Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Second Quarter of the Fiscal Year 2021 [Japanese Standards] (Consolidated)
FOR TRANSLATION PURPOSE ONLY Notice: This document is an excerpt translation of the original Japanese document and is only for reference purposes. In the event of any discrepancy between this translated version and the original Japanese version, the latter shall prevail. March 16, 2021 Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Second Quarter of the Fiscal Year 2021 [Japanese standards] (Consolidated) Company name: Bushiroad Inc. Stock exchange listing: Tokyo Stock code: 7803 URL: Representative: President and COO Yoshitaka Hashimoto Inquiries: Director and General Manager of Business Administration Toshiyuki Muraoka TEL: 81-3-4500-4350 Scheduled date to file Quarterly Securities Report: March 16, 2021 Scheduled date to commence dividend payments: N/A Preparation of supplementary material on financial results: Yes Holding of financial results meeting: Yes (From the viewpoint of preventing wider spread of COVID-19, this meeting has been cancelled, but instead, President will explain the quarterly financial results by video streaming.) (Amounts less than one million yen are rounded down) 1. Consolidated financial results of the second quarter of FY2021 (August 1, 2020 – January 31, 2021) (1) Consolidated operating results (cumulative) (Percentages indicate year-on-year changes) Net profit attributable to Net sales Operating profit Ordinary profit owners of parent Million yen % Million yen % Million yen % Million yen % 2Q of FY2021 18,026 3.4 158 −92.9 162 −92.8 −191 − 2Q of FY2020 17,429 − 2,233 − 2,260 − 1,278 − (Note) Comprehensive income 2Q of FY2021: −178 million yen [−%] 2Q of FY2020: 1,525 million yen [−%] Net profit per share Diluted net profit per share yen yen 2Q of FY2021 −11.86 − 2Q of FY2020 79.79 75.00 (Note) The Company has since FY2021 (current term) changed its fiscal year end from July 31 to June 30, and unified the whole Group’s fiscal year end as June 30.
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