0Nantzn-T Chiefs Honor Vogel SKCM Ray Schreppel Presents Charlie Vogel, LAC Terminal Director in Norfolk, with Letter of An- Oreciation from Rear Admiral Leo B

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0Nantzn-T Chiefs Honor Vogel SKCM Ray Schreppel Presents Charlie Vogel, LAC Terminal Director in Norfolk, with Letter of An- Oreciation from Rear Admiral Leo B On troop cuts in Europe East-West talks begin .IENNA (AP)-- Nineteen nations began talks today aimed They will be conducted "in parallel" with 34-nation at cuts in armed forces in mid-Europe after an Amer- explorations under way in Helsinki for the basis of a ican concession to Russia cleared the way. pan-European security system. Those explorations, too, The concession: exclusion of Hungary, scene of a 1956 are edging forward. uprising against Communist rule, from the area of pro- The Vienna meeting also is likely to supplement the jected troop cuts. In British eyes at least, this a- direct American-Soviet negotiations in Geneva for lim- .jounts to permission for Russia to keep its 40,000- iting the strategic arms of the superpowers. strong garrison there indefinitely and even to reinforce it. Thus, after years of bit-by-bit preparation, 1973 could be a time for ever-wideningnegot'at2.ofns to_, In the teeth of long, heated protests by Britain and life easier and safer. others, the Americans ended a 14-week procedural wran- The meeting today brings together key countries of the gle over Hungary's status by insisting the western al- North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Warsaw Pact. lies yield to Soviet demands. Initially, it will discus whether there is a case for Albert Willot, a Belgian diplomat, offered a European cutting back trooplevelsin a part of Europe that has view when he wrote recently that the Vienna talks could cradled many wars. If all goes well, the talks will delay and even limit the ultimate, inevitable withdrawal lead to full-scale negotiation, hopefully by fall. of U.S. forces. (See VIENNAPage 2) 39 senators announce plans * to end U.S. Indochina role WASHINGTON (AP)--Plans of 39 senators to join in spon- soring legislation to bar funds for any further U.S. involvement in Indochina hostilities without specific approval of Congress were announced yesterday. Sen. Clifford P. Case, R-N.J., said he and Sen. Frank Church, D-Idaho, will offer the measure, which also would bar U.S. aid to North Vietnam without specific approval of Congress. Case said the measure would be offered as an amend- ment to a bill authorizing funds for the State Depart- ment, which is expected to come up in the Senate this coming week. (See BILL, Page 2) U.S. NAVAL BASE GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA 0nantzn-t Chiefs honor Vogel SKCM Ray Schreppel presents Charlie Vogel, LAC Terminal director in Norfolk, with letter of an- oreciation from Rear Admiral Leo B. :cCuddin. Mrs. Vogel is at left. Additional picture and story on ionday. May 14, 1973 Page 5. Guantanamo Gazette Monday, lay 14, 1973 Page 2--LATE NEWS ROUNDUP VIENNA- VIENNA (Cotinedfrom Page 1) . GAZETTEERA E T E .a digest of late news Additionally they will improve prospects of the __ search for a Europe-wide security system. But if they go badly, the President will be under stiff congressional pressure to cut back anyway, without matching reductions by the Communist side. A breakdown The Navy Resale System Office has reported that Navy would certainly hurt the chances of a meaningful secur- Exchange service stations around the country may begin ity, system. feeling the pinch of the nation's growing fuel short- age in the near future. The major oil companies are The United States, Britain, West Germany, Canada, reportedly reluctant to renew their existing contracts holland, Belgium and Luxembourg will take their seats with exchange gas stations or bid on new ones. Contracts as full participants, because they are located, or have are awarded annually to individual stations, or, in forces, in central Europe. Five other NATO "Clank" coun- some cases, to a group of stations. The Navy has 139 tries, Italy, Greece, lfurkey, Norway, Denmark, will haveexchange service stations in the continental U.S. wen- observer status. ty-six contracts are scheduled to expire by May 31 and Russia, Poland, East Germany and Czechoslovakia will another 21 by the end of June. If contracts cannot be attend as full conference members. Hungary, Romania renegotiated at their present prices, exchange customers and Bulgaria will observe only on the face of things, could face either higher prices, rationing of fuel, or Western allies will be goingrinto the meeting on a no gas at all. position of weakness. Soviet bloc conventional forces outnumber NATO troops 2 to 1 in central Europe, with 700,000 red troops facing A proposed amendment to existing income tax laws has 350,000 NATO soldiers. They also are equipped with more been forwarded to Congress which, if approved, would than four times the estimated number of 4,200 tanks provide a greater tax break to Navy people transferred available to NATO units in that region, covering the on PCS orders. The amendment would grant a deduction for two Germanys, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Belgium and Lux- the cost of meals and lodging at the old and the new embourg. permanent duty stations for a limited period, when the member and his dependents must temporarily live in hotel- like accommodations due to the unavailability of govern- BILL- ment quarters. The proposed legislation would also permit deduction of otherwise proper moving expenses when the (Continued from Page 1) member is sent on an unaccompanied tour outside conus or to Alaska, and the dependents are moved to a service designated place of residence. The House voted last Thursday to prevent the use of any more in a supplemental appropriations bill for con- tinued U.S. bombing in Cambodia. Case said he and Church also support the House ac- Chiefs and senior chiefs selected for E-8 or E-9 by tion. the March 1972 selection board, but not yet officially advanced, can now be frocked. CNO authorized the pro- The Senate Appropriations Committee is scheduled to cedure in NAVOP 83, and stated that the Navy is planning take action on the issue tomorrow. to advance all selectees remaining from that board se- Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield, D-Mont., said lected for E-8 or E-9 by the March 1973 board are sched- "iy feeling is we have the votes in the Appropriations uled to be advanced as vacancies and funding may Committee to line up with the House," permit. Water status Guantanamo Gazette er d- -on.uccuddin a.bmtr Local Forecast. 00 0.. O .. .00.0 Water figures for Friday, Saturday and Sunday: .OOO Josstve0 vir0 .0 . I . t Jo3 9-A. - n . te OfATER PRODUCED: 4,P63,000 RCC (L/t~f 4,71.,0CC j\ + OATER CONSUMED: Ie n Gazette .lishe l o e n st k rir.I spite oay aa tg m :1ATER 1 ;: 145,000 hATER IN STORAGE: 19,'321, 00C 4) Monday, lay 14, 973 Guantanamo Gazette LOCAL NEWS--Plage 3 Old Dominion registration set What's happening Registration for the summer semes- ter of the Guantanamo Bay Extension TODAY of Old Dominion University will be LITTLE THEATER will meet at 7:30 p.m. at Quarters E, Admin Hill. For more 21- held from 10 a.n. to 4 p.m. lay information, call John Fields, 85585 AWH, or 95494 DWH. library. 23 at the OIL PAINTING WORKSHOP will meet at 9 a.m. at the Arts and Crafts Center will run from June 18 to Classes on McCalla Hill. For more information, call Harriet Hastings, 85627. Aug. 30. Each will meet twice a ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS will meet at 8 p.m. in the Hospital training room. week for about two hours a session, For more information, call 7493 DWH, or 971?1 AWH. usually from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., at BINGO will be held at 8 p.m. at Morin Center. William T. Sampson High School. TOMORROW Summer courses include first, sec- BOY SCOUTS will meet at 6:45 p.m. at the Boy Scout Hut behind Sixth Street, ond and third semester accounting, Villamar. For more information, call Mrs. Otto Szanto, 97115. commercial law, English composition, LADIES GOLF PSSOCIATION will meet at 8:30 p.m. at the golf course. For English literature, law enforcement, more information, call Doris Hutton, 952279. algebra and meteorology. English SURE LOSERS CLUB will meet at 7 p.m. in the Hospital classroom. For more composition will be limited to 20 information, call Pat Trent, 951212, or Ann Blum, 99227. students. FLEET RESERVE ASSOCIATION AND LADIES AUXILIARY will meet at 8 p.m. at the Each course carries a minimum of FRA building on Sherman Avenue. For more information, call Floyd Eberlin, three credit hours, fully transfer- 85769 DWH. able to other academic institutions. GUANTANAMO SELF-DEFENSE CLUB will meet at 6 p.m. at the Child Day Care Cost is $60 a course, but military Center. For more information, call 97110 AWH. personnel are eligible for tuition BINGO will be held at 8 p.m. at the CPO Club. assistance amounting to 75 per cent of cost under the Tuition Aid Pro- *ram. This will be available at LOCAL registration on a first come, first day," which will be presented May 31 served basis. Payment is not re- BRIEFS and June 1-3. For further infDrmation, quired at time of registration. call 951206 AT. For more information, contact Lt. *Como * brownies D.F. Eversman, 7714 DWH, or 951020 AWH. The Officers Wives Club will hold Brownie Troop 9 recently visited a pool party at 10:30 a.m. Thursday VCF-10, where the girls were given at the COMO Club pool. Lunch will a tour of "Challenger country." They Five fires fire up be at 12:30 p.m.

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