Democrats Ready Nixon Challenges

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Democrats Ready Nixon Challenges Red Bank Seeks Rail Station Renovation SEE STORY, PAGE 3 The Weather THEMLY FINAL Sunny today, becoming cloudy with chance of rain tonight Cloudy with rain to- EDITION morrow. 26 PAGES- Monmonth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL.95 NO. 128 RED BANK, NJ. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3,1973 TEN CENTS Democrats Ready Nixon Challenges WASHINGTON (AP) -The ministration to spend highway flation by cutting federal Democrats emerging from 93rd Congress opens today funds voted by Congress. spending. yesterday's day-long caucus with its Democratic major- The move was described by MittMriBilagsSaU told reporters they were im- ities moving to challenge sponsors as the first step in a The suit was brought by the pressed by the determination President Nixon's Indochina major effort to challenge the Missouri State Highway Com- expressed by Albert'and and spending policies even be- administration's refusal to mission to get that state's O'Neill to provide the lead- fore the sounding of the first share of $7 billion that has ership needed to help Con- spend certain domestic appro- been impounded by the ad- gavel. priations. — gress regain lost power and House Democrats voted 154 ministration. challenge administration ef- to 75 yesterday to support leg- The senators filed a brief in Ervln and the other Demo- forts to dismantle domestic islation to cut off all war a suit seeking to free over $80. crats contend that Congress, programs passed by past funds at once, subject only to million in highway trust funds not the executive branch, Democratic administrations. provisions for the return of frozen by the administration should determine spending Mansfield took an approach U.S. prisoners and safe con- in its attempt to battle in- priorities. similar to Albert's. .'•••-. .•.•...' .-•' ; " • ..•'• ' - "•'• • , ;• '••. >.•••.••••.. • ; ' RttUhr Stuff phota duct for withdrawing Ameri- BEGIN NEW TERMS — Freeholders Ernest G. Kavalek, center, of Middletown and Harry Larrlson can forces. Jr., left, were sworn In yesterday to new terms on the county Board of Freeholders. Mr. Kavalek be- And top Senate Democrats gins his second full term and Mr. Larrlson his third. The pair present gavel to Joseph C. Irwin, who went to court in an attempt to began his 34th year as freeholder and 22nd year as freeholder director. force the Nixon adminis- tration to spend highway mon- ey that Congress has appro- priated. Prior to the opening of the new Congress at noon today. County Will Acquire Senate Democrats and Re- publicans scheduled spearate caucuses. Mike Mansfj£)d of Montana and Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania had no an- nounced opposition for reelec- tion as Democratic and Re- 4 Tracts for Parks publican leaders, respective- By WILLIAM J.ZAORSK1 and one in Wall Township—for In his state of the county Township, about 1.6 miles east Republicans have contests park purposes. message; Mr. Irwin said the of the Hall of Records here. for several secondary lead- FREEHOLD — Freeholder Mr. Irwin of Red Bank be- county will use federal reve- Asked after the meeting if ership posts. Sens. John G. Director Joseph C. Irwin said gins his 34th year as a county nue sharing funds to construct the county would proceed this Tower of Texas and Robert yesterday 1973 will be a year freeholder and his 22nd year a building in Freehold Town- year with plans to construct Taft Jr. of Ohio are running of "progressive development" as director. He holds the ship for the Department of an administration complex on for policy chairman, and for the county to bring to frui- record for longevity in office Social Services—formerly that site, Mr, irwin said he Sens. Norris Cotton of New tion plans developed daring in the state for both offices. the welfare department—and doubted it. "We don't look for- Hampshire and Wallace Ben- the past year, -w • -;.,,i-- • SWQJ$Jn |iy County" Clerk ward to an administration nett of Utah are seeking to In his annual address at the Benjamin H. Danskln were The freeholders announced building this year," he said. chair the party conference. organisation tifettuig of the Freeholder-Hafry LarrisoH two weeks ago,.thatthey will. Mr.. Irwin, said the county . .The- &wate~aiid H-ottse, Board of Freeholders in the Jr. of Ocean Grove for his' Begin immediately to have the also will use revenue sharing planned largely ceremonial Hall of Records, Mr. irwin third full term and Freeholder building constructed on a 162- funds for the county sanitary opening sessions today with said the county has decided to EMest G. Kavalek of Middle- aere tract owned by the coun- landfill in New Shrewsbury, leaders of both houses vowing acquire four tracts of town for bis second full term. ty on the west side of East Colts Neck and Wall Town- to reassert the role' of Con- PLEA FOR FOOD — Walter Vasquez, left, honorary counsul of Nica- land-three in Middletown Both are Republicans. Freehold Road, Freehold ship, The county hopes to be- gress in the next two years. ragua, sorts donated food items In garage building behind Middletown gin operation by summer. Tells of 'Mandate'' Township Hall. Mr. Vasquez, who lives at 8 Jupiter St., Middletown, has made plea for food for victims of earthquake which devastated the Nlcar- He said the board and coun- "We have our mandate ty parks commissioners have guan capital Managua 10 days ago. Assisting Mr. Vasquez Is Middletown too," House Speaker Carl Al- Police Chief Joseph M. McCarthy. • , decided to accept or buy these bert told fellow Democrats af- tracts of land: - ter they voted 202 to 25 to des- Nixon's Intervention — A 474.76-acre tract in ignate him as their candidate Middletown known as Hart- for a second two-year term as shorne Woods. The total proj- speaker. Desperate Food Need ect cost of $2,183,980 will be Rep. Thomas P. O'Neill Jr. reimbursed through state and of Massachusetts, a white- Stalls PATH Strike federal funds. The county's haired political veteran and administrative costs will be war opponent, was elected by NEW YORK (AP) — Last- substantially interrup inter- manding a 25.9 per cent in- Is Seen for Managua 419,890. acclamation as the new minute intervention by Presi- state commerce. crease in wages and a 20 per —A 164-acre tract off Hol- Democratic leader, succeed- By ED WALSH As an honorary counsul Mr. dent Nixon has temporarily Under the terms of the or- cent raise in benefits over an yet," Mr. Vasquez stated. land and Red Hill Roads, Mid- ing Hale Boggs of Louisiana. Vasquez is not only in charge "We do know that 75 per cent averted a strike that had been der, the emergency board has 18-month contract. Boggs has been missing since MIDDLETOWN - "We are of coordinating drives during set for today by carmen em- dletown, known as the Tatum of the city is in ruins, trans- 30 days to file a report. Both Management has offered an tract. Mrs. Genevieve Tatum a plane carrying him and desperately in need of food," times of emergency, but also ployed toy the Port Authority parties to the dispute are re- 11.5 per cent raise over two portation is very bad and ef- will donate 72 acres valued at Rep. Nick Bcgich of Alaska Walter Vasquez, honorary helps in business and cultural forts to iocate families are Trans-Hudson (PATH) rail- quired to continue operations years, retroactive last Feb. 14. disappeared Oct. 17. counsul of Nicaragua, said matters concerning the Cen- Toad line. $460,000 and the county will still continuing. until at least 30 days after the Carmen earn between $153 •buy 92 acres for $462,750 last night. tral American country. report is submitted. and |209 a week. O'Neill's successor as whip "We won't oven know the fi- Uninterrupted rail service which is 100 per cent reimbur- Appealing to area residents, David Stowe, chairman of will be appointed Jan. 10. Mr. Vasquez, who resides at nal death toll for at least an- between New Jersey and Salvatore Raia, general sable through state and feder- Mr. Vasquez'said ample cloth- 8 Jupiter St., has set up four <> Manhattan was assured for at the National Mediation Ser- other week or 10 days," he chairman of Local 1330 of the al funds. The county's admin- Seventeen senior Senate ing has been received during area receiving points for do- least 60 days after Nixon Brotherhood of Railway Car- vice, said yesterday that the added. istrative costs will be $25,750. Democrats — the party's a drive which began'during nations. Mr. Vasquez is being assist- signed an order last night men, said his 250 members talks were "difficult and were the Christmas weekend, when creating an emergency board would comply with the Presi- complicated by typical ills, —A 217-acre tract off leaders and 15 committee Middletown Police Chief Jo- ed by two fellow members of Browns Dock Road, Middle- chairmen — joined yesterday the city of Managua, Nica- seph M. McCarthy has opened the New Jersey World Trade to study the labor dispute. dential order. and problems that affect met-' ragua's capital, was deves- . The PATH tubes beneath ropolitan transportation town, known as the Huber in a federal court case that the municipal garage complex Commission. Earlier, Raia had main- See County, Page 2 seeks to force the Nixon ad- tated by an earthquake. behind Township Hall as the the Hudson River shuttle tained that PATH'S manage- throughout the country.", "Ted (Theodore S. J.) Davl . 70,000 persons daily between main area reception center. is handling the northern end ment, the Port Authority of The Tri County Agency, 270 New Jersey and Manhattan.
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