Coast Guard, DHS § 2.01–25
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Coast Guard, DHS § 2.01–25 § 2.01–20 Suspension or revocation of ganization authorized by the Coast certificates of inspection. Guard. Under the authority if 46 U.S.C. 3313 (viii) International Ship Security and 46 U.S.C. 3710, a certificate of in- Certificate (ISSC). spection issued to a vessel may be sus- (3) When authorized by the Com- pended or revoked if a vessel is found mandant, U.S. Coast Guard, the Amer- not to comply with the terms of its ican Bureau of Shipping may issue the certificate or fails to meet a standard Cargo Ship Safety Construction Cer- required by this chapter. tificate to cargo and tankships which it classes. [CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51195, Sept. 30, 1997, as (4) The Federal Communications amended by USCG-1998–4442, 63 FR 52188, Commission will issue the following Sept. 30, 1998; USCG-2004–18884, 69 FR 58341, Sept. 30, 2004] certificates: (i) Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certifi- § 2.01–25 International Convention for cate. Safety of Life at Sea, 1974. (ii) Exemption Certificate. (a) Certificates required. (1) The Inter- (b) Applications. (1) The application national Convention for Safety of Life for inspection and issuance of a certifi- at Sea, 1974, requires one or more of cate or certificates is made on the ap- the following certificates to be carried propriate form listed in § 2.01–1, or by on board certain passenger, cargo or letter, to the Officer in Charge, Marine tankships engaged in international Inspection, in or nearest the port at voyages: which the inspection is to be made and (i) Passenger Ship Safety Certificate. shall be signed by the master or agent (ii) Cargo Ship Safety Construction of the vessel. The certificates pre- Certificate. viously issued are surrendered at the (iii) Cargo Ship Safety Equipment time the inspection is performed. Fur- Certificate. ther details are set forth in subchapter (iv) Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certifi- D (Tank Vessels), subchapter H (Pas- cate. senger Vessels), subchapter I (Cargo (v) Nuclear Passenger Ship Safety and Miscellaneous Vessels), subchapter Certificate. K (Small Passenger Vessels Carrying (vi) Nuclear Cargo Ship Safety Cer- more than 150 Passengers or with over- tificate. night accommodations for more than (vii) Safety Management Certificate. 49 Passengers), subchapter L (Offshore (viii) International Ship Security Supply Vessels), subchapter O (Certain Certificate. Bulk Dangerous Cargoes), and sub- (2) The U.S. Coast Guard will issue chapter T (Small Passenger Vessels), of through the Officer In Charge, Marine this chapter. Inspection, the following certificates (2) For vessels other than passenger after performing an inspection or safe- vessels, you must contact the local of- ty management audit of the vessel’s fice of the Federal Communications systems and determining the vessel Commission to apply for the inspection meets the applicable requirements: concerning the issuance of a Cargo (i) Passenger Ship Safety Certificate. Ship Safety Radio Certificate. (ii) Cargo Ship Safety Construction (c) Certificates issued. (1) If a vessel Certificate, except when issued to meets the applicable requirements of cargo ships by a Coast Guard recog- the Convention, it shall be issued ap- nized classification society at the op- propriate certificates listed in para- tion of the owner or agent. graph (a) of this section. These certifi- (iii) Cargo Ships Safety Equipment cates describe the vessel and state the Certificate. vessel is in compliance with the appli- (iv) Exemption Certificate. cable requirements of the Convention. (v) Nuclear Passenger Ship Safety (2) A Convention certificate may be Certificate. withdrawn, revoked or suspended at (vi) Nuclear Cargo Ship Safety Cer- any time when it is determined the tificate. vessel is no longer in compliance with (vii) Safety Management Certificate, applicable requirements. (See § 2.01–70 except when issued by a recognized or- for appeal procedures.) 25 VerDate Aug<31>2005 09:15 Oct 31, 2008 Jkt 214188 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\214188.XXX 214188 dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with CFR.