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American Irish Newsletter the Ri Ish American Community Collections Sacred Heart University DigitalCommons@SHU American Irish Newsletter The rI ish American Community Collections 12-1991 American Irish Newsletter - December 1991 American Ireland Education Foundation - PEC Follow this and additional works at: Part of the European Languages and Societies Commons, Other American Studies Commons, and the Political Science Commons Recommended Citation American Ireland Education Foundation - PEC, "American Irish Newsletter - December 1991" (1991). American Irish Newsletter. Paper 128. This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the The rI ish American Community Collections at DigitalCommons@SHU. It has been accepted for inclusion in American Irish Newsletter by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@SHU. For more information, please contact AMERICAN IRISH NEWSLEUER AMERICAN Irish Political Education Committee_______________________________________ Volume 16, Number 12 December 1991 SUCCESS REQUIRES SACRIFICE The PEC — The American Irish PEC, founded in 1975, is die oldest and most experienced American ffoss- Shortly you will receive a solicitation from the PEC requesting a roots orgardzatUm, working throu^ the democratic process, donation. Please read below before you respond. in suppmt of human ri^fits in Northern Ireland. The PEC leads the way in initiatmg and supporting MacBride Prin­ Seventeen years of experience has taught us that many ciples campaigns througfiout the US. people of influence, whether it be in the media, congress, corporate America or in the private world, are not adverse to N eW SbitS by Kathy Regan the Irish people’s legitimate desire for freedom and equality. They just do not know the truth about British injustice. Why? Because nobody has been able to reach them. British poll finds sixty-one percent of British citizens favor a We must reach these peoplef who number in the tens of withdrawal of troops from the North. The poll conducted by thousands and who are located throughout the US. This is not MORI was commissioned by Britain’s Channel Four for the a job for one or two people, but a job for hundreds of people documentary Pack Up The Troubles aired on October 24. 51 WORKING TOGETHER on a full-time basis. And it will percent thought that Sinn Fein should be involved in talks on require the expertise of determined professionals, with knowl­ the future of the North while 31 percent opposed Sinn Fein’s edge of Northern Ireland, to carry out this effort. participation. Pack Up The Troubles also reported how more If you have any doubts about the accuracy of this observation, than 100 TV programs have been censored, banned or delayed consider the effectiveness and size of the American Jewish since the struggle began, Robert Fisk, a former Northern lobby. They number in the thousands and are located not just correspondent of The Times , talked of journalists’ unwilling­ in Washington, DC, but throughout the US, many of whom are ness to ask difficult questions about the North. He asks full-time paid professionals. whether, if reporters had been "a little more investigative at To win over these people of influence we must begin to build the start" in the cases of the Guildford Four and Birmingham that network of qualified professionals across the US who Six, those "grave injustices" would ever have taken place. would work full time to gain access to them. We can do it, but (AIN-PEC 10/26/91)...On October 30 Dessie Ellis, whose it will require real financial sacrifice! extradition to Britain caused great tension in Ireland, was Our plans include a professional presence in Washington, freed by a British court and sent back to Ireland. His release DC and a professional public relations operation in New York was a major setback for the Irish government which was City and Philadelphia (eventually to include other major US determined to extradite Ellis. (AIN-PEC 10/31/91)...It was dties). These operations would require a minumum of $100,000 reported in the October issue of the Irish Reporter that the to start. We expect some support from private donors. We Irish Protestant Education and Action Group was formed. The have also organized an Annual Campaign Committee to initi­ all-Protestant Group supports the reunification of Ireland. ate fundraising drives. We also need the support of members. Another recently formed group, the Campaign For Democ­ We already have the people lined-up. They are just waiting racy, which is made up of Catholics and Protestants, ,also for you to say go! supports reunification. A main concern of the IPEAG is the The PEC organization has a proven record of getting things Catholic church hierachy control of the Irish government. done and has built an effective network at the grassroots level. (AIN-PEC ll/6/91)...BBC radio’s World News treated as a We can do the same at the higher echelons of society, if we have major news story the urgent action report by Amnesty Interna­ the opportunity - if our members choose to give us the chance. tional on the ill-treatment and threats to which 17-year old While we are well aware of the hard economic times persist­ Damien Austin had been subjected by the RUC in Castlereagh ing in the US, we ask only that you give as generously as you detention center... Amnesty issues “urgent action” reports only can afford. Those of you who can give more, $100, $200, or even when it considers there is imminent danger of torture, execu­ $500, please do so. This is the kind of sacrifice that is necessary tion, or medical neglect of a prisoner... Domestic BBC news on to be successful. neither radio nor television made any reference to the Damien Give us your financial support and we will give you results! Austin case. Why? It has to be credibility abroad and gullibility at home. (Irish Post. 9/7/91)...There have been several initia­ USE THE PEC TELEPHONE HOTLINE tives to drop or amend Articles 2 and 3 of the Irish Constitution (914) 429-7849 - a 24 hour, 7 day-a-week service ^ Action Request messages change every Sunday night ^ Continued on page 4 Page 2 American Irish Newsletter - December 1991 FROM THE EDITOR The American Irish PEC It came as no surprise, the British government’s recent refusal to declare illegal the Ulster Defence Association (UDA). They founded 1975 National President................................................. John J. Rnucane reasoned that there were already enough groups proscribed. Vice-President.............................................................. Albert Doyle In reality there is no good reason why the British should not Treasurer............................................................. Loretta Rtzgibbons Recording Secretary...................................................Kathy Regan proscribe the UDA. The UDA, the loyalist equivalent o f the IRA, Rnancial Secretary.................................................... Tom Sheridan is responsible for the murder o f more innocent people in North­ ern Ireland than any o f the combattants. They have killed over American Irish Newsietter 650 innocent people, including 114 Protestants, according to Editor............John J. Rnucane England’s Irish Information Partnership. And their methods Assistant Editors Sandy Carlson...... Albert Doyle have been brutal and savage. They have shot people, blown Stephanie Rnucane.......... Kathy Regan people to bits, and even butchered people ~ second to none! National Headquarters: Fairgrounds Plaza The truth o f the matter is, the British concern is not who kills West Haverstraw, NY 10993 - (914) 947-2726 more people, but who opposes British colonial presence in Ire­ Western States Executive Director: Susan Catt, 2292 North Ironwood land. The UDA, which often works in collusion with British #110, Apache Junction, ARIZONA - (602) 982-0370. forces, does not oppose British presence in Ireland nor does it STATE DIRECTORS: Jack O’Brien, 11109 Belton Street, Upper Marlboro, attack British troops. Loyalist paramilitaries have killed only 2 MARYLAND 20772-(301)336-5167; Leah Curtin, Hlibernian life, 790 Cleveland Avenue, Suite 221, St. Paul, MINNESOTA 55116-(612)690- British soldiers. 3888; Kathy Regan, 3045 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NEWYORK 10468- The British government has no intentions o f confronting the (212) 365-0213; Frank O’Day, 21 Pierce Lane, Madison, CONNECTI- CUT06443-(203)245-4739; Kevin P. Murphy, P.O. Box 8895, J.F. Kennedy UDA —just as it did not confront its violent forbears who success­ Station, Boston, MASSACHUSETTS 02114-(617)284-0723; Bob West, fully forced the illegal division o f Ireland against the wishes of 683 Walnut Road, Wauconda, ILLINOIS 60084-(708)526-6520; Terry Deem Reilly, 1123 Clarkson, Denver, COLORADO 80218-(303)837-9443; 80% of Ireland’s population - as long as they support British Dan Warren, PO Box 1270, Scarborough, MAINE04070- (207) 883-4167; colonial presence in Ireland. Kevin Murphy, 9685 Sunny Isle Cir., Boca Raton, FLORIDA 33428- (305)488-1526; Ned A. Delaney, 1211 El Grande St., Lafayette, INDIANA The UDA will be allowed to continue its organized and ongoing 47905-(317)474-2546; Susan Catt, 2292 N. Ironwood, #110, Apache terror campaign as long as the nationalist community seeks Junction, ARIZONA 85220-(602)982-0370; Urry Doyle, 46 B 2007 Betz Road, Bellevue, NEBRASKA 68005-(402)292-5291, Phil Chaney, 663 equality and Ireland’s reunification. West 70th Street, Kansas City, MISSOURI 64113- (816) 363-6523; Kathy Whitford, 1270 St. Charles, Lakewood, OHIO 44107 - (216) 529-0670; Action Request #2 Andy Kelly, 168 S Coeur D’Alene Street-102E, Spokane, WASHINGTON 99204 - (509) 747-7431; John Hatch, 302 North Bedford Street, Carlisle, Offensive Situations PENNSYLVANIA 17014 - (717)249-4217; Nancy Love, 804 Riverwalk Dr. #209, Waukesha, WISCONSIN 53188 - (414) 542-4767; Dr. John T. Giesen, 1107 Ironwood Dr., Coeur D’Alene, IDAHO 83814 - (208) 667- 7459; Unda Barker, 1111 South Oakwood, Apt. 1204, Enid, OKLAHOMA by Kevin P. Murphy, Massachusetts State Director 73703 - (405) 237-2236.
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