are waiting for identification. They will remain in CDCS reference collection.

HORTICULTURAL CROP INSECTS (Thanks to Jim Broatch and Robert Spencer)

There was a limited survey of spotted wing drosophila (Drosophila suzukii) with captures in August. We do not know if the population overwintered or are arriving on weather or other events originating in British Columbia. Spotted wing drosophila was also reported from one orchard in central Alberta, with positive collections in sour cherry.

No reports of brown marmorated stinkbug (Halyomorpha halys) in 2016.

Swede midge (Contarinia nasturtii ) in horticultural crops. Samples were collected in malaise traps in Lacombe had midge that appeared to be swede midge, but the samples sent to Tyler Wist in Saskatoon were identified as a similar looking midge.

Root maggot study (Delia spp) Over 1000 puparia/larvae were collected from Brassica vegetable production and submitted to Dr. Josee Owen (AAFC, Fredericton) and/or Dr. Jade Savage (Bishops University). Most root maggot puparia were from production that utilized x2 or x3 chlorpyrifos treatments. The adult flies will be tested for resistance.

Early on in the season, there was a fair bit of concern about forest tent caterpillars, and a substantial flight occurred later in the season so likely another year of this infestation in some areas.

Edmonton and area horticulturists highlighted a number of insect pests, including apple maggot, yellow headed spruce sawfly, pitch mass borers and pitch blister moths (pine), poplar borers.

A report of cottony cushion scale (citrus) was forwarded to CFIA and was followed up by their inspection group. Although not a crop in Alberta, this situation shows that we must always remain vigilant about the importation of new insect pests

Willow leaves with mines were collected in Brooks area and reared to find the cause. Willow flea weevil (Isochnus rufipes) is causing quite a bit of late season browning in laurel leaf willow in area.

Thanks to those that contributed to the compilation of this report: Maya Evendon, Mike Dolinski, Jim Broatch, Robert Spencer, Dan Orchard, Norm Boulet, Sheri Strydhorst, Dale Fedoruk, Jennifer Otani, Greg Sekulic, Boyd Mori, Rob Dunn, Meghan Vankosky, Ashley Glover, Autumn Barnes, Carrie Butterwick, Norm Flore, Dan Johnson, Hector Carcamo and Shelley Barkley.

Report Compiled by Scott Meers [email protected] Alberta Agriculture and Forestry Crop Diversification Centre South 301 Horticultural Station Road East Brooks, AB T1R 1E6

Manitoba Insect Pest Report – 2016

Compiled by: John Gavloski; Entomologist; Manitoba Agriculture Box 1149, Carman, MB, ROG OJO Phone: (204) 745-5668 Fax: (204) 745-5690 [email protected]

Abbreviations used: The following abbreviations will be used in this document to indicate the following agricultural regions in Manitoba; NW=Northwest, SW=Southwest, C=Central, E=Eastern, I=Interlake.

Estimated acres: Estimated acres grown in Manitoba in 2016 (shown in brackets under each commodity title) are from the Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC) 2016 Variety Market Share Report. The symbol ↑ indicates an increase in acres from 2015, whereas ↓ indicates a decrease in acres from 2015.

Summary: Flea beetles (Phyllotreta spp.) in canola and cutworms continued to be at economical levels in many areas of Manitoba in 2016, although flea beetle damage was less than in 2015. Alfalfa weevil (Hypera postica) was at high levels in many alfalfa fields. Armyworms (Mythimna unipuncta) were a concern in some small grain fields. Pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) got to economical levels in many pea fields. Some canola fields had economical levels of Lygus bugs in July and August.

Small Grain Cereals (Wheat (spring)-2,696,042 acres↓ + 5,480 acres organic↑ + 3,509 acres durum↑; Wheat (Winter)- 139,532↓ + 823 acres organic↓; Barley-362,097 acres↓; Oats-346,750 acres↓ + 3,355 acres organic↓; Fall Rye-112,383 acres↑; Triticale-3,097 acres↓)

Wireworms: There were some reports of wireworm damage to cereal crops in Southwest Manitoba.

Cutworms: Cutworms populations were still a concern in many areas of Manitoba in 2016. Some crops in the Swan Valley area (NW) were reseeded because of cutworm damage.

Wheat midge (Sitodiplosis mosellana): Wheat midge was generally not a major concern in Manitoba in 2016. The only reports of insecticide applications for wheat midge were from western Manitoba, and only for a small amount of acres.

Sap Feeders

Aphids: Aphids began to be noticed in cereal crops in late-May. Aphids got to quite noticeable levels in some fields, although there were only a few reports of insecticides being applied for aphids in cereals. High levels of natural enemies of aphids were noted in some fields.

Thrips: Some barley in the Eastern region had high levels of thrips and was treated with insecticide.


Grasshoppers: There was some field edge spraying for grasshoppers in cereals in the Central region, otherwise grasshoppers were a minor concern in small grains.

Armyworm (Mythimna unipuncta): Armyworms were a concern and resulted in insecticide applications in some small grain fields in Central and Eastern Manitoba. Most of the insecticide applications for armyworms occurred in July. Some head clipping was noted in some fields in late-July. There has been some control of armyworms in small grains in Manitoba every year since 2010.

Cereal Leaf Beetle (Oulema melanopus): No economic populations of cereal leaf beetle were reported, and no new areas of range expansion in Manitoba were reported in 2016. The further east cereal leaf beetle has been verified in Manitoba is still Carman.

In early-July, a shipment of adult wasps of the parasitoid Tetrastichus julis (Eulophidae) was sent from Lethbridge, Alberta to Carman and about 300 wasps were released in cereal fields near Portage la Prairie (C) and Rathwell (C). A second release of about 300 wasps of T. julis was distributed among wheat fields near Portage la Prairie (C), Rathwell (C) and Roseisle (C) on July 22nd.

Corn (328,087 acres grain corn↑; 96,879 acres silage corn↑)

Cutworms: High populations of cutworms in corn were reported from the Northwest region in early- June.

Wireworms: Some wireworm damage to corn was reported from the Central region.

Seedcorn maggot (Delia platura): No damage to corn from seedcorn maggot was reported in Manitoba in 2016.

European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis): Some high populations of European corn borer were reported from the Central region.

Northern corn rootworm (Diabrotica barberi): In addition to the established population of northern corn rootworm found near Souris in 2015, a survey for adult northern corn rootworms in August 2016 also found established populations in corn fields near Morden and Winkler. All fields where northern corn rootworm has so far been found to be established in Manitoba have had corn in the same field for many consecutive years. Crop rotation is recommended as the preferred strategy to manage corn rootworm.

Canola and Mustard (Argentine canola-3,173,535 acres↑; Rapeseed-5,463 acres↓; Mustard-6,128 acres↑)

Cutworms: Cutworms were a concern in some canola fields, resulting in some insecticide applications. There were reports of canola in the Northwest being reseeded because of cutworm feeding. Redbacked and dingy cutworms appear to be the main species of concern.

Root Maggots (Delia spp.): There were some reports of root maggots being noted by agronomists and farmers examine canola roots in the Northwest and Central regions.

Sap Feeders

Lygus bugs (Lygus spp.): There were reports of some canola fields with economical levels of Lygus bugs in July and August. High levels of Lygus bug in canola were reported from the Eastern, Interlake and Central regions of Manitoba.

Aster Leafhopper (Macrosteles quadrilineatus): Aster yellows was detected in canola in some areas, but only at low levels.

Swede midge (Contarinia nasturtii): Pheromone-baited traps were set up at 22 sites to trap and determine levels of swede midge in Manitoba in 2016. No swede midge were collected from the traps.

High or potentially economical levels of swede midge have never been documented in Manitoba.

Defoliators Flea beetles (Phyllotreta spp.): Use of seed treatments to manage early-season flea beetle populations continues to be common. However, feeding damage to young plants at or above threshold levels, and additional use of foliar insecticides, occurred in some areas. Overall the level of damage by flea beetles was less than the previous year.

Bertha Armyworm (Mamestra configurata): Levels of bertha armyworm larvae were generally low and uneconomical, although there was a small amount of insecticide applied for bertha armyworm in the Northwest.

Pheromone-baited traps to monitor adult moths of bertha armyworm were set up at 84 locations in Manitoba in 2016. The monitoring period was June 5th to July 30th. Seventy-two of the 84 traps were in the low risk category (less than 300 cumulative moth count). Two traps in the northwest were in the moderate risk category (900 to 1,200 cumulative moth count). Trap counts from 2016 were generally higher than the previous year. Table 1 shows the highest trap counts for 2016.

Table 1. Highest cumulative counts of bertha armyworm (Mamestra configurata) moths in pheromone- baited traps in Manitoba in 2016. Nearest town Region Trap Count Risk Category Durban Northwest 1,116 Moderate Benito Northwest 938 Moderate Lena Central 530 Uncertain Kenville Northwest 462 Uncertain Minto Southwest 447 Uncertain Roblin Northwest 408 Uncertain Peak trap catches occurred in most traps during the last week in June and first week in July. The highest trap catch in a single week was 376 at a trap near Durban on the week of July 3 - 9th.

Diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella): Levels of diamondback moth larvae were generally low and there were no reports of control being needed.

Pheromone-baited traps for adult moths were set up at 78 locations in Manitoba in 2016. The monitoring period was generally from May 1st to late-June. Some traps started to record moth counts in early-May that likely resulted from low populations arriving in Manitoba prior to or during the week of May 1- 7. Levels of moths captured in traps in subsequent weeks varied depending on the region of Manitoba. Although diamondback moth arrives on winds from the south, the northwest region had the highest cumulative moth counts. Table 2 shows the highest cumulative trap counts for 2016.

Table 2. Highest cumulative counts of diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) in pheromone-baited traps in Manitoba in 2016. Nearest town Region Trap Count Minitonas Northwest 237 The Pas Northwest 184 The Pas Northwest 174 Morris Central 138 The Pas Northwest 118 Ste. Rose Northwest 110

Grasshoppers: There were no reports of economical populations of grasshoppers in canola in 2016.

Flax (Flax-66,261 acres↓ + 900 acres organic flax↓)

Potato aphid (Macrosiphum euphorbiae): There were no reports of high populations of aphids on flax in 2016. Sunflowers (31,170 acres non-oil↓; 36,752 acres oil↓)

Cutworms: Cutworms damage was evident in some fields of sunflowers, and there were reports of insecticides being applied for cutworms in some fields.

Sunflower beetle (Zygogramma exclamationis): No high populations or spraying for sunflower beetles was reported in 2016. The last year that economic populations of sunflower beetle have been reported in Manitoba is 2009.

Seedhead Insects

Some fields of sunflowers were treated with insecticides during early flowering to control seedhead insects, mainly Lygus bugs (Lygus spp.) and banded sunflower moth (Cochylis hospes). Populations of Red sunflower seed weevil (Smicronyx fulvus) were low again in most areas this year. Sunflower seed maggots (Neotephritis finalis) were also noted in some fields.

Beans (Dry Edible) (112,306 acres↓: Pinto-48,292 acres↑, white pea (navy)-24,226 acres↓, black-17,512 acres↓, kidney- 11,906 acres↓, cranberry-2,237 acres↓, small red-762 acres↓, other dry ebible-7,371 acres)

No insect issues were noted in dry edible beans in 2016.

Peas (Field) (170,121 acres↑)

Cutworms: Cutworm were an issue in peas and control needed in the Northwest region.

Pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum): Pea aphid levels were above economic threshold in many fields, and some pea fields in all agricultural regions of Manitoba were treated with insecticides for pea aphids. Pea aphid control began in late-June and continued into late-July.

Soybeans (1,646,521 acres↑)

Soybean Aphid (Aphis glycines): Soybean aphids started to be noted in very low levels in soybean fields in mid-July. No economical populations of soybean aphids or insecticide applications for soybean aphids were reported.

Spider mites: No economically damaging populations of spider mites were reported from soybeans in Manitoba.

Green Cloverworm (Hypena scabra): Only very low levels of green cloverworm were detected in soybeans in Manitoba in 2016. Hemp (14,491 acres for grain↓)

No insect issues were noted in hemp in 2016.

Forages and Forage Seed

Alfalfa weevil (Hypera postica): Feeding injury and high levels of larvae of alfalfa weevil were common in many alfalfa fields. Some alfalfa for hay was cut early because of the presence of alfalfa weevil. Insecticides were applied in some fields and there were some reports of insecticides not providing good control of alfalfa weevil. Alfalfa weevil control started in early-June and extended into mid-July.

David Ostermann with Manitoba Agriculture assessed the percentage of alfalfa weevil parasitized at 2 locations in Manitoba (near Fannystelle and the Winnipeg floodway). Levels of parasitism by the larval parasitoid Bathyplectes sp. (Ichneumonidae) were 4% (Winnipeg floodway) and 13% (Fannystelle). Levels of parasitism by the larval parasitoid Oomyzus incertus (Eulophidae) were 6% (Fannystelle) and 4% (Winnipeg floodway). Bathyplectes curculionis is a key biological control agent for alfalfa weevil in some regions of North America, and it is hoped that biological control can eventually be a greater factor in alfalfa weevil management in Manitoba.

Lygus bugs (Lygus spp.): Some alfalfa seed fields were sprayed to control Lygus bugs.

Armyworm (Mythimna unipuncta): Some perennial ryegrass in the Central region was treated with insecticide for armyworms. Potatoes

Report from: Vikram Bisht, Manitoba Agriculture.

Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata): A few samples of Colorado potato beetles were found in the later part of the potato season; some may have escaped the neonicotinoid insecticides or developed some tolerance. This class of chemistry does not appear to be performing as well as it used to in a few locations.

Potato psyllid (Paratrioza cockerelli): Dr. Vikram Bisht is coordinating potato psyllid monitoring in Manitoba as part of a national program being led by Dr. Dan Johnson at the University of Lethbridge. Two potato psyllids were found in Manitoba in 2016. No potato psyllids were previously found in monitoring from 2013 to 2015.

European Corn Borer (Ostrinia nubilalis): Damage was seen in some fields, close to potato fields where European corn borer damage was seen in 2015. Insecticide applications were made by some growers with effective control. Aphids (Green Peach, Potato and other types): The numbers were very low for most of the season. Only one of 9 seed fields (being monitored with suction traps) showed a sudden increased towards the end of season. Harvest of nearby crops was probably responsible for the influx.

Vegetable Crops

Report from: Tom Gonsalves, Vegetable Specialist, Manitoba Agriculture, and Vikram Bisht, Horticulture Pathologist, Manitoba Agriculture.

Flea beetles (Phyllotreta spp.) on Cruciferous vegetables: There was moderate to high early season flea beetle pressure on cruciferous vegetable crops in the Portage la Prairie area. Also, there was late-season flea beetle damage on the kale in the Manitoba Agriculture high tunnel in Portage la Prairie.

Carrots and Onions: In 2016, as in 2013 to 2015, aster leafhopper numbers were significantly lower compared to 2012, resulting in very low level of aster yellows on carrots.

Stored Grains

Report from: Brent Elliott, Program Officer, Canadian Grain Commission

Rusty grain beetle (Cryptolestes ferrugineus): Rusty grain beetles continue to be the most common insect found in stored grain. Numerous reports of infestation, notably in grain stored over the summer season, were received this year. It is important to note that this pest can survive cold temperatures for long durations and as a result may survive throughout the entire winter season in grain that is not properly cooled. The rusty grain beetle is present year round and for summer stored grain the beetle is able to fly readily from bin to bin and infest during the summer months as well.

Lesser grain borer (Rhyzopertha dominica) – the survey for lesser grain borer is Canada continued for a third year with the inclusion of sites further north while retaining most of the southern locations. The joint project with Kansas State University is now finished.

Lesser grain borer traps were placed at 22 locations across the Prairie Provinces ranging from a southerly latitude of 49.1o to a northerly latitude of 53.5o. The insect was collected at 10 of 22 locations and the data currently shows that the insect was only collected south of 50.2o north latitude. This does not mean that the insect will not occur north of that point, only that it wasn’t collected during the 2016 season at our sites north of that point. The survey will continue in 2017. Regular monitoring of grain (every 2-4 weeks) is a standard recommendation for all insect pests of stored grain.

Issues: The overuse of neonicotinoid-based seed treatments in some commodities continues to be a concern, particularly when used in situations where the threat of insect damage to seedlings is not high. Some of these products are being marketed and used for perceived growth enhancement, regardless of insect populations, which can occur under some stressful growing conditions.

Some industry reps in Northwest Manitoba were recommended the tank mixing of their insecticide with a fungicide application for sclerotinia in canola to target the eggs or very young stages of bertha armyworm. This is concerning because the recommendation is not backed by peer-reviewed research, and does not provide the opportunity for crop scouting to determine if populations of bertha armyworm are economical. Counts of adult bertha armyworm in pheromone-baited traps were highest in Northwest Manitoba, but this data is meant to help prioritize scouting and cannot be accurately used to make control decisions. Future Plans:

Populations and the potential spread of cereal leaf beetle will continue to be monitored in Manitoba.

Crop Diagnostic School plans for 2017 include a unit on monitoring and forecasting insect populations.

Priorities for factsheet revisions include alfalfa weevil, soybean aphid, and Lygus bugs.




WESTERN COMMITTEE ON CROP PESTS October 19-21, 2016, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


Spotted wing drosophila (SWD), Drosophila suzukii continues to be a major pest of concern for tree fruit and berry growers. In general, early season SWD population levels were lower than in 2015 probably due to cool weather conditions and good pest management programs. Rain and cooler weather modulated grasshopper populations and numbers were not as high as in 2015. There were no reports of pacific flatheaded borer, Chrysobothris mali damage to young apple plantings in the Okanagan and Similkameen valleys in 2016. 880 traps were set up to monitor apple maggot in Interior B.C. by CFIA, BCFGA, SIR and BC Ministry of Agriculture. Brown marmorated stink bug was detected in Chilliwack, Rosedale and Kitsilano in Coastal B.C.; and Penticton in Interior B.C. Western corn rootworm was reported for the first time in B.C. in Abbotsford in August, 2016. Adult beetles caused damage to field corn and dahlias. Big bud mites, Cecidophyopsis ribis and redberry mite, Acalitus essigi, are two new serious pest mites in black currants and blackberries, respectively. Two new nuisance pest records for Canada were reported from Kelowna, elm seed bug, Arocatus melanocephalus (Fabricius, 1798) and tuxedo bug, Raglius alboacuminatus (Goeze, 1778). The cabbage whitefly, Aleyrodes proletella was reported on hops in Lytton, British Columbia. This is the first record of this pest in Canada. SIR is leading a collaborative project with industry, federal and provincial partners to adapt the Washington State Decision Aid System for the BC Tree fruit industry.


Grasshoppers, Grasshopper populations were not as high as in 2015 due to rain and cooler temperatures and there were no reports of damage. Grasshoppers infected with Entomophaga grylii were observed in some locations. A grasshopper survey and forecasting project was initiated in 2016 by the BC Ministry of Agriculture in partnership with Agriculture and Agri- Food Canada and Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations to help address landowner concerns.


Apple clearwing moth, Synanthedon myopaeformis populations keep expanding to different areas in the Okanagan and Similkameen valleys. There are research projects to monitor and develop control techniques in B.C. Interior. Delegate, Success, Entrust, and Rimon are registered for the control of apple clearwing moth.

Apple Maggot, Rhagoletis pomonella: A single apple maggot female was detected on a CFIA survey trap in crab apple in a residential area in West Kelowna in September 2015. Due to this detection, 880 sites were monitored in the Okanagan and Similkameen valleys in 2016, CFIA monitored 659 sites and industry and other partners, 221 sites. OKSIR was contracted to set up and monitor the 221 sites. Result of the 2016 survey is not yet available. Apple maggot is established in coastal B.C. and commercial coastal apple growers are successfully managing this pest. BC Ministry of Agriculture sets up traps in some orchards from Abbotsford to Surrey to help growers time spray applications. Outreach to growers and the public (backyard gardeners and hobby apple growers) continue.

Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB), Halyomorpha halys: In Interior BC, 4 brown marmorated stink bug adults were collected by a taxonomist from Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, Ottawa on chokecherry in Penticton on May 29, 2016. Ministry of Agriculture staff followed up and collected five nymphs from the same chokecherry bush on August 4 and 1 adult on a different chokecherry bush in the same area on September 15, 2016. A pyramid trap baited with AgBio Stink Bug Xtra Combo lure close to the detection site caught 1 nymph in October. 38 traps baited with AgBio Stink Bug Xtra Combo lure set up for surveying BMSB in Interior B.C. from May-September, 2016 did not catch any brown marmorated stink bugs.

In Coastal B.C., an established population of BMSB was reported in an urban backyard west of Chilliwack in May 2016. In late September, two more adult BMSB were collected at the Rosedale urban backyard where 2 adults were first detected in October, 2015. A picture of a BMSB adult was received from a homeowner in the Kitsilano area of Vancouver in October. Though there have not been any BMSB detections or reports from commercial farmers/growers, we are concerned about these isolated detections in B.C. Outreach to growers and the public to report any suspicious stink bugs continues.

Flatheaded borers, Chrysobothris sp. detected in young apple plantings in the Okanagan and Similkameen valleys in 2015 were identified as pacific flatheaded borer, Chrysobothris mali by Robert Foottit (Canadian National Collection of Insects, AAFC, Ottawa) and Eduard Jendek (CFIA, Ottawa). Surveys indicated the pest is present in the Okanagan and Similkameen valleys. There were no reports of damage by C. mali in 2016.

Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD), Drosophila suzukii: Adult spotted wing drosophila flies were monitored mainly with trappit globe traps baited with Trece lures, and a few Scentry baited traps in Interior BC in 2016. Earliest confirmed SWD flies were collected between March 29 - April 7, 2016 (Dr. Howard Thistlewood, Summerland Research and Development Center). SWD numbers were low and variable before cherry harvest compared to numbers recorded during the same period in 2015 probably due to cool weather conditions and good spray programs. Very high SWD numbers were recorded after cherry harvest.

In Coastal BC, area-wide surveillance in berry crops continued in commercial blueberry, raspberry, and strawberry fields. This pest continues to be a primary concern to growers. Shifts in practices to mitigate pest risks include regular sprays during ripening, diligent and thorough harvesting, and winter pruning/plant canopy management to allow passage of equipment and more thorough harvesting.

Swede midge, Contarinia nasturtii: Pheromone trap surveys have been ongoing in commercial cole crop fields from May-Sept, 2009-2016 in the Fraser Valley. Based on the survey results, B.C. remains free from Swede midge.

Walnut huskfly, Rhagoletis completa was an issue in the Powell River and Comox area

Wireworms were a problem in potatoes on Vancouver Island.


Balsam woolly adelgid, Adelges piceae, a regulated pest in British Columbia, was detected on some Abies Christmas tree farms in the Okanagan. Surveys were conducted in 2015 and 2016 and will continue in 2017. BC Ministry of Forests commissioned a survey of BWA in North Okanagan forests in 2016.


Western Corn Rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera: Damage by Western corn rootworm was reported by a farmer in Sumas flats, south east of Abbotsford in August 2016. This is the first record of this pest in B.C. A small survey by BC Ministry of Agriculture in August-September indicates the pest is present in central and eastern Fraser Valley from Abbotsford to Agassiz, as well as north of the river, east of Mission. Beetles and damage were seen on field corn for cattle feed (silage corn) and sweet corn. Beetle numbers were highly variable from field to field. In addition to damage to corn, beetle feeding damage was also reported on dahlias; these are pollen feeders and fly readily to find food sources. Western corn rootworm has not been reported in Interior BC.

Eriophyid mites (bud, blister, gall, rust mites): Two new pest mite species; big bud mite, Cecidophyopsis ribis and redberry mite, Acalitus essigi caused significant damage in 2015-16. Big bud mite, Cecidophyopsis ribis: These bud mites cause abnormal swellings of overwintering black currant buds and the mites live and reproduce within the giant buds. Infested buds die and do not produce leaves or flowers the following season. Big bud mites vector a devastating virus disease, Reversion virus (in Europe), not known to occur in North America. CFIA tested tissues from infested currant plants in fall 2015 and no virus was found. BC currant growers have successfully managed big bud mites with sulphur sprays in spring and summer, as well pruning in fall and winter. Redberry mite, Acalitus essigi: these mites feed on developing blackberry fruit, preventing fruit from ripening and being harvested. Significant losses can occur if mites are not managed with dormant oil and sulphur sprays earlier in the season (early spring and summer sprays).

The cabbage whitefly, Aleyrodes proletella has been found on hops in Lytton, British Columbia. Specimens were collected by J. Elmhirst and identified by E. Maw, AAFC, Ottawa. This is the first report of this species in Canada, but it has a world-wide distribution and has been present in the U.S. for several years. It feeds on brassicas but has a wide host range including many crops and weeds. It is generally considered a minor pest and is not known to transmit any plant diseases.

Arocatus melanocephalus (Fabricius, 1798), [Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Lygaeidae] (elm seed bug) and Raglius alboacuminatus (Goeze, 1778,) [Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Rhyparochromidae (tuxedo bug) were reported in Interior B.C. in 2016 and identifications confirmed by Dr. Michael Schwartz, Ottawa Research and Development Center, AAFC. These are the first records of these nuisance pests in Canada. Infestations of Arocatus melanocephalus on Chinese elm were reported by homeowners in Kelowna and Raglius alboacuminatus from a fruit stand and an unmanaged hay field in Kelowna.


Publications: Postcards on brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, and Swede midge, Contarinia nasturtii are available from the B.C. Ministry of Agriculture, and are used for outreach to growers and the public. Spotted wing drosophila factsheets were updated. Check the Ministry of Agriculture website for further information: www.gov.bc.ca/planthealth

Okanagan Sterile Insect Release Program The Sterile Insect Release Program (SIR) continues to provide effective, economical and environmentally responsible codling moth suppression in the Okanagan and Similkameen Valleys. Codling moth populations remain low throughout the program area. 2016 saw codling moth emergence nearly two weeks ahead of the decadal average. However, a cool wet summer counteracted these early warm temperatures and insect phenology trended towards decadal averages in the later part of the growing season. These atypical weather patterns presented a number of challenges to the growers and pest managers in the Okanagan and surrounding areas.

To better help growers cope with the challenges of a changing climate, the SIR program has been leading a collaborative effort through BC's climate action initiative to adapt Washington State University's Decision Aid System (WSU's DAS) to the region's tree fruit industry. This online, grower friendly tool uses real time weather data and historical trends to model and forecast pest phonologies and provide management recommendations to the tree fruit industry. Collaborative partners include SIR, BC Agriculture & Food Climate Action Initiative, Summerland Research and Development Centre, BC Tree Fruits and Grower’s Supply Co. Ltd., BC Fruit Growers Association, and BC Ministry of Agriculture. SIR is also participating in a coordinated research plan (CRP) organized through the International Atomic Energy Agency/United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. This CRP aims to disseminate sterile insect technological expertise globally as well as build collaborative relationships amongst sterile insect technology (SIT) programs. The SIR program is participating in this CRP to improve the field competitiveness of the sterile insects through collaboration with experts in insect eradication, insect physiologists, and other SIT programs.

Finally, 2016 saw the first increase in planted apple acreage in the program area in more than 20 years. This reflects the strength and positive outlook of the pome fruit industry in BC and the need for a sustainable, area wide integrated pest management program like the SIR program. http://www.al.gov.bc.ca/cropprot/hg_guide.htmCompiled by Susanna Acheampong, B.C. Ministry of Agriculture, 200 - 1690 Powick Road, BC, V1X 7G5, Phone: (250) 861-7681, [email protected] and Tracy Hueppelsheuser, B.C. Ministry of Agriculture, 1767 Angus Campbell Road, Abbotsford, BC, V3G 2M3, Phone: (604) 556-3031, [email protected], with contributions from Ken Awmack, Geneve Jasper, Jim Forbes, Julie Robinson, Lavona Liggins, Jill Hatfield, Darrell Smith, Carl Withler, Evan Esch

Western corn rootworm leaf damage Western corn rootworm damage to silk

Poor pollination due to silk damage by western corn rootworm Brown marmorated stink bug adult on Asian pear

Brown marmorated stink bug eggs and nymphs Brown marmorated stink bug nymphs on Asian pear

Brown marmorated stink bug damage to Asian pears Arocatus melanocephalus Photo courtesy of Ward Strong, BC Ministry of Forests, Kalamalka Forestry Centre, Vernon

Raglius alboacuminatus Photo courtesy of Ward Strong, BC Ministry of Forests, Kalamalka Forestry Centre, Vernon

APPENDIX B. Provincial Research Reports

SASKATCHEWAN ENTOMOLOGY RESEARCH SUMMARY Wanuskewin Park, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, October 19-21, 2016

Compiled by Tyler Wist


Title: Research on parasitoids and disease in alfalfa leafcutting bee populations

Author and Associates: D.W. Goerzen (SASPDC), M.A. Erlandson (AAFC - Saskatoon), and T.J. Wist (AAFC - Saskatoon)

Problem: The alfalfa leafcutting bee, Megachile rotundata, is an important pollinator of alfalfa, blueberry, and hybrid canola grown for seed production. Infestations of the chalcid parasitoid Pteromalus venustus cause significant losses in many western Canadian alfalfa leafcutting bee populations, and bee reproduction is also negatively impacted by occurrence of fungal diseases including Ascosphaera aggregata and A. larvis.

Objective of Research: This research project involves monitoring parasitoid and disease levels in Saskatchewan alfalfa leafcutting bee populations, and developing strategies for parasitoid and disease control which will assist alfalfa seed producers in maintaining high quality alfalfa leafcutting bee populations.

Summary of Results: In the 2015 - 2016 winter survey of Saskatchewan alfalfa leafcutting bee populations, P. venustus was detected in 0.26% (range 0.00 - 3.58% / sd 0.52) of bee cells analysed from samples submitted by producers (n = 85) and was present in 42.4% of bee populations surveyed. P. venustus has traditionally been controlled during the bee incubation period with dichlorvos resin strips; dichlorvos has been implicated in bee mortality and is among insecticides under ongoing PMRA / EPA review. Research has been undertaken to evaluate essential oils and other volatile compounds which might be incorporated into new strategies for the control of P. venustus in M. rotundata populations. Research has also been undertaken to evaluate the potential for utilizing a male-killing symbiont (Arsenophonus nasoniae) for control of P. venustus.

Occurrence of chalkbrood disease (A. aggregata) was also evaluated in the 2015 - 2016 winter survey of Saskatchewan alfalfa leafcutting bee populations. No occurrence of the sporulating form of the disease was detected, while the non-sporulating form was present in 0.002% (range 0.00 - 0.16% / sd 0.017) of bee cells analysed. Occurrence of A. aggregata is a major problem in U.S. alfalfa leafcutting bee populations, with disease-related bee losses exceeding 30% in some areas; levels of the disease vary widely in western Canadian bee populations. Paraformaldehyde fumigation and bleach dipping are commonly utilized to treat bee cells and nest material for control of microflora including Ascosphaera species. Research to develop alternative disease control strategies has involved evaluation of anti-microbial compounds and antagonistic fungal species which may be efficacious for control of A. aggregata and A. larvis.

Continuing Research: Research to monitor parasitoid and disease levels, and to develop strategies for control of parasitoids and disease in alfalfa leafcutting bee populations, is ongoing.

Contact: D.W Goerzen Saskatchewan Alfalfa Seed Producers Development Commission (SASPDC) 127 E - 116 Research Drive Saskatoon, SK S7N 3R3 e-mail: [email protected] ### AAFC – SASKATOON RESEARCH CENTRE

1. Title: Swede midge monitoring and biology on the prairies.

Author and Associates: Boyd Mori, Julie Soroka, Lars Andreassen, AAFC Saskatoon, with funding from AAFC-CCC Canola Cluster, SaskCanola and ACIDF.

Problem: Swede midge, Contarinia nasturtii (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), is a devastating new pest in Ontario canola production. Damage to canola caused by the pest was seen on the prairies for the first time in north eastern Saskatchewan in 2012.

Objective of Research: To investigate seed treatments, and planting date as methods for management.

Summary of Results: Early and late seeded plots with different seed treatments were established within four commercial B. napus fields in the Nipawin area of north eastern SK. As of 14th October 2016, two field sites remain to be harvested due to poor weather. Results are pending on damage ratings, and seed yield, but early indication is that swede midge damage is very low. Investigation on possible biological control agents continues, with two species identified to genus so far.

Continuing Research: This is the final year of the project. Results will be obtained this Fall and a final report submitted.

Contact: Boyd Mori, AAFC-Saskatoon, 107 Science Place, Saskatoon, SK. S7N 0X2. [email protected]

2. Title: Ecology of swede midge host plant interactions

Author and Associates: Boyd Mori, Julie Soroka, Owen Olfert, AAFC Saskatoon, with funding from ADF (SaskCanola and Western Grains).

Problem: Swede midge, Contarinia nasturtii (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), is a devastating new pest in Ontario canola production. Damage to canola caused by the pest was seen on the prairies for the first time in north eastern Saskatchewan in 2012.

Objective of Research: To investigate the range of host plants on the Prairies and to determine potential host plant resistance mechanisms against the swede midge.

Summary of Results: A literature review was conducted to determine the potential host Brassicaceae on the Prairies. Seed of most Brassicaceae has been field collected or obtained from Plant Gene Resources of Canada. Plants are being grown to increase seed and for bioassays and a swede midge colony is being established at AAFC-Saskatoon.

Continuing Research: This is the first year of the project and will continue for a further 3 years.

Contact: Boyd Mori, AAFC-Saskatoon, 107 Science Place, Saskatoon, SK. S7N 0X2. [email protected]


3. Title: Development of a new field crop entomology program

Author: M. A. Vankosky (AAFC-Saskatoon)

Objective: To develop a new field crop entomology research program based at AAFC- Saskatoon to tackle insect pest problems and conserve their natural enemies in a variety of important crops on the Prairies and develop a research team capable of responding quickly and efficiently to emerging pest issues.

Progress: Dr. Vankosky started her position at AAFC-Saskatoon in July 2016 and is currently in the process of hiring a technician. Along with several AAFC collaborators, Meghan has submitted a full proposal to ADF for funding to support pea leaf weevil (Sitona lineatus) research in Saskatchewan. The proposal aims to evaluate economic thresholds and chemical control measures for pea leaf weevil in Saskatchewan, to monitor its populations, and determine its overwintering behaviour. In conjunction with this work, baseline data on aphids and their natural enemies in legume crops will be collected in collaboration with Dr. Tyler Wist (AAFC Saskatoon). Dr. Vankosky also intends to submit research proposals to CARP for support required to monitor swede midge (Contarinia nasturtii) populations; delineate its distribution in the Prairies; address important questions regarding its biology and life history; and investigate and identify its natural enemies in the invaded range. Dr. Boyd Mori will be collaborating on these projects. In addition to these projects, Dr. Vankosky has been asked to collaborate on other pea leaf weevil work (Dr. Maya Evenden, Dr. Hector Carcamo), and on flea beetle (Phyllotreta sp.) work (Dr. Andrew Keddie, Dr. Hector Carcamo). The underlying objective of these projects is to enhance sustainable management of pest issues, keeping in mind that climate change, new agronomic practices, and new crops influence pest populations and diversity of beneficial .

Contact: Meghan A. Vankosky, 107 Science Place, Saskatoon, SK, S7N 02X, 306-385-9362, [email protected]


4. Title: Research to Improve “Hairy Canola’ trait in Brassica napus

Author and associates: Gruber, M. (PI), Soroka, J. and Hegedus, D. (AAFC-Saskatoon)

Problem: Flea beetles are the most economically-damaging pest of canola since they feed voraciously on young seedlings as they emerge from the soil in spring. Approximately, $30 M per year in insecticide is used to control flea beetles, but they still generate crop losses of $200 M to $300 M. De-registration has restricted the use of several major insecticides and neonicotinoid pesticides (Prosper and Helix) are now the only option available to producers. Neonicotinoid insecticides have come under intense scrutiny as they have become linked to bee mortality and their use has been banned in many European countries and Canadian (Ontario) jurisdictions. Restrictions on the use of this insecticide class will leave canola producers with no options for flea beetle control. At present, there are no useful natural Brassica napus (canola) lines available to breed for flea beetle resistance.

Objectives of research: The project sought to develop canola lines with superior resistance to the crucifer flea beetle by enhancing a natural insect control system. Some plants produce hairs (trichomes) on their leaves which are a barrier to insects, reduce water loss in seedlings during drought and increase tolerance to freezing by providing a warmer microclimate around trichome- bearing tissues. Project researchers had previously developed a ‘hairy’ canola by introducing a gene from a trichome-bearing distant relative of canola. The objective of the current project was to identify natural lines of Brassica napus or its close relatives with the capacity to produce trichomes and make them, or the genes responsible for trichome production, available to the canola breeding community.

Summary of results: The project identified several key genes that regulate trichome production in moderately hairy lines of Argentine (Brassica napus) and Polish (Brassica rapa) canola. The project also identified an extremely hairy line of Brassica villosa (related to the vegetable Brassicas) as a valuable resource to access trichome-related traits.

Continuing research: The project was funded by SaskCanola and the Saskatchewan Agriculture Development Fund. D. Hegedus was assigned responsibility for the project after the retirements of Drs. M. Gruber and J. Soroka. He is currently seeking funding to further develop and exploit the genetic resources for increasing trichome abundance in canola as a natural means to preventing flea beetle damage. This would involve: 1. Mapping genes associated with trichome adundance in B. napus 2. Accessing the B. villosa trichome abundance (hairy) trait

Contact: Dwayne Hegedus, AAFC-Saskatoon, 107 Science Place, Saskatoon, SK. S7N 0X2. [email protected]


5. Title: Phytoplasma Genomics. Authour and associates: T. Wist and T. Dumonceaux (AAFC-Saskatoon).

Problem: PCR tests using 16SrRNA-encoding genes are routinely used to detect and identify phytoplasma strains. However, fine differentiations between strains are difficult with the highly conserved 16Sr gene. The use of other genes, such as chaperonin-60 (CPN-60) is being investigated. Field tests of leafhoppers and plant tissue using a LAMP assay based on the CPN- 60 would enhance our ability to quickly detect and identify the aster yellows (AY) index (number of leafhoppers infected by AY) under field conditions.

Objectives of research: Develop PCR tests that can detect and identify all strains of phytoplasma. The use of genes other than 16Sr is being investigated. Create a field test for AY.

Summary of results: One of the barriers to a field based test for AY is the ability to extract DNA from plants and insects in the field. A technique that uses proprietary paper to lyse DNA in plant extraction worked successfully to extract DNA from leafhoppers under field conditions. A very rapid cpn60-based molecular screening tool for Phytoplasma using loop-mediated isothermal DNA amplification (LAMP) has been developed and successfully used in the field (Dumonceaux et al., submitted to Phytopathology). This LAMP tests follows the DNA extraction by the paper method and the entire process can be performed in the back of a van in the field.

Continuing research: Project funded by the Genomic Research and Development Initiative, and ends in March 2016.

Contact: Tim Dumonceaux, AAFC-Saskatoon, 107 Science Place, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 0X2, Canada. [email protected]


6. Title: Modelling the potential impact of climate change on future spatial and temporal patterns of biological control agents: Peristenus digoneutis (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) as a case study.

Author and Associates: O. Olfert, T. Haye, R. Weiss, D. Kriticos, U. Kuhlmann

Abstract: Mechanistic species niche models were used to map the seasonal spatio-temporal dynamics of biological control pressure. Future climate scenarios were applied to these models to identify potential future trends in the patterns of biological control pressure through space and time during an annual seasonal cycle. Peristenus digoneutis Loan (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is a parasitoid of Lygus Hahn (Hemiptera: Miridae) species, important pests of glasshouse and field crops throughout Europe and North America. Consistent with theoretical expectations, the modelled potential range of P. digoneutis expanded polewards and contracted from its southern temperature range limits. However, its distribution did not change consistently across continents or countries. Locations near the outer limits of the current modelled distribution were more sensitive to changes in future climates than locations near the central core. Weekly climate suitability and stress maps were developed to provide insight into seasonal adjustments that accompany changes in the potential range of pest species and their natural enemies. Climate change may increase the number of Lygus generations in western Canada allowing P. digoneutis to establish in areas, where biological control attempts had failed in the past.

Citation: Olfert, O., Haye, T., Weiss, R., Kriticos, D. and Kuhlmann, U. (2016) Modelling the potential impact of climate change on future spatial and temporal patterns of biological control agents – Peristenus digoneutis as a case study. The Canadian Entomologist 148: 579-594.

Contact: Owen Olfert, AAFC-Saskatoon, 107 Science Place, Saskatoon, SK. S7N 0X2. [email protected]


7. Title: Global change and insect biodiversity in agroecosystems

Authour and Associates: David R. Gillespie, Matthew J.W. Cock, Thibaud Decaëns, Philippa J. Gerard, Sandra Gillespie, Juan J. Jiménez and Owen Olfert

Abstract: This review describes the potential impacts of global change on the biodiversity of insects within agro-ecosystems, and the implications for society. The chapter is focused on plant-based agricultural systems. Insects are integral to agro-ecosystem functioning. Insect pest species cause losses to crop yields and crop quality, while beneficial insects (predators and parasitoids) are important regulators of pest populations. Insects, such as honey bees and multiple other taxa, are important pollinators in agro-ecosystems. Insects are also involved in decomposition of leaf litter, manure recycling and soil function. Furthermore, insects are an important food source for many vertebrates and invertebrates. Changes in the biodiversity of insects within agro-ecosystems will have impacts on both the human food supply and on agro- ecosystem health. In the context of human societies, negative impacts on the biodiversity have direct effects on food and fibre supplies (i.e. human food security).

Citation: Gillespie, D.R., Cock, M.J.W. , Decaëns, T., Gerard, P.J., Gillespie, S., Jiménez, J.J. and Olfert, O. (2016) Global change and insect biodiversity in agroecosystems. IN Foottit, R.G. and Adler, P.H. (eds.) Insect Biodiversity: Science and Society. Volume 2. John Wiley & Sons Limited, Chichester, West Sussex, UK (in review)

Contact: Owen Olfert, AAFC-Saskatoon, 107 Science Place, Saskatoon, SK. S7N 0X2. [email protected] ###

8. Title: Refining and making accessible to growers a validated dynamic action threshold (DAT) for cereal aphid control in cereal crops

Authour and associates: Tyler Wist, Erl Svendsen, (AAFC-Saskatoon) and John Gavloski (MAFRD).

Problem: The ability of natural enemies to control aphid outbreaks in cereal crops is not taken into account by current action thresholds.

Research Objectives: Data from this project will help to refine the cereal aphid dynamic action threshold (DAT) calculator that predicts the growth of aphid populations that takes into account the predation pressure of natural enemies. The ultimate goal of this three-year project is the development of a smartphone app that incorporates the DAT calculator and can be used by producers to make economic threshold determinations.

Summary of results: Aphid numbers were tracked in cereal fields across Saskatchewan and in several fields in Manitoba and Alberta. Preliminary data indicates that several fields had high enough numbers of cereal aphids to test the predictions of the DAT model. Three species of cereal aphids were present in cereal crops (barley and wheat) in 2016: English Grain aphid (red and green morph, ~4:1 ratio) Sitobion avena, birdcherry oat aphids, Rhopalosiphum padi, and greenbug, Shizaphis graminum. The dominant aphid was again (from 2015) the rare red morph of the English grain aphid. The first aphids were noted on wheat heads on 14-July 2016 at several sites. This arrival corresponded with wheat plants at Zadoks stages of 61-68 (early anthesis) Aphid populations in 2016 did not exceed the economic threshold (ET) of an average of 15 aphids per head in any of the monitored fields but many tillers within sampled fields had individually exceeded ET. Parasitoid mummies were evident and mummies were collected from several fields and brought back to the Saskatoon Research and Development Centre (SRDC) to rear the parasitoids. All of the mummies were the brown Aphidius type. The dominant species reared from all sites was Aphidius avenaphis (Braconidae) (same as 2015) and this parasitoid can only be separated from the next most dominant parasitoid, Aphidius ervi, by comparing the striations on metasomal tergite 1. A small colony of Aphidius avenaphis was successfully established at the SRDC in 2015 for long enough to complete experiments to determine the voracity and life history parameters of this parasitoid because no prior data exists on this species. Data analysis to match the predictions of the DAT equation to real data collected by “per head “aphid and predator counts is underway to ensure that the predictions of the DAT equation can be matched to reality and be suitably incorporated into a smartphone app.

Mobile app development: development was delayed due to internal bureaucratic barriers. These have been resolved and app development is on track to have a beta version (iOS, Android and BB platforms) for testing in 2017. A group of testers will be assembled to (a) test the app and (b) report on user experience. The app will be updated based on user feedback. A final version will be released in March 2018 and be available for download from iTunes, Google Play, Amazon and Blackberry World app stores. Developed as a side project (i.e. plan B) is a visual basic based DAT calculator that takes as input aphid numbers per head (x 5 heads x 5 location x up to 4 repetitions) and number of natural enemies per location and outputs one of 5 ‘decisions’: spray now, don’t spray, resample in 2 days, resample in 7 days, continue sampling (until 100 heads have been evaluated). This calculator has the critical elements required to run the model but is missing important modules such as aphid and natural enemy identification tools, Zadok scale information etc., that will be included in the mobile app. The calculator is designed to work within an MSExcel environment. It will work on desktop (OS and Windows) and non-iOS devices. The calculator is available on request from Erl Svendsen.

Continuing Research: The project continues to development of the DAT equation into a smartphone “app” for predicting aphid population growth. Project is funded by the Pesticide Risk Reduction Program (PRR15-040). Project funds end in March 2018. If you want to contribute to developing and/or testing the smartphone app, please contact Tyler Wist or Erl Svendsen ([email protected])”

Contact: Tyler Wist, AAFC-Saskatoon, 107 Science Place, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 0X2, Canada. [email protected]


9. Title: Aster Yellows (AY) disease in spring wheat: a benchmark characterization and cultivar assessment.

Authour and associates: Tyler Wist, (AAFC-Saskatoon), Pierre Hucl (University of Saskatchewan Department of Agriculture)

Problem: In years where large numbers of aster leafhoppers, Macrosteles quadrilineatus (Cicadellidae) migrate into the Canadian Prairies often result in lower-than-expected yields in wheat crops (ex. 2012, 2007, 2000). These leafhoppers are the primary vectors of AY, a disease which affects hundreds of crop plants. The emerging idea is that AY is a common but largely undetected disease in wheat due to asymptomatic plants (Olivier et al. 2011). The impact of AY on wheat yield is unknown.

Research objectives: 1. To document the symptomology of AY in recent wheat cultivars and to estimate the yield losses depending on the number of leafhoppers and the wheat growth stages. 2. To evaluate the reaction of selected wheat cultivars to AY. 3. To estimate the AY disease incidence and identify the phytoplasma strains present in leafhopper and wheat in trials grown at Saskatoon.

Summary of results: The primary vector of aster yellows (AY) disease on the Canadian Prairies, the aster leafhopper, Macrosteles quadrilineatus, was more abundant this year than in the previous several years. Population data on this leafhopper in wheat fields was tracked over the growing season and first arrival, number of generations and the AY infection status of leafhoppers over the growing season is underway. The abundance of Athysanus argentarius (Cicadellidae), another leafhopper AY vector, dropped unexpectedly in 2016 following a remarkable population increase over the past two growing seasons. A field experiment examined the attractiveness of several current wheat varieties to natural populations of leafhoppers. Aster leafhopper numbers spiked across all wheat varieties from July 14-21st, which suggests a Northward migration of this leafhopper from the Southern United States during this week. C.V. Pasteur wheat was most attractive to aster leafhoppers this year. In several commercial wheat fields, “white wheat” heads, which senesce before the rest of the crop and was clearly not caused by the wheat stem maggot. Analysis of these “white heads” for the aster yellows (AY) phytoplasma is ongoing but preliminary results indicate that the majority of the white wheat heads test positive for the AY. Molecular analysis of the incidence of AY in leafhoppers and wheat from this experiment is ongoing. Several more controlled growth chamber experiments were conducted this past year under various environmental conditions previously demonstrated to affect the virulence of AY in canola. A commercial durum variety was targeted for this series of experiments due to its apparently greater susceptibility to AY than current commercial wheat varieties. High light intensity, like in canola experiments, seems to increase the expression of AY symptoms in durum and led to several symptoms such as whole plant death, dwarfing, a reduced number of tillers, and tiller dieback where the entire tiller and head turns white (see previous descriptions above). Data analysis and further experiments are ongoing.

Continuing research: This project is funded through the Agriculture Development Fund (ADF project 20140198) and continues until March 2018. Similar AY infection experiments are ongoing on Camelina funded through the Soy 20/20 program.

Contact: Tyler Wist, AAFC-Saskatoon, 107 Science Place, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 0X2, Canada. [email protected] ###

10. Title: Bertha armyworm (Mamestra configurata): Genomics, population dynamics and biodiversity of pest and pathogens.

Author and Associates: M.A. Erlandson, D.D. Hegedus, O. Olfert

Problem: The bertha armyworm (BAW), Mamestra configurata, is one of the major insect pests of canola in western Canada. Despite the importance of this pest insect, little is known about BAW biodiversity, either in terms of genetic variation in populations from across its vast geographic range or whether differential susceptibilities or responses to insecticides or pathogens occur in different populations. However, there is anecdotal evidence of differential responses to pheromone lures in some populations leading to potential problems with the predictive value of trap counts. As well, there has been no attempt to determine whether the genetic makeup of outbreak populations differ from that of populations at lower endemic levels. A better understanding of the genome and genetic variation of this pest species will be critical to the implementation of biologically-based control strategies, including the use of biopesticides or transgenic crops.

Objective of Research: In collaboration with the Prairie Insect Pest Monitoring Network, we sampled BAW from across its geographic range during the last outbreak (2011-2014) and these samples were used to examine BAW genetic diversity. We used standard DNA marker technology approaches as well as Next Generation Sequencing genomics approaches to develop a comprehensive suite of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) markers for genetic diversity studies. As part of this process, we also used high throughput DNA sequencing technology to generate a draft BAW genome sequence. As well isolates of the baculovirus, Mametra configurata nucleopolyhedrovirus (MacoNPV) were sampled from geographic BAW populations and high throughput DNA sequencing was undertaken to generate complete genome sequences for comparative studies and to identify novel genes that may be exploited in novel insect control methods.

Summary of Results: During the three field seasons of this study we sampled and cataloged approximately 8000 adult male specimens from BAW pheromone and light traps from widely dispersed geographic regions in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and Washington State. We have used “genotyping by sequencing” approaches using ~ 200 individuals and identified ~ 6000 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) markers which were used in a genetic diversity analysis (STRUCTURE & DARwin). Although the bulk of the individuals sampled fell into one population, we were able to identify two additional genetically distinct populations with a few individuals. When we included males from four geographic population BAW laboratory colonies in the SNP analysis, each colony separated as a unique population probably as function of the small number of founder mating pairs.

We have assembled a working draft of the BAW genome with an estimated size of 637 Megabases which makes it one of the larger lepidopteran genomes sequenced to date. The draft genome has been very useful for identifying and characterizing genes of interest in various related studies on BAW physiology and reproductive biology. We have used laboratory colonies of the four geographic BAW populations from across Saskatchewan and Alberta to produce transcriptome libraries for both male and female head and antennae. We have identified and characterized a suite of 35 gene encoding olfactory receptor proteins and these include 3 male specific transcripts with homology to putative pheromone receptor proteins. We have also identified 3 male specific pheromone binding proteins. We are continuing to build a model of the pheromone communication channel for BAW.

Continuing Research: The original project was funded through March 31, 2016. However, we are continuing analysis of our current BAW genetic variation datasets and its implication for potential impact on geographic differences in BAW populations with respect to pest status and response to pheromone trapping efficiency.

Contact: Martin Erlandson, AAFC-Saskatoon, 107 Science Place, Saskatoon, SK S7N 0X2 [email protected]


11. Title: Development of a baculovirus biopesticide for control of cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni, in greenhouse vegetable production systems.

Author and Associates: M.A. Erlandson, Dave Gillespie, David Theilmann

Problem: The cabbage looper (Trichoplusia ni) is an important insect pest of horticulture and vegetable production in the Canadian greenhouse industry. This industry relies heavily on sustainable, largely non-chemical pest control strategies to meet consumer demand for high quality pesticide free produce. Until recently, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) was the only registered microbial control agent in Canada for use against greenhouse pests. However, cabbage looper populations in BC have developed high levels of resistance to Bt due to its repeated use. This has created the need for alternative microbial agents that minimally disrupt other natural enemy associations in greenhouse production systems. Two baculoviruses, Autographa californica Multiple Nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV) and Trichoplusia ni Single Nucleopolyhedrovirus (TnSNPV), have been isolated from T. ni populations in BC. These insect specific viruses have good potential for development as microbial control products for cabbage looper control and could play a vital role in maintaining the industry's chemical pesticide free status. However, for the PMRA registration process specific genetic, toxicological safety and field efficacy datasets need to be developed and compiled in sufficient detail to satisfy regulatory hurdles.

Objective of Research: In collaboration with AAFC Pest Management Centre and with industry partners, Sylvar Technologies (Fredericton, NB) and Andermatt Biocontrol (Switzerland), we undertook to generate genetic and biological data packages as well as initial greenhouse spray trial efficacy data that were required to obtain Pest Management Regulatory Agency registration of one of the indigenous strains of Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV) for the control of cabbage looper larvae in greenhouse vegetable production systems.

Summary of Results: Over the course of this study we generated genetic data including a complete genome sequence of an indigenous strain AcMNPV isolate FV11along with an assessment of its relatedness to other baculoviruses. We were also able to develop biological data packages including the virus host range and invertebrate non-target assessments. As well we completed initial greenhouse spray trial efficacy data on various target crop plants. These data were instrumental in obtaining Pest Management Regulatory Agency registration of AcMNPV- FV11 for the control of cabbage looper larvae in greenhouse vegetable production systems in June 2015. The AcMNPV-FV11 virus was registered under the tradename LOOPEX and gives greenhouse producers an additional non-chemical pest control product for cabbage looper infestations. LOOPEX is applied using standard greenhouse spray technology and can be easily integrated into greenhouse IPM strategies for insect pest control. More information on LOOPEX is available on the Sylvar Technologies or Andermatt Biocontrol websites. http://www.export.biocontrol.ch/sites/products/bio-insecticides/baculovirus/loopex.html or http://www.sylvar.ca/en/online-store/loopex-detail

Contact: Martin Erlandson, AAFC-Saskatoon, 107 Science Place, Saskatoon, SK S7N 0X2, [email protected]

2016 Alberta Research Report

Compiled by Héctor Cárcamo For the Western Committee of Crop Pests Saskatoon, 20 October 2016

Olds College School of Science and Horticulture 1. Title: Biology and Distribution of an Alien Invasive Species new to Alberta, the Lily Leaf Beetle, Lilioceris lilii (Scopoli)

Author and Associates: Ken Fry Problem: The alien invasive species, Lilioceris lilii, was first detected in North America in Montreal in 1943 (LeSage 1983) but has since spread to Ontario (Bouchard et al. 2008), the Maritimes (Majka & LeSage 2008), and Manitoba (Elliott & LeSage 2004). This beetle was reported from cultivated lilies in Airdrie, Alberta in 2006 (unpubl. res.). Both cultivated and native species of Lilium are threatened by this pest. Objective of Research: The objective of this part of the project is to determine the viability of the parasitoid, Terastichus setifer, for biological control of the lily beetle. Summary of Results: Adult parasitoids were obtained from the lab of Dr. Naomi Cappucino at Carleton University in summer of 2014 and again in summer of 2015. One hundred adult parasitoids were released in the lily collection on the campus of Olds College in 2014 and again in 2015. Fifty adult parasitoids were released at the Reader Rock Garden and the Calgary Zoo in Calgary, Alberta in 2015. Lily beetle larvae from the Olds College site were collected and allowed to pupate under laboratory conditions. No parasitoids were recovered from the 2015 material. This may be due in part to a deficiency in overwintering methods and not a reflection of a failure to establish. Lily beetle larvae were collected in spring and summer at the Olds College site in 2016 and will be overwintered using a new protocol to determine successful colonization in 2016. Continuing Research: Continued funding from the Alberta Regional Lily Society will allow for continued monitoring of the establishment and spread of the parasitoid and for continued releases of the parasitoid from laboratory cultures provided by Dr. Cappucino. Contact: Ken Fry

University of Alberta Department of Biological Sciences 2. Title: Mark-recapture to test the attractive radius of semiochemical-baited traps to the pea leaf weevil (Sitona lineatus)

Author and Associates: Evenden, M.L.1, Sjolie, D.M.1, Reddy, G.V.P.2, Carcamo, H.A3, 1Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB 2 Western Triangle Agriculture Research Station, Montana State University, Conrad, MT, USA 3Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge Research Centre, Lethbridge, AB

Problem: The pea leaf weevil, Sitona lineatus (Coleoptera: Cucurlionidae), is an invasive pest of field pea Pisum sativum and faba beans Vicia faba (Fabales: ) in the Prairie Provinces. A semiochemical-based monitoring system will enable widespread, producer-based monitoring of this pest’s invasion. Initial studies found S. lineatus to be attracted to pitfall traps baited with aggregation pheromone in both the spring and fall and suggested that the addition of bean volatiles may enhance attraction to the aggregation pheromone. The current study is designed to determine the attractive radius of semiochemical-baited traps. This information will be necessary to establish an effective area-wide monitoring program for the pea leaf weevil. Objective: Determine the attractive radius of semiochemical-baited pea leaf weevil traps in order to better interpret the relationship between trap catch and population density. Methodology: The experimental design for 2016 was reconfigured from the 2015 design to mark the same number of , but increase weevils released from each distance and reduce the total number of sites. Adult pea leaf weevils were collected by hand in alfalfa fields around Lethbridge, Alberta in late-July, 2016. Weevils were marked on their pronotum using different colours of nail polish. Two harvested pea fields were selected as release sites; each field site had a trap line with 8 pit fall traps spaced 75m apart and baited with two traps of each treatment (aggregation pheromone in an Eppendorf tube, aggregation pheromone in rubber septa, aggregation pheromone plus bean volatile, unbaited controls). Eight hundred and fifty marked individuals were released at each of 3 distances (10m, 25m, and 100m) downwind of the trap line. Traps were checked after 24 hours and then at weekly intervals for five weeks thereafter. Results: Semiochemical-baited traps attracted 0 of the 5 100 marked pea leaf weevils over the six weeks of trap collection. Total feral pea leaf weevils captured was significantly lower in 2016 than 2015 (1414 captured in 2016; 20097 captured in 2015). Continuing Research: Lures will be measured to determine release rates of the different dispensers. A recently funded project (ACIDF) will use the semiochemical trapping system to determine the distribution of pea leaf weevil in Alberta and Saskatchewan in the summer of 2017. Contact: Maya Evenden

3. Title: Effect of canola infection with clubroot disease on oviposition by the bertha armyworm

Author and Associates: Weeraddana, C.1, Manolii, V.2, Strelkov, S.2, Evenden, M.L.1 1Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB 2Department of Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB Problem: Bertha armyworm (BAW), Mamestra configurata Walker (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a polyphagous insect herbivore but primarily feeds on Brassicaceae plants such as canola. BAW is considered a late-season canola pest as the larvae feed on the plants after flowering which can lead to seedpod damage. The plant pathogen Plasmodiophora brassicae is a soil born obligate biotrophic protist that causes clubroot disease. Distributions of clubroot and BAW overlap in the Prairies, thus it is important to study the interaction between the two. Plants infected with plant pathogens may have different volatile organic compound (VOCs) profiles, making them more or less susceptible to oviposition and larval feeding. Objectives: 1. To examine oviposition by BAW on P. brassicae-infected and non-infected canola 2. To examine the larval performance and preference on clubroot infected and non-infected plants 3. To examine the total salicylic acid (SA) and total jasmonic acid (JA) levels in clubroot infected and non-infected canola plants 4. To study the VOCs emitted by clubroot infected and non-infected plants Methodology: Susceptible and non-susceptible cultivars of canola were inoculated with 1x107/mL concentration of P.brassicae. At plant flowering, both no-choice and choice oviposition experiments. This experiment was also conducted with mild clubroot infection on clubroot-susceptible canola. Larval assays consisted of a two-choice design offering either a clubroot-infected or uninfected leaf for 24 hours. Salicylic acid and jasmonic acid levels were determined as a measure of plant defense response using HPLC-MS analyses from plants 5 weeks after inoculation. Results: BAW are able to discriminate between infected and non-infected canola plants. Female BAW females prefer to oviposit on non-infected clubroot susceptible plants compared to infected canola or non-susceptible plants. Larvae developed poorly on clubroot infected plants, yielding smaller pupae in both sexes. Total SA levels are higher in infected canola plants in both cultivars. Total JA levels in infected samples are lower than in non-infected samples. Continuing Research: Test how other insect interactions (ex. diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae)) and mechanical plant damage can affect VOCs profile and BAW response. Continue with objective 3 and 4. Contact: Maya Evenden

4. Title: Food-based semiochemicals as a potential tool to monitor cutworm moth (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) diversity in Prairie agro-ecosystems

Author and Associates: Batallas, R.E.1, Evenden, M.L.1 1Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB Problem: Cutworms (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a group of at least eight native generalist pest species. Within this group, the redbacked cutworm (Euxoa ochrogaster Guenée) and the pale western cutworm (Agrotis orthogonia Morrison) are the most common species affecting canola and cereal crops in the Prairies. Sex pheromone monitoring programs were initiated in the 1980s however they were not adopted widely as the trap catch did not reflect crop damage. Food-based (FB) semiochemicals, consisting of acetic acid and a short chain alcohol, could be an alternative for monitoring multiple cutworm species using a single lure and trap. Objectives: 1. Assess redbacked cutworm activity on two cropping systems: canola and wheat 2. Enhance the attractiveness of FB with additional semiochemicals (Isobutanol and Phenylacetaldehyde) 3. Measure Hymenoptera by-catch in baited traps 4. Evaluate noctuid moth community assemblage in two cropping system: canola and wheat Methodology: Seven sites, each with a canola and wheat plot, were used in three central Albertan counties. FB or pheromone-baited Green Unitraps were spaced 25 m apart along the edges of the fields. Sex pheromones were rubber septa supplied from Contech Enterprises and replaced after 6 weeks. FB lures were Nalgene bottles with a 3mm hole for bait release and were replaced biweekly. Four different cutworm sex pheromones were used: redbacked cutworm (RBC), bertha armyworm (BAW), pale western cutworm (PWC), and true armyworm (TAW). Four different food bait lures were made: FB (acetic acid + 3-methyl-1-butanol), FB + MP (2- methyl-1-propanol), FB + PAA (phenylacetaldehyde), and FB+MP+PAA. Trap catch was identified using visual markers or genitalia dissections. Results: Pheromone trap-catch did not represent local breeding of the cutworm populations, suggesting that long-distance attraction to sex-pheromone baited traps potentially overestimates cutworm densities. Additional compounds did not enhance the attraction of the basicfood-bait to pest cutworms. Bombus spp. are attracted to cutworm pheromone baited traps and food baits with floral volatiles. While Dolichovespula spp. are attracted to food baits with fermented sugars. The use of short-range attraction may attract resident moths and produce better estimations of the populations. Contact: Maya Evenden

5. Title: Integrated pest management of wheat midge, Sitodiplosis mosellana, in the Peace River region: validation of current monitoring tools and investigation of biology

Author and Associates: Jorgensen, A.1, Otani, J. Evenden, M.L.1 1Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB

Problem: The wheat midge, Sitodiplosis mosellana Géhin (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), is an invasive pest of wheat (Triticum spp.). Tools available for adult monitoring include: degree-day based emergence models, sex-pheromone baited traps, in-field scouting, and predictive population maps. These tools are available across the Canadian Prairies, but their accuracy and efficacy has not been determined in the Peace River region. The climate and day length are different in Northern Alberta compared to Southern Saskatchewan, where wheat midge monitoring tools were developed. Objectives: 1. To determine seasonal patterns of wheat midge emergence in relation to abiotic conditions. 2. To compare the effectiveness of commercially available sex-pheromone lures and trap card colours for wheat midge capture. 3. To validate action thresholds of different monitoring tools in the Peace region. 4. To determine seasonal and diurnal patterns of wheat midge flight in the Peace region. 5. To determine the ability of fall soil core samples to predict in-field populations of wheat midge the following year. 6. To determine longevity and overwintering ability of wheat midge from the Peace River region.

Methodology: Objectives 1-5 were tested at fifteen commercial field sites in the Peace River region: seven fields seeded to susceptible wheat in 2015, seven fields seeded to susceptible wheat in 2016, and one field seeded to susceptible wheat in 2015 and 2016. I. Eight plastic emergence traps were spaced 10 m apart along the edge of a commercial field seeded to susceptible wheat in 2015. Traps were monitored three times weekly from 20 June 2016 to 5 August 2016 during wheat midge flight. II. Eight pheromone traps were spaced 50 m apart along the edge of a field of susceptible wheat. Two trap colours (orange and green) and three lures (flex lure and two septa lures) or no lure were tested. Treatments were randomized along a North-South transect at each site. Traps were monitored weekly from 20 June 2016 to 18 August 2016 during wheat midge flight.

III. Pheromone traps (objective 2) were collected during wheat midge flight. In-field scouting was done at three sites for four nights during peak wheat midge flight. Midges per head were counted on ten heads at five spots in each field. Yellow sticky cards (23 7.62 by 12.7 cm cards, 9 10 cm by 18 cm cards, and 9 rolled 10 cm by 18 cm cards) were placed at two sites. Sixteen traps (10 small cards, three large cards and three rolled cards) were spaced 10 m apart along the field edge. A second set of 16 traps were spaced 10 m into the field. Three traps (one small, one large and one rolled) were spaced 25 m into the field. Six traps (two small, two large and two rolled) were spaced 50 m into the field. Traps were monitored weekly from 22 June 2016 to 17 August 2016 during wheat midge flight. Fifty wheat heads were collected at 24 spots in each field, and larval number will be counted. Wheat samples (1 m x 1 m quadrats) were hand harvested at 24 spots in each field. Yield and quality information will be obtained and compared to adult and larval numbers. IV. In-field scouting (objective 3) was done during peak flight. Temperature and relative humidity was measured over the scouting period. V. Soil cores were collected in the “W” pattern used when collecting for the predictive soil core map. Cores were collected to a depth of 11.4 cm with a steel tube with an inner diameter of 1.9 cm. Seventeen cores were collected at each site of susceptible wheat. Number of wheat midge cocoons will be compared to measures of population in the following year. VI. Soil cores were collected in the “W” pattern used when collecting for the predictive soil core map. A total of 68 cores were collected in the spring at four commercial fields seeded to susceptible wheat in 2015. A sample of loose surface soil (1.37 m by 2.54 cm by 13 cm) was also collected at two sites. Soil was reared in plastic pails with fine mesh for ventilation and kept moist. Wheat midge adults and parasitoids were collected as they emerged.

Wheat midge adults were reared individually in plastic cups and provided 10% sugar solution. Longevity was recorded. Soil will be processed to count number of unsuccessful cocoons. Larvae collected from wheat heads (objective 3) were placed in individual plastic cups with moist soil. Larvae will be overwintered in either climate controlled conditions (2°C) or outdoors. Adult emergence will be recorded in 2017. Adults will be reared individually in plastic containers and longevity will be recorded.

Results: Samples from 2016 experiments are being processed and data is being analyzed. Preliminary data on the comparison of different pheromone trapping systems will be presented at the Entomological Society of Alberta meeting at the end of October. Continuing research: Experiments addressing objectives 1-6 will be continued in 2017. The number of sites used in objectives 1-4 will be increased in 2017. Contact: Jennifer Otani or Maya Evenden

Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Science & Technology Branch, Calgary

6. Title: National Pollinator Health Study – Native Bee Component

Authors: Steve Javorek, Sophie Cardinal, Mark Wonneck Problem: Native bees are critically important to agriculture in Canada, yet many populations of these insects have experienced significant losses over recent years. In 2014, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada initiated a three-year study to assess risk factors that appear to be contributing to these losses. Objective of Research: To identify risks to native bees associated with exposure to neonicotinoid pesticides and pathogens, especially those that may have “spilled-over” from managed pollinator populations. To establish baseline native bee abundance and diversity to allow for long term monitoring of these populations. To relate native bee populations to landscape pattern. Summary of Work to Date: Sampling protocols were developed and tested in 2014 and implemented in 2015 at 28 sites in seven ecoregions in each of Alberta, Ontario and Nova Scotia. Pathogen analysis is underway. Neonicotinoid analysis expected to begin in the winter of 2015. Specimen processing and databasing are underway. The results of the study are expected to be published beginning in late 2016. Contact for Alberta component: Mark Wonneck

Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Science & Technology Branch, Lethbridge Research and Development Centre

7. Title: CARP Cutworm Research Project – Cutworm Pests of Crops on the Canadian Prairies: Identification and Management Field Guide.

Author and Associates: Kevin Floate, Erl Svendsen Problem: Cutworms are a complex of noctuid species that outbreak sporadically across the Canadian Prairies. Timely and effective control requires accurate identification of the pest species. Existing guides for cutworm identification are either outdated or limited in scope. Objectives of Research: 1) Review the existing literature on cutworm pest species in Canada; 2) Write a comprehensive and updated guide on the identification of cutworm species affecting crops on the Canadian Prairies; 3) Distribute the guide to farmers, crop scouts, researchers and the general public. Summary of Results: The literature review and writing of the guide was completed in early 2016. The guide was written to help producers identify and control oilseed and cereal crop cutworm pest species found on the Canadian Prairies. Included is general information on the biology and control of these pests followed by species-specific information. A list of registered cutworm chemical control products is not provided, because available products frequently change. The guide includes summaries of previous cutworm research, older control methods, and reasons why some control methods are no longer recommended. Information sources, many of which can be found online, are cited throughout the text. The historical context combined with current information helps identify knowledge gaps to direct future research. It also simplifies updating of the guide in the future. To enhance the value of the guide, it is richly illustrated with photographs showing key features of cutworms (larvae, adults) to aid in species identification (see examples below). A first draft of the text was circulated to a small group of researchers for comment. The revised text was then circulated to agronomists and farmers for comment. Completion of the final draft is expected by the end of 2016. Continuing Research: Distribution of the guide is anticipated before the start of the growing season in 2017. Preparation of the guide is part of a larger, prairie-wide CARP Cutworm Research Project that was funded from 2012-2016. Contact: Kevin Floate

8. Title: Host range and multitrophic interactions between the parasitoid Cotesia vanessae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) hosts in North America

Author and associates: Vincent Hervet, Kevin Floate, Robert Laird.

Problem: Reports of cutworm outbreaks are persisting on the Canadian prairies. The number of affected fields is relatively low, but localized damage can be severe. Results of a survey in 2013 for Alberta identify the main crops attacked and the associated pest species as: peas (redbacked and pale western cutworms), canola (redbacked, pale western, army and dingy cutworms), and grain crops (army cutworm)1. Multiple species of cutworms were present in most cases, including mainly subterranean species. In these cases, chemical control can be ineffective.

Objective of research: Cotesia vanessae (Braconidae) is a European species of parasitoid newly recorded from North America2. The current research was performed to determine its potential to affect local populations of pestiferous cutworms, and non-pest species of other Lepidoptera.

Summary of results: The parasitoid was found to have a wide fundamental host range on Noctuidae species. Out of 48 species of Lepidoptera tested (35 pests and 13 non-pests), 38 were found to be hosts (30 pests and 8 non-pests). Parameters of fitness of the parasitoid on each host species were measured (percent successful parasitism, development time, number of parasitoids emerged per host, and weight of parasitoids). The best hosts appeared to be looper species (alfalfa looper, cabbage looper, soybean looper, celery looper) and certain cutworm species (redbacked cutworm, darksided cutworm, clover cutworm, winter cutworm, army cutworm, early cutworm, and dingy cutworm). Cotesia vanessae appears to be efficient at controlling these pests, and has numerous characteristics that are desirable for a biological control agent: the population is made of parthenogenetic females, they are gregarious (hosts produce in average 100 individuals), they are highly fertile, they can be maintained a long time as adults in the laboratory (up to a month and half), they parasitize hosts right away upon first encounter, and they have a facultative diapause.

In a separate experiment we found that there is a correlation between the quality of the food (in term of protein content) ingested by a caterpillar and the fitness of parasitoids infecting this caterpillar. More precisely, we found that parasitoid fitness is actually strongly correlated with host fitness, and host fitness is correlated with its food quality.

Through these investigations we found that the McMorran diet is suitable for the rearing of numerous Lepidoptera species.3

This research was funded by the Canola Council of Canada and the Alberta Conservation Association.

Continuing research: This project is complete. Future research should focus on investigating plant attractiveness to C. vanessae.

Contacts: Vincent Hervet, Kevin Floate.

9. Title: Intra-host interactions of root rot pathogens and an insect herbivore in field pea

Author and Associates: Telsa Willsey, Syama Chatterton, Héctor Cárcamo, James Thomas

Problem: Increased production of field pea (Pisum sativum) in the Canadian prairies has led to a higher incidence of a complex of pathogens causing root rot disease, and has instigated the range expansion of the pea leaf weevil Sitona lineatus. Both are known to cause significant reductions in crop yield. Due to their mutual association with the roots of their host, there is a high potential that the root pathogens Aphanomyces euteiches and several Fusarium species may interact with S. lineatus in a way that increases disease severity and further decreases yield.

Objectives: 1. Determine if disease severity is increased when P. sativum is simultaneously exposed to both root pathogens and S. lineatus. 2. Test the efficacy of a range of seed, foliar, and soil treatments in reducing disease severity and insect herbivory.

Summary of Results: Greenhouse experiments were conducted to assess disease severity and extent of insect herbivory in P. sativum seedlings that were exposed to S. lineatus larvae and F. avenaceum, either in isolation or simultaneously. Results indicate that simultaneous exposure significantly increases both disease severity and insect survival, suggesting that the two organisms are interacting within their host in a way that is mutually favourable. Field trials taking place in three locations in southern Alberta in the summer of 2016 tested a range of chemical treatments aimed at mitigating damage caused by root rot pathogens and S. lineatus to field pea crops. The efficacy of the fungicides ethaboxam and fludioxonil, targeting A. euteiches and F. avenaceum, and the neonicotinoid insecticide thiamethoxam were compared when applied as single or combined treatments. Preliminary results indicate that when applied as a combined seed treatment, ethaboxam and fludioxonil may be effective in reducing disease severity in early stages of plant development. The neonicotinoid insecticide thiamethoxam appears to be effective in reducing herbivory by S. lineatus when used as a seed treatment, and this inhibitory effect appears to persist until early flowering stages of the crop. These results indicate that a combined fungicidal and insecticidal seed treatment may be an effective method of managing root disease and herbivory during the seedling stage, but that other management strategies are necessary to protect plants from pathogens during later stages of development. Continuing Research: A second set of greenhouse trials will be conducted using faba bean (Vicia faba) as a host. V. faba is more resistant to root rot pathogens than P. sativum, and will therefore be used to test the strength of the interaction previously observed in P. sativum. Seed was harvested from the 2016 field trials, and assessments of the quantity and quality of yield are underway. Pathogen populations in the roots of sampled plants will be quantified using a multi-plex qPCR assay and compared between treatments. An identical set of field trials will be conducted in the summer of 2017. Contact: Telsa Willsey, Syama Chatterton, Héctor Cárcamo

10. Title: Reducing necrotic spots on faba beans: lygus, chocolate spot or both? (ACIDF 2015 – 2017) Part I: survey

Author and Associates: Surinder Kaur, S. Meers, S. Barkley, S. Chatterton, H. Carcamo, J. Thomas, , M. Harding, N. Harker, R. Bowness, P. Reid. Problem: Faba bean acreage is increasing in central and southern Alberta. Lygus bugs appear to damage the seeds and reduce their marketability; damage could be confounded with chocolate spot and needs further study. Objective of Research: To determine lygus abundance and species composition in faba beans and severity of chocolate spot disease in central and southern Alberta and relate it to seed quality. To elucidate the insect-fungal-plant interactions using controlled assays. Summary of Results: 2016. Chocolate spot was observed at every site and in every field surveyed (100% prevalence and incidence), however severity was generally low. Severity was lowest in the upper canopy (mean = 0.3), and progressively worsened towards the lower canopy (mean = 1.1, small discrete lesions covering 1-2% of leaf surface). Insect sorting and identification is ongoing, however, from initial screening, Lygus lineolaris is dominant throughout Alberta. Data collected for chocolate spot disease severity, lygus abundance and amount of necrotic spot damage on faba beans were analysed. Lygus abundance in the fields, both at the crop flowering to pod stage, and maturity stage (before harvesting), were positively co-related to the necrotic spots that developed on the faba bean seeds. Botrytis was isolated from undamaged beans while Stemphyllium, Fusaruim and Alternaria were isolated frequently from the damaged faba. This suggests fungal invasion, particularly Stemphyllium, Fusaruim and Alternaria facilitated by mechanical damage on faba bean seeds incited by Lygus bugs or plant pre-disposed to chocolate spot disease. However, Botrytis internally infected the faba bean seeds (with no apparent Lygus feeding!). Lygus and Botrytis affected faba beans independently. The results point to the need for early scouting of faba beans fields for Lygus infestation and chocolate spot disease severity and incidence thereby adopting pro- active measures. Also, avoid sowing infected seeds from previously chocolate spot infected crops. Continuing Research: A pilot greenhouse study inoculating Botrytis sp. and Lygus lineolaris is ongoing to study the role of Botrytis and Lygus in lowering faba bean seeds under controlled conditions. Contact: Surinder Kaur, Syama Chatterton, Héctor Cárcamo

11. Title: Reducing necrotic spots on faba beans: lygus, chocolate spot or both? (ACIDF 2015 – 2017).

Part II: pesticide plot study Author and Associates: S. Chatterton, H. Carcamo, J. Thomas, N. Harker, S. Shirtliffe, P. Reid, A. Syrovy, S. Kaur, S. Daniels, S. Erickson, C. Chelle. Problem: Lygus bugs appear to damage the seeds and reduce their marketability; damage could be confounded with chocolate spot and needs further study. Objective of Research: To assess effects of insecticide and fungicide to reduce necrotic spots and protect yields and quality. To elucidate the insect-fungal-plant interactions using controlled assays. Summary of Results: A plot study with various fungicide and insecticide treatments at flower and pod was completed in Lethbridge, Lacombe, and Saskatoon. Plots were swept weekly to sample lygus bugs, which appeared to be low in all sites. Inoculation of chocolate spot in Lethbridge resulted in substantial disease expression on plant foliage. In Saskatoon lygus and disease pressure were low similar to 2015. Only the site at Lacombe was not harvested before the snow arrived. Continuing Research: This was the second and final year for this study. Contact: Syama Chatterton or H. Cárcamo or Boyd Mori

12. Title: Range expansion of the pea leaf weevil into the Parkland region of Saskatchewan

Author and Associates: H. Carcamo, B. Mori, A. Syrovy, Gadi Reddy. Problem: Pea leaf weevil is a potential pest of peas and faba beans in the Prairies. Sweep samples in faba bean near Saskatoon in 2015 found 60 Sitona weevils that could be pea leaf weevil. Objective of Research: To confirm the presence of pea leaf weevil outside its reported range in Saskatchewan near Saskatoon. Summary of Results: Pheromone lures were obtained from Dr. G. Reddy (Montana State University). Two types were used: gray septa formulation (Formulation A Lot RD4.78.1) and lures of a small bubble formulation (Formulation B Lot RD4.78.2). These were deployed using pitfall traps at the Kernen Crops Research Farm in early spring near the faba bean site where putative pea leaf weevils were collected the previous year. After one week, on 1 June 2016, there were a total of 30 and 53 pea leaf weevils in the 5 traps of each formulation type (ranges of 1-10, and 5-20), respectively. Continuing Research: This portion of the research is complete. A multidisciplinary proposal led by Dr. Meghan Vankosky was submitted to ADF to continue research on PLW in Saskatchewan. Contact: H. Cárcamo or Boyd Mori.

13. Title: Biology and management of pea leaf weevil in support of faba bean and pea production

Author and Associates: H. Carcamo, Asha Wijerathna, Maya Evenden, Neil Harker, Patty Reid, Jim Broatch, Sheree Daniels, Randall Brandt, Meghan Vankosky, S. Chatterton, T. Wilsey and. Problem: Pea leaf weevil has expanded its range to the Parkland Ecoregion of Alberta and Saskatchewan where it causes visible damage to faba beans. Objective of Research: To improve our knowledge of overwintering biology of PLW, insect plant interactions with faba beans and peas, non-target impact of insecticides in faba beans, validate economic threshold and develop management recommendations for this crop. Summary of Results: A plot study with and without thiametoxam treated seed, foliar insecticide at the 2nd or 4th node stage and a combination of seed treatment and foliar insecticide was conducted at Lethbridge and Lacombe. Foliage and nodule damage data and yield data was collected but remains to be analyzed. A field overwintering study to assess survivorship is being set up this fall in five sites: Edmonton, Lacombe, Lethbridge, Saskatoon and Swift Current. Also, laboratory studies to determine survivorship at various temperatures are planned for this winter and measurements of supercooling points and other physiological parameters. Continuing Research: This is year 1 of 3. Contact: H. Cárcamo or Maya Evenden

14. Tittle: Effects of the landscape structure on abundance of Cereal Leaf Beetle Oulema melanopus and its parasitoid, Tetrastichus julis

Author and Associates: Arash Kheirodin, Alejandro Costamagna, Héctor Cárcamo. Problem: The cereal leaf beetle as an invasive pest currently increasing its abundance in southern and central Alberta and has further expanded its range to Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Objective of Research: Our objective is to use of landscape ecology techniques to quantify landscape features that results in successful establishment of this parasitoid and ultimately in the control of the pest. Summary of Results: The abundance and percentage parasitism of cereal leaf beetle was assessed in 30 wheat fields (13 spring wheat and 17 winter wheat fields) in southern Alberta from June 15 to July 30, 2014. Fields were located within a wide range of agricultural landscapes ranging from simple to highly complex. Landscapes were characterized based on the percentage of the semi natural habitats (including pasture, native and cultivated grassland, and riparian vegetation) and percentage of cultivated area in proximity with the wheat fields sampled. Both cereal lea beetle and parasitoid responded the best to the landscape at 1000 m scale. Percent parasitism decreased with higher proportion of barley, and increased with higher proportion of grass, pasture, canola and other crops at the 1000 m scale. CLB abundance decreased, as the proportion of urban increased in the landscape. As the proportion of semi natural, canola and other crops increased in the landscape the number of CLB increased in the wheat fields. Surprisingly, CLB abundance was not affected by the proportion of wheat area in the landscape. Continuing Research: The field work is complete. Contact: Arash Kheirodin, Alejandro Costamagna, Héctor Cárcamo 15. Title: Relocation of T. julis for biocontrol of cereal leaf beetle in the Prairies

Author and Associates in 2016: Héctor Cárcamo, Cheryl Chelle, Jennifer Otani, John Gavloski, Wendy Leeds, Patty Reid. Problem: The cereal leaf beetle has been increasing in local abundance in southern Alberta and has further expanded its range in the Prairies in 2016. Objective of Research: To relocate Tetrastichus julis as needed to control cereal leaf beetle in the Prairies. Summary of Results: In 2016 batches of 200– 475 T. julis adults were shipped to collaborators to be released around Beaverlodge (AB.), Guy (AB.), Langenburg (central eastern SK), Moosomin (SK.), Roseisle (SW Manitoba), Rathwell (Manitoba), and Portage la Prairie (Manitoba). The majority of these 2100 or so adults were obtained by field collection of adult T. julis, and of larvae parasitized by T. julis under field conditions in winter wheat and spring wheat, and reared in cages in the green house. This method was the only one used in 2016 because of its superior success rate over laboratory exposure of insects reared indoors, or the baiting of plants with larvae in the field used in previous years. No T. julis cocoons will be available for relocation fall 2016. Continuing Research: This project is complete. Future efforts should focus on post-release monitoring. Contact: Héctor Cárcamo and Cheryl Chelle

16. Title: Dynamic action threshold for cereal leaf beetle

Author and Associates in 2016: Haley Catton, Héctor Cárcamo, Alejandro Costamagna. Problem: Despite effective biocontrol of cereal leaf beetle by T. julis, a few fields were sprayed in 2013-2015 at low or moderate damage levels. Objective of Research: To eliminate insecticide spraying for cereal leaf beetle by incorporating the role of natural enemies into a dynamic action threshold. Summary of Results: In 2016 a cage study was implemented near Lethbridge. The treatments included a control without insects, herbivore treatment with 20 adult cereal leaf beetles and combinations of the herbivore and the parasitoid (T. julis) and generalist predators (coccinellids, spiders, carabids). Each treatment was replicated in 7 cages. CLB larvae were sampled once during the growing season inside and outside cages. All insects were removed when wheat was mature just before harvest to relate natural enemy and pest density to yield. Samples remain to be sorted and analyzed. Continuing Research: The study will be repeated two more years. Contact: Haley Catton and Héctor Cárcamo

17. Title: Validating the economic threshold for flea beetles in the Prairies.

Author and Associates: Alejandro Costamagna, Hector Carcamo, Jennifer Otani, Tyler Wist, John Gavloski. Problem: Flea beetles are probably the number one insect pest in the Prairies, yet only nominal threshold are used. Objective of Research: To validate the nominal threshold for flea beetles in various ecoregions of the Prairies. This report deals with the studies in southern Alberta, similar studies were done in Beaverlodge. Summary of Results: In 2016 the plot study with Brassica napus cv. SY 4135 was seeded around the end of April or early May at 3 locations (two near Lethbridge and 1 near Vauxhall) and near the end of May at two locations near Lethbridge and Vauxhall. There was very rapid and substantial damage in all the early seeded plots more than the late seeded plots. Plots were sprayed near the 25% threshold and 45% for the early seeded sites and at 15% and 25 % for the late seeded plots. Repeated applications were required to keep the damage at medium or low levels. Changing of sticky cards, canola emergence /survivorship counts, sweeping of plots, individual canola plant staging and collection of pods for cabbage seedpod weevil assessment were completed. Sticky cards were maintained at the top of canola canopy. Experiments were sprayed for cabbage seed pod weevil and Lygus as required using economic thresholds. Matador (lambda- cyhalothrin) at 34 mls/ac was used for all insecticide applications and applied using a field sprayer at a spray volume of 100 l/ha. Canola was desiccated then straight cut on Sept 1 (LRDC), Sept 17 (FS – April 29), Sept 20 (FS – May 26), Aug 31 (Vauxhall – May 2) and Sept 20 (Vauxhall – May 26). Farming Smarter (May 26) had gopher damage, a late herbicide application, flooding and several missing samples caused by inadequate storage/handling. Continuing Research: The study will be repeated at a reduced scale in 2017. Contact: Alejandro Costamagna and Héctor Cárcamo

18. Title: On farm validation of lygus and other insect thresholds in canola the Prairies.

Author and Associates: Hector Carcamo, Alejandro Costamagna, Jennifer Otani, Tyler Wist, John Gavloski. Problem: The current lygus threshold recommended is 1 lygus per sweep at the early pod stage. This was developed on open cultivars no longer planted. Canola cage studies with a hybrid cultivar recently suggested a higher threshold around 3 and 2 per sweeps for southern and central regions, respectively. Objective of Research: To validate the lygus threshold using commercial canola fields. Also to assess impact of spraying for flea beetles on canola yield and thereby validate current nominal thresholds for this pest as well. Summary of Results: In 2016, lygus pressure was very low throughout the prairies. In southern Alberta very few fields reached threshold levels. However, two fields reached around 2 to 3 per sweep in the Claresholm region (ca. 60 km north west of Lethbridge) and 4 large strips of 80 m x 200 m were randomly selected and sprayed with insecticide for lygus at the early pod stage. Equivalent control strips were randomly allocated within the field. Fields were sampled with a sweep net before and after spray and quadrat samples were collected for yield from each strip as well as pods to assess cabbage seedpod weevil damage. Yields were also saved from the combine monitor. Data analysis remains to be done. In Manitoba one farm was assessed for flea beetles following a similar design. Continuing Research: The Canola Council agreed to extend the study for another 3 years to allow data collection at other sites in the 3 Prairie Provinces. Contact: Héctor Cárcamo, Alejandro Costamagna, Jennifer Otani, Tyler Wist, John Gavloski Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Science & Technology Branch, Beaverlodge Research Farm

19. Title: Prairie Pest Monitoring Network – Peace River region monitoring.

Author and Associates: Jennifer Otani, Owen Olfert, Nancy Melnychuk, Boyd Mori, Julie Soroka Problem: The Peace River region includes ~3.7 million hectares of farmland and ~1.7 million hectares is sown to crops. Crop protection, based on in-field monitoring, is vital both for annual and long-term data which helps producers and the agricultural industry deal with in- season pest issues. The data also supports entomological researchers with biodiversity and spatial distribution data over time for our economically significant insect pests and some of their natural enemies. Since 2005, commercial fields near Beaverlodge AB have been monitored during the growing season to generate data used annually for prairie-wide spatial distribution maps and for use in a long-term database supporting federal entomological research in field crop protection. Objective of Research: To perform weekly in-field monitoring for flea beetles, diamondback moth, Bertha armyworm, leafhoppers, Lygus, swede midge and wheat midge within the Peace River region. Summary of Results: Sticky traps, pheromone traps, sweep-net and hand-collection of the above insect pests commenced in May and continued weekly until mid-August. In 2016, five commercial fields were monitored within a 25km north-south transect in the AB Peace (i.e., Halcourt-Beaverlodge-Valhalla) plus two additional sites in the BC Peace (i.e., Rolla- Dawson Creek-Fort St. John-Clayhurst). At time of reporting, sticky trap and pheromone trap samples were processed to allow for general summaries although sweep-net samples are scheduled for processing in December 2016. Flea beetle sticky card monitoring performed along the field edge at seven commercial fields of canola located near Halcourt, Beaverlodge, Hythe, Clairmont, Valleyview, Valhalla, Grande Prairie, Rolla BC, and Baldonnel BC amounted to 8385 Phyllotreta striolata, 400 Crepidodera nana, 76 Psylliodes punctulata, 38 P. cruciferae, 27 Chaetocnema irregularis, and one Ch. protensa in 2016. Eight of nine sites were dominated by P. striolata whereas the site near Valleyview was dominated by Pysl. punctulata followed by P. striolata in 2016. DBM pheromone trap monitoring in 2016 at the above sites amounted to 1350 moths intercepted between April 18 and July 26, 2016. Initial DBM were intercepted on May 3, 2016, at AAFC-Beaverlodge, but May 10, 2016, for sites near Halcourt, Clairmont, Beaverlodge, Valleyview, Hythe. In BC, DBM moths were initially intercepted on May 17, 2016, near Rolla but June 28, 2016 near Baldonnel in 2016. None of the sites monitored experienced economically damaging levels of DBM larvae during the 2016 growing season. Swede midge pheromone trapping was performed at two sites located near Baldonnel BC and Rolla BC in 2016. Traps will be processed in November 2016. Bertha armyworm pheromone trapping was performed by deploying a single trap at six sites located near Halcourt, Beaverlodge, Hythe, Valhalla, and Clairmont AB plus two BC sites near Baldonnel and Rolla in 2016. Only 10 BAW moths were intercepted from the six Albertan sites during the six weeks of pheromone trap monitoring in 2016 that also included 41 native bees and 480 other noctuid moths. In BC, a total of 11 BAW moths were intercepted along with 129 native bees and 99 other noctuid moths in 2016. All bees were retained as frozen specimens at AAFC-Beav. Wheat midge pheromone trap monitoring was performed near Halcourt, Valhalla, Grande Prairie and Beaverlodge AB in 2016 and amounted to 3683 intercepted. At the Halcourt site, a total of 1368 WM were intercepted but the seasonal peak occurred unusually late during collection period July 26-August 3, 2016. A total of 62 WM were intercepted near Valhalla whereas a total of 822 WM were intercepted near Hythe AB in 2016. The highest number WM intercepted at sites monitored in 2016 was 1431 WM near Grande Prairie AB in 2016. Soil core sampling was performed at the above sites to assess WM densities and will be included in 2017 Wheat midge forecasting map available in January 2017. Also refer to the summary provided by A. Jorgensen, a M.Sc. candidate at the U of A who is working on wheat midge monitoring. Pea leaf weevil aggregation pheromone trap monitoring was performed at two sites in the Peace River region in 2016 with lures kindly provided by Evenden & St. Onge (U of A). Traps were monitoring weekly from April 18-June 7, 2016, with zero PLW evident in samples. Continuing Research: Monitoring by AAFC Staff is currently supported by WGRF until March 2018. Contact: Jennifer Otani

20. Title: Canola insect surveying - On the lookout for cabbage seedpod weevil and monitoring Lygus in the Peace River region.

Author and Associates: Jennifer Otani1, Owen Olfert2 Problem: The survey has been performed since 2003 with the main objectives of collecting canola insect pest data throughout the region and to detect introduction of the Cabbage seedpod weevil into the Peace River region. Sweep-net monitoring has been randomly performed at flower stages in the Peace River region in order to detect movement of the weevil north plus identify damaging populations of other canola insect pests occurring in commercial fields. Objectives of Research: 1) To detect the movement of cabbage seedpod weevil into canola production in the Peace River region. 2) To assess Lygus populations at full-flower stage of canola development. 3) To detect economically significant pests occurring in canola (e.g., grasshoppers, clover cutworms, leafhoppers).

Summary of Results. In 2016, a total of 156 commercial fields of Brassica napus (e.g., each field ≥80 acres in size) were surveyed and no B. rapa was encountered. Fields were spaced approximately 10 km apart and surveying was performed through the main canola production areas of the Peace River region in both British Columbia and Alberta during early- to mid-flower stages. Staff from AAFC-Beaverlodge1 and AAFC-Saskatoon2 surveyed July 5-7, 2016. The complete summary and geospatial maps can be viewed or downloaded at: http://insectpestmanagement.blogspot.ca/p/annual-peace-canola-survey.html Sweep-net samples were frozen then processed to generate data for a total of 21,278 arthropods which were identified and categorized into 38 taxa. Lygus specimens were identified to all five instar stages. The 2016 summary includes 15 economically important pests of canola reported from 156 surveyed canola fields plus data related to rotational practises in the Peace River region: 1. Lygus (Miridae: Lygus spp.) were the most common insect pest observed in sweep-net samples collected during surveying conducted from July 5-7, 2016. Lygus populations of ≤10 adults plus nymphs per 10 sweeps were observed in 51.3% of fields surveyed (Figure 1 and Table 1; N=156 fields). Densities of ≥16 adults plus nymphs per 10 sweeps were recorded in 48.7% of fields surveyed (Figure 1 and Table 1). A mean of 3.91 (±0.52 SEM, N=156 fields) Lygus per 10 sweeps were observed across surveyed sites (Range=0-71.8 per 10 sweeps).

2. Grasshoppers were present in only five canola fields surveyed for a total of 6 individuals which appear to be Camnulla pellucida adults and fifth instar nymphs. Additional sweeps were performed in grassy ditches adjacent to canola fields and those specimens will be identified to species and instar stages.

3. Leafhoppers were observed in 12.2% of canola fields surveyed but, more specifically, Aster leafhoppers were present in 7.7% of fields surveyed. A mean of 0.04 (±0.01 SEM, N=156 fields) leafhoppers per 10 sweeps were observed across surveyed sites (Range=0-1.4 per 10 sweeps). The highest density of leafhoppers observed was 1.4 per 10 sweeps so Aster yellows are not anticipated to be an economic issue in the Peace River region in 2016.

4. Flea beetles were present in 41.7% of canola fields surveyed in 2016. Of the 212 specimens retrieved, 38.2% were Phyllotreta striolata. A mean of 0.27 (±0.0.07 SEM, N=156 fields) flea beetles per 10 sweeps were observed across surveyed sites (Range=0-7.8 per 10 sweeps).

5. Alfalfa plant bugs were present in 18.6% of canola fields surveyed and vouchers have been retained to confirm the species of Adelphocoris. A total of 68 specimens were obtained and 22.1% were adults whereas 77.9% were nymphs ranging from 3-5 instar stages.

6. We are again pleased to report that zero cabbage seedpod weevil (Curculionidae: Ceutorhynchus obstrictus) were observed in the 156 fields sampled in the Peace River region in 2016. A total of 11 weevils were observed in survey samples; four were Tychius spp. while the remaining 7 specimens will be forwarded to the National Identification System (AAFC-Ottawa) for species confirmation.

7. Sweep-net monitoring is an efficient method to monitor several economic pests of canola but even this method has limitations. It will not provide a complete census for all arthropods occurring in field crops. The following survey data should be carefully weighed since neither density or diversity is accurately assessed from sweep-net samples for these arthropods:

• Diamondback moth (Plutellidae: Plutella xylostella) were present in 92.3% of canola fields sampled throughout the region but were represented by low numbers (1.82±0.17 SEM; N=156 fields) of DBM per 10 sweeps in 2016. It’s important to note that parasitoid wasps (e.g., Diadegma insulare, Diadromus subtilicornis, and Microplitis plutellae) were observed throughout the region and the presence of these natural enemies of DBM is strongly suspected to be keeping DBM densities relatively low.

Sweep-net monitoring is NOT recommended for DBM yet we collected a total of 1416 specimens from 156 fields in 2016 compared to a total of 672 specimens from 162 fields in 2015 or 230 specimens from 206 fields in 2014. Sites with >5 DBM per 10 sweeps included Grimshaw, Tompkins Landing, Silver Valley, Sexsmith, Eureka River, Doe Creek, Clayhurst, Peace River. • Root maggot (Delia sp.) adults were again common in fields and were collected from 151 of the 156 sites surveyed throughout the Peace River region in 2016. A mean of 2.64 (±0.25 SEM, N=156 fields) Delia spp. per 10 sweeps were observed across surveyed sites. Numbers collected by sweep- net surveying ranged from 0.0-27.0 Delia spp. flies per 10 sweeps in 2016 compared to 0.2-5.6 Delia sp. flies per 10 sweeps in 2015 or 0.2-10 flies per 10 sweeps in 2014 but growers should note – root assessments, rather than sweep-net monitoring, is recommended to accurately assess densities of root maggots.

• Normally the annual canola survey is conducted during the initial weeks of the Bertha armyworm adult flight period so larval stages, if present, are typically very small and difficult to accurately detect or identify within the sweep-net samples. Very low numbers of early instar lepidopteran larvae were observed in sweep-net samples in 2016! Bertha armyworm were tentatively identified in 11 of 156 fields surveyed (i.e., near Blumenort, La Crete, Halcourt, Rio Grande, Rycroft, Watino, Codesa, Wanham, Forest View, Bezanson, Grande Prairie).

• Clover cutworm larvae were observed at 16 sites (i.e., near Codesa, Valhalla x2, Wembley, Woking, Dimsdale, Spirit River, Silver Valley, La Crete, Blumenort, Fort Vermilion, Child Lake, Buffalo Head, Tompkins Landing, Notikewin).

• A single beet webworm larva was observed in a field near Grimshaw.

• Early instar larvae (1-2 instar stages; N=149 individuals) were collected from 39 fields in very low numbers (i.e., near Hawk Hills, Buffalo Head, Fort Vermilion, Valhalla, Spirit River, Blueberry Mountain, Bonanza, Happy Valley, Elmworth, La Glace, Grande Prairie, Clairmont, Teepee Creek, Wembley, Fairview, Beaverlodge, Scotswood, Woking, Sexsmith, Dow River Clayhurst, Farmington). Some of these specimens may be Checkered white butterfly larvae.

• Wheat midge is monitored at dusk using in-field counts of adults per wheat heads in order to apply the economic threshold. A total of 68 individuals were obtained in the sweep-net samples. Wheat midge adults were present in 14.1% of the canola fields surveyed in 2016 and absent from the remaining 85.9% fields.

• Macroglenes penetrans is a hymenopteran parasitoid that overwinters within wheat midge cocoons and emerges to fly over the same period as its host, the wheat midge. A total of 3027 individuals were retrieved from sweep-net samples in 2016! This biological control agent showed excellent synchrony with its host since it was recovered in exactly the same fields (i.e., it was present in 14.1% of canola field surveyed and absent from the remaining 85.9%). A mean of 0.09 (±0.04 SEM, N=156 fields) M. penetrans adults per 10 sweeps were observed across surveyed sites but ranged up to 5.4 per 10 sweeps in 2016.

• Spiders were represented by crab, wolf and jumping spiders which were retrieved from 60.9% of the 2016 canola fields sampled. One canola field provided 7 spiders in 50 sweeps!

• Aphids were collected from 60.9% of canola fields but numbers greater than 50 individuals per 50 sweeps were only observed in two fields in 2016.

• Thrips were collected from 91.7% of canola field surveyed. Pest and predatory species of thrips were not differentiated amongst while processing but growers may notice pod curling since 39.7% of fields surveyed had greater than 50 thrips per 50 sweeps.

• Bees are definitely not monitored accurately using a sweep-net. Even so, 47 specimens were obtained while surveying the 156 canola fields in 2016 and 17.0% were honeybees whereas the remaining 83.0% were native bees. Specimen vouchers were pinned from selected sites and can hopefully be identified to genus level.

8. Previous cropping data was recorded by visually inspecting the soil surface of surveyed canola fields. The most frequently observed soil surface stubble encountered beneath the 156 canola fields surveyed in 2016 was wheat stubble (63.9%), followed by canola (15.5%), barley (9.7%), residue that was characterized as “cereal” (9.0%), fields that were cultivated (1.3%), or pea stubble (0.1%).

THANK YOU to the following hard working AAFC staff who surveyed†, processed‡, and mapped∞ this data: Jadin Chahade1†‡, Kaitlin Freeman1†‡, Holly Spence1†‡, Hannah Avenant1†‡, Laura Stewart1†‡, Celine Coschizza1†‡, Emily Lemke1†‡, Owen Olfert2†∞, Taylor Kaye2†∞, Shelby Dufton1‡, and Amanda Jorgensen1‡.

Finally, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, Thank you to our canola producers for allowing us to sample in their fields!

Continuing Research: Insect surveying in canola will continue annually in the Peace River region. This research is supported by WGRF funding into 2018 and AAFC. Contact: Jennifer Otani

21. Title: Investigating pest management strategies for the red clover casebearer (Coleophora deauratella) in seed production.

Author and Associates: Jennifer Otani Problem: Insect monitoring in red clover seed production fields in the Peace River region since 2006 continues to confirm Coleophora deauratella Lienig & Zeller (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae) is established throughout the region. The red clover casebearer (RCCB) is the dominant insect pest causing significant yield losses in both first- and second-year seed stands of red clover. The objectives of the project are to continue studies examining the biology of this new insect pest and to identify natural enemies attacking the larvae in both red and alsike clovers grown for seed production. Objectives of Research: 1) To examine the phenology of C. deauratella in relation to red and alsike clover seed production. 2) To investigate natural enemies of C. deauratella.

Summary of Results: The seasonal phenology of C. deauratella and C. mayrella were monitored using commercially available pheromone traps at seven Albertan sites plus two BC sites in 2016. Pheromone traps were checked weekly plus weekly sweep-net collections were performed near Girouxville AB in 2016. A total of 9886 RCCB moths were collected in pheromone traps during the 2016 season with highest numbers intercepted again near Girouxville AB (6491 RCCB moths) in 2016 in a second-year seed field of alsike clover. In comparison, a first-year seed stand of red clover ~2km away from the above alsike field intercepted a total of 613 RRCB moths over the same sampling period. Pheromone trap counts will be compared to weekly sweep-net sampling scheduled for processing in January 2016. Volunteer red clover was surveyed in August 2016 near Beaverlodge AB for rearing of parasitoids for identification. Rearing failed for the 2016 RCCM larvae so spring collections will be pursued in 2017 to obtain specimens for future identification which was supported by a new A-Base Biological Control project. Continuing Research: This project is funded by an AgriScience Project and A-Base Biological Control Project. Parasitoid surveying will be performed in 2017 across the Peace River region in order to identify beneficial parasitoid distributions and parasitism rates for three introduced casebearer species including C. deauratella, C. mayrella and C. trifolii. Surveying efforts are intended to estimate the distribution of these beneficials using (i) traditional taxonomic (morphological characteristics) and (ii) molecular techniques. Contact: Jennifer Otani

22. Title: Integrated approaches for flea beetle control – Economic thresholds, prediction models, landscape effects, and natural enemies.

Author and Associates: Alejandro Costamagna, Jennifer Otani, Héctor Cárcamo, Tyler Wist, Ana Maria Dal Molin, Barb Sharanowski, John Gavloski, Rishi Burlakoti Problem: Flea beetles are chronic pests on canola and result in yield losses estimated in CAN $300 million each year (Dosdall and Mason, 2010). In Canada, three species are responsible for most of the damage: the exotics Phyllotreta cruciferae (Goeze) and P. striolata (Fab.), and the native Psylloides punctulata Melsh (Soroka and Elliott, 2011). Severe economic damage typically occurs in the spring through defoliation of canola seedlings by adults emerging from overwintering. Currently, the most widespread technique to control flea beetles in North America is the use of preventive insecticide treatments in canola seeds followed by foliar sprays if damage is still prevalent (Dosdall and Mason, 2010), resulting in more than 90% of the crop receiving pesticide applications for these pests (Tangtrakulwanich et al., 2014). Objectives of Research: 1) Investigate descriptive economic thresholds for flea beetles; 2) Identify the suite of natural enemies of flea beetles using innovative molecular methods; 3) Define landscape characteristics that limit flea beetle populations and increase mortality of flea beetles by natural enemies; 4) Develop models to predict flea beetle emergence and major seasonal activity based on abiotic environmental conditions (e.g. temperature, precipitation, wind, soil temperature); 5) Incorporate all components of the project into a comprehensive tool and set of management guidelines for canola producers. Summary of Results: Field plots of Brassica napus cv. 43E03 were seeded on May 25, 2016, into barley stubble using a Conserva-Pak seeder on 9” row spacing. Plots (each 4m x 10m) were organized using a RCBD with four replicates and nine treatments consisting of the following treatments including seed treated with Lumiderm™+Helix Xtra®+Vibrance™ , seed treated with Helix Xtra®+Vibrance™, seed treated with Helix Xtra®+Vibrance™+ Fortenza, seed treated with Visivio+ Fortenza, bare seed, fungicide-only treated seed receiving Matador applied at 34ml/ac at 15-20% defoliation, fungicide-only treated seed receiving Matador applied at 34ml/ac at 25% defoliation, and fungicide-only treated seed receiving Matador applied at 34ml/ac at 45% defoliation. After seeding was completed, ten yellow sticky card traps were deployed between replicates to monitor weekly flea beetle activity in the field plot study until harvest. During seedling emergence, plant stand counts and flea beetle damage assessments were scheduled to occur three times a week in all plots in order to apply prescribed insecticide treatments. Phyllotreta striolata were the dominant species in research plots in 2016. Hand-harvested samples (each 1m x 1m) were cut from each plot and will be threshed on September 26, 2016 and will be analyzed this winter. Continuing Research: This is part of the larger, prairie-wide CARP – AIP (AAFC) Flea beetle Research Project funded from 2015 - 2018. Contact: Jennifer Otani

Contributor’s Contact Information

BATALLAS, Ronald, PhD Candidate University of Alberta, ES 214A, Biological Sciences, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2P5, Tel.780-492-1873, e-mail: [email protected]

CÁRCAMO, Héctor, PhD Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge Research Centre, 5403-1 Avenue South, P.O. Box 3000, Lethbridge, Alberta T1J 4B1. Tel. 403-317-2247, e- mail: [email protected]

CATTON, Haley, PhD Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge Research Centre, 5403-1 Avenue South, P.O. Box 3000, Lethbridge, Alberta T1J 4B1. Tel. 403-317-3404, e- mail: [email protected]

COSTAMAGNA, Alejandro, PhD University of Manitoba, Department of Entomology, e- mail: [email protected]

DE SILVA WEERADDANA, Chaminda, PhD Candidate University of Alberta, ES 214A, Biological Sciences, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2P5, Tel.780-492-1873, e-mail: [email protected]

EVENDEN, Maya, PhD University of Alberta, ES 214A, Biological Sciences, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2P5, Tel.780-492-1873, e-mail: [email protected]

FLOATE, Kevin, PhD Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge Research Centre, 5403-1 Avenue South, P.O. Box 3000, Lethbridge, Alberta, T1J 4B1. Tel. 403-317-2242, e-mail: [email protected]

HERVET, Vincent, PhD Candidate University of Lethbridge, Department of Biological Sciences, 4401 University Drive West, Lethbridge, Alberta, T1K 3M4, tel. 403-327-4561 ext. 4244, e-mail: [email protected]

KAUR, Surinder, PhD University of Lethbridge, Department of Biological Sciences, 4401 University Drive West, Lethbridge, Alberta, T1K 3M4, e-mail: Surinder Kaur ([email protected])

FRY, Ken, PhD Olds College, School of Animal Science and Horticulture, 4500 – 50th Street, Olds Alberta, T4H 1R6, Tel: 403 556-8261, e-mail: [email protected]

KHEIRODIN, Arash, PhD Candidate University of Manitoba, Department of Entomology, e-mail: [email protected]

OTANI, Jennifer, MSc Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Beaverlodge Research Farm, P.O. Box 29, Beaverlodge, Alberta, T0H 0C0, tel. 780-354-5132, e-mail: [email protected]

WILLSEY, Tesla, MSc Candidate. University of Lethbridge, Department of Biological Sciences, 4401 University Drive West, Lethbridge, Alberta, T1K 3M4, e-mail: Telsa Willsey ([email protected])

WONNECK, Mark, PhD Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Science and Technology Branch, 700 6 Avenue SW Suite 320|700 6 avenue SW Calgary, Alberta, Tel. 403-860-9078, email: [email protected]

Manitoba Entomology Research Summary – 2016

Presented to: The Western Committee on Crop Pests October 20, 2016 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Compiled by: John Gavloski, Entomologist; Manitoba Agriculture Box 1149, Carman, MB, ROG OJO [email protected]

Cereal Crops

1. Mechanisms of resistance to wheat midge in wheat germplasm.

Authors and Associates: Ahmed Abdelghany ([email protected]), Alejandro C. Costamagna ([email protected]), Department of Entomology, University of Manitoba; Sheila Wolfe ([email protected]), Curt McCartney ([email protected]) AAFC Morden Research and Development Centre, MB & Tyler Wist ([email protected]) AAFC Saskatoon Research and Development Centre, SK.

Objective of Research: The wheat midge, Sitodiplosis mosellana (Gehin) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) is an important pest of wheat, Triticum aestivum L. (Poaceae), in North America and is an established insect pest in most wheat-producing regions of the world. Damage caused by larval feeding on kernels can reduce crop yields and lower the grade of harvested grain. The only resistant gene available to control this pest provides savings estimated in $60 million dollars per year in Western Canada. Therefore, it’s important to study additional resistant genes and management practices that can be used to reduce its agronomic and economic impact.

Our objectives are: (1) To determine volatile semiochemicals emitted from different lines (resistance vs. susceptible) of wheat for oviposition deterrence by S. mosellana. (2) To assess the responses of wheat midge to wheat panicle volatiles which were investigated by gas chromatography (GC) using olfactometer studies. (3) Studying the efficacy of volatile compounds from wheat spikes on oviposition by female S. mosellana. Summary of Results: We continue maintaining a lab colony of wheat midge, supplemented every summer with field collected individuals. Since April 2016 we used solid phase microextraction (SPME) method to extract the plant volatiles. We started with different wheat lines however this method was not work well. Currently, we are developing a different method to collect volatiles using Porapak Q absorbent. ------2. Potential of naturally occurring predators to suppress populations of the cereal leaf beetle, Oulema melanopus in the wheat fields.

Authors and Associates: Arash Kheirodin ([email protected]), Alejandro C. Costamagna ([email protected]), and Barb Sharanowski ([email protected]), Department of Entomology, University of Manitoba; Héctor Cárcamo ([email protected]) AAFC Lethbridge Research Centre.

Objective of Research: The role of predators in the suppression of cereal leaf beetle (CLB) populations has not being previously investigated. Most studies to date focused on the specific parasitoid of the CLB, Tetrasticus julis. In this study, we tested the potential of common predators to attack CLB using lab experiments and developing molecular markers to detect CLB le DNA in field collected predators. In 2014 and 2015, we did lab experiments with no choice and with alternative prey choice to find the potential predators that feds on cereal leaf beetle. Several native predators were tested as potential predators of CLB eggs and larvae. Three different experiments were performed in laboratory and field conditions. Twelve predator taxa were tested separately for eggs and larvae of the CLB in the petri dishes in a no choice condition during 24 and 48 hours, respectively. In addition, predation rate on CLB eggs was quantified in 10 wheat fields using sentinel egg cards exposed to 24 h of predation by ambient levels of predators. Kruskal-Wallis and ANOVA tests followed by sequential Bonferroni corrections were used to analyze the data of the laboratory experiments. A two-way randomized block design was used to analyze the data of the field egg predation experiment. Finally, we developed a specific primer to detect cereal leaf beetle DNA inside the gut of different predators collected from the fields.

Summary of Results: In general, several lady beetle species were the most important predators of eggs and larvae of the CLB in the lab. In addition, Carabidae and Staphylinidae also caused significant rates of egg and larval predation. In the field, sentinel eggs showed 20 % mortality rates and differed statistically from controls protected from predation. Our results suggest that cereal fields in Alberta host several species of predators that contribute to the biological control for CLB. The molecular screening of predators is still in progress. The primer successfully amplified the CLB DNA from the gut of the known positive predators.

Oilseed Crops

3. Integrated approaches for flea beetle control - Economic thresholds, prediction models, landscape effects, and natural enemies.

Authors and Associates: Alejandro C. Costamagna ([email protected]), Tharshi Nagalingam ([email protected]), Thais Fernanda Silva Guimaraes ([email protected]) , Barb Sharanowski ([email protected]) & Anamaria Dal Molin ([email protected]), Department of Entomology, University of Manitoba; Héctor Cárcamo ([email protected]) AAFC Lethbridge Research Centre, AB; Jennifer Otani ([email protected]) AAFC Beaverlodge, AB; Tyler Wist ([email protected]) AAFC Saskatoon, SK; John Gavloski ([email protected]), Manitoba Agriculture, Carman, MB, and Rishi Burlatoki ([email protected]) Weather INnovations Consulting LP, ON.

Objective of Research: Flea beetles are chronic pests on canola and result in yield losses estimated in CAN $300 million each year. In Canada, three species are responsible for most of the damage: the exotics Phyllotreta cruciferae (Goeze) and P. striolata (Fab.), and the native Psylloides punctulata Melsh. Severe economic damage typically occurs in the spring through defoliation of canola seedlings by adults emerging from overwintering. Currently, the most widespread technique to control flea beetles in North America is the use of preventive insecticide treatments in canola seeds followed by foliar sprays if damage is still prevalent, resulting in more than 90% of the crop receiving pesticide applications for these pests. These management strategies result in over-spraying due to several factors, including application of insecticides in areas where flea beetle populations are low, lack of knowledge of ET levels for modern high yielding varieties and application in areas where natural enemies may be able to lower flea beetle populations below ET. Our overall objective is to develop a holistic and sustainable approach to flea beetle control in canola.

Our objectives are to: (1) Develop descriptive economic thresholds for flea beetles; (2) Identify the suite of natural enemies of flea beetles using innovative molecular methods; (3) Define landscape characteristics that limit flea beetle populations and increase mortality of flea beetles by natural enemies; (4) Develop models to predict flea beetle emergence and major seasonal activity based on abiotic environmental conditions (e.g. temperature, precipitation, wind, soil temperature); and (5) incorporate all components of the project into a comprehensive tool and set of management guidelines for canola producers. Summary of Results: During year 2 we conducted economic threshold experiments in six locations (3 near Winnipeg in MB, 2 near Lethbridge and 2 near Beaverlodge, in AB). Experiments were replicated as early, mid, and late season in some locations. The experiments consisted in three insecticide treatments applied as sprays at different defoliation levels during the susceptible stages: 1) 15-20%; 2) 25%; and 3) 45% defoliation. In addition, we included a seed insecticide treatment and an untreated control. There was wide variability in flea beetles within and across locations, resulting in generally low to high levels of damage. The results of these experiments are under analysis. We sampled flea beetle and natural enemy populations with sticky cards, assessed damage, and determined landscape characteristics in 29 locations (16 in AB, 7 in SK, and 6 in MB). The majority of flea beetles in SK were Phyllotreta striolata, and P. cruciferae. In addition, flea beetles and natural enemies were collected with sweepnets to conduct predation experiments in laboratory conditions that yield positive and negative controls for DNA tests. A primer to detect flea beetle DNA in different natural enemies is being tested with positive and negative controls. A lab colony of flea beetles was initiated and new rearing methods are being developed. Preliminary Petri dish predation tests on flea beetles were conducted in Manitoba. Abiotic factors near all the locations sampled will be collected to incorporate them in a predictive model of flea beetle abundance.

Pulse Crops

4. Natural enemies and summer alate aphid immigration influence the season-long dynamics of soybean aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae)

Authors: J. A. Bannerman1, B. P. McCornack2, D. W. Ragsdale3, N. Koper4, A. C. Costamagna1

1 Department of Entomology, University of Manitoba, 12 Dafoe Rd, Winnipeg, MB R3L 1R2. 2 Department of Entomology, Kansas State University, 123 W. Waters Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506. 3 Department of Entomology, Texas A&M University, 412 Minnie Belle Heep Center, 2475 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-2475. 4 Natural Resources Institute, University of Manitoba, 70 Dystart Rd, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, R3T 2N2

Problem: Several studies have shown strong impacts of generalist predators on the population growth of soybean aphids (Aphis glycines) in North America. However, most studies have not examined the season long relationship between predator and aphid densities, or the impact of specific predatory species. Moreover, most studies failed to address the role of alate aphid immigration following initial field colonization.

Objective of research: To determine the impacts of predators and alate aphid immigration on season-long population dynamics of soybean aphid.

Summary: We show that Harmonia axyridis have a negative season-long association with A. glycines abundance, even under high immigration levels in the field, suggesting potential regulation of aphid populations. Other predators monitored did not show patterns of association with aphid dynamics, individually or combined with other predators. We also show that A. glycines populations only have significant positive associations with the number of immigrating alate aphids when immigration rates are artificially inflated above naturally occurring levels. These results relate for the first time predator–prey dynamics in this system, including alate aphid immigration. Our findings suggest that the abundance of H. axyridis adults and alate aphids are critical components of the system that need to be monitored in order to incorporate natural enemies of soybean aphid into management strategies. ------5. Soybean aphid predation across different agricultural landscapes in Manitoba.

Authors and Associates: Samaranayake, K. G. L. I. ([email protected]), and Costamagna, A. C. ([email protected]), Department of Entomology, University of Manitoba.

Objective of Research: We finalized the analyses of two years of sampling to determine landscape scale factors influencing soybean aphid suppression by natural enemies in Manitoba. Landscapes studied were selected to represent a range from high to low agricultural landscape complexity. For the field manipulations, aphids on potted soybean plants were used for predator exclusion and predator open treatments. In addition, in each field we established bidirectional malaise traps in at least one border to monitor natural enemy movement between soybean fields and adjacent habitats. Furthermore, we mapped the habitats around each field within a 2 km radius to determine their influence on soybean aphid control by natural enemies. Finally, we conducted the mark-release recapture experiment by using sevenspotted lady beetles to know about their movement directions, distance and speed between soybean and alfalfa fields.

Summary of Results: Final analysis indicate significant soybean aphid suppression in both years of study across the 27 fields studied, with levels of controls ranging from 2- to 22-fold reductions of aphid populations. The proportion of cereals (wheat, barley, and oats) in the landscape was associated with increased aphid suppression. By contrast, the proportions of canola and natural vegetation were associated with lower aphid suppression. Bidirectional malaise trap data revealed significant movement of natural enemies from natural vegetation to soybean fields and from soybeans to canola, including predatory green lacewings and lady beetles. Mark-release recapture experiments showed a trend of lady beetles moving from soybean to alfalfa, as aphids were present only in alfalfa fields, but also there were minor movement in the opposite direction. ------6. Contribution of soybean aphid alates to colony fitness under predation.

Authors and Associates: Rios-Martinez, A. ([email protected]), Costamagna, A.C. ([email protected]), Department of Entomology, University of Manitoba.

Problem: The soybean aphid (Aphis glycines Matsumura) is an Asian pest that was accidentally introduced into the United States, Canada and Australia and can be responsible for important yield losses. Wing polyphenism is a determining element in the performance of an aphid colony because different morphs are specialized in different life-cycle roles. The ability of winged individuals to disperse is often penalized by a reduced reproductive output. This trade-off raises questions about the role of the alate morph in the overall fitness (numerical contribution) of a parthenogenetic colony under predation.

Objective: To determine the effects of crowding and host-plant nutrition quality on wing induction and to investigate the effects of predator free space colonization by alates on the overall fitness of a colony under predation.

Summary of results: We performed final analyses of both field and laboratory experiments. Clip cage experiments in the laboratory showed that both pre-natal and post-natal crowding induce wing development in the soybean aphid. A clip cage experiment in the field suggests that crowding interacts with host-plant nutritional quality cues to induce wing development, when changes in nutritional quality are given by heavy aphid infestations and natural within-plant spatial variation. Another field cage experiment revealed a small benefit of host-plant colonization by alates on the overall fitness of a soybean aphid colony exposed to predation. However, this benefit appears to be ultimately counterweighed by alate reduced fecundity, as suggested by two control treatments and an additional laboratory experiment. This series of experiments seems to suggest that wing induction in the soybean aphid may be an effective adaptive strategy to counteract density-dependent effects but most likely not an adaptive strategy for predation. Multiple Crops

7. Mobile apps for integrated pest management of insects, weeds, and diseases

Authors and Associates: Sharanowski1, B., Dal Molin1, A., Bass1, A, Cattani2, D, Gavloski3, J., Gulden2, R, Irwin1, L., Leeson4, J., Meers5, S., Olfert3, O, Otani4, J., Turkington4, K., and Weiss4, R, 1 1Department of Entomology, University of Manitoba, 2Department of Plant Sciences, University of Manitoba. 3 Manitoba Agriculture 4 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 5 Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development

Problem: The recent advent of mobile applications, widespread use of smart phones, and access to cellular internet networks in rural regions now allows for IPM tools and agronomic research to be integrated and delivered in ways not previously conceived. However, these tools require the integration of diverse areas of expertise to become effective tools for controlling the wide range of pests in Canadian field crops.

Objective of Research: We are developing a set of mobile apps to facilitate efficient and sustainable integrated pest management of insects, weeds, and diseases of Canadian field crops. Our three integrated apps include: (1) an interactive identification tool for insects, weeds, and diseases; (2) a forecasting app for insects and diseases with real-time data collection; and (3) a crop management tool that facilitates collection of long term data regarding on-farm practices. The identification tool incorporates high resolution imaging, interactive key technology, and accessible language to facilitate accurate identification of crop pests by non-experts.

Summary of Results: The beta version of the app was released in spring 2016. The app has a completed version of all three integrated apps: identification, pest forecasting, and crop management. Keys to insects of canola and weedy grasses of North America have been developed. The app can be downloaded in the following places for iPhone (iOS): and Android: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.tactica.ipm. There were some issues with the first version of the android download, so an alternative way of downloading the app can be found here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6-CRIQXN7RDRm8zRVhlcmJfQU0. The following instructions need to be followed for the latter method: http://www.cnet.com/how-to/how-to- install-apps-outside-of-google-play/. The app is free for users, but at this time we are only releasing to signed up testers to assess bugs in the software and receive feedback on functionality and desired improvements. Manitoba participated in the bertha armyworm forecasting, but Saskatchewan and Alberta did not due to data ownership issues that need to be resolved.


Compiled by R. S. Vernon Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre, AAFC 6947 #7 Hwy. - P.O. Box 1000 Agassiz, B.C. V0M 1A0 ______Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Summerland Research and Development Centre:

Title 1: The spatial and temporal distribution of spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii, and other drosophilids

Author and Associates: Amanda Chamberlain (UBC - O), Bob Lalonde (UBC Okanagan), and Howard Thistlewood (AAFC Summerland, UBC - O)

Introduction: Spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii Matsumura (Diptera: Drosophilidae), is an invasive pest of global concern that attacks a wide range of fruit prior to harvest, causing serious economic losses. Few studies to date have quantified the spatial ecology of ovipositing females in fruit, despite the importance of such knowledge for monitoring and management. Preliminary results suggest D. suzukii oviposition may facilitate oviposition by saprophagous Drosophila species.

Methods: We characterized the distribution of total drosophilids, including D. suzukii, within a sweet cherry block (Prunus avium) and the tree canopy by sampling ca. 2,160 cherries from 5 cultivars over 6 weeks in 2015. Trees (6-9 m high) from the interior and border rows of a block were selected, canopies were divided into 4 sectors (top/bottom x north/south), and 15 cherries per sector were collected. Drosophila and other arthropods were reared from individual cherries for 2 weeks under controlled conditions, and identified.

Results/Conclusion: Of 1,948 cherries assayed to date, 73% were infested with Drosophila spp.; primarily D. suzukii, D. melanogaster and D. pseudoobscura. The mean number of drosophilids within each sector was analyzed using a fully-factorial design to determine the significance of cultivar, row position, height, and aspect. Biological interactions between spp. utilizing the same cherry were also examined. The results indicate that drosophilid oviposition is affected by factors such as microclimate, fruit phenology, and suggest that interspecies facilitation is occurring. Our results add to the few studies that have quantified the temporal-spatial pattern of drosophilid oviposition in fruit, and will be used to inform integrated pest management programs.

Contact: Amanda Chamberlain Tel: (250) 870-8301 MSc Student, Biology University of British Columbia Okanagan campus e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

Title 2: Agent-based scenario models of invasion and movement of Rhagoletis pomonella (Diptera: Tephritidae) within the southern interior of British Columbia

Author and Associates: Brian Muselle (UBC - Okanagan), Jason Pither (UBC - Okanagan), Lael Parrott (UBC - Okanagan), and Howard Thistlewood (AAFC Summerland, UBC - O)

Problem: The apple maggot, Rhagoletis pomonella, an invasive pest of pome fruit in western North America, is an economically important native pest of pome fruits in the United States and southern Canada and a major trade barrier for Canadian exports of apples. Presently, British Columbia's Okanagan region is the only significant commercial apple-producing region in North America that remains free of its impacts. This is likely to change soon, as R. pomonella is well established within certain counties in adjacent Washington State.

Objective of research: Extensive sampling and control efforts have been undertaken since its arrival in Washington in the late 70's. The resulting data provide the basis for predictions about how the pest might spread within the comparable Okanagan region. To this end, we are using the Washington data to parameterize spatially-explicit agent-based models (ABM). ABMs are powerful modeling tools that enable simultaneous manipulation of agent behaviour (e.g. insect dispersal, human management action) and other variables (e.g. host density and distribution) within a matrix of spatially-explicit landscape characteristics. This approach thus facilitates scenario modeling to provide realistic projections of fly movement and establishment under different management schemes. Ultimately, the ABM will be used to inform management and survey efforts as R. pomonella establishes in the southern interior of British Columbia.

Contact: Brian T Muselle, Tel. 250-550-4588 Master of Science Candidate University of B.C. - Okanagan Campus Email: [email protected] ______Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Agassiz Research and Development Centre:

Title 3: Minor Use Pesticides Program

Author and Associates: Markus Clodius, Jesse MacDonald, Seth Nussbaum and Bob Vernon (AAFC, Agassiz)

Problem: The Minor Use Pesticides Program exists to support growers and the general public by improving farmers’ access to new crop protection tools and technologies. The program works with growers, the provinces, manufacturers and the U.S. IR-4 Specialty Crops program to establish grower-selected crop/pest needs, and match them with potential solutions (particularly reduced-risk products such as microbial pesticides). AAFC then conducts field and greenhouse trials to collect the required efficacy and residue information, and drafts submissions to PMRA for the registration of new ‘minor’ uses for a given product. Objective of Research: Eight residue trials and eight efficacy/tolerance trials were successfully concluded at Agassiz this season. Three greenhouse trials are still ongoing, and one screening trial on fungicides for bulb rot on tulips will be initiated this month, and completed in the spring. Notable among these projects was a series of greenhouse vegetable fungicide (quinoxyfen) residue trials, and a screening trial of insecticides for efficacy against balsam woolly adelgid (Adelges piceae), an invasive species in BC.

Summary of Results: Analyses of residue levels and product efficacy are still in process.

Continuing Research: Pesticide residue trials on greenhouse vegetables and hops have already been selected for Agassiz in 2017, as have some efficacy trials of fungicides selected for potential use on caneberries and cranberries. Other trials will be selected over the winter, based on the priorities identified by Canadian growers at AAFC’s annual Priority Selection Meeting. In total, we plan to run another 20 to 25 trials in the coming year.

Contact: Markus Clodius Tel: (604) 796-6077 Agassiz Research and Development Centre Fax: (604) 796-6133 P.O. Box 1000 - 6947 #7 Highway e-mail: [email protected] Agassiz, BC V0M 1A0

Title 4: Pheromone treated microparticles mediate the horizontal transmission of Metarhizium brunneum inoculum among obscurus click beetles

Author and associates: Todd Kabaluk (AAFC, Agassiz)

Problem: Biologically-based attract and kill technology targeting click beetles was described in the 2015 WCCP report. The technique used a new formulation of pheromone granules invented by AAFC to attract click beetles to a lethal infection of the entomopathogen Metarhizium brunneum LRC112, killing 98% of a test population. However, weather-proofing this technique was necessary as control products were reduced following rain. Improving speed of kill and horizontal transfer of inoculum was also desirable as it would improve ‘reach’ of the control technique to a greater area and number of beetles.

Objective of research: To determine if pheromone powder would attract click beetles to M. brunneum LRC112 conidia, and result in beetles coated with both materials to further attract and infect naïve beetles. EntostatTM, a carnauba wax microparticle product was impregnated with pheromone. This ‘pheromone powder’ was placed in close association with M. brunneum LRC112 conidia under the protection of a plastic bait station. Pheromone powder dose and conidia dose were recorded for ‘ground zero’ beetles i.e. those first contacting pheromone powder and M. brunneum LRC112 inoculum and naïve beetles i.e. those subsequently attracted to- and contacting the ground zero beetles.

Summary of results: Ground zero beetles received a mean dose of 125,000 pheromone powder particles and 341,000 M. brunneum LRC112 conidia. The first naïve beetles attracted to- and contacting ground zero beetles received an average of 32,000 pheromone particles and 27,000 conidia, which slowly declined with each subsequent naïve beetle contacting the ground zero beetle. It was determined that up to 25 naïve beetles contacting the ground zero beetle would receive a lethal infection. It was determined that conidia dose beyond the 25th beetle would be too low to cause mortality. While secondary, horizontal transmission of conidia was demonstrated, pheromone particle doses on naïve beetles were too low for further, tertiary, attraction.

Contact: Todd Kabaluk Tel: (604) 796-6083 Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre Fax: (604) 796-6133 P.O. Box 1000, 6947 No. 7 Hwy, Agassiz, BC V0M 1A0 e-mail: [email protected]

Title 5: Flying and late season activity of Agriotes lineatus adults on Vancouver Island

Author and associates: Todd Kabaluk (AAFC, Agassiz)

Problem: In attempting to control wireworms, some researchers have shifted attention to targeting adult click beetles with the intention of reducing egg-laying and the input of new larvae into the soil. Optimal targeting of beetles requires identification of their activity periods, which have traditionally been reported to occur in spring and early summer. Targeting Agriotes spp. in south coastal BC has relied on the assumption that they are essentially crawling insects, with sparse flight infrequently observed.

Objective of research: To document i) the occurrence of A. lineatus adults beyond the season reported in literature, and traditionally used in reporting their life cycle; ii) mass spring flight of A. lineatus, tying it to weather conditions.

Summary of results: Surface activity of male and female A. lineatus adults was recorded in late September and early October in each of 2013, 2014, and 2015. Mass flight of A. lineatus occurred yearly, coinciding with the warmest days in late April and early May. To date, these phenomena appear unique to Vancouver Island when considering south coastal BC as a whole.

Contact: Todd Kabaluk Tel: (604) 796-6083 Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre Fax: (604) 796-6133 P.O. Box 1000, 6947 No. 7 Hwy, Agassiz, BC V0M 1A0 e-mail: [email protected]

Title 6: ATTRACAP – Biologically-based attract and kill technology for wireworms

Author and associates: Todd Kabaluk (AAFC, Agassiz), Stefan Vidal (Georg August University, Germany)

Problem: Farmers of organic potatoes are entirely without pest control products for wireworm management, and new products are being sought for conventional growers as alternatives to synthetic compounds. European researchers have developed a CO2-generating substrate as a wireworm attractant that is impregnated with Metarhizium brunneum – an entomopathogen whose certain strains are virulent to wireworms. The product, ATTRACAP, received an emergency registration for marketing and use in Europe in 2016. Testing in Canada, replacing the European Metarhizium strain with Canadian Metarhizium strain LRC112 is necessary to i) determine its efficacy; and ii) generate data for a prospective Canadian registration. A desirable and necessary feature of ATTRACAP is its ability to produce CO2 by aerobic fermentation without stimulating excessive growth of soil fungi that would interfere with the fungal active ingredient Metarhizium.

Objective of research: To determine the efficacy of ATTRACAP in reducing wireworm feeding damage in potato, comparing it to the efficacy of rice granules conidiated with Metarhizium applied together with rolled oats as a CO2 source. Characterize CO2 production and attractiveness of test materials to wireworms.

Summary of results: Wireworm feeding damage to daughter tubers is currently being assessed. After 23 days, ATTRACAP had produced 80,000 µmol CO2, with a peak rate of 3.4 µmol/min on day 9. Metarhizium together with rolled oats produced 110,000 µmol with a peak rate of 5.5 µmol/min on day 6. For comparison, a single potato seed tuber produce 88,000 µmol CO2, rising to a steady rate of 3.6 µmol/min. All levels of production were sufficient to attract large numbers of wireworms.

Contact: Todd Kabaluk Tel: (604) 796-6083 Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre Fax: (604) 796-6133 P.O. Box 1000, 6947 No. 7 Hwy, Agassiz, BC V0M 1A0 e-mail: [email protected]

Title 7: Evaluating various insecticides for control of wireworms in potatoes.

Author and Associates: Bob Vernon, Wim van Herk and Markus Clodius (AAFC, Agassiz).

Problem: Wireworms of various species continue to cause increasing problems in the major potato growing provinces of Canada, and are seriously threatening the PEI industry. East of BC, growers have relied almost exclusively on Thimet 15G (phorate). This product was withdrawn from Canada in August, 2015, and immediately replaced with Thimet 20G, which is the formulation used in the USA. A caveat to the use of Thimet 20G in Canada is that growers must use Smart Box application equipment to minimize Thimet exposure on the soil surface at planting, since this insecticide is very highly toxic to man and non-target organisms. Recently, the less toxic pyrethroid, bifenthrin (Capture 2EC), has received a conditional registration for wireworm control in potatoes, but there remains a need for development and screening of even lower risk insecticides that work consistently on all pest wireworm species (about 30) across Canada.

Objective of Research: To evaluate candidate insecticides for control of wireworms in potatoes in BC and PEI. The focus of the 2016 study at Agassiz, BC, was to further determine the efficacy of various treatments in: a) protecting daughter tubers from damage; and b) reducing wireworm populations. The main objective was to further determine the efficacy of bifenthrin applied in various ways to planting furrows, and in combination with clothianidin applied as a seed treatment (i.e. Titan ST). A number of new insecticide candidates and attract-and-kill approaches to controlling wireworms were also tested at the Agassiz site. Studies testing a subset of the BC treatments were also conducted in PEI by Christine Noronha (AAFC, Charlottetown), and by Technology Crops International.

Summary of Results: The 2016 potato study in Agassiz, BC, evaluated 20 treatments which were harvested on two occasions, and are currently being graded for wireworm blemishes. Following the first harvest, blemish evaluations have supported previous work showing equivalent efficacy of an in-furrow spray of bifenthrin to Thimet 15G. Bifenthrin sprayed along the sides of the furrow gave superior blemish protection than if sprayed in a band at the bottom of the furrow. Some new candidate insecticides showed very good promise, as were certain attract-and-kill treatments. Harvested plots will be left intact overwinter and will be sampled with bait traps in April-May, 2017 to determine whether the various treatments tested actually reduced populations of wireworms. In PEI, potatoes have also been harvested and are being graded for wireworm blemishes.

Continuing Research: Potato wireworm efficacy trials will be continued over the next year in BC, PEI and in other locations across Canada under a Cluster Project between AAFC and the Canadian Horticultural Council.

Contact: Dr. Bob Vernon Tel: (604) 796-6080 Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre Fax: (604) 796-6133 P.O. Box 1000 - 6947 #7 Highway e-mail: [email protected] Agassiz, BC V0M 1A0

Title 8: Evaluating insecticidal seed-treatments for control of wireworms in wheat.

Author and Associates: Bob Vernon, Wim van Herk (AAFC, Agassiz).

Problem: Various species of wireworms are known to cause serious damage to cereal crops across Canada and damage is increasing. This has been attributed, at least in part, to the loss of the organochlorine insecticide lindane as a cereal and forage crop seed treatment in 2004. Studies have been underway at PARC, Agassiz, since 2002 to find lower risk insecticides to replace lindane. Various candidate seed treatments have been tested, including a number of neonicotinoids, pyrethroids, phenyl pyrazoles, and other novel insecticides such as cyazypyr, renaxypyr, spinosad, halofenozide, and several numbered compounds. Of these, only fipronil has been found to actually kill wireworms, and will do so at extremely low rates. The other insecticides, provided wheat stand protection, but without reducing wireworm populations. Since fipronil is unlikely to be registered in Canada, the goal is to register new insecticides that provide both stand protection and wireworm population reduction, which was provided in the past by lindane.

Objective of Research: Four wheat efficacy trials were conducted at AAFC, Agassiz BC in 2016 against the exotic wireworm, Agriotes obscurus, and an additional study in PEI against A. sputator. These trials focused on the evaluation of a number of seed treatment candidates versus existing neonicotinoid standards and/or fipronil. Efficacy in our trials is measured by observing the impacts of candidate insecticides on crop health through wireworm control (i.e. crop stand establishment and yield), as well as on their effects on wireworm populations (i.e. by sampling wireworms in plots the following spring). The main objective of these trials was to generate crop stand and wireworm mortality efficacy data for registration of one or more of these candidate insecticides in the future.

Summary of Results: Several candidate products tested in 2016 provided wheat stand and yield protection comparable to the currently registered neonicotinoid, thiamethoxam (Cruiser 5FS), and these trials will be baited in spring of 2017 to determine if any treatments are effective in reducing wireworm populations. A number of these candidates, when formerly tested in 2015, did provide wireworm mortality at least on par with lindane.

Continuing Research: Wheat seed treatment efficacy trials will be continued over the next year in BC, PEI and in other locations across Canada under a Cluster Project established between AAFC and the Canadian Horticultural Council.

Contact: Dr. Bob Vernon Tel: (604) 796-6080 Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre Fax: (604) 796-6133 P.O. Box 1000 - 6947 #7 Highway e-mail: [email protected] Agassiz, BC V0M 1A0

Title 9: Evaluation of Matador 120EC and other insecticides applied to control adult click beetles of three European Agriotes sp.

Author and Associates: Wim van Herk, Bob Vernon (AAFC, Agassiz)

Problem: Three species of European wireworms were introduced to BC (Agriotes lineatus (AL), A. obscurus (AO)) and Atlantic Canada (AL, AO, A. sputator (AS)) in the 1800’s, and have since become significant pests of potato, other vegetable crops, corn, and cereals. The limited number of control options for the wireworm stage and the increasing pest populations in PEI, have required research into other strategies for their management, including controlling the adults before they oviposit in spring. This can potentially be done with field sprays of currently registered insecticides, but would need to be evaluated under field conditions.

Objective of research: Objectives were to determine the effect of the pyrethroid Matador 120EC (lambda cyhalothrin) applied under field conditions at registered rates for various crops on beetles of all three species; and to determine if the three species respond similarly, and/or can recover from knockdown.

Summary of results: In BC, male AL, male AO, or a mixture of male and female AO beetles were placed in cups (5 per) partially filled with packed soil. Additional male AO beetles were placed in cups (15 per) filled with a grass plug to represent pasture conditions. Beetles were sprayed with Matador 120EC at various rates and chlorpyrifos (Pyrinex 480EC at 1000ml prod/ha) using a commercial sprayer, and post-spray health checks were continued until the beetles had recovered from knockdown or had died. 80- 200 beetles (of each type) were exposed per treatment. From 97-100% of AO and AL died within 6 days of exposure to Pyrinex in cups with soil or grass. Exposure to Matador at 83, 166, and 233ml killed 84, 92, and 94% of male AO in cups with soil, but only 64, 68, 61% in cups with grass. With AL males, from 72, 85, and 88% were killed in cups with soil. More male AO knocked down from exposure to Matador at 83ml had recovered in the grass plug (33%) than in the bare soil (13%) treatment. In PEI, cups containing male AS beetles (20 per cup) placed onto packed soil or a grass plug (as above) were sprayed with Matador at 83 or 166 ml prod/ha using a pressurized hand-held sprayer, in a 250 or 500L/ha spray volume. 100 beetles were exposed to each treatment, and beetle health was observed for 12 days after spray application. Consistently more beetles died after exposure on bare soil (83ml: 22-27%; 166ml: 47-48%) than after exposure in grass plugs (83ml: 7-20%; 166ml: 16-44%, respectively). There was no significant difference in mortality between spray dilution volumes. These results suggest that AS is considerably less susceptible to Matador than AO and AL, whose susceptibility appears to be similar, and that availability of ground cover at the time of application reduces spray efficacy.

Continuing research: Studies will be repeated next year with additional insecticides.

Contact: Dr. Wim van Herk Tel: (604) 796-6091 Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre Fax: (604) 796-6133 P.O. Box 1000 - 6947 #7 Highway e-mail: [email protected] Agassiz, BC V0M 1A0

Title 10: Identification of wireworms of economic importance.

Author and Associates: Wim van Herk, Bob Vernon (AAFC, Agassiz). Problem: A variety of different wireworm species are causing increasing problems for farmers across Canada. The resurgence of this pest complex is thought to be associated with the gradual decline of organochlorine residues in the soil, the use of novel but non- lethal insecticides (e.g. neonicotinoids), and with changes to field cultivation practices (in the Prairie Provinces, PEI).

Objective of Research: To develop a better understanding of the species of economic importance across Canada, and the soil types and crops these are associated with, collaborators across Canada are kindly asked to forward wireworms from any field where they are found (esp. if they are observed to cause damage) to our lab for identification. This information is being compiled into a national database and will be used to develop an interactive map in the near future. To enable this, collaborators are also asked to submit sample location information (lat. & long., or legal field coordinates), and any available cropping, irrigation, and cultivation history (current and past) of the field. Samples can be sent in EtOH or in a small container with soil.

Summary of Results: Approximately 1,700 larvae from Western Canada were identified in 2016, almost all of which came from two research trials conducted in Purple Springs, Alberta. Larvae collected from these trials were identified as Limonius californicus (85%) and Aeolus mellillus (14%). While L. californicus is generally the species found in fields with considerable crop damage from wireworms, the relatively large number of A. mellillus from these sites was unusual. In contrast to other pest wireworm species that have 4-5 year life histories, this species is thought to complete development in 1 year and possibly to be beneficial (it is predaceous and feeds on Delia spp. eggs). To date we have identified wireworms from approximately 450 fields in the Prairie Provinces. Despite the low numbers of specimens collected per field (mean = 7.6), more than one economic species was identified for 22% of these fields. This is important for management as pest species vary in life history, biology, and insecticide susceptibility. The distribution of the three most commonly found pest species on the prairies L. californicus, Hypnoidus bicolor, and Selatosomus destructor is shown in the figure below. In related work, a survey for adult click beetles was done at 40 locations across the Prairie Provinces (4 fields per location) using our new Vernon Pitfall Trap. Beetles were collected at weekly intervals in the spring and stored in ethanol. To date we have only separated carabids from elaterids, which were tentatively identified to the same three species listed above. A further 1,600 larvae collected from >300 locations in Southern Ontario in 2015 were identified in 2016, and confirmed that different complexes of economic species are found in the different agricultural areas in Canada. A similar number collected in Ontario in 2016 remains to be identified this winter.

Continuing Research: It is expected that this work will continue for at least one more year.

Contact: Dr. Wim van Herk Tel: (604) 796-6091 Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre Fax: (604) 796-6133 P.O. Box 1000 - 6947 #7 Highway e-mail: [email protected] Agassiz, BC V0M 1A0

______Additional 2014 Insect Pest Research Reports, Industry:

Title 11: Evaluation of thrips damage to potatoes in a changing climate.

Author and Associates: Kiara Jack, Carolyn Teasdale, Marjolaine Dessureault, Heather Meberg (E.S. Cropconsult), Wim van Herk, Bob Vernon (AAFC, Agassiz), Robert McGregor (Douglas College). Funding for this project has been provided by the governments of Canada and British Columbia through the Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC under Growing Forward 2, a federal-provincial-territorial initiative. The program is delivered by the BC Agriculture & Food Climate Action Initiative. Funding is also provided by the Lower Mainland Horticulture Improvement Association, the Potato Industry Development Fund and E.S. Cropconsult Ltd.

Problem: Over the last decade, thrips have become an increasing problem in potatoes, most likely due to reduced use of broad spectrum insecticides and climate change. Climate change predictions for the Lower Mainland and BC in general include hotter, drier summers; conditions which thrips thrive under. Thrips cause economic damage to crops through feeding, oviposition and vectoring of tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) in other parts of the world but it is unknown whether or not this is true locally. Also, there is no known threshold for thrips in potatoes.

Objective of research: There are four objectives: 1) Evaluate yield loss due to thrips damage to potato crops in relation to growing season conditions. 2) Assess occurrence of thrips vectoring tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) to potatoes within the Fraser Valley. 3) Evaluate potato varietal difference in thrips attraction. 4) Increase grower knowledge of the effect of thrips on potato yield and quality, and which varieties can be used to adapt to thrips issues as the climate changes.

Methodology: Objective 1: The trials consisted of three to four treatments (untreated control, water control, full season insecticide and early season insecticide) replicated within four potato fields in Delta, BC. Thrips numbers on sticky cards, foliage and foliar feeding damage were assessed per week. Yield measurements included plant number, number of tubers and weight of unwashed tubers. Preliminary Findings: Early season feeding damage may have an impact on yield.

Objective 2: Leaves and thrips were collected from selected fields and tested for TSWV using ELISA. Preliminary Findings: No TSWV was found.

Objective 3: Field variety, surrounding crop type, and thrips numbers within fields were recorded for many fields within the Fraser Valley. Spray record data was also added in 2016. Preliminary Findings: Variety, surrounding crop and geographic orientation all appear to play a role in risk of thrips issues.

Objective 4: A survey of grower knowledge on thrips was completed. Project findings have been disseminated through handouts, posters or presentations at meetings which potato growers attend or via mail or articles. Preliminary Findings: Most growers are aware of thrips, many are concerned about climate and future thrips problems and there are gaps in knowledge related to thrips identification and management.

Contact: Kiara Jack Tel: 604-835-2876 E.S. Cropconsult Ltd. Fax:1-888-813-6228 6145 171A, St Surrey, BC V3S 5S1 e-mail: [email protected]