A G E N D a Please Address Any General Enquiries on This Agenda to Graham Warrington on Oxford 815321
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Planning, 26/02/01, Agenda Meeting PLANNING SUB-COMMITTEE Date Monday 26 February 2001 Time 2.00 pm Place County Hall, Oxford A G E N D A Please address any general enquiries on this agenda to Graham Warrington on Oxford 815321. Media enquiries should be directed to the Press Office on Oxford 815266. This agenda can also be viewed on the Council's web site, oxfordshireonline (www.oxfordshire.gov.uk). 1. Election to Chair (Conservative Group) 2. Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments 3. Declarations of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests 4. Minutes Minutes of the meeting held on 22 January 2001 (PL4). 5. Matters arising from the Minutes 6. Petitions and Public Address OPERATIONAL ITEMS 7. PLANNING AND THE HUMAN RIGHTS ACT Report by the Assistant Chief Executive & Solicitor to the Council and Director of Environmental Services (PL7). The Human Rights Act 1998, which came into force on 2 October 2000, incorporates into domestic law the provision of the European Convention of Human Rights. Of the three rights that are of particular significance in the planning arena Article 6 is likely to present the greatest challenge for national and local government. It seems advisable for planning authorities to take all reasonable steps to ensure that objectors are given a reasonable opportunity to comment on points raised by the authority and developers, and also to give full reasons for granting planning consents to establish that the consideration represented a fair hearing. The Sub-Committee are RECOMMENDED to agree the procedures as set out in paragraphs 10 – 12 of the report. 8. County Council Planning Applications Report by the Director of Environmental Services (PL8). The following 4 current applications for County Council development, made under Regulation 3 of Page 1 the Town and Country Planning Regulations 1992, are detailed in the schedule appended to the report: Application No: OS.01/99 (Reserved Matters). Demolition of Sandhills School and the construction of a new school, community facilities, playing fields, public open space and a new access to Merewood Avenue, including alterations to the existing highway at the junction of Merewood Avenue and the A40 London Road. Application for approval of Reserved Matters (design, external appearance and landscaping), Sandhills School, Delbush Avenue, Headington, Oxford and adjacent agricultural land. Application No: O.22/00 (detailed). Erection of extension to provide two new classrooms, ICT Room, GPA Room and associated WC and store facilities and extension of hard play area, Windale First School, Windale Avenue, Blackbird Leys, Oxford OX4 5JD. Application No: S.01/01 (detailed/conservation area). Erection of new school hall and gym with changing rooms, kitchen, storage room, associated landscaping and formation of temporary construction access, South Moreton School, High Street, South Moreton, Didcot, Oxon OX11 9BU. Application No: W.16/00 (detailed/Conservation Area). Replacement of a redundant two classroom temporary building with a two classroom extension and internal alterations, Wychwood CE School, Milton Road, Shipton-under-Wychwood, Chipping Norton, Oxon OX7 6BD. It is RECOMMENDED that subject to consideration of any further representations received by the date of the meeting, the applications be determined as recommended in the schedules appended to the report, subject to the detailed wording of the recommended conditions being agreed by the Chief Planning Officer. 9. THE construction of a temporary access and haul road for 24 months for THE REMOVAL OF LIMESTONE, THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PLANNING PERMISSION NO. 97/00455/CM WITHOUT COMPLYING WITH CONDITIONS 4 AND 7 TO ALLOW THE USE OF AN ALTERNATIVE TEMPORARY ACCESS TO THE SITE AND ALLOW BOTH THE NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN QUARRIES TO BE WORKED CONCURRENTLY AT ARDLEY QUARRY (APPLICATION NO. 002413/CM). DETAILS PURSUANT TO CONDITIONS 12, 21, 23 AND 25 OF PERMISSION NO. 97/00455/CM AT ARDLEY QUARRY Report by the Director of Environmental Services (PL9). Smiths of Bletchington have submitted the above applications at this time as they wish to be in a position to supply up to 450,000 tonnes of limestone from the northern quarry to be used in the A43 dualling work. The area to the north of the railway is already permitted for limestone extraction. However, under existing conditions it cannot be worked until the southern quarry has been completed. The applicants have applied to not comply with this condition so that the quarries can be worked concurrently and to create a temporary access onto the B430 (for a period of 24 months). The Director of Environmental Services is satisfied that this application can be approved without compromising highway safety, and in addition that details pursuant to Conditions 12 and 23 can be discharged. The Sub-Committee are RECOMMENDED to: (a) grant planning permission for a temporary access and haul road for 24 months for the removal of limestone, subject to the conditions listed in Annex 3 to the report; (b) grant planning permission for application no. 002413/CM not to comply with Conditions 4 and 7 of permission no. 97/00455/CM subject to the remaining conditions of 97/00455/CM: Condition 4 will now be: Vehicular access to and from the southern quarry shall be by means of the existing Page 2 access onto the B430 at Ardley Fields Farm Cottages only. Vehicular access to and from the land north of the railway cutting to the B430 shall not be other than by means of the temporary haul road and access as shown on approved plan 8871/TA/1a. Reason: In the interests of highway safety and to allow development of the northern quarry without using the existing quarry access. Condition 4a: This permission is for a limited period ending 24 months from the date of this permission. Reason: In the interests of highway safety and to allow development of the northern quarry without using the existing quarry access. Condition 4b: Prior to the access being created a detailed survey must be undertaken in the vicinity of the access to establish how much hedgerow needs to be trimmed to establish adequate sight lines. Reason: To minimise the damage to the hedgerow and in the interests of highway safety. Condition 4c: The hedgerow marked A-B on approved plan 8871/TA/1a shall be surveyed to establish the location of non-hawthorn species. The access will be located where damage to such species is minimised. Any coppicing or trimming of the hedge shall be undertaken by hand. The hedgerow shall be maintained in a coppiced/trimmed state for the period of this permission. Reason: To minimise the damage to the hedgerow and in the interests of highway safety. Condition 4d: This approved temporary access shall not be used until adequate temporary signing has been erected on the B423. Reason: In the interests of highway safety. Condition 4e: Within 3 months of the permitted 24 month period ending the access and haul road will be removed and the area returned to agricultural use. The gap in the hedgerow will be planted with suitable native species, in accordance with a scheme to be agreed by the Minerals Planning Authority, in the first planting season following the approval of the scheme. Reason: In the interests of highway safety. Condition 7 will now be: The working of the site shall be carried out in accordance with the following scheme: - the material underlying the concrete plant and adjoining area in the vicinity of Ardley Fields Farm as shown on approved plan No. 8871/1 will be excavated by December 1999; Page 3 - the area remaining to be quarried in the southern area shall take place as strips working in a southerly direction progressing to the southern boundary as indicated on approved plan No. 8871/2; - workings in the north east area (north of the railway) will take place in two phases progressing in a generally northerly direction as indicated on approved plan No. 8871/2a. Working may occur concurrently in both the north east area and the southern area for a temporary period of 24 months from the date of this permission unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Mineral Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory form of development and to provide limestone for the A43 from the permitted reserves in the north quarry. (c) approve the details required by conditions of planning permission 97/00455/CM related to a soil survey in the northern quarry pursuant to Condition 12, drainage details for northern quarry pursuant to Condition 23. Delegated authority be given to the Director of Environmental Services to determine details pursuant to Condition 21, a safe scheme of working for the northern quarry, and Condition 25, a detailed agricultural restoration scheme for the northern quarry. These details to be incorporated into conditions of permission 002413/CM. 10. NON-COMPLIANCE WITH CONDITION 1 OF PLANNING PERMISSION ECH/1432/17-CM FOR A WASTE TRANSFER STATION AND RECYCLING FACILITY AT GROVE BUSINESS PARK, WANTAGE (APPLICATION NO. ECH/1432/21-CM) Report by the Director of Environmental Services (PL10). The operator and applicant Mr McDowell has applied to not comply with condition 1 of his temporary permission for a waste transfer station at Grove Technology Park. Condition 1 limits the permission to three years ending in April 2001. The application is, effectively, for permanent consent. 90% of waste imported is recycled. The Vale of White Horse Local Plan allocates Grove Technology Park for B1 and B2 uses. Whilst the proposed use is one on its own it is akin to B2 (general industrial). Structure Plan policy encourages recycling and an industrial location is ideal. Visually, the site fits well at Grove. The site's neighbour objects to permanent permission on the grounds of dust nuisance to his factory.