SPARTAN DAILY It, Iii , VOLUME 95, NUMBER 19 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1990 Debate on Crisis Draws Can't Touch This Fourth St
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Mental health South Bay battle Lock Up at SJSU More than 1.000 people in the San Jose State This rock funk band from Southern California is SJSU's defense has its work cut University area are listed as persistently coming to promote its 'Something Bitchin This out for it with upcoming Stanford. mentally ill adults, says an SJSU professor. A Way Comes' album. Lock Up comes to the The Cardinal features a ground two-day conference will focus on helping Student Union Amphitheatre at noon today game that gained 296 yards families deal with the issue. Below Page 8 against Oregon State. But the Spartans, who have allowed only Drug tests lose in court Teetering around 11 net yards in their last two Athletes at Stanford challenge the NCAA Alpha Phi sorority holds a 72 -hour teeter-totter games, should be up to the task. program - and win. athon to raise funds for the American Heart Page 6 Page 7 Association. Page 8 %%cattier Pithlisbcd lot the I. no eisit) and Part H . slight chance 01 L no ersity Comnitinit Ore ,lionoon thunderstorms. highs tkpanment of Journalisin and the init1-70s, lows mid -50s. \lass rommiinicanons SPARTAN DAILY it, IiI , VOLUME 95, NUMBER 19 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1990 Debate on crisis draws Can't touch this Fourth St. 200 to amphitheater Garage By Ste%e Helmer want its love peaccII Daly staff writer the Middle East. total SJSU. facult mcm peace. Peace is not an her, expressed their ideology. its a prac- without opposition to a war with tice. Let's put it into Iraq in a heated discus- reality." sion before more than The second seq- 200 interested listeners uence was headed tril- power Wednesday in the Stu by Barbara Duhhins. dent Union Amphithe- associate prat:vaor of Smanda Helen atre. history. who further Daily staff writer The event was discussed background Several students and employees who dubbed a (lehate crisis. to the usually park their cars in the Fourth Street iirganiiers and 4...onsisted Organiiation and parking, ng gragea were further left in the 01 three sequence, in management prof,: , dark about finding parking spaces this N. 111C11 SJSt proles -.iii-. sor Abdel El -Shawl) had so, minutes Its dis- and sociology prores One was Julie Geer. a public rela- cuss the Middle East Ann Nelson - Daly staff photographer stir Hob Glitter I'M tions major. who hiked the e \tra !lights S ISIS. lowed by talking 01 stairs to lop where her car wa, "We are here to do. more the Mike Escobar. a political sci- about the poli- easily s isihle sun CUSS ss Ii iii.o hi. tics of the crisis. in the mid -afternoon oil ence senior asks about prob- requited to ,,20.e !ono FI-Shaieh said the 'I don't want to park with the light, lems in the Gulf conflict at the lilt: lot an et ciii 111 1.11. major Arab organi/a out.- she said. Middle East crisis forum. .. III "MUM"' III n, hill. Ill againsi Power hi the parking garage has heen l...1111/11 ,111111t, 111111e,NOI I rag .5 M:151 lin sit out since Monday because ()I' a blow n 1.1111 V11:11111C1. ii I oileraliii Kuwait. ii I-, said most orgamialton, transfonner. according to Louise Marang, C11111111.1,11t_ citiwil tor the most part lilt support w \ merw.1 has done and are lo, serVice wpresentame mit SJSIF's Trani, 1.1.11 55 ith panelists opposition to I.S. against Si I,! 1 lussem. and Parking Office. ii is unrelated to Iasi Hi\ 01%01h:111 111 -I think need to he 0,11,1,1C111.- said weekend's Ilea thunderstorms w hose 1)1. said 011 C.111111.1 i.l.1111 peaCe (diner. the t need lo use lightning streaked the South Has ssitlt illiough iolent means.- said WillieI 'smile'. problem, in the 'Middle ahons the lilat:kouts f Foto destroyed translormers. .1 1u:simian atimmistiation of justice maim. East. we should use them. We should also larangolo said. -We need hides:Me il we want .1 Aron,: hut use lined Nalkins to solve the proh Marangolo said the original culprit was a and weak mind. or weak mind and Ions in the kkestern Hemisphere were cod that burned out causing the entire trans - anti ’ tesponsible tor. - protessot Alden Vont kroner to blow up. It must be replaced ISilitital science lo start the third sequence. .A1n)-Ameri- started the lirst part ol the dellate 1-1.t dis- lx..:res1 lights van he resit wed The reason can studies Chamnan Ste\ en \ lillner delis the politics of the costs. Ile dis- the cocoil bueur nd oout w5515 n ot kno w.n she cussing erctl all elecoil) mg speech about the conceptual and realit,. cussed historical. think:sin' cirnsequenct.,.. 155111.5 petiaming to the Middle Last 51151a- "Considering this an emergenc.- "Flow can we 1110 the resources to send 111111. ts to get someone out to thousands ol troops thousand, id miles Marangolo. -1i)ing ,111: grateltil to !rag lot pis mg the when sse can't lind the resources to replace it (the transfirmierr to restore power woild Lodi/anon.- said Voth discussing the help crack infested ghettos. hinh detects. - to the garage. histotical a.m.. ? asked. Marangolo was unsure when the trans - In eplaiiiing the conceptual sit! 11111 generation learned it the hard rAa.. Moiler would he replaced. but hopes to have taut c. %oil) said am time there is a V. .11 "SI outside contractor come in as soon as Mu:awning situation. ilk- well hong of the dic both. Mintier said. referring an Ii, the Vietnam war. We can't sok e our ptissible to replace it. p.ilitit.11 ',owe? is thieatened. 1 155 11 1,111111eSni, 111111111:11VC An emergency generator was scheduled lecl ITS Sea going it) lie a w Viet engineering professor Jack to he put in the garage today and should 5.1111 \0u11 K iii/weil also 11p,ctissed the domestic con- So, itrItn.: professor .30i1t Ibrahim and allow drivers Iii find their cars without the segilemes ii I S. insokement in the cri- icliitnis studies lecturei / kil aid of a flashlight until the transit:Inner is SO 1155111 the background III 111C 1.11515 bel1/1C replaced. Marangolo said. piohlem with 111C 111,1 1111111111,11111 1111 S111(11:111 1111CS111111S, -I dunk the IS. has a real Notes hell lilt ears inside the garage 1111,1111111 ',Mil k11%%.111 iS Ill:al:Chill ill1111 lotto:no in and ciedthilit.- said Kurzweil. Wesinesdtus notified tinkers of the h p.m. otilspitiposc to] I S intolvement DV hi 'Milli .1 55 it.’111 111:111 lilt c It ising because of the lack of lights. said ro wai ssi iss mainlain a perma- .1111.1 11.1t1 111%.111C11. 111,111 NAM .11115 iltIlh is hiehii 1 Mar:11TO. nent pieseike I 5511111 II maisc it clear that 1 11C L.1/111.1.111 111:11: 1, .1 1111,1111(11:1,1,111(1111.2 Escort services vt ere Asti pros ided its \ s,1111 1111,1111111 , Os "I'V"`e "." "fill 11.1,1 through "evening guides and parking allo- cated some escorts- ftw safelv through Ihe dismal corridor, of the pat k mg garage. is.' irt.tiilg to I Ills el-sit) Poltce Department Dan camps- Dady slat v ,..v False alarm causes evacuation oil!, lats. 0.000.- Rudy Blanco, a junior in business administration reaches up for the "lights out, please wall to be football during intermural football practice for the Markham Magic's. read a s11.211 at the h0110111 ill the stairs of the Students displaced parting garage. from Clark Library Conference focuses on mentally ill qi \ All the lii I Mt iii1celedo haute, to mike the problem R, \lams tticaralt. , ills Mill 1111:111.111 Utemoll sistent mental l.% ill into the mental health 1,ill writer eh:simians are oll call. 111.11 a Daily stall writer saitt. field. the cOliterence iil het foetid. look 1 501111e 1111t.t hie hl.tllll 5%.isti'l L1101101 reason lor ii prointrie collaboration between the mental .A 15511 ihis 11111C1C1h. 141 -Serum. and conlooke is iins ot both protes (lark .1 dowel lueak hull stiitting help tall. 'smith said. s stein and academic piogions ill \ lent.11 Illness begins today al clonal and owl pork...tonal petmle. and health Hui v,s11.11i I ilriar on I 1ie5,1,1 itt.ii %s hose disc whiles. 111.1111 panel 111 (Ink 1 SISI and w Ill locus on comilinalion still pro\ itle inhumation Itri 1,11_idly...M- the imolai health catty liii %% hat Ille% ...all 5% hill il in the 111011 coilliols all lilt' alamis between SJSI and the commtiniiv uiu the (1011s. laiiiilles allt1 Richard Laiiih..1 piolesstw ot fuss sIui.utrs iettirned. 104..111011 ill NIWIC .1 hut thiuls git es .1 gt:114:1.11 soca til mental health. said Said .tt the itoetsit ol Sotithein Caltlomia. -When we came ha, k iii. it. OS! 5,0t said 1irollle111 WWII! Ile. S1111111 lit ills. tt tiuis'rs'iiss OM% encl. III ,tslsittimlil il) 1111111M 1111.2 111C coping will he I-ritla's kcsnitte socakot Ile will `WI' CS et) hod) pouring init.- the Cling/MCI II the prohlem was dust oti one ol the lite , .1 Registiation stalls at X: lit .1 111. ill mom skills oh tamilies and let:rutting consumers atklress long-term dill:e said.