Larry S. Zweifel*, Rejji Kuruvilla‡ and David D. Ginty* Abstract | Neuronal connections are established and refined through a series of developmental programs that involve and specification, process growth, target innervation, cell death and . Many of these developmental events are regulated by target- derived and their receptors, which signal retrogradely over long distances from distal-most to neuronal cell bodies. Recent work has established many of the cellular and molecular events that underlie retrograde signalling and the importance of these events for both development and maintenance of proper neural connectivity.

PRONEUROTROPHINS The correct establishment of neuronal connections effectors and the activation of numerous signal trans- Uncleaved forms of the in the central and peripheral nervous systems during duction cascades that support growth and survival3. neurotrophins that bind with development is essential for the proper function of the Both mature neurotrophins and PRONEUROTROPHINS also NTR high affinity to p75 . . Such connections are generated through bind to a structurally distinct neurotrophin , p75 a developmental program that involves axon and den- (p75NTR), which also mediates neuronal development drite specification, process growth, target innervation, through local and retrograde signalling4. cell death, synaptogenesis and synaptic refinement. Many Early observations that neurotrophins are retro- target-derived factors are crucial for this developmental gradely transported from the target towards the cell body program. Of these instructive cues, the neurotrophins have led to decades of inquiry regarding not only the are perhaps the best described. However, although there underlying mechanism of this developmental phenom- is considerable evidence for their roles in development, enon but also the physiological significance of retrograde the precise molecular mechanisms that underlie retro- signalling. In this review, we summarize grade neurotrophin signal transduction from the tip of the functions of retrograde neurotrophin signalling dur- the axon to the remain unresolved. ing development and analyse the mechanisms through *Department of The neurotrophins are a family of low-molecular- which this signalling occurs. Neuroscience, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, weight that includes the prototypical neurotro - The Johns Hopkins phin (NGF) as well as -derived Functions of retrograde signalling University School of neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophins 3 and Regulation of neuronal survival. The importance of Medicine, Baltimore, 4/5 (NT3 and NT4/5). Each neurotrophin binds with target fields for the survival of developing Maryland 21205-2185, high affinity to receptor tyrosine kinases known as was first disseminated through a series of elegant and USA. ‡Department of Biology, The Johns Hopkins Trk receptors; NGF binds to TrkA, BDNF and NT4/5 classical experiments in the chick. Ablation of the University Zanvyl Krieger to TrkB, and NT3 to TrkC 1,2. NT3 also binds TrkA chick wing bud was found to result in hypoplasia and School of Arts and Sciences, and TrkB. As in other families of receptor tyrosine death of brachial spinal motor neurons. Conversely, Baltimore, Maryland kinases, binding induces dimerization of Trk transplantation of supernumery wing buds results in 21218, USA. 5–7 Correspondence to D.D.G. receptors and their autophosphorylation at specific increased numbers of neurons . It is now known that e-mail: [email protected] tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain. This, in the establishment of the proper complement of neurons doi:10.1038/nrn1727 turn, leads to the recruitment of various downstream for a given target field is governed by a developmental

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abDistal Cell Distal neurons follow a stereotyped temporal progression axons bodies axons of apoptotic signalling events, which include the translocation of BAX to mitochondria, the release of cytochrome c, activation of the APOPTOSOME and caspase- mediated cell death12–15. Retrograde neurotrophin sig- nalling impinges on these apoptotic pathways (FIG. 2a), c Cell Middle Distal bodies axons axons in part by regulating transcriptional events, such as those mediated by the transcription factor cyclic AMP responsive element-binding (CREB)14,16–18. In addition, several signalling cascades, such as the phos- phatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)–Akt (v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homologue, also known as Cell Distal bodies axons protein kinase B) and Ras–Raf–MEK (MAPK (mitogen Figure 1 | Compartmentalized neuronal cell culture system. This in vitro model system is activated protein kinase)/ERK (extracellular signal-reg- used to study the retrograde transport of neurotrophins and their receptors, as well as ulated kinase) kinase)–ERK pathways, mediate retro- downstream events in retrograde neurotrophin signalling. Compartmented cultures of grade neurotrophin-dependent survival19–21. However, sympathetic and sensory neurons are established by placing Teflon dividers onto a thin layer much remains to be learned about how pro-survival and of vacuum grease, which allows diffusion-limited compartmentalization of neuronal cell bodies pro-apoptotic pathways intersect in developing neu- and distal axons11,108. a | Schematic top view of three-compartment culture chamber rons. Which downstream targets of PI3K and MITOGEN (Campenot chamber). b | Side view of compartmentalized culture depicting cell body and distal axon compartments. c | Side view of three-compartment chamber system used to ACTIVATED PROTEIN KINASE SIGNALLING are essential for neu- study spatial requirements of tyrosine receptor kinase (Trk) activity, and downstream pathways rotrophin-dependent survival? Which transcriptional such as phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)–Akt (v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene targets downstream of retrograde neurotrophin signals homologue, also known as protein kinase B) signalling. Unlike conventional three- contribute to survival? To address these questions, it compartment chambers, cells are plated in one of the two side compartments, which allows will be helpful to merge recent advances in our under- axonal projections to be divided into a middle axon compartment and a distal axon standing of and mitochondrial physiology compartment. Development of the compartmentalized cell culture system has revolutionized with improved spatial and temporal resolution of neuro- the study of retrograde neurotrophin signalling. trophin signalling pathways in compartmentalized cultures. In vivo analysis of transcriptional targets of retro- grade neurotrophin signalling, using, for example, Ngf/ sequence in which neurons are overproduced and then Bax and Nt3/Bax double mutants, in which deletion of compete for target-derived survival factors8. The con- the pro-apoptotic B-cell leukaemia/lymphoma 2 (Bcl2) trol of this developmental process is best understood family member Bax prevents neuronal apoptosis in the for PNS neurons. Several target-derived trophic fac- absence of neurotrophins22–25, will also prove beneficial. BAX tors, typified by NGF and other neurotrophins, have These types of investigation promise a better under- Pro-apoptotic BCL2 family been identified and found to be expressed in many standing of how and where apoptotic machinery and member. BAX translocation peripheral and central neuronal targets9. Antigenic pro-survival signalling intersect to regulate retrograde from the cytosol to the mitochondria facilitates neutralization and genetic ablation of these secreted neuronal survival. cytochrome c release. factors and their cognate receptors, as well as intra- peritoneal injection and transgenic overexpression of Regulation of axonal growth. As developing axons APOPTOSOME neurotrophins, have revealed that these target-derived traverse long distances towards their final targets, they Heteromeric protein complex containing cytochrome c, signals are essential for the growth and survival of respond to growth and guidance cues that are derived 7,9 APAF-1 and procaspase-9. select populations of developing PNS neurons . from both intermediate and final target fields. In com- Triggers a cascade of caspase How do target-derived signals, such as the neuro- partmentalized sympathetic neuronal cultures, the direct activation and proteolysis. trophins, influence neuronal survival? Disruption of application of NGF to distal axons, but not to cell bodies, –target interactions through axonal transection supports the extension of these axons. Importantly, if Ras, Rap Small GTPases that are involved has shown that axonal transport of neurotrophic fac- NGF is removed from the distal axons but left in the in growth, differentiation and tors, or their downstream effectors, is necessary for their medium bathing the cell bodies, the distal axons retract cellular signalling. They require function10. Further insight into the nature of retrograde and degenerate, but the neurons survive11. Therefore, the binding of GTP to enter into neurotrophin signalling has been gained through the neurotrophin signalling initiated at distal axons is both their active state. use of compartmentalized cell culture systems (FIG. 1), necessary and sufficient to support distal axon exten-

MITOGENACTIVATED which allow neuronal cell bodies or distal axons to be sion, whereas NGF signalling in cell bodies alone cannot PROTEIN KINASE SIGNALLING stimulated separately. In this system, sympathetic neu- support distal axon extension. A signalling cascade that relays rons survive even when NGF is applied exclusively to Retrograde signalling from distal axons to the nucleus signals from the plasma their distal axons11. These in vivo and in vitro findings also contributes to axonal extension. Downstream of membrane to the nucleus. Mitogen-activated protein support the idea that limiting amounts of target-derived neurotrophin-receptor activation, several pathways 26 kinases (MAPKs), which signal retrogradely to support neu- signal to transcription factors, including CREB , represent the last step in the ronal survival, thereby sculpting connectivity. that contribute not only to survival but also to axon pathway, are activated by a wide Much of what we know about the neurotrophin growth and target innervation16. Interestingly, other range of proliferation- or differentiation-inducing signals. signalling events that promote neuronal survival trans cription factors, such as nuclear factor of activated ERKs are among the best- has been gleaned from in vitro studies of trophic factor T cells (NFAT), seem to be dedicated exclusively to axon characterized MAPKs. deprivation. When neurotrophic factors are withdrawn, growth27.

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Transcription Intrinsic cell death pathway

Survival; axon growth; metabolism;

b Preganglionic

TrkB c



Postganglionic Local Retrograde Figure 2 | Retrograde neurotrophin signalling instructs various developmental programs. a | Neurotrophin signalling events initiated in developing axons signal retrogradely to neuronal cell bodies to inhibit intrinsic cell death pathways. These signalling events also influence transcriptional programs that are involved in cell survival, axon growth, synaptogenesis, metabolism and the establishment of and neuropeptide phenotypes. b | The establishment of pre- and postganglionic synaptic contacts in sympathetic neurons is influenced by retrograde nerve growth factor (NGF)–TrkA signalling. A potential synaptogenic signal downstream of retrograde NGF–TrkA signalling is the neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). BDNF regulates the formation and maintenance of presynaptic contacts by signalling trans-synaptically to TrkB receptors on preganglionic sympathetic neurons. c | Neurotrophin-dependent axon growth is supported by both local and retrograde signalling through the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) signalling pathways. Retrograde neurotrophin signalling also regulates axon growth and target innervation through the activation of transcriptional programs.

In addition to regulating resident factors, such as Regulation of dendrite growth. For most neurons, the CREB and NFAT, retrograde signalling also controls elaboration of dendritic arbors is a prerequisite for de novo expression of transcription factors that are the establishment of functional connections with required for axon growth. For example, retrograde presynaptic partners. In most cases, begin NT3–TrkC signalling promotes the expression of to extend before axons have innervated their target the ETS transcription factor ER81 in proprioceptive fields, but a number of studies indicate that target- (DRG) neurons25. Genetic abla- derived factors control the growth and maintenance tion of either NT3 or ER81 results in the formation of dendrites in the PNS. In sympathetic neurons, for of defective proprioceptive afferents that terminate example, the size of the target field influences the size abnormally in the intermediate region of the spinal and complexity of dendritic arbors29,30, and neurons cord rather than establishing proper connections that project to different targets adopt distinct den- with motor neurons in the ventral cord25. Similarly, dritic morphologies30, perhaps hinting that target- in a subset of brachial motor neurons, target-derived specific cues specify dendrite growth and synaptic GDNF (glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor) differentiation. induces the expression of another ETS transcription Target-derived NGF is necessary for sympathetic factor, PEA3, and the absence of either GDNF or PEA3 dendrite growth in vivo in both neonatal and adult leads to failure of these neurons to innervate target mice, and post-ganglionic axotomy results in retrac- muscles28. These findings indicate that target-derived tion of post-ganglionic dendrites31–33. However, in vitro neurotrophic factors influence axonal growth at several studies indicate that, alone, NGF is insufficient to sup- levels, from local signalling in axons to the retrograde port dendrite growth34, which suggests either that other modulation of transcription factors such as CREB and target-derived signals, such as bone morphogenic NFAT, and the regulated expression of transcription proteins (BMPs), are required, or that signals derived factors. An important challenge is the identification from pre-ganglionic partners act cooperatively with and characterization of the transcriptional targets of target-derived NGF to support this developmental CREB, NFAT, ER81, PEA3 and other transcription process (FIG. 2b). Consistent with the latter hypothesis, factors that work with local neurotrophin signals to axotomy or disruption of axonal transport in postgan- support axonal growth. glionic sympathetic neurons leads to the withdrawal of

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presynaptic contacts35–37. Conversely, the regeneration that an active ligand–receptor signalling complex of postganglionic axons in the periphery, mediated in might transmit target-derived neurotrophin signals part by an NGF-dependent mechanism, restores these to the soma to mediate target-dependent survival, contacts38. growth and gene expression47–51. Biochemical and These findings indicate that the effects of target- ultrastructural analyses of these retrograde neuro- derived NGF on pre- and postsynaptic growth might trophin signalling complexes indicate that they form a be mediated by retrograde induction of a ‘synaptogenic unique organelle, the signalling endosome. Although signal’. A potential downstream target of NGF and the exact nature of the signalling endosome remains candidate synaptogenic signal is BDNF, which is syn- unresolved, there is evidence that it is a specialized thesized in postganglionic sympathetic neurons39,40. In constituent of the endocytic pathway. Substantial addition, BDNF’s cognate receptor, TrkB, is expressed evidence from several laboratories supports the in preganglionic neurons41,42. Moreover, overexpres- ‘signalling endosome model’, but there might also sion of BDNF in sympathetic neurons results in an be alternative modes of retrograde signalling. These increase in the density of preganglionic in the include retrograde propagation of signalling effectors; superior cervical ganglion (SCG), whereas deletion of retrograde waves of activation along the BDNF results in a decrease in both density plasma membrane; and retrograde calcium waves and the number of preganglionic axons39. Intriguingly, emanating from activated Trk receptors52. However, TrkB and NT4/5, but not BDNF, are required for the whether these distinct modes of retrograde signal- survival of preganglionic sympathetic neurons41,43, ling amalgamate to support growth and survival, or which indicates that local and/or retrograde BDNF the extent to which these mechanisms contribute signalling alone might modulate synapse number. to the target-dependence of neuronal development, Whether the synthesis of BDNF in postganglionic is not clear. sympathetic neurons is regulated by retrograde NGF Is the propagation of internalized ligand–receptor signalling is not known. Nevertheless, these find- signalling complexes necessary or sufficient for the ings point towards an interesting model in which a growth and survival of developing neurons? As men- retrograde neurotrophin signalling cascade, acting tioned previously, studies using compartmentalized across two neuronal populations, sculpts neuronal neuronal cultures have shown that the addition of connectivity. neurotrophins exclusively to distal axons can support survival11,20,21,53. In addition, inhibition of Trk kinase Regulation of neuronal specification. Retrograde sig- activity in either the distal axons or the cell body and nalling by target-derived neurotrophins influences not proximal axons attenuates or eliminates retrograde only early developmental events in peripheral neurons, accumulation of signalling events54, but also later steps in the differentiation of neurons, signalling to the transcription factor CREB14,18, and such as the acquisition of signature neurotransmitter cell survival53,55. Disruption of neurotrophin endo- phenotypes. Examples of the influence of neurotrophins cytosis53,55–57 and pharmacological or molecular dis- on neuronal specification have been provided by studies ruption of dynein-dependent microtubule transport in which NGF was injected into neonatal and adult rats, in vitro55 or in vivo58 also lead to neuronal apoptosis. and from genetic models. NGF increases the expression These findings, taken together, provide compelling of genes that establish a neurotransmitter phenotype support for the idea that ligand–receptor complexes in sympathetic neurons44,45. In BAX–/–;TrkA–/– double- are essential carriers of retrograde NGF signalling. mutant mice, the absence of NGF–TrkA signalling in However, although several reports indicate that nociceptive neurons prevents the expression of the sustained retrograde TrkA activity in cell bodies is neuropeptides calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) required to mediate neurotrophin-dependent cell sur- and substance P REF. 24. In addition, an unidentified vival signalling20,53,55, others report that TrkA activity retrograde signal controls the ability of a subset of in cell bodies is not required for retrograde survival59. sympathetic neurons that innervate rat sweat glands to These disparate findings underscore the importance undergo a switch from a noradrenergic to a cholinergic of determining the catalytic requirements of Trk phenotype during development46. A number of target- receptors using more specific and stable inhibitors of derived factors, including ciliary neurotrophic factor Trk kinase activity and in vivo paradigms. (CNTF), leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF), NT3 and Some studies also indicate that ligand internaliza- GDNF have been proposed as potential candidates tion might not be crucial for retrograde neurotrophin– for this cholinergic differentiation factor46. Therefore, receptor signalling. These alternative assertions are retrograde signals from the periphery might act with based on experiments in which neurotrophins are cell-intrinsic programs to control the neurotransmitter covalently coupled to large beads, which allow Trk and peptidergic phenotype of neurons, which thereby receptors to be activated without the ligand being defines neuronal identity. internalized. In these experiments, bead-mediated immobilization of neurotrophin greatly reduces, Mechanisms of retrograde signalling but does not completely abrogate, the retrograde Early observations that neurotrophins and their recep- accumulation of activated Trk receptors55, and does tors are internalized and retrogradely transported not prevent the survival of compartmentalized neu- from distal axons to neuronal cell bodies indicated rons55,60. Paradoxically, the presentation of ligand in

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this manner greatly attenuates the rapid retrograde receptors to downstream signalling pathways, such activation of CREB17, which contributes to neuronal as the Ras or Rap1–Raf–MEK–ERK and PI3K–Akt survival both in vitro and in vivo14,16. This reported pathways, as well as directly to PLCγ3. Activation support of survival by non-internalized neurotrophin of these signalling pathways is linked to receptor could be explained if small quantities of soluble lig- internalization, local control of axon growth and and are liberated from bead complexes, which are signalling within cell bodies to support survival notoriously ‘leaky’. It has been argued that leakage and cellular metabolism. Furthermore, many of these might be insufficient to support survival, because signalling proteins undergo retrograde axonal trans- the effective concentration of free neurotrophin that port themselves61,63. Interestingly, blockade of neuro- is required for survival is higher than the detected trophin receptor internalization and neutralization of concentration of leaked neurotrophin in the medium neurotrophins at intracellular locations prevents the from neurons treated with neurotrophin-bead retrograde accumulation of many of these signalling complexes60. Nonetheless, if we consider the high effectors, as well as the survival of compartmentalized local concentration of ligand coupled to beads then cultures53,55. These and other findings indicate that it would seem possible to achieve maximal recep- activation of effector proteins alone in distal axons is tor activation locally, and this might allow small not sufficient for retrograde survival signalling. quantities of free ‘leaked’ ligand to be internalized Kinase signalling cascades might not be the only with the receptors and to form competent signalling pathways that can mediate retrograde signalling. For complexes. example, the transcription factor ATF2 is localized to It is reasonable to speculate that both ligand- axons of nociceptive DRG neurons, and neutralization dependent and ligand-independent modes of receptor of NGF results in accumulation of phosphorylated transport exist and work cooperatively to support ATF2 distal to a rat sciatic nerve ligature64. Given that neuronal survival. Consistent with this idea, peptide- neurotrophin neutralization results in retrograde mediated delivery of NGF-neutralizing antibodies transcription factor activation, it seems plausible into cell bodies attenuates, but does not eliminate, that other transcription factors are transported retro- retrograde survival53. In addition, there is a marked gradely in response to active neurotrophin signalling. increase in the rate of retrograde accumulation of Trk Consistent with this idea, the activation of calcineurin in cell bodies when soluble ligand is applied rather in response to neurotrophin stimulation leads to than bead-conjugated ligand55, which indicates that the nuclear translocation of the transcription factor although Trk receptors and downstream effectors NFAT, which mediates axon growth27. In this case, might be transported in the absence of ligand, both however, it is unclear whether the signal is propa- the rate and magnitude of transport are augmented by gated by Trk-containing endosomes, calcineurin or the presence of internalized ligand. It is therefore likely NFAT itself. that the primary mode of retrograde signalling occurs So, although target-dependent neuronal survival through the transport of a ligand–receptor complex; can be mediated by the retrograde transport of however, ligand-independent transport of Trk recep- actively-signalling ligand–receptor complexes, other tors might contribute to some portion of retrograde modes of signalling might also contribute to a lesser survival signalling. extent. Moreover, signalling endosomes might not Given the physiological significance of retrograde be sufficient to support all neurotrophin-dependent neurotrophin signalling, it is important to determine processes. Therefore, it will be important to establish the mode of retrograde ligand–receptor transport. the contribution of alternate retrograde neurotrophin Biochemical and ultrastructural analyses indicate signalling mechanisms to developmental processes, that internalized ligand–receptor complexes are including axon growth, acquisition of neurotransmitter localized to small membrane-bound organelles and phenotype, dendrite growth and presynaptic differen- are retrogradely transported in a dynein-dependent tiation, as well as their mode of propagation. manner along a microtubule network towards neuro- nal cell bodies, where their signals are disseminated. The signalling endosome In sensory neurons, these NGF–TrkA-containing Retrograde endosomal signalling in neurons is a organelles have characteristics of early endosomes multi-step process that includes the internalization and are associated with signalling components of the of ligand–receptor complexes in axon terminals, the MAPK, PI3K and phospholipase C-γ (PLCγ) signal- sorting of complexes into active signalling vesicles, ling pathways, which provides further support for the physical translocation of these endosomes along idea of a specialized signalling vesicle, or signalling the axonal microtubule network to cell bodies, endosome61,62. endosomal signalling and the dismantling of the ret- Although there is considerable evidence from rograde endosomal signalling complex. The molecu- many laboratories for the signalling endosome mech- lar machinery that underlies these events is largely anism, there might also be alternative modes of retro- unknown. It is also not clear whether the retro grade grade signalling. One conceivable alternative involves transport of neurotrophins and their receptors in the retrograde propagation of downstream signalling neurons differs in specific respects from the endo- effectors. When Trk receptors are activated by their cytosis and trafficking of other receptor tyrosine ligand, specific effectors are recruited that link active kinases in non-polarized cells.

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Endophilin ? Dynamin Actin

NFG–TrkA NFG–TrkA Pincher Pincher-mediated endocytosis

Clathrin + adaptor protein Clathrin-mediated Caveolin-mediated endocytosis endocytosis Figure 3 | Neurotrophins and their receptors use various modes of internalization. The archetypal neurotrophin–receptor complex, nerve growth factor (NGF)–TrkA, uses three distinct internalization pathways. Although there is considerable evidence that NGF–TrkA complexes are internalized through a clathrin/dynamin-dependent process, TrkA has been localized to caveolin- like domains in PC12 cell lines, and disruption of Pincher-mediated pinocytosis prevents intracellular accumulation of NGF–TrkA complexes in both PC12 cell lines and primary sympathetic cultures. Whether Trk activity is required for internalization and how Trk receptor signalling modulates these pathways remain unresolved.

NGF–TrkA internalization. The main endocytic inhibition alone cannot implicate the involvement of routes for membrane receptors include at least four clathrin-coated pits. mechanistically diverse and highly regulated pathways: Alternate modes of internalization, including macropinocytosis, clathrin-mediated endocytosis, clathrin- and caveolin-independent mechanisms, caveolae-mediated endocytosis, and clathrin- and also contribute to Trk receptor trafficking. The recent caveolae-independent endocytosis. The best studied identification of Pincher as a membrane trafficking endocytic pathway is clathrin-mediated endocytosis, protein that mediates endocytosis and the trafficking of and most of the information on trafficking of recep- NGF–TrkA complexes by clathrin-independent tor tyrosine kinases has emerged from the study of the macropinocytosis illustrates the diverse and complex archetypal epidermal growth nature of neurotrophin-receptor internalization69. factor (EGF) receptor (EGFR). On binding EGF, EGFRs Overexpression of Pincher in PC12 cells and sympathetic undergo dimerization, recruitment to clathrin-coated neurons enhances the ligand-dependent endocytosis pits, invagination and fission of clathrin-coated vesicles of TrkA at plasma membrane ruffles where pinocytic into the cytosol, followed by their uncoating to form structures are formed56,69. Interestingly, Pincher is not endosomes65. localized to clathrin-coated invaginations, and expres- At present, there is some debate as to which sion of a dominant-negative form of Pincher blocks endocytic route is the dominant mechanism for the TrkA internalization without affecting clathrin-mediated uptake of neurotrophins and Trk receptors, and there endocytosis of the transferrin receptor69. is evidence to support both clathrin-dependent and The multiplicity of pathways by which receptors -independent mechanisms (FIG. 3). NGF increases the can be internalized indicates that the mechanism of association of clathrin with membranes in both PC12 ligand–receptor internalization might depend on the cells and DRG neurons, and induces the formation of type of receptor, the cellular context in which the lig- complexes that contain activated TrkA, the clathrin and is presented, and/or the magnitude of the signal heavy chain and the clathrin adaptor protein AP2 generated by ligand stimulation. Indeed, ligand con- REFS 66,67. In addition, clathrin-coated vesicles iso- centrations can profoundly affect the endocytic fate lated from NGF-treated PC12 cells contain not only of the EGFR: low EGF concentrations favour clath- NGF–TrkA complexes, but also activated signalling rin-dependent endocytosis, whereas high — but still effectors of the MAPK pathway67. Trk receptor inter- physiologically relevant — concentrations of EGF pro- nalization also depends on dynamin, a GTPase that mote primarily caveolin-dependent internalization70,71. is involved in the scission of clathrin-coated vesicles One exciting possibility is that during neuronal from the plasma membrane, which indicates that a development axons that project into target fields clathrin-mediated mechanism might be the preferred encounter a concentration gradient of a particular mode of Trk endocytosis53,57. However, dynamin also neurotrophin, which could establish different routes participates in caveolin-dependent internalization68 of Trk receptor internalization, and form distinct and other membrane scission events, so dynamin signalling complexes.

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Although in vitro analyses support the existence of or by stabilizing nascent clathrin-coated pits. Consistent different modes of neurotrophin receptor endocytosis, with this idea, the endocytosis of EGFR is facilitated studies that use overexpressed receptors might reveal by the tyrosine-phosphorylation of the endocytic mechanisms that are fundamentally different from coat protein EPS15 and the clathrin heavy chain79,80. those used in physiological scenarios. Recent advances Determining the exact role of Trk kinase activity in in long-term in vivo imaging in both cells and animals, receptor internalization and sorting will prove useful the use of siRNA-based methods to deplete key endo- in the identification of downstream targets of Trk sig- cytic molecules, and the use of conditional mutant nalling that are required for these processes. Genetic mouse models in which components of the endocytic models, such as Trk-knockin mice, which allow specific, machinery can be spatially and temporally inactivated potent, and reversible inhibition of kinase activity81, will will provide essential insights into how neurotrophins be useful for investigating the kinase requirements of and their receptors undergo endocytosis in vivo. Trk receptor trafficking.

Role of Trk kinase activity. The role of Trk kinase Sorting of Trk receptors in axons. It is well estab- activity in receptor internalization is still unclear. lished that ligand stimulation of distal axons results Pharmacological inhibition of Trk kinase activity and in the transport of active Trk receptors to cell bodies. ectopic expression of mutant Trk receptors that lack Intriguingly, only a fraction of the 125I-NGF that is kinase activity blocks ligand–receptor endocytosis internalized at distal axons of sympathetic neurons is and subsequent retrograde transport in sympathetic transported to cell bodies, which indicates that only a and sensory neurons (REFS 53,55,72; R. K. and D. D. G., small amount of activated TrkA in distal axonal proc- unpublished observations). Inhibition of TrkA kinase esses is retrogradely transported82,83. These findings activity in distal axons, but not in middle axons, of indicate that most internalized axonal Trk receptors compartmentalized cultures of sympathetic neurons undergo recycling and/or proteolysis in axons; how- blocks retrograde transport of radiolabelled NGF, ever, it is not known how those receptors that are which indicates that Trk activity is required for bound for retrograde transport are sorted from those internalization, sorting or both, but is not required that are not, and the vesicular destination of receptors for ligand–receptor transport in axons53. In addition, remains elusive. neuronal activity and Ca2+ influx facilitate the inter- NGF and TrkA co-localize in different types of nalization of TrkB by enhancing its kinase activity in vesicle with distinct morphological characteristics, hippocampal neurons73. However, the results of other which indicates that internalized Trk receptor signal- studies argue that TrkA kinase activity is not required ling complexes might use various modes of retrograde for the initial steps of receptor endocytosis. Inhibition transport. Ultrastructural analyses of sympathetic of TrkA kinase activity with (a cell-permeable nerves in vivo indicate that gold-labelled NGF is con- protein kinase inhibitor) and the expression of mutant centrated in multivesicular bodies84,85. By contrast, receptors that lack the intracellular kinase domain of immunoelectron microscopy studies in sciatic nerves TrkA do not affect the intracellular accumulation of show that phosphorylated TrkA is found in both radiolabelled NGF in PC12 cells74–76. However, p75NTR coated and uncoated 50–200-nm vesicles, as well as also mediates NGF internalization in PC12 cells77, and in multivesicular structures86. To determine which of might, therefore, contribute to measurements of ligand these vesicular compartments retrogradely transports internalization. Furthermore, differences in Trk kinase activated Trk receptors, Delcroix et al.61 used chamber requirements could reflect cell-intrinsic properties, as preparations of intact rat sciatic nerve, which allow studies in PC12 cells have generally found that the proteins undergoing retrograde or anterograde trans- kinase activity is not required, whereas studies that use port to be isolated and characterized. They found primary neuronal cultures have found that it is. that retrogradely transported vesicles that contain Discrepancies in kinase requirements notwithstand- 125I-NGF also contain not only activated TrkA but ing, putative endocytic motifs in Trk receptors have also molecular markers that are characteristic of early been identified. For example, the tyrosine-based signals endosomes, such as the small G-protein Rab5 and its FxNPxY (where x is any amino acid) and Yxxφ (where effector, early endosome antigen 1 (EEA1), as well as φ is a large hydrophobic residue) in the juxtamembrane constituents of the MAPK and PI3K pathways61. These and cytoplasmic domains might be crucial for the inter- elegant biochemical analyses indicate that early endo- SH2 AND PTB DOMAINS 78 Src homology 2 (SH2) and nalization of Trk receptors . Consistent with this idea, somes mediate retrograde neurotrophin signalling in phosphotyrosine binding (PTB) deletion of the putative trafficking motifs 531ECYNLL sensory neurons. Determining the contribution of domains bind directly to and 496NPQY in the TrkA cytoplasmic domain greatly other vesicular compartments, such as multivesicular canonical sites of tyrosine attenuates receptor internalization74. Phosphorylation bodies, to the sorting and retrograde transport of Trk phosphorylation (pYXN and NPXpY, respectively, where p at these tyrosine-based motifs could recruit endocytic receptors will shed light on the itinerary of internalized represents phosphorylation) adaptors such as Src homology 2 domain-containing neurotrophin–receptor signalling complexes. that are found in many tyrosine transforming protein C (Shc) or With coated and uncoated vesicles, early endo- kinases. These domains are (FGF) receptor substrate 2 (FRS2) through their SH2 or somes, and multivesicular bodies potentially serving as commonly found in adaptor PTB DOMAINS proteins such as Shc and FRS2. , respectively. Alternatively, Trk kinase activ- transport shuttles for retrograde neurotrophin signals, For the Trk receptors, Shc and ity could regulate receptor internalization by enhancing it is important to determine the molecular machinery FRS2 bind to Y-490. the recruitment of unique endocytic adaptor proteins that sorts and targets internalized Trk receptors for

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retrograde transport. PI3K might be a candidate for transported by the microtubule minus-end-directed regulating the endocytic itinerary of internalized Trk motor dynein. Phosphorylated TrkA co-localizes with receptors. Constituents of the PI3K pathway associate dynein and components of the dynein complex, such as with Trk-containing vesicles, and inhibition of PI3K dynamitin in axons of the sciatic nerve, and the distal activity attenuates NGF internalization and retrograde region of the TrkA juxtamembrane domain interacts transport20,61,87. Moreover, inhibition of PI3K at distal with the 14-kDa dynein light chain in both hetero- axons — but not middle axons — of compartmental- logous cells and brain lysates86,94. Moreover, molecular ized sympathetic neurons attenuates the retrograde and chemical disruption of microtubules95,96 or the transport of 125I-NGF REF. 20. Although these findings dynein–dynactin complex55 attenuates retrograde strongly implicate PI3K signalling in the regulation of transport of neurotrophins and their receptors both Trk receptor trafficking, the downstream targets of this in vitro and in vivo, and dynein-dependent transport is signalling cascade and how it regulates sorting remain required for the survival of PNS neurons in vivo58 and unclear. Intriguingly, many endocytic proteins contain in vitro55. However, whether the neuronal degenera- phosphoinositide binding modules (FYVE, ENTH, tion in dynein mutant mice is due to the disruption of FERM, PH and PX domains) that are necessary for the transport of target-derived neurotrophins, or of some proper fusion and sorting of vesicles88. One such pro- other cargo that is necessary for survival, remains to be tein, the early endosomal marker EEA1, is localized to seen. These findings indicate that interactions between retrogradely transported NGF–TrkA complexes61 and TrkA and components of the dynein machinery might binds to phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate through underlie the recruitment and loading of TrkA-contain- a carboxy (C)-terminal FYVE domain89. EEA1 also ing vesicles onto retrograde microtubule motors and interacts directly with the endocytic protein Rab5, and the retrograde movement of these vesicles. Using new this interaction is necessary for the sorting of internal- genetic models and advanced imaging techniques, such ized proteins to early endosomes90. It will be interesting as two-photon microscopy, it might soon be possible to determine whether Trk receptor signalling through to visualize ligand–receptor trafficking in real-time, PI3K is directly linked to endosomal effectors such both in vitro and in vivo. These techniques will allow as EEA1 and Rab5, and whether these proteins are more thorough investigations into the requirements involved in Trk receptor sorting and/or trafficking. and mechanisms of dynein-dependent retrograde In addition to internalization, sorting, and transport transport, and will help us to identify new molecular of neurotrophin signals, the signalling endosome must components and cellular pathways that are required for also avoid proteolysis as it travels from axons to cell retrograde neurotrophin signalling. bodies. It is widely believed that late endosomes and lysosomes are restricted to the soma and dendrites, but Signalling from the endosome. How do target-derived ultrastructural analyses and immunostaining experi- signals, which emanate from remote axonal locations, ments point to their existence in axons91,92. 125I-NGF is impart their messages to neuronal cell bodies? As retrogradely transported in sympathetic axons with little mentioned above, there is considerable evidence that or no degradation or release en route to the cell bodies83, neurotrophin–Trk receptor complexes are associated which indicates that signalling endosomes evade degra- with the early endosome, and possibly other organelles, dation in axons. Moreover, studies of the internalization and that these vesicles are a necessary and sufficient and fate of 125I-NGF have revealed that NGF is poorly platform from which various signalling pathways are targeted to lysosomes and remains tightly associated initiated61,97,98. Indeed, the early endosome presents with its receptor at a relatively acidic pH93, which further several potential advantages as a platform for Trk sig- indicates that NGF–TrkA signalling endosomes might nalling by providing access to unique effectors that are be specialized vesicles that have evolved to propagate not localized at the cell surface (FIG. 4). For example, long-distance signalling in axons by subverting proteo- sustained MAPK signalling seems to be maintained lytic degradation. Avoidance of proteolytic degradation exclusively from endosomal locations through activa- might involve the macropinocytic protein Pincher. tion of Rap1 REF. 99. Consistent with this idea, NGF Overexpression of Pincher in cultured sympathetic induces the activation of Rap1 at endosomal mem- neurons prevents activated Trk receptors from targeting branes, which, in turn, leads to the recruitment and to lysosomes56; however the exact mechanism by which activation of B-Raf 62,99 (a serine/threonine protein Pincher prevents lysosomal degradation of internalized kinase). Moreover, NGF and TrkA, along with various Trk receptors remains unresolved. It would be interesting constituents of the MAPK transduction cascade, includ- to investigate whether other proteins that are involved in ing Rap1, B-Raf, ERK1 and ERK2, are also localized the avoidance of axonal degradation are also linked to and retrogradely transported with early endosomes61. axonal transport of Trk signalling complexes. Although it is not clear whether Rap1 is recruited to this complex from the cytosol or is constitutively asso- Axonal transport of Trk receptors. An important ques- ciated with the early endosomes to which Trk receptors tion is how target-derived neurotrophins and their are sorted, the Rap1 signalling pathway seems to be receptors efficiently travel along axons, which are up important for the signalling function of the endosome. to one metre long. There is considerable evidence that It has also been found that members of the ERK kinase they use a microtubule-based motor system in which family of signalling effectors can be activated at discrete neurotrophins and Trk receptors are retrogradely cellular locations. Retrograde accumulation of ERK5

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characterizing retrograde Trk signalling complexes from various cell types. Other endosomal proteins that are retrogradely Rab5 transported with TrkA might also provide signal- ling functions for neurotrophins. For example, Rab5 has been functionally linked to signalling molecules NGF through direct and indirect associations with its MEK effectors Rabaptin 5, EEA1, Rabenosyn 5, and the EEA1 Rap1 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases p-110β, p85α and p150 B-Raf ERK REFS 61,89,90,100102 p110 C3G . However, although TrkA localizes Akt CRKL to Rab5- and EEA1-positive endosomes, it is not clear p85 Shc ARMS whether TrkA activity modulates Rab5 activity, or GAB1 TrkA whether Rab5 itself is required for endosomal activa- tion of Trk effectors. Future experiments designed to γ PLC purify and characterize the proteins associated with Dynein–dynactin Trk-containing endosomes will provide insight into the complex mechanisms by which neurotrophin signals are main- tained during retrograde transport and disseminated on arrival at neuronal cell bodies.

Concluding remarks – Microtubule network + Target-derived trophic factors such as the neurotrophins are crucial for the establishment of proper neuronal Figure 4 | The signalling endosome. The main mode of connectivity during development. Target instruction is retrograde neurotrophin signalling is through the retrograde transport of a membrane-enveloped ligand–receptor complex imparted through both local and retrograde activation with characteristics of early endosomes. These signalling of various signalling cascades by neurotrophins. These endosomes are platforms for unique signalling effectors such signalling pathways coordinate several developmental as the small G-proteins Rap1 and Rab5, which are essential processes, including cell survival, axonal and dendritic for activation of downstream signalling pathways and growth, synaptogenesis, and the acquisition of neuro- transport of retrograde neurotrophin signals. Various signalling transmitter phenotype. When neurotrophins bind cascades (arrows) that are crucial for neurotrophin-dependent survival and axon growth are associated with nerve growth to Trk receptors, these complexes recruit the cellular factor (NGF)–TrkA-containing endosomes. These include machinery that is responsible for endocytosis, traf- constituents of the phospholipase C-γ (PLCγ), Raf (a serine/ ficking to transport organelles, and, ultimately, their threonine protein kinase)–MEK (MAPK (mitogen-activated retrograde transport and signalling in cell bodies. protein kinase)/ERK (extracellular signal-regulated kinase) Although the function of signalling endosomes is kinase)–ERK and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) becoming clear, many questions regarding retrograde signalling pathways. The mechanisms responsible for the nucleation of these complexes remain unresolved. Akt, v-akt signalling remain to be addressed. What is the molecu- murine thymoma viral oncogene homologue, also known as lar composition of signalling endosomes and how protein kinase B; ARMS, ankyrin-rich membrane-spanning do they avoid lysosomal degradation in axons? Do protein; B-Raf, v-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene alternative modes of retrograde signalling contribute homologue B1; CRKL, v-crk sarcoma virus CT10 oncogene to distinct neurotrophin-dependent processes? Are homologue; C3G, Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor different modes of ligand–receptor internalization (GEF) 1; EEA1, early endosome antigen 1; GAB1, GRB2 required for spatially distinct cellular processes such (-bound protein 2)-associated binding protein 1; p85, regulatory subunit of phosphatidylinositol as axon growth and cell survival? The increasing sen- 3-kinase; p110, catalytic subunit of phosphatidylinositol sitivity of mass spectrometry and improved methods 3-kinase; Shc, Src homology 2 domain-containing for purifying retrogradely-transported vesicles will transforming protein C. undoubtedly provide a clearer picture of the molecu- lar fingerprint of retrograde signalling complexes. In addition, coupling advanced imaging techniques but not ERK1 or ERK2 in response to neurotrophin to high-throughput molecular screens should prove stimulation of distal axons of compartmentalized DRG invaluable in determining the molecular mechanisms neurons indicates that retrograde Trk signalling com- that are important for the internalization and sort- plexes might use distinct effector pathways depending ing of ligand–receptor complexes that are destined on the cellular location of neurotrophin stimulation. for retrograde transport. Finally, as there is growing However, sustained retrograde activation of ERK1 and evidence that aberrant retrograde neurotrophic factor 2 has been observed in compartmentalized cultures of signalling is involved in the aetiology of neurological sympathetic neurons23,53, and activated ERK1 and 2 are diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease103–106, Huntington’s localized to retrogradely-transported Trk-containing disease107 and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis96, it is endosomes from sciatic nerve preparations as well as to essential that we determine the modes of retrograde the cell bodies of DRG neurons in vivo61. Discrepancies target influence, not only during development but also such as these highlight the importance of purifying and in adulthood.

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