Vigils Held in Protest of Dedication of New ROTC Building Drug Czar Bennett to Give Lecture at ND
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------------------------ --- VOL. XXIII NO. 31 MONDAY , OCTOBER 8, 1990 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Vigils held in protest of dedication of new ROTC building By PATRICK HEALY The members of the vigil were News Writer not a formal organization, but called themselves an "ad hoc" group. Two vigils were held this Despite the intentions of weekend to protest a mass held Caponigro and Twohy. some for the dedication of the new members of the group stated Pasquerilla Center and to gar anti-ROTC opinions, and ner support for three proposals Caponigro said he was concerning the Notre Dame Re "concerned people in ROTC felt serve Officers' Training (ROTC) it [the vigil] was an attack program. against them." The vigils were held on Friday Caponigro said the vigil outside of Sacred Heart Church wasn't intended to attack the during the mass and on Satur morality of the ROTC students, day outside of the Pasquerilla and doesn't "think they're building. during the blessing of (ROTC students) unethical as the building. people." The proposals include a A midshipman who observed counselor for ROTC students, a the vigil stated that the demon mandatory class in war law strators "don't know what goes and ethics for these students, on in ROTC." His colleague said and alternate scholarships for the "atmosphere of the Univer students needing financial aid sity is moralistic" and that offi but whose morals are in con cers from Notre Dame will have flict with ROTC, said senior sound morals and a religious Mary Sue Twohy, co-leader of background. He noted that the demonstrations. many ROTC students take a Jay Caponigro. another co morals class and also must leader, said he was "not com take the required philosophy . The Observer/David Lee fortable with a mass for the and theology classes. People be~r s1gns of prot~st at the ded1cat1on of the new ROTC building on Friday. Students and others dedication of a building for gather outs1de of Pasquenlla Center. non:... but emphasized that th•~ vigil was "not-anti ROTC". see ROTC I page 4 Women are leaving Church Drug czar Bennett to give lecture due to low status, sister says at ND; subject: care of children By DAVID ZIRINGER women as "defective men." She Special to The Observer News Writer said that biased attitudes yet universities until 1981 when tiona! Strategy was released persist, being reflected even in he was selected by President along with a $10.6 billion current statements by Pope William Bennett, director Ronald Reagan to head the budget, detailing activities of Women are "perpetual mi John Paul II. of the Office of National National Endowment for the every federal anti-drug pro- nors" in the Catholic Church, A recent bishops' letter on Drug Control Policy and Humanities, where he served gram and agency. Bennett said Sister Regina Coli in her women further reinforced bi former U.S. Secretary of Ed- until being named in 1985 was appointed by President lecture Friday. ased doctoral ideology. The ucation, will speak Oct. 17 at Secretary of Education. Ben- George Bush to direct the Coli. Director of Field Educa letter maintained the idea that Notre Dame. nett stepped down from his Office of National Drug Con- tion at Notre Dame. cited sur different roles are more appro His lecture, "Modernity cabinet post in 1988. trol Policy, a position he as- veys showing that young, edu priate for each sex, said Coli. and the Care of our Chil- In September, 1989 Presi- sumed in March. cated women are leaving the Coli said that insensitivity to dren," will be at 7:30 pm in dent Bush released his Na- Since the Bush adminis- church more than any other wards women is also reflected the Hesburgh Library audi- tiona! Drug Control Strat- tration took office, the fed- torium. It is free and open to egy. The report, prepared by era! government has in- group. in the church's traditional im age of God as a male. She said the public. Bennett, resulted from six creased spending to fight Historical church policy. the A native of Brooklyn, N.Y., months of discussion with drugs some 70 percent - the church image of God as a male, offering but one image of God Bennett holds a bachelor's government leaders. treat- largest percentage increase and a disregard for female is "heretical," and that every degree in philosophy from ment professionals, educa- of any major program in the church contributions are image we present of God (such Williams College, a tors, drug policy experts. federal government. responsible for the "serious" as a female image) offers a dif doctorate in political law enforcement officials Last February Bennett ac- exodus. according to Coli. ferent view of God. philosophy from the and hundreds of American companied President Bush to Attitudes in church doctrine Women's religious contribu University of Texas, and a citizens involved in fighting Cartegena, Colombia to par- are founded on 15th to 17th tions are not respected, Coil law degree from Harvard. drugs. ticipate in the first Andean century understandings. Coli He taught at a number of In January, a second Na- drug summit. said, some of which perceived see CHURCH I page 4 ~£2N§!,l{~9 nt q!t~~~~d<its.Qff ~f~[l]J.?.Y~ncem Saint Mary's Editor identification and credit cards over the apathy displayed by missing. the first officer and said that A Notre Dame student was The attacker was described "had the first officer filed a re- attacked at approximately 1:30 by the victim as a black man in port, all cars in the area. in a.m. Saturday on Ivy Road, his mid-twenties. He was wear- eluding Notre Dame Security, South Bend. ing a red sweatshirt with white would have been notified. It The victim was walking alone stripes on the sleeve. seems this would have improved on Ivy Road between Vaness The victim walked back to the chances of apprehending Street and Edison Road, near Turtle Creek Apartments where him for me to identify." Turtle Creek Apartments. he phoned St. Joseph County "When I first noticed my as Police. The victim claims the re The parents of the victim sailant he was about twenty sponding officer was unwilling have filed a formal complaint feet behind me but I did not to file a report or accept the against the police department. think anything of it" said the pipe as evidence. Labis said he is investigating victim. "The next thing I knew I the report and looking into the was struck on the head twice The victim further claims that actions of both the officer who with a metal pipe." although he suffered injury to took the call and the one who After striking the student, the top of his head, the officer responded to the call. "If I the suspect allegedly told the was unwilling to transport him wasn't concerned about this victim, "Give me your wallet." A to the hospital or summon an matter, I wouldn't have spent struggle brought both men to ambulance. hours with the victim's parents the ground at which time the The victim's father made a as well as hours investigating assailant dropped the pipe. second call to Police and later the incident." The victim said he was able Sgt. Greg Labis, the supervisor to grab hold of the pipe and on duty that evening, inter Chuck Hurley, assistant di strike his attacker across the viewed the victim at St. rector of Notre Dame Security, face once. The suspect al Joseph's Hospital. There the verified that Security received ROTC dedication The Observertl.)avid Lee legedly ripped the victim's student received sixteen report of the incident early University President Father Malloy speaks at the ceremony dedi pocket off his shorts, taking stitches on the top right of his cating the new Pasquerilla Center.(See story, above) the student's wallet. head. see ASSAULT I page 4 ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - f page 2 The Observer Monday, October 8, 1990 t ---- --·-- I INSIDE COLUMN ---------------·-·WEATHER I t 60 Lines show high temperatures. I Team needs 50 ® r support even Yesterday's high: 64 Yesterday's low: 59 after loss Nation's high: 99 (Laredo, Texas) Well fans, how do Nation's low: 6 we deal with this (Wisdom, Mont.) tragedy? Being a ju nior, this is only the Forecast: second time I've wo Cool today with rain ken up on Sunday likely. High around 60. knowing the Irish Likelihood of rain 60 per football team had lost cent. Thundershowers the previous day. Mike Kamradt possible tonight and The first was bad Tuesday. Heavy rain because it was Miami. Sports COpy Editor possible. Cool with lows But we were on near 50 and highs around Thanksgiving Break at the time and I had FRONTS: 60. Likelihood of rain 80 Mom to make me cookies and console me. percent both tonight and This is different though: It's our first home • • • Tuesday. COLD• • WARM STATIONARY• • 90 loss in five seasons and Mom is nowhere to ©1990 Accu-Weather, Inc. be found. Pressure Since we don't lose too often, it was inter esting to see some people's reaction to the ® © ~~~ ~ m 0 0 X loss. I myself did not take it too well. I HIGH LOW SHOWERS RAIN T-STORMS FLURRIES SNOW ICE SUNNY PT. CLOUDY CLOUDY learned that the human body is a delicate Via Associated Press GraphicsNet thing and doesn't do too well in confronta tions with inanimate objects such as walls.