The BIG SHORT - 2.0
The BIG SHORT - 2.0 Michael Burry, a Scion Capital hedge fund manager, bet against the housing market ○ He bet against (ie shorted) securitized sub-prime mortgages ○ What happened when sub-prime mortgages started to collapse? ○ Did his bet pay off? Not initially. Why? ○ The banks did not “mark-to-market” (they didn’t correspondingly update the valuations of these securities). ○ What happened as a result? ■ Burry’s “fortitude was tested” as he continued to have to pay to maintain his “”short” position. ○ Meanwhile, banks were repositioning themselves, before the “SHTF”. So, flash forward, today: Who might be repositioning themselves? Let’s see: ● ● ● ● ● Meanwhile, banks continue to give assurances, that “things are fairly healthy”, in spite hedging with cautionaries: ● Gee, what other analogies might we make…? Perhaps instead of arguing Wits 1.0, 2.0, Rocks, Who-did-What, Liar-Liar-Pants-on-Fire, Who was right/wrong, etc, while caught up in “what’s in their shorts”, ● Many participants on CEO need to be told, ENOUGH! (R 4, iv) I’d also wager, the BIG SHORT 2.0/HEDGE would better serve for engagement in discussion, not what’s in their drawers.
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