year of pre-clinical medicine next year and Donating to The Henley fund both are already very involved with the club. Kitty rows in the first Ladies’ VIII and was Donations to the fund make a massive difference Selwyn College Permanent social secretary for the club this year while to rowing at the Selwyn so if you feel able to sup- Matt, having rowed in the first VIII in the port us in anyway then please do. There are sev- Lent Bumps is currently rowing in the sec- eral ways to support us: Henley Fund Newsletter 2007 ond Mens’ VIII. Both are really keen to move – Regular Subscription: These can be set up as Selwyn’s boats up the Bumps charts while annual or monthly payments and for whatever also taking our first VIII’s off-Cam where pos- amount you feel able to contribute. sible. – One-Off Payment: These can also be made to the fund for any amount or if you would like to May Bumps support a specific purchase then please contact us about this. The May Bumps run from June 13th to June – Your Tax Return allows you to donate to char- 16th. We have three mens’ and two ladies’ ity any tax refund you may receive for the year. crews with places; on the first day the first and You’ll find the relevant boxes to tick in Section second Mens’ VIII start in the second mens’ 19A of your return. If you want to nominate the Hello, and welcome to The Selwyn College and Mens’ VIIIs.. Better coaching for our first division, the third Mens’ VIII start in the fourth Henley Fund to benefit in this way, the Fund’s Permanent Henley Fund Newsletter 2007. boats is also helping to raise the standard mens’ division, the first Ladies’ VIII start in the code is QAL93WG and you will need to enter of our lower boats as those coaching lower first ladies’ division and the second Ladies’ this in box 19A.3 of your return. Reunion Dinner boats have often benefited from the experi- VIII start in the fourth ladies’ division. Below is – Include the Fund in your Will (as “Selwyn Col- ence of first boat coaching. a table of division times for the four days. Re- lege Permanent Henley Fund”) On the last day of the Lent Bumps the Hen- ports of how Selwyn boats will be emailed out ley Fund Dinner was held in Selwyn. This We have also been supported to allow our to the Henley Fund email list as well as being If you are a UK taxpayer then completing a gift- saw the return of several crews, in particu- first VIIIs to race off-cam on several occa- posted on www.selwynrowing.org.uk. aid declaration increases the value of your dona- lar those from 1964 and 1977. The dinner sions which has been a fantastic experience tion by almost 30%. was proceeded by a display of items from for those involved and really helps to improve Support on the bank is always much appreci- the archive, including the newly purchased the overall standard of rowing. ated by our crews so it would be great to see Gift-aid forms and forms to make a donation are McEldowney items, and the triennual Gen- as many Selwyn supporters as possible on all in the alumni section of the Selwyn College eral Meeting of the Henley Fund. During the During recent events some of our crews, the bank cheering us on! If anyone would like Boat Club Website – www.selwynrowing.org.uk. dinner we had speeches from members of particularly lower boats, have had some any help with where to go to etc. then please Or get in touch with us at the boat club via Clare both the 1964 and 1977 crews as well as problems with their cox boxes. The Henley get in touch with us. Wilson, or at the Henley Fund via Fiona Morrison from David Dufton, current Mens’ captain . Fund has helped us with this by buying us a ([email protected]) or Brian Hornsby The following morning some members of the new cox box. ([email protected]/01372 818138.) 1977 blade winning crew took out a boat and Start Time had a very successful outing! They can be Both first and second VIIIs on the Mens’ and seen gliding a very well sat boat back to the Ladies’ sides of the club are now fitted with Division Wednesday- Email Lists Saturday Friday boathouse below. speed coaches. These give the cox addition- M1 19:45 17:45 We had some problems with the emails lists during al information about the speed and move- the Lent bumps but these are now back in working W1 19:00 17:00 Recent Support for the Boat Club ment of the boat and are really helping us order and so emails will be being sent out every- to get the most out of all our outings. The M2 18:15 16:15 day during May Bumps. If you are not on the email This year the Henley Fund has again sup- speed coaches can also be linked to com- W2 17:30 15:00 list but would like to be then please send Clare an email and we can add you to the list straightaway. ported coaching for both the first Ladies’ puters so we can keep a record of outings M3 16:45 14:45 and how we have improved over the course W3 16:00 14:00 Contact Us of the term. M4 15:15 13:15 Clare Wilson ([email protected]) or James Tallant W4 14:30 12:30 Thank-you to everyone who has donated to ([email protected]). Both: Selwyn College, Grange the Fund for making these purchases pos- M5 13:45 11:45 Road, Cambridge. CB1 9YX. sible. W5 13:00 11:00 M6 13:00 11:00 Ladies’ off-Cam racing they didn’t qualify, coming 17th, how- and a permanent place. ever it was good to see a Selwyn crew at “The Permanent Henley Fund has allowed Henley for the first time for several years. At the start of the Easter term there was the Ladies’ to race off-Cam three times this plenty of competition on both the mens’ and year – to Fours head, to Womens’ Eights This year the first Men also entered the womens’ side of the club for places in the Head of the River on the Tideway in London Head of the River Race on the Thames. lower boats and all this bodes well for the and to Bedford Regatta. WEHORR came at Despite some solid training and a day’s row- Mays.” the end of Lent Bumps and was the first time ing on the tideway the crew never raced... five of the crew had raced in London. There Lent Bumps Overview were a few exciting moments including a “When the moment came to boat we were battle between four crews to get the fastest ready, a fairly rocky but relatively smooth stream! Overall we finished 165th, beating row-up saw us arrive to marshal as the first Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday ten of the eighteen other Cambridge crews crews were scheduled to start. Fifteen min- who had entered, including two crews who utes later they finally did, Leander looked The second Ladies win their Blades, Lent Bumps 2007. had bumped us in the Lent Bumps. Bed- impressive, but there was a lot of spray be- ford Regatta was the first off-Cam event of ing kicked up. When one of the next crews The third eight won another set of blades, M1 the May Term. This 1.2km sprint race gave through aimed for the bank and started bail- with four of the Lents crew again selected most of the crew their first experience of a ing out we knew this was going to be a tough for Mays. Bumping up to the Head of the W1 stake boat start. In our first race we started day, when the blue boat hammered past we third division on the first day, the second M2 brilliantly against Trinity Hall 1st Ladies get- just wanted to go out there and give it some. eight rowed seven races as the “sandwich ting clear water between our stern and their When one of the next crews through sank in boat” finally winning a well-deserved place W2 bow, however we were unable to hold this sight of us and no crews came through after in the second division. Although the second and they beat us by one third of a length. We that we knew things were serious.The waves ladies did not get on in Lents 2006 they nar- M3 learnt from this race and produced some of were, in polite terms, massive. We rowed rowly missed out on winning their blades in W3 Did not manage to “get on”, the fifth fastest non- our best rowing yet this term to beat Magda- back smooth, aiming for Surrey just before the Mays. In the end they moved up three to qualifier lene College, Oxford, by two lengths in the Hammersmith and crashing through waves leaving them second place in Division 4. M4 Did no manage to “get on”, the fastest non-qualifier first round of the Plate Competition. Unfortu- that would have been more at home in the nately we lost to Clare College, Cambridge, sea. After Hammersmith it calmed down a There was a large recruitment of novices in the final of the Plate, however as they touch, we were rowing well as well, too well in Michaelmas 2006 and Selwyn’s crews Sponsorship start 9 places above us in the May Bumps at times, with the marshals concerned at our performed well in the novice category of we were pleased that we gave them a good superior speed while paddling to the crews the Fairbairn’s cup.
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