Don’t Let Reading “Bug” You!!!

Join our summer reading program for lots of fun!!!

Don’t Let Reading “Bug” You!!!

Dear Parents,

We have planned an exciting summer reading challenge for our students for the Willow Creek summer reading program. We believe that summer reading is an integral part of our program at WCE. Reading during the summer should increase your child’s enjoyment of reading and enhance his/her reading skills. We believe that developing a love of reading in the intermediate grades is essential for success future grades. There are many great books available for students in the fourth and fifth grades, but the attached list are ideas that our teachers thought your child would enjoy and to help your child prepare for the next grade level. However, please choose books that are best for your child. We also are encouraging different genres for these grade levels.

Don’t Let Reading “Bug” You is our theme and all children who turn in a completed reading record will be invited to a special celebration with Museum of Natural Science “buggy” presentation in August and other treats. Students will participate in small group activities with the Museum’s science and “bug” activities.

The attached reading record should be filled out completely and returned to Mrs. Pinkerton the first week of school. Happy Reading! Mrs. Pinkerton WCE Staff

Books Don’t “Bug” Me! I’m a 5th Grader!!!

Student Name:______

Parent Signature:______

Fiction books: Title Author 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Nonfiction or historical fiction books: Title Author 1. 2. Biography: 1. Biography of an American hero: 1. What was your favorite book?______

I have read every book listed on this sheet.

Student Signature______

Students entering 5th Grade: Reading suggestions: Harry Potter books Hardy Boys series Matt Christopher Sports series Johnny Tremain by Ester Forbes by Ellen Raskin Hatchet by Gary Paulsen by Louis Sachar Island of the Blue Dolphin-Scott O’Dell The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate Di Camillo Percy Jackson Series-Rick riordan Bone Series-Jeff Smith Lemonade War-Jacqueline Davies -Kate DiCamillo Series of Unfortunate Events Space Camp The Land of Stories Wonder A Dog’s Purpose I Survived Series Spy School Series