OECD OBSERVER No. 106 September 1980 PUBLISHED bi-monthly in English and Contents French by THE ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT OECD STRATEGY REVIEWED by John Fay, Director for Publications Policy, OECD EDITORIAL OFFICES OECD Information Service, Château de la "KEYNES PLUS" - THE ONLY WAY FORWARD Muette, 2, rue André-Pascal, F 75775 by David Lea, Assistant General Secretary, PARIS, CEDEX 16. Trades Union Congress (TUC), United Kingdom 5 IMPROVING THE FUNCTIONING OF LABOUR MARKETS 9 Individual articles not copyrighted may be reprinted providing the credit line reads RECENT EXPERIENCE WITH INCOMES POLICIES 14 "Reprinted from the OECD Observer" plus date of issue, and two voucher copies INNOVATION POLICY IN OECD MEMBER COUNTRIES 15 are sent to the Editor. Signed articles THE FOOD INDUSTRY: INNOVATION AND INDUSTRIAL STRUCTURE 17 reprinted must bear author's name. The Organisation cannot be responsible for NEW TOOLS FOR A NEW AGRICULTURE returning unsolicited manuscripts. by Roger Marcellin, Head of Co-operative Research Project, Signed articles express the opinions of the OECD Directorate for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries 24 authors and do not necessarily represent the opinion of OECD INTERNATIONAL TOURISM : SLOWDOWN AND RESURGENCE 28 LETTER TO THE EDITOR 30 Annual Subscription Rates: £4.00, US$9.00, F36.00. NEW OECD PUBLICATIONS 30 Single copies: £0.80, US$1.75, F7.00. Editor: JaneBussière Associate Editor: Ulla Ranhall-Jeanneney Art, Production and Layout: Marc Delemme Assistant: Gerald Tingaud Photo Research: Silvia Lépot Rina Maiden All correspondence should be addressed to the Editor. JOBS AND INFLATION [ ' J*J 7 #^ David Lea, Assistant General Secretary of the Trades Union Con¬ gress in the United Kingdom questions OECD's economic strategyfor '^r''tm fai^inS t0 give first priority to unemployment (page 5).
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