MAKERS CALENDAR: Intended to help you build MAKERS into your existing curriculum.


January 12, 2013: 50 women will compete for the title of Miss America, still one of the largest sources of scholarship money for women. []

January 16th 2013: The Fashion‐rati will gather in Paris to view the upcoming collections of the world’s most celebrated designers. [Diane Von Furstenberg] [Tavi Gevinson]

January 22nd : Roe v. Wade Anniversary (1973) [Sarah Weddington] [Byllye Avery] [Faye Wattleton]

January 29, 2009: President Obama signs the fair pay act. Are you paid fairly? [Lilly Ledbetter]


February 14th: A day of roses, chocolates, loved ones…and ending violences against women [Eve Ensler]

February 24th, 2013: The Academy Awards will be awarded to the best in their fields. How well will women be represented? [Rita Moreno] [Nora Ephron] [Miranda July] [Mira Sorvino]


March 16, 1970: “Women in Revolt” (Newsweek) hits the newsstands the same day that the women of Newsweek file a complained with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. [Lynn Povich]


April 1, 1988: Beloved wins Pulitzer Prize. See other Pulitzer prize‐winning women. [Alice Walker]

April 15th: thousands of women are set to run the Boston Marathon, how many women ran in 1968? [Kathrin Switzer]

April 30th 1997: In “The Puppy Episode” Ellen DeGeneres reveals “I Am Gay.” 15 years later (May, 2012) President Obama offers his support of same sex marriages. [Ellen DeGeneres]


May 1st 1981: , then still an undergraduate student, was notified that her design for the Vietnam Memorial was chosen. How many female architects are there today? [Maya Lin] [Barbara Bestor]

May 19th, 1992: Then Vice‐President Dan Quayle delivered his infamous Family Values Speech, criticizing the TV character Murphy Brown: "It doesn't help matters when prime‐time TV has Murphy Brown, a character who supposedly epitomizes today's intelligent, highly paid professional woman, mocking the importance of fathers by bearing a child alone and calling it just another lifestyle choice.” [Diane English]


June 7th, 2008: After a very successful run for the Democratic Presidential Nomination, concedes to Barack Obama. [Hillary Clinton]

June 2013: The Tony’s will honor the best in their field. Who should win? [Maureen Towey] [Marlo Thomas]


July 1st, 1972: Title IX went into effect, ensuring, among other things, that females have the same access to educational programs that males have. Forty years later, how are women athletes fairing? [] [Vivian Stringer]


August 15th 2013: Little League World Series kicks off in South Williamsport, PA. There are likely to be a few female players all thanks to Maria Pepe.

August 29th 2012: Condoleezza Rice addresses the Republican National Convention stating: “I know too that it has not always been easy — though it has been rewarding — to speak up for those who would otherwise be without a voice — the religious dissident

in China; the democracy advocate in Venezuela; the political prisoner in Iran.” Have you even stood up for others who can’t access their voices? [Condoleezza Rice]


September 25th, 1981: Sandra Day O’Connor sworn in as first woman on the Supreme Court. How many women have ascended to the court since then? Can you find them?

Sept. 27 (1963): Silent Spring published– see other environmental crusaders. [Majora Carter]


October 7th 1979: Sister Theresa Kane stands before Pope John Paul II in Washington DC stating that women “must be included in all ministries.” What other women are ensuring that women of faith are represented in their faiths?


November: Voters will go to the polls. If you could create your own ballot, who would be on it?

November: Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. What about the first Americans? [Rebecca Adamson]


December: the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine will be awarded. How many women have won this vaunted prize? [Elizabeth Blackburn]

December 20th, 2010 President Obama signed the Family Violence Prevention Act (originally passed in 1984). [Esta Solar]