CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY COMBINED BOAT CLUBS Captains’ Meeting Sunday 15th January 2012, Goldie Boathouse Minutes Present: Dan Wilkins (DW, chair), Chris Balmer (CB), Mark Jacobs (MJ), Fran Knight (FK), Tom Grimble (TG), David Lambert (DL) Apologies: Ian Cowley, Dominic Silk, Mat Bryan, Christ’s Overall Captain, Christ’s Women, Churchill Men, Downing Men, Downing Women, Emmanuel Women, Homerton Men, Pembroke Overall Captain, Queens’ Men, Sidney Sussex Men, 1. Minutes of the Last Meeting The minutes of the May Bumps Captains’ Meeting (09/10/2011) are on the website and were approved by the Captains. There were no matters arising. 2. Bills Bills were distributed. The deadline for payment is Monday 17th October. Cheques should be payable to Cambridge University Combined Boat Clubs and sent to Tom Grimble, CUCBC Junior Treasurer at Robinson College by the deadline for the Lents entries (Friday 3rd February). 3. Early Mornings DW announced that throughout the Lent Term, only first eights will be permitted to boat within the first 10 minutes after lighting down on weekday mornings. All other crews may boat 10 minutes after lighting down. DW reminded Captains to keep noise to a minimum before 07:30. There should be no coaching from the bank and only essential coxing commands (with the cox box volume low) before 07:30 upstream of the Railway Bridge. Captains were reminded of the requirement for College clubs to provide early morning marshals. The rota Any problems encountered by marshals, whether practical (e.g. record sheets) or with abusive behaviour from members of the public should be reported to the CUCBC Executive Committee (
[email protected]).