
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology Copyright 1994 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. 1994, Vol. 62, No. 2, 285-296 0022-006X/94/S3.00

Application of Random-Effects Regression Models

Robert D. Gibbons and Donald Hedeker

A random-effects is developed for the case in which the outcome of interest is a series of correlated binary responses. These responses can be obtained as the product of a longitudinal response process where an individual is repeatedly classified on a binary outcome variable (e.g., sick or well on occasion t), or in "multilevel" or "clustered" problems in which individuals within groups (e.g., firms, classes, families, or clinics) are considered to share characteristics that produce similar responses. Both examples produce potentially correlated binary responses and modeling these per- son- or cluster-specific effects is required. The general model permits analysis at both the level of the individual and cluster and at the level at which experimental manipulations are applied (e.g., treat- ment group). The model provides maximum likelihood estimates for time-varying and time-invari- ant covariates in the longitudinal case and covariates which vary at the level of the individual and at the cluster level for multilevel problems. A similar number of individuals within clusters or number of measurement occasions within individuals is not required. Empirical Bayesian estimates of per- son-specific trends or cluster-specific effects are provided. Models are illustrated with data from mental health research.

There has been considerable interest in ran .cm-effects The purpose of this article is to describe the random-effects models for longitudinal and hierarchical, clustered, or probit model of Gibbons and Bock (1987) and further general- multilevel data in the statistical literatures for biology (Jennrich ize it for application to a wider class of problems commonly & Schluchter, 1986; Laird & Ware, 1982; Ware, 1985; Wa- encountered in the behavioral sciences, including hierarchical ternaux, Laird, & Ware, 1989; Hedeker & Gibbons, 1994), ed- or clustered samples, estimation of time-varying and time-in- ucation (Bock, 1989; Goldstein, 1987), psychology (Bryk & variant covariates, marginal maximum likelihood estimation of Raudenbush, 1987; Willett, Ayoub, & Robinson, 1991), bio- structural parameters, and empirical Bayesian estimation of medicine (Gibbons, Hedeker, Waternaux, & Davis, 1988; Hed- person-specific or cluster-specific effects and illustrate its appli- eker, Gibbons, Waternaux, & Davis, 1989; Gibbons et al., cation. A detailed description of data giving rise to the need for 1993), and actuarial and risk assessment (Gibbons, Hedeker, this type of statistical modeling is now presented. Charles, & Frisch, in press). Much of the work cited here has been focused on continuous and normally distributed response measures. In contrast, there has been less focus on random- Longitudinal Data effects models for discrete data. Gibbons & Bock (1987) have In general, we consider the case in which the same units are developed a random-effects probit model for assessing trend in repeatedly sampled at each level of an independent variable and correlated proportions, and Stiratelli, Laird, and Ware (1984) classified on a binary outcome. Specifically, we are interested in have developed a random-effects model for a similar appli- repeated classification of individuals on a series of measure- cation. Using quasi-likelihood methods in which no distribu- ment occasions over time. In a clinical trial, for example, pa- tional form is assumed for the outcome measure, Liang and tients may be randomly assigned to treatment and control con- Zeger (1986; Zeger & Liang, 1986) have shown that consistent ditions and repeatedly classified in terms of presence or absence estimates of regression parameters and their estimates of clinical improvement, side effects, or specific symptoms. We can be obtained regardless of the time dependence. Koch, Lan- also may be interested in comparing rate of improvement (e.g., dis, Freeman, Freeman, and Lehnen (1977) and Goldstein proportion of patients displaying the symptom) between treat- (1991) have illustrated how random effects can be incorporated ment and control conditions (Gibbons & Bock, 1987), which into log-linear models. Finally, generalizations of the logistic re- may be tested by assuming that each individual follows a gression model in which the values of all regression coefficients straight-line regression on time. of a positive re- vary randomly over individuals have also been proposed by sponse depends on that individual's slope and a series of covari- Wong and Mason (1985) and Conoway (1989). ates that may be related to the probability of response. Covari- ates can take on fixed values for the length of the study (e.g., sex or type of treatment) or occasion-specific values (e.g., social Robert D. Gibbons and Donald Hedeker, Biometric Lab, University of Illinois at Chicago. supports or plasma level of a drug). Table 1 illustrates the longi- This study was supported by Grant R01 MH 44826-01 A2 from the tudinal data case. National Institute of Mental Health Services Research Branch. Table 1 describes a 4-week longitudinal clinical trial in which Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Rob- patients who are randomly assigned to one of two treatment ert D. Gibbons, Biometric Lab (M/C 913), University of Illinois, 912 groups (e.g., active treatment versus placebo control) are repeat- South Wood Street, Chicago, Illinois 60612. edly classified on a binary outcome measure. Drug plasma lev- 285 286 ROBERT D. GIBBONS AND DONALD HEDEKER

Table 1 constant. We must be careful to include intrafamilial correla- Longitudinal Data tion of these classifications in our computations (i.e., siblings are more likely to exhibit comorbidity for depression than un- Time (k = 0,...,«, — 1) at week: related individuals). Treatment of these data as if they were in- Subject ((= l,...,N) 1 dependent (i.e., from unrelated individuals) would result in overly optimistic (i.e., too small) estimates of precision (i.e., Outcome! 0 0 1 1 0 standard errors). Had we examined proportion of affected rela- Treatment groupi 1 1 1 1 1 tives, we would have lost the ability to correlate outcome with Plasma! 10 10 20 30 10 individual personal characteristics (i.e., sex and life events of the Outcome2 1 0 0 na 0 Treatment group2 0 0 0 na 0 relative). Considerable statistical power is gained if the unique Plasma2 30 20 20 na 20 portion of each individual's response is included in the analysis. An example of a clustered dataset is presented in Table 2. The data presented in Table 2 may apply to the family study, Outcome* 0 0 0 1 1 where clusters represent N families each with nt members. For Treatment groups 1 1 1 1 1 each family, there is a cluster-level covariate (i.e., family sup- PlasmaA- 20 30 40 40 10 port) and an individual-level covariate (i.e., age of the relative). These data may be collected to examine effects of age and family Note. i= \ .. .N subjects; k = !...«, observations on subject i; na = not available. support on incidence of depression (i.e., outcome) within fami- lies.

A Random-Effects Probit Regression Model els are included to determine if a relationship exists between blood level and clinical response. Note that treatment group is Gibbons and Bock (1987) have presented a random-effects constant over time (time-invariant covariate), whereas plasma probit regression model to estimate trend in a binary variable level is measured in time-specific values (time-varying covari- measured repeatedly in the same subjects. In this article, we ate). There is no requirement that each individual must have provide an overview of a general method of parameter estima- measurements on each occasion. Indeed, Subject 2 appears to tion for both random and fixed effects. We also discuss empiri- have been unavailable for the Week 3 assessment. The model cal Bayes estimates of person-specific or cluster-specific effects provides flexible treatment of missing data. It assumes that and corresponding standard errors, so that trend at group and available data accurately represent trend. For example, if a sub- individual levels may be evaluated. In the first two sections, we ject drops out because of nonresponse, we assume that absence describe a model with one random effect, adaptable to either of positive trend will persist as if the patient had remained in clustered or longitudinal study designs. In the third section, we the study. More generally, we assume that available data charac- describe a model with two random effects suited to longitudinal terize the deviation of each subject from the group-level re- data analysis. sponse. A Model for Clustered Data Clustered Data We begin with the following model for subject k (where k = An analogous situation to the longitudinal data problem 1, 2,...,«/) in clusteri(i = I,... ,N clusters in the sample). arises in the context of clustered data. Here, repeated classifi- cations are made on individual members of the cluster. To the extent that classifications between members of a cluster are sim- Table 2 ilar (i.e., intraclass correlation), responses are not independent Clustered Data and the assumptions of typical models for analysis of (e.g., log-linear models, , chi-square sta- Subject (k= !,...,«,): tistics) do not apply. These methods assume there are n inde- pendent pieces of information, but to the extent that intraclass Cluster (/= \,...,N) 1 2 3.. .n, correlation is greater than zero, this is not true. Outcome! 0 0 1 . ..0 As in the longitudinal data case, we can have covariates at Family support i 1 1 1 . .. 1 two levels. Person-specific and cluster-specific covariates can be Age, 10 10 20. . . 10 simultaneously estimated. In addition, there is no requirement Outcome2 1 0 0. ..0 Family support2 0 0 0. ..0 that clusters have the same number of members. As an example, Age 30 20 20. ..20 consider a family study in which presence or absence of depres- 2 sion in each member is evaluated in terms of overall level of familial support, life events, sex, and age. The family represents the cluster level variable and familial support is a cluster-level Outcome* 0 0 0...1 Family support* 1 1 1 ... 1 covariate. Life events, sex, and age vary at the individual level Age* 20 30 40... 10 within a familial cluster. Because families vary in size, there is no restriction that number of members in a familial cluster be Note, i = 1... AT clusters; k = I... nt subjects in cluster /'. RANDOM-EFFECTS PROBIT REGRESSION MODELS 287

= at + PiXi, + 02*2* + (1) (3) where y,* = the unobservable continuous "response strength" and the marginal density becomes for subject k in cluster i; a, = the random effect of cluster /'; /Si = the fixed effect of the cluster level covariate xlt\ /32 = the fixed (4) effect of the subject level covariate x2jt; and tik = an independent residual distributed N(0, a2). Here, a, represents a coefficient where g(6) represents the distribution of the 6 vector in the pop- for the random cluster effect. The assumed distribution for the ulation; that is, the standard normal density. Further details of the marginal maximum likelihood estimation procedure are a, is N(jua, ff«). The coefficient a, represents the deviation of provided by Gibbons and Bock (1987). cluster i from the overall population mean na conditional on the covariate values for that person and cluster. Conditional on the covariates, the n, X 1 vector of subject response strengths for Estimating Cluster-Specific Effects cluster /, y, are multivariate normal with mean E(y,-) = l;fia -f Xfi; and covariance matrix V(y,) = oilil- + a\, where 1; is an It may be desirable to estimate level of response strength or rii X 1 unity vector, I, is an «, X n, identity matrix, 0 is the p X 1 propensity for a positive response a,. A good choice for this pur- pose (Bock & Aitkin, 1981; Gibbons & Bock, 1987) is the ex- vector of covariate coefficients, and X,- is the nt X p covariate matrix. pected a posteriori (EAP) value (Bayes estimate) of 0,-, given the To relate the manifest dichotomous response with the un- binary response vector t>, and covariate matrix Xi of cluster /. derlying continuous response strength yik, Gibbons and Bock 1 (1987) used a "threshold concept" (Bock, 1975, p. 513). They (5) assume the underlying variable is continuous, and that in the binary response setting, one threshold value (7) exists on the Similarly, the standard error of 0,, which may be used to express continuum of this variable. The presence or absence of a posi- precision of the EAP estimator, is given by tive response for subject k in cluster / is determined by whether 2 underlying response strength exceeds the threshold value. When , Xt) = ~ f (0, - 0i) l(Vi 1 0, P)g(B)d9. (6) response strength exceeds the threshold, a positive response is fl^Vj) J-oo given (coded vtk = 1), otherwise a negative response is given These quantities can be evaluated using Gauss-Hermite quad- (coded vik = 0). rature as described in Gibbons and Bock (1987) or Bock and Using the threshold model we can express probability of a Aitkin (1981). Estimates of a, can be recovered by a/ =

yik = (7) h(vt) = $ l(v,\a,0)g(a)da, where yik = the unobservable continuous "response strength" where /(», | a, 0) is given above, and g(a) represents the distribu- or "propensity" on time point k for subject i; tik = is the time tion of a in the population, (normal distribution with mean na (i.e., day, week, year, etc.) that corresponds to the kth measure- and variance a*). ment for subject i; /30 = the overall population intercept or re- sponse propensity at baseline t = 0; /3, = the overall population trend coefficient describing rate of change in response propen- Orthogonalization of the Model Parameters sity over time; a, = the random effect for subject /; /32 = the fixed In parameter estimation for the random-effects probit regres- effect of the subject level covariate x2l; ft = the fixed effect of sion model, Gibbons & Bock ( 1 987) orthogonally transform the the time-specific covariate x-^it; and tik = an independent resid- response model to use the marginal maximum likelihood esti- ual distributed N(0, a2). Here, a, is a coefficient describing de- mation procedure for the dichotomous factor analysis model viation of subject i from the overall group response conditional discussed by Bock and Aitken (1981). The Orthogonalization on the covariate vector for that subject. The assumed distribu- can be achieved by letting a = aad + na , where aa is the standard tion for a, is N(/i0, a*). In practice, population level intercept /S0 deviation of a in population. Then 9 = (a — fia)/aa, and so, E(0) and trend Pi are incorporated into the model as the first two l l = 0 and V(0) = a~ o*,


2.00 - R

E s 1.00 - p

0 .00 - N S E -1.00 -

-2.00 -

2.00 2.50 TIME MEAN SUB 1 SUB 2 SUB 3 SUB 4

Figure 1. : time versus response. Average response strength and four typical subjects (SUBs).

subject i (i.e., <,*). Therefore, the same set of likelihood increase or decrease response probability. These characteristics equations and solution derived for the clustered case directly exhibit random variability in the subject population and, to a applies also to the longitudinal problem. lesser degree, within an individual over a fixed time. Had we ignored the person-specific component of variation The model in Equation 7 is termed "random intercept" be- in the longitudinal response process and modeled these data cause person-specific deviations must be parallel to the average with probit or logistic using time as the in- trend (see Figure 2). The model is analogous to a mixed-model dependent variable (i.e., assuming repeated classification were (ANOYA) for continuous response data. independent), then we would have had to assume deviations in Figure 2 shows that overall response propensity level varies response propensity from the overall group trend vary randomly from individual to individual but that deviations from the over- as well. This assumption, depicted in Figure 1, illustrates that all group trend are constant within an individual over time. The for the fixed-effects model, an individual's deviation from the model is not plausible for two reasons. First, in many controlled overall group response propensity may be positive on one occa- clinical trials, subjects are selected to be similar at baseline but sion and negative on another, an implausible view of the longi- are quite heterogeneous in terms of their response to treatment tudinal response process. Particularly for short-term studies, over time. In this example, it is the trend that is random and not subjects deviate systematically from the overall group level the intercept. Second, in naturalistic studies, for example, many trend based on measured or unmeasured characteristics that studies of mental health services, there is variability in both the RANDOM-EFFECTS PROBIT REGRESSION MODELS 289

3.00 n

2.00 - R

E 1.00 S P

0 N S



Figure 2. Random intercept model. Average response strength and four typical subjects (SUBs).

intercept (i.e., the subjects are not screened on the basis of se- intercept model, the underlying response process assumed by verity of illness) and trend (i.e., the efficacy of the services varies the random trend model is quite different. Modifications to like- greatly in the population of potential recipients). In either case, lihood equations and their solution follow from the derivation a model that only allows for person-specific deviations at base- given by Gibbons and Bock (1987). In the following section, we line (i.e., a random intercept model) seems poorly suited for consider a model with two random effects, a random intercept problems in mental health research. and a random trend. Alternatively, a "random trend" model could be considered as follows. A Model With Two Random Effects In the previous section, we developed a model with a single Here, we assume a common intercept or starting point for all random effect. However, both the intercept (i.e., baseline level) subjects (plus or minus random error «,*), and person-specific and slope (i.e., the rate at which change occurs) can exhibit sys- deviations in the slope of each subject's trend line from the av- tematic person-specific deviations from overall population level erage group trend line. This model is depicted in Figure 3, values (see Figure 4). In this case, the model must be further which shows that deviations from average response rate increase generalized to the case of two random effects; that is, over time, as each subject has an individual rate parameter. Al- though the solution is similar to the clustered case and random Vik = OtOi + OCiitik + 01*1, + 02*2* + (9) 290 ROBERT D. GIBBONS AND DONALD HEDEKER


2.00 R

E 1.00 S

P 0 .00 - N S E -1.00 -

-2.00 -

1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 TIME MEAN SUB SUB 2 SUB 3 SUB 4

Figure 3. Random trend model. Average response strength and four typical subjects (SUBs).

Here aoi represents the deviation for subject i from the overall and

l(vt\ao, «„ 0 = (10) M = andS = where The model implies that conditional on the covariates, the obser- zik = («o/ + antik + ftiXu + P x - y)/f. vations are multivariate normal with mean E(y) = TM and co- 2 2lk 2 variance matrix V(y) = T'ST' + a !, where, for example, Thus, marginal probability of this pattern is given by 0 /*»,)= f f I(v,\a0,al,ftg(p,2)dctida0, (11) 1 JOQ Jaj 2 T' — where g( •) is the bivariate normal probability density of ao and «i. The method of estimation for the parameters of this model was originally described by Gibbons and Bock (1987); this arti- 1 n- 1 cle contains full details concerning the estimation procedure. RANDOM-EFFECTS PROBIT REGRESSION MODELS 291

R E S P 0 N S E



Figure 4. Random intercept and trend model. Average response strength and four typical subjects (SUBs).

Illustration measurements made in the 6 weeks of treatment. In the first analysis, we treat these data as if subjects represent 440 clusters To illustrate application of the random-effects probit model which include one to seven repeated observations, ignoring the to clustered and longitudinal data, we examined data from the longitudinal nature of the repeated observations. Both fixed- National Institute of Mental Health Schizophrenia Collabora- effects and random-effects probit models were fitted to these tive Study. Specifically, we examined Item 79 of the Inpatient data, using sex and treatment group as covariates. The fixed- Multidimensional Psychiatric Scale (IMPS; Lorr & Klett, effect model allows one to simply ignore the fact that there were 1966). Item 79, "Severity of Illness," was originally scored on a repeated measurements from each subject and incorrectly as- 7-point scale ranging from normal, not at all ill (I) to among sume that all observations (i.e., both within and across subjects) the most extremely ill (7). For the purpose of this analysis, we were independent. Each treatment group was contrasted to the dichotomized the measure between mildly ill (3) to moderately placebo control group. Results are presented in Table 4. The ill (4). Gibbons, Hedeker, Waternaux, & Davis (1988) analyzed scale of the parameter estimates corresponds to the probit re- these data in their original metric using a random-effects regres- sponse function (see Finney, 1971). For example, Table 4 re- sion model for continuous response data. Experimental design veals that for the random-effects model, the overall response and corresponding sample sizes are displayed in Table 3. level in placebo patients (i.e., the intercept, because the placebo Table 3 reveals that the longitudinal portion of the study is group was dummy coded as 0 0 0 on the three treatment-related highly unbalanced. There are large differences in the number of effects) is -1.327 and the total variance is Vl + 5552 (i.e., the 292 ROBERT D. GIBBONS AND DONALD HEDEKER

Table 3 exhibited significant improvement relative to placebo controls Experimental Design and Weekly Sample Sizes for both models. The second analysis accounted for the longitudinal nature of Sample size at week: Treatment the study design. Here we fitted a fixed-effects model and one- group 0 12345 6 and two-random-effects models to these data. Results of this analysis are presented in Table 5. Table 5 reveals different re- Placebo 110 108 5 89 2 2 72 sults depending on whether or not random effects are included. Chlorpromazine 110 108 3 96 4 5 87 As in the previous analysis, the fixed-effects model underesti- Fluphenazine 114 108 2 100 2 2 89 Thioridazine 106 107 4 93 3 0 90 mates standard errors since it assumes all measurements are independent. Similarly, standard errors for the model with two random effects were equal to or greater than those for the model with one random effect (i.e., random intercept model). The residual variance which is fixed at 1 plus the random effect vari- model with one random effect significantly improved fit over the ance of 0.5552). The corresponding normal probability of ill- fixed-effects model (xi = 131.04, p < .0001), and the model ness in the placebo group is given by $(-1.327/Vl + .5552) = with two random effects significantly improved fit over the $(-1.160) = .877, or an overall estimated proportion of well model with one random effect (x? = 73.70, p < .0001). Person- placebo patients of .123 (i.e., averaging over time). In contrast, specific variability in intercepts aao = .860 and slopes aai = .630 the estimated difference between fluphenazine and placebo was were both significant (p < .0001), but uncorrelated (o^,, = 0.834; hence the corresponding probability is given by .056,p<.48). *[(-!.327 + .834)/Vl + .5552] = *(-0.431) = .666, or an over- Sex, main effect of treatment, and a Treatment X Time in- all estimated proportion of well placebo patients of .334 (i.e., teraction were examined. Models with both one and two ran- averaging over time). Overall, the model indicates that flu- dom-effects revealed significant Treatment X Time interactions phenazine produces a 21% increase in response relative to pla- for all three active treatments versus placebo control, although cebo (i.e., 33.4% versus 12.3%), when response is denned as magnitude was somewhat greater for the model with two ran- mildly ill or better. Of course, we would expect this difference to dom effects indicating that differences between treatment be larger at the end of treatment as will be shown in the results groups and the placebo control group were linearly increased of the longitudinal analysis. over the 6-week study. However, the fixed-effects model did not Table 4 also reveals that addition of the random cluster (i.e., identify significant treatment by time interactions. Only the in this case, person) effect is highly significant in the ratio of main effect (i.e., averaging over time points) corresponding to MLE to SE and in the improvement in fit likelihood ratio chi- difference between fluphenazine and placebo was significant. In square statistic (xi = 35.02, p < .0001). As expected, the fixed- contrast, the fixed-effects model identified a significant sex effects model considerably underestimated standard errors of effect not found in either random-effects model. parameter estimates. Additionally, and unanticipated, the fixed- These results illustrate that ignoring systematic person-spe- effects model also underestimated maximum likelihood param- cific effects leads to poor model fit, and can bias the maximum eter estimates. Simply ignoring the within-subject nature of likelihood estimates, standard errors, and probability values as- these data is clearly not a good idea. The effect of sex ap- sociated with tests of treatment-related effects. Indeed, had we proached significance in the fixed-effects model but was not sig- naively applied a traditional probit or logistic regression model nificant in the random-effects model. All three active treatments to these data, we would have incorrectly concluded thioridazine and Chlorpromazine did not have any beneficial effects relative to placebo control. For a better understanding of these differences, predicted Table 4 probability of illness curves for men and women are displayed Parameter Estimates, Standard Errors, and Probabilities for in Figures 5 and 6, respectively. The predicted response proba- NIMH Schizophrenia Collaborative Study Clustered Example bilities are a direct function of the estimated parameter values Fixed Random in Table 5. Comparison of Figures 5 and 6 support the finding Fixed and of a nonsignificant difference between male and female subjects random effects MLE SE p< MLE SE p< in that the response curves are quite similar. Similarly, the treat- ment versus control differences are clearly evident in these fig- Fixed effects Intercept -1.151 .105 .0001 -1.327 .168 .0001 ures, with consistent differences emerging as early as 1 week. Sex .095 .056 .0900 .103 .088 .2440 Chlor vs. Pla .445 .085 .0001 .521 .135 .0001 Fluph vs. Pla .726 .083 .0001 .834 .136 .0001 Discussion Thior vs. Pla .521 .084 .0001 .615 .132 .0001 Random effects" It should be clear from the material presented that much of

ff .555 .078 .0001 the same rich structure that can be extracted from continuous «0 data using random-effects regression models is also available for Note. NIMH = National Institute of Mental Health; MLE = maxi- studies involving binary outcomes. The random-effects probit mum likelihood estimate. Chlor = Chlorpromazine; Pla = placebo; model with numerical integration presented here is one such Fluph = fluphenazine; Thior = thioridazine. " Log L = -944.65 for fixed effects and -927.14 for the . In contrast to other approaches (e.g., Stiratelli et al., model. For change, x2 = 35.02, p < .0001. 1984; Wong & Mason, 1985), we restrict the random effects to RANDOM-EFFECTS PROBIT REGRESSION MODELS 293

Table 5 Parameter Estimates, Standard Errors, and Probabilities for NIMH Schizophrenia Collaborative Study Longitudinal Example Fixed 1 Random effect 2 Random effects Fixed and random effects MLE SE P MLE SE P MLE SE P Fixed effects Intercept -1.777 .158 <.0001 -2.630 .314 <.0001 -2.507 .457 <.0001 Slope .217 .037 <.0001 .309 .042 <.0001 .102 .105 <.33 Sex .126 .056 <.02 .178 .140 <.20 .215 .188 <.25 Chlorvs. Pla .265 .175 <.13 .395 .285 <.16 .050 .285 <.86 Fluph vs. Pla .516 .187 <.006 .810 .303 <.008 .209 .339 <.54 Thior vs. Pla .314 .170 <.07 .357 .284 <.21 .079 .284 <.78 C vs. Pla X T .064 .050 <.20 .111 .055 <.04 .427 .136 <.002 F vs. Pla X T .102 .054 <.06 .164 .061 <.007 .706 .155 <.0001 T vs. Pla X T .078 .050 <.12 .165 .061 <.007 .526 .144 <.0002 Random effects8

ff«0 1.180 .112 <.0001 .860 .220 <.0001 CT«0"I .056 .093 <.48 (7«, .630 .112 <.0001 Note. NIMH = National Institute of Mental Health; MLE = Maximum likelihood estimate; Chlor = chlorpromazine; Pla = placebo; Fluph = fluphenazine; Thior = thioridazine. " Log L = -780.81 for the fixed effects model; -715.29 for the model with one random effect, and -678.44 for the model with two random effects. Chi-square values for change are as follows: for the model with one random effect, x2 = 131.04, p < .0001; for the model with two random effects, x2 = 73.70, p < .0001.

the intercept and slope of the trend line, treating covariates as example, if patients who do poorly during their participation in the fixed. These other approaches typically would treat all esti- study drop out, we expect that they would have continued not to mated coefficients as random. There are advantages and disad- benefit from treatment, hence the distribution of the unobserved vantages to both approaches. With only one or two random outcomes is known conditional on the distribution of the available effects, the likelihood may be evaluated numerically as pre- outcomes (i.e., the absence of trend observed while in the study is sented here. Furthermore, Bock and Aitkin (1981) have shown indicative of the missing data). Both examples are consistent with how the assumption of multivariate normality of the underlying ignorable nonresponse. random effect distribution can be relaxed and other distribu- If unmeasured characteristics of individuals or their treat- tions can be fitted or nonparametric estimates of the underlying ment experience lead to dropout that affects the distribution of density can be obtained. This generalization is possible here as missing data, then nonresponse is nonignorable. For example, well but would not be available where the integrals in Equation if a patient drops out of a study because of a side effect of the 4 are approximated by a multivariate normal distribution with intervention, but side effects are not included as covariates in the same mode and curvature of the mode as the true posterior the model, the missing data would be nonignorable and the in- (i.e., Bayes modal estimates) as in Stiratelli et al. (1984) and ferences drawn from these models would be invalid. This is not Wong and Mason (1985). Alternatively, as the number of ran- a consequence of using more complex statistical models. Use of dom effects increase beyond three or four, the numerical inte- sophisticated models helps explicate assumptions. On the other gration becomes computationally intractable. Anderson and hand, simple models can lead to questionable conclusions. For Aitkin (1985) have developed a similar model for examining example, the quasi-likelihood approach of Liang and Zeger interviewer variability that also uses numerical integration to (1986; Zeger & Liang, 1986) assumes no distributional form for obtain maximum likelihood parameter estimates. the outcome measures and can therefore be applied to a wide Some discussion of missing data is appropriate here. Laird variety of data (i.e., binary, ordinal, and continuous). The dis- (1988) has described three categories of missing data: missing advantage however is that missing data are ignorable only if they completely at random; ignorable nonresponse; and nonignor- are completely explained by the covariates in the model. Since able nonresponse. Although data missing completely at random no distributional form is assumed for outcomes, distribution of is easiest to cope with, it is probably not a plausible assumption the missing data conditional on the observed outcomes is un- for longitudinal studies in which subjects often drop out during known and therefore cannot be used to justify statistical infer- the course of the study, never to return. ences in the presence of missing data. Indeed, in the presence of The second category of ignorable nonresponse states that missing missing data, the quasi- or partial-likelihood approaches be- data are ignorable as long as they are explained by terms in the come even more restrictive than the full-likelihood procedure model or the available outcome data for each subject. For example, described here, in that the consistency of the quasi-likelihood if in a clinical trial patients on placebo drop out more frequently estimates is now guaranteed only if the true correlation among than patients on active treatment, the missing data are ignorable as repeated outcomes is known for each subject. This information, long as treatment is included as a covariate in the model. As another of course, is never available. 294 ROBERT D. GIBBONS AND DONALD HEDEKER



.10 -

2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 TIME (WEEKS) CONTR CHLOR THIOR FLUPH

Figure 5. IMPS 79 Severity X Time for men. IMPS 79 Severity = Item 79, "Severity of Illness," from the Inpatient Multidimensional Psychiatric Scale (Lorr & Klett, 1966). PR ILLNESS = probability of illness; CONTR = control; CHLOR = chlorpromazine; THIOR = thioridazine; FLUPH = fluphenazine.

Unfortunately, very little computer software is commercially sidual errors will be present, perhaps first-order autocorrela- available, and the models presented here are computationally tion. Stiratelli et al. (1984) suggest an approximate solution to heavy. A prototype computer program is available (MIXOR) this problem by including the observed outcome on the previ- from the National Institute of Mental Health Services Research ous occasion as a covariate in the model. It is unclear whether Branch. this does yield independent residual errors or how these esti- There are a number of directions for future research in this mates are influenced by missing data. Gibbons and Bock (1987) area. First, while the models presented here were developed for suggest a direct approximation of the likelihood for the random- binary data, analyses can be devised for ordinal response data effects probit model that permits residual correlation and how as well. The major difference is that the model now involves the single parameter p of a first-order autoregressive error struc- estimates of K-l thresholds describing the point of transition ture can be jointly estimated with the other fixed and random from each response category to the next highest one in terms of effects in the model. Unfortunately, error bounds for their ap- underlying response strength (see Hedeker & Gibbons, 1994). proximation are still unknown, so their solution cannot be fully Second, the model presented here assumes that conditional on relied on at this time. the fixed and random effects included in the model the residual More recently, advances in Monte Carlo methods for numer- errors are independent and have constant variance. It is far ical integration, for example, (Gelfand & more plausible that some degree of serial correlation among re- Smith, 1990) have been developed with remarkable results. RANDOM-EFFECTS PROBIT REGRESSION MODELS 295




1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 TIME (WEEKS) CONTR CHLOR THIOR FLUPH

Figure 6. IMPS 79 Severity X Time interaction for women. IMPS 79 Severity = Item 79, "Severity of Illness," from the Inpatient Multidimensional Psychiatric Scale (Lorr & Klett, 1966). PR ILLNESS = probability of illness; CONTR = control; CHLOR = chlorpromazine; THIOR = thioridazine; FLUPH = fluphenazine.

These approaches can be readily adapted to the problem of Bock, R. D. (1975). Multivariate statistical methods in behavioral re- evaluating the likelihood of correlated probit models as well. search. New York: McGraw-Hill. It is often the case that data are both clustered and longitudi- Bock, R. D., & Aitkin, M. (1981). Marginal maximum likelihood esti- nal. For example, in a multicenter clinical trial, subjects are mation of item parameters: Application of an EM algorithm. Psycho- nested within research centers and repeatedly measured over metrika, 46, 443-459. Bock, R. D. (Ed.). (1989). Multilevel analysis of educational data. San time. It may be reasonable to assume that the centers represent Diego, CA: Academic Press. a random sample from a population of possible research sites Bryk, A. S., & Raudenbush, S. W. (1987). Application of hierarchical and that observations within individuals and within centers will linear models to assessing change. Psychological Bulletin, 101, 147- not be independent. Combining the two models presented here 158. into a three-level model (i.e., center, subject, and measurement Conoway, M. R. (1989). Analysis of repeated categorical measurements occasion) would have widespread application. with conditional likelihood methods. Journal of the American Statis- tical Association, 84, 53-61. References Finney, D. J. (1971). Probit analysis. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. Anderson, D., & Aitkin, M. (1985). Variance components models with Gelfand, A. E., & Smith, A. F. M. (1990). Sampling-based approaches binary response: Interviewer variability. Journal of the Royal Statis- to calculating marginal densities. Journal of the American Statistical tical Society, Series B, 47, 203-210. Association, 85, 398-409. 296 ROBERT D. GIBBONS AND DONALD HEDEKER

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