Peirce Genealogy
PEIRCE GENEALOGY. BEING THE RECORD OF THE POSTERITY OF JOHN PERS, AN EARLY INHABITANT OF WATERTOYVN, IN NEW ENGLAND, WHO CAME FROM NORWICH, NORFOLK COUNTY, ENGLAND; WITH NOTES ON THE HISTORY OF OTHER FAMILIES OF PEIRCE, PIERCE, PEARCE, ETC. BY FREDERICK CLIFTON PEIRCE, Es*j., THOR OF THE HISTORY OF GRAFTON, HISTORY OF B aRRE. COMPILER OF the Gibson- and H arwood Genealogies, and Resident Member of the New E ngland H istoric-G enealogical Society. I love the lineage of heroes; but I love merit more. Patents of nobility are bnt phantoms; true worth la within. Kings are nothing but men, and all men are equal. K in g F b b d e b ic k o f Pr u s s ia . WORCESTER ; PRESS OF C1IAS. HAMILTON No. 311 Main Str eet. 1 8 8 0 . The Hemotype PbintinoCo 126 Peapi.S t. Boston p g l f i - t g i t t o Copyright, 1880, Bv FREDERICK CLIFTON PEIRCE. 9 S J S - . J. S. W e s b y , Binder. Edition Limited. TO Col. Cfjomas (HHcnttoortl) $firrc, PR ESID E N T OP THE GALVESTON, HARRISBURG AND SAN ANTONIO RAILWAY, To w hose E nterprise and L iberality in th e Construction of ample T ransportation F acilities through Southern and W estern T exas, T he P eople of that Great Section o f Country owe a D ebt of Gra titu d e; and fo r w hom T H E AUTHOR OF THIS VOLUME E ntertains the H ighest P ersonal E steem for iiis I n tegrity, E nter prise, Sagacity and Libera lity , this work is fH o s t lUspectfulls Drtitratrti BT HIS FRIEND, TH E AUTHOR.
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