ISARA-Lyon Plant Research International 23 rue Jean Baldassini Postbox 616 69364 Lyon CEDEX 07, France 6700 AP Wageningen A methodology to compare specialized and mixed farming systems. Case studies, in the Netherlands and France. Master thesis 4th Cohort (2010-2012) DONZALLAZ Guillaume Date: 17-09-2012 ISARA tutor: Christoph Davide -
[email protected] External tutor ENSAT: Magali Willaume -
[email protected] UMB tutor: Tor Arvide Breland -
[email protected] Plant Research International tutor: Hein Korevaar –
[email protected] Acknowledgments I would like to thanks Hein Korevaar for the continuous and careful attention he gave to my thesis and for all constructive time we spent together. I have learned with him how to do research and nothing would have been possible without him. From administrative details to technical questions, Hein was always present to help me and he made my stay in the Netherlands a success! A special thanks to Benjamin Nowak and Thomas Nesme for welcoming me at INRA-Bordeaux, share their information and explore the Ribéracois during my field trip. Thanks to Magali Willaume for her punctual and precious guidance and for the nice meeting we had at INRA-Toulouse with Marc Moraine. Thanks to all people I met during my research and especially persons from the CANTOGETHER project with whom I had interesting discussions and even pleasant evenings. Thanks to all colleagues at PRI for welcoming me during my thesis and helped me from time to time to keep me on track. Also, I will never forget my time among you at the Radix building.