RMQ Fall2004 Real Issue
Number 18 Fall 2014 Park engines don’t get much nicer than this. Over the last few years Minneapolis & St. Louis 2-8-0 #457 has received a complete cosmetic makeover, including the restoration of its bell and builder plates. And it’s wired for lights, sound and steam. See it at East Park in Mason City, IA. Jim Vaitkunas photo. Requested Address Service Address PERMIT NO. 1096 NO. PERMIT TWIN CITIES, MN CITIES, TWIN Covington, GA 30015 GA Covington, PAID P.O. Box 1189 Box P.O. U.S.POSTAGE PRSRT. STD. PRSRT. ATRRM 2 &RQJUDWXODWLRQVWRRXUFOLHQWVIRU 6DFUDPHQWR&$ 3HQLQVXOD2+ &DOHUD$/ (OEH:$ )RUW%UDJJ&$ 1HOVRQYLOOH2+ 0HGLQD1< )LOOPRUH&$ 2ZRVVR0, 3DZWXFNHW5, 7LFNHWLQJDQG2QOLQH0DUNHWLQJIRU7RXULVW5DLOURDGV :+,67,; LQIR#ZKLVWOHWL[FRP 3 ASSOCIATION OF TOURIST RAILROADS PRESIDENT’S COLUMN AND RAILWAY MUSEUMS By G. Mark Ray The purpose of the Association of Tourist Railroads and One key component of ATRRM’s governance structure is the Railway Museums is to lead in the advancement of railway committee. ATRRM has two types of committees: The Standing heritage through education, advocacy and the promotion Committees (Executive, Nominating, and Finance), which are of best practices. required by our Bylaws, and the Select Committees (Awards, Advocacy, Marketing, Parts, and Regulatory). Each committee has For more details, or to report address changes, please contact a defined function and its workload is determined by action items us at: assigned through ATRRM’s Strategic Planning process. Each ATRRM committee is also responsible for submitting any budget needs as P. O. Box 1189, Covington, GA 30015 part of the ensuing year’s budget preparations and then managing www.atrrm.org their budget as approved by the Board.
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