Sean Town Bowling
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Page Twelve THE NEW ENGLAND BULLETIN SAT. MAY 14, 1949 SEANm. mm Tmmmm OWN BOWLING AM Back in 1941, a group of young men and women started to bowl for recreation at the Ruggles Street Bowling Alleys on Saturday nights. PArticularly interested in the game were Catherine Potter, Alice Hoffman and Madeline Ward. When the Independent Colored Bowling League for Men was formed by Edward (Zing) Rice, and the was so exciting, Catherine Potter decided to such a women. iiiiìniiiiiifini'iiiiiiiniiiiiì competition organize league for After By P. G. LEE tii iiiiiiiiiiiirii) iiiiMfriiiii much 'scouting for interested bowlers, nine women were found who were willing to form a league. Be- cause there were not enough teams, only high scores were counted for this short season of a few months. LETT US BE FAIR The nine original members of 1945 Allen, three F Winifred, Vnn are m a ti o croi n-- n TinsArinll fjaniYi Tiriti vniii1 team ist losfnET Boston's first colored women's were: strings 326. by a big margin. A fan sits behind you and yells nasty remarks at league Catherine Potter, nil .slit! - 4l vnwut TTr-f-c molraa Trita wamavlrc ottsviiir ornili "wriF Boston Alice Hoffman, Madeline Welch, single jruu iili viuxiug game xic xicx.o vaaw icukhlimj uuuuu jvu Speaks Ward, stringJ.946Tladys130. your ancestors. Rita and Constancia Oliveira, Ruth By B. S. GROSS Johnson, Theresa Lewis, Minna 1946 Harriet You try to concentrate on the game. You wonder if it's possible 333. Johnson, three to have so many lousy pitchers on one team. You have a good out- Dunkley and Eunice Lynch. In strings field and a fair but so hits are the dia-- September of 1942 the ranks had 1947 Norma infield, many m through . m mm a mr V ringing . mM Wilson, single mm are J Xtu The New England United Negro swelled to twenty girls. Edward 133. mona your aeiense tans apart, iou Know you not supposea ecre Rice erirla string nnt HVp t.lift flVflraffft baseball manager. You have iust been reinstated finii Fund Drive is shooting for helned the to establish 1947 RpatnVo w; fór a similiar incident with a fan. You know 1 A((i noft. Lets cret toether and by-la- ws and Wilfred Eraser, well-kno- wn to be this cause. Cricketer was asked to eIed a world's record a and hate to lose a ball You have help worthy a Can-dlep- m you have fiery temper you game. is m tne coach the in the of bowl- m ior single string in tried everything, to make this look like a major league baseball game. Ebenezer Brotnernooa girls art League bowling for You have used limelite. The Metropolitan Male ing candlepins. for three women; You are also fighting to keep your team in first place. there strings she bowled 354. five and wonder if the bat could not pitch better than Chorus appeared Thursday Membership Increases Her current league is 100. pitchers boy mind Harriet Jackson was guest This average You have not made evening. The became m whose the pitchers you have used. quite up your Buckner doubled as group popular and league, membership who to càll in to pitch next. You have to save your starters for the soloist. Gamby because it afforded the women of is in excess of one hundred mem- and director. ; -- " m semi-professio- on Am. Rnfmvlatr two pianist mm.m JJ 4A nal bers, bowls next games. is .w Boston some real ni4. Ouch! there goes that fan again. Gee, why must I be tormented Your reporter auipuocu competition, the membership in- from six to eight o'clock at the now? Let me should I call meet so many Negroes in Boston Huntington of this way. What is he saying see, Hartung wTia conditions under creased to over ten .times the orig- Alleys Boston, the No! He must tomorrow. Vtipw the inal world's for Candle-pi- n in? pitch which race lives here and are number. The League has served largest alleys My, but those Dodgers are fast as hell. What, oh, what is that their to bring out the best in sports- bowling. I would like to bat his brains out. afraid to say anything about it and moròn calling me now? When are we to manship teamwork as the op- Oh, well its another ball game and it's all over. Now for a going afforded itself. In addi- just line- wake up and demand a new pro portunity shower and more worry about tomorrow's ball game. The batting Avenue. Near the tion, it emphasized the noticeable Crowe up is O. K. What the hell! The so and so is now trying to steal my traits of some of the members. For Signs " beer at Northampton and cap. Get the heck out of here. garden from 9 in the example, Pearl Griffith was "dis- I'm to visualize and rationalize on the incident at the Polo Washington Street, covered" as an sports Braves Contract trying morning until l ociock, you wan outstanding Grounds between Leo Durocher and Boysen. of women and men reporter and columnist; Norma No fan has a right to jump over the rail and molest a player while find a gang Wilson, poet and sports columnist, The Boston Braves Announced the field. He or the fan a picket drinkinir and police DreaKing up has written for each team the of Crowe to he is playing or coming off purchases and up gangs. But songs signing George to see the game and to enjoy himself in his seat. He does not have fights locking - and has recorded the league's his- play first base for their Pawtucket, the to use tó abuse or molest the performers. the conditions wnicn proaucea Am- tory in the form of a poem. R. I., farm club in the Class B right profane language, in- Dukes still remains. The good citizens of Harlem who sought to capitalize on this boy Connie Turner is the newest New England League. Crowe bat- cident were guilty of bad judgment. Why bring the racial angle in Will Create ueiiquency 'find' as a sports writer. ted .388 last summer with the New The as an individual was wrong. Onr children who will be living Catherine York Black Yankeés. He trained this thing? fan absolutely in will an early Potter, organizer and If Durocher struck him or kicked Boysen, Durocher was wrong. the project, get president the its offi with the Hartford Chiefs during the Durocher will be tried start in juvenile delinquency if the gave groups the spring, but was given his re- This is true not withstanding provocation. ciai name, .rresident's in - - However will be to the ditfons remain. What are thè Trophy lease; , in court by the time this is published. it up and about 1944 for 'Outstanding WnrV fn learned to sift the evidence, to determine whether mothers fathers doing Women's Reports during the- - pe- magistrate through it, or do they care? Bowling.' training Leo is guilty. These are some of the Madeline Ward, treasurer and riod .indicated Crowe was the best There is no about the fan being guilty of violating a questions Ti baseman Crowe question we snould asK ourselves: Rita Oliveira. official scotm va first in camp. was league or park rule when he jumped over the rail and sought to take held their offices since the start so distrusted that he refused the of New York Giants. I believe in and seek- What is wrong with the Negro the property the protesting m : of the league. first contract offered him, to play ing justice. But we can be so blind, so often to the real issue involved. Boston in a lower classification. However, so remote took some real to Whv do we think of these things League records: even- The race question was that' it straining he has now signed and will ' and fear to speak out about them? 1943 Minna bring it to fore. Dunkley, single tually work his way up. He is . a to Who are our leading Negroes 124. v 1 Why, Leo was the first major league manager my knowledge, are to aid the string young ball player and will even- to manage a major league team with a Negro on it. I am sure he did! and what they doing 1944 Catherine Potter, three tually prove his ability to play not pick out this particular fan to hit because he was of dark color.! community? men strings 304. major league. PGL. Once when I was coaching a team in the service and we were What are Negro business I threatened to hit the Commander, doing to help? losing by a big score, Company Don't we think of our if he did not keep his mouth shut. His suggestions and remarks anything caused me to blow as He Negro youth here? about my strategy finally my wig they say. Who controls the vote apologized after the game. But I can understand Leo's reaction. JNegro In one game my best friend in the army, was coaching on third here? runner home on the next Whv don't we patronize our own base. I gave him the sign to send the pitch. business ? That pitch was a high ball and the runner could have scored easily. people Where are our-- boys and My friend refused to send the runner in, the batter eventually struck Ml gins1 out. back to the was I raved like a going to.