The Alberta Gazette, Part I, December 15, 2001
The Alberta Gazette PART 1 _______________________________________________________________________ Vol. 97 EDMONTON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2001 No. 23 _______________________________________________________________________ GOVERNMENT NOTICES AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT HOSTING EXPENSES EXCEEDING $600.00 For the Fourth Quarter 2000-2001 2001-45 Amount: $2,218.25 Purpose: Provincial 4H Judging Competition. Annual Provincial Project Competition. Date: August 10-13, 2000 Location: Olds, Alberta 2001-62 Amount: $3,800.75 Purpose: Canadian Alliance of Agri-Food Exporters and Agri-Industry Trade Group. Meeting with US Agriculture officials to increase the awareness and understanding of our common objectives for this round of world trade talks. Date: October 10, 2000 Location: Banff, Alberta 2001-73 Amount: $1,421.15 Purpose: Alberta Pulse Network. Understand the future direction of key players in the pulse industry. Improvement of linkages/partnerships. Can this network foster value chain development? Date: January 4-5, 2001 Location: Edmonton, Alberta 2001-77 Amount: $1,946.95 Purpose: Industry Development Funds Workshop. Update industry/research funders on progress to date and include industry and research funders in discussion of issues. Date: February 6, 2001 Location: Edmonton, Alberta 2001-82 Amount: $1,002.95 Purpose: Farm Labour and Wage Rate “Dialogue” Day. To gather input and future direction for the recently completed Alberta Farm Labour and Wage Rate Survey. Date: March 14, 2001 Location: Red Deer, Alberta THE ALBERTA GAZETTE, PART I, DECEMBER 15, 2001 2001-89 Amount: $1,873.87 Purpose: Horticulture Product Team Meeting. Meeting with industry stakeholders. Date: December 13-14, 2000 Location: Red Deer, Alberta 2001-92 Amount: $865.14 Purpose: The Sustainable Management of the Livestock Industry in Alberta Committee - Public Meeting.
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