Revised, 1/10/2018 DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY • THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY • 4034 SMITH LABORATORY •174 W. 18TH AVE • COLUMBUS, OH •43210 • USA TELEPHONE: (614) 292 6233 •FAX: (614) 292 4155 • E-MAIL:
[email protected] JULIE S. FIELD E DUC A TIO N • 1995 B.A. with distinction in anthropology, University of Washington • 1998 M.A. in anthropology, University of Hawai‘i, Mānoa • 2003 Ph.D. in anthropology, University of Hawai‘i, Mānoa (Chair: Terry Hunt. Other committee members: Michael Graves, Miriam Stark, Matt McGranaghan (UHM), Thegn Ladefoged (U Auckland). RESEARCH INTERESTS Evolutionary theory, human behavioral ecology, archaeological method and theory, geographic information systems, the transition from foraging to food production, conflict and warfare, island ecology, faunal analysis, quantitative analysis, landscape analysis, aerial photo analysis, Pacific prehistory, Fijian Prehistory, Hawaiian prehistory. ACADEMIC APPO INTMENTS • Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, The Ohio State University. June 2014 to present. Instruction, research, and academic service. • Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, The Ohio State University. October 2007 to May 2014. Instruction, research, and academic service. • Assistant Researcher, Archaeological Research Facility, University of California, Berkeley. June 15 – August 15, 2009. Fieldwork and research conducted for the collaborative project, ‘Long-Term Dynamics of Population Growth, Agricultural Intensification, and Sociopolitical Change: Hawai‘i as a Model System (1200-200 yr B.P.) (NSF HSD Award #0624238). • Assistant Researcher, Archaeological Research Facility, University of California, Berkeley. June 1 – August 31st, 2008. Fieldwork and research conducted for the collaborative project, ‘Long-Term Dynamics of Population Growth, Agricultural Intensification, and Sociopolitical Change: Hawai‘i as a Model System (1200-200 yr B.P.) (NSF HSD Award #0624238).