Janet Evanovich | 352 pages | 21 Jun 2005 | St Martin's Press | 9780312936228 | English | New York, United States Ten Big Ones PDF Book

Victor was on the other side of the car, stomping around and pulling at his hair. Meanwhile, she is caught between her natural love for Morelli and their long history, but also, the dangerous Ranger who just exudes hot sex. Okay, here's the deal. Stephanie is in her 30's, it's about time she stop acting like a lust- struck teenager every time she sees or thinks about Ranger. I missed that. And I have no doubts the laughs will keep coming, especially if Grandma Mazur has anything to say about it! But what gets old for me is this Ranger mess. She's gotten a little too big for her britches, as they say, by n Book Review 4 out of 5 stars to Ten Big Ones , the 10th book in the "" cozy mystery series, written in by . Sally Sweet is back in all of his fudgin' glory, rhinestone dangly earrings and all. Now the gang has their sights on Stephanie to shut her up, a part of gang initiation and to prove who the bad ass is. Sometimes things could get tricky in the Trenton police department. Add links. You must not be popular. Ranger's cool, but he's obviously not long term commitment material. But overall a great read. Well first I will have to say I'm on Team Morelli and I want her to grow up and stop acting like a child. And tells that story abut characters that I've grown fond of. Some people can do anything in heels. Who does the filing now? And cops give me the runs. It does seem like a good time to maybe stay safe, catch up on some reading "I don't get it," Morelli said. He was about the same height as Morelli, but he had more bulk to his muscle. Ten Big Ones Writer

In short, this is not someone I can relate to. This one was no different. It only gets a four because I'm not sure where I stand with this whole love triangle. OK- broke down and did end up reading 11! What better way to live? Arrange his own funeral and such. Stephanie Plum I'm indifferent when it comes to love triangles, I neither like not loathe them. Ahhhhh, Ranger. A moment later, a guy ran out of the store. It was good, but the same : And now there's a movie out for 'One for the Money! This book essentially brings that to a head for the first time. Other Editions Want to Read saving…. . I was looking for my gun. The trouble, her band of back up, and the triangle between Ranger, Steph, and Joe. You are a bounty hunter. She's right, but I'm from Jersey and truth is, I have a hard time getting a grip on the good example thing. Related Articles. To begin with, there are some really bad bounty hunters out there. What am I going to tell my insurance company? Martin's Paperback pages June The drama is carrying on for too long. Also, and this is just a personal note as I'm a huge fan of Ranger, the chemistry didn't feel like it normally does between Ranger and Stephanie. Ten Big Ones Reviews

View 2 comments. Enlarge cover. Refresh and try again. Sort order. Andy Zajak and Robin Russell. Late twenties to early thirties. This is the first book where I really didn't like Stephanie very much. Stepping outside the hall, she is kidnapped without warning and brought to a children's playground where the Slayers hold court at night. And I really got tired of her being so dumb to be out in the open continuing to live and work as if the danger she was in were not serious. The biggest reason I'm done is because I don't feel that the main character, Stephanie, is growing at all. Two women fighting crime and eating donuts. I was having the same guilt attack she was having when she thought about Joe. Someone is trying to kill her, someone who has already killed 3 people including a police officer, so she takes a stun gun to her body guard because she's bored and wants to go to the mall? The trouble, her band of back up, and the triangle between Ranger, Steph, and Joe. I liked the hideout and it's feelings. Probably it was best not to know. Dec 12, Jennifer rated it it was amazing Shelves: fun , janet-evanovich , You should have shot him. They don't care w Stephanie is back again, and surprise, surprise, in danger. If she changed and got out of Bounty Hunting and stayed out of trouble. I was a little disappointed by this book. Here's what I would like to see happen: Morelli meets another woman and marries her. On a whim, she follows the truck's GPS system to its previous location, which turns out to be a high-security office building with a luxurious apartment on the top floor, where Stephanie decides to wait out the crisis, at least until Ranger returns from his out-of-state trip. She is then the target for a local gang and must find a place to hide until she sorts it all out If half of the things that happen to Stephanie would occur to another character in another book, it would get an eye roll from every reader. This time the book was a little more intense for me. Apart from all of that, the story IS a good one. That was the mother of all jelly globs. And if you want him, you should really egt rid of your boyfriend. Ranger was Rambo meets Batman. And if the books weren't so funny, I might have a hard time with the formulaic stories. It would be nice if Steph could get herself out of a pickle once in a while, without a man. Maybe set aside the peculiars and dystopians for a bit and start to chuckle. Someone came along and shot up your tire. Ranger should be married to an international spy or maybe Catwoman. I'd love to see Morelli finally get tired of the whole thing and date someone else, forcing Steph to realize what the hell she wants. It's also another great web that Evanovich has tangled the "Love Trio" in. This book has never really been a porn fest but at least the sex scenes were discussed and now it's all fade to black. Nov 26, Tara rated it it was ok Shelves: read-in , audio-book , mystery-suspense , brain-candy. Meanwhile street gangs are hun These books get better and better. Average rating 4. Stephanie is a hilariously gorgeous woman with a sidekick that rocks. Thanks for stopping by. Sep 24, Kim Roger rated it did not like it. Before the police and Ranger's men arrive, Stephanie places dropped guns into the hands of the dead Slayers to ensure that it appears they fired first and Sally acted in defense of himself and her. We meet Sally Sweet in this book, a cross-dresser with so much to say! When Ranger returns from his trip, Stephanie takes him to Ward, who quickly confesses: after the Slayers' Trenton "captain" was killed, the gang brought "Junkman", a ranking member of the gang's Los Angeles branch, to fill the vacancy, but to prove himself to the gang, he is required to kill a list of targets, including two rival gang members and one police officer which he already has , and finally Stephanie. When Janet Evanovich was questioned why she decided to focus on gang violence in this book, she replied, "I keep in touch with the Trenton Police Department. Well first I will have to say I'm on Team Morelli and I want her to grow up and stop acting like a child. It was another fun read, I love seeing Lula and Grandma Mazur going on ride- alongs, it's as funny as ever, I just want more for Steph in the love department.

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Namespaces Article Talk. Stephanie Plum Zajak waved when he saw me. The ending was great, perfect and a complete surprise. And that's being generous. My cars are always getting exploded. Much like Stephanie, I'd probably get side-stitches a quarter mile in. I just raised an eyebrow. Triple thumbs up.. I was in the office when you showed up this morning. LOVE these books Do you hear me? He was more a man of action… throwing people against walls and out windows, never breaking a sweat, his face perfectly composed. I just don't want him with Stephanie. In this case, one of my favorites has finally resurfaced. The only downside to this particular book is that the feel of danger was never quite there in the writing. Stephanie is able to find what she things is his bat cave and stay there until it's safe to come out of her impending danger. He's said a thousands times she's not worth the headache and I think he's right. Other books in the series. This book has never really been a porn fest but at least the sex scenes were discussed and now it's all fade to black. I was in Kohl's with my kids while they were trying on clothes when I read the dog scene and I was laughing so loudly they actually came out to see what was going on. Other Editions Lastly, this is going to sound kind of stupid but I'm really getting a bit sick of the fade to black. Mass Market Paperback , pages. Also, and this is just a personal note as I'm a huge fan of Ranger, the chemistry didn't feel like it normally does between Ranger and Stephanie. https://files8.webydo.com/9585179/UploadedFiles/961DAED1-1FA8-AFE2-FB89-C43DB0C11239.pdf https://files8.webydo.com/9585445/UploadedFiles/71DF129A-A2FC-C106-4C93-4D465ED9920A.pdf https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/b0c5a687-26ac-4b3a-9362-7d00c547cf64/western-humanities-volume-1-with-readings-in-w.pdf https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/4da10b39-7c2b-4e63-ad20-fa13606d2e2e/east-of-west-volume-7-157.pdf https://cdn.starwebserver.se/shops/mateodanielssonhc/files/mastering-microsoft-azure-infrastructure-services-424.pdf https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/157e8237-da39-4588-9730-4df17828ea3f/design-sprint-a-practical-guidebook-for-creati.pdf https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/8115efde-43bc-46ba-83f4-afd6d3fbf09e/interpersonal-relations-and-education-1st-edit.pdf