The London Gazette, 26Th February 1976 2953
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THE LONDON GAZETTE, 26TH FEBRUARY 1976 2953 A copy of the Order and the map contained in it has SELBY DISTRICT COUNCIL been deposited and may be inspected free of charge at NOTICE OF CONFIRMATION OF PUBLIC PATH ORDER the office of the Secretary of Huntingdon District Council, County Buildings, Huntingdon during normal office hours. HIGHWAYS ACT, 1959 Any representation or objection with respect to the COUNTRYSIDE ACT, 1968 Order may be sent in writing to the office of the Secretary, The District Council of Selby (Parish of Lead—Bridlepath Huntingdon District Council, County Buildings, Hunting- No. 1) Public Path Diversion Order No. 2, 1975 don before the 9th April 1976, and should state the grounds upon which it is made. Notice is hereby given that on the 13th February 1976 If no representation or objection are duly made, or if the District Council of Selby confirmed the above-named any so made are withdrawn the Huntingdon District Order. Council may instead of submitting the Order to the Secre- The effect of the Order as confirmed is to divert the tary of State for the Environment themselves confirm the public right of way running from the Crooked Billet and Order. If the Order is submitted to the Secretary of State along the drive way to Leadhall Farmhouse to a line running any representations and objections which have been duly parallel to the existing right of way on the eastern side made and not withdrawn will be transmitted with the of the fence to the grounds of Leadhall Farmhouse. Order. A copy of the Order as confirmed and the map contained in it has been deposited and may be inspected free of Dated 13th February 1976. charge at the Council Offices, 2 Abbey Yard, Selby, North L. Ely, The Secretary. Yorkshire, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Huntingdon District Council, Mondays to Thursdays inclusive and 9 aan. and 4.30 p.m. County Buildings, on Fridays. (577) This Order became operative as from the 20th February Huntingdon, PE18 6LH, Cambs. 1976 but if any person aggrieved by the Order desires to question the validity thereof or of any provision contained therein on the grounds that it is not within the powers of SALISBURY DISTRICT COUNCIL the Highways Act 1959, as amended, or on the ground that any requirement of that Act as amended, or any regula- NOTICE OF PUBLIC PATH ORDER tion made thereunder has not been complied with in relation HIGHWAYS ACT, 1959 to the confirmation of the Order, he may, under paragraph 2 of Schedule 2 to the Act, within 6 weeks from the 26th COUNTRYSIDE ACT, 1968 February 1976 make application for the purpose to the High Court. The Salisbury District Council Footpath No. 27 (Part)— Broad Chalke Public Path Diversion Order, 1976 Dated 26th February 1976. D. J. Jenkins, District Secretary. Notice is hereby given that the above-named Order, made Council Offices, on the 12th February 1976, is about to be submitted to the 2 Abbey Yard, Selby, Secretary of State for the Department of the Environment North Yorkshire. (778) for confirmation, or to be confirmed as an unopposed Order by the Salisbury District Council. The effect of the Order if confirmed without modification, WANSBECK DISTRICT COUNCIL will be to divert that part of Footpath No. 27 described HIGHWAYS ACT 1959—SECTION 108 in A of the Schedule hereto to the route described in B. Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the A copy of the Order and map annexed thereto has been Magistrates's Court sitting at Ashington on Thursday the deposited and may be inspected free of charge at the 25th March 1976, for an Order that a certain highway at Council House, Bourne Hill, Salisbury, Wiltshire, during Back Trojan Street, Bomarsund Stakeford in the County of normal office hours. Northumberland, the situation whereof is indicated on the Any representation or objection with respect to _ the plan (which may be inspected at the offices of the Chief Order may be sent in writing to the Controller of Adminis- Administrative Officer, Wansbeck District Council, Wans- trative Services at the Council House, Bourne Hill, Salis- beck Square, Ashington, Northumberland between the bury, Wiltshire, before the 25th March 1976 ; and should hours of 8.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m.) and is thereon represented state the grounds on which it is made. by the part coloured red shall be diverted and in part If no representations or objections are duly made, or if stopped-up in manner following (that is to say) the said any so made are withdrawn, the Salisbury District Council highways will be stopped-up totally as they are now may instead of submitting the Order to the Secretary of unnecessary due to the demolition of the nouses they State for the Department of the Environment themselves served. No additional highway will be provided in lieu. confirm the Order. If the Order is submitted to the Dated 23rd February 1976. Secretary of State any representations and objections which R. R. Nuttall, Chief Executive. have been duly made and not withdrawn will be trans- Wansbeck Square, mitted with the Order. Ashington, Dated 26th February 1976. Northumberland, NE63 9XL. (786) S. C. Davis, Controller of Administrative Services. WANSBECK DISTRICT COUNCIL SCHEDULE HIGHWAYS ACT 1959—SECTION 108 A Notice is hereby given that application will be made to Description of site of existing path or way the Magistrates' Court sitting at Ashington on Thursday the 25th March 1976, for an Order that a certain high- That part of Footpath No. 27 beginning at the road way at Boca Chica and Boathouse Terrace, Cambois in bounded on its south-western side by the All Saints Church, the County of Northumberland the situation whereof is Broad Chalke, and extending for a distance which is shown indicated on the plan (which may be inspected at the offices or thereabouts in a north-easterly direction which is shown of the Chief Administrative Officer, Wansbeck District coloured brown on the map attached to the Order between Council, Wansbeck Square, Ashington, Northumberland the points marked C-B. The path is 0'914 of a metre between the hours of 8.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m.) and is in width. thereon represented by the part coloured red shall be B diverted and in part stopped-up in manner (that is to Description of site of new path or way say), the said highways will be stopped-up totally as they are now unnecessary due to the demolition of the houses A footpath 0'914 of a metre in width beginning at the they served. No additional highway will be provided in road 27 metres or thereabouts north-west of the existing lieu. path described in " A" above and extending in a general north-easterly direction for a distance of 99 metres or Dated 23rd February 1976. thereabouts adjacent to an irregular hedge-line before joining JR. R. N-uttall, Chief Executive. the existing route of Footpath No. 27. This new line is Wansbeck Square, shown A-B on the map attached to the Order and thereon Ashington, coloured green. (772) Northumberland, NE63 9XL. (787).